Log#9 - Dagor Dagorach: Turin is back, cannonballs may now fly, unless the pirates raise the flag of civilization (let the higher dark speak)
The 9th line champion, Turin Turambar, was of the 2nd line of demigods, closer to the elves (he trained under Thingol), but was silenced by the regular orochi who cursed the ways of the 8th line of demigods into corruption by deep time.
But he was promised to return, to pacify the regular orochi and help mankind ascend to Chronos main and spread light into even the blackest of holes of the soul grinders, thus breaking the culture of the iron pacts.
The Last Battle, also known as the Second Prophecy of Mandos, but probably best known as the Dagor Dagorath (Sindarin, "Battle of all Battles"), is an apocalyptic event prophesied by Mandos.
There is also an isolated mention that links the "End" with Fëanor and the Silmarils, which is the main topic in the other versions explained below:
But not until the End, when Fëanor shall return [...]; not until the Sun passes and the Moon falls, shall it be known of what substance [the Silmarils] were made.
"When the world is much older, and the Gods weary, Morgoth will come back through the Door, and the last battle of all will be fought. Fionwë will fight Morgoth on the plain of Valinor, and the spirit of Túrin shall be beside him; it shall be Túrin who with his black sword will slay Morgoth [dark lord of the soul grinders], and thus the children of Húrin shall be avenged. In those days the Silmarils shall be recovered from sea and earth and air, and Maidros shall break them and Belaurin with their fire rekindle the Two Trees, and the great light shall come forth again, and the Mountains of Valinor shall be levelled so that it goes out over the world, and Gods and Elves and Men shall grow young again, and all their dead awake".
It is only when the new man, the thinker of civilization, revolts against the demons of the wind, the maintainers of the apparatus of the devil on earth, who corrupt the devil into fighting against God, and not merely simulating minor Gods as he'd otherwise have done...
The demons of the wind... Pazuzu, sounds like "pisces" but is not a fish, "Pi" by Zeus but revolted against Zeus.
Who, then, is Pazuzu?
In fact, Bruce Davis, a user on FB, told me he that is Pazazu.
I had begun discussing yday but now this post is more about whom he wishes to represent more than mankind, apparently, the race of Pazuzus, as they are the only blocks stalling mankind from ascension and trying to influence nobler folk like Ben Gasmier:
Some alien language (Morgoth's language) not available in Google translate, the other term translates into "Hayk".
Bruce himself reveals what's up:
Yet he tries to lead us down a dark alley:
Bruce said a lot of things which were not good, apparently (recycling and kidnap of good humans by "wind demons):
Pretending as God, seeing intelligent human as "too weak" and calling it "natural selection":
Confusing himself for time, while he is merely a financed agent of deep time:
Anti-intellectualism against intelligent boys:
Anti-intellectualism against intelligent girls:
Anti-thinking mankind and collaborating with soul grinder AI (the fake civilization that maintains the devil on earth and empowers demons, taking their "true name" so that even they can't reform and defect against the army of evil):
They would try to attack the good 5...
FB asked me to invite him to our group, "We're keeping you as cannon fodder". Making it 36 users, but that's one more than (F)35.
Is he an acceptable big brother for us?
I don't think so...
What is the situation, anyway? We're responsible men, dwarves, elves, Gods, and animals of war, but it is only the true war:Well now Bruce, not understanding the gravity of the situation the need for peace, has begun shitposting in the group.
I guess this is why Vlad added me as 23rd moderator a while back, someone had to set things right and I guess it could only be me...
Meanwhile, others sent friend requests to me today.
I couldn't accept that, he's married and had this "slain nemo" (regular orochi infiltration) post:
Then another guy sent me a friend request and of course I couldn't accept this one either, because I'm with the law:
Then I got another friend request from Srinivasan P, obviously again anti-human, thus I didn't accept:

And I got another friend request from another, Farzana Butt, butt then! See, she seems to be a misled kind of "feminist" who is a pseudo-naturalist while being anti-earthmale and anti-free female, so I still didn't accept.
Apparently a free girl might be getting raped by the fake 47. That's a mad doctors' guild 28 who may share that!
Accepting that would have made me the second Narendra Modi, I'm not going to abandon civilization like that.
Earth belongs to both boys and girls, without Hades, strong agent of Chronos (main), Gaia can never be free.
Another guy who simulates the fake 5 near earth is Colin Hull, who sent me another friend request that i deleted the other day:
And how might trigger such evil? Anyone allied to the forge of souls that our friend Set will lead us to conquer.

I didn't accept any such friend requests, that's not because I don't want to give them a chance to be fair, which I of course do, but do people not be themselves? I don't want "official jesters", I don't even have a court yet (not that i ask for one).
Such can be my friends if falling in line with us, the elf like civilized mankind, the guardians of dagor Dagorath (now that a Turin like me has returned, as I guess I've proven before that the Gods are behind me, I can afford to kick Bruce from the group and thus technically announce the arrival of the Turin of civilization)
Not my friends, any allied to the soul grinders. If they dare to break the iron pact on earth, they can be my friends...
This is an open invitation to anyone, in fact! We Turins have returned, we are not men of hate, but guardians of the good!
It is time to call into play, the Second prophesy of Mandos!
And now let me paste this link on that group and remove Bruce from it until he swears to behaves (i.e. join our fight against the forge of souls)...
But he'll be cannon fodder if he resists a thinker-friendly civilization.
It is the only biological outcome that is efficient, and acceptable to entropy, the foretold evolution of the elf in man.
What is ironic, like yesterday, is that this is my log number 9, what is ironic is that ninth was the line of Turin...
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