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The revelations of Khaine (kin of Asuryan and Morr)

Of course, war is best avoided, by the most intelligent solution. But if you're hunted, there may not be time for dodging war.

The reason technology grew by leaps and bounds after WW2 was not that inventions and scientific progress was made due to the various incidental successful experiments while developing war technology, as is commonly theorized -- but that powerful, politically entrenched demons opposed to  the dissemination of science and technology, were to a large extent, removed, leading to the unblocking of progress. Thus it is not as if war is generally necessary as an aspect of life, but at the same time, it is specifically necessary when evil beyond police exists. In the words of Khaine, "conflict is necessary for peace to reign; only slaughter gives the promise of life any meaning; and love is nothing unless tempered by the blackest of hatreds."

In other words: There are 2 types of war, just war and unjust war. If law is corrupt, then "R" replaces "L" , A and W staying the same; you get Raw, actually the inversion of that i.e. War. Only then can true peace follow, a law of evil is not true peace ... it is not allowable by the laws of physics... Entropy must always prevail. 

The meaning of entropy is that Evil is weak, and is defeated by the good... that, is general reality and over (the longer periods of) time. 

But what is evil?

About the origin of evil, it is about the Kronos collective:
There is both the good female rights "sigma" system, and the bad feminism (exploiting the sigma system to suck resources, leaving unconnected males (and females) in the lurch). Then, there is a "delta" or male/female rights correction of this error... there is also overcorrection (patriarchism). It is typical for worldly politicians to start as fair then become bad / rotten by the time they entrench themselves (e.g. Hitler started out helping Geli Raubal then betrayed and killed her, or Modi left his lover for the power of seizure and rape). So was Chronos, who began as friend of Gaia (earth) but became more of a generic great power pervasive on earth, more connected to bad/fake feminism and seminally, marriage and the vulgar elitism of marital socialism in which the married sell their souls to "the Kronos collective" and are blessed with minor powers, to assist the ludicrous mission of the Kronos cult to maintain the sixty elites.

Fake feminism is so bad that far-flung men start wearing mustaches and beards, and becoming bisexual, in order to survive, whereas women (i.e. K.C.) are difficult to please even in marriage.... as proven by a chat I had (25/12/2020) in FB:

(With someone who ridiculously had the same name as me, "Anand Kumar"! WTF is the shadow about that I wonder...)

It literally birthed sin. This is why enlightened males and females hate the K.C, but many succumb to temptation and get down on their knees or rear, and some make it part of the service of God's (the Chronos family, including its daughters managing to be freed i.e. the sister of Zeus) will ... through (oft-self-serving, if not in theory) priestly apparatus... to wade a path through the mess of evil, men just had to wear mustaches (signifying factionalism) and incorporate homosexual genuflectism in Hinduism Islam, Christianity, and nearly every religion (and especially political upclimbing in Greece and Sparta (aka Western Siberia)), the ruthless absurdity of Platonic "love", and marital socialism   into their cultures (which even dogs do to people, I've seen street dogs randomly genuflecting in front me (I don't out of where that happened, I swear!).... and ultimately, by the times of Trump and Modi, we saw them justifying rape, flesh trade, and wanton destruction of the sigma network as if to say patriarchism is not equally an aspect of the Kronos collective, and not equally evil, and all evil is merely in females, like how the biblicists said... most (or at least patriarchical) males were just insensitive to a female's constraints, just as most females were insensitive to the groupist male's constraints, but it was all justified by  aquest to survive against overwhelming odds as "part of the culture" ... this, then, was the corruption caused by the Kronos collective)... ultimately, gay /bisexual men and lesbians were induced into existence by the pressures of reality as they could somehow navigate the sigma and delta networks with more ease...

(like them palace eunuchs)

And do they do MORE... 

The Kronos collective empire is described in the Ukrainian/Russian game Star Wolves 3: Civil War:

Book VIII of Plato's Republic involves an allegory of marriage centered on the highly regular number 60^4 = 12,960,000 and its divisors. 

Later scholars have invoked both Babylonian mathematics and music theory in an attempt to explain this passage.

As Wilhelm Reich should have said, "Originally and naturally, sexual pleasure was the good, the beautiful, the happy, that which united man with nature in general. From the standpoint of social development, the marriage is the basis of the authoritarian state, one of the most important institutions which supports it. It is its central reactionary germ cell, the most important place of reproduction of the reactionary and conservative individual. Being itself caused by the authoritarian system, the marriage becomes the most important institution for its conservation".

Below is a typical text from a relatively recent translation of Republic 546b–c: "Now for divine begettings there is a period comprehended by a perfect number, and for mortal by the first in which augmentations dominating and dominated when they have attained to three distances and four limits of the assimilating and the dissimilating, the waxing and the waning, render all things conversable and commensurable [546c] with one another, whereof a basal four-thirds wedded to the pempad yields two harmonies at the third augmentation, the one the product of equal factors taken one hundred times, the other of equal length one way but oblong,-one dimension of a hundred numbers determined by the rational diameters of the pempad lacking one in each case, or of the irrational lacking two; the other dimension of a hundred cubes of the triad. And this entire geometrical number is determinative of this thing, of better and inferior births."

Ah, what claptrap by plato..

Actually, Plato might not have been a marital socialist, as he also had said:
“all these women shall be wives in common to all the men, and not one of them shall live privately with any man; the children too should be held in common so that no parent shall know which is his own offspring, and no child shall know his parent.” It is a bit like the alloparenting / right to relationships idea that I believe is better, but the rest of what he says after this is going too far and I again wouldn't agree. Anyway... 

In truth, the "number" thingy, is about the 60 elites as it used to be...

 (thus are the minutes 60 in an hour, and seconds 60 in a minute... and thus is Kronos the god of TIME ... see, if you have 1 rising good power against THE 60 bad powers, he can still sabotage them easily, good, but if you have 2 against the 60, has been done a lot before, no big deal etc. but with 3 it is a slightest bit harder but not that much, after all 4 is there for good, and is typical, and so on (let's call it the set of n)... sometimes, you join old powers (m-set) where m = n (e.g. the n-set of 7 joins the m-set of 7, etc.) and there is resonance of cause against the evil 60, and evil is challenged even more, and there is increase in n. But it is harder for example, for 55, for there is an evil 56 where the 56th pretends as a good m-set or friend (good big brother) of the n-set 55 but is actually a misleader allied to EVIL i.e. the marital socialists and their 60 ultra-lords...

The problems faced are even more at higher numbers, and the problem faced is intense at n = 59, where the 60 elites of the marital socialists, themselves lend out a hand, wth actors, but it's the false hand, a trap... it's so hard, thus the ancient rot of TIME, the 60 of evil, who win, the marital socialists win in their sector of the universe (lately including earth)... and once again it is the devil of earths and waters, enslaved by the marital socialists, who divides and rules over small people and Gods alike...  Thus was born the tyranny of the Old Empire. 

The only good thing about the Old Empire is possibly that Chronos/Saturn still tries to or successfully does dominate it, thus the emperor has a divine right to dictate to the marital socialists... because the son of Chronos is Zeus (seminally), who seeks to liberate his father from the marital socialists to precipitate Chronos out of Kronos (now that is not a general thing that can be said, but still)... 

How did the 60 originate? We have confirmation, that the 60 officials of the ancient good Chronos were matched and outdone by the 60 "titanes" of the Kronos collective of the then-emergent old empire:
The Sibylline Oracles accuses the Titanes, making Cronus, one 'Titan' (the seminal birth of the largest moon of Titan as stronger than the (king of) Saturn, then the strong officer of Chronos), and Iapetus (Jupiter), the three sons of Uranus and Gaia: “After the death of Uranus, Titan's sons attempt to destroy Cronus's and Rhea's offspring as soon as they are born, but at Dodona, Rhea secretly bears her sons Zeus, Poseidon and Hades and sends them to Phrygia to be raised in the care of three Cretans. Upon learning this, sixty of Titan's men then imprison Cronus and Rhea, causing the sons of Cronus to declare and fight the first of all wars against them. This account mentions nothing about Cronus either killing his father or attempting to kill any of his children”. 

The sons of Chronos fought back:

The New Empire was born, with the wildlings and Luffy, of Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, and Aphrodite of Uranus fought this problem... 

Just that it was not "established last year", that is the fictional part.


About the 3 supercorporations (a bit like a nodal keiretsu)

Read it again and again, it is all self-explanatory...
(Please buy and play Star Wolves 3 Civil War on Steam, it even features Donald Trump, believe it or not!)


Ww2/star wars was fought more in space, more by the terrans, to liberate Zeus..
 but Poseidon couldn't be liberated yet, the pirate (whose evil is inspired by the old empire's evil) and old empire / marital socialist problem (and the politician terrorist aka landlubber problem) i.e. the ancient SS remained, imperiling both Hades (liberated to an extent in ww1, and especially in WW2 Stalin's invasion of the "tomb of Timur" whch precipitated the attack by the Nazi fascists against the USSR) and Zeus...  historians didn't label ww1 & 2 correctly as "THE war to end all wars", they were merely 2 of 3. 

Need is of another, to FINALLY put an end to all wars (3 wars - one to liberate Zeus (WW2 + cold/Star Wars), one to liberate Hades (WW1) and the third to liberate Poseidon. This need not be a particularly warry war, it need be as harsh a war as the resistance of the politician-terrorists
This will be the final resurgence of the Golden Age of Chronos and downfall of the pretenders' cult of "Kronos"... 

And it has begun:

If you need any more clues about sektor: earth, I say, look to the ancient east where also the Kronos cult agent Modi is active:


Regional language propaganda (even i can't read it):

Zooming in on one fundamentally critical insight:

welly welly well! Accidentally discovered this organization when I searched "counter terrorism" in Twitter...

They had 1964 followers, by today 1 seems to have smelled a rat and fled when i revealed this y'day :D
It seems like the "Imperial security" of the Old Empire... It follows none, but privately, the orders of the Kronos collective?!

The Kronos Collective shows its "omnipresent" power of delivering death to heroes, through the "dies irae" aka Santa Claus melody

The silver lining is that they're in theory answerable to Hades also, not just the Kronos cult - the 2 rival powers of the deeps; but Hades (the fire of hell) usually used to be besieged, though now very lately he is free.

Hades is the most beloved of all Gods, Baldur...
To help the friends of the good and free !!

Time for real or virtual meetings of the UN, Interpol, intelligence, and forces, to decide, in this rare moment of insight once and for all, the necessary objectives of WW 3 (this meeting should not be dissolved until the war is over, like the Yalta conference, where it erred in how it wasn't continuous with the Bretton Woods conference where Keynes was screwed over).


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