Back story:
Anand M Kumar 3:30 PM
BRO... I saw your steam invite. Steam's good side is what i created in 2003.. it's what held my defense together. You are a double edged sword, not safe to add there you know.. not because of you, but more like who may be influencing you... and your type of force is also very strong at range especially, so we're not linked in either ig or fb also. Don't mind, my elfin people and especially my girl is so vulnerable if I don't take care... that i cannot risk stuff especially now that i know how it is, i've literally grown up on a diet of backstabs from everyone lol (which is actually nearly noone at all, actually, as my strategy had always been to be a loner and find my way in the civilized part of the world.. no brutus, no problem. Seems safe and easier...). I am very particular about this, in fact that's why i unfollowed even all relatives on IG and linkedin... and all colleagues etc. it's not that they're bad, but that my love for my path and especially girl is infinite and she needs it, being a most endangered little girl with a habit of taking risks for civilization's sake. But i don't want to be undiplomatic, so i suggest... let's connect on twitter? That's like neptune - uranus sector, so there is no risk of my shadow being strangled in the distant deeps, heh heh. About Steam... it's not that i am one of rigid conclusions, so feel free to try convincing me ...
LinkedIn Member 3:32 PM
Steam got banned in China recently
Because you think superiority can travel through technology also
Anand M Kumar 3:32 PM
didn't quite get that
LinkedIn Member 3:32 PM
Human thinking is not good for social platforms
Anand M Kumar 3:33 PM
i rip it with intellect
on all platforms
LinkedIn Member 3:33 PM
They are different do not try to control software but enhance it
Anand M Kumar 3:33 PM
don't get what you're saying?
i just meant i use all social media to forward my philosophy and achieve the reforms that you know .. i always wanted to achieve
including getting love on my terms, not "theirs"
fuck the union of elitists
parasites !
LinkedIn Member 3:46 PM
Bro do you want me to be blunt with you or sugar coat it?
Anand M Kumar 3:49 PM
When do i ever want anyone to sugarcoat stuff... lol
i know that the union of parasites want to destroy me because i think for myself and encourage others to... so i must fight back. Not as if i have any other option. This is my truth, bluntly and succinctly
And what do you have to add?
LinkedIn Member 3:54 PM
Bro my fight is with the double standards of society.
Trying to help the world by destroying it because in thier minds that has been the what is "right thing to do"
I am one of the few gamers of my generation who tries to think non-linearly and tries to keep the thinkers as friends.
I have the power to keep the double standards from growing into parasites especially into the technological spectrum.
I need help even friends in the side iam fighting that is where you come in at.
I left your inner circle because the parasites were too much in control in your circle and they were targeting me to protect themselves.
I can never be sure whether you are in control of parasites or the thinkers.
That is why gaming is the best platform to always be in a mutually understanding playground.
You giving up on the new era thinkers led to the victory of the double standard parasites controlling you.
Now I had to explain it to you through thier medium only so now they have more clarity.
It's ok though because I have a stronghold to still survive.
You ignoring the request on steam was bad because I have very few friends and the concept of love and friendship was defeated when you let suspicion a tool of parasitism flow through.
So I must assume that steam has also been penetrated and nearly even controlled by the parasites.
Anand M Kumar 3:59 PM
yeah, sure... i know that there's parasites parasiting off my force in my side, denying me access to my own inner circle... but neither have you ever given me a glimpse of that, or even mentioned that, so... how do i know you are not one of them ? I know that just how there's more fools' silver back here, there's also more fools' gold back there... both are parasitic ... So i no longer go forward if there even might be a gray area, because from where i stand, the path is solid. The parasites infesting my side, yeah i know.. but i attack them by myself. I know steam was infiltrated .. What is not ! Every group is infiltrated. Every religion, company, everything... military intelligence itself has to guard itself from being infiltrated. But neither have you ever given me a glimpse of my inner circle... there is a certain type who denies me access to waht i create... and are content to talk ill about me and let me do the hard work of building civilization and sit near where the fruits growing from the trees i sow fall. Sure i can understand if those parasites hurt you ... but! I wonder why you would want my indirect help with that, not direct ? That is still strange.. suspicious. I mean, why through steam, why not direct ? That's because all the parasites of the galaxy have 1 comandment above all: to keep me away from my inner circle, lol. So... how are you any different?
LinkedIn Member 4:03 PM
My friend it is a never ending fight even an impossible one. We both knew that from day 1. The inner circle is the immediate people around you. I was there and experienced that I was never welcome in your inner circle. I fought hard to be part of it but was never really successful. Now the only similar thing we have the is dream we share. A utopian society for the thinkers as many as possible
Anand M Kumar 4:03 PM
Some parasites are there, your section wants to be the new one, is how i see it. In this situation the only option i have is to overthrow the entire galaxy of parasites at once, by sticking to safe ground ... the many other nonlinear thinkers who are all in my situation (who don't just merely try to think nonlinearly, but are such inherently and effortlessly like me). And we are more than what fools feel, and more effective than what fools feel even if few.
No the inner circle is not my mom and dad, but those on the ground who carry the ideologies i publish. That's what i mean when I say it... my true friends too pressed like me to even connect with me. All the parasites of the galaxy have 1 comandment above all ... to keep me myself away from my inner circle, lol.. and all thinkers in a similar situation, generally speaking... the fight is not impossible, you see every day. The timeline is too advanced... evil may be like outnumbering the good many to one, ignorance typical, have all money, what not
LinkedIn Member 4:05 PM
Bro your mom and dad are your Angel's. I am talking about everyone we visited. Your friends and even my friends who only saw the golden days of our dream and not the struggle to reach there
Anand M Kumar 4:05 PM
"Bro your mom and dad are your Angels."
See.. that is what i say. Of course they have some influence against the parasitic element infesting my inner circle, maybe...? But they are not my inner circle, which i define as those who carry the ideology, like the steampunks. The thought front people... they are my true inner circle... and that is the inner circle .. of the true steampunks... like my girl who was such ... 5 years before i found her.
The victors of ww2... we hold the no man's lands... had i been a fool i would have been careless about it
wtf mom and dad
LinkedIn Member 4:07 PM
My friend
I'm not similar to you iam different.
I have tried to explain again and in vain
I will reach a level where I do not need to explain
Anand M Kumar 4:07 PM
they just probably helped blunt direct threats
but they are not steampunks
your explanation is hardly convincing
they are not in control
there are others ... closer to the core
hard working people
LinkedIn Member 4:08 PM
Bro I am only talking to you
Anand M Kumar 4:08 PM
that i describe as truly MY steam inner circle
like the one who represents my steam account
i am cut off from access to them, lol
but you have access
so giving you further access would be a blunder especially when you are among those who are in on the universal commandment of denying me access to my own inner circle
there are others ... closer to the core
hard working people, who i don't even know
that i describe as truly MY inner circle, especially on the steampunk front...
LinkedIn Member 4:10 PM
They are denying you and allowing me because I must be doing something different
Anand M Kumar 4:10 PM
i would like you to convince me better
i'm not ruling out your claim that someone "officially representing" my steam account is an agent of evil
if that is something worse than a half-truth, and even if it is 90% true... remember, that is my last line of defence
it would be a blunder to attack my own base
at earth
you have yours elsewhere!
LinkedIn Member 4:11 PM
My only convincing factor is that I respect your thoughts and perhaps some sense
Anand M Kumar 4:11 PM
But i am no "stearseed" etc. Yes, , i am from orion in the distant past.. but i am an earth seed
LinkedIn Member 4:11 PM
I'm a Martian
Anand M Kumar 4:11 PM
yeah that's what
i'm an earthling
i can only represent the unrepresented earth
LinkedIn Member 4:12 PM
Who was sent to protect the Earth from destruction
And will have to return to Mars someday after completing my job
To ensure that I have to make Earth a temple of this universe
The eternal stronghold of Gaia
The mothership
Take the parasites out of Earth and lead them towards mars
Anand M Kumar 4:14 PM
and i won't really be in a mood to nuke my earth steam base because of your claim that they are parasites and you are not... when the only data i have to work with.. is that i am cut off from my inner circle . Now, who does it ? Is it the infiltrators there ? Is it your section? Is what i cannot answer .. but i know the quantum anti-earthling ideas well enough .. that are also found in mars... and you can see why... i cannot directly trust you with this DESPITE being cut off from my inner circle. I mean, after all, in the gamer hierarchy, they are junior to me and more vulnerable... and a general must respect the defence of his officers and soldiers, otherwise he will be the next to fall... Can you see what i mean???
And the fact is
i am the defender of earth
Last line
of defence
So if i fall your idea of eternal temple of Gaia will be like say some corporate catch line
all noise and no substance
i am not saying that it is so..
yes indeed steam is also infiltrated
If you want to talk about it indirectly i.e. by connecting with me on steam ... that looks like charting a course through a minefield
LinkedIn Member 4:16 PM
Yes we let the parasites go first clear the ground for the thinkers
Bro together we can make a plan where parasites never settle and keep travelling so that they can make stronghold for Gaia all over the solar system
Otherwise we will have to wait for a war maybe the last war on poor Earth
Anand M Kumar 4:17 PM
I think you ignore what i say
and try to win me over by dopaminergic charms
rather than seeing the logic of what i say
not sure if you understand it despite my efforts to describe but i try again
there will be a war... maybe...
yes the last war
but mostly far from earth
this time earthlings are going to take their place in the universe that has been denied to them
LinkedIn Member 4:18 PM
I want to avoid war and you are rooting for war
Anand M Kumar 4:18 PM
Of course
I represent the men of war community
who want to defend earthlings from being taken and mined for genes
to extend parasite lives
LinkedIn Member 4:19 PM
How can we ever advance as a human race if we still fix ourselves to ideas of violence and not peace
Not diplomacy
This is why I chose to leave your circle because you told me that you were advocating peace and diplomacy
Now you choose war
Anand M Kumar 4:20 PM
well... negotiation with the enemies of humankind ?
LinkedIn Member 4:20 PM
The double standard
Anand M Kumar 4:20 PM
Do you want me to be like "the man who sold the world?"
LinkedIn Member 4:20 PM
Think of a better solution
I am asking you to think better
Find a solution to avoid war and clear out parsitism
Anand M Kumar 4:21 PM
i will tell you my pov one more time
and if you want to pretend to ignore it
and speak of catchlines of love and peace
not meant
then it will be futile to talk
do you want to hear me ?
LinkedIn Member 4:21 PM
Yes, please
Anand M Kumar 4:21 PM
The truth bluntly ? And as succinctly as i can manage
LinkedIn Member 4:22 PM
Yes, of course
Anand M Kumar 4:22 PM
i describe as truly MY steam inner circle... for example, the officers who represent my steam account. My FB account, my ig... my heart etc... morons on FB themselves boasted that my heart is not mine, but theirs ... LOL ... So! Do you see? I am cut off from access to them... but you evidently have access... you go far... so WHEN i am still cut off from them. Giving you further access to my steampunk section would be a blunder... Do you understand this?
this is the reason i dced you on linkedin, and ig... but as i said. Twitter. Place to be... Hub of naval diplomacy
there i am not afraid... my friends, who also i don't have to know as such... are more like ... common assets... of all civilzed (and uncivilized) people
But Steam ... you see why i say what i do, don't you?
LinkedIn Member 4:25 PM
Ok big brother
Anand M Kumar 4:26 PM
well don't call me big brother.. i am the one victimized here
being cut off from his own inner circle
nobody on FB is like that
nobody who matters
but kerala facebook hacktard elites (not all; some - the general reality... and this guy is technically nearer to them, he was who warned me days before Okhi, "bro let's see if you survive this month, I'll get you funding")
This is the legit place to be .. connect with me here.
LinkedIn Member 4:28 PM
I hope you understand I love you as a little brother because you taught me how to think logically
Anand M Kumar 4:28 PM
of course bro.. i know that you have a good heart
that universal commandment of the parasite... to cut me off from my own inner circle until i die
is what i would yet overcome
that is my overriding priority
not a new culture where some other similar parasitic elites are kings
LinkedIn Member 4:29 PM
I had showed you how to defeat them or even overcome them
Anand M Kumar 4:30 PM
don't know about that
as far as i know
those who deny me access to my inner circle are red flags
i have better things to do... and i can achieve ends without support than with double edged swords.. i would rather go to war with a weak but reliable gun than with a strong gun that can explode in my hands
brute force is not the answer ever
and talk of peace is lullaby for retarded kids, at the end of the day... this is a harsh planet
where people like me who are cut off from both the sky and the deeps
need to be thrice as careful as others
LinkedIn Member 4:32 PM
Did you see me use any kind of brute force when I made friends of the parasites
Or even you
Even the thinkers?
Anand M Kumar 4:33 PM
parasite.. thinker... friend.. enemy ... all just labels that may not be true (when you speak them)
what matters is what is true, core reality
-- >
people like me who are cut off from both the sky and the deeps... need to be thrice as careful as others
is all i know
it's not as if i cannot walk this tightrope
to walk it like elon msk
i am not a fool to do that
you know what i mean?
Fly .. fly... with a cape behind your neck.. hehe
the cape that propels you. But if you take a step in the TRULY RIGHT direction.. i.e. helping earth's nonlinear thinkers before parasites... then that very red cape pulls you back. Maybe, strangulates you... hehe
LinkedIn Member 4:36 PM
I'm tired
Will message later
Anand M Kumar 4:36 PM
heh, yeah.. think about what i said
i just wanted to explain why
not steam, but twitter. Is the place if diplomacy is truly your intention. Negotiation.. or rather mediation in this ongoing war
against thinkers
i didn't want to leave you without an explanation
for why i am not accepting steam req
as i said
if you can convince me
in the light of what i said
then it may be different
LinkedIn Member 4:39 PM
Anand M Kumar 4:40 PM
See.. being accepted by the enemies of humankind... that is not what i am out to do
i have already rejected them, rather than they having rejected me
the "alternative counter terrorists" in india
are a bunch of idiots
india is the weakest* link in earth's civilization
so i have to be careful about our common earthling defence
i mean.. the others in my same situation
or variants of my situation but all with a problem on their hands, as i have my own
i am so particular about this that i disconned my brother and cousins on ig
because a cousin in delhi was apparently a bit closer to boris johnson than those walking on my path... and my brother was also on another more US-centric style. They are anyway relatives, so no need to "suggest" on social media.
Boris Johnson, the elites of America, and even more unreliably so, the Martians, etc...Well and good, but they are not more likely to look after earthlings as strongly as i do... I have nobody else but earthlings, and no other place to go.
so i had no option but to disconnect those far from my ideology...
You too.. i see as a brother* only, but careful not to be a nepotist
* who is not, in that sense, i call everyone "bro", and here girls are not supposed to initiate talk* because it is seen, by the culture elites, a sin to speak to non-manwiches, otherwise i would have been used to using a gender neutral label like "bud" or something. By the way, even America is increasingly like that -- thus free males are "just another incel statistic," as that manwich Vinay Murlidharan quoted in the last link said.
** the cultural "properness" expectation in Orwellian india is that men talk first to the girl, it is not the kanyakumari style , plus it is also that i am specifically less verbal, my style of flirting is more dependent on deep female nonlinear intelligence which can identify quality (I know my partner is a good example), a kind of reactive flirting (i.e. starts with a "check me out" or kickstarting "nudge" that is the opposite of the "I am sexy man, no need for you to agree" or Johnny bravo "grab" made very famous by trump***.
*** The extreme version of that is "wife-kidnapping" in ancient Kazakhstan etc.
Well, more about all that later in this post...)
what i know is that i am tasked .. by some fate beyond me ... to maintain the weakest link in the chain of civilization (that blockchain elitists try to break)
and if i wind down before i land up where i am fated to... that is just not an option
LinkedIn Member 4:46 PM
I have started following you on twitter
Twitter sends me news and erotic pictures of animal woman hybrids
Anand M Kumar 4:49 PM
okay.. you do follow modi and musk and all... but i can give you all the benefit of doubt in this case coz i know at least my blue and red circles flank the twitter world so it is not a risk .. and neither will cunning plans in this front be profitable to you.. as you will know if you understand the twitter world .. it allows only diplomacy, not tricks. For example even trump was sunk. I am not sure if i should follow you ? I should, actually. i mean now that i gave you my word on that... it is no straightforward decision, but ... you know... i will follow back
but be careful... i also notice things e.g. what modi, musk etc are up to faster than anyone can imagine. People have always underestimated me at their own peril. But i just want to follow back because a quantum world diplomat like you should not be ignored by earthlings. Because ultimately i also desire peace, war only as a step to peace .. if that is required, should not shy
LinkedIn Member 4:52 PM
I dont use twitter so it told me to follow prominent profiles so that I could understand how twitter works
Anand M Kumar 4:52 PM
but surely
a type of person is my prey
the type .. this guy.... you see here
i mean
the quantum cult seidmann
that i mention
name some motherfucker
vinay murlidhar
deepest parasitic infiltrators of military intelligence
they are my prey
because all they do is cut me off and keep me here at earth, make sure i get only their stupid ass jobs, intimidate my friends and then claim that "i have no friends"... and try to capture elfin girls of my type
they are the prime losers in the kairos war
the ones that abuse the might of the quantum world that you come from and use it against earthlings
they are the ones who are destined to get the boot as me and my nonlinear thinker friends rise up
as the gamers finally overthrow the cheaters.. and the terrorists are disconnected from the "leadership" etc.
so you know where you actually stand, in if you imagine this line, that has me at one end of it and this guy vinay murlidhar at the other end
he questioned my lover's judgment and that's merely why he'll be chased by doom twice as fast as he otherwise would have been
nevertheless. I know that my inner circle was heavily infiltrated... after all, i am denied access to it. But I kick parasites every day until i get to it. Trimmed down 1000s of connections ever since i realized this thing about energy parasitism, including nearly all the people i directly "was allowed to know" ...
Haroon Najumudeen 8:17 PM
That's why I cut you off big bro
View Haroon’s profileHaroon Najumudeen
Haroon Najumudeen 8:19 PM
I realized you had been controlled by parasites and extending that control over to me.
I did not understand it then but I do now.
I was naturally gifted to stay away from parasite infested regimes
Anand M Kumar 8:37 PM
i was not "controlled by parasites" haha
just heavily outnumbered
i am controlled by my free will
but the scope of the skeletal / steampunk defence of civilization i have built since iit m is so huge ... and i am so cut off by the parasites ... that they obviously take control very opportunistically
i myself fuck them up
and i actually didn't mean to say "my inner circle was infected" .. .but those who were blocking my access to my inner circle were too many around me
nobody has ever been as outnumbered as me
fools will take that as my failing
that's more like the myth that idiots propagated, that i am a puppet of parasites or "controlled by parasites"
which is squarely to blame for how bad the shitstorm is spinning these days
anyway, i'm okay because the shit will duly land on the faces of all who stirred it up, that was not me
how hard could it be for people to realize that the solution is simply to connect me to my inner circle. All who have "solutions" that involve something other than that are precisely the parasites that i'm talking about. A list that started with adventurers in iit madras and ended up at the country's prime minister
//But then i read the news, and messaged haroon on twitter...
Guy look like an idiot quite often, in fact
The universe gave me hints, i guess... unfollowed him.
Anand M Kumar 3:20 PM
in fact the amount of lies idiots like you have spread about me is staggering
and you expect to live off my force
parasites have no limits, is all i can say
i do all the hard work, you all take it all into your network, and you then call me "controlled by parasites". HAHA
You are pretty racist, dude
fuck you
Today, after that fb episode, opened linkedin read his reply:
LinkedIn Member 3:21 PM
"Bro shut the fuck up
You have no friends does not mean you can be mean to me
I'm sorry I cant be your bitch
You dont deserve the respect of where I call you big bro
I still do because that is how I show respect
You are a lonely loser
I have other things to do so don't come calling me names when I accomplish things with my wits and energy
You are just a parasite what you are doing is parasitism
You are hosting on my energy to feed you information and content
The majority knows it
The majority knows you
You feed on others hard worked energy
I have seen and met people like you who sell off land to people who just need to make more money and gain more powerful
A small difference is that you are autistic enough to know that you will never be able to survive this world if you dont play the victim or the pseudo lone wolf
I'm unfollowing you on twitter idiot dumbass"
Well, if you are the darling of Idiocracy, you're probably an idiot anyway, it's okay to piss him off.
Well, idiocracy did throw such people my way, colleagues, employers, all the .. "cunning baldrick smilers"... but by now (only therefore) I see more clearly... What they say... has little meaning... they call the bad good, etc.
All words they learn and use in the opposite manner to serve themselves.
And there is a gray area; so they say, all on earth are bad, based on such ideas -
"Beautiful on the surface, but rotten underneath. Don't ever, even for a second, doubt that this is the most dangerous world in the galaxy.... Danger does not always come in the shape of Orks with bolters, Ragnar. This world is where the elite of the Imperium have gathered. We are talking now of the most ruthless, ambitious, unscrupulous collection of rogues ever culled from a million planets. This is the place they have come to realise their ambitions, and on Terra they can, and will not let anything stand in their way. Not me, not you, not their own kin if need be.""
So.. .all on terra are "parasite elites"?
That is the implication in the "minds" of these people, who destabilize here by terror, and it's always about one set of parasites succeeding the other, the real humans ever to be exploited... unless we wake up (and don't let them define what that means)...
I believe, there is no respect for intellect in the kind of people who haroon represents, who have been seen more since the sundering and are technically known as (the more opportunistically problematic of the) "rakshasas", because they are more oriented towards pretending as thinkers, stealing credit for the thought process, plagiarism, etc. And much "know-how" already is available, for example, in the Mars tech reserves, that they could just copy if "knowing the right people" etc. so their talent is more a throwback to the early man period before the elves, and is an obstacle to the rise of the superior person, who they'd see as merely food material or source of genes, and justify it by claiming that the good people dragged to Mars (or they even start it here on earth) etc. are the "parasites" that the good people accuse them of being.
Like how he said that he is a "gamer" etc. but you look at his profile, you see he's played like 70 hours max, and last he played was 2+ months back, more like cheaters (wannabe gamers) / console peasants.
They're more about realizing the political fruit gained by the claim that "i could defeat him (with cheats) in 1 game" rather than being considerate, thus in essence the parody of a real gamer, who must be more of a friendly elfin type.
They will be talking to you, and the effect is like this drug, papers have been written about this, it is vastly different from what many consider normal people, but very powerful if the public's ignorance is maintained.
Sinks are everywhere, you know, social physics does not rely on the group labels used by half-baked scholars e.g. race theorists, darwins etc. Only the parasites' own diatribes rely on these tribal ideas or misconceptions.
Their parasitism (that energy sources like me are worst hit by, parasites can't parasite off each other) is opportunistic and shameless.
The idiocrats will always scratch each other's backs (another example, about the main thrust) and attack those who see what's going on, even if they are in government and try doing it formally.
At every locality, the idiocrats have a specific "narrative" for attacking outnumbered thinkers...
These parasitic "leaders" use the gender, religious, etc. ideas of "distinctions" to rouse rabble and attack thinkers...
In UP etc., where often Hindu elitists are the problem, they attack outnumbered good Muslims by mixing ideas and stirring mobs.
Here, where some "Muslim" elitists like this guy are more problematic (taking support of "Hindu/Christian" etc. sinks to defy the real leaders of the Islamic community...)...,
The media will push the idea "all Hindus are evil anti-girl, terrorists" to try -- to justify attacking and isolating the public side Hindus (or Christians etc.) like me.
A fraction of the crimes used to be found; most of the times, elves just disappear. so we must take care of the nice* people.
Actually it used to happen more before, but as i said, with the sealing of the topology, the timeline is ours anyway, so nothing to worry if you take care.
* to the nice; if you are nice to parasites, you are not nice, you are merely a coward hoping to get a slice of the pie, that you won't really, anyway. You gotta be nice to the lost too, but that's a different way of being nice; but that also is not "through jail or punishment" or being oppressive, but it is also not simply giving them power to kill you.
Haroon accuses me of being some landlord just to justify his things against me to himself... while in fact he is more linked with landlords as he himself said.
And they simply accuse the other guy of being what they are. It's what they say about psychopaths... they twist their story realtime, using a dementiously strong syllogical faculty to say anything that might make them get their way.
They target the fair out of envy and jealousy, not the stupid, so it is important to care for those who care for civilization -- a order (not a parody of order hated by entropy) that can accommodate entropy / chaos by getting rid of parasite hierarchy etc... and if you make it gamer-led, that's easy and that's where the world is going, but ideally..., such games should be more tests of nonlinear thinking (and still, that itself is not enough to qualify one as a leader, but it is a useful test to filter out the unfit), not merely reaction measuring etc.
And anyone will tell you about the rivalry between the PC gaming nobility and the console peasants, whose infiltration should be checked, because they are designed for this.. It will surprise you... Just how good parasites are.... at being parasites...
Thus let me tell you bluntly, this is the truth they don't want to hear, if they insist that elves will be mined for genes, rather than be allowed to improve the quality of life by creation (of superior genes e.g. Iduna's golden apples. They say, "only bad apples", and then they say, "Ok this is not good to eat you, so we eat you". Absurd, isn't it? Earth's civilization thus becomes important, because otherwise to aliens, they claim to be the thinkers that they persecute (and they similarly persecute alien thinkers, so the parasitic middlemen...)
By the time he said this, however, i already had my SS on twitter... the 538th post, because 1 wise guy had followed me (539) after Haroon professed to be the loyal to earth SS (538th follower), which none was daring... eh?
But he didn't seem to mean it... still wants to cut me off, so more like infiltrated SS if he was the 38th ... - we know that trick!
So by the time he quit, the 539th became the 538 and that's cool, at least i have this SS... and cool, log 38 eh?
And the link is made, even if the tips go undercover due to terrorist threat, it's COOL! The topology is sealed...
As i'll show you at the end of the post!
There was a shallow sea equivalent of this sealing process in twitter, so the topology is cared for :)
See, the anti-thinker assault idiocrats will try to just press with their orwellian anti-love league from arkanar, personally targeting thinkers until you simply cut them off from your lives ...
Well, even if they control all the highways, it is not where i walk,.. as long as i get my way, who cares about "THEIR" world!
Well, i really only realized what happened later.
Well the insight is...
The 52 is the first minute... first i saw in the morning, that matters (at least to a timeling / blank like me) you know...
The 52 would have a role to play, in the day...
Or at least... 52 = + 1 (big brother) of the "51" jersey, the strong pro-female alien jersey seen in Area-51 for example, that upholds the statue of liberty. So, the point is, this big brother can dominate females and their true friends, as per the gender war stockholders' protocol. So that's responsible for the other ideas of rape and ultraviolence associated with the "droogs" (or rather, infiltrators in that far side linked SS network, in fact the true droogs are supposed to be pro-female in a pro-entropic rather than manwich manner, pressing girls down in a stockholm syndrome, but the problem again is that the ones in the far side are stuck in limbo (I'll describe that ... in my upcoming part 6. What it is, not the ecclesiastical view), while the ones on the earth have others apart from earth's females to answer to, there is a whole union of parasites, so the ones on this side will find it hard, if they do the right thing they are fucked, so they end up doing something else like speaking of reform but actually passing the blame on earthlings and those easier to frame (i.e. thinkers, elves etc.) and just being parasites, singing and dancing pied piper politickers, actors etc.).
I saw this video, on youtube, haroon is the relatively large guy (the guy who is clearly not the sidekick to anyone else seen in this video, never seen any of them) .. a bunch of elite kids in kerala, eh? A funny video named "rice water"...
"Kanji vellam" meaning, rice water, reminded me of that ... and i'll describe that idea in an upcoming film...
Sure, I was named "droog" by a strange senior "topa" in college (the myth may have started even back then that i was somehow the bad guy just because i was hard to approach for bullies, so they ultimately left me when thought that i pose no threat to them...) but i was not linked to the droogs' network (just a free friendly to females guy), but Haroon was, as it turns out, as we can see in the familiar "uniform" of the droogs:
"Rakshasan", hewhwhee.
"luckily for me, the droogs did all the hard work".
Is that what i said, lol, apparently, on FB, long ago? So that's what he parrots like a fool based on his subjective idea of how he is good and i am bad.
I meant much of the less thinking involved work, more so, is what unknown friends of mine in South India and beyond, did,... and some of them had to run from (and when caught, cooperate with) evil... and i did not because evil was scared of me when the cannibals tried to catch me and failed, and my isolation was also a choice to be free of corruption and leave me with the time i needed for my decade + of research.
But they still cut me off and left me to find the truth* is that not a hard experience?
* it's not as if their pretense that they know ALL that i can ever deduce, is right, is this not idiocracy, a dark age after all?
Bullshit is in their brains for reasons other than my innocent mischief like putting dogshit into their nose (i only did it once when i wiped my shoe on someone's brown covid mask*, in general i am not a trouble maker) too.
* I mean who the fuck puts a brown covid mask. WASHED. Out to dry. Just when that happened to my shoe when i was looking at the sky!
But ...
Well, not all of them put together, leave alone even any one of them, worked more than me, but i didn't actually understand their gang well till yesterday ot so, partly because i am not that type of a social ape, you know, but closer to elf.
(Nothing against apes, but ... some faggots!
But then! Seeing all the lies!
oh well i shouldn't have said that as i did long ago, i only said that when i realized that i'm not the only good guy, and some others exist who help are a bit like me... but the parasites will take credit if you say such things.
"The droogs" (esp back here) do not work for me, but mostly it's me who works, i know.. but that idiot seems to have latched on and perverted what i said to make it seem as if i am some king of earth's corrupt people pretending to be a scholar, maybe getting my "research" from some idiot sending me data from Mars as they do. But who is cut off, who is not?? I said that just because i more naturally give credit rather than the opposite.
But i should not forget to take credit for what i do .. as i always do.
I never cared, actually, for public image, I always knew that i have better things to do than be lauded by what i see as the corrupt idiocracy, because ultimately what is done is what matters, not "ideas" of fools, even if the national majority.
I can say this, now, when i finally came to understand the absurdity of some of the idiots here who called themselves "droogs" and left me with the label (that i did not actually understand when that senior labelled me a nickname "droog" in college, i never was in with the type of people who discuss such things, brahmins or rakshasas or whatever, and i thought i had not been "ragged", lol, i thought it was funny when i asked the senior "rag me bro"... i only realized later that the false stories behind my back was itself the "ragging". And this idiot says, in his dance video, "no ragging", which actually means, "impunity" for crimes all these fools would somehow associate with me, based on their, how haroon puts it, "story"...
"The galaxy does not know what you are, earthling, the galaxy knows only ... "the story" of the quantum church, hwehe.
Of what the idiots "think", are they the ones who make things happen?
BS... "bro".
So he was some high lord of terra, a lord of that "baby boomer" network (you know who), but, while supposed to be pro-female in theory, more like gay dancing and both cutting off true nice people like me here on earth and architecting a "story" for far side truer droogs to believe (that is why the idea of one eye blindness...),
and also keeping them from coming to find out for themselves (they too, summarily "judged" as evil droogs (just because of being associated with the "do-gooders" in limbo, as i was at the earthly counterpart of the far side limbo). And who was the judge? These camera holding "droogs" with a foothold in earth! Accusing me of being what they are? Such... are many "high lords of terra". Not = terrans), and actually not helping the girls (you see only taliban onset etc,. now, who was in power? I did speak to him, he did not think of girls as anything more than a reproductive utensils "with smelly vaginas" (due to being fucked by bisexuals and faggots etc.), but holding on to the droogs (aspiring to SS) earthy/deep (eye of terror) control won by baby boomer infiltration in the dark age starting late WW2... So what happened, why i saw that 52nd minute was, he lost the ultra-rare "52" jersey... that's actually a "big power in the droogs" jersey.
The confirmation of the 52 theory, well... my twin flame / fellow timeling who always "numerically resonates" with me (others do too, like once in their lives, but she does it all the time) also had that 52 that night, so i think this is true.
You see the 52... it's like Mustaine (who always addresses his friends as "droogies") spoke of Area-51, and the far side had the 52, but this problem was such!
But now!
Especially after today's (i.e. a day after all other events i describe here)game which i gladly let ZinzinZ win [1] .... to arrange a more functional replacement for Haroon (Zenizen) and to thus create my concept of far side terran / true droog inclusion as I describe in the diplomatic emblem of homo sapiens elfinova i created today [2]...
* Yes that zinzinz had to play against "a team" that matchmaker assigned to me... does support Haroon's claim that there were infiltrators attacking my inner circle (obviously also to me), like i guess that... rather a bit acidic ... doxy guy in my team who if kicking me -- might have given the fools' ammunition against zinzinz (it is that fragile,, the problem with the elitists monopolizing the camera... hacktards!)... so this doxy by the last round realized that i was fooling around.. and was probably anti-zinzinz (zinzinz in effect is more like true droog) but pro-zenizen, anyway... lol. So this was a switch, a jump that was long due. Some quantum girl on FB who knew more about Kerala than me* represented it like this** - "a topological impossibility" to do it.... "because klein bottle", "because the topology "itself" cannot be sealed" etc., but all that is what i meant, the morons don't understand h and i, and this can be done if care is taken.
* and whose friend had said something like, "upvote, or nobody will marry you" (not to me in particular, but a general comment to everyone, but that included me. )...
I didn't upvote it, ultimately ... my girl is not a smelly-hole pimpstock dangling from manwich network anyway.
** A "Klein bottle" - a reductionist illusion of the quantum church "We ARE number 1****" idea that "earthlings just cannot break free unless sucking our dicks" etc.
**** but this time, with 5 idiots, not 4, the fifth totaling to the "wise guy E (a bad manwich that the true 4 were trying to catch.. so that vid was propaganda, it says "every E is good".. and that was the problem with the eye of terror)
that E as in Zenizen etc.
E, not i, so less diplomatic flexibility than zinzinz, being a non-complex number, you saw my first few films?
What can i do, if he accuses me of making him his bitch it is just like how... some other thick guy accused my girl of being "manipulative". It's just that the topology can be sealed only one way, closing out the hacktardism.
It's not that hard, i simply don't do the wrong thing -- that is the only way to do the right things, and if you do it always, you can do anything. I mean... you can actually do it, what that guy said, "give me a lever, and i will move the earth".
I couldn't have done it without my girl (our marriage actually forced Zenizen to send me a friend request ... for obvious reasons).
This couldn't be done before ww2, for example (but that situation was also easier for angels to come here and tell us etc.)
So ww1 and 2 were truly wars to end all wars, but took longer, that's all.
Now, clearly...!
The topology is sealed... an excision, if you will.
The "official manwich emperor above the "brown girl in the ring", any Kanyakumaris who try to defy* the "old boys' club of arranged marriage marital socialists" is no longer in control of the midway, as the boomers seized during WW2.
* for example, another example is my mom's cousin, also an actress who died in her 20s, having been overdosed by some doctor
Was not in control anyway, just dancing with the gays. But would nevertheless maintain power, roles cannot be reversed just like that.
As Persephanii put it later that night:
"Luck" is merely science. It's not "lucky" if you don't end up run over by a train if you never slept in the tracks!
By the way I ran into haroon in one of the jobs i worked at.
That's about jobs (for me... i was already a public side steampunk before, so it was always that they merely wanted to use me to prop up the "established heroes", like dancing faggots and all the other parasites. Also more trivia, he's one of the 4 suspects in the case of the murder of a cat who had come to befriend me who wound up dead at the back of my office... that cat arrived just days after i'd returned from eastern Europe, where at a busstop at the border between 2 slavic states... i found a cat, played with it for a while. (I'd somehow got a visa, that is another story. Everything happens just in time, very lucky).
* Doxy. Interesting, what's up doc? The smoking gun that I use to say, Haroon was near the circle of one of these Morrell type "munnabhais mbbs"... is that Haroon was introduced to me by a doctor cum MBA chap who i worked for, who said, this guy is very smart, he will "report to you" (thus, ,, to build "accidents". The munnabhai mbbs detail also confirms what i said... the shitstorm ... is due to the sheer parasite infiltration that cuts me off from my own inner circle... and every friend of mine on FB knows this strange thing, but a bunch of denialistic, evasive idiots were in control (and investing more and more in tech, right at a short distance from the city where i stay, to both hide the hacktard empire and also, i guess, claim that i am some kind of mastermind behind all this ... absurd idea... if you look at me... i'm a true scholar, not someone killing thinkers and stealing their work haha ... any of the many who know my ideas know that... and i'm a gamer., i've almost played 4000 hours.. plus i hang out at least 2 hours on social media etc. ... every day, influencing and helping timelings... and i make so many films (myself, in facT! Without any assistants.) too. And despite all that i even invented a plant and worked at jobs for more than half the last decade. Yes, this guy will probably claim that I am the Martian, the Elon Musk, who gets his "ideas" from the Adeptus mechanicus tech database at Mars! OK so Musk is a billionaire, but me? Ok so i must be "the other type of imperialist who doesn't need money but am still evil", huh. or that i am a cog in a "dynasty" like say trump or the rockefeller dynasty etc... it's a ridiculous thing to say, because the social structure back here in my father's line is different, a "tharavad" style, where all females have equal power ... so no one patriarch runs a ""dynasty" /// whereas my mom's dad's dad was indeed the leader of the city's most famous temple, but died around the time of the great depression (with his wife), leaving my grandfather an orphan... How can i be running this empire of parasites? My style is the opposite, in fact... I just work out solutions to problems (everywhere online, twitter, fb, quora etc.) ,.. and the logical people only take it up, fools don't even understand what i say... that's how social media works for those who can influence those who matter... even as other "influencers" make dancing, beheading etc. videos and use a brute force "1 million followers" etc. to make small empires that collapse and achieve common parasite objectives by brute force, but what is logical endures and spreads, and your friends are deep and real. .. thus forcing reform. And the fools get hit from unexpected quarters due to these meta-psychic waves that people like me kick off, and then some fools feel that i, like them, run an "empire".. but ... That is not an empire.. it's like that exodus film, the method is different. civilization... but yeah i do get my revenge, but it's not really about revenge but collateral damage inflicted while stayin' alive. What they are too greedy to keep, they will give in blood, i guess, it is the unthinking biorobot's fate. But I don't "run a court", i'm not that kind of ape controller with a dunbar number. But more elfin .nonlinear ... just a mischievious neotenic nonlinear thinker. You can just see my research, through the decade, how it's developed in quality of insight, starting at a weak theoretical framework to, over the years, stronger ... I'm a scholar like Vardamir Nolimon... who spends lots of time thinking... Am i the "controlled by parasites" guy? Am I, they "think" so? If humanity borrows such ideas, sadly they would suffer the doxy/haroon et al. shitstorm (which is of course more general, it is the biorobot front they represent -- led by the Virat Kohlis, Amitabachans, PMs and corrupt lords etc., like the 20 he follows etc., haroon is just a "wise boy king", carefully checked, piously serving the parasites, at the expense of thinkers, as a "good leader" of idiocracy)... if humans yet fall for the lies ... these parasites' "established experts" will wear phds, become "official clerks", replace objectivity with the localized subjective, in a dark age, announce themselves as mad docto emperors, and hide from the public's best just as they hid from me, and infest offices ... they will send out well-paid clerks with injections, and the people will be kidnapped, taken to Mars to be processed (fools will actually pay a million to be consumed, just because the advertiser had a business coat). The victims, defined in the Malthusian "science" method, as "the true parasites... because they eat" (ignoring the true science of parasitism that i describe, of course), "useless eaters" as hitler or sm1 said... well... i guess, too evolved for idiocracy... due to the quick evolution of tech in this era so people like me could fast forward to a utopian mindset decades before the rest stuck in their guru-bestowed "knowledge" traps... so, they were ridiculous lies to spread, but, due to the bell curve and envy, many fools will fall for it especially around me, the entire zone often appears to be invaded by sinks , and that well, it left me no option but to cut myself off and push for the win (and ultimately it was only her love that was the final step i needed...). But, well, these things a real thinker does online, even before that, huge effect... like Dr. Vinay Murlidhar., the prude "influencers" who go around spreading the mental disease, exporting their shame, providing "sex education" to girls about their "shameful lumps of flesh fated to get cancer".. and then, time also catches up with these idiots, echoes the logic seen in numbers , seal fates (a 1000 times more than i could have even guessed, as topologies are sealed not just there, but everywhere you do such timeling influencing, because more are logical than fools realize, they matter more than what fools realize, ... while the fools, being groupists, are connected to each others' fates, so when some big ones fall, they all fall)... the true / nonstatic social front is among the timelings, few but intense butterfly effects, a realtime influencing for reform, as Picard said, "Make it so"... the mothership is already being steered, thank you for your offer to help but evidently it is not the best quality. So I don't "know" people, I don't even know what my relatives are up to... But then as long as i'm isolated these fools can make up any story!) .. but have you ever been in that situation which seemed "special", the fools were all making things up around you? Even entire matrixes, lol... for example, this employer through which i met haroon,, his cousin landed up at my grandfather's place when i was there having quit my first job, as they were playing with me. So although it is true that ultimately we did fix this problem... it's necessary to understand this generally, a "limbo at earth's surface" (more here, Italy, Kerala "God's own country" etc., and more generally at all power centers ... connected with the below... but most problematically here, although it is undeniable that some of the techies in my city are more friendy) ... where good guys have to fight parasites, the identities are inverted, dark ages may have sudden onset if the butterfly ings are twisted the wrong way, ignore people like me, run the risk of being treated like an ignorant buffoon, jabbed with poison and murdered.. anyway, since humans are evolving, time if not today, will win tomorrow, but i can evolve more, so might as well make it today if i can - this is the thought we thinkers need to have. And if the energy parasites' "story" spell works on the other "people of civilization" (e.g. those in the "first world" etc.), you have your idiocracy.
And then I also find... the one "carried" by the fake 52 thus retired, eh? So the kairos 52 was an echo...
Of a kairos 26 (26 x 2)...
(the true 26 had been beckoning for a while, but this also had to fight the kairos 26 impostering them, the typical timeling story but mine was a bit very different)
And that kairos 26 ? ! --
Yes, as i said.. it's time comes because they fall together.
The "true 26 jersey owners, the [undermined] SS, 100 times over repeated"~ 26, 3800!
The theory about all this being a ZN_ZN switch (the tip! The deeper iceberg, goes back to a faraway realm) is confirmed:
Zenizen.. zinzinz... ZN_ZN... Zhanaozen, hehe... "a grimy, Soviet era settlement". .. hwehehe.
The (entropic aspect of the) philosophy of the zensunni has been realized ON EARTH. hahaha, none directly wandered to me :)
Of the "true 26" whose 26 forms expired.... in Kazakhstan.... at "timeline" splatter side
(how? A theory not completely formulated, but, yeah surely... here are some write-ups on that... link 1; link 2; link 3, link 4 etc.)
As they say, "everyone together, sing it!" And that is how the reactions also cascade in the timeline, as do the actions. So...
at the "timeline" splatter side...
Bengalaru, where that other day's patsy came from, abusing real Indians with the general intent to target further .. people like me... , all the power mongers meet up for a "guru nataka" (dance of the false prophets), sons of politician adventurers, mongering power, but... lose it all. Just because we can twist their world logically...
(anything more pro-entropic is logical)
(The next days... Some are interesting in the context of how haroon's brother, is in the navy...
And before that, there was this...
I will not claim that I caused all of it, pressures building up for long need but a vent.... Belling the cat... maybe just a parallel front.., but yeah a butterfly wing?
Some steps....
Like Hari Thrivikramji's office, where i ran into haroon.
Such employers, they just land up! They are in essence "reformers", their sponsors have a low opinion of earthlings just because they had access to ufo tech and money... submit they say, they want to break civilization to "impose their order".
They come to me not me (and their camera doesn't allow anyone else to)...i never had anything to do with "those who know", about these secrets of parasitism. I actually researched everything as an "outsider", i didn't even read the Hindu equivalents of bibles etc., and AS IF people get the truths there, here on earth! People like me had only 1 option, to research, in this dark age .. but now, is the ending of that era...
So that day... the cat... . It appeared that the cat's insides were flowing out of a hole, maybe injected with acid. I took a video but it was in my other hard drive in the PC,... which of course, had such problems. Although to be fair to Haroon, my initial impression was that a Christian (incidentally) named Varun Mathew was behind it (or could have been Praveen Jacob, but the former hand his head hung low that day?)
So i was expected to resolve a (then to me invisible) "puzzle" under 2 Islamic and 2 Christian religious elites at office!
When i'm not even a typical religious Hindu at all, i have not eaten any apple of good and evil.
But you are kept farther from the action, if you are purer... that is why limbo is so, the origin of idiocracy's strength.
But the world of idiots "knows" me... and i never told some things, that i will tell you now... As i have the time, finally, for myself.
The manwiches would try to deny you love if you walk alone... but that could be too funny, you know...
The "cool hot yoga guru love gurus" playing games with me whenever i sought to interact with society... caused me to be a general rejector of "parasitic elites" (that i saw)... ultimately, when those girls came to me and looked at me, 3 seconds* is all i gave them (protocol); none of them were fast enough to take it (at least of the girls who were usually "permitted" to take a "run-in" on me (as for the cool girls, reminds me of when a girl messaged me on a dating platform, she said, her legs are broken... The price! I would not want to thus seek "love", if pro-thinker reform is true love... others! The permitted ones! Cooler with the political elites, huh... most of them would just stand near but look the other way, as their owners did not like me but still wanted me to marry etc. eh? Argh. VERY irritating* and there were too many even in one day because i often went walking as i liked giving girls the "3 seconds look date", i also walk twice as fast, but surely it was obvious that they knew me already, so why should i make a move, everyone has the same time and i ultimately even stopped smiling at them, and finally stopped looking. Entitled girls (came more towards me) feel i need to chase playing hard to get, and only time could relieve that "klein bottle" manwich trap, as i would not budge from my nature; well, how could i, and why should i, it's right. The "controllers" DO NOT get a clue, they are very rigid in their parasitic grasp on hacktard rights and the need to feel "high" by troubling "even someone like him", like even some of these petty shopkeepers and drivers and all, with the exact same mindset as their far wealthier masters who did not like me, or the idea that my net worth could be more than theirs despite them being richer , hwheehe ... about the girls, though, i did love em... if closer, like in public transport etc., I gave girls more time (not words, just touch) because (somatopsychic good), but if they just enjoyed it and didn't say anything, I would just assume they're mere sinks or too meek for a guy like me, and give up on them and move to the next hot girl hoping she'd have a more active brain, and although i always had an endless supply of hot girls especially in Chennai and then Trivandrum to play with the curves, it was not always a good experience because, after all, the elitists hate you and you hate them, they try to kill you on the road and you show a middle finger to every driver who does that, knowing that it is their "side economy" going on, hehe, and the parasites are defined as "good" and thinkers as "bad" and they impose their opinion upon the majority by spreading lies at a grassroots level wherever thinkers are interfacing with their dystopia... this, is "big brother"... (luckily finally i found my girl, and not even directly, for, it was the only way to find a "non-permitted" girl who, in not dangling from that old power network, has a more suitable brain for a bit of a sapiosexual guy like me (many are content to "join").
For both of us!
The only way! "Topology", lol... if you do decide to reject the elitists network AND get away with it IN civilization.
You know i could never have found a girl was it not for the internet, hehee.
You know i can tell some stories, i have more time these days, lol... that i should. Hahaha , i always tried...
But in Hyderabad, the sapiosexual / elfin kanyakumari characteristic is on average as expected less, proportional with distance, so it is around halfway between himalayan blunderite and far south indian levels; besides, manwiches had a heavy grasp, so people have tended to make such videos parodying the situation, in fact even puddink's friends ran into problems there, so one of the early stories i saw of hers, was her celebrating the police thrashing a guy with the excuse that he was disobeying lockdown, and she had a laugh emoji lol. But of course i am against the idea of lockdown as a general strategy because it implies that civilians are guilty until proven innocent rather than the opposite, and this is obviously not true for eath at large, just some parts like busan, white terror areas like taiwan etc. maybe kaohsiung etc. There were more "plants" (some are evidently seductresses, lounge around invitingly, but if they are talking on cellphones, beware, expect thuggee "backup" if not a thuggee yourself. I saw one cell-plant in Hyderabad... the only time i did... thought i'd flirt, that's when i realized, the cellphone is a scary thing, looked vey suspicious, the guy she's talking to might be lurking with his gang just meters away* and in Hyderabad there were more plants (and more near himalayas baiting good guys, obviously), or perhaps merely females who had decent genes but mentally dumbed down to prudes and were a bit uncivilized so would shout at a stranger male, but sometimes you just know then that you'd not clearly checked the beauty, because uglier girls are more likely to be plants in my experience. Well, sometimes it is just that there was nobody else to touch, i guess (and there were absolutely no such girls in far south India, if you touch a girl). Well plants are is more common in make-believe cultural gender war situations where by definition, the manwich is the "hero" and herds women like livestock or pimpstock to be precise but at the end of the spectrum you find, the reality is livestock also) The "plant" can be a terrifying experience for the straight guy... you have to run, when the slightest exploratory touch is a landmine, may trigger a "I need cancer in my breasts and the manwich / seidmann / (sodmann/faggot's) feces in my womb, how else will my baby have the dumbness needed to survive idiocracy, !" reaction that a guy like me must run from to save his time, like Tintin. Although running never happened with me, walking dejectedly away was enough, as my first touch is never ambitious but exploratory; the prude when seeing me fleeing would usually realize that she is the aggressor, not me, and shamefully abandons the idea of lynching. There, one of the days, one girl who repetitively kept thrusting herself in front of my eyes several times and she was pretty I would say (well, then I had not seen puddink etc., anyway), but she was taking instructions (from manwiches presumably) which is as much of a turn off as "plants"!
* although of course, i could outrun anyone in Hyderabad, but maybe not in Kerala itself, here the dancers in Haroon's video might look as if they could be fast and have jumped and chased down nice guys before.. though i run pretty fast enough and more like i jumped a high wall to escape when cornered in kochi once, an old woman and her old man partner had released a big dog just outside the main gate, i could hear it growling... well, if more dog adventures from that same city, in fact, see here)
Plants are too bad, in Hyderabad were so many that I pretty much stopped playing with girls there, especially because i had work to do, had left a crazy job, and ultimately found Puddink too, in the last few months.
But.. plants! For touch!
Any other guy but me, they would have thrashed and sodomized in prison, based on "the general theory about the treacherous rapaciousness of non-seidmenn males e.g. free Indians", but i am a gamer and at least once in my city a corrupt cop lost his job for assisting my baiters (a gang of idiots, (actors) from bombay, one claimed to have lost his wallet in the bus i was in, and when i saw the bus stopping at a police station next to "Chitranjali film studios", i thought.... "Bro"! It's easier if i just walk away, i save my time, and this is not the way i want to "know" people anyway, i am not a fool to roll my eyes at actors etc. They used the fact that i walked away from the bus as "proof" of my guilt, searched me in the police station, even a red clothed (not a cop) thuggee entered the police station and hit me, they must have some "reason", that i had thrown away what i had stolen because i knew that the cops would come after me (actually, a mob jumped me when i was just not even trying to escape, just sitting at the bus stop 100 ms. from that station, and i had no idea that they would send a mob after me, although the bus did come and that's exactly when the mob came, and i always get the feeling to slip away if ganged up on (but only twice, a mob! ), so this time i got into the bus even as it was moving on from the station by the time i had been wondering, "What the fuck is this mob?" And the driver, being good with schedule or not into the whole plan, took my side and slowly began moving the bus as i held on to the door side bars, waiting for the mob to give up because i would not be pulled ( i always assume that the mob will eat me etc., WTF! I have never been "taken" and nor do i intend to be), but then a giant of a man was ready, he pulled me! And that's when i stopped resisting and the bus went away and i ended up at the film actors' cops' station. The police officer said that if it was a guy lesser of a steampunk than me, he would have tied to the fan and beaten me heh. And then a new top cop came... led to the other events ... So, four events, where i could stave off fools... thanks to my hard work since 2003 as a steampunk (held cbble, ultimately), starting at winning an Age of mythology game with 3 seniors, as a fresher, at a tech fest, i'd randomly played, said "hey i want to play" etc., they were lacking a team member...! So... Four events! Okhi, rescued by angels; then mob in trivandrum, rescued by police (that's the only time my parents may have been involved as far as i know, as they are central government employees; why haroon said my parents are my angels, as i walked out of the police station in 3 hours; otherwise, me being a steampunk would only leave me immune to attack by corrupt military etc., but corrupt in government can always waste my TIME etc.); then rahul gandhi's failed "coup", and then finally the "pious flash mob" at Chennai. Oh yeah! In trivandrum, it was the first time i had been waylaid by a mob, the second was when i went to the neighboring state of Tamil Nadu, to my infamous college IIT Madras, where (despite their thug having hurt my knee in a football game)... i really broke from the elitists in a big way by being a steampunk and playing thrash metal (like we always played four horsemen), and some fools undoubtedly got thrashed and in those days...! Later, in 2017, when i was finding my way to the nearest bus stop in a dangerous village beyond Pallikaranai (in the road that has some mall on it)... the fat son of Joshua the iit expert welder, after we had bought some iron rods for my beach water project in Chennai, was going dangerously close to the goods carrier with the iron rods swinging up and down, projecting about or so meters behind the carriage... with me in the back... on a scooter! I told him several times, stop, maintain a safe distance, but he kept following the carrier at an around 1.5 meter distance, and this fool had a helmet on, not me. He was a weird mechanic, who had told me that a good weapon is a spring attached to the stomach inside a box; load it with stones and fire it at the enemy! Mabe a giant's weapon, haha! So I knew how it works with me, i told him finally, stop, i will walk (to the bus stop), but where we stopped... was a ghost village far from the main road (another reason why i got down... if you get a rod even scratching you in such a place, even if you are just slightly hurt, they might just kidnap you into the hospital, and the hospital doc (or... doxy? hha) may claim, "He was dead on arrival" etc... but of course, i got down, leaving the fatso dismayed, and then i was walking towards the bus stop, i asked several people (because i always get multiple opinions in such risky situations) including some girls, where is the bus stop, and! Next thing i knew, 2 bikes with 3 people on each came and asked me to stop, and whenever one or the passerby asked, what happened?" The other would reply, "This guy was troubling a girl in the road"! It was maybe 7 PM in the night, and this attack right in the middle of my project pretty much fucked up my project schedule too... the fools at iit madras believe research can be a "competition", and had given me 2 months to make my 25 + meter long plant on the beach. This was a couple of days before the "jury" would select the projects to be funded etc. and i was desperately trying to make it work... So as usual, i ignored these bike people, kept walking, knowing that i can always dodge bikes by running, changing direction etc. if needed. But many vehicles, all looking, and i took cover behind a bulldozer that had failed to spot me and was moving slow, and paced behind it, but then i was spotted by them! Next thing i know, a mob converges on me, one of them with a "lathi". I picked up a long stick on the ground and blocked the blows! The mob tied me to a pole, haha. But all such information here reaches not just the mobsters, but also the police, in my case, and within minutes a police jeep arrived and rescued me. That was full-blown religious (Christian, that guy) mob terrorism... the energy sinks are in every place, every "group", of course. If it was not me, but another philosophical dissident, like say a guy too poor to prove his superiority to the fools by playing games, in a shithead-terrorized place like India (or earth), like the other guy, they'd just kill... and terrorize prosecutors, exploiting how the "public memory" is not just short but a...
Anyway, all this is hardly about India, but here read this tweet chain of "Quote Tweets" to read know the more general picture.
By the this context... the last step in the sealing of the topology ... this !
... next up...
Such irony... the system they were using to keep the good out, ended up evolving (even if they themselves were egotistically refusing to evolve) and evolving, sculpted by entropy.. until it became a system where the good (or at least, the not so bad) kept them in. In jails. Next, it will evolve beyond even that, into utopia... as the good take more over from the merely machiavellian or energy parasitic.
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