* That's why it's important to defend the Suez from dead Nyarlathhotepian* counterattack against the thinkers...
* But he's not usually of the true chaos today. May claim to be; after all, a more kairosy priest of "chaos undivided" had problems with my revelation. Of true chaos is someone more alive like Mustaine or the 4 chaos gods of order studied here. But -- dating to the Phaeton myth (or such lore how some dark elves became black-skinned and were called drow): if Nyarlathhotep was a black ruler* of course, one can imagine that the modern absurdity is the result of some historic complexity like dead white racism (which nearly doomed us all; white is the average wavelength of the colors we see) - whereby some blacks, despite containing the peach cult and maybe even the dead god's backers - were more alive. Not as if there were historically no justifications for the dead god. But if you search "villain" here, I tell you see why old causes are not heritable. Old rationales can't be used to say that the dead god, even if himself racist, is humankind's god. Any kind of racism is bacterial and dead. And his manwich cult is not permitted.
* The term barbarian has nothing to do with "Berberus", in fact the barbarian is equally a barbarian to the leaders of Berberus.
Sounds like the "dead god" of DoTA2 -
And later, I saw this profile and I thought that I might have found this Dead God - A FB profile?! I might have found the leading hitman bound to the Kronos collective, a false god that attacked, on behalf of kairos, the pro-living younger gods, it does remind you of the idea of Kronos eating his children, this is the personification of deep time.
Amilia sent February 15 at 6:02 PM
Lolzzz If I want sex I can get any man I want in america
Amilia sent February 15 at 6:02 PM
You can't pay for my flight how will you take care of me if I get out there
Amilia sent February 15 at 6:02 PM
Taking care of a woman is not about sex, super or weak semen don't matter
Amilia sent February 15 at 6:02 PM
Being responsible is
7:58 AM
You sent Today at 7:58 AM
That someone power and a manwich lord prerogative has "super sperm"... Charles 2 the habsburg seems to disprove that theory!
(Habsburg = hawk's castle. So they were those with a golden spoon, since their only job was to host Horus. but Horus was rarely ever around, so they became parasites and focused on increasing their own power).
The idea of super sperm is doubtful because evolution due to right policy and devolution due to wrong policy is fast ongoing. The same laws apply to all biology! You can become a pest though born of the power once justified thus attained. As per the parasitism theory -- the sons of God may devolve beneath the most pushed of men.
That's the meaning of the divine spark being in common humans who had to struggle and be their best just to survive.
But who is this guy?
Oh, Orion of the 7 stars was where the Noldor once had base... if he is the dead god, as we shall explore and prove, looks like one beholden to the fallen angels, or such among the Noldor who'd rebelled against Melkor, and were not recognized by the true 7 sons of Feanor (whom Artemis loved but she was chased by the dead*).
* The dead, that... is about kairos.
Themselves unfree, resigned to their fate, they only had some victories from knowing more than the free living.
The pyramids in his cover picture... like the pyramids of the Illuminati.
So I saw his profile, I explored the ideology of this demigod of the dead who are beyond our world, who wanted to enslave humankind and cut off the nipples of our friendgirls, which is why they call it "nipped in the bud".
So the insider Raum Knowing was talking about brain implants for humans, that Amen Ra used to tell him about its benefits.
Amen Ra has 26 followers, and that's not just the number of the Yoda (25) checker, but also the church of extremist capitalism, the blood money culture criticized by Raynor's parents. The echo of the 13. And yet now he tries to save earth by staying here, and finds that he has no money. So he may understand why the avari brothers Arkady and Boris Strugatsky wrote hard to be god* (a true hearted god) on earth. Vulture capitalism is unwelcome because it generalizes, some of the more heroic bear the brunt at times, like, my people had to sell all their land to the Syrian Christians during the great depression to help earth's elves, like England's, and others including Russian and South India's elves, hold against Hitler's in WW2. So are we futile... being born into no great wealth? Galactic Capitalism's near earth or illuminati 26 kinda elites (whose one noble purpose was to defeat the old Yoda or evil 25's nexus, save the good X/24) related God himself has bankrupted himself in trying to "save" the misunderstood earth. The situation is ironic and just shows that the Illuminati method is outdated. * Trivia: the only strong ally mentioned in "hard to be god" is baron Pampa. The Pampa river was in my region of South India... But we all suffered during the Great Depression. Maybe some had got closer to the dead cult than could be justified...
As I said to Tammie: Actually all policy should be gender-neutral. If patriarchists disagree, tell them this: boys (who girls have crushes on) are girls' toys to play with (well then they play with each other -- and, if you have truly loved girlkind by what you did, how you helped them to be free and smiling, then it is not "taking her for free" if you make out with female strangers even without any words) and free food to taste -- and indeed even bubble gums to spit if and when the sweetness is gone! It is true for girls too, but I must say this: boys must always be at the top of their niceness. It's elven nature! Going against this natural law is the first thing that the old Uranus got wrong, irking Gaia, then the old Finwe tried to overrule Miriel whereby she fled to the deeps. Definitely no more husbandry of girls, Gaia had already made it clear once so what if she couldn't sustain the message so easily. No more fool heroes enslaved by the kairos, who beat their chest and try to enslave free earthlings, like Sonu Sood who called himself a divine husband of man.
Further exploration of the dead god's philosophy from a brief pamphlet put up on his page:

Amen Ra says:
Yet he says, "I am the highest fist", but the anti-human attitude is a planet of the apes thing, it must be opposed.
Cats are truer to females, that's why the lion was king (although it was only lately that lionesses got the due respect).
The "rank" system is just crushing elitism more generally applied centrally like in a confederacy by a herd of elites unlike how earth's steampunks play friendly games as individuals with small free circles to be friendly to challengers, and more to push a civilization good for all, for that is the way of earth, the imperial truth of Hades... the true Jesus Christ was more about love and civilization (especially with Mormonism) than homosexuality.
More on Amen Ra's philosophy in his post -
Well, that sounds pretty scary, doesn't it?
It's not about him, but the cancerous ideology forced upon him by the baggage of elitists that enslaves the dead god.
If you cross the dead god by siding with a nobler small god but one with less power, like one of the 33 gods of Hinduism trying to take a stand against the "evil big brother" of the 33 who is the dead god (the fake No. 34), then you tend to be hunted by the paladinate's vengeful patriarchists' numerous free lunchist sons. Unless society is strong and not dominated by parasitic tourists kidnapping local girls into sex slavery, you may not easily get a job, because the paladins will threaten those that look to hire you. You will be one of the free "plastics". If you were paying for insurance, you will not get back what you should when the payments stop. Nobody can help you because though you are stronger than the god of murder, he is a vengeful god and destroys lives as if they mean nothing, as he himself is dead and that is to him, life. Your relatively alive (elfin) friends will find it hard to come to you. This happens also in the west even if there is no systematic caste system (the "Brave new world" was trying to impose that deadsider system in the west as well, but WW2 broke their back). Because "plastics" who stood up were grossly outnumbered by the dead.
And the only musicians that tend to survive are either metal extremists on the run from the dead god most of the time, like Metallica (but even they finally almost gave up and made this video), or just, sell-outs like Queen or many of the ageing musicians or the illuminati-yoked people like Beyonce. Even if one tries to make it big and make a stand, like 2Pac or Michael Jackson or Jim Morrison or Kurt Cobain, they were hunted down because the dead god is the god of murder (the unjustifiable parody of Khaine).
It is a burden on earthly mankind's best and had severely stymied its evolution.
The spread of corruption in reality is omnipresent, however.
For example the dead god also seems to dominate Uniontera Ja, who says things like "You can have everything except yourself", and claims to represent the plastic, and dominates, for example, my other friend Feego Richie.
So every faction is infiltrated by the rot and subject to criticism, thus they can be played against each other, thus the dead gain control.
But the Dead God once held the power to intimidate, even murder, anyone (except a steampunk, like me, because he tried and failed to get me, that was the story of Cyclone Okhi) and that's how politicians today survive, they sell their souls early.
Sadly, they are too scared to discuss the basic reality, and instead try to weaken democracy (governance/rule by people where the referee is military intelligence aka overgovernment, but there is an interference by the confederacy*... The Terran Confederacy, also known as the Confederacy of Man, was a corrupt Terran government and major antagonists in StarCraft. I mean, opposing the confederacy was the one good thing about the Terran dominion and Arcturus Mengsk and especially his son Valerian Mengsk who saw more clearly still).
I don't follow all these characters, but the only point Moscow (or Moscow Mitch) may or is expected to have is the point that the 'silvers' are better than those who starve them, say -- and must be given a fairer chance by the 'gold'; and that spoons, golden and silver spoons, are ultimately ridiculous and an unbiased socioeconomic system is needed for terran civilization. To "forward this line", is why he sent his daughter to the IMF but maybe she just pandered the gold standard, dunno but sadly no reform was seen. Both Democrats and Republics are useless for true logic, just how in India both Congress and BJP are futile.
They all hold on to power by the grace of the dead god...
The dead god must not look down upon the living, if we are to not look down upon the dead, the logic is simple.
Ultimately, everybody should live (as free elves)... is that not what the dead too want?
All souls must have the freedom to thrive, living or dead. It seems the dead god has forgotten what it means to truly live...
(Yeah, Ian Curtis was always raised, watched, forced by the dead souls, he realized that (and his doom) too late, sadly. (But now as England won a cricket match in Gujarat, in the Narendra Modi stadium, the Ahmedabad port errors will also be fixed).
So the dead god is not so difficult to counter, even Peter Griffin had tried which means that there is a possibility (as Nietzsche said...) even if hadn't succeeded until now.... So let's make him an offer he cannot refuse. But it's more a job of us to help our sky friends with this. The angels bleed for men, that's why men so readily bled during the world wars. The point is, only that the dead god beneficiaries knew about the dead god... but only the living are strong enough to do something about it. But now, the situation is different. We can now even think of repeating in America what the people had once done in Afroeurasia:
Yilka Bala asks, What if after death, you discover God is real, judgement is real? After death you find the true God, linked to Malekith of the circlet of iron, not the dead God who terrorises the ignorant into false piety in their lives in the material world. Morr controls the fates of souls in the afterlife. The dead god is actually an agent of the one with the scary voice, who besieges Morr/Malekith, makes it harder for his friends to reach the surface of the earth. And made it harder for them in the deeps below the earth as well*
* "One of his most identifiable symbols was the artifact known as the Wand of Orcus, a skull-topped wand with the power to slay any living being". That used to be true, but as Cyclone Okhi, proved it was not to always be.
That's of course, the wand of the dead god, causes the ignorant's blind obedience to the false god:
I mean if a mere steampunk like me, with the blessings of the true Gods of civilization, could get away from thousands of would be vehicle manslaughters and even survive a cannibal mob with the true gods' help, then anyone can (no assassin would be foolish enough to risk his life and career and reputation by taking on silly contracts).
That's known to more and more, the confidence was infectious.
As of now it doesn't seem he's getting to Iceland, at least... (so it seems it's more like the "primordial truth", the POV of girls led by the deceived Ma'at, who forgot that there is an even cooler woman, Gaia, who knew how to stand up to Uranus's husbandry and invented the imperial truth to counter the fecal insult to girls posed by the groupist males. This dead God can't help Gaia if he is an illuminatus opposed to Hades).
"The Rock" can be much more of an intellectual than the dead god, even if both come from the side of the primordial truth.
About Sujana, the mystery goes deep. Already some dead news sources try to lie about her name...
Now Sujana reminds me of the Hindu goddess of wealth, Lakshmi. Why?
>> Sujana apparently lived in Lakshmi Nagar colony...
>> The hospital where she was admitted (and she got discharged because of the pressure, apparently) had a pharmacy Lakshmi medicals...
>> They're all so interested in her, the security guy at Yashoda hospital told me that I was late, a 100 NGOs and political parties had come before me. I thought I'd give her some time to get okay but she did not find peace there and had fled by then...
>> Kairos, which yet holds her captive, holds the world bank by its throat, and that supports this theory well.
>> In her place Narsingi, many green or "orcish" constructions have come up around what was once a base of Lakshmi...
And towards the road from Narsingi police station there is a "Shabari Matha temple" that shows up in Google maps.
Hmmm, Shabari... ironically, females are not allowed into Shabari mala.
That's a relatively older female goddess from Kerala, but closer to the people than "the queen" in England who is closer to the dead (explains why a Kerala IAS guy spoke of a British idiot who plagues Kovalam beach).
I walked towards that place, and saw:
Another "Lakshmi" chased out of her own land... the story about this plot of land, which comes just before the Shabari Maata temple location, you might find interesting. When I was passing I saw a black bull and 2 white cows staring at each other, the black bull was outside and the 2 white cows locked up inside this plot of land. When I was leaving I saw 2 lesser yetees come in scooters and drive that bull away, which was being troubled in any case by children baiting it and running. Well, such stuff actually happens?
Coming to the location of that Shabari Maata temple, it has been usurped, there are only captive buffalo there, as I show in a new recon video...
Beyond this, towards Manikonda, comes the people's leader? Rami Reddy's land, that's described in the video.
And saw much more of interest - one twin diamonds apartments just north of Rami Reddy's Anuhar Reddy towers (twin (I guess between near sources rain tree and rainbow), thus more dialogue. more reliable* than "Manjeera diamond", of course) - had a problem, I saw this scribbled in its water station:
And closer to where I stay, in Manikonda, Rami Reddy's friend has also been driven out of his own land by the terror:
Sajan Singh layout?:
See? Sujana has a quantitative, groupist northern "alternative" very far from the problems and needs of the local people, in Narsingi -- "Sajan Singh" (Sujana is the earthly base for Janus, the link between the Gods and men, that's why the dead god is so desperate to limit her, use her as at most a "wealth creator" for their own dead gang).
The old within-Islam system closer to the dead god was such:
It is a mistake to say that the only bad people in Haryana are its Muslim elites, see, anyone of any faith can be under the dead god's control, indeed the new Hindutva sodomist order centered in Haryana is as bad as the Muslim sodomist order, both are under the dead god's spell. In fact in some ways it is far worse, because Hindutva sodomists are not even circumcized -- and transfer a lot more fecal matter into wombs.
So the problem is, when officer Anvesh Reddy says, "She doesn't want to talk to anyone, her family doesn't want to talk to anyone, we are taking care of her", it is likely that they too are under the pressure of the dead god, as she is supposed to be our public figure.
This is obvious because I saw cattle being mistreated behind Narsingi police station. It reminds me of what Jeff Morin said about the dead - ""You ask for mercy from beings who do not consider you as anything but cattle. And it's a mistake to consider this fiction. The God is Abraham lays low these proud fallen."
Indeed her stabber belonged to the dead god when Modi spoke of his "wealth creators" much before the stabbing:
So... Gautam Angadi went to Mittal's wedding. He was known to an Andhra guy (who was friends with the "plastic" methinks) who committed suicide in IIT Madras campus ca. 2011-12 - probably one of the first "plastic" VIPs to die as the parasitism was slowly strengthening its hold (as I didn't know). Both of them were staying back for 4 more years... once this guy (who always smiled at me, but I didn't know his name, probably he had friends in the Govadari area because that was the name of my hostel) died -- Angadi graduated. Angadi was a kinda "everything is worked out for me" kinda guy blessed by the dead god obviously, in hindsight. Like when I opened the gates, such "blessed" people get to go through, like posted pictures touring NY in IG. That's how things play out with the dead cult. I mean Gautam Angadi once told me that everyone else in his family became "bumpkins" since they stood up to the cult, so I guess he too was coerced in a way to sell his soul, and of course I did think of the lords of Andunie and the Anga kingdom in his context).
It seems obvious that the dead men just want to capture Sujana because she is a modern version of Lakshmi... Obviously wanted to defect away from the kairos (rather than "kairos Hindus"), was making her plans...
I mean she was nearly a neighbour, just a kilometer or 2 from where I stay, maybe me being around had emboldened my friends.
It also seems clear that she knows a path to Hades, and that the Rock garden where the MJKS fortification is coming up might be an opening... But the kairos only allows her to walk the earth if she complies with their parasitic and anti-earthling policy.
Well, she should be my friend as I'm so close to Hades that some claim I my soul itself is that of Hades:
They took away my (the people's) one friend, Keira Lane Dawson from the US (and when she went away one Sam Lane sent me a friend request), who knew a "lane" to the good guys, Sujana is just like her, they cannot take her away too...
Even in deep space, the dead god always tried to conquer Slaanesh, thus turning the entire LGBT sect a dead cult (and trying to keep the Slaanesh prerogative of "Lakshmi" with themselves instead of letting it to earth girls like Sujana).
But perfection is an illusion... if the prince of seduction Slaanesh who's allowed to survive is seduced by the dirge of the dead god:
(A bit about Nagaash).
There's more to say... about my city's infestation by the kairos.
And my friendgirl* in black with a laptop who I saw in GVK mall must be related to the GVK House near Taj Deccan (they were the backers of KFC too, perhaps), but ever since Adani's terrorist capture of the Taj Bombay (which explains the Adani threat to Telangana) -- the British Deputy High Commission in the Taj Deccan has been imperiled. When I visited - I saw that the place has been infested by the dead rot of kairos -
* (just like a girlfriend, just that it's more like "open, for the moment, and can't be taken for granted relationship"... individuals keep doors open for 2 reasons, to let those inside go out if needed, or those outside to come in if desired)
There is no more British Consul there, they have been driven away with the excuse of Covid lockdown just like the Dutch:
Everything is generally open, just the pro-humankind stuff is forced to close during lockdown. It is very illegal.
I mean, ever the optimist (but now that I understand how the dead god works and how others sell their soul to fit into the anti-human system...), I added this guy and sent him a message but he didn't reply (such are the problems for the friends of humankind with the dead god around... so today I just removed this connection, maybe later):
I have many connections that I don't know, to manually remove. Now I'll say generally, anyone who serves the dead god is not my friend or connection because the dead god has always been an enemy to me and my friends.
Problems solved, I hope. And anyone who is with the living is automatically my friend.
The dead god said, people don't allow him a presence in the sky, he is reduced to earth, he is outcasted. Well, it is just him finally getting a taste of his own medicine which he has always subjected the living to, making them "plastic" outcasts. How does it taste? But he shouldn't even be dominant on earth. At the same time, the god or say best friend of the living is allowed by military intelligence in the skies. But he is not allowed by the dead god on the earth, not for long. But he should be! Moreover, the 17/8 rep (goddess Laxmi, money enabler) should be with this friend of the living. But who can do stand on earth yet defy the dead god? With the help of the other friends of the living and good old steampunkery under the noses of the dead god's agents, I, for one, have demonstrated the ability to fend off the assault of the dead god, like in the cyclone okhi incident. So although many organisations and the Reddy people are interested in keeping her, they can only ultimately succumb to the power of the dead god and let down her deepest desire -- because of which she had refused to marry in the first place, I guess she had seen hope for freedom in the strength I can bring. Even the most powerful policeman in Hyderabad Anvesh Reddy may seem forced in how he dodged me twice (I only saw him y'day, after he gained some more confidence in his own police station when the military stationed a marksman in the police station after I followed its Twitter account)... even Rami Reddy is merely the lord of Alkapur and Hyderabad, not a steampunk like me who has won enough to be invulnerable, who can stand anywhere on earth against the dead god by countering his terrorists and neutralizing his assault squads by calling upon the 5 armies' heavy defenses across the world, and of course, for me, the skies are clear. I just want to put my Steam between her and the dead god, that's the only way to secure her will to freedom to help her people of Telangana - for if an earth goddess of wealth cannot be free -- no other girl, not here, not anywhere else on earth, can be. For example, the World Bank is sponsoring "the company's" truck mounted evaporative cooling project in Nigeria, but it is bad for the earth, we already have a water crisis. And the only reason they are forced is because the kairos yet holds her. Her will is not free and only someone like me can blunt all threats to her freedom, far and near. Nothing special about me, if you walked alone like me, if you played like me, if you asked questions like me, you could have been me. It's not as if I should "have" her, I don't even believe marriage is a good thing, but who else can defend someone like that across the earth so that the wealth can come to everyone who lives on earth, that would be nice. I want to defend her right to think for herself, be a friend of the earthlings more than to marry her, I don't know her (but of course I feel good about her if she was as bold as to bring upon a stabbing) and I have many friends anyway, and I belong to everyone anyway, and someone like her should too. Wealth should belong to everyone anyway. I mean if she's in my line of sight until the coast is clear, she'll be okay (and I'm entirely public, anyway), simply because the dead don't come in my line of sight.
Also, it's not as if the dead are necessarily evil, the dead god gives them the label dead. Can't blame politicians too much because of this. Blame the system that concentrates power in a few who are easy to target by the dead god's sodomists. You may ask me, why do I risk it, am I testing my strength, am I beating my chest. No... the fools have taken everything from me, and left me with the pain of my loss -- broken only, pretty regularly, by the pleasure of the game and the happiness of the changes I make (which is known mostly only to me). But the pain is not what I choose to tolerate, I have nothing to lose but a future of pain...
He calls a shellshocked looking woman whose intimate picture he posts publicly on his profile, "my love", but does he know what love means?
Imagine, the dead god himself claiming that women want death just because they are sometimes more easily lied to!
(And the way they would just kill girls, as if they mean nothing... To me, a free, loveful girlkind means everything.
Because I love humankind's potential -- the dead god loves the ape deity King Kong who sodomized the wisdom out of him).
And everyone who joins up any "authorized" (by the dead god) conventional group or herd or company is automatically a bit dead, following the material world's enteric "logic" rather than logic objective, this is especially true for the marital socialist contract which is "given blessings" by the 'elites' of the empire of the dead.
And always remember the dead are trying to live, but are not allowed to live by the dead god's paladins, the fallen ones.
Anyway, like the "bills" above, all these "trades" if misused are null and void, really, and the tank commanders in Japan know that too. But of course, Steam may work differently if the dead god can haunt ordinary steampunks too, and it's a bit more difficult to annul that for me, it's not as if it's "a document signed by me" which I can truly understand and update my opinion about and unsign as I did here. But of course, given that we ignore the dead god whenever we can and more often than not, such things cannot be "sold", but only given, and it belongs to logic. The galil white and green was given to me by some girl and it belongs to the earth's thinkers, I didn't know that my young friend from Nepal was being pushed to bankruptcy and was asked to ask me for the galil white and green only to give it to someone for a pittance...
PS3: It is not as if every Christ is free of the dead god, many are maintained. In fact I have found the manwich command...
A rather ugly face -- it is no true peach! Yet it sternly commands:
"Pussy don't play, pussy wear a mask". That stupid video has this scene:
It looks rather like a rapey thing to use such a demeaning picture yet claim to be feminist and dominate the pink side.
Evidently the dead god's "nihilosophy" of power grabbing.
A manwich lord told me, on FB messenger: "Now tell me. All fair girls you have made your friends, make us friends as well, brother".
I said: They are friends... but yet to be liberated. The manwiches are besieging them still.
He must have known my philosophy and felt himself called a manwich, as he got angry, singing: "Suck my dick, Suck my dick, see my testicle as a (popular Indian potato-based snack). You are the leader of the vaginas, I am the leader of the penises, come, come, suck my dick". That is a misrepresentation of me as a "manwich" or? Just because he is a failing manwich... I don't deceive the girls... nor deny good boys.
Anyway, they just see girls as vaginas who can run and escape if allowed. They don't even really care for female breasts, brains, or anything because they have minor dickheadean brains rather than something that can nonlinearly appreciate aesthetics. In India, for example, the manwiches are running such "services".
The manwich wants to impregnate the woman, but without loving her. Evolving perhaps from the gynecologist who rapes the patient in the excuse of checking her out in his clinic, who is described thus in lore as the "number four" - who "was performing invasive medical tests on reproductive organs" and "has a fascination with the possibility of Humanoid Cylons being able to reproduce" -- the current professional manifestation of the manwich is most seminally, the mad doctor who dreams of vaccinating others and breed with captured women in his image, as much as possible. This is a reducing cycle that progressively reduces all forests into deserts, and then seeks 'lebensraum', in love-based civilizations, to parasitoid off.
The dead cult deceive the girls and boys into a divide and rule, with a misinformed fake feminism that hurts nobler boys and girls.
The love between orange and passion was not allowed to set the tone, instead some peaches were deceived into making it about a "dead peach cult" (that only lately has awoken more, having identified the false gods):
(At the same time, there were many legitimate peaches who tried to awaken the peaches and fight dead cult patriarchy).
And many grapefruit kinda guys were equally easy to deceive into patriarchism by the dead god (but many citrics fairly fought dead peach cultism).
They do this, empower the second best against the best then the third best against the second best, until everyone falls to their level:
"When the governing class isn't chosen for quality, it always means decadence, the lowest stage a society can reach". - Egyptian proverb
So we have found the "owners who keep their peaches", deny them an opportunity to play with earth's free males...
The typical error is seen, for example, in a story from my hostel... there was this girl, it was only me who dared smuggle her into the hostel every time but I was too busy to flirt after I'd got bored after a while.., I had more interesting games to play! I wondered why the little flirting I did didn't get her stripping even if she liked making out with me. It is only around now that I figured out, it doesn't work that way -- for *girls* who make love due to fear, not love, the "wife/GF will have sex" process is more akin to the female monkey who submits on being given a banana or the monkeysphere calculations of the Neo-NT, like "Ok now that I have no choice anyway due to such and such socialist compulsions and hierarchies and pressures ("rank of the fist"), I must have sex". It is the "dead peach cult" that decides, and it is ultimately controlled by the dead cultists. Only Gautam Angadi was authorized by the dead god enough to sleep with her (and she had an abortion). And this is how the "friendzone" thing happens to males who truly love girls but are not in the good books of the cult of the dead. If you are dead, you get a pass to the "dead peaches cult".
Just how nice guys get blocked out by the manwiches, beautiful girls trapped in the dead peaches cult get lower rank, as decided by the envious consensus of average females, their role becomes seems to be oftne just rape victims.
Coming to think of it, I think I've seen it everywhere here, especially in married homes, one or more girls kept as 'joy division', violated by anyone who sucks up hard enough to their "owners". It's the dead cult method of husbandry.
The absurdity of the whole fraud is that the dead cult then cites the dead peach cult as justification for the war against even the free females of earth, stereotyping them as "dead peach cultists" (or it is better to call it dead pseudo-peach cult) -- and this is merely because a more stable leader of the resistance* is a female (that's my friend Rumusque, or Crella, for a while I've been her only follower on Twitter, now that's the kind of rare female intellectual which the cult of the dead attacks in every way, by claiming, in an unacceptable self-fulfilling prophesy, that females are dead, enforcing illegal gender segregation in public transport, queues, hostels etc. (well, where there is a mutual crush, why should there not be physical love???), discriminating against single mothers, spreading propaganda dissociating beauty and brains etc.).
* Probably always turns up always in places like Arkhangelsk where enough Avari males lurk around to deter zombie invasions.
And what about the dead manwich who promotes husbandry -> it is like the dopaminergic bacteria to the norepic virus.
He is like the baby boomer, a parasite infiltrating civilization, bacterial culturalizing, collaborative males who capture girls in webs of marriage and sex slavery. The historical stereotype were the lords of the Kronos collective, who enslaved girls in harems and kept them disabled in a constant state of pregnancy, and ate their babies or reduced them to cannon fodder to our defences -- and that is why they are called baby boomers.
At worst, their most brutal tyranny was often seen on earth.
They do not easily reveal their nature except at places like old Canaan, or inside marital torture rooms. The manwich misdefines free males as evil to girls entrapped in the dead peach cult, and himself as a cultural bonnacon, but it is no true love, but entrapment, because there is no love for all others (which is a necessary component of true love as discussed before), and the love for the girl is not truly human but merely a material provision for enabling reproduction. They show themselves as high priests of the sun or other faiths turned dogmatic cultisms, but are more like false priests of a deadweight, as I described (search for Hyder Shah Kote). They are narcs designed to deceive. Even as we batted for the females, the manwich union's mangoldilocks (who secretly mocked girls), by claiming to be the guardians of females, parasited off it all. While we steampunks strengthened the earth for the girls; the manwiches, holding the deceived females by collars, isolated and scattered us, and tried to systematically steal our prerogatives.
We bled for females, who bled under the manwiches in turn! Understand this as of 2 types, one of them parasitic.
So Mustaine's backers were merely the steampunks of beyond earth, friends of we steampunks of earth who relieved the Area 51 girls (neither were they at fault, but many females were entrapped in a web of lies and deceptions, they dictate cultural narratives... It's like a spider's web, if you fly around them sure you'll be in trouble).
As I say in the description...
It was not the philosophy of Mustaine or his backers that was really at fault. It is complex since the manwich hides in the winds of kairos, deep time pretending as time, both bringing discredit to time and strengthening the dead cult of reactive, elitist ignorance.
The qualitative Chronos (main), the true Hastar, is a populist, not the quantitative Kronos Collective lord, the elitist who made the very idea of Hastar demonic... that was the gold school where many false monks came from.
When manwiches, jokers good at duping females, monopolized the mission of guarding galactic female rights, giving it a semblance of "something cultured", or false morality, by starting the authorized priesthood of husbandry, and that was so hypocritical and illogical that it put female rights in danger and caused a great backlash against the thinkers of humankind, and caused humankind to prone to being misunderstood by aliens.
The manwich's "petty primordial" side is about the gold school elitists, the solar empire sinners; it is totally the opposite of the Zeus/Poseidon-type "pure primordial" side like say the Elefson/Mustaine's 99 (Poseidon 9 + Zeus 11).
"Pussy don't play, pussy wear a mask"?
The wrong coercive advice given to "the peaches" -- is manwichery, in fact! The extreme baby boomer sees girls as merely pussy.
And here we can mention a certain "peaches Christ" --
How the system of parasitic elites try to deceive and parasitically use thinkers is what I have seen all through my life.
A gay dude "interested in women" was somehow in my friends list in FB, he'd sent request, i'd accepted apparently without thought.
But I felt suspicious.
First of all, he was gay which I already thought kinda fishy long ago. Then, he had the same name as me:
It is suspicious enough because the Hindutva elites once even sent a guy wearing the same clothes to stand right next to me so obviously they deploy pretenders... It is typical, for example, see the story of the false Dmitris.
Long ago I was critical of gays because they dealt in shit but G. Angadi called me homophobic and I thought, ok, maybe they're just different.
But well, it's more dead than being straight, it's about cheating and the wrong kind of power-mongering in politics.
One can never be careful enough.
It's not that I am not personally friendly to anyone if they don't misbehave with thinkers, but as Bruce's example shows, having such people in your friends list... seems to work against my true friends from the city who may not be in FB because such may hurt them and claim to be closer to me "as seen by FB friendship"... wtf huh...
= unfriend!
Married people, gay people, people with sexual mental disorders or deviations aiming to increase their reproduction and power at the cost of love and friendship in society, are not my (close) friends, as I must always stay true to my friendship with unmarred humanity (and other unmarred life) first and not, well... parasites who just pretend friendly to hurt my real friends.
So my friends who make some games might tell me all this -
But if these elitist parasites are secretly around me, nothing I build will ever get to me but get usurped on the way.
And the parasite actually believes himself to be more intelligent because he successfully pulls it off, that is why the birthplace of a strong law during the times of Socrates, Greece, was also the place where the scholars tried to study the phenomenon of parasitism which is associated with "the passenger" type of dead cult wanderer, who always manages to get by because during times of severe hunger he goes to the cult and otherwise wanders in civilization, pretending as a civilian, secretly looking for weak points and returning to the cult. It is like a guy I met in Auroville when I was there looking for a site for my water generator invention. I asked him 'what do you want to do in life'... and he said "I want to travel eternally with my people".
Unfriending you, because a gay person used cheats against me in a game recently and you are gay and you have my name and I've always suspected identity theft, so having you on my friends list might seem more dangerous than useful. If you have anything to say against this, about how I'm wrong, do message me. I gotta care for myself I have nothing else but myself, I guess I gave you enough time, my priorities must..
The problem extends into your career if you're someone like me... The more able you are, the more the parasites take from you. If you are among the most able like me.. the parasites try to take everything from you and be parasitoids, because if someone like me gets free obviously they will greatly "suffer" (I help their lot be more alive than dead, rather...).
Like my old job, where decisions were made from the perspective of the dead god's profit, i was used as a "firefighter" he even said once. In fact I even heard Vishal telling the bright local kids he hired that a "paper" was written which proves that police and criminals have basically the same psychology. It's the kind of education these days...

And then there was the "FCU mystery" - continental enterprises was supposed to sell 4 FCUs to TT and I was to order that.
Four fan coil units? A fan coil unit pushes air, creates wind. It is obvious to he who gets it: there is also, here, an esoteric "meaning"...
It was something with esoteric meaning -- a continental tip of the iceberg - which is a galactic mystery of astronomy, of the four winds... why am I being used? I was the one who played four horsemen across South India.
They are my friends (and they were hurt just as I was, all of us who stood up had our trials by fire. Fire alone is left unscathed by fire).
By so much effort, so much sacrifice of the lesser of the good things, I won such friends, the greatest of the good things.
Just to obliviously give it all away to the kairos? Why, am I a servant of false gods? A devadas? No I am not.
It is null and void:
And I did, only later I suspected that the 2 floor mounted and 2 ceiling mounted FCUs meant "the 4 winds"...
That's confirmed in that "C" stands for the sky powers (the typical croissant shape of alien spacecraft, play Star Wolves), and this "Continental" was their representative on the continent of Afroeurasia. As if I'd actually use my influence with the earth-trapped nobles of the winds, to give it all away to the dead god's infinite stomachs? As if I would sell the universe, like the man who sold the world! For what, a salary of Rs. 35,000? I worked there for like half an year. It was all very shady, like I was asked to go take a printout of a poster showing the office location as some "Manjeera Diamond"... but the office was really in Sheikpet.
I felt strange about that even long ago. So as I tweeted on Jan 4th:
"I'll be going to Kerala... Secure Manjeera diamond towers and make sure nothing untoward happens due to pressure situation in F 801. "I work at a company whose other office is there", never been there, knowing how reality is, one "fire extinguisher" can be found here, secure that".
The "43 (a kairos-hijacked big brother) to the fair 42" thing which Bruce Davis was always doing to me, as I wrote -
A few friends -- John Simpson, Durga Bhargavi, and maybe others too and i don't remember (i believe, J C Maxwell) - tagged me with 50 other people, to make a total of 51, reminding one of, well, area 51. But in every case i was not convinced that they got the subtle logic of peace on earth in the mind of Gaia's rarest daughter types, who are the true VIPs in Area 51... so i removed the tag in every case, as I truly love them. Similarly if they say "43", it's a risk, big brother to the 42 which is a goddess number too (indeed it is "the answer to life, universe, and everything", as Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy said). These numbers, you see, work generally because of set theory, it need not always be the 5 people who are big brother of the 4 (because the fake 4 are guaranteed by a 5th who observes the real 4 (the watcher) and thus the fake 4 + the 5th become the 5 and in this way the 5 becomes a big brother of the 4 - generally, in number sets).
So even in this company, this guy made me do it. And these things I am realizing only when I'm looking at the numbers:
All these thigs that I "did" are not something that I actually knew the truth about or support, don't let anyone be deceived by documents implying lies... for it is only the dead god who claims lies are truths and attacks you if you disobey...
All these "truths" are null and void.
There was a time when Orcus could kill anyone who lived, and yet there is no Orcus who can kill me, and now, my friends.
Earth's defense has grown enough after WW1 and WW2. Anyone who tries to fulfill the pretty well-known esoteric "meanings" of the documents would be held accountable for crimes against humanity.
The attempt to use me extends to the suggestion that I'm on their side, and continues even after I realize what's up and bail out. For example, some Manush labs slack group was created into which I was added, and though I didn't participate in it, I had realized the danger and had quit by the time I quit my job. But just a couple of days back, they missed me and added me into a whatsapp group they made, sugesting that I'm an "alumni" of their group. Of course they would probably not speak of what's really going on, it is just for claiming that I'm with them, not my true friends the thinkers who they don't even allow to get close to me. They'd just invent stories, "he knows, he was told during his job, that's what he was doing at the job", who knows...
I mean it's insightful that it was created on 14 Dec. and I was added on 25th March when they realized they needed me even after they'd ask me to leave the job after having extracted everything from me that they needed, which they never suspected that I'd figure out... Well, what have I been researching the last 10 years for...
"Manush" means "human" as if it is they who are the true humans, and not others, their actions seem to suggest.
And why?
Because they suck up to the terror of the false god.
But they are nihilists, the "elites" like some Nicolas some overly pious paladin have this nihilosophy, like:
And with more and more alive to the problem, the information age has delivered on its promise and no, this will not be forgotten this time though the ancient libraries were burnt and many noble humans were wiped out of the history books.
He made me order stuff for some professor in IIT Bombay... and they got many grants, including from the UN, just because I was there.. my friends there (no direct connection), who like me tend to believe that all are good, we are optimists, they could only assume I knew what they were doing. No, I just worked here because I had to do something to live, and did not as clearly know good from bad before I understood more about that, and few would dare employ me back then (like 7 months back, when I joined Vishal's company) because I had already crossed the dead god (and neither me nor most knew the nature of the problem, of the dead, back then, so they still lived in fear, although now the times are different). People like us are too few, it's a special situation in besieged India, not easy for you to know my situation, Modi is afraid of absolutely nobody except me who he avoids. Moreover, just before that job we couldn't have been sure what the future will hold, we didn't even know things. But the times have changed, the dead god is again, like in late 2003 or early 2004 -- more a joke (except in Texas university campus?)... so I'm looking forward to better luck from the next job onwards, if I must work conventionally...
So the world of the living becomes an absurdity with the dead god in control. For a straight guy like me, what do I get?
A virtual "friend" I never see... an error piece of data toggling society in my disfavour... a gay dude "interested in women" -- who had the same name as me minus the middle M -- and was in the city where I am now! What if he was an imposter, The elitists once sent an imposter wearing my clothes to stand next to me in a bus.. so of course they're there (the false Dmitris). One can never be careful enough. It just works against your friends from the city who may not be in FB because such people may hurt them and claim to be closer to me "as proven by FB friendship", wtf huh... = unfriend And damn, still learning... why didn't I suspect this sooner? I just have better things to do than think about who is pretending as a friend, it is a ridiculous chore. Married people, or (politically) gay people, all such people with sexual mental disorders aiming to increase their reproduction and power -- at the cost of love and friendship in society, are to get off my friends list please, make my job easier ... I must stay true to thinkers. When you marry, you join the ranks of the dead, are compelled to service their interests instead of abiding by entropy.
I don't even know these people, how did they get in? I guess I was just clicking on, or accepting friend requests!
(Don't blame me if I've come off as somewhat cynical about relations, especially the friendgirls should note this. Have I not smiled at you enough when I had more time and made out with so many strangers when I had a lot more -- just that they didn't tell that to anyone. But struggles to live through, have I the time...
Your turn now that the manwich agent is as good as off the streets).
I'll be more careful, even though I'm an Aspergian and don't analyze people conventionally, but then the theoretical means are good enough by now.
And the clicks they are a changing:
But let's finally once and for all dissect the typical false culture that makes girls remain entrapped in moralysis...
See, a friend said on FB:
And I reply:
Your intentions may seem pure to you, but I won't click upvote so fast yet....
To "not seduce" -- does that mean beautiful girls should not hit on guys?
We the Avari have always disagreed with that suggestion, in fact we have always fought for the female right to fall in love with whoever they please, whenever and wherever they please.
If you mean by seduce "attracting for some kind of entrapment, without true love", well that's fair to say, as true love is important.
The suggestion for men might seem more in the right spirit.
But it also implies this -- girls are to hit on guys.
Since guys just be themselves and do good, more than hitting on girls like say Johnny Bravo. So for guys, no hard touch, but you can show your interest by stuff like staling glances, or soft, reversible touch... but not really talking down / "eve teasing" (I never could do the thing about "telling how great I am" to a girl, for example, and neither so much "hey i love you" etc. i mean that is obvious otherwise is it not).
For guys to just be themselves and do good.. Right, that's how I essentially am. But there's a problem with that idea in idiocracy -- the manwich elitism status quo.
It is only the manwiches the "authorized husbands" who entrap all the girls while good guys get left out and friendzoned (and exactly the same happens to good girls caught around narcs, reports on Quora seem to suggest), how I'm mass-friendzoned by all the girls who are all my friends (given what i do) just because the manwiches who claim to be their "owners", envy me, and threaten girls who like me into maritally joining the manwich circle.
Most importantly - the idea of "to unite him with source" can be dissected.
Who is the source?
Is it the association loosely controlled by the dead god (the midday sun, Aten, who calls himself Amen Ra, and is as such, the spreader of the rot of kairos... the king of the manwich culture who is trapped by the illiminati and defies TIME)?
An "permissible Eru Illuvatar" closer to Manwe than to Mandos, as Tolkien says? Who sings some kind of dirge?
Oh no no no, that has not been acceptable to the Avari from the start... because it is an anti-earthling policy and dooms the imperial truth that guards female freedom from groupists and bisexual womb defilers, and threatens a return to the husbandry of the Gaia Uranus era, which Time fought so hard to rid.
Then this idea "to unite him with source" would amount to a suggestion that marriages should be entered into "because the dead god is the only ladies' man", and it is a false advice (parasitic, counter to entropy).
(the "number of the peach" (both fake feminist pseudo-peach and true loving peach) is 74, according to my research).
So it is not as if they can do anything without us Avari, we'd successfully rejected the dead god's power grab long ago.
Peaches Christ is a "drag queen". That's not the true type of Jesus, but a quantitative parody, which even is atypical:
That type of church (most of which seem to be Christian from the outside) is not related to ideal Christianity, which is pro-Hades and a logical cross between Rumusque creed and Mormonism (the latter maybe, I am not into it but we can always speak of a theoretical ideal) and encourages human and wuman (woman) rights.
While thinking males in Russia and Europe and America or anywhere in the world have it not easy, India's thinker males by now suffer systematically; went to reddit to find a clever girl, saw "Indiangirls" and on clicking it I see:
So the manwiches have classified Indian males (including those like me) as evil? Just because the dead have infiltrated India in a large way? And yet people like me... we're the only ones who fight for our girls. Divide and rule... The dead themselves have rights, through the "other system"... And it's not just about India at all, free males everywhere in the world are attacked by the dead cultists. Then I saw another group "Indian girls on Twitter" bashing DPC paladins. I saw them bashing one "C". Seem to be a kind of DPC fallen angel, as I saw:
The (1600) + 94 is seen, there is a more dead peach cult-linked vulnerability of the m94.
(although the 94 on earth tends to be much better -- and moreover, at least one dominant 95 is the patriarchist mirror image of the problem; the 4 FCUs that they were trying to enslave has a Bill number (600) + 95).
Neither is right, they should just surrender to the straight boys and girls, at least join my reddit group whoever might.
Funnily they blame the "42" female rights network of being evil, but you see it's the 43k who have upvoted that policy of dead misandry by the DPC, and are enforcing it on "the authorized 42" (who try to mind control the 42 females and turn them into "dead peaches") by being a husbandist big brother, like some ancient Uranus subjecting Gaia to husbandry. It is ridiculous because these dead declare themselves feminists in the sky, and patriarchists on the land. Oh well earlier Gaia depended on Cronus but today we see this.
No wonder they celebrated Happy woman's day in nearby Bangalore soon after, and I put the 6th upvote to that --
Some institutional backer of this trend was needed because before this I saw IIT Madras woman's day in my linkedin feed (and that has already been infiltrated thoroughly by the manwiches), and there was a problem, a dead peach cult and a dead cult in equal measure. I told them that work is more required in Hyderabad rather than getting all gurunomical about it in Bangalore, because that's expected, and I am yet to hear back so it doesn't seem that is so great either, people always do one good thing then use it to call themselves paladins for lives with heirs.
Well, doing it in Hyderabad is harder, but I can do it... The fascists can only approach me and grumble and move on.
The dead god is a high priest of the golden network (with some mainstream silver underpinnings too, I guess), and part of the reason why some oculd say of Hades that he was "neither dead, nor alive" whereas the truth is the real Hades was alive. There are many of these priests and viziers with golden spoons, who increasingly oppressed humans and their silver (and then bronze, which is Hades' metal) gods of the living, and served themselves as manwiches of the kairos. But the only legit golden gods are the true friends of females like the true 43 who are friends of the good/alive 42, the true five at Cygnus who are friends of the good 4 horsemen (Chronos (main) or Time and his family of true Zeus, Hades etc. who fought the kairos), the friends of the silver, the good necrons. The more patriarchic or anti-nonlinear female silver style, more mainstream arrangement would be dead patriarchic cultism... the more anti-nonlinear male style arrangement, would be dead peach cultism. Thus as I said, although granted that most of the limelight in religion is hogged by the dead god and his cultists, there are true good people too.
But certainly there is a quantitative justified, parasitic, power-mongering Neo-NT echo of the qualitative good. The "old 43" core who enforce husbandry on wumankind can be further understood by a sex slave trafficking video from FB...
Ironically, trump/Modi's justification for misogyny is that India's girls are dead peach cultists (loyal to the dead god's hitman the fake Christ), but it is not true... granted some are likely to inbreed with the "owners of the peaches", but many girls here at least try to play with me, it is he who is a dead cultist... not my friends, earth and India's common girls...
They're just coming of age, I just wanted to give 'em a chance to pick boys up as part of a new policy. For if they'll do it for anyone, it's me. I'd be nice to them, seduce them if given a chance, but taking the first, decisive step is weird, even if the girl is being suggestive. I don't pick girls up by policy, it is entirely their decision and if I follow this ideology then other males will too, better for everyone, we will evolve into elven society... But deeper issues remain, the female psyche is scarred, I guess I'm healing them by what I do, training them. Today many girls seem to confuse love with a pretension of love (energy parasitism), and ironically male parasites are better at pretension (causing the manwich phenomenon). I think girls today, may have forgotten what love means, energy parasitism in a culture of want has confused them, or maybe getting sex without love, through marriage, has made most forget what's love. Hey, a large part of it is what I, and we, already did for you, freed you by what we did, put smiles on your faces where there once were tears, by all we did since 2004 (and before) as steampunks here and everywhere. The ball's in your court... I'll still look, you know signal interest, ever so slightly... You take me if you want me! I want you anyway (forever) but I'm not going to say that. I'm artless, socially; if I touch you I love you, if I look at you I love you, for I see your soul when I see your beauty, and my love is easily induced... yet true, not energy parasitism. At the same time, my mind is that of an Aspergian, it is multi-core in the whole brain, if not multi-tasking in the FEN. I'm always thinking about what I'm thinking, looking at new details, moment to moment. A pretty girl who does nothing but enter my field of view is likely to remain a background object, I just devote like a tiny % of my brain to smile or say "hey girl", so softly that she may barely hear it, by now (why, you ask? Well, read this)... If you have a crush on me, and I look at you, you gotta look back instead of waiting me to approach, time is valuable... Or do anything small to encourage me to invest my next moment in you, at least softly say hey, at least look. Touch, if possible. I am tired of nudging (my friends just turn their heads and check if i'm still interested and wonder why i'm not continuously hitting at them? Hey, love means both gotta play their parts from the start till the end, otherwise it's just more energy parasitism, not love if it's just me who plays the first and the second part. That's kinda already being a "playing hard to get" thing that is not right.
You say maybe I should try the first 2 - 3 moves and it'll be third time lucky. But it is not what I'd be happy about... it is the female soul that is important to me, maybe more than anything else. I don't feel the need to change myself if that is even possible for an Aspergian used to female autonomy like me (hey, from my place, historically, of late, noble females carried an "urumi" around their waists, wrecked wannabe gang-rapists, laid with whoever they had a crush on (of nobility, it's not about surnames, it's not about birth or profession, it's about an attitude of liking freedom at all costs). I'm like that a bit more + a male version, which means: accepts crushes whole-heartedly and withut expectations or conditions but doesn't chase females who I have a crush on -- brave but not "Johnny bravo". Just different... It's not coldness... it's just that sprouts of love are universal, if a girl wants longer bursts of posture or imposture it's not easy.
But the problem is this -- girls don't dare take you -- when the dead cultists are around; they don't easily dare...
With the standard of resistance against the culture of the dead raised, the odds are low that I might have to rethink.
Let's just explore the hurdles before the girls, those who try to herd them, you won't then say, "Oh, all girls are stupid peaches".
The girls are stereotyped as "peaches" and deceived by lies by the dead peach cult. I'm entirely living... though I believe at times in the past, certain undead may have accused me of being "dead"? Like a Hispanic guy commented "dead alive" or something on my FB long ago, before I even understood what it means. Dead? Me?! The dead think very slow, I am the opposite although I am nonlinear and may appear detached... But the dead dance more, and do more small talk. Aren't they always seen dancing in the Day of the Dead...
Well, you need not be alive just because you're a hook kinda talker and I'm not, being alive is more about a brain fertile enough to understand reality for what it truly is, objective reality, to see all things from the perspective of entropy.
And don't blame me if something wrong happened because fools pretended as me or pretended friendly to me, that doesn't make ME dead...
Saramaryluz Amen Aum, who posted that to me later, asked me if ever I was an insider. No! It might seem so because all my other opportunities were snuffed out by the envious of the kairos, and the kind of chances I got were the only kinds i got. I did crave connection or say opportunity so did explore whatever was permitted (if not for long). But even then, even if in organisations trying to use me, at best i was in the fringes, known to be closer to thinkers by nature; though i wasn't told directly, I figured stuff out by what I saw. There's a difference between an undercover agent for law enforcement and an insider, you see that i hope, it's not easy to see. A double agent is not always "opportunistically an agent of whoever gives more phat", that's the other type. I was a type 1 double agent, who's always in the side of the alive (pro-nice male) bond girls (well, not "tantrically", that isn't so safe for Bond girls but it is indeed more glamorized, although it doesn't work for the most important missions) -- the type who tries to be diplomatic with their enemies too -- a diplomat - mediator. It is not always easy, for a Loki. He is always misunderstood by everyone. And as they say about an earth Loec like me: " The Elf legends tell that he often saves the souls of the dead from Slaanesh by tricking the Dark Prince out of his prize. And such is true, though no rescue is guaranteed, and even successes cost the Shadow Dancer more of his strength than he would care to admit". Well, if I maintain my sharpness at least luck is on my side because although misunderstandings are teoublesome at least my heart is pure and I try to be truly diplomatic even with enemies, so it is never so much fatal but more of a nagging pain depending on how ambitious your mission is. I mean mine was heck ambitious, to save all the unemployed Bond girls of my land and the earth and far beyond and resurrect the primordial empire, so the pain was proportional. But that is a good thing, at least it is a quantitative pain, not a qualitative pain like disease or cancer or stress. Quantitative pain is easy to ignore if you have qualitative happiness to focus on, it's like a mosquito biting, don't even notice. So there is no REAL pain, no... only fun, whatever people may think, at least not all do...
Don't tell me I was too late to figure it all out, at least I did. Did I have one clue from someone, no, I didn't even know anyone. Slightly dead thinkers (even some of the most intelligent of the girl friends I know out on FB, see -- manwich sorcery is far stronger than the rustic crafts of witches who alone have been singled out for blame) assumed I was "somewhat dead" -- because, fake friends who never spoke to me... "spoke for me"? Did they ever find out for themselves about what I think? Oh, some did try, but not that I knew of.
Well it is of the True Dmitry to walk alone, as the fools worship the False Dmitris, it is the meaning of that if you try:
You see what I mean? There is no life that can be cooler ! And it was just that, the kind of thrills that we crave.
My friends have had it as hard as me. They say this of me: but have I had a shoulder for myself?
They make stories, that's what Haroon said about it... narcs find it easy to deceive girls the more they get into the dead peach cult, start believing that "owner" males they know are good, other males are not... the science says the opposite, go out and explore, don't be afraid of "your owners", the world's not out to get you if you're with us.But of course, his paladins would not dare keep him captive, and he tried to do good although he never could really.
But for the bit he did (but that system is old, better to let the people help themselves), I actually upvoted 5 of his posts (put hearts).
5 of his kids:
I did it for the love of, both their 5 mothers who were likely noble, and what remains after that, for the love of (the "dead"... Okay I do understand his situation too, it is not an "absolute guilt" but it cannot be defended) God*.
(* I can neither confirm or deny if it is too much or too less, it just depends on how well he can agree to the prescribed reform right now).
Hmmm, five kid pics. And do you see a series of cryptic posts associated with the 5 (Friday number) on Amen Ra's wall:
The good thing he's trying to do, his sole ideology, if you will - the five, is to rescue the "pro-mankind female's" hope, the Friday 5 in Cygnus.
By upholding Horus etc.
While that is indeed good, it does not justify his activities as a captive of the illuminates on earth.
I'm not saying that a decentralized system couldn't have achieved the same result better, it is clearly in sum more bad than good -- but:
I mean OK, not to take credit from Amen Ra for what he oversaw -- his did facilitate, in history, the one legit job of the 43 (to help out the 42... (like the one good result of all this pious custom had 243 likes and 0 comments, I put the 244th like and the first comment), but if that is utilized as a justification for consolidation of power in the hands of the jesters that encircle him, and oppression of the people, that is just what causes the downfall of kings... as ArchaonA says, everything is permitted but not everything is accepted.
Entropy is just that, it will find a way towards balance, merely physics, even if cowardice seems like a prescribed talent for a while...
PS4: The agency should note that Adani, who is trying to infiltrate Telangana, is already a suspected gun runner.
It should be as scandalous as the Purulia arms drop case was back in the day.
If the police and army have no weapons, that is not an excuse for any law enforcement authority, and it is fully legal to seek international steampunk assistance (through the logic enablers like the president) to capture Adani arms depots etc.
As the video on the problem shows, South Indian police and legit local industry should be investing in barbed wire, for places vulnerable to mobs, and decent road checkposts, and inviting the American SWAT for training on proactive policing. They should also subscribe to the Panzerfabrik university Youtube channel, and normalize the security at the ports. And state border roads, especially at the tri-state border.
They should neutralize threats at the vicinity of temples, restore encroached lands to their owners, and run some tunnel detection program.
If government wants force multiplication, it can hire local youth and allied industries, and pay them with the spoils from raiding the corrupt businesses of the antiliving cults and revenue from tourism from restored lands...
PS5: The current theory of an attack against the traditional public owners of the prerogative of finance in the Narsingi Manikonda stretch is again proven in this, not far from Hallmark, there is road no. 17, which is the number of "Q", to which belonged the prerogative of finance long ago. And it is no longer a thing, it is completely empty!
I did a small recon...
And I found that there is no building either side of this place, everything has been demolished or nipped in the bud.
It's quite a long road yet there is nothing, just a couple of shanties -- the only friends of the goddess that are allowed to remain!
But of course there were young, intellectual puppies nearby (who were, at first, slower to warm up than regular puppies... like I have tended to become by now... cynical...), and a haircut shop with orange and black sofas and young guys who don't know that the orange prerogative lies with me* and are probably told otherwise (like, that explains Melania Trump's orange and black dress, and why her daughter came to Hyderabad once...):
It is simply ridiculous:
No it was not me, maybe it was some friend bordering on a False Dmitry. Anyway, just near that place, very suspicious --
We see more about the problem -- at this location exactly you can find a board saying "this land belongs to someone from Delhi". He evidently could help the true 17 set things right in Road no. 17 but he too is driven out:

PS6: A bit more about the "teachers" who believe themselves "intelligent" but actually are just parasitic groupist power mongers (search "math" in that link, you will see what I'm talking about, it's like politics masquerading as academics).
Like I see this video -- of course Newton's were better apples, but they were not the Golden apples of Iduna yet!
It is not perfect as leadership for mankind because earth's humans like me, the mannish quicklings, have evolved to a critical threshold.
So I commented:
The truth is, Hades-point of view (pro-Gaia, pro-earthling, in the promise of the post-fall elfin man to arise as the best friend of the cosmos) civilization's logic is not what false monks claiming to represent the true God (the besieged Chronos (main) in Cygnus) say - Pi inaccuracy. That's why all the young fruits captured in class took a stand against the dead god's "Mister Pi" who tried to pretend as Chronos (main/time).
* Now that we know that the dead paladins, who become the evil Santas etc., are the problem, who is guilty?
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