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Log#32: Peering Into the fog of war in the great beyond

well, my good old half-friend, half-devil's advocate Haroon randomly messaged me today.

  • Hey bro you want the "OFDSD" address name on Facebook?

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following messages at 8:53 AM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    hey... ofdsd address name ? Like ... @OFDSD ?

  • that was a mystery... lol

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following messages at 10:26 AM
  • Just let me know when to relieve it

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following messages at 3:52 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    what might that entail though... do you want to?

  • Are you being pulled ?

  • away or something?

  • View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    what do you eman "relieve it" though.... give it to me? Give something to me? Just some login id etc. ?

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following messages at 3:55 PM
    View Haroon’s profileHaroon Najumudeen

    It's the present address to my page

  • No coercion of sorts just thought it's time I give it to you

  • It was your idea primarily

  • Not login I'd just the address in Facebook

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following message at 3:57 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    but what do you mean "give it to me" ... is it something owned or an asset?

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following messages at 3:58 PM
    View Haroon’s profileHaroon Najumudeen

    It's like a social address on the web where you find someone or something. Like in real world you have to go to a specific address to find someone or something

  • In facebook along those address are unique

  • All of*

  • @ofdsd is the address to Town sqire page

  • As of now

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following message at 3:58 PM
  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following messages at 3:59 PM
    View Haroon’s profileHaroon Najumudeen

    So I think it will be more meaningful if it was the address to your page

  • I'm just doing this cause I think ita the right thing to do

  • Nothing else

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following message at 3:59 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    yeah you're right

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following message at 4:00 PM
    View Haroon’s profileHaroon Najumudeen

    So just let me know when to change it

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following messages at 4:00 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    so what does giving this entail

  • what will you change though

  • the @ofdsd will point to some other page?

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following messages at 4:00 PM
    View Haroon’s profileHaroon Najumudeen

    You can put it on your social profiles that you can find your diplomatic profile at this web address on facebook

  • It's easier for people to remember and find you

  • Like a brand does

  • You know where to look for KFC or mcdonalds

  • Like an example

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following messages at 4:01 PM
  • type?

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following message at 4:01 PM
  • Anand M Kumar sent the following message at 4:01 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    so what exactly will you do ? how will you give it to me? Will you email me or something?

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following message at 4:02 PM
  • Anand M Kumar sent the following message at 4:02 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    this right now is a broken link though

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following messages at 4:02 PM
    View Haroon’s profileHaroon Najumudeen

    Ill just remove it as the address to my page that's it

  • If you search for Ofdsd in fb search tab you will find town sqire page

  • View Haroon’s profileHaroon Najumudeen

    If you search in google also you can find it

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following messages at 4:05 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    yeah that's the one that turns up

  • so i can link it to my ofdsd group instead?

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following message at 4:05 PM
  • Anand M Kumar sent the following messages at 4:05 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    i'm not very familiar with this

  • so also tell me how to do that though

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following messages at 4:06 PM
    View Haroon’s profileHaroon Najumudeen

    You have to go into the settings of your page and find the option to give an address to the page

  • It usually shows up when you create a page

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following messages at 4:08 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    works with page or group also

  • View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    yeah i guess you should... thanks bro

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following message at 4:18 PM
  • Anand M Kumar sent the following messages at 4:42 PM
  • about this @ofdsd thing

  • i set it as my page @ddress after you remove it?

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following message at 4:43 PM
    View Haroon’s profileHaroon Najumudeen

    Yes I will message you once I remove it

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following messages at 4:43 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    though... might it cause some instability by the way?

  • if you remove it?

  • just curious to know

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following messages at 4:45 PM
    View Haroon’s profileHaroon Najumudeen

    Why do you think so?

  • What kind of instability?

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following messages at 4:45 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    well, just .. .like... may it leave the ofdsd people far from earth in a difficult position?

  • in that case it might not make a difference and it might as well be as it is?

  • i mean... it might be more of a problem than a useful thing? Possibly?

  • just thinking it through

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following messages at 4:47 PM
  • Let me know when you find an answer

  • I trust your judgement

  • I thought it could be more useful in terms of social awareness wise to you

  • Not able to comprehend other factors into it

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following messages at 4:56 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    Well ... i guess it doesn't hurt if the sky/deep seas administrative aspects unknown to me remain within the structure that you had created, stability is the more important concern than anything for me, i anyway am not one to like so much awareness apart from people like yoyo who are pretty aware about me anyway without that address specifically... is what i think. It's not as if what you helped build up was insignificant -- in fact if it's the new order that we were thinking about ... Although the absurdity then (even now ) typical in the world did slow us down and perhaps some power mongers may have hijacked it all to some extent... It's not as if that was the only side, there was the good side too, influenced by all the post-tribal ideologies... and in that case the far-from earth aspects should not be possibly destabilized by some rash mistake, if i forcibly cut the connection that we had made in good faith. It is especially important now that this new order of time is really digging into earth so we are right now at a start of the next chapter perhaps and well, what do i want man, but the good of the thinkers and logical people of the galaxy and beyond.... so i guess it's okay man... let it be as it is, in town sqire, i guess. i know there was an old nodal/power structure across galactic society that was relatively elitist and is on its way out.. and it would be a futile delay of the ultimate naturalist utopian objectives... if the alternative also goes out with the old rotten nodal/power structure ... now that we'd built it up anyway, and people with hope would not be pretty much depending on a stupid move from my side hehe. And well... I'm no control freak, after all, control should be distributed as much as possible for the stability of civilization.... which is all-important.

  • View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    the stability of the towns beyond the earth should not be risked, is what i mean

  • View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    It might happen if you do that -- it might be that those in Kerala associated with this might get cut off from those beyond = and it will be a wrong decision -- is what it think. So i guess now no need to think about such a thing. I'll have to work with you more closely again perhaps? That is a more easily explorable possibility

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following message at 5:04 PM
    View Haroon’s profileHaroon Najumudeen

    Hehe nice deduction, fuck the elitists cant be helped anyway

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following message at 5:05 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    yeah ... cool 👍

I'd just said all this that I see, next on FB...

The 8... it's about the last post, the kushinadahime thing, well those of us at terra should take great care of our friends in the beyond... as earth is the capital and stuff.

So I actually am turning Haroon, i guess...


  • I finally got my degree bro, I'm thinking for another undercover knowledge seeking platform to explore now

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following message at 5:05 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar


  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following message at 5:07 PM
    View Haroon’s profileHaroon Najumudeen

    Or some job where I can really find some nodal orders or a mentor program where I can really make a difference

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following messages at 5:08 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    i think there will be lots of work leadership that will naturally come to us

  • as the current elitists are pretty much on their way to getting an auto-immune reaction or something from civilization even on earth... hehe

  • There is this company called zeelandia ... Taiwan - Netherlands

  • just some bakers for now i think

  • yeah it's hard to find companies closer to entropy and time

  • but i guess there are some

  • like diamond light source in the uk

  • i don't know any in india... yet

  • if we make one and connect it up with the other time types.. that's an idea

  • btw bro

  • my friend has a pro-rising sun (time) company

  • it exports cheap a natural medicine that attacks obesity and the less helpful aspects in mind, body and soul

  • a rare fungus

  • well  i did mention it in my last or 2nd last or so ig post

  • check it out

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following message at 5:12 PM
  • Anand M Kumar sent the following messages at 5:12 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    those in taiwan are currently my closest friends rn

  • It does increase vitality but by reducing metabolic share of useless bodily bioprocesses

  • so it is more like efficiency increase

  • than making up for damage by free radicals / oxidation etc.

  • prevention

  • it is a bit like norepi booster... makes people more elven

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following messages at 5:14 PM
  • So are you trying to sell me a product

  • ?

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following messages at 5:15 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    i can't go there to taiwan behind the siege they are within... but rather must work with them behind the siege, to relieve it

  • it is actually a shipped product

  • that can be of great use in kerala

  • so we can do this 50 50 or something

  • actually you know achu

  • he already runs an organic  products shop

  • i asked him to follow but he didn't

  • i guess he's a coward

  • :D

  • can't think for himself etc.

  • like most people

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following message at 5:16 PM
    View Haroon’s profileHaroon Najumudeen

    Well I have a few questions?

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following messages at 5:16 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    i mean.. can't take the risk to explore new social connections where his "superiors" might say "nay"

  • yeah.. tell

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following message at 5:16 PM
    View Haroon’s profileHaroon Najumudeen

    Does it require an outlet to sell?

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following messages at 5:17 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    well i don't know about achu so well im just guessing he's a bit of a coward

  • well they will ship the products, in crates. You just need customers.

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following message at 5:17 PM
    View Haroon’s profileHaroon Najumudeen

    Does it have an international license?

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following message at 5:17 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    it can even be like multilevel marketing -- but one with a real product rather than a pyramid scam

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following message at 5:17 PM
    View Haroon’s profileHaroon Najumudeen

    I think they found it from Albania or nearby?

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following message at 5:17 PM
  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following message at 5:18 PM
    View Haroon’s profileHaroon Najumudeen

    Yea MLM was more doable

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following message at 5:19 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    international license... hmmm. Apparently they did tests and it was good but are waiting on the license which is slow because the trolls who issue such believe that being an elf will lead to their loss of power or something? And if others become elves and they don't they will laugh at them or something? So some kind of typical idiocratic deadlock on the license i believe

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following message at 5:19 PM
    View Haroon’s profileHaroon Najumudeen

    Does it have multivitamins in it?

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following messages at 5:19 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    i mean.. after all.. taiwan is a country not recognized by elitist dominated ones like china or even usa

  • only 15 nations recognize taiwan now

  • it's a fungus bro with some unique natural compounds

  • just read my post about it

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following message at 5:20 PM
    View Haroon’s profileHaroon Najumudeen

    Yea I know about the issue in Taiwan middle of china bieng oppressed so they can acquire it like a typical eltist

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following messages at 5:20 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    i tagged holly sun

  • check out their profile

  • from this post follow the link

  • they explain in detail about the medicine

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following messages at 5:21 PM
    View Haroon’s profileHaroon Najumudeen

    So if we really help them out in a scale you hope to do it then we be gov9ng them more recognition and helping them fight the cause and making on a a huge communist country in a way

  • Bro as a friend I would trust you more than I trust a random Taiwanese

  • View Haroon’s profileHaroon Najumudeen

    What would the cost be to import a sample crate first?

  • Also the multivitamins part

  • Does it have any

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following messages at 5:39 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    yeah many are fakes i guess. but my friend is pure-hearted, and her friends holly sun is the rising sun nobility from the distant Orion sector. But i can get them to ship, that's cool, but distrib and all you will have to get achu (arjun i mean.. on your ig) to do that or something

  • no multivatimins bro

  • it's purely extract of that rare fungi

  • a highly potent medicine against all unhelpful metabolic processes

  • that also invite covid etc.

  • Haroon Najumudeen sent the following message at 5:42 PM
    View Haroon’s profileHaroon Najumudeen

    What's the pricing and the incentives

  • Anand M Kumar sent the following messages at 5:44 PM
    View Anand’s profileAnand M Kumar

    it's half price of this thing's normal market price

  • it's basically a super medicine

  • alien medicine

  • from elven parts of south east asia

  • you can charge it sky high to typical diseased people. Across india, so many

  • now taking high salaries and disease

  • So can set up the center of selling this at kerala or something


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