But it is not the "misguided Santas" who are the core lords of the terrorists - they can be terrible when they are captured by the true lords of the terrorists. Look, instead, at those that try to enslave and misuse the Santas...
Even Hindus and Muslims can be terrible, we'll find!
Who can't?
There is a heart of corruption deep within the Black Empire... A process of intrigue, a key aspect of the cosmic terror apparatus:
The lord at the center of the action is one "Jafar"?
Let's talk about the worst form of Jafar (hey, not as if a villain can't be good given the chance, but we must examine this one more closely lest such chances aren't in vain).
Jafar seems like a "high lord of Klingon" who doesn't necessarily conform to Saturn (and thus is the true "Satan").
"An inspiration to the character is the villain Jafar, played by Conrad Veidt in The Thief of Bagdad, from which Aladdin borrows several character ideas and plot elements".
As his attire suggests, he is a powerful lord of Klingon, who at worst uses nature magic to try and enslave Chronos, the father of Zeus, by playing secret-hiding middleman between nature and powerful mankind...
"J", the 10th alphabet, thus Jafar (the worst type of Jafar seems actually not even Jafar at all, but the Brahm pisaach) can be the true face of the most corrupt, and Vedic era Ravana, Klingon lord from such wilds, where freedom is not present...
"When his pet parrot Iago suggests an alternative plan, Jafar decides to use the hypnotic powers of his cobra-headed staff to manipulate the Sultan into mandating a marriage between himself and Jasmine (thus a stereotypical marital socialist). However, he is impeded by Aladdin (bit like Mandos).
There can be 2 types of "Alis" - Ali the Aladin (which is hard to be, as hard as it is to be a faultless Santa), or Ali the Jafar...
Disney pinochiously (ignoring the distinction) says:
Seeing “Prince Ali” as a potential threat to his plans and a rival for Jasmines’s hand in marriage, he plots to dispose of him. After a second attempt by Jafar on his life, Aladdin (with the help of the Genie) survives and exposes Jafar's plot against the Sultan.
In that context, the good or anti Jafar is such a Jafar who exposes the actual (or villainous) Jafar ( the Ali collaborating with the Brahm pisaach the villain of all villains)
Here comes the twist:
Here comes into the picture Jafar's "Iago the parrot" - again note this power, maybe it is Mosh Ogg's bounty at the centre of the black empire, something, a temporal power, granted to the one who knows how to trick nature, it is a great power that can be used for good or bad, but is often used for bad.... it's the problem with the Klingon collective ...
"Iago steals the lamp from Aladdin and Jafar becomes the Genie's new master. Jafar uses his first two wishes to become Sultan and the world's most powerful sorcerer. Jafar assumes control of the palace (which is lifted off the ground and put on the main top of a mountain by Genie) and banishes Aladdin to a frozen wasteland. Jafar then turns the Sultan into a puppet" (the fact that the parrot is enslaved puppet, is clear from how parrot is called "Popat" in India...).
All this action... seems to occur in the nature-humanity political interface whose near-sky capital is the 3rd level of the "Kingdom of heaven"... (that diagram of a giant spaceship may be additionally a metaphor for the universe, where the No. 3 rung aka zoo-jungle is dominated by the villain type of Jafar, the evil 16 aka "big brother" of Hades (which is why Hades is shown with a bident)...
But NASA, although currently staffed with many good people it might seem, is infiltrated by Jafar... of the current Jafar, i has a clue today...
Someone on a FB group "NASA" was talking about a "smartest being on the planet".
Yazidism is a monotheistic faith based on belief in one God, who created the world and entrusted it into the care of a Heptad of seven Holy Beings, often known as Angels or heft sirr (the Seven Mysteries). Preeminent among these is Tawûsê Melek (also known as "Melek Taus"), the Peacock Angel. Traditionally, Yazidis who marry non-Yazidis are considered to have converted to the religion of their spouse".
“In Seabrook's book Adventures in Arabia, he describes “Yezidees” as "a mysterious sect scattered throughout the Orient, strongest in North Arabia, feared and hated both by Moslem and Christian, because they are worshippers of Satan”." “Gurdjieff wrote of his encounters with the Yazidis in Meetings with Remarkable Men, mentioning that they are considered "devil worshippers" by other ethnicities in the region”. In Lovecraft's The Horror at Red Hook, “some of the murderous foreigners are identified as belonging to "the Yezidi clan of devil-worshippers".” “Melek Taus (Kurdish: Tawusê Melek), aka Malik Tous, translated in English as Peacock Angel, is one of the central figures of Yazidi religion”.
Thus confirming Modi is a similar Jafar, and the reason why the Yazidis who worship the peacock angel were seen as Satanic:
This explains the sex slavery unleashed by ISIS around this region (godlessness justified by situationally woven "explanations" in Arabic (A language which anyway is written backwards) in the name of Islam):
So you see!
All this is what Jesus, Santa, Shiva, Allah etc. are up against, and in this process, some paladins get corrupted, to enter the side of Jafar!
That secret power hiding in America (but always striking through German bases, never revealing himself, keeping safe his base in America and then scapegoating the Germans in the end):
A "president Jefferson"
(who still acts)
(only a bit close to Jafar, maybe)...
Was challenged, seemoto have hacked my internet made it choppy, but i got his machine gunner whereby he fled and kicked me... just how Supreme Skull's other agent in Afroeurasia, Indiana Hitler, fled the game)
Saturn raised an army to counter this menace, and though they too were often infiltrated by Jafar, it was for the greater good - the task of resurrecting Asuryan, was the highest purpose of Saturn/Santa, who became a sort of simulation of lost Khaine: "Klingons possess a robust and enduring biology as well as large and muscular statures. Klingons have been seen on multiple occasions possessing physical strength equal to or superior to that of Jem'Hadar and Hirogen, two other races possessing immense strength, and the half-human B'Elanna Torres proves more than a match for a Vulcan. Their anatomy is redundant and supernumerary; every organ has a backup, including an extra set of kidneys, an eight-chambered heart, a third lung, a secondary brain stem, as well as an extensive and hardy skeletal structure. This redundancy is evident even at the cellular level; for example, the Klingons have back-up synaptic networks in their nervous systems, allowing them to grow a new spine, as was demonstrated with Worf when his spine was surgically removed and replaced with a transplanted, genetically cloned new one. Their rapid metabolism allows injured Klingons to heal quickly. All of this makes Klingons extremely hardy and difficult to kill, as necessitated by their aggressive nature, and resistant to physical trauma, environmental exposure, and illness. Klingons alone have a natural resistance to "the Phage," which plagues the Vidiians of the Delta Quadrant. Like Cardassians, they avoid cold temperatures. Klingons also have a heightened sense of smell as suggested in "Birthright, Part II" in The Next Generation, when Worf and a Klingon boy go hunting and can track an animal by scent. Klingon children are fierce and aggressive by nature; from as soon as they can walk, they are instructed into honing their hunting and combat skills, strengthening their physical prowess and agility. Like humans, they go through a form of puberty, which, as Picard puts it in Star Trek: Insurrection "hardly does it justice" and includes sudden bursts of hair growth, extreme mood swings, violent tendencies, and the Klingon equivalent of acne (called 'Gorch' in Klingon)."
Closer to heaven, in the eye of terror (of which i learnt by my own research, someone wanna help me write book?), this is what happens:
Brahma is not allowed to manifest, by the besiegers, who outlaw them from the "A" or highest realm (where the Slaaneshi try to resurrect the Asuryani ideal... but find it hard to fight Jafar):
As an upper caste "Aryan" explains: "Kaal purush/Brahm is the father of tridevs (brhma,vishnu and shiv). It is fact that Kabir dev banished kaal purush from satyalok and the whole story explained by Saint Rampal is true."
(see how they heretically use theterm "Shiv" for Shiva)...
And this is why Modi was called "Brahm Pisaach" (killer of manifesting Brahma)...
The Melek Taus itself has given up on the prospect of being controlled by the BJP yet to somehow represent the people:

The "Brahm Pisaach"...
Spearheaded by the fake "P" of earth (the evil kind of "serpent of Midgard" was not a serpent at all, the evil peasant aka console peasant):
The Brahm Pisaach!
... has the power of magic ("I", the 9th alphabet, the fallen 9 kings of men)
... "S" has a navigator (The fake Sita aka Sita von Ravana (Jafar), whose kingdom was burnt by the noble race of Hanuman aka space monkeys)
Has "AA" (very strongly rooted in, and corrupting, heaven itself...)
... has the power of CH (e.g., Switzerland)
The culture of the so-called cow belt is apparent... killing the Gods and their chosen people...
"Kali" tries to resurrect Kaal Purush... to bring order into the 3 worlds and thus into the universe, in heaven (Pole Star region), Intermediate region (Eye of Terror), and earth... and of late the Old Empire's emperor finds himself unable to hunt earth's good animals )who know the other half of the story) with glee...
This, then, is the untold story of Aladin the nomad who is chased out by Jafar who installs himself as a Sultan and seizes "Jasmine"...
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