People abroad have heard of only the "Tamil king", not the source:
In South India, thinkers are persecuted and pretenders pretend as the “true South Indians”, but are allied to idiocrats elsewhere, so stupid (but they have more power/visibility, as the world always returns here - as it must, as thinkers here are the most decisive, even if not allowed to coherently present themselves...)... thus the world, being in its idiocratic phase, tends to feel that South India is useless and don't know us much?
Outsiders seem to only know the “Tamil king” (which seems to be no king in Tamil Nadu at all, but an old military elite, semi-helpless there against kairos, so a kairos front creeping south, a 'body drain' via Chennai express and roadways), etc.
The thinkers in South India usually don't know each other as directly as elsewhere.
* A striving-to-be-free South Indian thinker's death. I mean, you will find that very few retain their freedom as I did (and those would be the leaders of the police and army), such was the haunting of the kairos... Before my times, if you were like me, you could not truly be yourself ... you had to give in or give up at least sometime, even I had to back off often (but I never submitted, but had to isolate myself, even dodge some shrinks like Gautam Das, look at his joke, "We re-mind your brain" ... that is cartoon villain level absurd).
The mysteries behind my back that I long ago got insight into -- finally clearer.
I had pointed out in the last post there are quite a few False Dmitrys who were going out and troubling my real (but unknown to me) friends before they could reach me. This type of parasite, being a herd phenomenon rather than an individual, feels there is nothing wrong with impersonation, and "everyone does it anyway".
Now that I searched, I found that it was just the tip of the iceberg... there are lots of fake accounts with my name, apparently, evidently deliberately planted, that serve as decoys if friendly people try to search for me, hear my name etc. when credit actually does go through for what you do?! But such things, "the IT people" did!
For example if you search my account in YouTube, you find imposters, my account only comes fourth in the list even if I have many more subscribers, and many more videos, of much greater quality, as you can see.
The only reason why these low quality channels come before mine in the search results is a 'SEO' that was tailored against me, closer to the "union of notable scholars" linked with the trade union of the false gods.
Google CEO, from the same place...
If you search "Facebook anand m kumar" ...The FB web version is a bit better, imposters are at least listed below my profile.
So look at these imposters... One infiltrates the 88 network that troubles Divya and the kill bill ladies? Hmmm, I see, no wonder, he carries my name and likely pretends the part across the skies of the galaxy, where there are 88 constellations...
Two of them have 7 and 1 mutual friends, only to empower them to take my identity (now collateral damage, they will be kicked....).
And another imposter has 20 mutual friends (maybe the fake "T" ... kicking all of them):
I mean, if this guy who was not on my friends list and had 20 of my friends on his list... was actually "secretly my friend" and helping me -- absurd idea, I never got any help anyway. More for the profit of the parasites, clearly...
And another guy from "IIT Kharagpur" (and I too was in IIT Madras... so, identity crisis, especially that he has 7 friends of mine?)-
I already know IIT KGP is in with the kairos systematically, as I'd explored.
So must be the 7 mutual friends he's talking about, "friend is god"... Oh yeah I guess.
They all leeched off the force from me by parasitically linking up with some isolated others.... that I don't even know.
So in "IT", who did the work to secure India? It was not "all the coders" -- they just played the routine parts, but those brainy enough to win consistently enough to stabilize the steampunk front. Like me, but it is ignored, who are the elites in power? Even the leader values the software clerks and coders, not the mainstays:
The elitist parasite mentality suffuses their "coding manager's" policy, it is not about making the code less energy intensive etc. or something, but merely the "blockchain" aspects that make India have more cows than usual!
Worse is the FB mobile browser version, targeted at my poorer friends from India, the "plastic" Barbies like me...
If I search my name "anand m kumar", various local imposters everywhere, are listed before me:
My profile is not even there! In the results shown by the mobile browser version of FB (the "plastic" would not even have the FB app or account, I guess, but had only the mobile browser to search)... Well, my name should be on the top of the list, given my history of steampunkery and that I had more admirers, but I see all kinds of roques instead. These would entice my real friends, claiming to be the real me, I believe... and why me, yeah.. well, I've been known to India's noblest and bravest for at least 17 years since 2004-6 odd when (as I just discovered) a young actress (probably a steampunk friendgirl) overextended herself and got trapped. Good Indian kids would always have talked about people like me and then, her... I'd have loved to find and hang out with my real friends... but how could I gamble in a game of social discovery controlled often by the kairos (around me),.... could I have assumed that the war (by now close to winning) would be won, back then? Today would not have been such without the sacrifice and effort from my side, and I can never overstate this.. it is what we alive males do.
Mine was the same, it was a sacrifice, just mental and time.
I already named my profile "psymarine" long ago, always felt the hostility online and offline, and the need to fight it...
Ever since the first days in school always had to isolate myself from the bullies!
(Such are the real friends I have, we don't know each other but defend each other, that's how I am your friend if I am).
These imposters are general, for example:
Some actor shooting good people in the heights of Delhi? !
Like a girl from Kerala, known to my family, a journalist, was shot in Delhi in my colony when I was a kid...
A mathematician power-monger of kairos (the fake 85, the enemy of the good 84 - John Clark the Navy Seal note !).
The system of the manwiches has often taken its toll on the female soul.
In South India's girls the soul is there much more, but its expression is suppressed by Brahmakumari hill troll dogma.
(So I kicked and deleted fake friends... Sorry that I didn't take these steps sooner - I was not into analyzing people, was destined to help civilization in other ways too that "notable scholars" wouldn't, by using my type of brain, researching, gaming, etc., so much that I can't tell you about it all, in the last 17 years, AND I had to fend for myself - being the only one who could walk through lands in rot and the only one the tentacles would run from but never directly attack unless able to get away with it (but always in visible range...). ... Put me in corporations that would only want to use me... The "corporates do a good job" idea was OK once, and still at times, but not everywhere, not in much of India... they all learnt who to exploit real people...
And today, 31st of March 2021, a king of the imposters was accidentally unearthed, a huge laugh...
It was just a post in my feed that I was reading, and happened to scroll down to the comments because I recalled that it was me who a while back had commented let's replace fear with love, and I wanted to point it out.
But then I noticed a most troubling comment which was highlighted as most relevant to me - It was a king of the False Dmitrys.
He can't even talk properly... he is saying exactly what I would be expected to say...
The obvious trigger for this, was what I'd said about just 2 days back when I had suspected trouble and tweeted this:
You might say, 4 people upvoted that guy's comment, so the 4 horsemen have his back . But no -
One of them is he himself!
Thus it's just 3 horsemen, the 3 leaf clover not the 4 like mine, he himself is covering his back and his very front is exposed to attack... That is funny, every tank has heaviest armor at the front... towards the enemy.
We Millennials never had the security all will soon take for granted thanks to our... skirmishes... on the internet. It wasn't easy... Don't let books deceive you, world war 2 was partly won by the Nazis, and the trouble was great especially in South India; Hyderabad was seized by them in 1945, as V-day was botched; and finally, in 1991, Chennai and I guess Arkhangelsk etc. was invaded by the cult of the unknown parasites. Viktor said, Putin purged the old "4 horsemen" types (for being too loaded by kairos, I guess). But a new people's (hey, my side) 4 horsemen did emerge recently, first in Norway (with me as fourth follower), then in Russia ("blue team"), and finally in TN ("red team", 4th upvote on 1st April, 2021), and also underground where Hades is besieged by bloodsuckers (4th upvote.). I kicked lots of "suggested friends" when I first understood manwichery and explored mutual friends etc.) -- who misled them?
So I clicked at his profile:
379 followers, hmmm...
79, fools' gold, carried by the kairos committee...
Yeah, right.
"Real Anand".
So he's "legally" pretending as me because he is closer to the false gods and I'm not...
His friends?
Strongmen and land sharks:
And it was actually 2 days back that I told Donny about this. He was talking about picking a fight with police, showing them his power... well, he should try his best to be on the right path, I did try to advise him)
"Donny be good"... be friends with the police!
Anyway these problems, like the gay imposter, are taken care of... I had a particularly personalized matrix built up against me!
But it is most so, this syndrome, in far South India.
The attack against the entire world's thinkers was always there after "the fall", that's why we should watch each others' backs.
Tipu Sultan generalized Far South Indians as evil and put them to the sword, he was a terror against civilization. Today, the sadhguruians, on behalf of the dead cults, divide and rule the Kanyakumari ideological region, by a border, sowing misunderstanding between good people in Kerala and good people in TN.
The source of the relatively great beauty of many South Indians, especially natives, is probably the kanyakumari ideal of the free female... But after constant elitist influx, that spirit was subdued, seems lesser today, in the girls of the south... especially farther from Kanyakumari...
In Kerala, the nice girls are bold and don't mind making out with their crushes even in public, but the kairos has long attacked them and their families, and they, like me, rarely had time to flirt - even their survival seemed hard.
In Karnataka, being northwards it is again a gender war zone, and the guru marries the goddess, they say, in the culture.
The false guru became so much of a problem that in some clans... girls began marrying their own cousins!
The one good thing is that there is a "Dravidian wall" of South India; some good locals and their friends from afar, empowered by the love, fortified military, blunted the assault (the good people hold out for sure along the north of South India or the middle of India...). This is known, for example to Rahul Dravid I guess but he is probably outnumbered and the situation is exploited by "knowers" like other cricketeers and politicians interfering in the army. And this structure, where the armored divisions are likely found, is lately being commandeered by Modi, Musk, et al. who'd tried to privatize general Kler's office ?!
In Chennai, nice girls used to be relatively flirty back then (nearly as much as the nice girls of Kerala, where unfortunately I didn't get a chance to roam around much at all) but there's not many places to make out outside, you can only make out this much inside a bus before you feel uncomfortable with all the stares.
But never disappointing at all...
In Hyderabad, there's lots of places to sneak away and make out but it's a gender war zone and apparently, sexuality is scandalized. Girls are shy even if they have a crush on you.. I'd end up 'crushed' if a girl only gawks silently !
Hyderabad ... is where change is most urgently required...
More about the sector around Manikonda is interesting. I look closely the next day and clearly it was playing middleman between the world and a mosque where many birds flock, surely better people are to be found behind it:
Some are building a white mosque nearby, as if the old one is unacceptable from a racist perspective or something?
"Brown girl in the ring Tra la la la la She looks like a sugar in a plum" -
(Plum ~ (possibly pilum-throwing, remus-like) lords of the dead peach cult, sour manwiches herding peaches).
but not every brown girl / sugar is duped by a plum ? !
And yet:
Maybe the heir of elephants who collaborate with the dead to override the truer... causing the rape of brown girls trying to study abroad...
Both who found it funny have the "mel" (ML) root in their names, and the global military/brown girls' HQ is Tamil Nadu).
Not free...
I see more and more, what's up...
Cairn India which was "acquired" by the MJKS ally Vedanta, had their largest plant in Barmer, where you'll find Captain Unni, a cousin of Dr. Hari Thrivikramji, mentioned later in this page. I chatted once or twice, know him from when he was in my house for a few days, for some army related work in Delhi when i was there, when I was a kid:
But I had him on my Linkedin, how do I know that Vedanta... "operates the nation's biggest onland field in Barmer in Rajasthan"?
There's too few unbroken thinkers trying to hold against too many rich biorobots breaking all thinkers to destabilize India.
The class warfare is the most extreme here, systematized by a caste type of thing and in other religions as well, same.
So they'd just use my steam to ride, avoiding me, making cheerful me feel, they were trying to make the world a better place (as I do.. "everyone does that, right? " ... as I'd say ! But enteric biorobot is easier to be in idiocracy)...
I can't see the notification now, but Linkedin asked me to promote Col. Unni by wishing (well, how it works these days(I am not allowed to have the vacuum that I unlocked, but I can share it with friends who can challenge the fascist order is what I thought), ! Sometimes I end up kicking from my connections instead... I've been doing a lot of that... I don't always have the time to research deeply, I never call around and ask, just too isolated. I assume people are good, and I would want to support that and if they aren't, their risk, payback in time. As ArchaonA says, everything is permitted, not everything is accepted!
I empower people to be the friends of logic, not the dead anti-human traitor divisions engaged in slave trafficking.
(You may also want to clean up the tentacles of kairos from around his 2 other connections, especially the first:
Anyway... along the Puppalaguda road...
At the end of this road, towards the east, there is another small fortress now abandoned. So you see, the people here had lots of protection in the past, but it has been stripped away and now they are vulnerable to zombie attack:
That was here:
If you keep walking east (not north east), you come to a place that zombies have trashed where I saw some paranoid puppies under a gated area, which was the same old story, good people's land, they were not allowed to use it.
Nearby, you find a likely friend of that company, reminding you of the best and least groupist of Norse gods, Loki:
Even this Western Union was not operational, so I went on. Getting to the main road, the first thing you see is a massive Reliance holding. Going right, you see a "Brindavan colony". But they too are at the mercy of teachers who are to be assumed 'part time politicians closer to the kairos'. See, their catchline is "Empowerment through knowledge".
They already, without thinking, are gifted such knowledge as the type I share here, to be misused in the wrong way, which might take 13 years of research as I did to find.. This is how kids can be corrupted by the kairos.
Close by I saw something very interesting, about Adam:
Keep going further, another entrance to the colony, and there too, school admins are secretly running the show:
Another interesting location not too far away... That's where I saw another Aditya ("established elite") Nagar colony:
Just next to that, is an impoverished Adam's colony!
It's blurry, but it says Adam's colony. (I have a friend Adama Kane on FB, he should be helped catch up with his friends here)!
That impoverishment of nice people that we see on earth, especially India....
There also lived a lady in Adam's colony who got corona virus, news says, probably she was not doing what Adam is supposed to do... I guess that is old news though! Just that justification is apparently used to repress girls here...
And see, a baobab tree in Hyderabad:
I was planning to go (open up the parks at night!).
Apple hospital -- that is rare, I mean it's more decisive than knowing Tim Cook or Steve Jobs... a connection can be useful to stabilize Chronos (main) (time) on earth and counter the threat posed by the deep time...
The names in the maps below, of the place nearby, tell their own story - our potentially able friends live there I guess:
I was just looking at all the names and so much of it seems significant enough to point out, especially Durga nagar.
The next day I thought I'd walk back through Durga Nagar, which I could see on the map, since Durga is a self-governing Hindu goddess (maligned by dead cult patriarchy propaganda... just because some of them were vulnerable to the dead peach cult deception).
When I entered the place I recalled -- it was where a flirt had gone into (I described her, she wore silver and black shoes, red and violet nails, had hoped to flirt with me (but had given up as she didn't get my policy, girls must initiate!). I had not followed after her, then... But maybe some connections are meant to be? I went in towards Durga Nagar, expecting to find a friend, thought I'd share my log17 with them so we'll be good friends with a cause!
The place near the main road was called Owaisi colony...
When I entered, I saw many poor places towards the right, I thought that they must be the good peoples' friends.
Allowed to live but they have everything taken away from them. I thought they might be Hindus, it was a Muslim area.
Such are the divides that facilitate the injustice... good Muslims among foolish Hindus, or vice versa, but there are apparently so many more religions and languagtes in India that it becomes something a bit too absurd that categorically can only attack true youth leaders.
I kept walking towards the place named Durga Nagar on the map, and came to a place where I saw the Owaisi community hall:
One of the potential sources of trouble I identified as I zoomed in on the Durga Nagar colony, was the Reliance High School ! ~
Schools of knowers are never good, anyway.
I asked for the location of Durga nagar but people said, it is not Durga, but Darga nagar, and pointed me to a lane, so I took a left.
In this lane, further passage was blocked, those 2 guys said that I may not pass, as there was a death there recently and people are mourning or something...
I peeked above the cloth and asked an old Muslim old man sitting behind it, how do I get to Durga nagar, and he told me to take a small lane to the left slightly behind this location. So I did, and I came to a place... where I saw another school:
And indeed they have renamed it to Darga Nagar although obviously the original name was Durga Nagar and some Durga kind of people still live nearby I guess, Google maps still shows the true name even now.
And what happened next, I could take no pictures of... I asked the 2 kids: is there a Hindu place, like sya maybe a temple nearby? Because I couldn't think of any clues about where to explore next. They pointed to the right of my view, said yes it's near the mosque... So I walked till the end of the lane. It seemed like a dead end, a few women were standing around. I asked them the same question. They said no, and looked strangely... suddenly, a guy with an orange covid mask emerged and I asked him too. He told me there's nothing here and censured me for searching, claiming that it's a Muslim colony. I asked him is there at least a mosque that I can visit, maybe they'd know (although it's not as if I'm familiar with mosques)? He said no, there's no mosque either. I didn't feel comfortable, started walking back! When I returned to the school location there was another bearded guy now, with the 2 kids (they perhaps saw that I clicked their pictures, but I was actually only clicking a picture of the "school", it's always a big source of trouble). And now this man with an orange mask started saying "come, stop, where are you going" (Hindi) as I tried to leave! It was as if he already had planned to fuck me up? He started telling the bearded guy that I was talking to women and entering some "your alley" even though I didn't actually deviate from the main alley. The bearded guy looked at me... and he was confused, maybe I didn't seem harmful to him? I said I'm a tourist who came expecting a temple in Durga Nagar, and am leaving now that it's not there.
The orange masked guy held me back a couple of times but I managed to leave when he couldn't cook up any more questions to convince the bearded guy, or at least do it in time. But when outside, the children came from behind and asked me to stop, saying their leader wanted to talk to me. I said I'll wait here, ask your leader to come. They said no, come with us... always a red flag, so I fled, lost them after a short dash faster than the vehicles...? Didn't turn back to look... I actually believe that the kids, though troubled from within from the same school they were sitting under, and the bearded guy, were actually guarding the forward areas and were not terrorists as much as the liar with an orange mask (the same pseudo-orange trouble as elsewhere. That guy would lie, and then when I pointed out it's a lie, he nodded his head, cycled to another lie, then told the same which I had objected to before, next! Such behavior gets me alarmed!). The other three guys (and those who keep dying, trying to guard the actual Durga types maybe, someone who died then?) seem to be holding the front for a "Darga" emulating Durga? Behind them are the infiltrators, the fake orange cult;.tThey are in Hinduism too, and they are in Islam, and in Christianity, Judaism, atheism, everywhere! The nature of evil, you get now, it's the in your face elites, nobody far or in hiding! That orange mask guy probably knew a path to the besieged real Durgas - as the end of the alley where he was emerging from, leads to the Golconda fort wilderness and a lake :
Liberating Golconda's thinkers is of highest priority because it needs less resources to pull off and will have huge benefits.
Not "making some action" there, empowering fools and derailing thinkers, there's a big difference often unseen.
I have a strategy about this op, it is important we do it safely because of the lack of resources...
Started walking to my place...
I took the back route through "Bab Al Mandi" to my place, which was a straight path. But a desolate path.
Even before Bab Al Mandi, you see defense lands from where soldiers had been driven out by a rot they couldn't even understand and yes there's a military hospital there for exactly that reason, it dominated all who tried to help...
Before all this one usually only discovered evil when it struck you, now we know the nature of kairos beforehand.
All the defense lands here are defunct, and small temples, maybe closely linked to the idea of defending the people:
That can't even stop a small car full of zombies with small arms manufactured by Adani (the tavor copy plant -- capture it for the police).
I've seen how they work, they throw their heaps of money to hire contract murderers...
You won't even know, good people disappear if they don't understand yet hit out, eaten, especially if not having the steampunk cover as I do and yet lone as I am. For many years I dodged vehicles trying to run me down (given the steampunk cover, no assassin prince would listen to the mad minstrel to take a contract on me (since they must be loyal to Khaine), although once I was approaching this (in hindsight, suspiciously) dressed up girl that I noticed a fat guy following me with a long black bag that may have concealed a rifle... I hid in a shop and peeked, that guy was looking here and there and he could not find me).
It's all under threat of usurpation, and even the army is driven out of here. A small temple of few means nearby:
The few people living in this road were poor.
The good people here are highly vulnerable. But as I walked a bit more, it got really interesting! I found a Laxmi Nagar colony.
Now this immediately reminded me of Sujana, since she was said to live in Laxmi Nagar colony by a source...
But it is a great mystery, that of Sujana's location, which even officer Anvesh Reddy is not disclosing easily...
We see the Siasat article:
Now this is a highly unreliable source. For one, it gets the name wrong, as "Sujatha". Second, it tries to say "Narsinghi" police station as if to say "Singh is king" or something and that Slaanesh, who himself is pwned by the dead god Nagaash (thus the boss baby [free Slaanesh] could only be helped in his mission by an Utgard boss baby like me) -- is the only legitimate link to Hades. Then it mentions Lotus hills. There is nothing like that in Hyderabad, the nearest results are - but those are near the 2 "official" results that come up if you hit Lakshmi Nagar colony and Laxmi Nagar colony, but those are obviously not the real ones.
There is a "Lotus hills" in far Khammam, but that is not what we're talking about at all, Sujana could not have lived there.
The fake lotuses cause the real Lotus girls like Sujana to fall under threat, bands like lotus eaters are seen, and:
But as I said, the truth is, It's not the real lotus, which has been kidnapped and kept hostage by the dead cultists.
Then it uses another word for the address, Hyder Shah kote, but even that is much farther than Narsingi police station.
More about Hyder Shah Kote later in this article...
But this was very clearly the one, since immediately next to the Laxmi Nagar teja colony there was one Adnan hair salon:
And it is so clearly said:
Barber - provides humiliation of a "haircut" (and "hair" metaphorically means "followers", who are also removed).
For example, about "hair" having connotation "follower" (or Marge Simpson's long hair explained):
About Adnan Salon:
So it's a "popular international" salon, siasat said. I searched Adnan hair salon and found it has a presence in the UK and Australia too (and the terrorist struck areas), which are the two other countries where people may know about the plight of the living heroes more easily (this also reminds me, Dr. Hari Thrivikramji, who hired me (hey, some family friend, now in Barmer army, Cpt. Unni Krishnan, was hanging around in my grandfather's house, he said his millionaire cousin needs help, I had quit my job and was afraid of ending up poor and helpless, so I joined)... also said he runs salons in the UK and I was like, "What?" But actually, in esoterically known realpolitik, "salons" seem to have a side job - cutting down followers of people; these are very often "plastic" for the rare good people, nobody might care if they disappear (except reality - soul, etc.). So this is intel for Afghan and Pakistani police too, this is how the world works (and Modi is controlled by politician terrorists from there! Imran Khan was browbeating Pakistan's judiciary... oh I see that... In our haste to save the world, we made a few errors at times).
That this "Adnan" label is closer to the dead god is confirmed in a ridiculous (if not once? Then forever after) old song by Adnan Sami, it's about sucking up to the dead god for power (but they sold their souls to the kairos and became enslaved). The Adnan video has 743k likes, reminding us of the "husbandry 43" who claim they own the "legit reps of the 42" (the wifist 42, who aren't the true 42 - Hathor was the goddess of love, not love for husbands. Besides, husbandry is very different from love... it is usually the wrong kind of power).
Further evidence of this being a network run by the manwiches of husbandry: a "Modiguard" label nearby, in a banner that has more clues.
This "G" is the freemasonry (illuminati) "G" (the self-proclaimed true 7th) that wrecked East German thinkers:
Opposite the salon is a lumber selling shop, so it was to be the doom of Hyderabad, recently declared the world's tree city.
Deforestation might get easier if Sujana continues to be held hostage (nearby is also a dilapidated Forte Vista. Supposed to be her fort, but they had nothing. And the kairos is claiming that the sole "Vista" is the one being built by Hitler's Indian successors). Whoever tries to, or collaborates with anyone who tries to, drug, poison, or in any way mind-control Sujana (or anyone else, but especially her or her likes), will be punished with extreme severity... given what she means to the earth's people (macroeconomics). The law and the friends of the environment should actually look at these qualitative fronts that nobody thinks of...
That this was where Sujana lived or was stabbed, can be confirmed in such details: You can expect her to be close to the best poor good people who need help... in the road from Golconda fort to Neknampur, where I live.
And the Laxmi Nagar Teja colony is not that far from Narsingi police station. In fact, because some sources call it "murder", it could be that multiple Sujana type people were attacked (when their best tried to defect to me, the new kid in town; and my friends)... and some lived nearer to Narsingi police station but it is clear that some action happened here, too. Back then, recall, a gay imposter roamed the town?
And many others...
But her guardian was some "Narsinghi" elite (some Indian, meta-Punjabi-meta-Kerala guys (the soldier class of Kerala are "Nairs", and of Punjab are "Singhs"), this network might be known to a house of Punjabis near Laxmi Nagar Teja colony, just outside. Well, Anvesh Reddy, who may function as their mouthpiece being at the Narsingi police station, should represent them and the rest of the earth, not the dead cultists...
It's also insightful that, though Laxmi is a Hindu goddess of wealth, Laxmi Nagar colony is dominated by Muslims.. that is just the trend that I'd described before (about the extremely poor Polleramma lady), and what I just said about Durga Nagar.
(And it is analogous to how Dollar hills, where a good Muslim lady Miss Fatima was to live, is full of Hindus).
"Tenants do not interfere in society matter "-- a huge red flag. Just the same can be said about what I saw outside:
"Who wins -- is the boss" -- this is exactly what we see in Kerala, where, in TV shows, noble kids are troubled by external pedophiles and asked to sing and dance, and dragged into their custom, the culture of the dead...
So it is likely the place. I didn't have the time to go inside and explore, that's a kind of exploration that should be done.
There is also a Farzana clinic here, it's of course more than a "clinic" (in fact, reminds me of Farzana Butt. Did I tell you that I'd accepted her friend request? We should maybe have sent out a mission to secure her... She is no longer on my friends list and I guess you gotta check for her -- maybe she was repressed for having refused to do a dead peach cult thing? There are other 'Farzana Butt' in FB, one lives in Dubai and seems to be doing the same "shepherding the peaches" dead role that my pal Farzana rejected.
Not the same profiles, evidently).
(Oh about Reme^, the dead trying to corner my FB friends, turn them to mobile phone console peasants these days.
They always win over an "authorized", "more humble" friend or relative to manage the prerogative of we thinkers..)
The next day I approached this area from the back, it's called diamond hills. And here you see an Adam holding:
If you go towards that place, you find a holding of some rare, poor friends of the real Anglo-American nobility, possibly:
Enclave means "a portion of territory surrounded by a larger territory whose inhabitants are culturally or ethnically distinct."
In this case it means ideologically distinct from dead cultists, promoting a civilization centered on the rights of straight people, and other common rights. More than the halls of power in Delhi and such which tend to remain dead -- the logic of a civilization that respects female, nature, and common peoples' rights, was historically defended here. But today, unfortunately, the British deputy consulate has been closed with the excuse of lockdown, and has been consumed by kairos, and the same for the Netherlands Business Support Office Hyderabad. The root of the problem I have found... the Yorkists, who used to represent female rights before the Wars of the Roses in England (by which time evidently some of their leaders were unreliable, and the precursor to the red vs white army wars began) -- had an enclave in Diamond hills, in Hyderabad, where they and their Indian peoples' leaders equals used to live... but the place is abandoned now likely due to pressure from the cult of the dead. Now it must be redeveloped as an enclave for civilization (the so-called imperial truth)... it is possible that if this area is secured, surrounding assets, currently blocked, including possibly underground assets, will become available to help strengthen civilization. But who can hold out here? In this city even the police are under attack.
The manwiches are squeezing thinkers out of the city, both natives and foreigners who were once their friends.
There was even a place called Czech colony (on the 9th evening, it rained when I was going towards it. But didn't find any Europeans there):
And we already saw how the kairos displaced the Brits (search for "British consul" here)...
You see, Hyderabad, particularly Manikonda is the true microcosm of the macrocosm, which cannot be helped until this is. For example, the effects are far-reaching. If India's thinkers are unfree, thinkers all across earth will be under threat by misanthropic infiltrators pretending as elves (or at least the half elves of Elrond) and claiming the privilege of Agent Smith. Look how hard they make it for their freest, me:
Anyway, back to the story of that road after Farzana clinic...
You see strange things as you go on, corrupt lesser yetees in the municipality have dug out heaps of mud, preventing access, in front of the children's parks, and the bylanes where decent middle class folk stay:
This is just what they did for the park next to the place where I stay, just a couple of days after I moved in:
(The next day I jumped the heap of mud and walked to that place, it is called Neknampur village. All the roads are underdeveloped, yet it has places called "Bharat colony" and "secretariat colony", helpful people are besieged...)
I also saw concrete pipes large enough for people to sneak through out here - it is unlikely that they are for sewage (usually PVC), it might remind one more of the GLA tunnels, from Command and Conquer Generals?
Beyond this area, the light again used to dim and there are several mosques with pastors trying to figure out exactly all these things that I'm telling you in this log and the last.. At most you find "Nicknampur Darga", maybe the "nickname" of Durga. That might have been the root of the word nickname.. I stay at "Neknampur".
If you keep walking towards Neknampur, you see an Oyo flagship in a residential colony, that is again a vulnerability because you see that Shiva supermarket nearby (another one is near Polymeras) and you already saw the police tweet about a raid on a certain different Oyo flagship (ship of fools); the problem is dead cult elites helping themselves to the vulnerable girls who live around? Or coming in gangs, raking up trouble against locals, and running away (that's the interpretation of the "ship burial" -- a noble girl was married, used as a "ship girl" to infiltrate her community, raped and killed? After this, the boors, now behind the gates, ran amok).
The plot next to it is barren. Similarly beyond Shiva Super Market, there are several barren plots with overgrown weeds.
Land sharks cannot usurp all this, but they have not allowed any of its good owners to come there and build up.
If we're looking for a contact in the Muslim community to help with this, I might point out near Shiva Super market and dollar hills, but outside it, you may find someone who may possibly know Fatima of dollar hills:
I'd also bought a newspaper that evening. Where I saw further intrusion by the undead types in nearby Khammam:
Many of you will know that film actors tend to play out their ideologies. There is an actor from Punjab, too...
In "Singh is King", Sonu Sood is a King who engages in extorting money from the people and is feared by all.
In another film, he harasses a queen battling evil !
In another, he plays the negative role of Shivraj - like Sadhguru, he is a dead god permitted parody of "Shiva".
Now he is symbolically treating Khammam's people as his tribe's "wife", calling himself a god, having erected a temple in his own honor.
Some may feel he's a people's guy? But he too like Gandhi, believes in the "humans are monkeys and plastic" idea promoted by the dead god, you see below, and therefore we can call him a midday sun cult guy.
So the noblest of the city are to remain stabbed, besieged, ruled by those empowered by the dead?
If here we are unfree, nowhere can anyone be free.
Must earth's thinkers always flee the kairos in their own lands and never get a chance to develop our society?
While the true spirit of Hyderabad in South India is suppressed, there is a fake "culture" installed into this city where female rights are systematically downplayed, and it originates from an alien Hyderabad in Sindh, Pakistan:
"The Brahma Kumaris are a spiritual movement that originated in Hyderabad, Sindh, during the 1930s The Brahma Kumaris (Sanskrit: ब्रह्माकुमारी, "Daughters of Brahma") movement was founded by Lekhraj Kripalani. The organisation is known for the prominent role that women play in the movement. It teaches a form of meditation that focuses on identity as souls, as opposed to bodies. They believe that all souls are intrinsically good and that God is the source of all goodness. The organisation teaches to transcend labels associated with the body, such as race, nationality, religion, and gender, and it aspires to establish a global culture based on what it calls "soul-consciousness"."
“The Brahmakumaris or Brahma Kumaris is a New Age organization. It is also recognised as a New Religious Movement or NRM, and an elitist [only 900,000 will be saved] end-of-the-world doomsday cult. The Brahma Kumaris propagate the form of yoga that is called Raja Yoga. It is pro-abortion and enforces total sexual celibacy of cult members and therefore an enemy of the Catholic Church’s culture of life stand. Its teachings are controlled and guided by a "medium" or "channelled entity" the Brahma Kumaris "believe is God". The doctrines of karma and reincarnation are intrinsic to its teachings. Its psychic meditations are dangerous.”
“Many of the sites and committees are against the group saying that women are being controlled and practising mind control through hypnosis.” This is just what's happening in my city. You see what happens if a female thinks for herself, even if she is a leading female, like Sujana... she is just stabbed and kidnapped by the kairos.
The likes of Sujana deserve lotus order privilege, but the power mongers usurp it, they are about the fake lotus, like the Brahmakumaris - you understand the name "Brahmakumaris" as it is said, "Lord Brahma has evolved from the Lotus that sprouted from Lord Vishnu's navel, so Brahma holds a Lotus in one of his hand".
The problem became apparent when a Brahma kumari named Shivani* appeared on TV one day, my mom was duped into seeing that, I could see clearly, she had a sort of mustache that she had forgotten to shave.
* Brahma, Shiva, and Krishna in 1 false god capsule built during the Great Depression, since they claim to worship Krishna mainly.
Between the problem area in Durga Nagar, and my area Manikonda where are the Shiva supermarkets, there is a building "empress heights".
Near empress heights I found:
So these people will actually prevent free thinking in females. This is typical in Hyderabad:
We can requisition from the metropolitan of earth, they will send using heavy lift UFOs.
But the anointed elites of USSA, they don't think of it as civilization, if we let them keep power. We see:
I was supposed to put the 84th comment and join that "elite" club? As if that's the kind of person I am... (I'm more like what DeGaulle said). Evidences infiltration of NASA by these (Pseudo-)Indian culture cultists since Indians are 17% of world population but 36% of NASA officials? They enter by cheating the system...
But these are not Indians, but aliens, and the US terminology "alien" is not entirely unhelpful when looking at them.
The cultists are not Indians, not Americans... but parasitic wanderers from beyond, who scoff at native people everywhere, whom they try to enslave into a "brave new world" where the parasites are lords. They have succeeded in many planets, but the earth has never succumbed ever since Gaia first broke free of husbandry -- "It should also be noted that Azeroth is the only known planet that they have ever failed to conquer".
But they do brutally try,....
It might not be "400 ships" as much as "shipping related to the new 400", that is hinted at, in the above article.
All this is only supported, in how I was to put the 400th follow on the mowas2 IG account on 13/04/21:
I actually only realized the trouble when I started purging my Linkedin "connections" of what I can call professional energy parasites.
There are everywhere in the world, the descendants of the old lords who had reduced to maintaining power among themselves...
And in this day and age their only claim to fame was this, they were my connections on Linkedin (they had sent invite or something, I did not know society through alpha/numeric study back then, and I had just accepted without thinking once, I thought everyone is like me before I discovered neo-NT disorder more and more (hey, nobody told me and I had better things to do than think of fools and parasites... like playing games); or I had met them here or there (as I had been set up to) in jobs, schools, colleges... By April 1st 2021, after figuring out the way of the imposters who operate behind my back, they would all be the April fools...
An example (you may not believe me when I tell you, I've truly never even heard of these people, just used to think that people were trying to reach out to me to do good, not to hijack what I had and give it to the cult):
There's this girl Sukanya A on Linkedin, a connection to mine, and one of her interests is Narendra Modi...
At least Sukanya and me had 992 2nd degree connections, she must be linked the valid 92s I saw on IG (+1 to the kairos-like old 91):
And another, Janice (not Janus?), who I'd found long ago hanging around at my first workplace after college:
So, where I was to be the 993rd, I never knew social physics, I was always asocial, someone else filled the vacuum (just as in Vardamir's day).
(So it is 993, a + 1 to the 992 (that 993rd, some kind of energy parasites' lord) -- it might not be the same 992, more like the true 992 are unknown, one's 992 knows each of them at one end, the other's at the other end, of a 92 network).
So that was about the corruption in Mumbai which SSR died to uncover maybe (a mission that Goswami took credit for, posturing himself as the true emperor of India but he too was a dead cultist), and which Waze was trying to cover up.
I recalled Janice talking about herself being an accountability coach when I saw somebody complaining to me days back on Twitter.
Another guy too, silver gamer of Poland, thought that it was a valid complaint.
Well, that's about the parasitism of the dead peach cult's golds against free silvers whose corrupted form is dead cult patriarchy.
So you can easily end up being a dead cultist champion of mediocrity against the more pro-entropy, less energy parasitic.
Very interesting -- that was something to happen after WW2 itself, but because pirates managed to pretend innocent and escape and hunt down people like Patton, WW2 could not have a proper victory day.
That's why, about the need to counter the shipping of kairos by making the free world's shipping, in "The Use and Disposition of Ships and Shipyards at the End of World War II", in what was a precursor to FB-like naval intelligence - for the US Navy, was prepared a report by Harvard University. Graduate School of Business Administration, it wrote:
I explored the Neknampur village area a bit more... Deeply insightful, here are some images:
I kept walking along the road, I thought I'd go to village hill and maybe the Shivalayam. But a middle aged woman stopped me, she was camping in a 2nd floor balcony as a makeshift security guard hired by the kairos, I think. I told her I want to go to the Shivalayam that the map was showing is nearby, check out people there, she said it's not yet constructed. Oh, that sounds familiar, Land sharks probably. Who've held back the development of the roads here.
Anyway, the "darga" keyword recurs:
Hmm, the lake reminds me of the Illuminati criminal Dawood Ibrahim. Especially because there's no direct road around it:
There is a physical separation of Neknampur village from where I stay where good middle class people are besieged:
This is just what we see in that baobab tree place: No direct path, willfully misdesigned to make life harder for the fewer and fewer good people who were here -- you must go all the way around:
There are several potential hurdles - they must pass:
1. A grave yard (potentially haunted by dead cult priests, who'd at worst hang around eating the murdered people from nearby! And you know about the digging of graves, there will be further tunnels below, leading to tunnel systems which besiege the friends of Hades. This is not just about the Muslim graveyard but any religion...)
2. A Jamali darwaza which could be potentially closed up by men deceived by schoolgirls duped by SS propaganda?
3. A potentially deep time division
4. If you passed all these, you might still be shot up before you manage to reach where natural logic is expected to be, I bet many have been...
5. If you pass all of those, you might still run aground (any of them could reinforce themselves, manpower from the graveyard "dead cult" elite area through unknown overland, underground, and overwater routes...).
That's how geographical reality works...
Much before I came to the place where that housewife bid me to turn back ("thou shalt not pass", apparently... go in numbers next time, we all should, call me too!), I saw another interesting run-down place:
P Surya Kumari, a kind of Amaterasu I guess, has been chased out of this area (the soul of Madras, I guess. It is probably justified by how once upon a time, the Surya Kumari girl was deceived, like Sujana was once perhaps deceived by the Adnans. But you will therefore not give the girls a chance to be with such more objective logic as described by me, dead cultists? Oh you might somehow say that since my name is Anand, I must be an Adnan in disguise? The dead slander the living)... So the problem is so far from sun city (where is Hyder Shah Kote, which was said to be associated with Sujana), but the tactic used is a mass heating of the whole city -- It's like using a jackhammer instead of a pair of scissors to remove a white hair. that's why the likes of Sadhguru and Modi seduce the sun by pretending pious, but it is merely the false priests with golden spoons sucking privilege off the golden gods (who they themselves, secretly, besiege -- the illuminati claim that they serve Hades, the truth is elsewhere revealed), misusing the privilege to oppress the silvers (who are ideologically if not, by access, closer to the golden gods -- which was the whole reason why Hastar was seen as demonic -- it was the primordial manwichery.
(Making things harder for the true Hastar... as always, the trend... like it happened for me, out here, as the quantitative rose).
Probably the golden gods, whose main job is to help the 42 and 51 (but they end up bankrolling the false priests of the golden banner, causing the threat against Cygnus and sadly even imperiling female independence), don't even always think about restoring P Surya Kumari's place, hers' is probably the local 51 agent. And even if they do it would seem impossible to identify the problem... but I have identified it, I think... I found another thing as I walked out of the area (and I also saw the time later, it was 9:51):
5115 - look at the color, deep blue -- A 15 backed up by the centurions of the 51 -- trying to carry the objective logic of the deep blue sea, in the Aquarius sector's key node Golconda -- was smashed up and left to rot by the "deep blue hackers union" associated with Microsoft and the false naval intelligence I spoke of (which was merely allied to the console peasants -- who by now manifest in Facebook gaming and stuff).
What could be the problem? Did not the good 52 try to help the good 51? Oh they did, obviously. Even 5200 came, apparently.
But just nearby, do you remember, is Oyo Flagship. And here I found a +1 of the good 5200 who tried to help the 51, here!
So the big brother was captured by the kairos, and would nip even the good 5200 in the bud, leaving the 51 of my city desolate!
This car was parked just outside the Oyo flagship. The point is to do a +1 to such, and thus stabilize the females in Hyderabad.
This is where that Oyo flagship is located:
I sneaked inside, it was late at night, luckily nobody was there at the counter, so I could click this picture:
A propagandhist himself, Charlie lied about leading the people to utopia. The fraud is already seen in how he accuses the tank generals of being the war mongers and the problems, while we are just the defenders of the elves. Hitler said he was "like Charlie" but it was all a joke being played by the kairos on the Germans.
PS6: More about just how the fascists always dupe the golden gods who are scattered across the galaxy... it is just by holding the real sun people by the throat, and making them dead while they try to be alive.
See, Hyder Shah Kote is the compromised (as and when Sujana is a hostage) *key* of "sun city", very interesting:
This, friends, makes it all the more important for humankind and womankind that Sujana is free as she wanted to be.
PS7: Recalled, the disconnecting had to be as total as possible, even on IG.
So when I got reminded of him, I unfollowed Gautam Angadi (well I should have know he was a dead cultist. The fake 98 is no longer there, leaving the fake 97, a kairos echo of the true 97), but not before I found this (when I was removing any hearts I might have ginven by mistake due to IG feed, I think there was one, sorry...), a false light (lower light of just the kairos) node of the dead or "dirty waters" in the Aquarius sector:
Well, 22, 12, 16, I guess that's the light of Jormungandr, the serpent of Midgard of titanic* proportions, the "kairos Apep" whose legacy nearly doomed even the good Apep (16 stereotyped as 'regular orochi') and birthed anti-reptilian dogma.
* 12 being the number of titans, it is fair to cite Apollodorus' account of Typhon as a "huge winged monster, whose head "brushed the stars", human in form above the waist, with snake coils below, and fire flashing from his eyes"
And 22?
Oh such is time, it explains everything. Well, you might be the old owner of the melange trafficking business...
Now technically, me and my li'l kyootsiee are twin flames ... i.e., the sharpest form of "soulmates", twin flames make new fronts for more logical / truer soulmates (all can aspire to be twin flames, but the point is to get away with it) ( For example ) that means both we're relatively most synced with the timeline and our lives are "synced" :) A sync at every interaction it might appear, here's the 90 minutes to midnight at the 90th. The analogy of all drops from a single splash falling at the same time on a quasiplane of reality that uniquely connects two twin flames, more easily fits to explain it all. — Timetin (your drewwgie) (@anand_droog) May 2, 2022 Say... There was this pattern... I had noticed it long ago, but on 30th Sep it got very sharp, so I tweeted about it: We're such yin and yang of the new.. Like today, old/boomer/deep time 73 stand in her way.. Just as I push t...
World Alert (= Alerta mundial) - (Copiar en el traductor de Google para más traducciones de español / ruso / árabe / chino / japonés / francés / sánscrito / otras)) Learn English because there is also, an imperial truth, not merely primordial truth around Terra Firma. If ever an idea is linked to a long blog which doesn't seem to mention it -- use 1 or more searches to find it... ========== After that one (haven't read) - And that one () - There is, now, a new one, eh? - (A sequel to (not parody of) Tintin in America and further a sequel to the source cover i.e. 80 year anniversary).. i guess... ("Merge/Herge" friends ought to make a comic on these lines :D )/ Time to solve the mystery of the unhelpfully anti-human kind of "pixel trump" fase : Breaking news: anti-thinker AI panderers launch hack attack against naval intelligence (ca. 16th Jan, 2021) - I mentioned the " Group that I want to destroy " with 94* members (but i only archived it,...
Some 56th log, this... about the 56th , and how it had been headcrabbed at earth... A while back I realized the joke about Modi's "56 inch chest" was about his cult exploiting a "no. 56" (upheld by far side girls, but there's a problem due to all the darkness covered in last post, that enables exploitation ...) If a deep time 56 is dominant, then the good/time 56 finds it hard to establish itself. In this case, a good/time 28 has it hard, because there is no 56 (28x2) that can sync with and support it, as the fake 56 is 'uge. So 28, which is technically supposed to be "doctors' number", gets monopolized by a deep time 28 pushed by the deep time 56. For example, when the deep time "Munnabai mbbs" (fake politician doctors) tried to enslave the doctors during the pandemic, 28 doctor leaders who refused to submit to the "doctors harassed by fascism" trend described in last post were punished for refusing to surrender the...
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