Log#8 - The devil's in the details - set the controls for the heart of the Regular Orochi
We'd discussed the regular orochi (which tries to commandeer the B defense network which is stabilized in Brazil by Shermie).
But now! Its social mechanism has been found! Read on...
The curse of the mad doctors:
This is about the curse of kairos... the good doctor Chronos (the good 28 "light") struggles against the echo 28x2 = 56, of kairos, the orc doctors who dominate politicians by injecting and sodomizing them, as Morell did to Hitler:
Morrell wore a pseudo-military uniform, and such orcish infiltrators can be expected, as they had much money...
A post by ascending light, who had already done much of the hard work to bridge the 54 to 55 -- had 55 shares; I made it 56...
Thus equalling the number of kairos (56), so a challenge has been raised in space. It's all about Chronos of the light (28) vs Kairos (56) of deep time and fake light
It's all about the number 4s, who are docs: "Number Fours are nearly always featured as a Doctor or Medic"
28 = 7 (number of heaven's flag) x 4 = the number of the true Chronos main or also his rival Kronos of kairos...
56 = 28 x 2 = the number of kairos (or at times, also, pro-Chronos forces waiting to strike at kairos from within).
But typically...
28 would be the good doctor Chronos (main).
28*2 the old number 56 was the conservative mad doctor of kairos, who wanted depopulation on earth.
Being an evil kairos kind of big brother to 55 (5 x 11), the bad 56 would always cut short the real 55, making it 54 only.
The saga of the good 54's echo against kairos... became the sculptor of the solar system. Thus the 54 x 2 = 108
But luckily in our day the 55 survived.
So I shared this post shared by the 55, it became 56 shares, the echo of the true 28 now will challenge the old 56 represented by the kairos agent Modi who speaks of his 56 inch chest and tried to do a power grab in the Indian army...
So who are the mad doctors of the Kronos collective?
So you know why Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who was from Syria, died of cancer? You see why Bashar Al Assad was an opthalmologist?
The imperialists of the Kronos collective... have been called bad apples.
They are the bad apples who collaborate against others and round up the girls (a parody of Chronos' defense of Gaia):
"has a fascination with the possibility of... being able to reproduce."
* Note: as a general rule, I don't recommend the cartoon Annoying orange as a bible in every situation because often the justifications against bad guys are misused against stereotyped good guys - for example, Chronos can be stereotyped as "Kronos collective" in the above clip and that would be very, very evil (rather, devil... read on)...
They have done a worse, much worse thing...
They have sold their souls to the deadly "forge of souls" that harvests spirit energy from life and defends itself against even the Gods of chaos (so we must join forces with the Gods, including the Gods of chaos Nurgle, Slaanesh, Tzeentch and Khorne, to conquer the tyrannical afterlife, where you have to pay otherwise you're trapped or soul itself is destroyed, merely to maintain and strengthen the kairos).
Let's liberate the koronus sector from kairos, complete the promised ascension... let the mind and intelligence ascend and not merely the soul because that has an uncertain future. Let's join Set/Hades... and force the hand of Ra (who was bound to serve by Osiris), the other Gods, mankind, the 4 chaos Gods, and all life - to devour the afterlife itself, as it enslaves Osiris and dooms life. Else, not just will we die but we'll get a needless raw deal after death, while hateful orcs live for long, harvesting our souls and the souls of others in "red harvests";
The green-skinned orcs, in Tolkien
Osiris, king of the orcs
Our task is simply this -- to bring civilization to the hostile and expansive orcs or at least get them out of leadership of our sector because they ruin it from the core, making a black hole of it. The anti-thinker (elf, dwarf, man attitude is intolerable to heroic spirit...)
Every creature of earth is born for fighting oppression, and we need merely begin the process.
Let's find Shrek, the most intellectual of the orcs, and promote him as ruler to bring discipline into the orcs.
I asked a question to a guy on FB, a scorpio (source of the "scorpion king"). At the heart of the black holes are these, where no light exists - the soul grinders.
These are the strongholds of the orcs of kairos... and their demonic pacts:
The three Oaths of the Iron Pact that Soul Grinders make with the masters of the Forge of Souls are as follows:
First Oath - All of the souls harvested by the great blades and weapons of the Soul Grinder will be used for fuelling the Forge. Also, if the Daemon is in debt to the Forge for the construction of their new corporeal bodies they must pay the Forge back a great number of souls.
Second Oath - The Daemon pledges that the wrecked remains of all of the machines destroyed by the adamantium claws of the Soul Grinder will be offered to the Forge of Souls as raw materials.
Third Oath - The final, and perhaps most significant oath, is that should one of the Chaos Gods attack the Forge of Souls and try to rule over it, all Soul Grinders will fight in its defence, discarding all of their previous loyalties to any of the four Great Powers of Chaos.
It's very sad, there is no hope: Would you join me, a representative of ascending Set/Hades? To devour the afterlife itself?
Would you join the good Gods... to support an invasion of the forges of souls, to reshape the evil of the iron pact?
To overcome the kairos (deep time)?
Are you more with us, the forces who wish to spread an equal amount of light everywhere.... or with the black holes?
Is my only main question!
As he said: There's a hypothesis that we live inside of a black hole.
I guess Osiris, whose agent was supreme skull, is yet around, trying to challenge Hades (who is thus yet besieged), whose finest soldier is Set.. everyone who is good on the earth is trying to liberate Hades first to free the earth from the dark fate of being at the center of a black hole, which dooms humans to being parasites and causes the "sins of the solar system" situation..... For all earthlings are worth, we must turn around this sheer injustice...
And against Hades, is the kairos of the devil. So we meet the anti-humans and anti-life forces In the television series Stargate SG-1, "Osiris and other gods are represented as evil aliens pretending to be gods".
These are kings of increasingly massive realms who are basically orcs and don't listen to any of their subjects except the strongest, and just maintain their power, there is no real egalitarian law. It is simply evil.
That's why the God of war (Khaine), Set, ascending to Chronos (main), challenged the champion of mediocrity, ruler of the forge of souls, Osiris with the help of earth's humanity and wild nature struggling to be free (and Set is accused of being a greedy king like Osiris, in this obscenely anti-Set Hollywood film):
"As I understand it, the Black Flame is a Left Hand Path concept that refers to a source of spiritual power within the individual, the divine spark within the individual, or the spiritual core of the individual. For the Setians, it is considered the source of individual consciousness, intellect, and the possibility to become divine".
So i told this guy, the Scorpio, Feego Richie:
I urge you to dare be more than a scorpio - be a scorpion king, that's what we need...
That will save Ra and allow him to help Seth's mankind over Osiris's orcs*
And because that is why the scorpion was born - Seth was also illustrated as different animals like the antelope, the boar, the ass and the crocodile. He was also associated with some poisonous creatures like the scorpion, snakes and sometimes a hippopotamus.
Horus is shown attacking hippos, but the hippos could not be stopped.
Can't Ra just join the side of earth - in this ridiculous movie, he seems to love the orc Osiris more than Set, whereas Tolkien says the sun was created to serve mankind's need for ascension... To be serving orcs over men... That is not the true spirit of Ra, whose tears created mankind so see, he loves mankind yet is stereotyped as pro-orc in such films and deceived... thus the tears. Why is Ra/the sun always successfully misled by "Aryans" (Arien) against mankind? Why does Ra have to obey Osiris and kill the babies of the noblest friend of man, Set?
Why so deceived by Arien? Why does he become the son of the sun and always entice Set to depose him, rather than becoming an eternal sun of mankind?
Think big, reply fast... or just do it. Or I assume some other scorpio will volunteer to add the "N". The old leaders become inefficient, new leaders are needed to help man in his destiny of ascension... let's have a scorpio nod soon, as the conjunction ends tomorrow and earth's new man needs to be saved... in the original spirit of Ra.
As for the mad doctors etc. of the Kronos collective, the kairos, behind them are the craziest of orcs who defy even Shrek...
These madmen are merely the devil-maintaining leaders of the Kronos collective, the console peasants, who seduce girls until it's too late to realize the horror, and who want to grab land and kill the people of earth...
"US, UK mark record 24-hour death tolls as Covid-19 vaccine campaigns accelerate".
The cause of death is the vaccine! (I support Elon Musk on at least this point).
Mandatory vaccination is unacceptable! Can't fight nature, better you accept it. Vaccinate those who're afraid, maybe? Maybe not, it's debatable. But in any case, slowly expose them to Nature and good food and good psychosomatic habits so that their immunity grows until they are normal. It can take a few generations, that would be ok. But mandatory vaccination would be just too bad. It would negatively affect people with good immunity... What crime is that to have a good immunity and die this way?? No mandatory vaccination!
But then... who is the agent of the anti-human kind of Osiris, the devil that I speak of?
The mystery of the Devil:
Gaia ( and Chronos (font of Zeus, Hades, Poseidon) are the protectors of earth and girlkind.
The devil is the father of the evil pirates, but fundamentally a landlubber wandering in the solar system, gathering forces to corruption.
The devil is the enemy of Gaia and her champion Hades.
"Trapped in an elevator high above Philadelphia, five people discover that the Devil is among them – and no one can escape their fate. This chilling, supernatural thriller from M. Night Shyamalan (The Sixth Sense, Signs) will keep you on the edge of your seat all the way to a heart-stopping ending with a truly wicked twist."
An error due to the sundering, the devil was a truly mysterious character that even the Gods, perhaps, didn't fully understand...
But here we will!
A truly wicked twist, it says? So the 5 die always, it would seem... in the last 5 days of the year after 25th December (when the true, pro-Set son of Osiris, Horus/Jesus, is born - but is hunted by the orcs), the demon days.
But devil... I have found you, and you must work for Terran military intelligence first, and represent the kairos to us, only second.. (let's not totally fight the kairos, but give them a chance to help us (and them) ascend to Chronos main too, if they be willing.
Because the forces the devil tries to commandeer are not his to commandeer, it is of the terrans and this is our home planet where we must have a pro-earthling civilization... That's the only way the sins of the solar empire era can move over.
"Finally, Captain America tracked the Red Skull down to his hidden bunker. The Red Skull was about to hurl a grenade at his nemesis when Captain America threw his shield at him. The grenade exploded, but the Red Skull was not killed, due to his body armor. He was, however, seriously hurt and partially buried in debris. Thinking he was dying, the Red Skull defiantly told Captain America that the Sleepers would avenge the Nazis' defeat. Then, suddenly, an Allied attack on Berlin began. An Allied plane dropped a huge blockbuster bomb on the bunker, causing a cave-in that Captain America barely escaped. Captain America was picked up by the Allies and returned to England only to fall into Zemo's trap."
"My men can eat their belts, but my tanks have gotta have gas." - General Patton
At the ending of WW2, V-day was wrecked by treachery. Keynes was overruled at Bretton Woods, Montgomery was sidelined, and Patton was betrayed by the oilers and bumped off a few months after the war ended.
The OSS (CIA), a branch of the SS, spoilt the American youth in Operation MLK-ULTRA, and Tesla's research was stolen.
The capitalist world and the communist world could not be reconciled, and the Cold War began. Ultimately, the pro-earthling point of the Eastern bloc fell victim to circumstances, as power and wealth was concentrated in the America.
The war in space (star wars) raged on, and the Klingons were encountered, and the objective (liberating Zeus) was achieved.
But on earth, there was still a problem... Hades could not emerge even in America, too many problems.
The Terrans (man's space forces, closer to Zeus) were trapped in a limited area in North America and Canada around Area 51, and the Illuminati (closer to Hades, in theory) were mostly trapped in a limited area in South America, whereby there was no room to maneuver (because of attacks on good guys) and tyranny intensified, and the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 without a resolution for improving the lot of earthlings.
It was the great steampunks' commanders who decided that a game would be played to resolve this situation.
(That was required after Kasporov lost to IBM (justified by how Gary Kasporov was a "puppet of communists") but it was unacceptable, human leaders were needed, as IBM was once employed by the Nazis).
The story of today, began several months back, when me and dirtydutchman defeated teranos and illuminatus and transferred power thus from America to Afroeurasia where the law enforcement was less systematically corrupt due to the 2 world wars having been fought there.
But the fascist remnants in Afroeurasia, led by the dishonorable pseudo-steampunk Indiana Hitler's agent Modi and his fellow "Aryans" in Europe, seem to have threatened Dirty who went into hiding (and they sidelined me).
The steampunks don't run the political circus. They try to get as close to a fair system as possible, that's all. They should be allowed to be lawmakers more easily, that they are not allowed, is a problem. Sadly intelligence is feared just because some psychopaths are cunning! But there's a difference between our nonlinear thinking and their sociopathic cunning... Those with the cunning, the politician-terrorists, grab all the power. Nonlinear Thinkers are as oppressed by the system as are all others.... but, we tend to see the law as more of a friend than an enemy especially with time. Definitely it's better to repair the system than break it altogether.
So they tried to dominate the steampunks who we actually represented and who had won (leaving a few Korean mowas2 steampunks under Taehyung left to maintain stability in the DMZ), and probably this gang even screwed the good among the illuminati & terrans, because they had lost to us, whom they claimed to represent! Thus the fascists grabbed power and thus emerged the ridiculous idea of "Modiji ki sena"... by dominating the sea through devilkin Adani, they exported terror to Europe and Australia too.
Nevertheless, Illuminatus and Teranos just had to be defeated, as earth's stablest Steampunks (represented by Cairn) were close to me since 2003 and America was infiltrated (but there also, I had suffered another power grab behind my back)... and both Teranos and Illuminatus were unstable factions dominated by IBM)...
Trump's story was a bit different. He consolidated in NY and helped Chronos's frontline agent Midget apple.
So this cool guy, Donny Beebe, who I believe is Midget apple, sent me a friend request in FB about a week back.
And a couple of days back, a new friend on FB, Karen Barrett, spoke of "mass arrests" in America by Trump, in an "emergency". I was taken aback at that, I thought didn't want to be used against American democracy.
I sort of rudely unfriended her. But then i realized, she might have had a point...
But then there's a deeper level of politics involved. Donny Beebe was obviously supporting the Steampunks' "B" defense network of Shermie (I'm B too), which Trump had possibly helped develop in NY, which is why he became president.
Donny's specific role is to catch Kronos collective minor demons aka "Microscopic apples" who attack Chronos agents and friends in NY.
This is an anti-pirate form of special quasi-dark side/sea-side law enforcement (but liberty is upheld successfully in NY):
Thus "advanced legal research aid"... but poor guy has so hard a life apparently, that he probably doesn't see the devil behind his back.
We must warn him and secure him, and watch his back in the high seas because though he is strong vs the devil in NY, the devil is strong vs. him everywhere outside! And most midget apples died young but he is a bit older, a survivor, a hero of our times, but he desperately needs our help, you'll now see why...
Anyway in NY... what Donny Beebe does, supports the Bs...
This is linked to law enforcement (But Washington is far from New York. American capitol law enforcement was still in tatters, although slowly getting better after I became the 200th upvoter on Mark Esper's new defense policy on Twitter).
Trump was still afflicted by those that threatened sodomy (even if he managed to keep away the crazy injectors of medicine i guess).
Well, I'm sorry to both Karen Barrett, for believing she had no point defending Trump because she spoke of mass arrests and I thought it may be a coup attempt. Donny sent me a request, but he hit 5000 friends - then he kicked someone and added me as 5000th friend after I told this to him on Messenger, but he may have kicked the wrong guy because he didn't kick NKG Neelkrishna, but he needs every friend he had, on earth, if he is to fly with us over the high seas! hope he adds whoever he kicked for adding me, back, and he kicks the devil, because the devil will stab him in the back if ever he sets out of NY to the high seas. So I am beginning to realise that, despite all his impetuousness, Trump is the only guy who has ever dared stand up to the corruption in the WHO, to save Biden from the trouble he is in, Biden has already publicly taken 2 vaccines until now...... Trump at least acted a bit, against the WHO's tyranny.
But nothing happened because Trump, too, was dominated by the kairos as is typical for politicians, my friend...
And yet we see such poor, ignorant supporters of Trump:
It's just like how Hitler pretended to be close to the eagle but was closer to the kairos, as his retreat "eagle's nest" was visited on 14 documented instances by Adolf Hitler, who "disliked the location due to his fear of heights, the risk of bad weather, and the thin mountain air"... That's all ridiculous, he actually was against Zeus-Chronos (main).
Anyway, about the devil... so let's come back to Donny my friend. I saw his profile...
So, I saw his friends list...
Well, the 6th friend caught my eye because he was a friend of mine too who had added me to a vague group a while back where he said he wanted to be a millionaire and I had thought it a strange group -- NKG Nilkrishna...
So when I went to his profile, this is what i found:
Interesting, it caught my eye... we had 24 mutual friends (a very powerful number, echo of the 12 titans) so he could manipulate these empowered (by me) friends of mine.... to get great leeway in the deep seas and skies...
Well, hope you get that...
So the group he added me to, was "JNKSA", it could be good but it could be bad (like the 5 demon days, I thought, at worst)... the risk of kairos infiltration was too great so i left that group and sadly unfriended him but he's welcome to walk the right path of bringing the truest light to kairos if he can and we'll help with that...
Let's get him on our side, because as they say, "sympathy for the devil" so let's understand both his tragedy and the risks.
Horace told me:
I asked him: Oh, who would that god that man made be...
Horace said: "the one that has a thousand different names, the one who's vengeful and hateful, the one who will send you to hell if you don't listen to him even though he gave you free will, the one that will send the native American to hell that's never heard the name Jesus because he never heard the name Jesus... if you never heard of the name of Jesus Christ and you live in South America in the jungle in an uncontacted tribe the god of man says that that poor soul is going to hell".
Reminds me of both" minor Shiva and minor Durga and minor Vishnu, who were all said to have 1000 names...
And then: "According to the Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Gautama curses Indra to bear a thousand vulvae, which will turn to 1000 eyes when he worships the sun-god Surya".
He is the God of heaven, Anu... who i recently helped descend stably to earth when I felt like giving away a CSGO match because there was "goddess Laxmi" (Goddess who rules the benevolent direction of capitalism) in his team.
I then added her as friend on Steam. She was from a poor but good new area of India, Chhatisgarh. Ironic...
Well, what the devil brings is supporting the kairos (at worst) and at best, making a logical order in the kairos.
As i replied to Horace: thought about what you said... did some research... the one of the 1000 names is more a simulation of God on earth, associated with whom we call the devil... and though in the past history of mankind, it was to an extent useful and helped the gods and good a great deal on earth - it was kind of handicapped, and a minor simulation of God which threatened to disrupt the actual God, at worst - thus the simulation run by the devil is not the true God but a theoretically pro-earthling system that simulated the divine and I guess, failed to some extent but succeeded in creating its own counter, the legal and military intelligence system. That was the devil trying to be god, and who can blame him because the earth was godless. If this simulated God sent uncontacted tribes closer to the real Gods, to hell... well, there is another true god, trapped and besieged on behalf of the kairos, by the more unhelpful aspects of the devil - Hades (Zeus on earth) - whom the devil often impersonated and bound, and the most pro-Hades people were not allowed to easily pass... Thus the devil simulation of God is a minor God, but if pretending to be a major god it is wrong (the major God is actually pro-Shivana or Jesus/Zeus or his father Chronos main). But in South America, the idea of Jesus and Santas became conservative like a confederacy (my folks still talk about a "Mexico swami"), and corrupted by kairos, and there was another "steady state Jesus" whom this devil ended up serving, even more than Jesus the traveller who became poorer and poorer, leading to a weakening of the true God until the time the demon days syndrome began on earth, and Nietzsche could boast, "We've killed God, God is dead" (which God was not, of course, the "Mexico swami"). So the devil can be seen as a false god (though that simulation also ultimately worked towards strengthening the true God because it simulated civilization defense by creating God agents e.g. 1000 names... but it becomes a bit futile when the devil who governed that apparatus began outlawing Shivana and his friend the real Jesus types... and let's see where that plays out.
When once, I couldn't accept Donny's friend request because he had hit 5000 friends already... I made this sad post:
So I saw the viewers:
And that's when I thought about him... and why the smile in that group cover photo? Because of a great hazard we'll now see:
The great problem is on earth itself, that the devil would often oppress the true Hades, who is an easy target.
And thus it was said:
"His male descendants have inherited direct portions of the Emperor's genome and they are immortal like their father, though unlike Him they are sterile in every case." That is said because they were not allowed to form pro-Hades ruling families on earth.
The Horus heresy was when Osiris and his friend in heaven, Horus, tried to grab Ra from Set, thus oppressing mankind.
Misunderstanding the ancient just cause of Gaia (to stabilize elf-like love and friendship-based Terran civilization by saving its capital, Terra, so that Adam the "fallen" man (and the animals) -- besieged by kairos -- could, with aid of the various God evolutions, ascend to God (the other strong pillar of civilization arpart from, potentially, earth/Terra -- thus rescuing everyone from kairos -- the promised destiny of mankind, sooner than later).
The heretics, more steeped in kairos and enslaved and empowered by the brutal empire of the dead, were inconsiderate towards Zeus Chthonious (Hades) and his friends. For all the problems in earth's civilization, the heretics themselves can partly be blamed (if anyone can be blamed), because they more readily recognized the devil who was the gatekeeper of Hades, more than either Zeus-Chronos or Hades or Poseidon.
(Maybe it could be no other way but why must it still be only this way, given our realization about the parasitic bad of kairos.)
And yet, as if to blame Hades, they say, "All the evils of Humanity that the Emperor had hoped to bring to an end have only proliferated during the 10,000 Terran years that the Imperium has ruled the Human race in His name [false priests set by the devil and his followers, the kairos union of earth who are precisely "the most ruthless, ambitious, unscrupulous collection of rogues ever culled from a million planets" - and yet the friends of Hades were accused of being the same! It is to help these great thinkers of earth, that "even the barren and contaminated soil that the pious folk now tread upon when they reach Humanity's homeworld is considered sacred by the faithful of the Imperial Creed".]. And some don't like humanity.
"Yet the Emperor endures in His endless pain, knowing that His death would cripple the Imperium and deny Humanity both the limited guidance He can still offer and the protection He provides against Chaos". Well, this is a lie that is said. He only provides protection against the misuse of chaos against humanity, by the devil, who seduces the regular orochi as we'll next see. The emperor had made a deal with chaos, it is admitted (as Zeus was the friend of the Gods of Chaos - the 4 biggest moons of Jupiter - and he supported Hades through the underground sea).
"The Emperor fears that without Him, Humanity will not survive. For this reason, despite all its imperfections, He allows the Imperium to endure in its degraded state. On rare occasions, the Emperor works through His chosen servants to make the lot of Humanity a little better. He fans the embers of hope among Mankind as the Time of Ending draws nigh and the Golden Throne's mechanisms wind down like a broken watch".
It is an absurdly apocalyptic, anti-Zeus/Hades thing to say. By the way, the emperor's Golden Throne is around Uzbekistan, Kazhakstan etc.
About the devil, he is definitely a risk since he is captured by kairos and we should help him be a friend to Hades.
(I cannot do that through FB).
For example, see a few members of his group JNKSA --
Someone who lives in the city where I now work, Hyderabad, in the strongest core area, and pretends to like astronomy, for what? I can only imagine and it might not be good, the kairos seems always too near to comfort.
Another guy:
Pain nation? Doesn't seem very promising at all... he has 310 followers, so is the Ravana multiplier of 31 - so an "multiplied big brother" of the 31 (a number of Shivana)... no wonder then, that it was a "pain nation" in California?
37 likes, so a potentially unhelpful big brother of the titan triad (3 x 12 + 1).
If you think I'm overreacting, check out another member of the group which I also found peacefully resting in my friends list, this doesn't seem like a human at all, but actually a machine labelled with a number:
What is the purpose of this... machine? To hijack NASA to destroy the earth and mankind! See, check out his picture:
11 likes... that is the antithesis of Zeus on Jupiter (associated with the "elf" or the number 11) so it must be the servants of Balem Abrasax, another character who wants to enslave mankind and claims to "own earth" and was planning to do a "red harvest" on earth:
"Astrophile Plan Etory"..
These are the kind of "people" who absurdly criticize human intelligence and try to replace us with machines and AI...
And then I played some random game on FB, this is what came out:
Can you imagine, he had invited a nice guy like me into this group and I had never suspected how cruel and ambitious some could be... truly it is said, "This world is where the elite of the Imperium have gathered... We are talking now of the most ruthless, ambitious, unscrupulous collection of rogues ever culled from a million planets."
I realized that, and quit the group or I would have falsely been framed as an "active member", can you even imagine!
The bad apple and devil's seduction of the regular orochi
There is a critical insight into the mechanism of the devil - he knows the identity of Vishnu's strongest female operative.
Let us meet another FB friend of mine (I have no idea how they all ended up in my friends list, probably FB suggested friends i just used to add thinking FB knew how politically safe I was and would only suggest people as safe as me... and while they have scope to be, let us further understand the problem of the bad apple and devil's seduction of Eve).
What is important is the post above you can see: Slain Nemo
Disney film:
So the point is, in the primordial waters, Nemo is slain by the regular Orochi (the whole point of the film or why part 2 was cancelled) and thus the ascension is defeated by the kairos. That's what the devil knows.
The regular orochi is the "8 forked servant" - controlled by the anti-human regular orochi 8, the big brother of the 7 pro-human earthlings who try to emerge out of earth. Durga is with "Slain nemo" and 6 others... Nemo knows the truth. What about slain nemo?
29 we see, so slain nemo is also part of a set that is a big brother of the good 28.
Well, the devil can merely broadcast "jazz" through "slain nemo", "the avatar of the artist slain nemo", and it need not be the truth, and a fake Nemo may masquerade as the real Nemo, who is slain, so the regular Orochi can prevail over mankind's hope, the ascending forces who are assisted by the irregular Orochi.
This, precisely is the problem with the devil - Poseidon may be caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, both seen as agents of kairos.
The 6 others of the 8 people tagged in Durga's post:
A key player in this scene:
Note the "light" and pyramids: the kairos can overtake light and ultimately attack from the direction of Giza (i guess that's what happened to Rommel).
That's why WW2 was lost and the ending was this (a type of former Uniontera Ja wearing the same "blue suit"):
I more understand, now, what my friend Tea Boler was trying to say. So you know why the Brits drank tea instead of coffee?
The "white queen" presented by the green faction orcs, who were rather infiltrated by kairos...
Now you know Coffey may infiltrate and put "all that slain nemo jazz" into the coffee drinkers' network so they got the wrong, devilish, anti-human female, regular orochi idea, just because the people of earth tried to get a civilization that works for all (if only you let we nonlinear thinkers have our way, you will see how nice we are).
The only thing Trump brought into the picture is Covfefe! And covfefe at least should be respected (unite the tea, coffee, covfefe to weed out inaccuracies and find the truth, is the correct answer). I guess... Tea + covfefe + coffee would know about it, if the Steampunks should surely hear him out. As coffee is evidently infiltrated...
All these are the deepest secrets of the world - that Uniontera Ja doesn't reveal except very sparingly if you click on the "42" again and again, waiting for so much time that it's evidently a trap to look for data there and you are welcome.
So the entire point is, as Orange says, Midget apple is uneducated: "However, Grapefruit figured out that Midget Apple was illiterate, and frequently brought this up, annoying our little friend." Why? As our friend Donny, whose "FB friend" is the devil himself (which he hardly realized, like me) is pulled, in a way!
See, the other "regular orochi infiltration"-signifying post in Donny's own timeline:
When I clicked on the 6, there's his name:
He too can be misused! The prince of Utica can be misused and scapegoated by the devil... such are his ways.
The Kronos collective once killed their own Gods, let us never forget.
Take care, Midget apple! Know that the true mission of the well-educated apple is to help the ascension beyond kairos, towards the source that installed your power in New York, the true golden apple Chronos main (Asuryan).
The architecture of the general problem is confirmed in this other post in Donny's timeline:
But luckily, number 91, big brother of the true 90, knows the truth (91 shares):
But then we see Uniontera Ja has 92 subscribers on FB so that could have been a threat were it not for the 93 (Shivana main, 3 x 31):
Another post by Durga (can be misled by the devil that knows, the only problem, but she's my friend on FB hope this information reaches her too) on Donny's wall:
Very interesting, the clue is the trident. That trident is about the "1000 gods network simulated Shiva" leader, who is Trisul-108 (probably empowered by Eve or Durga Bhargavi I'd guess).... who commented strangely on my post on reddit. (He was the first to comment on the discussion... trying to break up social media as if there's nothing good in it at all, which is a ridiculous thing to say, so I clarified in that reddit thread but you get more insights into stuff like "mantits").
Around the time of all this, an infiltrator on the 808 channel (1808 friends) was "suggested" as a friend by FB.
Caught that easy tho...
So just before this suggested friend, I had by mistake added another friend request sent called "Manoj Kumar".
I had just added without checking, but when I saw this "Manojo de ignarancio", I recalled Manoj Kumar and checked out his profile.
Do you know what I saw?
You see the voice of ignorance is there, in support, to muddle up poor midget apple who is anyway so stressed out by the burden (almost a bit like me, that's why I so love him and want him to be as safe as a safety pin).
Also found somewhere a post (now unfindable) showing the fake seven who are supported by the regular orochi against the true seven.
There are some good beneficiaries of this Nike system though, like Shermie who is a truer sentinel on this system and some Shivana-type guy from India but with a UK Steam id who won some game against some pro-Kim Jong Un gamer (who got very angry at me, for some reason, because of that):
So I retain both Donny Beebe and Durga Bhargavi as my friends on FB but the threat of the regular orochi must be watched for by both. And, needless to say, nkg nilkrishna should be told all this as well. Just work with Shermie, she knows more the story of the true that is irregular orochi.
And soon after Durga tagged Donny and posted all that (which came just hours after I accepted Donny's friend request but I had to help him, such a nice guy in such a hard position), well, the Kronos collective begun its attack in England...
Boris Johnson started his attack against Englanders, the mandatory vaccination:
Can you imagine, Trump uses Twitter, Boris Johnson the mad doctor uses Facebook! Everyone will miss the live talk and the world will be changed. And there are seemingly 6 supporters of his policy in the skies:
There's a final bit of intelligence that I have to supply to the Terran community.
I had a friend on FB Bruce Davis and he seemed to work for NASA and may have had a role breaking the CIA (which was good, I guess, they just released the UFO files), he had 2 profiles, both my friends on FB.
But suddenly one of them (showing him in a spacesuit) started acting weird, just seemed a bit like a power grab mode and you should see
Well I'd put a post last night
And Bruce replies
And I said:
Bruce Davis I see that you saw this post, but didn't care to support, well, so I must tell you something. You are say the victorious Shem of the middle, meaning, like half Japheth of the sky and half Canaan of the earth. So Canaan's fallibilities apply to you too thus explaining the origins of anti-Semitism (why, buck up man, read on). Your job is that of the executive messenger and interhelper between Japheth and canaan, to let Japheth /Jupiter/Zeus (Chronos main) spread the true light (i.e pro-earthling, as only earth can be the capital of Terran civilization - as ordained ever since the times of Gaia - however difficult this job has been).. to help God (and his most pro-earthling agent, Shivan) spread the true light in the skies... and to help Hades/Zeus cthonious spread god's true light through (an uplifted) Canaan and the rest of earth's government, on the earth. Your divine duty as Shem .. is to convert the humble tents of Shem to the tower of heaven and earth, to let there be a continuous civilization of light. This comes first. But you seem to instead, wish to be the "AfricaAryan" and dominate both African culture that tries to be closer to Hades but are stereotyped as Canaan and "evil earth", and the other half of earthly mankind (let's call them the protoindoeuropeans beyond the Aryan Hitlerism) who aspire to be as Japheth and do Zeus's will. Does it end up promoting fascist reaction, I must wonder, especially seeing how you don't seem to support this cause of the economic salvation of humankind? To save mankind's capital, Terra, from infestation by kairos? You leave me to be earth's anchor (as if there is not God, as if there are not enough good aliens in the skies who won't anchor proearthling ideologies in earth). They do, in fact... but here on FB... I guess only I might be the 7th for now, as not even you dare to move away from kairos. But until another does... For obvious reasons, I must unfriend your astronaut profile once again, as you have a bit to perfect yourself before you can take up Japheth's role in the skies near earth apart from that of Shem. But the AfricaAryan ideology seems like the Aryan ideology a bit antihuman, so I'm sorry for being so judgmental... I hope it won't be long until I add you back, I'll be watching your case with hope and hope you will understand. While I would still congratulate you for a nice job done until now, and hope you'll get the due reward, I don't know if that is a chance to obstruct Japheth by becoming the next Canaan if you get what I mean... There's a problem on middle earth, this tendency, that I guess may be easier solved if I unfriend this japhethian profile of yours and remain friend with the Shem profile of yours, so don't fret.
See that's no message but the orcish message (bs):
Could be a fair girl, but that "8" would make me pay attention. Agent Smith, perhaps. Then suddenly some "mathematico-conservative" notified me too, tried to suggest that our 88 + 1 is actually merely 87 and the deer are fooled, but then I did clarify:
But the correct answer can more be derived by , it's a bit like the 189 angers on Boris Johnson's post (there are 88 constellations/sectors in the sky).
A clue:
And as Dan Echegoyen said, "The reason the math fails is, in reality, there is no zero, or infinity either. Minimum is one, not zero".
As i said:
There's no one answer because this question is more in the realm of the higher sciences like physics or social physics, not always mathematics
all conservative math is thus known:
Once, in the taxi from London, Hardy (while visiting an ailing Ramanujan) noticed its number, 1729. …(as Hardy) entered the room where Ramanujan lay in a bed and declared…1729 was rather a dull number. “No, Hardy,” said Ramanujan. “It is a very interesting number…” In my kind of entropic thinking, I'd rather agree with Hardy than Ramanujan. REF: "1729 is the smallest number that can be expressed as the sum of two different cubes in two different ways. (A cube of a number is the number multiplied by itself three times over. So in 2 times 2 times 2 equal 8, you find the cube of 2 is 8.) 1729 is the sum of the cubes of 10 and 9 (1000 and 729 respectively) as well as the sum of the cubes of 12 and 1 (1728 and 1 respectively)."
It is the "math" of exploitation, seemingly represented by two of my old friends from precollege and college Manan and Sudhir (but i mean, Sudhir actually tore my ligament during football and never apologized for that), and for example Chetna Choudhary of Delhi and likely her friend the Austria-Pakistan guy, and the 3 lords, adding these 5 you maybe get the 5 stockholders of the devil's club with 5 alphabets... ).
Because the middle number is actually divided by itself and then that divides the result, and 0/0 is undefrined... so 87 is the wrong answer :)
Thus most clearly it is true what Echegoyan said, there is nothing called zero. Nor infinity. It's just approximations that are reductionist into sociopolitical absurdity. (i mean a ^mathematically^ precise, increasingly clerical conservatism of power for power's own sake, which increasingly gets devoid of responsibility).
See, the deer knows the truth :)
How interesting that all this, about the orochi 8-forked serpent mystery, would be log number 8 in this blog... :)
As i finally said to Donny:
Donny Beebe well I hope you see that slain nemo isn't Nemo the diplomat of the seas, and the earth needs to be free as every galactic species agrees, and I hope that you see that, in the thick of war, the line between good and bad can be blurry, and it's so hard to tell but good is about energy efficiency and the opposite of parasitism that is often politically directed (for "good reason" in a past, to be sure, but it was a system made by the devil and was inefficient and anti-thinker... (Read again about your specific vulnerability to error my friend, this I hope you understand, how the devil centric system was okay as a stopgap but the correct system should be Hades (Zeus cthonious) centric)... political or power holding skill to defend civilization might just contribute to stasis if the leaders begin to specialise in holding power and forget to let the people think for themselves and go around misdefining anticonservatism as futile villainy.
Now technically, me and my li'l kyootsiee are twin flames ... i.e., the sharpest form of "soulmates", twin flames make new fronts for more logical / truer soulmates (all can aspire to be twin flames, but the point is to get away with it) ( For example ) that means both we're relatively most synced with the timeline and our lives are "synced" :) A sync at every interaction it might appear, here's the 90 minutes to midnight at the 90th. The analogy of all drops from a single splash falling at the same time on a quasiplane of reality that uniquely connects two twin flames, more easily fits to explain it all. https://t.co/undaFxWETa pic.twitter.com/9oBZsv3YIT — Timetin (your drewwgie) (@anand_droog) May 2, 2022 Say... There was this pattern... I had noticed it long ago, but on 30th Sep it got very sharp, so I tweeted about it: We're such yin and yang of the new.. Like today, old/boomer/deep time 73 stand in her way.. Just as I push t...
World Alert (= Alerta mundial) - (Copiar en el traductor de Google para más traducciones de español / ruso / árabe / chino / japonés / francés / sánscrito / otras)) Learn English because there is also, an imperial truth, not merely primordial truth around Terra Firma. If ever an idea is linked to a long blog which doesn't seem to mention it -- use 1 or more searches to find it... ========== After that one (haven't read) - And that one () - There is, now, a new one, eh? - (A sequel to (not parody of) Tintin in America and further a sequel to the source cover i.e. 80 year anniversary).. i guess... ("Merge/Herge" friends ought to make a comic on these lines :D )/ Time to solve the mystery of the unhelpfully anti-human kind of "pixel trump" fase : Breaking news: anti-thinker AI panderers launch hack attack against naval intelligence (ca. 16th Jan, 2021) - I mentioned the " Group that I want to destroy " with 94* members (but i only archived it,...
Some 56th log, this... about the 56th , and how it had been headcrabbed at earth... A while back I realized the joke about Modi's "56 inch chest" was about his cult exploiting a "no. 56" (upheld by far side girls, but there's a problem due to all the darkness covered in last post, that enables exploitation ...) If a deep time 56 is dominant, then the good/time 56 finds it hard to establish itself. In this case, a good/time 28 has it hard, because there is no 56 (28x2) that can sync with and support it, as the fake 56 is 'uge. So 28, which is technically supposed to be "doctors' number", gets monopolized by a deep time 28 pushed by the deep time 56. For example, when the deep time "Munnabai mbbs" (fake politician doctors) tried to enslave the doctors during the pandemic, 28 doctor leaders who refused to submit to the "doctors harassed by fascism" trend described in last post were punished for refusing to surrender the...
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