Abstract: Tea Boler after the sundering of the elves (the fall of Adam)... evolutions of the creative spark have emerged, in succession, holding out hope. The civilization of our galaxy... has been led by different leaders like the beetle and then the hawk form of Ra, and the golden boar if the Norse gods, but long ago it was prophesied that it would be a form of man, but demigods rose and fell because they were always superceded by other, more capable forms of man. Its thinkers ought to be philosopher kings who know logic objectively, what all can agree is good. Zeus saw rightly ability as reflection of the inner fire, and gave to man the Olympic torch for him to find his leaders, his best, to lead the ascension. In that tradition the steampunk typically a nonlinear thinker, is a return of elfishness to man, is to be the new leader of mankind, the most creative and least parasitic (in the context of the kairos collective of the energy parasitic) and thus the herald of the distant Chronos-Zeus...
To spearhead the Ascension of man to the real remnants of the elves.
When Tantalus insulted Zeus by killing his son Pelops, that is, when Baldur/Abel died -- it was the sundering of the elves, whereby a great darkness and a cosmic chaos arose, a very high soul level species of elves fell to a lower soul level species of man, who were nevertheless blessed with "divine sparks" hastening evolution from a source, the Secret Fire i.e. high soul level genes from Hades... The meaning of how the creative spark powers evolution - it causes an elevation of the complexity of the soul, towards a more pro-entropy process that at steady state is free of defects (entirely non-parasitic) and thus becomes completely acceptable to entropy, which manifests as the immortality of its form. Until that is achieved, the acceptability of its soul to the ecosystem, the lack of parasitism and generative/creative ability, is tested by death. It is always the highest souled creature of the species (soul level = x) that is the next species (soul level = y) to evolve, thus were the evolutionary cycles on earth. This is the meaning of Lamarckian evolution of ability and soul during a life time, Darwin's view is ridiculously communalized, individuals are very different.
There are six Infinity Stones: The Space Stone (blue), the Reality Stone (red), the Power Stone (purple), the Mind Stone (yellow), the Time Stone (green) and the Soul Stone (orange). Each represents a cosmic political power. (Final Time of "Endwar" = the time of emergence of the true 7 (final king of the House of Beor i.e. a returned son of Horus), 8 (final King of the House of Halad), and 9 (House of Marach) -- (the 3 Silmarils of men) to assist 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 (Thanos' six infinity stones or Archaon's 6 treasures of chaos) - securing the infinite cycle of the 8 (leading to the securement of the 7th or true heaven)).
In Tolkien's works, the Secret Fire or "Flame of Anor" refer to a mysterious heavenly power in Eä and Arda (earth).
Helios the fire, a more efficient way of life (it is the shared secret of the stars)... was the second God of genetic ascension.
There is ascension of a new Ra, a victorious friend of the people.
Often in many forms of man.
But a new species (in case of Ra, maybe even animal) could evolve more suited to leadership.
It may be the curse of every Ra to die out as a reigning species (and survive as a reconciled combatant or a more diplomatic species under a truer Ra), but a blessing is that one species (the hsss) can conquer the Koronus Expanse itself...
About Ra:
The Secret Fire seems to refer to that aspect of Eru Ilúvatar which is his Power of Creation. This power was with Ilúvatar at the very beginning, so when Melkor [the anti-Chronos lord of the dark, lord of Kairos] sought for it alone, it was in vain, for he could never find it because it was solely with Eru himself. Later, Eru set it (or an aspect of it) at the Heart of Arda [i.e. Hades, Mandos, the God emperor of mankind, himself fueled by the flame of Ra]".
That ... the placing of the Secret Fire in the centre of the earth... was after the fall of man... whereby a great darkness and indirectly liberating chaos engulfed the gulf between heaven (around Cygnus to the pole star) and earth... and Asuryan knew that the elves would fade and man (and animals) would ascend by the fire of Ra due to man (and animals) alone being able to rectify the mystery of who is Khaine and who is Kane.
In the great darkness after the sundering which was the death of the Abel bloc, a lot of evolution happened to counter the evil "Kronos collective", the dark marital socialist republic of piracy that broke out in the sundering seas.
Chronos (Eru Illuvatar, or Asuryan, or more generally the good elf of heaven) was besieged in the Koronous expanse when Abel fell, and it was the job of the solar system to bridge the gulf, it was the destiny of man.
The cycle of evolution in the darkness, across different species manifestations of Ra, was such:
The Chronos of heaven and the Chronos of earth build up, and in the Koronous expanse where the most dangerous lords of the Kronos collective lived, to liberate the noble and set up a "Chronos main" (many forms of Ra, the fire in earth and sun, repeated this mission in succession, until now when we're finally close to immortality thorugh conquest of the Afterlife itself)
In the solar system...
Different evolutions powered by Ra, the flame in the sun (the divine spark of creation) chronologically ascend towards 'Chronos (main)' as new leading species dearer to entropy, overcoming the parasitic old order resulting from the days of the piracy and unconstructive activities since the sundering of men and elves.
The parasitic, are increasingly infiltrated, and become integrals of a culture that can be called cultures of "incremental parasitism" that have to be reformed.
In other words, there is a Ra cycle (cycling of more advanced souls, ascending from mortality to elf, across various new, decisively nicer species, who when breaking out, stabilizing the universe - establish the 3 elven kings of love and logic - until deep time catches up - this cycle goes on until the promised victory of Time over Deep Time).
That is the destined reevolution from more linear thinking man to more nonlinear thinking elf.
(what I mean, is an "order of the defeated Ras", once the icebreaking light, next a niche leader of the forces of light and ultimately of pseudo-light (as with the leader of the scavengers orochi or its ultimately defeated descendant Ghuun), that is why the afterworld needs to be conquered and liberated once and for all" which is the meaning of ascension to Koronous expanse where you can meet some of the strongest pro-B civilization people aka elves),
The divine spark got redistributed... to help earth's biosphere ascend, master time and kairos.
The late stages of a once victorious Ra species were more characterized by corruption by kairos... don't get the picture to ascend to the true light, but kept power and were "parasitic", and were replaced by the light forces led by the next species evolution of Ra.
It is the the next evolution of the Ra, the rapid cycling of the evolving spirit of Chronos, vs the kronos collective trying to infiltrate and dominate the earth's "B" defense.
There is always a victory of the seminal Ra who ascends to the Chronos and thus conquers time, but always until now, deep time has won, but its victories have been more and more pyrrhic and in WW1 and 2 (which stopped at earth but went on in space), the forces of evil were majorly defeated...
THROUGH TIME, the various evolutions of Ra - I suspect the reptiles came early.
Shu, God of Air
at Uranus and then Jupiter (supported by the Tefnut's cats), an eternal form of Ra but they started often to become distant from Ra.
Shu's sister Tefnut borne of the Narasimha dynasty, the deep space upholder of an oft-misused support system for Shu
Ra as golden beetle
The increasingly threatened and half gree, half white late Horus, who could talk well, but had lesser ability to eat...
Ra was most commonly featured with a ram's head in the Underworld. In this form, Ra is described as being the "ram of the west" or "ram in charge of his harem."
The most common Ra form combinations are with Atum (his human form)...
The elves, and then men, arose to master the cosmic spread of light.
But at the same time, many, often bipedal demons spreading darkness also emerged.
After Atum the elf - the story of Atum the man, the Human King (Mandos):
But Finwe, the last Horus, Vishnu in shesha naga, was not fully a fair king since his noble wife Miriel escaped from him.
Thus there is a "most diplomatic" new (in terms of time, space, and abilities like thinking and speech)... every new species on earth, was a rebirth of the "secret fire" whose aspects are the stars thus Helios aka Ra god of the sun).
Ra, as puller of man's civilization towards ascension to heaven, was thus destined to birth Gods and species leaders in the fight against parasitism.
The age of dragons began in the times of Horus, when increasingly were formed new dragons to counter the Orochis
Sesha naga, mount of Vishnu the 7th God Horus, was known for its "seven heads of Shesha" -
But the creative spark would birth a competitor.
There would be another ascending time, the ascending new Chronos species, whose success (destined in the evolution which is a result of more favorable distribution of entropy) determines the next species to be born and the next incarnation of Ra).
The orochi's primal rise was in a then (at least Miriel will say so...) justified destruction of the parasitic "Horus collective" or fake Horus, or privileged fake "G" linked to the hijacked-Orochi who is enemy of Orochi Shermie, the friendly one..)
"In some literature, Ra is described as an aging king with golden flesh, silver bones, and hair of lapis lazuli".
As the rise of satan, a true old boys club, and its infiltration, began, and the counter at heaven and earth began, the true successor of Atum became a mystery lost in the Koronous Expanse and never could the gulf successfully be bridged so easily.
Far away also but especially around earth was the mystery.
Who is the true Atum-Ra nearer more to Chronos-main than "deep time" or Kairos... who is the true bridger of man to elf?
In human forms, Ra's form Atum could be a true King like Mandos or there could be a false king type of false Cain or Kane fallen "Adam", a champion of mediocrity
THE first murderer was fallen Cain (descended from none other than Adam aka Atum son of Ra and thus Ra):
The story of this first murderer, an old generation human form of Ra who bent to the new more logical new Ra, like Indra, so that the Regular Orochi could be defeated...
Is the story of Dadhichi):
Those were many of the sons of Cain (plus Morr and Asuryan etc.) (some of whom were more like the good Khainites of Asuryan)
Kane, the enemy of the new Ra-Khaine (but often later Cains and Kanes escaped... to spread darkness in the primordial waters around the Eye of Terror, killing the nobles of earth to make the world of 365 days, in which demons prowled in the last 5 days):
Long would Mandos, pro-elf king of earth Hades, have to evolve into elf, to be reborn as a final, and hsss stable in earth.
"In some literature, Ra is described as an aging king with golden flesh, silver bones, and hair of lapis lazuli".
But who is the good, real Ra? Who is bad Ra?
In the question of a blurry midlife, the question is, who is the young good man conquering the old kairos, the true Ra true leader of the sun elves, who is the champion of mediocrity terrorized by jesters into fighting for the Kronos collective?
It could not be known as the deep time had emerged to besiege the Koronus sector, as Chronos (main, aka Abel) in the earth-heaven sector had been killed in the "fall of man".
The War Starts - the first rise of the late, corrupt Orochi the 8-forked dragon who fought the irregular Orochi aka Orochi Shermie's good 8-forked dragon ... was initiated by Vishnu (the serpents had decided to rebel against evil)
Against the forces of the Kronos collective, who were commanded by Dadhichi:
"A terrible war began. The demons made a speedy attack on the gods and wounded many by hurling on them javelins, spears, and tridents, by shooting arrows at them and by hitting them with heavy swords, cudgels, axes, and maces, etc… Arrows after arrows followed and the whole space was full of them. It was not possible to distinguish friend from foe among the fighters. The gods, confident of their victory, were showing their utmost skill in fighting. They chopped off many among the army of demons. The infuriated demons hurled on gods’ huge rocks dislodged from the hilltops and uprooted massive trees. But the gods without losing heart went on fighting. The repeated attacks with rocks, giant trees and varieties of weapons only brought exhaustion and not a victory to the demons. The Gods had the Grace of Vishnu. All the efforts of demons were rendered futile. After many demons were killed, the rest of them began to flee from the battlefield.
Vritra (more parasitic, less capable, tyrannical) was alone left to uphold the false eight against the chaos wyrm...
"Then Vritra's army was disrupted and the soldiers began to run away, Vritra tried to instill courage into their hearts. He shouted, “0, brave soldiers! Stop, just listen to me. One who is born has to die. Then why don’t you face death cheerfully and win everlasting fame in this world?” But none of those demons heeded his words. They were still running away. Vritra was not prepared to stand aside quietly and witness his army being destroyed. He became terribly annoyed and with his terrific yell turned upon gods, shouting at them, “Come on, come on! Face me how you will! Let me see if you can bear the heat of my war.” He fell on them with fury. His very yell drove terror into their hearts and many gods fainted
At the other end of this was the cultural aspects around Jupiter (I believe, the tower of the snow) which of course was equally susceptible to takeover by the evil Orochi faction (the enemy of the good Orochi faction).
Every newer form of Ra, ever victorious, descends in golden form with the fire within (the union of Titan and Titania), does its job and is then ever after remembered as a new beloved species, friendly to the life and entropy...
Indra [the the next Ra, but later a peacock bound in service of the Kronos collective] burned with anger seeing the overpowering Vritra and the fright of his own soldiers. Aiming at that enemy who came directly charging on him, he hurled with great force his massive mace on him. Anyone else would have been crushed under it. But Vritra caught it with his left hand laughing all the while and held it high. By then his anger too had grown tenfold. Flourishing his own terrific mace, he hit the elephant Airaavata with it and growled. Airaavata being unable to sustain that blow tottered under its impact; with blood flowing down, it groaned in pain and turned back to run away along with its rider Indra. Vritra did not aim at Indra. To hit him again with his mace for he saw Indra in dismay as his elephant was wound. Though he was a demon, he was scrupulously fair-minded in war. Mahendra stood still after alleviating the pain of his elephant by stroking its back with his comforting and refreshing hand. Vritra taunted him, “What sort of an enemy are you to me? You have no scruples. You slew my brother [ the first orochi to be slain by a new avatar of Ra, Indra destined to overthrow the orochi race] and earned the sins of killing a guru and a Brahmin. By taking revenge on you, I am relieved of my debt of duty. Now, don’t you see me standing before you? "
But then orochi's human helpers would be removed from him: Dadhichi [3-8-9], also known as Dadhyancha [3-8-1] or Dadhyanga [7-1], was a central character in Hinduism. Dadhichi is primarily known for sacrificing his life so the Devas, or benevolent celestial beings, could make the weapon called "vajra" from his bones. After being driven out from Svarga, or heaven, by the serpent king Vritra, the Devas needed a powerful weapon to aid their fight. By making use of the vajra, made from the sage Dadhichi's bones, the Devas defeated the Asura and reclaimed heaven. Dadhyancha or Dadhyanga in Sanskrit is a conjunction of two words Dadhya (curd) + anch (parts), which means "body parts taking strength from Curd."
“We are in difficulty. We need your backbone if we are to survive. You must make up your mind for this kind of a sacrifice.” “Alright. Man has to die one day or the other, hasn’t he? It is better to die in order to benefit others. I shall give up this body in a few minutes. You may take my backbone.” How queer this piece of conversation looks!
"Why don’t you try your grandiose Vajraayudha on me? I hope, being strengthened with Vishnu’s radiance and Dadhichi’s spiritual power, it will not fail miserably just like your own mace?” Thus he mocked at Indra. Even while uttering these words Vritra assaulted Devendra with his trident held forward. Indra saw the demon charging on him with his deadly weapon like the fire of ultimate destruction and in sheer self-defense swashed his Vajraayudha at Vritra’s broad right shoulder and cut it off. Losing his right arm, the infuriated Vritra rushed forward and with his left hand gave a severe slap on the cheek of Indra who was still holding Vajraayudha. This blow sent Indra reeling. He stood dazed for a while’s the weapon Vaira slipped down from his hand and fell on the ground. Not only demons but also even gods who watched this superb fighting of Vritra exclaimed in admiration. At the same time, the miserable plight of Indra terrorized them to say “Oh! Heavens! What will be our fate?” Indra who had lost his grip of Vajra at the demon’s terrific blow could not stand before his enemy with his face up for shame. It was Vritra again who spoke with complete composure, “Devendra! Why are you standing inertly? Your Vajraayudha is lying there. Why don’t you pick it up and smash your enemy with it? This is not the time for regret. Just look at me, how in spite of being handicapped with the loss of my right arm, I am still striving hard to take your life! It is impossible to foretell with certainty who will win and who will lose in a battle. Is it not?” Indra expressed his admiration at Vritra’s adherence to the rules of a righteous war. “Even though you are a Daitya, how very fair-minded are you! Said Indra and soon engaged himself in a terrible fight with Vritra. Vritra now lost his left arm also. Blood was gushing out from the base of both the arms. Still, the demon king stood his ground majestically and heroically like a tusker. After a moment’s thought Vritra bowed down to the ground. His lower lip touched the earth and the upper lip was raised to the sky. Thus, opening his mouth wide as a cave, he clutched a huge boulder between his teeth. Then, rushing towards Indra with great speed, he flung that bolder on him. There was no one who did not applaud this heroic feat of Vritra. Dashing even farther towards Indra, Vritra, like a python, swallowed him up and dispatched him into his stomach. Sages, gods and many other spectators were horrified and raised a cry of alarm,” Oh, woe be to it. Everything is finished now!”
By defeating Vritra, the personification of drought, the Deva also released water to the living beings who were innocent victims of the evil Asura. By helping the Deva defeat the Asura through his sacrifice, Dadhichi became revered among the Rishi, or Hindu sages, for his selflessness. Dadhichi symbolizes the notion that no sacrifice is too great in order to help defend the defenseless from evil.
We saw the Kronos collective, the faction of the evil orochis, engage in the killing of good human Ras commanding the greater light (the light that warms) and bad humans (whose "divine spark of Ra" gradually lessed as they became more parasites hated by entropy ) commanding the light that never warms, and thus Set builds a Satan infested military, a rise of mortal engines, to save the actual Ra, establish light across the night, and earth especially... The meaning of history, and the birth of tragedy in humanity.
The story of the more nonlinear thinking ascending (hsss) good Ra's murder by the bad hss first murderer (Morgoth who slew Finwe, creating chaos emenating from the Koronus expanse) or Cain-Atum-Ra, time Khaine's murder by deep time Kane?
After the fall of the Orochi and the rise of the 9th, however, the problem was the sidelining of the irregular orochi (that other, more humanitarian 8-forked serpent bloc that supported the nobler hope of mankind and Gaia, the earth) by an emergent race of middlemen between men and the gods, like the more wayward Santas and later the more wayward Mohammads or their equivalent in every religion and local culture, this was often, the "new man" of an unhelpful type that the true or irregular Orochi would oppose - that was the true goal of chaos, the hope in the chaos.
Much complex was the story in the sundering seas from earth to Koronos expanse, where chronological time fought deep time:
"Ravana's Bloody-Handed Cogs Enter the Koronus Expanse (747.M41) - A small but powerful force of Sollexian Adeptus Mechanicus Explorators from Haddrack in the Calixis Sector, having splintered from their fellows on doctrinal grounds, and led by Archmagos Ravana, enter the Koronus Expanse. They quickly prove their willingness to fire on and do battle with Rogue Traders and clash with other Explorators under the direction of Magos Kanceme and anybody else who would stand between them and their goals, but remain uncensored by Cult Mechanicus overlords. This earns them the mocking nickname “Ravana’s Bloody-Handed Cogs” for the crimson and gold Opus Machina graven on the hulls of their vessels, placing them in the popular imagination of the Koronus Voidborn as little more than sanctioned pirates, a reputation which has lasted to the present."
In the world of men, the first murder could only be solved by vengeance, it seemed, and the blood war would go on, a war to find the true Hsss (which is the main and rightful evolutionary purpose of the b blood group, to connect a and "the O simulation of C" in the sundering seas, wherein AB were double-edged swords usable by both deep time and time, aka bipolar)...
A stable b of earth ascends to hsss which can be seen as a new carrier of the Fire of creation Ra, the fourth (neoChronos), protector of the 3 silmarils, in an ascension, the final secret of the "webway" path to the sentient golden creatures.
Attempts to bridge the darkness of the sundering seas, into an objectively logical utopia like Eden, can be difficult indeed, but someone has to do it, it is the blessing and curse of the mortal race ever since Finwe fell and confusion arose...
In the darkness arose not just the heroes of ascension, but also "evil", a behavior of petty conquest without adding fruit.
Evil is a summation of incremental parasitism of the many species birthed in the darkness which are evolving into perfection by fighting, that is the meaning of the mortal races like men, animals, and insects.
Evil is always subsequently defeated (or at last, in Endwar, reached a truce with?)
It was the axolotl, and finally the noblest form of Atum (hss man ascending to hsss elf), human axolotl or more nonlinear thinker, a distillation of the finest strain of Atum-Ra, who may be the next species to manifest the secret fire of Ea/Ra.
The elder God Chronos main, a most distributed stable form of each successive version of the creative fire which is the soul of Ra, has 2 contenders to the throne - the post-Abel guardian, and his enemy (it is a more general evolutionary process than the anthropomorphic "Cain and Abel" myth).
But after Abel's death, there was a false Abel - "ApplePen", and a false Khaine - the oppressive Kane or Cain, "pineapple pen" - on earth.
They deceived and lorded over the earth, manufacturing the matrix. These were the two of deep time, who fought the ascending men and elves trying to bring light into the darkness, led by Chronos or the most ascended form of Ra.
"The Greeks' second word for time is “kairos” — lesser known but no less important. “Kairos” is what many philosophers and mystics would refer to as “deep time”.
This is the time we're talking about where the world seems to stop entirely. It can be measured in deep exhales, a shared laugh, or by a colorful sunset".
1) One deep time or kairos the unfortunately deceived nature upheld curse of the pseudo-B aka conventional or wyrmic orochi trying to eat the promised Earthly 8th son (actually, daughter) of feanor.
... is the Kronos collective...
2) the real B friend of the people, trying to be Chronos of heaven (Zeus-Poseidon) and earth (Hades-Poseidon) and the sea (Zeus-Hades-Poseidon... or we should say their father, God, Asuryan-Chronos).
There is for even mortals , an option for to switch on the age of Gods and become immortal or long-lived, for a golden age to come truly alive (to overcome kairos, the curse type of evil fake light, "when you know, the light knows" kind of proselytizing thing to intimidate and dupe the Pie from earth).
Ascension of Light vs. deep time:
"The Greeks' second word for time is “kairos” — lesser known but no less important. “Kairos” is what many philosophers and mystics would refer to as “deep time”. This is the time we're talking about where the world seems to stop entirely. It can be measured in deep exhales, a shared laugh, or by a colorful sunset".
Ascension is simply 1 + 1 to bring 3, 3 elven kings to stand up again, to the 3 heads of Vritra.
One good tries from earth, to join the destiny of the gods, to become a civilizational champion of earth, end the dark ages of library burning, not quite an ascended angel still oppressed by evil but knowing more, knowing the deeper secrets, ascend as Chronos jr., ally of Chronos Sr., who speaks of logic to the Kronos collective.
Like the famous earthly sons of Shiva like Ganesha and Kartikeya, they usually did the dual and triple God (collaborating for justice) things pretty well, and it was always good for everyone, unmarred man and nature.
But it was too hard for the Gods to descend into the land of Terra itself:
"Beautiful on the surface, but rotten underneath. Don't ever, even for a second, doubt that this is the most dangerous world in the galaxy.... Danger does not always come in the shape of Orks with bolters, Ragnar. This world is where the elite of the Imperium have gathered. We are talking now of the most ruthless, ambitious, unscrupulous collection of rogues ever culled from a million planets. This is the place they have come to realise their ambitions, and on Terra they can, and will not let anything stand in their way. Not me, not you, not their own kin if need be."
The murder of the Gods was frequent on earth, thanks to the holders of secrets who said, "You can have everything, except yourself".
It was an evolution of earth out of the dark ages, but at times it fell back because the Kronos collective was everywhere.
There was the original sin, the fall of man to earth.'
There was born a darkness trying to invite light.
Then were born.... a variety of species in the planets of the solar system and especially molech and panderen where the insect empires emerged....
This... was the beginning of the Ra cycle associated with fall and mortality.
Then, there was the dark in which was Set, the fighting form of Ra (but often rogue generals snatched Egypt from a careless Set, leading to the rise of Satan), perpetuating the error on earth...
Set saw enough to reinvigorate Ra in which a simulation of morality was seen ("dark saber" lightsabre of Turin, versus the dark lord Satan) though in the culture of mankind, pseudo set plus pseudo Ra pairs were also satanically seen, and by keeping Egypt weak (even, no UN office is allowed to be there, Set would be kept weak).
While the 8 stands, infinity is symbolized by a tilted eight, the infinity of Heh/Huh who saves the day for logic (the meaning of entropy).
And it is also obvious that 8 is merely "B".
Why? Helios was the second God.
There is ascension of a new Ra, a victorious friend of the people.
But a new species (in case of Ra, maybe even animal) could evolve better suited to leadership.
In this age, the Ra spirit, the divine spark, has been redistributed to thinkers, homo sapiens sapiens sapiens, and then, others, too
(defeated old forms of Ra and all subfactions, all more or less helping ascension in the solar system)
and since the divine spark of energy is in everything, also to the old unearthly races of sentient plants.

Vishnu, who is always shown supported by a diplomatic talking snake, occurs in avatars that are talking animals thus by that law Ganesha seems to be a Vishnuistic avatar of Shiva while Krishna was a Vishnu supported avatar who talked to the sentient/communicative blueberry too, perhaps.
That is why other gods most often Set always prescribes Helios to fight the increasingly inefficient dynasty of the old Ra and old Sets etc., to help both ascend into Immortality by cleansing the matrix of sin, conquering the afterlife, and re-establish a minimal light in the angry darkness in the volume of the chaos (the corruption of time-chaos by kairos-deep chaos).
Mortals arose for one reason only, to take back the empire of the dead which is stricken by the Kronos collective.
We are merely ascending Chronos Jr. kind of guy, or sub-Chronos trying to become like the source of all...
We're trying to conquer deep time rot... to restore a minimal light of nature.
Of course when Chronos time strikes, it is heard as laughter or a sunset (end of a dominant son of the Sun), but also the Kronos collective of the Orochis can do the exact same thing against the good Ra...
The Devil's Sea (Japanese: 魔の海, Hepburn: Ma no Umi), also known as the Dragon's Triangle, the Formosa Triangle and the Pacific Bermuda Triangle, is a region of the Pacific, south of Tokyo. The Devil's Sea is sometimes considered as a paranormal location, though the veracity of these claims has been questioned.
On the way, good mortals are helped by descending Chronos, best friend of Mandos...
The true God... the true good Chronos who has attained Immortality is, I guess, one of the meanings of time.
(Not the Kronos who has been cornered by the Kronos collective into eating his own children inside a vast fortress where he's become an agent of evil), opposed by the liberating fire of Chronos.
But the Kronos collective, inheritors of the Kairos (deep time), who worked by the bad orochi bloc, knew the secret and attacked the leading humans of earth who were trying to catch it, that was the rise of Satan in the dark.
The mission is to link up with the true Gods of freedom and love for man, and reactivate the 3 elven silmarils, there will be finally, 2+1=3... the original dream of the "3 silmarils" theory proposed by the noblest elf Feanor, the meaning of which is that a stable (on, of course, earth) "nomad Chronos" would emerge as stable, loving big brother of all 3 elven kings (that is why 4 are the victorious powers)
When Chronos Jr. and Chronos Sr. place the third, all secured by the bronze dragons, great securers of time and guardians of the caverns of time, it is what is called the endwar or endpeace...
It is the Synchronization of time, which is the goal, for earthly time to meet the universal time. It was not easy since THE ascended Chronos descended fast and escaped fast if hope is less, if it is a dark age, without hope left for lasting ground control at earth.
Chronological synchronization is always good... it is a collective victory for local civilization and earth longs for it.
Descending Chronos has many means to perpetuate and is well nigh invincible and verily the meaning of time, light, and herald of the golden age...
The ascending angels, and at best the ascending sub-Chronos Jr. or Chronos Jr. of earth (he is only ascended Chronos when he successfully ascends as proven by time), are not as strong as free Chronos, the first God.
The dark saber of an ascending sub-Chronos... isn't inherently evil, it is used out of necessity... as much muck in the dark side, as in the light side.
there had to be a breaking out of the dark ages...
There had to be a conclusion to the fight in the infinity of space. in the primordial waters, in the empire of that first of the demigods, Beor, successor of the 7 Gods of Manetho, whose aim is for B to represent the real P of earth (Midgard serpent, the true sixteen forked serpent... not the fake P, both once an year called for "Bali" in Kerala but it is a minor story more linked to the idea that Bali is destined to become the next Indra (currently the peacocks).
Is a good individual eight-forked a friend of good in deepest space, and in earth, is its echo, the orochi of the illuminati, who have bound earthlings in the kairos led by a "friendly pie master", which are the anti-human and worse among the high lords of Terra who speak of human depopulation and ignorantly fight Archaon, friend of Orochi Shermie, the true Orichi of the 8-pointed symbol of chaos.
The 8 pointed star, symbol of chaos.
Elves blessed by chaos came to save Terra, but the fake empire acts, pretends and deceives them in a "matrix", as local "chains" of mortal Beoreans is consumed by Baal demons (but always more, so fools finally spoke of "blockchain").
Thus blockchain, to attack the Beorean chain of lawful humans, is evil...
(which is why Socrates died after accepting the rule of law in Greece, which forthright sentenced him to death as proof of the law).
So at 8-places like California... Hollywood dupes elves, the thin line between Shermie Orochi the 8th girl, and the evil Orochi who wishes to consume the 8th girl, is blurred.
The pie was deceived (as PewDiePie says)...
The value of pi itself is wrong... as a new article revealed, the pie is fooled...
As a friend Ascension: Light released the heads of the deceiving cannibal cabal who specialized in fooling the Pie:
Add to politician terrorist, obfuscator terrorist, and realtime politicking terrorist, another, the actor terrorist... "Beautiful on the surface, but rotten underneath. Don't ever, even for a second, doubt that this is the most dangerous world in the galaxy.... Danger does not always come in the shape of Orks with bolters, Ragnar. This world is where the elite of the Imperium have gathered. We are talking now of the most ruthless, ambitious, unscrupulous collection of rogues ever culled from a million planets. This is the place they have come to realise their ambitions, and on Terra they can, and will not let anything stand in their way. Not me, not you, not their own kin if need be." — Torin the Wayfarer, Wolfblade to House
Here earth, even in peacetime, was a battlefield, says me, born here and a "stranded alien"...
It is not easy, but it is evidently not too hard if you figure out things in realtime for yourself and reach the most basic plane of secret knowledge guarded by the tech priests who enslave Uniontera Ja, the machine God, whose claim to fame is that they represented the 82 moons of Saturn, the machines, other claim to fame is that they support Chronos and real-time (but also Kronos collective and kairos or deep time).
The struggle to bring objective logic to the unpredictable dark may seem eternal until the time evil on earth, the oppression of man by the elite influencers among the machines, who tend to uphold both Chronos and the Kronos collective (and chaos) unless the main Chronos, the being of time, returns into earth.
It's good fate if you help establish Chronos time synchronization (light = light in a good way, not the unwarming light of elitists digging into earth).
Where the winds come from, as Hetfield puts it, carry descending Chronos, God of the universe who has kept the Kronos collective at bay and need not eat his children Zeus.
Ever since the first blood of the gods was spilt by the Kronos collective, the bridging was to be done by the leader of mortals, a Chronos (emerging from the Kronos collective) after the "death" or besieging of the original Chronos.
So it was hard...
For the ascending Chronos... he is like an axolotl, the fallen ascending from the Kronos collective, to become like old Chronos.
At the interface of sea and earth, mortals did once fall, but do ascend:
"In France, the Grand Dictionnaire Universel du XIXe siècle (1866) declared the axolotl ‘the most imperfect, the most degraded of all the amphibians’: a fallen creature, but also one that could accede, as if by grace, to a higher state of being."
Gerald Heard, the philosophizing scholar, maintained in 1941 that the survival of mankind would depend upon individuals "who manage to retain, with full mental stature, the radical originality and freshness of a vigorous child"; John Dewey and Timothy Leary held similar views. More recently, the Mexican sociologist Roger Bartra has proposed the axolotl, in its neotenous indeterminacy, as a symbol of his country's national character.
In September 2010, molecular biologists, surgeons and amphibian experts set up a center for axolotl research in Hanover. Their hope is that they can unlock the healing secrets of the axolotl to help burn victims and amputees in the future. They also believe the animal may hold the key to longer life and prolonged youth and health. The axolotl lives extremely long for a salamander -- ages of 25 years have been documented.
When outbound words were absent, thoughts were utopian right brained norepic Chronos time calculations towards a golden age, which is the long-lived mental process of the smiling axototl...
But when Chronos Jr ascends and ties to meet Chronos Sr. while maintaining earth humanity's capital at the same time, it is the Kronos collective that has to be overcome.
That could only be achieved by time synchronization (Chronos Jr. in-the-dark, meets Chronos Sr Light, the progenitor of time)...
"Chronos is the forward propelling time that we measure with clocks, on watches, and by the evolutionary phases of the moon.
The ticker of time is Chronos the individualized, God himself, the source of Gods, not the conservative collective.
But time does not end there. The Greeks' second word for time is “kairos” — lesser known but no less important.
“Kairos” is what many philosophers and mystics would refer to as “deep time”. " It is potentially the "curse" on good.
Uniontera ja who calls himself a fallen devil and enemy of the "dragon of knowledge", describes the so-called deep time or Kronos collective's opposition to TIME (that only time could ever win), this process -
The gap in "time" as set by the Kronos collective, is the source of mortality, and what is to be struggled against, is a pervasive fraud in machinedom, whose God Kairos pretends to be.
The Deep Time of Kairos invents a false story of reality, Time knows the true.
For heavenly and earthly light to meet. . to mend this gap, is the true ascension of light...
Foe me, the time was in Chronos time mode (of the ascending i.e. trying to join with LIGHT-TIME, for the utopian golden age...
It was always a race against time. Years back, I almost got eaten by cannibals but Shivan, a sort of Zeus von Chronos, helped save me...
Why the struggle?
Because there was the besiegement of Chronos, his replacement with Osiris (the surviving strain of Chronos), due to the first death, the transformation of immortal into mortal. You understand, the story of Chronos time begins at the first death.
It is the story of mortality.
Ok, some have blamed Cain, due to the Kane/Khaine divergence, but it may be counterproductive as Cain brings God, descending Chronos, as well, at times.
The pro-Abel/pro-Abee Cain is yet the son of Adam...
The mortal ascends, but the axolotl doesn't always live long, often cut off at 15, or at most 25, but me! I am 35... equalling the challenger.
The ascending Chronos was outcasted on earth by the Kronos collective; while good Cain, he is cursed to wander as and stigmatized as "evil Cain".
Until one like me had to evolve as a lawful B in Afroeurasia who could link up to Shermie B in the Americas.
Maybe I could have done better, faster.
Sorry, I never had the time. I never had direct access to God or the good kind of nature, I could never escape to a place of less hostile glares, and when it was time to look at one in the eyes, I never did it, it was a vestigial option.
My right brain solver focused more on victory, time left for survival. The hostile glares and response lack, were too much... sorry, too, I should say, because maybe it could have been done another way... is Time, there could be only one way.
The ancient race of x% bullies, y% friends, an inveterate curse in the dark, were always too overpowering in their glances...
And I could never figure out across my general siege, see someone had to hold the hostile earth, I had to become the axototl who broke out.
Remember, on earth the libraries were burnt, I never had a clue, and look at how badly Kerala kids are screwed in Kerala, I was a Kerala kid in Delhi and I ultimately happened to like more action and saving time.
Reminds me, continental Delhi is selling us 4 "FCUs"... but to who? See, I asked for it...
I never knew the light, don't blame me, blame the first death for this situation, someone had to evolve to set the earthly civilization defense right.. I could never convert interactions into opportunities, there was just a bit less time.
But apparently as I found in 2020 when Chronos lives, solving the whole and successfully dodging death day after day like an axototl - I will yet die, but maybe i will live long like Vardamir who knew the elder stars, as I will catch up with the bringer of a non-judgmental golden age, Chronos descending and the pro-man elven angels who explain the correct techniques and sciences. Chronos lives as a new bidirectional wind and then quadratic wind of the 4 horsemen.
So what is mortal destiny?
It is an ascension like of the Axolotl.
Ascend to the god Chronos, time, father of Zeus, Chronos the immortal... as long as he can secure victory and to that extent.. Chronos is time, he is death to opposers of the destiny of time (golden age), and for example mercenaries caught up in wars against evil...
Chronos, he too was one ascending from the Kronos collective, thus he was the peaceful dragon of the golden apples (and beyond them the ancient and noble race of bronze dragons, guardians of time. Rise, ascend to immortality...
Historically, he was the one bringing back divine to the nihilistic God killers of Klingon. It was hard! A death for Chronos Jr. was certain unless he rejuvenated into free, invincible time not "Kronos" the besieged ones who ate their babies, since the Kronos or axototl started as a mortal, as a machine, if you will, but the most benevolent of the "machines"...
But note that the Chronos is evolving into perfection and proximity to Immortality but it was hard because of the infiltration of the casteist killers who had outlawed Susanoo from heaven, the prototypes of the bullies.
Nietzsche's predecessors killed an overly descended Chronos, it is said... it can be death, but only if descending too fast, but still they do because Chronos is Gaia's most ambitious son, ambitious to ascend the universe into to the golden age.
As for us trapped in the long running dark ages. Earth was under siege. The libraries were burnt, remember. I never had a friendly word about something I'd like to hear about and I always had an idea for the next thought, norepic, not the next dopaminergic action.
It's like this for all of us who are true, mortals, men, and animals.
Thus "Ra was represented in a variety of forms. The most usual form was a man with the head of a falcon and a solar disk on top and a coiled serpent around the disk. Other common forms are a man with the head of a beetle (in his form as Khepri), or a man with the head of a ram. Ra was also pictured as a full-bodied ram, beetle, phoenix, heron, serpent, bull, cat, or lion, among others who is always defeated by the new Ra when he becomes infiltrated by the orochi. (Especially worst were the orochi-ram aspects that controlled "basic Pseudo-UED Orochi repeater" (in which fire ants play a large role), but the anti-Orochi new enemy of Ra also always comes to the heart of the sun which is led to by the tower)
The orochi is biologically not one dragon but a race of dragons and fundamentally a scavenger, a widespread species.
The beetle may have arisen to check the Sandworms in the nomad's foreign empire, colossal worm-like creatures that live on the planet [spread] Arrakis, which is a hot and arid planet whose environment resembles the Sahara desert. The sandworms' larvae produce a drug "melange" (known colloquially as "the spice"), which is highly prized across the universe for its medicinal and mystical properties. Melange is created when excretions of the sandworms' larvae react with water and sunlight. Melange deposits are found in the sand seas of Arrakis, where the sandworms live and hunt, and harvesting the melange from the sand is a dangerous activity because sandworms are aggressive and territorial. Harvesting vehicles must be airlifted in and out of the sand sea in order to evade sandworm attacks. The struggle over the production and supply of melange is a central theme of Dune, accordingly sandworms appear in nearly all the novels and spin-off fiction.
Insects working for Chronos, and for the Kronos collective, that measure time 1 and time 2 (i believe, both millipides and centipides do, some of who are midlength and allied* therefore it means only fools are ultimately annihilated which basically means that Chronological progressive time > so-called deep time ... which of course, takes time, which is what Mustaine meant by saying "time has a way of taking time").
(* but of course due to a new evolution, with the duty of middling or communicating between the 2 control systems that are millepede-centipede and centipede-millipede (the twain always anti-tyranny for example we see, opposite of the PPAP corruption by the false P)... there was a huge error, a redundant concentration of thinking skills in something called a brainbug whose original purpose was to run between millipede chieftain and centipide chieftain, of course it was outdone by its own sense of centralization, got complacent as others evolved, leading to a remergence of the chief talent of thinking in another organism, that happened to be humans, which is the rise of thinking in all organisms, animals and men). .
So, "Super Man" and "Super Woman", various heroes of mortals and 2 in particular the invincible on earth, became the 2 next evolutions of the fire that is Ra increasingly closer to earth, but were split to two, vulnerable male and female of the mortal race on their "mortal engines", conquering, dying, but the blood war is only won, reborn, taking time, which is the meaning of the cryptic words about the fate of the Gods after the fall of man as uttered by Morei Heg:
"At the start of the War in Heaven, Asuryan asked the Crone Goddess the fate of the gods and she replied that she could find no answer. Thus, she followed Khaine and took from him a thimbleful of his fiery blood that she burnt on the balance in her lair. When she returned, Asuryan demanded to know the answer to his question, to which Morai-Heg said that the fate of the gods was not his to know but instead the mortal Eldanesh, along with the Eldar, would determine whether their gods lived or died", as the son of Adam, Abel, "the true B", had fallen, leading to war between true and false Bs (in the Tower of Eternal Flames and elsewhere).
It was also predestined that the doom of the main line of Orochis would be the lawful Turin who would slay the ablest evolution of the last of the Orochis, Glaurung.
Yamata no Orochi
After expulsion from Heaven, Susanoo encounters two "Earthly Deities" (國神, kunitsukami) near the head of the Hi River (簸川), now called the Hii River (斐伊川), in Izumo Province. They are weeping because they were forced to give the Orochi one of their daughters every year for seven years, and now they must sacrifice their eighth, Kushi-inada-hime (櫛名田比売, "comb/wondrous rice-field princess", who Susanoo transforms into a kushi 櫛, "comb", for safekeeping). The Kojiki tells the following version:
So, having been expelled, [His-Swift-impetuous-Male-Augustness] descended to a place [called] Tori-kami (鳥髪, now 鳥上) at the head-waters of the River Hi in the Land of Idzumo. At this time some chopsticks came floating down the stream. So His-Swift-Impetuous-Male-Augustness, thinking that there must be people at the head-waters of the river, went up it in quest of them, when he came upon an old man and an old woman, – two of them, – who had a young girl between them, and were weeping. Then he deigned to ask: "Who are ye?" So the old man replied, saying: "I am an Earthly Deity, child of the Deity Great-Mountain-Possessor. I am called by the name of Foot-Stroking-Elder, my wife is called by the name of Hand-Stroking Elder, and my daughter is called by the name of Wondrous-Inada-Princess." Again he asked: What is the cause of your crying?" [The old man answered] saying: "I originally had eight young girls as daughters. But the eight-forked serpent of Koshi has come every year and devoured [one], and it is now its time to come, wherefore we weep." Then he asked him: "What is its form like?" [The old man] answered, saying: "Its eyes are like akakagachi, it has one body with eight heads and eight tails. Moreover on its body grows moss, and also chamaecyparis and cryptomerias. Its length extends over eight valleys and eight hills, and if one look at its belly, it is all constantly bloody and inflamed." (What is called here akakagachi is the modern hohodzuki [winter-cherry]) Then His-Swift-Impetuous-Male-Augustness said to the old man: "If this be thy daughter, wilt thou offer her to me?" He replied, saying: "With reverence, but I know not thine august name." Then he replied, saying: "I am elder brother to the Heaven-Shining-Great-August-Deity. So I have now descended from Heaven." Then the Deities Foot-Stoker-Elder and Hand-Stroking-Elder said: "If that be so, with reverence will we offer [her to thee]." So His-Swift-Impetuous-Male-Augustness, at once taking and changing the young girl into a multitudinous and close-toothed comb which he stuck into his august hair-bunch, said to the Deities Foot-Stroking-Elder and Hand-Stroking-Elder: "Do you distill some eight-fold refined liquor. Also make a fence round about, in that fence make eight gates, at each gate tie [together] eight platforms, on each platform put a liquor-vat, and into each vat pour the eight-fold refined liquor, and wait." So as they waited after having thus prepared everything in accordance with his bidding, the eight-forked serpent came truly as [the old man] had said, and immediately dipped a head into each vat, and drank the liquor. Thereupon it was intoxicated with drinking, and all [the heads] lay down and slept. Then His-Swift-Impetuous-Male-Augustness drew the ten-grasp saber, that was augustly girded on him, and cut the serpent in pieces, so that the River Hi flowed on changed into a river of blood [the eternal war against the false Orochis in Styx, under earth, and the result of the blood's congealing seems fundamentally, petroleum]. So when he cut the middle tail, the edge of his august sword broke. Then, thinking it strange, he thrust into and split [the flesh] with the point of his august sword and looked, and there was a great sword [within]. So he took this great sword, and, thinking it a strange thing, he respectfully informed the Heaven-Shining-Great-August-Deity. This is the Herb-Quelling Great Sword. (tr. Chamberlain 1919:71–3)
The main thing is the orochi anti-UED command repeater, that comes from various places in a long battle of good and evil in the solar system, always undecided, due to earth becoming the place where nobility was determined.
But of course, also think about the good orochi which is falsely maligned as a bad orichi... on earth nobles were killed. On earth it was never known, who is the good orc and who is the bad orc that is why they also fought (that is why Set, but also Satan the curse of Kairos, knew those things)..
(the good Orochi, founder of the ideal aspects of the illuminati but crowner of the logical everchosens of chaos, is linked to the ancient chaos wyrm: The Ancient Chaos Wyrm is a unique boss monster in ADOM. It carries the Chaos Orb of Elemental Fire — which the PC must obtain in order to cross the wall of flames and descend into the lower levels of the CoC. It is partially due to this that many players consider the ACW to be one of the toughest bosses in the game).
The divine spark is redistributed in evolutionary creation across earth's known species and is linked to Ra, so passes history, the experiment of reestablishing a more entropy-acceptable aka utopian situation (reestablishing light/dark conqinuum) moves on.
Who, then, was the culprit? Maybe there is one, Kurozumi Orochi the previous shogun of Wano Country and one of the last surviving members of the Kurozumi Family.[3] He was allied with Kaido, one of the Four Emperors,[2] until the latter betrayed and killed him for his New Onigashima Project.[5]
Due to his actions and role, he is the secondary antagonist of the Wano Country Arc and one of the central antagonists of the Four Emperors Saga.
But the secret is thus cracked that Kurozumi Orochi can also be described as Swift-Impetuous-Male-Augustness and in fact the moment at which Kurozumi Orochi died, reflects the first death of the Swift-Impetuous-Male-Augustness aka "man-Indra" (only was left, the peacock Indra).
But of course, there will be also some good from there (return of good orochi of Chronos, like Orochi Shermie)
But it is hard, they hard;ly give clues, like this happens, this happens.
This is more in "such areas", most of them outside Japan. They are an alliance of scavengers. Of course, some good know them too...
The good people emanating from the ancient orochi faction...
The absurdity of culture is seen, for instance, in how Susanoo wanted to defeat the orochi, but is named "swift augustness" and august is the eighth month...
Who is the Ra-Atum, the true 8th, who is more like elf, but man?? Who is the fake, who betrays men and elves?
He is so respected, called "Swift-Impetuous-Male-Augustness", only if he is the real good (unmisled) Orichi side darksire (the true 8th) but of course the fake 8th were also there. The double of 8, 16, P the alphabet, knew better this story (and then 32, and 64 likewise).
Since Apep is called a 16-forked serpent.
But the secret of the true and false P was known by the 41 child pornographers recently caught in Kerala, perhaps.
The destiny is of man.
The cautious man, the thinking animal, man, whom only fools will hate (and build vast, oppressive empires claiming to be the new man)...
"In some literature, Ra is described as an aging king with golden flesh, silver bones, and hair of lapis lazuli".
But Ra, the hardest working of the Gods, even when laughed at by demons dug into Egypt extending their lives by eating angels who contained divine space nutrients, was always trying to do good, with a gift of immortality after life:
But there were major threats, especially riding the Orochi (the "big brother of Vishnu" on his 7 forked serpent)...
And their leader was Satan. By mining more evolved bodies for nutrients (as they did often, in Egypt), the Demon lords could live long...
Pharaohs talking to the evil orochi allies were a major threat...
Where is the eternal war between the old Kairos deep time and new Chronos, waged?
More about the eternal war against the false Orochis and their agents (cannibal high lords of earth) in Styx,, it is the blood war (which maybe oil companies know more about):
"The Styx, also known as River of Blood, was a cross-planar river that linked the topmost layers of the Lower Planes according to the Great Wheel cosmology,[6] and all of the Fiendish planes according to the World Tree cosmology.[7] Those who touched or drank from the Styx risked completely forgetting their past lives temporarily or permanently".
And also the origin of the Blood God, the fifth Old God, G’huun, another insight into the horror of parasitism representing the Kronos collective that can emerge as a later, "champion of mediocrity" kind of version that must be fought:
From WoW: “The fifth Old God, G'huun, the fifth Demon Old God of Blood, is worshiped by the blood trolls of Nazmir, and called the Blood God”.
Interestingly, we see "khoon" means blood in Hindi.
The source of the Styx, the destined victory of humanity (the "I" of the mortals), is thus misinterpreted: "The Blood War was an ancient conflict that raged between the fiends of the Lower planes. The two main sides of the war were the demons, inhabitants of the evil plane of chaos of the Abyss, and devils, representing the equally evil but lawful realm of the Nine Hells".
"With C'Thun and Yogg-Saron defeated, Y'Shaarj and G'huun deceased, and N'Zoth presumably gone as well [but he seems more like the crazier form of Jafar], it is currently assumed that no Old Gods are active on Azeroth."
The Orochi hitman (maybe a related species under the Kronos collective) or overlord who for a while won the blood war, was G'huun, at the blood river Styx.
"The river also passed irregularly through the diseased bloody swamps of the Blood Shallows forming several disputed islands. In the layer of Thanatos, the river fed a moat around Orcus's palace of Naratyr."
"G'huun was accidentally created by the titans when they experimented with means to solve the problem posed by the Old Gods [who represent the Kronos collective, first of the Orochis]. They used Uldir to "try to figure out what makes Old Gods tick", including performing experiments. This led to "some creepy and weird stuff inside it", and G'huun is the result of years of experiments where the titans couldn't figure out how to cure this Old God disease. When they experimented upon the Old Gods' unending, ravenous need to corrupt, they unexpectedly created a perfect avatar of that desire. G'huun is nothing but rot, pestilence, and decay, the ultimate parasite who cannot stop itself from consuming its host until it is gone". This G'huun gave more profit to its disciples, consuming blood as food (the legend of the blood trolls of Nazmir, whose corrupted forms are the "illegal vampires" like the bad Nazis, and good (or bad) forms are blood elves).
Who rules in Styx?
It is either the G'huuns (more generally the Kronos collective purely parasitic or it is Chronos (conquering the afterlife itself, which every next or more successful Ra conquers with the help of a Set or a Horus or the total system of nature which by definition fights against the Kronos collective).
The final battle, is when ascended light, Turin, Chronos Jr., becomes equal to Kronos of the Kronos collective the coward king in the dark, his orochis having been reduced in number by the forces of the fundamentally lawful chaos wyrm:
Ra, the helios or "true B of justice" had ancient origins as a biological creation of "the secret fire" of Ea i.e. a new species championing justice against the anti-logic factions of the Kronos collective which are thus described as instability:
"In the beginning, before there was any land of
Egypt, all was darkness (semi light enough to see, actually), and there was nothing but
a great waste of water called Nun. The power of
Nun was such that there arose out of the darkness
a great shining egg, and this was a ("A", which is governed by either orochi or bad orochi, often the latter. But their empire crumbled)... Now Ra's essence, the PBalrog true leader of the flames, was all-powerful, and he could take many
forms, beetle, the key 4 species of Gods, and finally, man.
"His power and the secret of it lay in his
hidden name; but if he spoke other names, that
which he named came into being.
"I am Khepera at the dawn, and Ra at noon,
and Atum in the evening," he said."
And the sun rose
and passed across the sky and set for the first time. Then he named Shu, and the first winds blew; he named Tefnut the spitter, and
the first rain fell. Next he named Geb, and the earth came into being; he named
the goddess Nut, and she was the sky arched over the earth with her feet on one
horizon and her hands on the other; he named Hapi, and the great River Nile
flowed through Egypt and made it fruitful.
But as a man, he would at times die too soon. See, murder of Atum by the dark lord's orcish orichi was the main problem.
Where did good Ra fight the bad (for example, as one generation i.e. dung beetles overthrowing the other like say the dinosaur republic of earth, though i don't know the exact order in which it happened but clearly the fire driving every species evolution is the sun, and then there is the general of the Sun who often becomes the Satanic form of Set, and their champions fight at the Sun tower):
And on earth, the armies of Ra (whose another name is Mandos or Morr, or Hades):
Good vs. bad, the Ra-Set-Horus-Ptah collective, were there, huge battles were fought were only death determined the identity of the good and bad.
Similarly, a new species of Jupiter-Set variant, the avatar, is born to counter an olden "anti-Ra Balrogs'" defense, but of course good balrogs are also found it is the tower of eternal flames (war... would eternally wage between the Sun's fire and Jupiter's wind but then Orochi elites also come for both the sides, and of course the secrets are hidden in hollywood & anime, and death is given swiftly to knowers by the "old lords" of the false Kairos the union of the Unionterra Ja... making the real middle aged Ra a competitor of the Orochi-Apep just how the fake Ra escaped and kept the secret locked in Hollywood and there is always good and bad i.e. good god-good orochi combination and the bad god-bad orochi combination as the truest problem is misclassification of good orochi as bad orochi and vire-versa, silencing the curse by dragons though the bronze dragons at the caverns of time know both Chronos view & Kronos collective view).
Ra would help earth win greatly, but sometimes became a champion of mediocrity of because he fought often in deep space.
"The First War for Armageddon represents a textbook example of how the Forces of Chaos can slowly infiltrate an Imperial population to eventually bring about a full-scale invasion from the Warp".
But then people, especially the Phaeton elite, began to insult Ra "the king" (evolution of the "Ra the prince" species, eliminated in the regicides).
"In some literature, Ra is described as an aging king with golden flesh, silver bones, and hair of lapis lazuli".
There are both, the good old man (Shiva) and the bad old man (enemy of the Shivana and Shivani) so it's a long story.
Hollywood often mistells it, sometimes tells it.
Anyway, while indeed there was:
The "champion of mediocrity" kind of fake Ra
(not be distinguished from the real Ra who would also be a Balrog, a good one) resists takeover by the new, anti-orochi Set, the reconciled combatant):
There was also the culturally entrenched fake Jupiter specializing in arts and cultural aspects like dance and music and drama.
But also the real Jupiter, agent of the S and chaos.
Every Ra's dream is to help the true Osiris (whose main shortcoming is as a green skinned orc he was often misled by Hollywood, although he waged war against fools only) and the Gods reconquer things in the Koronos expanse.
but a Satan-orochi also came (the secrets of the misnavigators in the heart of the action, who misled half the elves dooming Patton to defeat i.e. that was Satan).
"A Navigator who is a member of a Shrouded House is part of a fallen bloodline that is slowly rising again to stand defiant against those that once cast them down -- or at least, so they are told by their elders".
But of course, also think about the good orochi which is falsely maligned as a bad orichi...
That's the space in which, Hollywood mistells!
As they developed into the various golden blooded perfected Gods (and for example, the 4 sons of Horus)
Fighting for the victory of justice (commandeered super chariots would be rare)...
And the fire raging in animals ...
those working for saving mankind...
I have a feeling that this guy should be deputed as imperial security, why will he not obey laws?
So understand Ra as the evolution of species... as "the one species who seeks to dominate Jupiter" next to Saturn...
(the opposite of the sheer ridiculousness of Jupiter-Phaeton trying to control the Sun)
i.e. the son of the sun menace:
Phaethon, descendant of Python, who yet dominated Jupiter, was dominant but it was the kind of hubris:
As Set said, thus, one would need to devour: The Afterlife itself.
Ra complains, "You would unleash chaos, you would destroy everything".
In Kerala, it is called "erechi", is the name for chicken, which is remarkable E instead of O (the eye of terror).
And all the noble houses of men were born to fight the recurring curse of the recurring 8 forked serpent the Orochi, that may bloodily consume the 7-headed Krishna serpent too, in a fit of fury... leading to that difficult reptilian democracy mastered by the old Illuminati lords, whose origins are in the structure made by the dark elves to fight the most ancient form of orichi which was the first evolution of the "8 corrector", a first Morgoth that first arose in right, a faction evolving to replace a slow, corrupt 7 forked serpent of Krishna-Horus (thus the origins of the Orochi are in the end of the dynasty of earthly Horus and the rise of the empire of man/Mandos, first rise of man when the 8 forked serpent won over the 7 forked serpent that defined the elves and Feanor, most known for his 7 sons.... And they would always come from Orion, through Egypt.
The fall of the 7 forked orochi to the then predator more than scavenger)...
Was the end of what can be called the most seminal, groundbreaking form of or predecessor of the horus heresy which is when Finwe of the 7, the major deep space Horus. didn't listen to Miriel, leading to the rise of Miriel's 8-forked serpent, the death of the until-then unbeaten Finwe aka Horus (immortal Finwe, slain by Morgoth).
Horus, the elf interfacing with the 7-forked serpent, was consumed by the orochi (that was the seminal rise of Khaine and Kane), a vicious replacement by a more efficient evolution and seminally the rise of Morgoth.
(though of course, there were always born newer servants to help the counterrevolution (UED).
The manifesto of the culture:
Looking for his father
According to the Greek Mythology, Phaethon, whose name means "shining", was the son of the Sun-God Helios and a mortal woman, Clymene. However, he was living only with his mother as his father had a difficult task to perform. He was responsible to drive the horse chariot with the Sun from the one side to the Earth to the other during the daytime.
One day, a school-mate of Phaethon laughede at his claim that he was the son of a god and said he didn't believe him. In tears, Phaethon went to his mother and demanded proof of his paternity. Clymene assured her son that he was indeed the son of the great god Helios and sent him on his way to the palace of his father to establish his legitimacy.
A delighted and hopeful Phaethon travelled to India, as there was the palace of his father who was supposed to begin every day his course from the East. When he reached the palace of Helios, he was astonished at its magnificence and luxury. His eyes were almost blinded by the dazzle of the light all around him.
The palace was supported by massive columns adorned with glittering gold and precious stones, while the ceilings and doors were made with polished ivory and silver. Phaethon watched with awe the exquisite representation of the earth, the sea and sky on the walls of the palace.
Inside the luxurious palace of Helios
Amazed with all the luxury he had faced, Phaethon came into the august presence of his reputed father, Helios, sitting on a diamond-studded throne surrounded by the presences of the Day, the Month, the Year, and the Hour. His other attendants included Spring, bedecked with flowers, Summer, with a garland of spear-like ripened grains, Autumn, with feet reddened with grape juice and Winter, with hoar-frost in his hair.
Phaethon told Helios about the humiliation he had to suffer because of the imputation of illegitimacy. He pleaded Helios to recognize him as his son and establish beyond all doubt the legitimacy of his birth. Helios got deeply moved and firmly affirmed Phaethon's paternity and legitimacy. In fact, he declared, in the presence of all his attendants, that he will gladly grant his son any favour that he would ask him.
Phaethon, happy because great Helios had recognized him as his son, decided to test the limits of his father's love and benevolence. The rash boy asked to be allowed to drive the awesome Chariot of the Sun for one day. Helios was fearful at his son's irrational request. He tried to explain to his son that even the mighty Zeus could not presume to drive the Chariot of the Sun, much less a mere mortal. That onerous task was reserved solely for him, god Helios.
Unfortunately, once the gods had promised a favour, they could not withdraw or deny it. Helios used all his persuasive skills to plead the rash Phaethon to withdraw his outrageous demand, but to no avail. The boy insisted that Helios kept his promise. The god of the Sun could do nothing else but to give in.
The great destruction
Wanting to drive the awesome Chariot of the Sun was one thing, but to actually do it was not as simple as our naive Phaethon had imagined. A helpless Helios tried to warn his son for the dangers involved in driving the Chariot with its fiery horses which even the great god himself had found it difficult to control on many occasions. He advised Phaethon to steer the Chariot through a middle course and not to go too high or too low. Helios rubbed an expression of power and arrogance on his son's face.
As soon as he took off, Phaethon realized that he had taken on more than he could handle. He found himself utterly powerless to control the fiery horses. When the horses realized the weakness and inexperience of their young charioteer, they began to steer a wild and dangerous course. The Chariot of the Sun was said to have blazed a gash in the skies which supposedly became the Milky Way, a spiral galaxy.
Then the uncontrollable Chariot with the Sun began to steer a too low course, hitting the earth and unleashing immense destruction, including the burning of the African continent and turning it into desert, making the Ethiopian people black-skinned, since they were burnt from the fire of the Sun, and even causing considerable damage to the river Nile.
The danger of a greater destruction infuriated the chief of the gods, Zeus, who struck the boy down with his thunderbolt. The body of the dead Phaethon fell into the Eridanus River, which was later to be known as the river Po of Italy. The unfortunate Phaethon was deeply mourned by his sisters, the Heliades, who were transformed into poplar trees to stand by the river and protect their brother for always.
Ra is well-trained:
Why will they do any harm!

including Set the mighty enemy of the serpents, and thus as Ra reassured Set:
Ra, the chariot driver, the engineer... who could easily be deceived by all thus their reigns, too, would end and "of Gods and kings" would be said...
"In Ancient Greek, the god's name is given as Sēth (Σήθ). Set had a positive role where he accompanies Ra on his barque to repel Apep, the serpent of Chaos. Set had a vital role as a reconciled combatant."
But the final form of man by definition will be the elf, reconquering for establishment of logic, or light ascension.
To help all ascend with the little years they have left... The new form of man, the post-man defining the species...
It is a quest open for ALL mortals with the divine spark...
The Koronus expanse story, where the anti-earth prince orochi fought the good orochi and the "erachi" who knew became the chicken eaten by man, anyway:
"Without the scratching of a tedious scribe’s quill there is no history. Events both great and terrible may pass unmarked and unremembered and so leave us only with scraps of what was. These fragments of memory are what fools call history and the wise call lies."
—from The Lost Imperial Past by Sejanus Morn, 789.M41
What follows is the chronicle of significant events that mark the selected history of the Koronus Expanse, as it is generally known and agreed upon by scholars within the Imperium, with particular reference to the deeds of the Rogue Traders that have forged it. Within are accounts and records of the exploration of the Koronus Expanse, and the strange and wondrous worlds found beyond the Emperor’s Light. Few, however, who compile the chronicles of the Expanse have ever ventured there, and thus they rely on the accounts of others. The sources used by most scholars are the records kept by Rogue Traders and their associates. Such records are prone to inconsistency, embellishment, or outright falsification, and so claims as to the completeness or accuracy of any chronicle are best treated with suspicion.
Koronus Expanse Timeline
Great Crusade (Late 30th - Early 31st Millennium) - The Emperor of Mankind's Great Crusade seeks to reunite all of the human-settled colony worlds in the galaxy under the rule of the newborn Imperium of Man.
Horus Heresy (Early 31st Millennium) - The Warmaster Horus, Primarch of the Sons of Horus Space Marine Legion, is corrupted by Chaos and his own ambition and rebels against his father, the Emperor. He successfully recruits half of the Space Marine Legions, large parts of the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Imperial Army into the service of Chaos and unleashes a 7-year-long galactic civil war that kills billions. Horus is slain by the Emperor at the conclusion of the Battle of Terra. Mortally wounded himself in the confrontation, the Emperor is interred within the Golden Throne. The present Age of the Imperium begins.
The Age of Apostasy (100-600.M36) - The Imperium is consumed by civil war and apostasy from true faith in the Emperor after the High Lord Goge Vandire seizes control of both the Administratum and the Ecclesiarchy in an attempt to impose his own will upon the Imperium rather than serving the will of the Emperor. He is ultimately brought down by an invasion of Terra known as the Terran Crusade and the Ecclesiarchical Palace led by the Space Marines, the Imperial Guard and his own bodyguards, the Daughters of the Emperor, the predecessors of the Adepta Sororitas. The invasion is spurred on and guided by a militant religious reformer, the priest Sebastian Thor, and his Covenant of Light.
Haarlock's Progress (Ca. 760.M36) - Solomon Haarlock, scion of an infamous and (according to some) damned Rogue Trader lineage, successfully charts the area of space known as the Calyx Expanse in the Segmentum Obscurus and some say stray beyond the Maw as well.
The Koronus Fragments (101.M38) - During the preparations for a proposed Imperial Crusade to bring the volume of space known as the Calyx Expanse into Imperial Compliance, a number of apocryphal documents come to light in the vast data-stacks that house the Segmentum Obscuras naval records on Wykthorne Prime. These documents, which become known as the Koronus Fragments, are the degraded and incomplete logs of an Adeptus Mechanicus Explorator fleet of unknown age and provenance that purports to have discovered a stable passage through a vast swathe of Warp Storms at the edge of the Calyx Expanse. The few complete sections mark dozens of mineral-rich worlds, life-supporting biospheres and other areas for later exploration, which presumably never occurred. Also missing from the fragments was any concrete data on how to reach this zone, rendering them effectively useless. Nevertheless, the Koronus Fragments were added as addendum to the Angevin Crusade data, and later served to breed the legend of a vast untouched spatial zone littered with (oft-overstated) riches just beyond the reach of the numerous Rogue Trader vessels attached to the Crusade efforts.
Angevin Crusade (322-384.M39) - The Angevin Crusade forges the Calixis Sector from the former border region of the Calyx Expanse, with great effusion of blood and the loss of many millions of lives. Several minor xeno-empires are crushed, dark powers cast down and lost human colonies either restored to the Light of the Golden Throne or purged from the stars, according to their measure.
The Cauldron of Savagery Enters the Calixis Sector (589-591.M39) - The Space Hulk designated Cauldron of Savagery appears on the fringes of the Drusus Marches Sub-sector of the Calixis Sector, purportedly exiting the Great Warp Storms on their edge unscathed and marauding through several border systems before seeming to disappear again from whence it came. Imperial Navy warships assigned to shadow and harry the Space Hulk are lost with all hands near the storm border. Later evidence and deduction seems to indicate that its point of origin was the Koronus Expanse.
Abenicus’ Theorem and the Mistaken Age (878.M39) - Studying ancient pre-Angevin Crusade reports, prophetic murmurings culled from dubious texts and the visions granted him by his own fickle gifts, the Mad Navigator Abenicus of House Benetek spreads his theory that there exists a safe passage through the veil of Warp Storms that crowd the edges of the Drusus Marches and form a "natural" border to the Calixis Sector. Despite the Navigator’s evident insanity, his proofs and arguments are convincing and spark something of a "gold rush" of Rogue Traders and other ne’er-do-wells attempting to discover the route to his "safe passage", drawn on by the lure of untold riches and manifest power in the years to come. Many die, few return, and others meet only bloodshed and poverty in exchange for their efforts in what becomes known in local parlance as "The Mistaken Age," but in doing so lay the groundwork for the various Stations of Passage dotting the extreme border of the Drusus Marches extending into the storm zone.
Return of the Cauldron of Savagery (673.M40) - The Cauldron of Savagery returns to blight the Drusus Marches, breaking forth from the Great Warp Storms during a period of unprecedented Ætheric turbulence which disrupts communication and passage within the sub-sector. A loose alliance of Rogue Trader vessels under the leadership of the infamous privateer Esme Chorda and a threadbare contingent of the Imperial Navy's Battlefleet Calixis defenders confront the dread wanderer. The Space Hulk is bombarded and successfully driven into the primary star of the Pellucidan System before its nightmarish inhabitants can ravage Pellucida’s worlds. The Pellucian sun is said to be scarred for nearly three decades afterwards, vivid greenish stains burning upon its harsh white surface. The Rogue Trader line of Chorda is gifted freedom of the sub-sector in addition to its usual Warrant of Trade. Although repealed a century later for malfeasance, this benefice cements them as one of the most powerful Rogue Trader Houses operating out of the Calixis Sector.
Founding of Port Wander (917-924.M40) - Port Wander is founded by the Imperial Navy in the Rubycon II System: A large and heavily-armed space station designated Port Wander is built and equipped as a staging ground to investigate the loss of many vessels and other incidents on the fringes of the Drusus Marches over the course of the preceding centuries. Using Port Wander as a base, Battle Group Trajan is assigned to carry out deep patrols beyond the bounds of the sub-sector. Nothing concrete is found and Navy starships are quickly removed to other duties owing to unrest in the sector core, leaving the station for the moment as little more than an oversized watchpost, heavily dependent on Rogue Trader traffic for its survival and protection.
The Discovery of the Maw (997.M40) - Rogue Trader Purity Lathimon succeeds where dozens of other Rogue Traders have failed and perished, discovering and plotting safe passage through what she dubs "the Maw" to the Koronus Expanse beyond. Fated and cursed in equal measure in some quarters, Purity Lathimon’s crew returns largely too insane or troubled in mind to travel the void again, and she barters her knowledge for vast wealth with the other Rogue Traders posed to exploit her discovery. Purity herself is said to have disappeared back within the Imperium after imparting her secrets to those who would follow her. According to some apocryphal stories she is said to have purchased her own paradise world outright and in others to have met a far darker fate.
Disappearance of the Sceptre'd Rose (999.M40) - The Sceptre’d Rose, a Rogue Trader barque under the command of the Lady Juno Dach’man and one of the first vessels to traverse the new route through the Maw, disappears in transit. The voidship enters Koronus lore as perhaps the Expanse’s first ghost ship but is far from its last. The vessel is sighted on scores of occasions in the centuries to follow, both visually and as an "auspex phantom," and is generally regarded as an ill-omened sight at the start of a voyage, and a good omen if sighted upon returning to port.
Calixian Warrants of Trade Granted for Koronus Expanse (055.M41) - The Lord Sector Calixis and his heirs and successors are granted the right, within set guidelines, to issue Warrants of Trade pertaining to the exploration, exploitation and domination of the Koronus Expanse by the writ of the High Lords of Terra. This leads inevitably to a steady rise in the number of Rogue Traders operating within the Expanse in the years to come, kept largely in check by natural attrition, and also serves to further bind the frontier of the Koronus Expanse to the Calixis Sector politically.
Kobras Aquairre enters the Koronus Expanse (101.M41) - Kobras Aquairre passes through the Maw. Aquairre, a terrifying and merciless figure with a well-deserved reputation as a butcher of worlds, holds the nearly-unique position of possessing both a Greater Warrant of Trade as a Rogue Trader and full Inquisitorial rank -- a position of extraordinary power within the Imperium of Man. He will never again return to the Imperium and passes far into the depths of the Expanse at the head of a mighty fleet, tasked with rooting out those who have fled the God-Emperor’s judgment and making war upon the xenos. His reports couriered back to Port Wander go to form the basis of much of what is known by the Imperium about the Koronus Expanse to this day, but it is believed that Aquairre reported far less than what he found to his masters. Even to this day, dead and ravaged worlds marked by his banner are still being rediscovered.
The Gothic War (143-160.M41) - The Gothic War, also called the 12th Black Crusade, was a vast military campaign against the Imperium of Man launched by the Warmaster of Chaos Undivided Abaddon the Despoiler of the Black Legion in 139.M41 which lasted until 160.M41. Abaddon managed the rare feat of uniting the disparate forces of the Ruinous Powers under the banner of Chaos Undivided and led his Chaos Space Marines and the rest of the Forces of Chaos from the Eye of Terror into realspace where they engulfed the strategically important Gothic Sector of the Imperium of Man in war. The conflict consisted of hundreds of planetary invasions and naval battles and only ended when Abaddon was forced to retreat to the Immaterium with the arrival of Imperial reinforcements. It saw the destruction of several planets and four of the six known Blackstone Fortresses, as well as the deaths of billions of Imperial citizens.
First Eldar Raid in the Koronus Expanse (152.M41) - The Rogue Trader fleet of Synbar Lockhart is ambushed by the treacherous Eldar in orbit of the Dead World of Foulstone. The first confirmed contact with the ancient and malign xenos within the Koronus Expanse, the Eldar assailants are later identified as belonging to the Eldar Corsairs faction known as "The Crow Spirits." A dozen human voidships of varying sizes are destroyed in the ambush, and only the Menes Rhea, Synbar’s own Cruiser, escapes intact. The Lockhart fortunes never fully recovered from this blow, and that Rogue Trader line maintains a bitter hatred of the Eldar to this day.
Death of Kobras Aquairre (151.M41) - The death of Kobras Aquairre is proclaimed in Port Wander after more than a decade without a report from his armada, to the rejoicing of some and the lamentation of others. Some claim his ships lost with all hands to a fleet of pale-hulled xenos craft, while others say he was the victim of assassination from within his own ranks. Yet others claim that his fleet was laid to waste by an unexpected Warp Storm, but no facts or proof are presented. In the wake of this news, many other Rogue Traders are drawn through the Maw to seek their fortune.
Disappearance of Lo Pan (161.M41) - The final garbled transmission from Rogue Trader Abner Lo Pan’s Cruiser is picked up faintly by astropathic relay at Port Wander. The transmission, although badly degraded and incoherent speaks of the vessel ensnared within the tightening coils of a great serpent of blood and glass. No sign of Lo Pan or his starship are ever found.
Veronique Renuka Declared Outlaw (179.M41) - Veronique Renuka is declared an outlaw for her involvement in an attempted coup on the Calixian Hive World of Cyclopia. She flees into the region of the Koronus Expanse now referred to as the Unbeholden Reaches with a substantial fortune and a cadre of household troops.
Formation of Winterscale's Realm (188-274.M41) - Sebastian Winterscale, a cunning and able Rogue Trader rumoured to be the unwanted son of the ruling families of the distant Ophidian Sector, is granted a fresh Warrant of Trade and begins to systematically establish and dominate an interstellar realm that bears his name to this day in the Koronus Expanse. Although still only partially explored, by any measure Winterscale’s Realm remains one of the most well-traversed and well-established within the area of the Expanse, and a prize to be envied and perhaps desired as a target for conquest by many.
Elementis Vulpa Returns to Port Wander (201.M41) - Kobras Aquairre vanishes into the Rifts of Hecaton, a fact attested to by the last ship of his fleet, the Frigate Elementis Vulpa, which returns to Port Wander later in this year. This small and already damaged vessel turned back on his order when the remainder of the fleet plunged into the depths of the rifts, with the expectation that they would meet their deaths within. Rumours in Port Wander begin to circulate of dead suns and lifeless darkness in the rifts, and that Aquairre sacrificed himself and his fleet willingly to prevent some terrifying threat they discovered to all human life. The Elementis Vulpa and her crew subsequently disappear, some say into the grip of the Ordo Xenos.
Fenton Kail Claims Discovery of STC Database in the Koronus Expanse (388.M41) - Fenton Kail declares that he has discovered an intact Standard Template Construct database on a dead moon circling twin red stars when he puts into dock at Port Wander, seeking backers and stating his intent to re-equip and hire mercenaries to exploit his find. A few days later, he is assassinated before he can mount his expedition and his "secret" dies with him. His starship, the Malcontent, passes to the hands of his first mate by right of succession and is destroyed a few months later through the seemingly-accidental overloading of its plasma reactors. There are no known survivors of the ship, and Kail’s death ends his direct bloodline. The dead moon supposedly harbouring the STC described by Kail has never been discovered by other hands, although faked copies of "Kail’s Map" regularly appear on sale to the gullible in several ports.
The Macharian Crusade (392-399.M41) - The Macharian Crusade was a monumental, seven-year-long Imperial Crusade fought between 392.M41 and 399.M41, led by Lord Commander Solar Macharius, the Imperium's greatest Imperial Guard commander of all time and a recognised tactical and strategic genius on a par with the Primarchs themselves. This Crusade took place on the far western edge of the galaxy within the Segmentum Pacificus, reaching as far as the border of the galaxy with intergalactic space and even reaching into the unknown regions of the Halo Zone. The furthest extent of this Crusade reached just beyond the edge of the Segementum Pacificus, where not even the blessed light of the Astronomican could penetrate the dark void. Most Imperial savants agree that Macharius was the most successful and brilliant Imperial Warmaster since the Arch-Traitor Horus. Nearly a thousand worlds were brought back into the Imperial fold in only seven standard years of fighting, yet upon his death the newly-won territories erupted into the civil war known as the Macharian Heresy as Macharius' various generals vied for control, fighting over the spoils as degenerate warlords.
The Battleship Duchess Iolanthe
The Year of the Dreaming Depths (397.M41) - Quickly entering into whispered myth and legend among the voidfarers of the Koronus Expanse, in this year Warp predations dramatically spike. A disproportionate number of vessels suffer incursions by Warp entities during transit, and many ships -- such as the ancient and justly famous Battleship Duchess Iolanthe, long a cornerstone of the Winterscale fleet -- are lost to the malice of the Warp. Rogue psyker activity on several worlds where there are those with the wit to know it for what it is increases and the entire fledging colony of Comenina on the edge of the Foundling Worlds dies in a single night.
Rogue Trader Parsimus Dewain founds Footfall (410.M41) - Possibly in search of a world on which to build a palace city, former Imperial Guard Colonel turned Rogue Trader Parsimus Dewain passes through the Maw with a small fleet of starships laden with stone, plasteel and iron. Becalmed on the far side of the Maw he orders the construction of "my grand palace in the stars." It is believed that some of his followers who question the sanity of such an order are put to death, sealed alive within the walls of the rapidly expanding void settlement of Footfall.
WAAAGH! Gulgrog Assaults Port Wander (422.M41) - The Ork WAAAGH! Gulgrog erupts from the depths of the Koronus Expanse and smashes through the Maw, laying siege to Port Wander with a fleet composed of hundreds of Kill Kroozers and crude Roks. Many Rogue Traders simply stay out of the massive fleet’s way rather than be crushed by its vast numbers, while others demand exorbitant fees for coming to Port Wander’s aid. The siege is finally lifted with a massive counterattack by Battlefleet Calixis and the Adeptus Mechanicus.
Balastus Irem Assassinated (443.M41) - Balastus Irem and all his family are put to death by a cell of Inquisitors of the Ordos Xenos Calixis. The use of shapechanging murder teams by the Ordo and the horde of xenos artefacts possessed by the Rogue Trader become the stuff of whispered tales between explorers and voidfarers, and former allies and servants of House Irem quickly find sanctuary and new identities in the services of certain other unscrupulous Rogue Traders.
First War for Armageddon (444.M41) - The First War for Armageddon is the least well known of the three wars fought by the Imperium in defence of the Hive World of Armageddon in the Segmentum Solar, and was a titanic clash between the Forces of Chaos and the defenders of the Imperium of Man. It represented the culmination of years of preparation by the former Primarch and Daemon Prince Angron, the favoured Champion of Khorne, to unify his World Eaters after the Battle of Skalathrax had led the XII Legion to break up into scattered warbands. Angron sought to recreate a coherent force of Chaos Space Marines capable of invading deep into the Imperium once more just as they had done during the Horus Heresy. In the end, it was Angron's own foolish belief in his victory before completing a total conquest of the world that led to the failure of the campaign and his banishment to the Warp for one hundred Terran years. The First War for Armageddon represents a textbook example of how the Forces of Chaos can slowly infiltrate an Imperial population to eventually bring about a full-scale invasion from the Warp.
Death of Parsimus Dewain (498.M41) - Parsimus Dewain dies in his bed of natural causes, truly a remarkable feat given the quantity and quality of his enemies. Footfall immediately becomes submerged in a struggle for political and economic control of what has become a wealthy waystation and island of relative stability for Imperial explorers passing into the Koronus Expanse.
The Reign of Blades (499-500.M41) - Footfall comes under the brutal tyranny of Tarn Marvolus; a recidivist who had fled the Calixis Sector. Marvolus rose to be the Liege of Footfall through a campaign of assassination and the use of dark sorcery. Any who questioned the word of the soft-spoken Marvolus was later found sliced into quarters -- one in each of the four most distant points of Footfall. This Reign of Blades lasts for over a standard year, owing mostly to the indifference of passing Rogue Traders, who little care who rules Footfall as long as it serves their needs, and the brutal alliance of criminals, witches and narco-tribesmen that Marvolus commanded. The Reign of Blades is finally ended when Marvolous, grown too bold and arrogant, demands that Rogue Trader Cassilus pay him personal tribute for docking. Cassilus replied that she would “pay a tribute of the kind she only paid to the greatest kings of untamed worlds”: The four quarters of Marvolous’ body were later found in the four farthest points of Footfall.
Increase in Void Kraken Attacks (499-503.M41) - Vessels exploring the fringes of the Hecaton Rifts report sightings and indeed attacks by Void Kraken in alarming numbers.
Space Marines in the Koronus Expanse (517.M41) - Two Adeptus Astartes Strike Cruisers and several Escort ships of unknown Chapter and origin and sporting no heraldry appear over Footfall demanding tribute in supplies andinformation on pain of planetary assault if their demands are not met. The Liege promptly and wisely acquiesces to their requests and the Space Marines depart again to an unknown destination.
Battle of Embers (520.M41) - The Rogue Traders Aton Marner and Cassius Sult clash over the exploitation of a mineral-rich asteroid belt near Falcon’s Fall Gamma, in what becomes widely known as the Battle of Embers, sparking a blood feud between them that carries on to this day.
Disciples of Thule Enter the Kornus Expanse (528.M41) - An Explorator sub-fleet under Magos Solus Kanceme enters the Koronus Expanse and scatters far and wide, spurning xenos worlds in search of pre-Imperial artefacts sacred to the Omnissiah. Little is known of Kanceme’s final fate, but his fleet’s arrival marks the first major mission of the Mechanicus sub-cult called the Disciples of Thule into the area.
First Recorded Appearance of the Whisper of Anaris (540.M41) - Travelling from the far reaches of Winterscale’s Realm, Rogue Trader Elbor Winterscale reports being stalked by a "ghostly xenos ship with tattered sails." Though unknown to Elbor and his crew, it is believed this is the first recorded appearance of the Eldar phantom ship Whisper of Anaris.
Cara Marner Succeeds to the Marner Lineage (577.M41) - The feud between Rogue Traders Marner and Sult worsens when Aton Marner is killed on the deck of his voidship in battle, following a daring ambush by a warship under Hyperia Sult’s command. This sparks a crisis of succession in the Marner line, which is ultimately resolved when the Marner Warrant of Trade passes to his granddaughter Cara Marner on distant Fenksworld, who is acclaimed Rogue Trader never having set foot aboard a starship before.
Prophecy of Gartrafal (633.M41) - Master Gartrafal, an Astropath noted for his abilities as a prognostic, famously dies in Footfall in a fit of screaming madness, babbling of “dark worms beneath a green-eyed star,” the “sea of molten gold,” and other half-formed and paradoxical terrors. A heavily adulterated transcript of his last words makes the rounds as a penthrift dreadful foretelling doom for the entire Koronus Expanse, and is quickly suppressed by the Imperial authorities on Port Wander, although its distributors remain a mystery. Numerous sources have supposed the “green-eyed star” to be a reference to the blighted world of Concanid in the Unbeholden Reaches.
The Haarlock Purges (703.M41) - Erasmus Haarlock vanishes after systematically butchering all other scions of his line in a brutal purge following a succession war between the heirs of House Haarlock. Ranging from the Calixis Sector to dread Mandragora and beyond, Haarlock’s purge also touches the Koronus Expanse, where he hunts down three of his kinfolk and destroys two other Rogue Traders who dare stand in his way.
The Lost Paradise (711.M41) - In 711.M41, tales begin to circulate, in both Footfall and Port Wander, that deep within Winterscale’s Realm lies a clutch of beautiful worlds hidden for millennia. These worlds are said to all orbit a single bright star and each is said to be an untouched paradise of lush vegetation where the air is sweet and great grazing creatures roam in contented docility. Some tales insist that the water itself is blessed and can rinse away any disease and gems the size of a child’s fist wash down from the rocks of snow-capped mountains. All tales agree that no one has ever found these wondrous worlds and returned.
Midnight's lair Sighted (713.M41) - A previously unseen Space Hulk, designated Midnight’s Lair, is sighted by Explorator voidships surveying the Unbeholden Reaches.
Ember Nostromo begins Her Reign of Terror (717.M41) - Ember Nostromo, Navigator and refugee from the brutal Haarlock Purges, betrays her new master, the outlaw captain Buros Han, and takes command of his vessel, a pre-Angevin Crusade relic named the Monarch of Whispers. Turning pirate and gathering to herself a coterie of Warp-witches and killers from the hated Saynay Clan, the Monarch becomes one of the most hated and hunted ships in the Koronus Expanse, a prize bounty of enormous price placed on her head by the Navis Nobilite for her treacherous perfidy against the Emperor and damage to their good reputation.
Death of Roodmar Urussalin (718.M41) - The Rogue Trader Roodmar Urussalin is reported slain by Orks by the survivors of his fleet’s expedition beyond the Cauldron, but reports of his fleet’s passage stir up Rogue Traders, who flock to the area to do battle with the growing Greenskin menace.
Discovery of the Dolorium Vaults (741.M41) - The Disciples of Thule discover data-vaults from a Space Hulk drifting through the void above the Feral World of Dolorium. The Dolorium Vaults reveal details of the unexplored regions of the Koronus Expanse that begin a rush of voyages into its far reaches. Many Imperial explorers disappear and much of the data proves inaccurate, or to have been rendered so by the passage of time. Whispers circulate that the Disciples of Thule have deliberately corrupted the information. Some go so far as to assert that they have kept some fragments secret from those outside their order.
Damocles Gulf Crusade (742.M41) - The Damocles Gulf Crusade was the first military conflict fought between the Imperium of Man and the rapidly expanding Tau Empire in the Lithesh Sector of the Ultima Segmentum in the galaxy's Eastern Fringes during the late 41st Millennium. The conflict essentially ended in a stalemate, as the Imperium was forced to conclude its military offensive early to deal with the encroaching Tyranid threat while the Tau sought to begin diplomatic negotiations with the Imperium to show humanity the benefits to be had by accepting the Greater Good.
Battle of Agusia (742.M41) - In one of the largest naval battles of recent times in the Koronus Expanse, a combined fleet composed of starships from more than a dozen Rogue Trader houses including Winterscale, Sult, Helfire, Lo Pan, Lockhart and Marner give battle to the archeo-pirates and Renegades of the Amerat Union and their savage allies, the Cabal of the Bloody Libation. The vile pirates are betrayed by one of their own and ambushed in the star system of the Cemetery World of Agusia where the Union’s Heretek Jagerdamen hoped to uncover an artefact of unholy power. Losses are heavy on both sides after a fifteen hour space battle, and reports of a black-iron coloured vessel sporting the livery of House Aquairre assisting the Rogue Trader fleet during the worst fighting are later dismissed by all the surviving captains as “mere fantasy.” The Amerat are wiped out during the battle and their void station-sized mothership breaks up while attempting to flee into the Warp, while their Eldar Corsair allies are likewise badly mauled in the engagement and scatter into the void.
First Tyrannic War Begins (745.M41) - Hive Fleet Behemoth, the first Tyranid Hive Fleet ever encountered by the Imperium of Man, is defeated at the Battle of Macragge by the sacrifice of the Ultramarines Chapter and most of the Imperial Navy's Battlefleet Ultima. This represents only the first of the many Tyranid incursions into Imperial space to come.
Discovery of the Processional of the Damned (746.M41) - Following a vision by one of his numerous flock of zealots and holy mystics, the Rogue Trader Wrath Umboldt discovers the Processional of the Damned. From this moment on the pious man believes himself to have passed beyond the grace of the Emperor.
Ravana's Bloody-Handed Cogs Enter the Koronus Expanse (747.M41) - A small but powerful force of Sollexian Adeptus Mechanicus Explorators from Haddrack in the Calixis Sector, having splintered from their fellows on doctrinal grounds, and led by Archmagos Ravana, enter the Koronus Expanse. They quickly prove their willingness to fire on and do battle with Rogue Traders and clash with other Explorators under the direction of Magos Kanceme and anybody else who would stand between them and their goals, but remain uncensored by Cult Mechanicus overlords. This earns them the mocking nickname “Ravana’s Bloody-Handed Cogs” for the crimson and gold Opus Machina graven on the hulls of their vessels, placing them in the popular imagination of the Koronus Voidborn as little more than sanctioned pirates, a reputation which has lasted to the present.
The Ragwitch Mystery (751.M41) - The merchantman Malfian Princess arrives at the void settlement of Footfall in the Koronus Expanse three months overdue and with every soul aboard, some ten thousand crew and passengers, dead -- nothing left of them but dust and brittle bones aged as if millennia had passed and her plasma reactors nearly cold. The word "ragwitch" scraped in the thick dust of the arm of the captain’s chair remains the only clue as to what fate befell the vessel.
The Harvest of Reavers (754-761.M41) - The Rogue Trader Aspyce Chorda begins her campaign against the Chaos pirates of Iniquity in the Koronus Expanse. At first all those captured by her are crudely lobotomized and sent as slave-serfs to Chorda’s various domains. After a series of massacres and the corruption of a number of her holdings the practice is discontinued in favour of immolation of the captured Heretics. Chorda’s campaign ends when debts and oaths to the Calixian banking House Krin draw her back to the void settlement of Footfall to protect their interests.
Start of the Sabbat Worlds Crusade (755.M41) - The Sabbat Worlds Crusade was an Imperial Crusade fought over the course of more than 23 standard years between 755.M41 and 778.M41 to retake the Sabbat Worlds Sector located at the rimward edge of the Segmentum Pacificus from the heretical Forces of Chaos. This Crusade was one of the largest and most significant Imperial military operations undertaken in recent history and ultimately ended in the reconquest of the sector by the armed forces of the Imperium of Man.
The Claimant Wars (785.M41) - A short, destructive conflict erupts between the forces of the Rogue Traders Calligos Winterscale and Aspyce Chorda on Lucin’s Breath. The matter is unexpectedly settled with the signing of the Nephium Compact that divides Lucin’s Breath between Winterscale and Chorda interests.
Stryxis Establish Presence in the God-Emperor's Scourge (789.M41) - The Stryxis, covetous and untrustworthy xenos traders, already known as rarely-encountered wanderers in the Koronus Expanse, establish a permanent (if shifting) presence in the asteroid belts and lifeless systemson the trailing edge of the Warp Storm anomaly called the God-Emperor’s Scourge. Known among Renegades as the "rust palace" the Stryxis that trade there will strike any kind of deal and deal in anything, and only Eldar are unwelcome on pain of death.
Midnight's Lair Assaults the 'Undred-'Undred Teef (789.M41) - The Space Hulk Midnight’s Lair is sighted in battle with Ork raiders near the Greenskin-controlled star systems in the Koronus Expanse known as the ‘Undred, ‘Undred Teef by the blockade runner White Sabre. The Orks appear to be faring worse in the engagement.
Karrad Vall Enters the Koronus Expanse (794.M41) - The barbed vessels of the Chaos Renegade Karrad Vall emerge from the Maw and bombard the void settlement of Footfall. The Renegades are finally driven off by the fleet of the Rogue Trader Calligos Winterscale, but not before their boarding parties and surface raiders capture hundreds of souls. Their fate is to said to provide a libation of blood to the Dark Gods in thanks for safe passage through the Great Warp Storms for the infamous Vall, said to have last plagued the Imperium a millennium before.
The Astral Knives Enter the Koronus Expanse (795.M41) - A congregation of the Astral Knives comes to the void settlement of Footfall in the wake of their persecution by the Inquisition in the Calixis Sector. As well as serving at times as killers for hire, the Astral Knives’ see themselves as true servants of the God-Emperor whose creed is to ritually assassinate those whom omens and the Emperor's Tarot indicate to be corrupt, so as to preserve the God-Emperor’s protection on those who must brave the Warp. Since its coming to Footfall, the cult has quietly flourished, and has gained a shadowy reputation as a faction both dangerous and powerful.
The Loss of the Gaunt triumph (796.M41) - The Grand Cruiser Gaunt Triumph is found drifting around a nameless world in the Unbeholden Reaches of the Koronus Expanse. The few survivors onboard the wreck speak of a vast and pale structure drifting through the void like the carcass of a creature picked clean by eyeless things in the depths of lightless water. They whimper of the glow of the thing’s deathly light and the voices of the dead wailing in your mind like the scratching of talons on the inside of a coffin lid. Some claim to have set foot within the thing, and tell of “echoes that sing” and “silver trees that weep blood.”
Da Wurldbreaka Strikes (800.M41) - A flotilla of Mechanicus Explorator vessels charting the Accursed Demesne are set upon by the dreaded Ork Kaptin Morgaash Kulgraz and his vessel, Da Wurldbreaka. Though much of the ships are destroyed, an unlucky few are scattered amongst the Demense to be hunted by Ork Freebooterz.
Death of Amphian Deed (803.M41) - Covert forces of the Ordo Xenos operating in the Koronus Expanse reveal themselves in force and burn the Rogue Trader Amphian Deed and his coterie for his role in the Halo of Darkness cult. Afterward rumours persist that scions of Deed yet remain unfound, and many who previously believed themselves to have been beyond the Imperium’s reach sleep less soundly than before. Much of Deed’s vast fortune in precious crystals and xenos-tech is thought to have been hidden somewhere in a secret cache near the Unbeholden Reaches, sparking a perilous scavenger hunt in the dangerous stars of the area by many lesser Rogue Traders willing to venture their luck.
Karrad Vall Finds a New Home in the Koronus Expanse (805.M41) - Rumours begin to circulate that the Warp-worshiper Karrad Vall has founded a world somewhere Spinward of the Cauldron devoted to the dark powers he serves, and that he is willing to pay in savage arms and occult lore for any that will bring him a bounty in human lives to build his new kingdom of slaughter. Many pious Rogue Traders swear to discover this nameless world and burn it to cinders, while Vall becomes the chosen target of sermons by Ecclesiarchy Preachers throughout the Koronus Expanse.
Tanthus Moross Becomes Liege of Footfall (808.M41) - Tanthus Moross succeeds to the throne of the Liege of the void settlement of Footfall in the Koronus Expanse by right of murder, and quickly proves a highly effective and diligently ruthless leader to wide public acclaim.
Murder of Justinian Krin (808.M41) - Justinian Krin, leader of a powerful merchant’s factor of the Calixian banking House Krin operating out of Port Wander in the Koronus Expanse and a man with many enemies, is brutally and publicly slain by what onlookers describe as a “shining phantom” while attending a grand feast, his body swiftly dissolving to toxic slime after the attack. House Krin offers a standing reward of a great sum in Thrones or a fully outfitted Warp-capable Frigate to the party who can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt who is responsible for the attack.
Reef Stars Crusade Begins (811.M41)
Rak'Gol Marauders Appear in the Koronus Expanse (811.M41) - The merchant brig Daughter of Regals and her Escorts are lost with all hands to the xenos known as the Rak’Gol Marauders running between Port Wander and Lucien’s Breath. The alien race, known only in scattered reports over the previous decade, are seen by some as a growing threat to human domination of the Koronus Expanse. This attack, the latest in a string of escalating incidents, prompts large bounties to be posted on their vessels and knowledge of their origin by the rulers of Lucin’s Breath, fronting a cabal of other "interested parties" who would see the hostile species exterminated from the stars.
The Strangling (813.M41) - The Great Warp Storms on the edge of the Calixis Sector swell and the Maw snaps shut for the first time in centuries. No starships can pass into the Koronus Expanse from the Calixis Sector and the void settlement of Footfall in particular finds itself starved ofay. Those that are able flee the slowly dying settlement and those that remain turn on one another in bloody civil war, and many old alliances are shattered and new vendettas birthed. Footfall is saved by a sudden easing of the Warp Storms near the turning of the year that allow spacecraft to pass through the Maw once more, but the world’s population has been reduced by a full quarter in the intervening time.
Sighting of the Rift Hydra (815.M41) - The Rogue Trader Relza Calzus claims to have sighted the Rift Hydra in the void of the Rune System. Few believe his claims, and instead remark that the Beggar Captain has never so much as ventured beyond the void around Footfall.
Midnight's Lair Sighted Near the Heathen Stars (816.M41) - The Space Hulk Midnight’s Lair is sighted in the vicinity of the Heathen Stars. Several vessels also soon disappear in the area, and astropathic communication near the Heathen Stars becomes almost impossible.
An Age of Opportunity (816.M41) - A new generation of Rogue Traders and their retinues of explorers begins to move into the Koronus Expanse. They enter the little-known region in search of new opportunities for wealth, commerce and Imperial colonisation. Little do they know of the hidden dangers that lie within the Expanse, and the threat they present to the Calixis Sector and the broader Imperium of Man...
They've already done the groundwork, we need merely to find and help them and save them from the kairos as they near earth.
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