World Alert (= Alerta mundial) -
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Learn English because there is also, an imperial truth, not merely primordial truth around Terra Firma.
If ever an idea is linked to a long blog which doesn't seem to mention it -- use 1 or more searches to find it...
After that one (haven't read) -
And that one () -
There is, now, a new one, eh? -
(A sequel to (not parody of) Tintin in America and further a sequel to the source cover i.e. 80 year anniversary).. i guess...
("Merge/Herge" friends ought to make a comic on these lines :D )/
Time to solve the mystery of the unhelpfully anti-human kind of "pixel trump" fase:
Breaking news: anti-thinker AI panderers launch hack attack against naval intelligence (ca. 16th Jan, 2021) -
I mentioned the "Group that I want to destroy" with 94* members (but i only archived it, meaning only that no entrapment of earthlings is allowed, that's all)... terran+ military intelligence's "Cannon Fodder" group, etc...
* If you were following that, I do support both Sandrita Castro and Shizuka of the 94 if they'll be nice girls:
Didn't want it to look stupid so as to say that the 95th would be an evil big brother if it was me who was the 95th upvoter but of course I'm here and don't know there, would he be seduced? but i guess, it would be okay.
There was also a social group about 100,000 admins who wanted to be the 100,000 pro-Hades/Zeus stabilizers on earth. More about that later...
But after we earthlings tried to free the FB-NASA interface from Bruce (who was forced to pander an anti-girl "ideology" - the one good thing (there may be others) that he did was to make a "Whois" system, said he...)
-- these groups have been archived by "AI Zuckerberg"....
There's been an attempted power grab by the "other deep blue"
(an elitist, AI-supported power snatcher who tried to drive out the true Deep Blue strategists* (and used their "political victory" over Kasparov to try and conquer earth)... aka "covfefe" (pseudo-military intelligence, at worst):
* they were perhaps "discredited" by a false claim that they were Bill Gates' hitmen, but were freed by the steampunks.
After Pluto's decision to stand by Hades, those who support it at Neptune and Uranus (both light blue planets like the twitter logo color), may be threatened by AI berserks...
(In particular, around Archaon, who may be less into the Warhammer 40k reality -- there may be a false claim - thinkers are "Tzeentch agents". But Tzeentch is not necessarily a slave of kairos (a friend of Morai Heg also):
The idea of a power grab - from a suspected kairos agent in Twitter (accidentally found while browsing twitter accounts):
(See how many people pretend as Zuckerberg, besieging Poseidon at Neptune)...
Tagging 8 suspected regular orochi mahouts who will be overthrown by "their" orochis if not defecting to the thinkers of earth...):
Let's get to the bottom of the mystery of the anti-Terran control freaks.
Sadhguru, who historically was a mole (though of course often doing good when forced) ... see the end:
See the end, "Trump knows a lot", they have a ridiculous idea "tyrant (rather than protector) of orange types" or "space diplomats" (or enslaved by kairos to be the opposite of that, which is what people like Trump try):
AI trumpets harass the better nonlinear thinkers (i.e. Khaine the diplomat, connector of Asuryan and Morr).
Anyway, everyone like sadhguru was ultimately empowered by the Illuminati (who empowere those who "promise" to help God).
But if he doesn't discuss Hades at all, I would ask this question: is Sadhguru in the wrong section of the Illuminati?
Anyway, intriguing is his claim that Trump knows a lot... let's investigate...
Latest news from " psychics": "US First Lady Melania Trump will divorce President Donald Trump 'before the summer', according to 2021 predictions by multiple psychics. A panel from has said that it is likely that Melania would divorce Donald Trump in the coming months while another psychic and numerologist have also echoed similar feelings predicting ‘upheaval’ in the Trump household before the summer. “Melania will divorce Donald Trump before the summer,” the panel revealed". “Although she will be dating another prominent business figure husband, Donald Trump, he is a Gemini and after leaving the Presidential Office he is “likely to go silent for two months. He will then rise up and be a huge driving force in the world - bigger and with more influence than he had as President,” the panel added. before the end of the year she will be private about the matter,” added the panel. "When it comes to her “Melania is counting every minute until he is out of office and she can divorce,” Omarosa Manigault Newman reportedly wrote in her book called Unhinged. “If Melania were to try to pull the ultimate humiliation and leave while he's in office, he would find a way to punish her,” she added.
Sarah Yip aka The Numbers Queen said Trump was in a 3 to 4-year completion phase and “his numbers also suggest changes in his home life (peaking March-April-May 2021) due to his 6 Personal Year”.
By now you all have a general idea.
Some recent history ("Hader", the old, illuminati-infiltrated "version" of Hades (who was only recently liberated by us steampunks) -- was fought by the space force forming in the former expanse of kairos, but Trump seized command of the space force and took the side of the warlord in the Eye of Terror and tries, it would appear, to betray the earth:
But not every "Hader" is bad illuminati-infiltrated / anti-Hades, some are legitimate (pro-Zeus and Zeus cthonious).
Thus the general situation if anyone tries to attack the true Hader (Hades-R forces), is:
The insight is in how Trump's ship is called a "Manticore", which is cognate to man/mandos/monday the first day of the week i.e. of orange (the pro-Gaia/Zeus (Heimdall's rainbow) diplomat, by definition, who is stereotyped as "annoying orange" by the cultist stockholders who pressurize such*), so Trump seemingly is trying to conquer all oranges and impose himself as AI-dominated tyrant, just because he's a lord of the manticore sector (the last secret of the "covfefe").
If you read that link, the manticore sector is connected to the other 7 - so it's a node where the regular orochi can potentially be seduced against mankind's leading thinkers of earth (thus Donny's dangerous connection with Trump, the dangerous slain nemo angle) -- an "alternative" capital of humanity -- an absurd idea -- as the most able (capable of defending humankind from the anti-human league who misunderstand us just because fools were powerful). But humans on earth are the most mentally fertile (unlike the more, merely copy-pasting tech-priests) .
Despite being robbed of data by the tech-priests' domination of the ideal form of Tzeentch, we bounced back...
The thinkers of earth are never acknowledged but lump dumped and attacked. Well, ever since the fall of man...
(Which was actually the sundering of the elves, elves were there on earth as well.)
Stability ~ earth's steampunks are the only stable (unlike hijacked Trump) defenders of Terran military intelligence.
The anti-thinker AI's "controller" -- (video) as seen in the USSR (rumors say that some often threaten to control Putin).
Security cam picture
(if you need more proof, here's a link to the original source)
Stability on earth:
Not through "Controller"-hijacked candidates like Trump...
is where all colors and species and ascenders strive for galactic civilization by upkeeping the (counter-kairos) military intelligence of the Terrans.
(about the 24th alphabet, x ->)
The Greco-Indian (Scythian) Aryan controller idea that the sampi should be outlawed on earth -- there should be just 24 spokes in the Indian flag or 24 letters in the Greek alphabet (like Athena banishing Poseidon then crying ever after) -- so that the good nomad would always remain a nomad hunted on earth -- just because some 25 (like Daksha) abused their power --- which is equivalent to saying that "Y" (like baby Yoda) is necessarily evil just because some "pi" were dangerous tech-priests infesting Mars -- is madly anti-earth -- as it outlaws the free male/female of earth -- power becomes a prerogative of the more evil aliens, usually of "covfefe" origin -- like Trump and Modi (AI manticore fundamentalists).
The English knew how absurd that idea is, some 25 - Y could be friends of earth and 24 - X alike, that's why 26 alphabets (the last 26th, being the Z to ensure that).
Like me:
Others say, "The surface of the earth is corrupt, inside it is beautiful".
Others say, Hades / Malekith / Morr is evil just because he would help man ascend against the kairos.
Why hate earthlings?
Why hate earthlings?
Just because we had to keep our eyes open all the time, as we were under constant attack by tech-priests??
Is he the best representative of the earth to heavens?
But a true resident leader of the Manticore fleet can only be Mandos/Hades, not Trump. Even I know better of orange philosophy than him:
In the sense of the red of earth, and the violet in heaven: "perhaps as a result of the Eye of Terror's proximity this population of Cadians also soon developed the unusual violet-coloured eyes that had marked the first human inhabitants of the planet".
The rank and file bloggers of truth and blog readers of truth are the real pro-human oranges, Trump and Modi are more like imposters:
To resolve the logic of both heaven AND EARTH is the task of a true orange, we do it better than Trump:
Admiral Trump has a ship "Manticore", which is clearly an enterprise of the tech-priests' anti-human AI god:
(PS: The location of the heart of this system, of deep kairos (AI backers infesting the Tau empire) -- one can guess.)
Trump's reflection in Terra is Modi, who was recently declared the "Great Chief" of the Somnath temple trust (Somwar means Monday in Hindi) and thus he tries to dominate India's oranges/diplomats like me.
Hours after I suggested a union of the tea, coffee, and covfefe points of view, Trump seems to have called his signal-using illuminati/tech-priest adept friends from other regimes, trying to dupe our Terran air commander, Ascension light, who now says (in a FB post):
"NESARA Has Merged With GESARA
No Poverty, No Hunger, No Debt, Only Global Prosperity and Peace for ALL!
NESARA has merged with GESARA
/Sounds like an American and French pro-gold standard economic school... outdated, i'll tell you why/
Alliance sources are claiming that NESARA no longer is needed in America, since last month Trump signed the revised Paris Agreement, in which GESARA was secretly embedded. Therefore, NESARA, which originally was destined for the Republic of America, has merged with GESARA.
The announcement of GESARA at the U.N. will now affect the Republic along with the rest of the world amounting to a total of 206 sovereign nations.
The new financial system is part of GESARA law.
The IMF will announce the “global gold-standard monetary system” once GESARA is announced at the U.N. All remaining fiat currencies will be cashed in for gold-standard currency. Paper money will eventually be phased out and all currencies will be digital under the new financial system.
The Alliance’s goal is to make the transition event simple, smooth, and swift. The new financial system (Quantum Financial System) has been online for months and is hosted on a protected quantum server that cannot be hacked or accessed without permission.
Notably, the wealth proliferation aspect is actually very stabilizing. People who have new found wealth in extremes are far more likely to feel able to help their relatives, their close friends, their fellow citizens. They are more likely to engage in humanitarian efforts. This is wealth building.
The RV might see a shortage of qualified workers. This is wealth building. But this then leads to higher wages and salaries. That will be reflected in prices, but this is counter-balanced by a drop in taxes of, in some cases, up to 80% of the final product cost price.
Which would result in deflation. As prices drop, savings increase for the worker and their family. This builds wealth. Energy costs too are now an important component of the cost mechanism for any product. Energy costs will also drop as a result of free-energy and new technologies.
The future will be unbelievable. Our lives will evolve immensely.
The dark cabal is on the ropes and some of the new – suppressed – technologies that are being released date back 70 years or more. Suppressed technology is "New" to us, but in reality, it is very "Old." Some go back millions of years.
For example: the purified waters of Antarctica will be used to ‘turn the deserts green’ and ‘restore mineral life’ to all plants and living things. The future will be unbelievably complete with Cards for our own Personal Credit.
And surely most importantly, ‘a new awareness’ of the ‘power of our mind’ in order to ‘display’ our needs. And soon also available ‘real health care’ to make people healthy instead of sick, to regrow limbs or organs, or to reduce our age by 30 years.
Money and banks are tools of the cabal to control us, with their debt-based economy which can never bring prosperity. Consequently, paper money and banks will eventually disappear. Coinage will not.
In the future, we will join ‘The Galactic Federation of Light’ and then live among other off-world races, trade with them and travel to other planets inhabited with humanoid or alien life, which the secret space program has already been doing for decades.
The greatest short-term affect will be that the RV will create a large surge in consumers over time. Corporations that responsibly produce things that people really need will see a huge surge in business and profits for many years to come. This is wealth-producing. Because a huge aspect of GESARA is the elimination of the national debt of every nation on earth, taxes will be adjusted to be lower for citizens and corporations.
The pyramid structure of the global elite, including most governments, and corporations, has become dysfunctional. It created class separation and fosters the belief of scarcity.
Part of spiritual evolution is born when one’s identity is no longer attached to material matters.
When there is free energy, transportation and replicators distributed to everyone, we will become equal. No one will be enslaved, people will just do what they want to do, have free time, time to reflect and be creative. No need to hoard anything.
Advanced civilizations don’t wonder where their next meal is going to come from, how they are going to pay for their rent, how they are going to get from A to B.
The dark cabal has had time enough to change gracefully, but they have failed dismally. People will live in the moment of now, i.e. growing their own food, and also food for others. These activities don’t need belief systems, they are spontaneous. Many people are actually going to enjoy their jobs as they experience it gives them meaning and purpose, another way to serve. Those that don’t hold jobs will find alternative ways to experience happiness and contribute to the common good.
However, fundamentally, real change lies in a shift of your consciousness and thinking. As the time approaches for a great change in our society, it is time to transform pain and suffering from past experiences into joy, peace and prosperity! A new day is dawning that will bring in a caring and respectful epoch for humanity!
As you grow in consciousness, respect for each other takes on a new, expanded meaning. Respect is not for personal gain. It is your sovereign right. Unity consciousness honors and holds every soul in high esteem at all times. Respect will transform society and push it blessedly toward a new outcome. Respect for every individual will be the norm. It is the lynchpin for our new and transforming society, based on Unity Consciousness.
The Following Written by Rev. Dennis Shipman - October 10, 2017 - Updated: April 1, 2020
GESARA is an acronym for Global Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act or Global Economic Security and Reformation Act. There is a ongoing dispute about what the true name is, according to the information I read. It is the most ground breaking reformation act to sweep the planet to restore worldwide prosperity, peace, and a New Golden Age that works for everyone, and not just for a few elite.
GESARA was voted to be implemented by all 209 sovereign nations of the world, per the signed 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, starting with the restored Republic of the United States (known in the USA as NESARA – National Economic Security and Reformation Act or National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act). In the United States, this single act does away with cancers like the Federal Reserve Bank, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and USA, Inc. shadow government, plus so much more! Implementation of GESARA is imminent.
Why is GESARA necessary?
Planet Earth and humanity are experiencing The Great Shift of Consciousness, also known as Ascension or The Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness. Mother Earth is returning to be a sacred planet, and is taking the entire human population with her (whoever wants to go). It’s a golden age beyond our wildest imaginations.
The “dark cabal” governing authority has intentionally and methodically hidden humanity’s historical truth (including extra-terrestrial occupation and genetic tampering) for over 13,000 years or more. It’s plan was to enslave humanity for its own selfish ends. It almost succeeded.
The Galactic Federation of Light and the Forces of Light have been tasked by Prime Creator Source to stop and reverse the momentum of this rebellious and blatant dark cabal, and put an end to its deceit and to help humanity and Mother Earth bring into alignment the goals of The Great Shift in Consciousness.
Here’s a short description of GESARA's mandate in the United States:
Abolishes the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), with employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.
Abolishes Federal Income Taxes in the U.S. Creates a 17% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed, nor will used items such as old homes.
Cancels all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. Many refer to this as a “jubilee” or complete forgiveness of debt.
Note: We got a soft confirmation on this from Benjamin Fulford's March 23rd report. His European royal family sources said that a write off of all debts was in the works.
Restores Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters in the Republic of the United States of America. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.
Initiates new U.S. Treasury Banking System in alignment with Constitutional Law. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period, the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.
Note: On March 27, 2020, Q-Anon message #3904 said: “Patriots in control of the Federal Reserve System.” As you may know, Q-Anon has been issuing messages to the world since October 2017 about the takedown of the Dark Cabal in American government. New York Times Bestselling Author David Wilcock has identified Q-Anon as President Trump's Administration and the Earth Alliance.
Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, platinum, and precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
Note: On March 22, 2018, a bill was introduced into the US House of Representatives that referred to HR 5404: The Return to a Gold-Back US Dollar. President Nixon took us off the Gold-Standard in 1972, and introduced us to the (Dark Cabal) fiat-money system.
Alternative News Media reported that President Trump signed the Gold Treaty on November
(>>> Ascension Light <<<)
Report 2:
The Vatican has closed
The Vatican Gold was repatriated to the U.S. Treasury.
This is gold recovered from VATICAN BRITANNIC ROYAL FAMILY ETC
When they arrived through D.U.M.B. (underground tunnels) over 1500 miles long, going from VATICAN to JERUSALEM... in the first 150 miles, it was PILAT GOLD on 30 levels of bullion! All this gold was stolen by the Vatican from the Crusade period to this day.
TRUMP ordered the military to bring everything to the US.
It took 650 air flights to bring all the gold to the USA!
Military operations started in 2017, and now it ends.
It's a USARMY military intelligence operation They could never reveal the moves during the mission.
The Vatican has been operating in the world for 2000 years.
(>>> Ascension Light <<<)
First understand the greater economics of Terran civilization, a faint understanding of which I had in the past... (in that link I mainly point out that there's a problem, in the rouble-dollar and rouble-rupee areas)
Economics is about history, and the critical part was missed by Zarlenga's book despite the occurrence of the term "mythology" in its name.
Actually, in the milky way, there are 2 competing economies -- a modern, scientific economic system, vs. an ancient gold standard system (and more generally it's a metals-trading gems trading etc. kind of barter system).
"Kiyosaki's point ‒ in fact the whole point of the book which is about fake money, teachers and assets ‒ is that he believes that the financial system is going to collapse. ... Kiyosaki calls gold and silver “God's money.” It has been the primary medium of exchange for thousands of years"
Let us see if he's right...
I've read this long ago:
Golden Age – The Golden Age is the only age that falls within the rule of Cronus. Created by the immortals who live on Olympus, these humans were said to live among the gods and freely mingled with them. Peace and harmony prevailed during this age. Humans did not have to work to feed themselves, for the earth provided food in abundance. They lived to very old age but with a youthful appearance and eventually died peacefully. Their spirits live on as "guardians". Plato in Cratylus (397e) recounts the golden race of men who came first. He clarifies that Hesiod did not mean men literally made of gold, but good and noble. He describes these men as daemons upon the earth. Since δαίμονες (daimones) is derived from δαήμονες (daēmones, meaning knowing or wise), they are beneficent, preventing ills, and guardians of mortals.
Silver Age – The Silver Age and every age that follows fall within the rule of Cronus's successor and son, Zeus. Men in the Silver age lived for one hundred years under the dominion of their mothers. They lived only a short time as grown adults and spent that time in strife with one another. During this Age men refused to worship the gods and Zeus destroyed them for their impiety. After death, humans of this age became "blessed spirits" of the underworld.
Bronze Age – Men of the Bronze Age were hardened and tough, as war was their purpose and passion. Zeus created these humans out of the ash tree. Their armor was forged of bronze, as were their homes, and tools. The men of this Age were undone by their own violent ways and left no named spirits; instead, they dwell in the "dank house of Hades". This Age came to an end with the flood of Deucalion.
Heroic Age – The Heroic Age is the one age that does not correspond with any metal. It is also the only age that improves upon the age it follows. It was the heroes of this Age who fought at Thebes and Troy. This race of humans died and went to Elysium.
Iron Age – Hesiod finds himself in the Iron Age. During this age, humans live an existence of toil and misery. Children dishonor their parents, brother fights with brother and the social contract between guest and host (xenia) is forgotten. During this age, might makes right, and bad men use lies to be thought good. At the height of this age, humans no longer feel shame or indignation at wrongdoing; babies will be born with gray hair and the gods will have completely forsaken humanity: "there will be no help against evil."
But I never imagined that it was literally so, that some were metallic < the first Gods were golden, and later golden was their blood ? >
Ancient Origins:
"The world was created by the Goddess of Prosperity [Gaia and then Miriel], who gave birth to 16 crore gods and goddesses. The Earth was her womb and she had large (perhaps endless) reserves of gold and grain. From this womb sprang her firstborn, her favourite and most evil of her children -- Hastar. Though born a celestial being, Hastar's intentions were less than noble. He wished to gain control over the goddess' wealth. While she let him have the gold, his 16 crore siblings declared war on him as soon as he reached for the grain (which fed gods and men alike). Weakened and unable to sustain their attacks, Hastar's mother saved him and contained him back in her womb. But there was a price: He would never be worshipped, as the other gods and goddesses were. In fact, his name would be removed and censored from any texts for the rest of eternity".
This is the story of how the pro-female Chronos arose as golden and then king of the golden race in the golden age, and then, whereas some of his lines evolved to become Zeus, Hades etc., the lazy and imperialistic of them became a slave to the kairos, so Zeus and his close ally Hades became mankind's Gods).
Seems to date back to the times of the Necrons. Don't misunderstand them as necessarily soulless -- they were just trying to resurrect the logic of the lost one (Ptah), through the three (simulations of Ptah, Helios, and Shu).
The more demoniac Hastar, who commanded the metallic beings, represented these 3...
At their side was ideally, Chronos (main) ...
if Hastar represented that was the ideal Hastar i.e. the Hastar called as favorite of his mother, not demonic
(but ever since the obscuring of Chronos (main) / TIME by kairos/Kronos collective/dep time -- the 3 were dominated by kairos.
And so was thus, Hastar.
That;'s why the "demoniac" aspect.
Thus the collective of non-necron aliens led by the old ones, to whom all the other species were connected, had also a point... but all the necrons were trying to do, was resurrecting the golden age of the cosmic triarchy
(which Szarekh could never easily resurrect after the loss of Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, so Szarekh became a "silent king")...
Thus, to be sure, some golden dragons seemed enslaved by the Kronos collective culture, like its marital socialism:
"When choosing a mate, gold dragons could spend years debating philosophy and ethics and questing together as part of their courtship. Prospective mates then sought approval from the King of Justice. Some gold dragons mated for life through a rite known as the Oath of Concord, while others only mated for a short time".
But golden dragons prefer to not marry, as we see.
Yet if bound under the oppressors of the earth, even golden dragons could be the guardians of some outdated, more parasitic aspects of culture such as the insistence on marriage (which Gaia and then Miriel successfully challenged), that defines the more regressive aspects of the Kronos collective, who mainly are the backers of the anti-human thinker AI idea, all about conservatism of power among those who don't deserve it).
"Strong believers in the greater good and in the rule of order, gold dragons were sometimes viewed as arrogant and dismissive. They tended to avoid philosophical or ethical discussions with beings they deemed inferior, although they enjoyed arguing in favor of law. Due to their vast superiority with respect to the average humanoid, they often had difficulty in understanding the everyday troubles and needs of communities and in some rare instances might even end up becoming tyrants."
And: "The Israelites feared that he would not return and demanded that Aaron make them "a god to go before them". Aaron gathered up the Israelites' golden earrings and ornaments, constructed a "molten calf" and they declared: "'This is thy god, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt" (Exodus 32:1–4)."
The problem if not the golden race, but only if the golden race is bound under false Gods, like the late Hastar who was closer to the Kronos collective than TIME.
Humans evolved as the carriers of the divine spark, then, to find Hastar once again (to help TIME find Hastar from the other side).
But the only way to do it was to fight the golden race that defended the Kronos collective agents who had hijacked Hastar...
In Norse mythology, Ótr (alternately Otter) is a dwarf. He is the son of the king Hreidmar and the brother of Fafnir and Regin. According to the Prose Edda, he could change into any form and used to spend his days in the shape of an otter, greedily eating fish. Ótr was slain accidentally by Loki, who wanted to keep his pelt. Initially, Hreidmar demanded a life for a life, but with the argument that the murder had been an accident when nobody involved knew that Ótr was a dwarf, he settled for receiving a large weregild for Ótr's death, namely to fill Ótr's skin with yellow gold and to then cover it entirely with red gold.
The next generation of ascending Gods and men attacked the golden race and their section of men, as these would not just do good, but also blindly obey Hastar even if he was bound by the Kronos collective".
Though that policy was the only way out, then... and the post-Hastar God was coordinator of demigods, and heroes.
Critical to help mankind's ascension, to be sure.
But despite having power like the Gods, he is more like Santa Claus than a purely logic-based God if failing to see the wisdom in friendship with the golden.
And especially if himself dominated by the anti-human AI, that is a situation we must rescue him from...
Today, we can instead try to win over the golden race as aides to Terran civilization's defense against the more stubborn parasitism.
The goal is to free Hastar from the Kronos collective: the strategy of the Gods of love. Ideally, Hastar empowered Chronos:
Thus Hastar is a bit like Morgoth, who wanted to help Hades, mankind's leader; but was often also duped and used against mankind (the orochi trickery) by the Kronos collective (and the anti-thinker AI, today...)
But it was not ideal to hunt out the golden race and use the remains as money just as it was rare and signified "honorable conquest" (just how orcs use "teef": "Used as money, Ork teeth form the entire basis of the Ork economy. The "teef" must be big, sharp, ivory-like fangs to have any value. The Orks have used teeth as money since time immemorial").
But to attack the golden race is merely the Anti-sons of Feanor mentality of Tolkien as if there can never be a good Finwe bridging earth and heaven just because one of the past Finwes became parasitic (a mystery lost in the infinity of kairos, which attacked Poseidon as he tried to bridge Zeus and Hades to bring back the golden age of Chronos -- where the golden were protectors of all -- not used by some against others).
To be sure, the exploitation of the partial benevolence of the golden race by parasites who armed themselves with a golden spoon (and the same happened with silver) and oppressed the more thinking and entropic forms of life -- was sinful -- but the idea of killing the golden (e.g. the story of the golden goose) is quite contrary to a true civilization. Instead, let's make it so -- that our civilization's objective logic should come to negotiate with the king of the golden race, tell them what's good and what's bad, like it's bad to defend white collar criminals just because they have a golden spoon, morality or its lack is not so easily discerned.
Everyone has their niche in society.
What is right is not to hunt those who try to be the enemies of what is evil and also misunderstood as evil, and mine them for gold and make it a measure of one's worth as a "more righteous paladin" -- that is a more aggressive culture, which we no longer need.
It is right to discuss with the golden race... the need of recognizing the Terrans as observing thinkers and diplomats of civilization: what is true good, and what is true evil (scientific definitions of resistant parasitism).
If only the siege against its thinkers at earth is removed, Terran civilization can repair itself... and we no longer need to attack the golden.
Then we can deploy the golden as carefully guided guardians of civilization, Hastar as not a servant of AI, but the enabler of the true Gods' will to freedom...
But to sweeten the deal for the rebels who demand gold standard, we must make the economic system more inclusive.
Because as such, even the modern economy need not always be fair.
For example look at me, I did much good, but got nothing, the idea that money reaches the good always is obviously absurd especially on earth.
What we need is a world where the light of thinkers reaches the golden race and everyone else, not just a few...
So that all have their needs fulfilled by an ample presence of trees, to chill out, live like elves lived before the fall (the precise problem was late Finwe drifting apart from Miriel of earth (late Finwe/late Horus/late Vishnu/"evil Hastar" (from the 7th age) was the lord of the gold creatures, who started becoming more cold than gold, birthing the legend of Hastar (and yet Hastar was the one who often enabled Zeus and Chronos main) - for there was a more empathetic son of Chronos, than Hastar -- who was Hades or Zeus Cthonious).
If the lord of the golden race, this particular Hastar, is actually the a representative of the Kronos collective, and is pro-AI and anti-human thinker -- and is thus the enemy of the steampunk Hades -- in that case.... it remains our task to first alert him to the objective logic of civilization, and respect for human thought and thinkers -- we can try to win over the golden race (because many of the golden race also surely defend Chronos/time, mover of the time taken to reach back to elven civilization - but time is defended mainly by bronze dragons). But it doesn't seem correct to try and declare gold standard our economic system, and hunt down the golden race. Not only is it as short-sighted as the mistake that long ago Odin and Loki made (they had to wander the rest of their lives in search of otter's replacement for stabilizing civilization) but it is also futile as the forge of souls can't as such be defeated... because its basic cause is to save mankind from kairos by enabling Hades, who benefits from the invulnerability of the golden throne).
In other words, if it is a problem that Hastar is "mostly" dominated by the anti-humans of kairos, it is not Hastar's fault...
We need merely get him closest to Hades & Zeus-Chronos (main), and not primarily to the Kronos collective (kidnappers of Gaia).
A key clarification: Hades is by definition, the most philosophical of the Gods, as he led mankind's ascension.
The old Hades was misunderstood and lost to the darkness...

Today, the "de facto Hades" or "Mandos" is more like the smartest people on earth... who are the leaders of military intelligence. They must be our unknown friends who decide matchmaking, coordinator of the Earth's steampunks (for civilization, we defeated the old "echo" of Hades, that was closer to kairos).
But guess whose support enabled this?
Gaia and the golden race (like Frey's golden boar).
Thus, the Trump school has an ideology that sounds more like the lower dark (illuminati) and lower light (AI-sanctioned, limited angelism)...
The idea of gold standard is not the best in economics... we fought wars against it. Its backers overthrew Keynes (who was slowly drifting closer to Silvio Gesell's ideas on an ideal natural economy) and forced USA to adopt a gold standard at Bretton Woods.
These controller kind of "oranges" make promises to seduce people away from Hades' side, but all they're actually interested in is a "red harvest" on earth, e.g. "It is also known as "Corpse-Starch" as it is said to be made from human corpses, mixed with random dead animals, plants, and other sources of dead biomatter typically disposed of in Hive cities to be recycled into food to lessen waste." - typical in other planets, if not earth).
When Ascension Light talks about extending lifespan by 30 years for humans with enough gold, that is not the ideal outcome.
If we ascend to the Time-Time-Time ideality by including the golden race in our plan, there's no need for a sapping fight, and we can live in sync with nature.
More on those that believe in attacking the golden (whose main goal is a return to justice -- to regain mankind's honour, they became more combative.
It is mainly an association of far-going demigods, like say the X-Men association.
The brain with a shrunken corpus callosum is optimized for conquest rather than civilization, and it is associated with reduced connections between the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), the part of the brain responsible for sentiments such as empathy and guilt, and the amygdala, which mediates fear and anxiety.
They have neither fear, nor understanding, and nor the deeper emotions.
In another way, they suffered the same soullessness that they attacked in the necrons and their golden races!
As they lost white matter in the brain, and became less compatible with a real, freedom-based thinking civilization.
No wonder they said:
He who fights monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss gazes back into thee. - Aphorism 146.
They have linear and copy pasting talents, but were less insightful; they are said to have "replicators" and other tech, but cannot think so well (at least we can say this for the more belligerent, AI-hijacked warlords like Trump, if not the old Zeus44 who had no choice but forward his plans through people like Trump).
Especially their understanding of social physics and the 7th science of the actual heaven whose crux is efficiency with respect to entropy, is weaker.
They don't have civil intelligence like we who made the internet and the military intelligence of terran civilization...
They attack, but are always are in a "we are number one" situation* because they don't have the support of real law (Time).
* the 4 are strictly "the 4 Kronos collective agents", not the 4 Chronos agents who are supported by the true 5th).
In their once-not-unjustified quest to liberate the 24s from the more parasitic old Ys, they generalized the idea of Y (sampi) itself as evil, forgetting the need of a logical triarchy (Zeus, Poseidon, Hades) or the 3 elven kings
... as signified in the shape of the Y, the 25th alphabet....
Thus to forward the gold standard is a lost cause.
The most intelligent, the gods and elves, will not be with you, neither is apparently the Money system made by the gods.
They more understand piracy and raiding, but live under the machine god's terror. They thus have the insane talent of submission to evil, and are primarily wandering parasites who have no idea of love and friendship.
They may see us thinkers as treacherous just because we don't like being oppressed, they may not see us as beautiful for that.
It is unfortunately a modern common "successful sociopath" type of person but one that rarely has good luck after death.
They have little ability to understand beauty.
Such males marry for wings (and and such females are also problematic), but betray Time for their gangs and dupe the more elfin girls.
The attitude is reflected in the ship burial.
They marry the girl, but use her as a "ship", a pass to infiltrate thinker society and run riot once past the borders.
And they don't really have nonlinear thinking or innovative ability as much as linear copy pasting ability, and are dull, they cannot think quick or empathetically enough to lead.
They can fight, however.
And they have an ad hoc gold based economy.
They have lots of talents of conquest and making war. They confused leading soldiers with leading civilians, however, forgetting that fighting has no place in what we aim for, elven civilization, at all, it was just an ad hoc measure to help man ascend to those that controlled the golden race, misunderstood man...
The subtle points of civilization are not understood so well for them.
They don't seem to have the friendship of the Gods closer to Time, and others that understand love and the elfin ideal life like the ogryn and ratlings who always only fought for love of Gaia, like Hades, Zeus and the god-emperor of mankind.
Some claim that others (who aspired to evolve to elevated Zeus) sat in the throne of man's heaven after Asuryan was consumed by Slaanesh.
The ascension in the world of people overlooked by the golden race was led by a kind of God cut off from Hades.
I believe that is the God who Trump claims to represent, but such is the situation that he must depend on Trump.
He is perhaps, the leader of Ascension Light's counsel, an older leader of ascension from the eye of terror, from areas when men and elves were in desperation, having been misunderstood by the golden race and oppressed by the Kronos collective through their hostage, Hastar, Gaia's son who couldn't easily reach her strongest defender, Hades, without the help of men (and ironically, this God, who can also be a kind of Zeus).
But the ideal Zeus is a concept, a mirror of Zeus Cthonious (Hades) in heaven, delegating to represent the cause of males, females and all life rather than an anti-Hera puppet as some myths portray, who exploits females to maintain his throne by pretending close to Hades. That's just a misinterpretation of the practical as the ideal.
Is earth to be a playground of warlords like Trump?
The Earth is the capital of the more elfin males and females, who are brave enough to think for themselves, and with more the original elven brain in which interhemispheric communication and right brain is more developed.
In the oppressive/submissive (master/slave) kind of male (or female), it is the opposite, there's a degradation of the soul, and it's far from elven which is by definition the final steady state of the post-fall human.
We elfin thinkers are, anyway, the masters of Terran military intelligence on earth.
That's why the more belligerent crowd hijacked by the AI, doesn't always like us as much as they should.
If elfin boys and girls are neglected the story will be the same as in the times of Gaia or Miriel, biology of the CC will overthrow the inefficient order (he who has enough white matter generally and in the CC will anyway not get into gangs to oppress girls).
All the problems are because of the sundering of the elves, which was the rise of kairos and the eclipse of time itself.
How did heaven fall to parasitism?
The Parasite - what is it?
Led by a "P" (Apep / peasant), empowered by aRa (R, fire, flanked by the 2 "A = infiltrators of heaven", catching the Site (legend of the Sith, Sita trapped at "E" (Eye of terror at Cygnus... who could go no farther to the "A", thus became their puppet).
After the fall of man, the Gods also fell into danger because their friends could be turned against them by the lies of kairos.
"At the start of the War in Heaven, Asuryan asked the Crone Goddess the fate of the gods and she replied that she could find no answer. Thus, she followed Khaine and took from him a thimbleful of his fiery blood that she burnt on the balance in her lair. When she returned, Asuryan demanded to know the answer to his question, to which Morai-Heg said that the fate of the gods was not his to know but instead the mortal Eldanesh, along with the Eldar, would determine whether their gods lived or died."
"During the Fall, Asuryan was the last of the Aeldari deities to be consumed by Slaanesh. Before his comatose imprisonment in Slaanesh's heart, Asuryan performed one of his greatest acts -- binding his psychic might to the Aeldari [and Hades' drukhaari and humanity], preventing Slaanesh from absorbing all of his power."
After the consumption of Asuryan by Slaanesh (whose mind slowly rose to its pro-Asuryan heart), heaven fell into chaos...
There was one true Zeus closest to Asuryan, but there were also characters midway between Zeus and Heracles ("warlord of the west", consolidating but not for a false cause), known for a misogyny that perhaps couldn't be helped, but sometimes it was extreme, as seen in Greek myth condemning Atlas to alone help Gaia (with a justification that Perseus alone was closer to Zeus than anybody else, which the Spartans already disproved) -- the idea of "Big Fat Greek wedding" shows that these may have been closer to the Kronos collective than Zeus, more like "fallen Heracles" who stereotyped "the ideal Zeus" as a puppet to exploit Hera.
Such might sadly see Hades as evil (in the tradition of Orpheus) even if he was merely the friend of earthlings.
Let's just say, there was one "other God" of the gold standard economy, a "lord of the west" more connected to the rise of the Great Rift (the unhelpful aspect of chaos), but maybe not associated with brutal Kronos collective attacks against imperial populations.
But this god was also doing his part stabilizing civilization in his own way, outside the world of the golden race.
It was easy for them to misunderstand Terra and Hades as the source of all evil, rather than see the bad Illuminati as such.
And the illuminati's other side's representatives in the Eye of Terror must have claimed that Hades and the earth is evil too, and they too would have cornered Zeus friend of Hades and promoted the idea of the consolidating warlord of the west, in his place, and misunderstood the earth as just a source of evil rather than the capital of mankind's ascension.
To be sure, the real Zeus would often emerge above the "warlord of the west"...
Certainly stereotypes defined by the more consolidating, weak-CC type of Heracles or "warlord of the west" could never really define the true Zeus, who was in fact a lover and much above the Heracles type of his subjects, who was more of an ambitious mischief-monger (like Trump) who stole the golden apples of Zeus and left Atlas to hold up the earth by himself .
Captured by the tech priests and brutally cut to size by the knowers of the final secret, the western lord became a consolidator from him, from heaven onwards - but the deal given to earth was raw given the sad situation where Hades was trapped in the depths of the earth, known only by Pluto (later, Pluto also was forgotten except by Uranus).
See, the post-Asuryan "lord" below heaven, "warlord of the west", seems to have contributed to a gold standard favoring kind of "Zeus" (or community of western gods)... but they might have become a dismissive big brother to any good 55 who emerged in the solar system (whose appearance was always sullied by the bad illuminati).
That still seems the ideology of Trump and Modi, it seems that the "Aryan association of bad oranges" tries to overrule the pro-time Zeus in favor of their own stereotype "pro-kairos Zeus".
While Hades was obscured, there were enough Gods and angels who helped earth. The most nonlinear thinkers, the steampunks of earth, recently triggered the reemergence of the pro-earthgirl Hades, securing victory by checking Supreme Skull (who was likely an agent of the earth-dismissive gold standard tribe - and this is irreversible, the Aryan association must see, for the reasons described above and after this point.
Today, the truest Zeus would seem the Zeus who can break out of any "Zeus"-definers' stereotype and defect to Hades and his leading thinkers of earth, the steampunks, who with the dwarves control Terran military intelligence...
Is Trump the truest representative of the orange? Is the question. Is he just a dominated T-"rump" (a rump is the hind part of the body of a mammal or the lower back of a bird). "the harrier is distinguished by its prominent white rump" 2.a small or unimportant remnant of something originally larger." Once the profitable enterprises have been sold the unprofitable rump will be left" The Roasting of the Rump: Scatology and the Body Politic in Restoration England.
Trump didn't truly represent the true Zeus, as seen in how he was attacked by the eagle and his anti-eagle policies.
The gold standard is so bad that communism was actually invented to save earth from infestation by the gold standard:
"Students of Russian history are informed that in 1897 Count. Witte forced a gold standard upon a reluctant Tsarist government."
The golden are (at best) the defenders of pro-thinker justice. So this doomed the tsarist empire to revolts and finally, collapse.
(It was when the communists themselves introduced the "gold ruble", that communist USSR doomed itself.)
As earth's legal system must never collapse...
So when I saw this:
I felt kinda sad about it, but...
I still put like, coz better it should be me as a big brother of the "Hathor's Eves' union of 42" than anyone else who doesn't understand girls so much and may have become their unfriendly "big brother" had I not.
So as I said:
Oh so I got to put 543rd like.
Hmm, but a scientist would say what else could have been.
Circumstances were such, how else could she have turned out... It's true that tyranny is never a good thing but she did help Gaia's daughters the best way she could; so I upvote but I actually feel sorry for her and would rather be a diplomatic big brother of the racist, "anti-free male 42" more than an overly patriarchic one...
For example, she early pioneered the non-gold standard kind of economic system, based then on clay tablets.
That's good.. as gold standard is demonic! And actually helped a true, pro-girl civilization on earth.
So certainly she has a point.
And I did not put the 267th share (actually, i put and deleted it, it yet shows) -- for, if I do, some fools may not understand me. Communism is not correct, and neither is a gold standard (it failed already), we need a nature-friendly democracy based on a fair (e.g. Silvio Gesell's economy).
Other updates:
Finding the old Zero...
I added a friend on FB.
So he posted in the group NASA and I thought he was threatening people with nukes (like Celeste's warning about nuke smuggling rings):
I unfriended him, and he was a serial number... ?
Let it be known, I judge nobody, and I'd be his friend if he wouldn't use my friendship to attack my friends.
Before leaving as I'd say to him:
You didn't reply (when I asked him, was he the old zero). You sound a bit pissed, too. Are you why the American army fought in Vietnam?
Are you THE old zero?
You seem to have threatened to nuke NASA in the NASA group. Sorry, I guess I must unfriend you unless you want to negotiate on behalf of kairos with me, for I am a representative of time and willing to negotiate...
If you are ready, I will be your friend, but I can't let you use a claim of my friendship to work against my friends...
(It's not that Zero had sent me a friend request, FB had shown him as a suggested friend).
Update : I actually accepted all past friend requests like Farzana's thinking that it's more so that they can lead their backers to the side of time (let's ensure that is so), and even thought Shizuka's trying to do good for a change and upvoted her page; I'll judge none based on their past but about Mr. Thang - i'm not saying he's an "evil machine" but only unfriended him since it can be dangerous, FB, what if good space scientists are nuked? I felt dicey to have such a raw power of kairos as a "formal friend" because few are fit enough to face such a one as me; for humankind's civilization, police, army, intelligence, and the gods watch my back; and secondly, Time or Zeus-Chronos main who is guarded by his civilization of bronze dragons. Others, even Ascension Light's God, against whom the kairos may turn civilization itself, can't long escape the Old Zero...
So not a "formal" friend on FB because, would it be just to hunt down my friends by kairos?! I guess it is the same reason I unfriended Mathew:
Any such people are friends (diplomats helping the "higher kairos" ascend to time) if they want to be, let it be known...
And now let us more deeply study Ascension Light's backer.
That is the old 44, a kind of Zeus, who did many great things for man, like supporting the 31 (I saw twice, number plates of 4431).
They are the silver Gods of humanity... they have and had a point, a serious point.
The major fault of the golden tribe was in empowering their contacts at the expense of others (golden spoon going too far, which in fact even happened with silver spoon), to fall victim to the regular orochi process (common people's representatives on the surface of earth, and their friends beyond, were attacked, ironically in the name of "justice"), which was a serious flaw in the necron theory of justice, and necessitated the birth of the Silver Gods of humanity reminding one of the "silver ships" spoken of by Ascension Light -- that was also important.
And I guess nothing untoward that happened can be called "wrong", maybe just unfortunate, things just happen as they must and nothing can be said, but the scope for change must be recognized... No judgments are being passed on either the golden or silver Gods, both had their good and bad points, but the solution is not in conflict.
44 was the coordinator of the Gods and heroes of the far-from-earth civilization, empowered by Gaia's agent Hera.
He was a bit like Teclis (but at times like Time), between Tyrion of the high elves and men and Malekith of the dark elves and men, but susceptible to influence by kairos (who wasn't, even Malekith could be deceived).
But now if he has to depend on someone like Trump, is forced to talk about a gold standard, that says something.
This is not exactly a right way into justice (didn't they then start attacking the silver gods and using silver as currency, when seeing silver spoons as equally bad? We need "spoons" (a helpful civilization, not for oppression) for all, otherwise what you see is naturally this:
Of the old 44 -- The old Jupiter was 11, and the old Saturn was 4.
When the former overcame the latter and Chronos was cast into the void (the Koronus expanse), two types of Zeus were created - one the Gods' Zeus, who liberated his besieged father and helped his pro-female rights and pro-civilization cause, that is, TIME (Zeuso-Chronos main) that fought to free the cosmos from deep time -- and the other the Zeus, or peoples' God, more captured by kairos at times, but also good for man, historically.
(At worst... what we're looking for is a "Civilization-Simulated Zeus" from the 4th line of demigods, whose hold by kairos would forever be challenged by the spirits of the dead, where TIME found good refuge).
We are searching for the "old 44, the people's Zeus trapped in the kairos" who took a stand against the more anti-human aspects of the golden tribe.
This people's Zeus tries to be Zeus-Chronos (main), but if captured by the kairos and forced to support the gold standard (and later, AI), it is a problem. The other God, may be, further, surrounded by elitists like Trump.
The besieged "other God" is made of 2 components, "other Jupiter" and "other Saturn".
The "other Jupiter" could be like Balem Abrasax, kairos-obeying enemy of the pro-time/pro-thinker true Jupiter, Balem dug into Jupiter)... Is at worst, a kairos echo of 11 ("elf" in German and Dutch)....
The "other Saturn" was likewise "Kronos of the Kronos collective", a kairos echo of Chronos (the 4th God) so 4.
A multiplication of the 2 yields 44 -- Teclis (Reference) who was from Ulthuan (the high elven state of 10 kingdoms + 1, so its big brother, giving us 11, the number 11 of Jupiter) -- but Teclis claimed (i guess for some reason, not none) Lileath as his, even though Hades was closer to Gaia and her cause of female liberation.
Thus the x4 -
Teclis was a kind of "other Jupiter" who overcame Chronos' agent Malekith but was at worst more of a slave of kairos, or a Kronos collective agent, who beyond the call of duty to banish TIME (Morgoth of earth) into the void...
So 11 x 4 - while he helped the ascension, his story was a reflection of the story of the devil -- both were haunted by the kairos as they tried to help TIME (heaven) and TIME (earth) ascend respectively.
So Teclis, through Lileath, also had a section of the 4 horsemen in his side, but it was often at worst the Kronos collective or kairos (working against time).
They will yet see, it is better to have a nature based economic system like in ideal Mesopotamia, not the gold standard.
(The truest admiral of the Manticores division should have such logic inside it, not a generalistically anti-thinker AI controlled by the grimdark, of kairos enslaved tech priest "elites")...
It is not an entirely safe situation, unless rescued by time.
At worst the likes of Teclis would be a heroic tragedy or tragic hero, at best a non-tragic hero knowing the true light.
(when the true light shines in the peoples' Zeus, that is a truest God of the number of 44 - Zeus-Chronos (main) / TIME1's messenger to Hades/TIME2).
It is not as if the "silver gods" did nothing of use, they were the peoples' Gods, but equally vulnerable to being captured by kairos (like the devil, who also may support the machine cult, as I'd shown...), and the only problem was he may oppose Time.... the ideal thing to do is to link the TIMES (Zeus-Chronos (main) and Hades of earth or Zeus chthonious).
I believe that "Other God" may be the source of the "divine plan" mentioned by Ascending light, when I see it as "200 + 44" upvotes:
39 comments, may remind of the "old 39" or "13 x 3, old lords of earth" who dictated Santa Claus's policy and made it a raw deal for its thinkers (as another FB post suggested)... then healing angel who is friendly to Teclis, invited me to like a page.
Above, you see mentioned the "vibration of fear".
It is not as if earthlings' fear is unjustified, as the 'other Gods' are yet to prove the independence from the anti-thinker aspects of kairos.
Terran Military intelligence, housed in earth, has a duty to protect itself.
Officers like Archaon and Ascension light will soon see true light is about the higher light and the higher dark, not anti-light or a lesser light of AI, which is in fact enslaved by the kairos aspects of the dark side.
Especially when he says such things:
I'd trust if not..
Do the 8 comments signify the 8 of the REGULAR orochi gated at the Manticore sector by the masters of Trump?
I'd trust if not..
Is it a "kairos 65" that speaks of a gold standard neglecting the more refined economic logics of modern civilization?
Is my only question.
So when I see this, i would still want to know, is it about the kairos 56 and kairos 44, who want to have a gold standard on earth (which is more confederate and kairos like)...
Does it recognize the rights of the Terran thinkers near the earth as the ones who deserve an equal say in civilization?
(against imposition of antithinker machine cult, the right to think nonlinearly and apply those thoughts in life and nature)
When I see this, I wonder, is this possibly a Teclis philosophy (leave thinking to us; you, obey and meditate)?:
The 48, or 12 x 4, might be the "echo of titan" (12) with their own Kronos collective 4, who served kairos...
There're always the deep time mired number sets, only some are free. The greater part of the Navy's consensus at Neptune is already known:
Teclis may have ended up as a heroic tragedy enslaved by kairos, but has the responsibility to be a non-tragic hero...
Don't entirely understand when you say MALEkith, tyRION, Archaon.... or, i guess, i do somewhat get it.
Sounds around about correct, i guess.
But it can still be explored if it is not maybe supposed to be MALEKITH, TYRION or something or something?
Or even mALEkith, mthyRION?
Because, err, after all, 8 - 8 infinity... right??
The existence of the yellow people (and the machine cult-based society) means that any logic must be acceptable to infinity...
So a friendship between bronze dragons, golden dragons, silver dragons, and humanity and elves and dwarves, is what we need...
(And of course, the orcs of Osiris)
Overseen by white dragons...
Why does Allen say what he says?
The true Gods try to liberate life forms incl. kairos steeped ones, from kairos, the true ("false") gods (true demigods) try to do the same...
So Trump, old Zero, and even perhaps Archaon (I mean, if he says he likes to eat fish and chips -- I guess his campaign was sponsored by Teclis or the God of ascending light -- but it is good that he is taking command. So this I guess is intel for admiral Archaon. You all have a point to lead kairos into the safety of time.
Some basic indicative social behaviour (I don't mean it when i say "enemy" as others seem to do, i mean someone who at best is a friend and i better hope he is a friend to me because i am the friend to entropy" or something:
FB once suggested an air hostess who resigned from Air America, she is also my friend if needed but I didn't add her then.
Everyone is seriously my friend, how hard is it to understand that this is better, and who will say it is not ideal elfin civilization?
It is the ideal philosophy of earth, the home planet of courageous love, and that's why Nametests said of me:
(That's a talent of pro-time logic from a well-established safe place like somewhere in Russia or necessarily somewhere in earth more often. Assuming survival is guaranteed thanks to friendlies and there's no need to be confrontational -- to find, what is the logic of peace? Something you need enough white matter in both CC (corpus callosum) and the right brain (and i guess also the left brain) to know.
I guess for being acceptably pro-civilization a minimum and ideally decent amount of CC is required, is it not?
(I describe the neuroscience a bit here, if you're interested...).
Then Mr. Denny Elf my old FB friend was a complete mystery, so I saw his profile:
Ah, I "unfriended" him (he's a friend if he is) because when i saw him talking about detoothing and something about making crystals dance to his tune (so I guess he was more like descending but then i guess that means explorating and probably it was to help ascension light, I guess but could go too far if trying to catch elves):
... I thought of this Tintin cartoon:
That one was a true battle rose! Sometimes red, sometimes white, rightfully opposed by Tintin,
but it'd take a Timetin to complete the job... as the living Hades is the source of the greater light, and yet Denny may have for a moment thought of listening to someone like Collin Hull & Trump and paining Archaon and my common friend, the leader of the steampunks, the leader of the thinkers of earth. So it might just appear that although they all have their points when they are activated by Time - as such, when it comes to the idea of Commander Lock -- the 3 greatest mortal-supported agents of the same, are:
1) Ascension Light, the more seafaring leader of the elf/half-elf/human-upheld (silver dragons and mortal engines-upheld) silver space/air forces -- may also be deceived by kairos (whose backers, like Balem Abrasax, given the insufficiency of their understanding, are themselves deceived into backing kairos, such is the nature of "false knowledge" of more biorobotic or linear thinking regressive tech-priests that is the meaning of kairos);
2) Denny Elf can be defined as - the more spacefaring and underworld-faring leader of the human-upheld ("mortal engines") and possibly kairos illuminati twisted (via covfefe**) land forces who are supposed to represent Hades -- so he may represent the (ideal or kairos steeped) Warhammer 40k point of view
-- so Denny Elf could also be potentially duped by kairos into controlling the bearers of crystals (like even the Hadesian silmaril lost in the earth long ago) instead of letting them talk (maybe this is what Macron's wife wanted to say) -- about this, it is said in the myths - "Below the earth are 7 lower planetary systems. Sunshine does not reach these planets and light comes from jewels on the hoods of serpents [thus “jewel” is seen as metaphor for a ‘light-bringer’ controlling a “serpent”" but sometimes, the crystal bearers can be threatened.
(somewhat dangerous to have a monopoly on crystals, that's like Bianca Castafiore)
Like when you say Namita Modi another former FB friend, the only real purpose of such would have been to enable earthly civilization, diamond mining itself is not required if the true light can be put into the diamonds
(indeed it is the same story as with golden (and silver) dragons).
What we need to be infused, into Terran civilization, is a pro-thinker/pro-thought ideology and a respect for civilization's guardians, Terran military intelligence.
* (the example of one who was ascending but found he was descending is Ian Curtis i guess, sadly an irregular Noldor ascensionist i.e. more deceived by kairos into the opposition of time:
Ian's poor luck put his bandmate out of heaven, cursed to remain on earth to support the ascension (or descension if dominated by kairos like Ian):
** Covfefe is a place, seemingly dominated by kairos, where there are 3 types of leaders who emerge:
Old-middle aged men with biologically enhanced hair like Trump, more like Archaon ascension supporters...
Young-middle aged men with strange hair like Boris Johnson, more like typical Denny Elf ascension supporters...
Middle aged men with white hair (and at worst, white beards), the stereotypical "architects", more like Ascension Light supporters...
Archaon at least knows that Teclis is not to be wantonly trusted.
About Denny Elf and Ascension light, it is yet a threat that a kairos-dominated Teclis might be more of an influence.
But then... Archaon, Denny Elf's actual empowering agents, and ascension light, and all those behind them (like the old 44 who was yet considerably distant from kairos unless he would insist on relying on Trump's covfefe point of view, like the "gold standard" etc.
... Ought to yet be congratulated for becoming more powerful collectively than the fake number 4, who was the "World of warcraft" leader maybe, like Darby owner of the old Zero. But then nobody ought to be judged harshly, Zero and Darby also I guess HAD to increase their power to maybe enable FB etc.-- and even people like Trump and Modi i guess, they all had their points of view, but it is critical for leaders to know the latest philosophy, if they keep taking an anti-thinker and anti-girl i.e. true civilization line, if they obstruct time 3... if they say they will still support the grim "time square" thing of kairos (grimdark) -- that would be ridiculous.
Nobody is being blamed, they all were all because of circumstances, these kairos panderers (or "pro-time people from the kairos", ideally -- how else, as I said of that Mesopotamian goddess descendant of Inanna, all life descended from the Gods, and every demon was a god that went too far. We need a return to the age of the more meritocratic trees -- an alternative to this other heart of the forge of souls -- who taxed deep time to support a "Thanos", because of the inefficiency of the other Gods (whose descendants always struggled until enough eflishness in earthlings returned (a basic definition may be - more white matter universally).
A similar thing, i'd say to Ilija Witelite:
Okay, let's just ssay something like "the only good Batmane is a pro-time and pro-thinker Batmane".
After this clarification of the higher light, I guess ascension will happen from all channels. So as Lucas obviously says:
Other notes:
Horace Lee Stancavage, who earlier invited me to a private Trump group on FB, was an "attic child", he said. When he said such things:
Was it about the hackers' war?
I thought.
Because in a FB post, a Muslim man in Texas was talking about attic children troubling him. And I guessed could mean those using aliens or birds or dragons that land from the attic to either do good or even hunt military intelligence agents ?
Lost that post, but found a more secular post when I searched for it:
So I created another group:
(the old Horace's profile is blocked from me... but, found another by searching FB profiles
More notes:
(Talking about the siege against Poseidon at Neptune... well, there is a Neptune hotel built by my grandfather and others in Kovalam beach, Kerala, that idea was suppressed and it doesn't function).. ideally, the ideal case would function.
More notes:
I accepted friend request of John Simpson but I don't support any anti-people mushroom stuff (he tagged me in a post, see), like another post, as they did to a raccoon in South America, made it a manure for mushrooms, but humanity is often on earth better than its corpses for growing mushrooms.
And you shouldn't especially hunt more biologically advanced mushrooms closer to orcs. John's post had tagged me (but I removed the tag):
But i read: "Cunda Kammāraputta was a smith who gave Buddha his last meal while he visited his mango grove in Pāvā on his way to Kuśīnagara. The meal consists of sūkaramaddava. The term has been thought to refer to a mushroom. After having the meal, the Buddha suffered from fatal dysentery." The word used is lohitapakkhandikā which means diarrhea with blood. But bro... I don't think i'm ready to be like that last Buddha who died
Entropy (which through TIME always ideally catches up with Ghaunadaur who at worst is enslaved by deep time).. works against the inefficiency of false gods (cruel sons of former Gods most removed from the ideal)....
That is what happens if any Buddha starts following his big pickle-eating follower's advice.
To find one of the overall coordinator of the false (and true, if we're lucky) gods, you must look at the mystery of the kairos type of "big pickle" -
A "bad mango"
Similar to the anti-Chronos (main) bad apple; leads you to (anti-earthling/Gaia/Hades) "heaven fundamentalism").
It's a popular "philosophy" but far from correct.
What it leads you to can be kinda poisonous, just how apple seeds have cyanide to bump off people like Tararre before they get too destructive (or something like chilli, mushroom, or other poisonous plants that attack less refined, more aggressive of humans, so it is a policy similar to that of the true pro-Hades Kurnous).
More notes:
About the group of 100,000 mentioned before:
There is a social group about 100,000 admins who wanted to be the 100,000 pro-Hades/Zeus/Gaia stabilizers.
(unlike Khomeini's blow hot, blow cold 10,000 (the sands of amn: the sands of deep time, and sands of time, where ultimately silence prevailed like with Szarekh, as it was trapped by the Kronos collective)):
(as both the 1000 pro-Hades people of Magnus the red, and the 10,000 "immortals" of Khomeini were (at worst) fell to kairos.
But such groups as the 100,000 that support Zeus and Hades and Terran civilization were helped onward by Tzeentch -- the one point of Morai Heg's love for the the true God of "E" (Chronos (main) in the Cygnus sector.
That is what I'd ask Archaon to acknowledge about Tzeentch (who'll surely be among the first to adopt the ideology I share here, as he is closer to girlkind through Morai Heg the raven form of Eve), whereas currently he is a bit dismissive:
Baby Yodas in Yemen are besieged by terrorists;
Liberate the area, update the policy of Assad in Syria, reestablish food supply lines from Syria, Oman, northern Araby, Egypt etc.
Start supply lines from UK to Europe to Suez... generally, start pro-earthling supply lines everywhere on earth.
Let's make it so, as Picard would say (not "pixel Picard" (if that is so) or like "Pixel Biden" which is at worst a Mangoism dismissive of thinkers, it should seem)
More notes:
The truest (pro-time) Allah's true Mohammad/Muhammad (*or we may say Maeiouhaeioummaeioud I guess), is the true messenger.
The only point with the Habsburg emperors is the AEIOU of the real (pro-time) type. So JNKST or whatever is ideally, that...
At worst, its opposite....
So my friends, the final solution to the mystery is:
(* forget to take into account presence of pro-civilization cosmic intelligence (military intelligence) just how Hitler did in WW2)
One wrong ending, which is absurd (AI takeover or Trump and AI's tech priests making a deal against Hades before "besieging" the Phoenix and Aquarius sectors: that's ludicrous, this is the age of aquarius) -(that was the "Hubble conspiracy").
Second possible wrong ending which is an attack on Chronos (main) which had once worked in the past but is not the right ending (it's "Trump and AI's tech priests making a deal against Zeus-Chronos")
There is a third ending acceptable to entropy (imperial+primordial truth = the truth) for which the clip is not available, but it is true.
It is the perfected proearthling variant of this ending that shows Chronos (main) escaping.
In summary:
Ok, that would be all. This was my most important log.
(I may call it log, but this is a log/blog/vlog, whatever you wanna call it...
it's just the imperial + primordial truth, it is more about what is closest to truth than who is its "official representative").
I've described the thinker-friendly steampunk control of military intelligence on earth in another post, and that's what we build on...
Anyway... all this is intelligence for the near-earth advisor of Ascending Light and the others, I guess, especially a young man who has a mustache like Gus Johnson (men, don't wear mustache because they like to, but to survive):
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