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log#40 - to appear or disappear

I happened to find an ancient international union of people who see any religion as another opportunity for power and control... 

(It is not so much "about Krishna")

My parents were talking about Bhagwad gita to me. I told them it's not correct, the part where Krishna justifies genocide to Arjuna and stuff, it's not right, leading the people to rebel against the rulers despite being proven inferior in games testing intelligence. It's just biorobot push. Krishna was no longer ideal Hinduism by then, apparently, but more a stopgap in a confused time... When Krishna was born -- then itself, his only niche was that he "fulfilled a prophecy" by slaying his own uncle, Kamsa, who is described as a human in early texts but a "demon" in later texts. Sounds like a spin... So he got accidental power, to lead kairos, as it turns out... But he's seen as a "supreme God in his own right". Even, the only god, at the expense of all others. This is wrong. So today I find that while Bhagwad gita might have some truths, those are like window dressing, it is useless as a "guiding philosophy" (as usual, all must  think for themselves), because at its core, it is a justification of violence by elitist cheaters against thinker-led civilization, which has become a custom. If he was so much of a god, how could the archer shoot him in the foot? I told my parents... Hinduism due to its encouragement of freedom and the quest for meaning, has so many others you oculd have followed e.g. the more intellectual people like at his best, Agasthya, or today say a guy like me (none of us claim to be "supreme gods etc., that is by definition an error way of thinking for a species like hss)... and yet people are stuck on the myth (as it turns out, more a myth than real, we'll see) of a "divine statesman" who is forced by kairos to carry the herd past the expiry date of mental efficiency, into a world of dementia and idiocracy and fools dying of covid, so he thus represents their machiavellianism, flute playing (propaganda), justification of false elitism as a (anti-) diplomat from the side of the elitists more than of the people (if he is of the people, why does this alleged "God" character remain in hiding, too sensitive to criticism?), and being a manwich (claiming to represent the females and unionizing them and defining a toxic, anti-straight gender war culture within this union), just because some fool bald sadhu comes and says "bhagwad gita is supreme". What bullshit... That is the fakest form of Hinduism I have seen, just like some terrorist claiming to represent islam, the fool has a predictable style across divisions. Yes Krishna has some role, like linking to Indra etc., but it's not even as if Indra is infallible or omnix/y/z, just overworked and Straitjacketed these days as I'll show in my next film part. So this cult's elites , the "petty krishnas ", shall we say, or moralistic pseudo-priests, are not "those fit to be local kings and elitist gang leaders", but more like a widespread network of clerks who should use their linear mentality to assist the real good people, administrate local bureacratic duties while being completely obedient to the local authority represented by local gamers etc. with provably nonlinear intelligence and public-acknowledged philosophical insight. 

Basically representing rotting"heirs of gods" (a classic example is "draupadi; it is not the drow who are the focus, but "drow-padi" i.e. "owner" of the drow!).... increasingly incapable, forcing their dominance on an evolving humanity.

Yes, the real on this network has a purpose.. to assist diplomats.. but, not by, being only theoretically omniscient after all, by hiring idiots to that network and attacking diplomat mediators (INFP-A) people like me.

How can a diplomat hide and claim to be infallible?

Probably Krishna doesnt even do that but is forced by kairos to hide? Actually, the petty k₹ri$hnas, being an insanely hugely distributed network, make life harder for the actual! and gang up with the usual suspects... to project themselves as the true local k₹ri$hnas, promoting such absurdity in the kairos manner... 

And when the true Krishna, Krishnan etc. gets angry at unseen suspects (as fated to) , is only permitted to stay within the safety of the system, and take it out on humans ? Mostly, the free, like me, as the petty k₹ri$hnas get away, claiming to be the good  !

And what about the truer Vishnu? All avatars are inferior, and the petty k₹ri$hnas are themselves superior to any!

In fact it appears that, except nominally*, there is no real "leader" at the top (it is more so difficult to really lead such a herd of elites, because envy is the dominant sentiment); thus it is more a system of ranks where the definition of "god" has been corrupted and corrupted, in proportion to the worsening of idiocracy. by the debates of the merely enteric elites... "god" is a status, trimmed, made accessible to a power mongering many, the best at flattering and the most submissive (but of the master/slave type i.e. cruel to the free); thus even the top ranks are carefully tied up by the other rungs of the hierarchy so as to be unable to take an objectively logical position -- much like the story of how the crabs don't let any one crab get out. So there is merely the hierarchy (traditionally intended to transmit logic), although there is no logic coming from the top; merely the license for exploitation increases for those at the top ranks (and more and more try to get that "status of Krishna", "status of Christ" etc.) -- so they infiltrate every group, religion etc.; and it is only in theory that it is a pro-logic system, but in fact is the cause of idiocracy. Thus it is something that infests all faiths, and the logic is submission of those at the lower rungs, with the theoretical idea that this can somehow enable bringing the middle ranks to control, but that doesn't sound logical at all.

* Must be such, since Family Guy describes Vishnu and Shiva, Jesus, but not Krishna ... ?

That's why many ex-insiders describe cults like "International Society for Krishna Consciousness" as mere scams.

(Although when we put a sadhguru or someone out of business, another even crazier false guru will appear, like this guy who has even the h and i* removed from his name so signifying a complete absence of hope for earthlings, a new level of absurd aligned with the deadly quantum cult of the baby boomers of WW2).

* I describe a bit here and here and here (and about the hope of "i"/"h" pro-human / freedom sync, as embodied in couples like me and my I-queen who don't marry into the cultural corruption, that's not an option for either of us). You see this Krsna das is some neo-Gandhian absurdist slow to learn his lesson from Gandhi's life (or death)...

This is why the orcish deity Amen Ra might say Christ "promotes gay", but it's a deep rooted identity crisis across east and west, thus ... petty k₹ri$hnas, Christs, etc... such is the problem more generally with religion, like as many are named Mohammad and say (st.) Paul, Joseph etc., only superficially so, as hindus named krishna etc... to empower the bad and frag the good (defined not by bad apples who make subjective judgments, but w.r.t. entropy, the intelligent only can advise the more parasitic, not the other way round).. based on false judgments and haughty egos, or simply idiocratic kairos deadweight momentum, anti-intellectual seeding of identity crisis by false priests etc. (maybe just a matter of time i guess, to fix it). 

It's all a classic example of forgetting that even "gods" can have an expiry date, and new species can even thus be born... 

The idea to hide and impose rule by using a network... Hiding from a guy like me, trying to kill me, claiming to be a gang of superiors ! 

Still busy trying to shake the parasites off my back... 

No rest until this war they insist that i must fight, is won, which i can because they are inferior even if many, so why not, bring it on. 

The only option is to flick the red switch that will put the parasites on the path to either destruction or incorporation under thinker-led civilization, otherwise they will keep trying to kill you, as they are parasitoids and instinctively feel themselves wiser unless shown their place. It's not that I want to, but they ask for it. Otherwise they will keep trying half-heartedly to kill you or just be a jerk, try to deny sustenance, destabilize internet, trouble wherever they can (e.g. bust my graphics card when i give it for repair etc., ) deny access to society that they claim to represent, waylay friends trying to catch up, all with the justification that they are "elites"? They say, "if not us bullies, no other direct friends for you" etc. They try to use your relatives against you! They claim to be omni-x, y, z, but we know it's a lie; they claim they are all, you are nothing! A lie; so must show them what can be done! A dose of reality for these biorobots who deign to say, a free thinker may live on their terms only! But we want to live on our terms. They say, if you want to work, work for us, we'll scare others from hiring you? No option but to cut their legs on earth, leave them dangling between heaven and earth, welcome neither here nor the true heaven... the only way for me to get what i want, and us! For humanity to take on a whole galaxy of parasites, it has to start somewhere! Well I have no choice... 36 years, i thought they'd realize that i will not suck cock for comfort, rather sacrifice than sell the soul. But they are too brainless, their ACC does not work for decision making; only resistance can make some realize their unfitness at the top. As if thinkers are few! When awakened to the true nature of reality! It's too late that they badger me now. I would just enable a functional civilization ... just, excise the parasitic cancerous sections from the top of society; then if they try getting back to the top by force, they will know violence, from military etc. I don't have to do much myself, just remove them from the top, cut their legs on earth, which i plan to do in a few hours... 


i already cut one leg, now it's time to cut the other.

I don't even have to bother cutting the third, it's not even an "anchor", as it turns out !

At least now plump, slow-moving targets in sight 😄

Going to be removing some parasites from Madhapur

From under madhapur... underground... underworld... hehe, dawood ibrahim... remember... there is one ibrahim cherevu :D in neknampur.

[Edit: Done, too... :D... it had immediate effects, check out the news from Telengana just a few hours after that !]


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