The more well-known major secret of the illuminatus is that he tends to be what's called a manwich, a rapidly degenerating holder of a privilege stemming from propaganda portraying them as "husband material" to entrapped girls deadened into a dead peach cult (from which girls often try to escape, but it was not easy given false culturisation).
Another is, for example:
If lacking long-range understanding, earthling 'nauts may be outnumbered by illuminati butchers lying in ambush.
The heavens about Polaris (one secret is the role of "Alpha" in Draco, between Ursa major and minor).
There are others, but the most important of secrets is the divide and rule attempted between Archaon and Be'lakor...
Just below Draco is the politically central Cygnus sector:
The Cygnus constellation is home to Cygnus X-1, a distant X-ray binary containing a supergiant and unseen massive companion that was the first object widely held to be a black hole.
And about the "Eye of terror" from Warhammer40k, the same stellar entity is described:
"The Eye was originally designated a stellar anomaly known as Cygnus X-1 by the early astrographical Adepts of the Imperium of Man"
An astrocartographic map of the Eye of Terror
Here is the far base of Morgoth, it might seem.... which is besieged by the illuminates' deep time siege camp.
Well, that's a bit about what they call the heavens!
About closer to earth...
ArchaonA, who is justified in his campaign (which is in fact against the false gods of the illuminati), was raging:
Of the type: Belakor... he is called "dark master". He is "in the shadow", where light reaches not, neither is it in reach of the guardians of the dark side.
Of the type...
To be sure, many of this type are "illuminatus"... but he is also called "Father-in-Shadow to the current Everchosen, Archaon".
Thus as I said:
Belakor ...
He is known by many names: the First Damned (the good Belakor who was damned: Belegurth), and: "the Harbinger (as Belegurth, enforcer of the acceptable aspects of the imperial truth), the Messenger of the Great Undivided, the One Who Heralds the Conquerors, the Foretoken and the Bearer are a number of examples.
Thus the "bad illuminatus" stereotype of Belakor seemed to sully the good, to ArchaonA.
Since as Belakor says about himself: ""Be’lakor was the very first mortal raised to the exalted rank of Daemon Prince, though what sacrifices he made and what horrors he inflicted to do so are lost even to the oldest tales. However it was Be’lakor that drew the Chaos Gods’ gaze – he somehow managed to intrigue all four of the dark brothers sufficiently that each granted him a portion of their godly might". This proved a mistake*. The Chaos Gods seldom share anything for long, and so it was with Be’lakor".
"Be’lakor was the very first mortal"...
So this is the general story to understand earthlings! Why earthlings get a bad deal from some of the more extreme from the side of the primordial truth (Mustaine was a pro-earthling example, even if he was close to the chaos)...
These extremists are, it becomes obvious, none but the elitists who oppress the commons, the bacterial culturalists.
* "This proved a mistake. The Chaos Gods seldom share anything for long."
This slanders the four chaos gods of order*, and tries to sown division between the legitimate holder of the Be'lakor office, and chaos undivided.
* Covered in the bottom of this post, in PS1
Attributed to Be'lakor - misinformation, as the true holder* of the Be'lakor office (the free, pro-earthling dark elf Belegurth) is close to chaos.
* The ease of deception by the esotericists is because everywhere there will be, in turns, a true nonlinear thinking based, and a false linear minded, energy parasitic holder of every office (and more generally we can say this about groups, nations, "races"). Counter-offices are created for checking the same, this is how society builds in its degree of inefficiency and macrobacterial culturalization. That system can be played, it's like a spider's web. At any times fools can be promoted to power in the counter-offices, to induce fool momentum saying that the enemy office in itself is evil, thus threatening even any good within it. That's why the good are friends across gulfs, which friendship is upheld by military intelligence (itself prone to infiltration), which is an aspect you must understand to understand the video about WW2 described below.
The "bad illuminatus Belakor" stereotype, who ArchaonA actually hates... "who doesn't deserve the blessings of chaos", is actually a common elitist, who on the one hand, on earth, tries to block out chaos (blockchain) and on the other hand, attacks Belegurth (who is, as we'll see, Morgoth), the true holder of the Be'lakor office!
And this is the general story to understand earthlings and how they are misdefined by the illuminatus who plays middleman and deceives and rules over both areas (Cygnus and earth), which is at the root of their divide and rule.
This then, is the Supreme Knowledge of the Holders of the Key, the backbone of the matrix.
(About that, I had already understood a few days back, as I described in my video, relevant screenshot shown below:
The illuminati are anti-Hades (Malekith/Mandos), and their overall plan is diabolical, it is a Neo-NT, linear data processors' collective plot to destroy law and order in both its primordial (Cygnus* etc.) and imperial (earth etc.) bastions:
[*You can actually find "Cygnus" mentioned in that link:
"The Eye was originally designated a stellar anomaly known as Cygnus X-1 by the early astrographical Adepts of the Imperium of Man"]
"The purpose of the Illuminati is to discover, groom [Even I often got invited to join the Illuminati, but elitism is not what I like... I truly love the commons], hide, and protect the so-called Sensei. These individuals are the [descendants] of the Emperor of Mankind [more like Mandos*/Hades]. They possibly number in the thousands, and are normally unaware of their heritage; also, they are psychic Blanks who possess no presence in the Warp and cannot be effected by psychic powers. As such, they are invisible even to the Emperor Himself in His current ascended state [so ArchaonA, linked more to Malekith (the Emperor) can in theory be deceived against those on earth who are pro-Hades, pro-chaos, pro-people like the emperor, who end up by nature working to thwart the illuminati]. The Sons of the Emperor that the Illuminati inform of their true nature become the Sensei "Knights of the Long Watch". The plan of the Illuminati is to collect as many of the Sensei as they can, and then sacrifice them at the proper time, possibly as late as the exact moment the Emperor's power finally wanes and His physical body undergoes its final death. This will destroy the Chaos Gods, and restore the Warp to its original, psychically-unpolluted and Chaos-free state".
* As I said, the other Valar tended to discriminate against Mandos - "Manwe is closer to Eru illuvatar than Mandos, as they said. Manwe was far from earth, relatively ensnared by the Illuminati... Mandos, entrenched in earth, hosted Melkor (Belegurth)..
The trick is to misdefine the good earthling as "fundamentally the bad illuminatus" and suck up to chaos (and then, even if fundamentally guilty, claim innocence and claim that earthlings are guilty (as we'll see, with the "Indian rice" claim).
It is only true that all that is "official" and "formally recognized" and "something cultural" on earth, like the formally celebrated (at least in "formal media" etc.) politicians and cultural icons like sadhguru, tends to be fake and against both the commons and the true angels -- for example, see this -- but all that is about the married culturists, it has nothing to do with the real earthlings who are the common people, not their oppressors.
But ironically... it is the oppressors who get the opportunity to deceive and snuggle up to chaos, and deceive the sky against the real people! It is just how the manwiches get an opportunity to deceive girls, being precisely the ones who are herding them and misdefining other males as evil. The middleman exploits network / access. It is needed merely to make new bonds and jettison the middlemen from our networks.
Malekith's inner circle always numbers exactly one hundred lords and ladies of Naggaroth called Dreadlords -- though not all are living [thus, they are expected to be; but some are spies]. Claiming a seat at the obsidian table is one of the highest honours, but also one of the most dangerous. The Witch King is nothing if not mercurial in his favours, and it is not unusual for fewer Dreadlords to leave the chamber than entered it. Down the ages, there have always been nobles clever enough to avoid falling victim to the Witch King's explosive temper, and it is no different now". Thus even in the good camp far from earth we find jesters, infiltrators, illuminates who would give wrong intel about how imperium agents are the real culprits!
Planting false evidence, etc.
Thus at Cygnus (or earth, as you see about how they (must have) deceived chaos against me, until now that I finally found ArchaonA et al.*), -- pro-earth people spreading the imperial truth were attacked, and the illuminati may claim such are "the actual illuminatus, Belakor the damned" and thus hide from the space police in Cygnus:
"The Eye is also a sanctuary for fugitives of Imperial justice and Traitors throughout the galaxy, and all are welcomed by the [deceived] forces of Chaos as fellow enemies of the Emperor of Mankind, and the Imperium".
Thus the illuminati eye...
(And the root of that problem, which could strike him from behind, is what ArchaonA set out to fight, but perhaps he may be deceived against earthly Belegurth who was the true occupier of the realms of Belakor - that is why his campaign may be equated to a "rift against the imperial truth" at worst (although ArchaonA, as he has the peach' support and the 6 artifacts, is more legit and responsible than say Abaddon the despoiler*).
* That seems to be a well-known false angel of the dead god false god.
By the "official" blanking of Belakor... mortals were "formally" denied a representative (except the illuminati allowed ones like the sadhguru or any of the standard politicians on who people trust too much), and the true Belegurth was "damned", all mortals damned by extension (until we steampunks defeated them).
So, in the fear-based primordial truth worldview... anyone on earth (and beyond) who was pro-Hades, such as the natives, was seen as "plastic" (because of the false suggestion that "they were assisting the illuminatus Belakor").
Well, even the rising sun had a cause... but how was distant chaos to know that?
Thus it was not the easiest job to save the earth, at least we can say this about WW1 and WW2. Even in the twist in WW2, the PIII west guard got confused by the illuminati who put up a fraud mathematical theory about "good". The pro-Hades German PIV commanders found themselves trapped in a bad Nazi label when, after the invasion of Russia which was due to Stalin's illuminatistic invasion of Timurlane's tomb, the illuminates sat in T34s and took out the good Russians, thereafter the Jagdpanzer IV commanders paid less heed to the good PIV commanders, and they suffered banana mine error (like the minions, they were "plastics" easily deceived by dead elitists) who misguided the elefants linked to Ganesha, who listen only to the oppressed plastics (and that is the last secret of the super science* of the Uniontera, it's social physics), who supported the good P IV commanders -- but, as you can see, in my case, or that Japanese blue coat guy, the true leaders of the plastic are rare, vulnerable to dead attack... and the elefant was deceived when fake leaders were imposed upon the plastics (that is why "plastic" is so feared. In that sense I am not plastic but merely identify with them, as I cannot be hijacked by the dead, but I definitely want to lead them into a better world free of rot and death. Well to classify them as "plastic" is defeatism, just a very basic us and them in humankind which increases society's inefficiency a lot).
There was a stupid pizza party in Italy in the middle of WW2! Remus slew Romulus (it is the exception, believe me...)
And Hitler and Skorzeny reinstated Mussolini (who people hated so much**), who had been arrested by the pro-Romulus Italian police.
All hope was lost when, by the deception of the galactic plastic people by the erection of Bandi Sanjay like plants, the Axis good were misdefined as "bad" to the chaos elefant; when the Japanese blue coat (PS2) couldn't outpace the speedy kairos, all hope was lost! The Chinese who had spearheaded the free earth push of WW2 were raped at Nanking -- thus it was easy for the illuminatus to claim, to the inexorable, chaos -- that all Belakor types, even the good Belegurth types, were "the illuminatus" and so were their friends the earthlings.
Mussolini's 5 satanists after ww2 (this hate, a result of their hamfisted insensitivity against the people's beloved Romulus):
The cruel were punished by the earthlings, to be sure. But it is not always a cake walk even for the rot-cleaners, there is always unknown sacrifice by nonlinear thinkers. We care not, or maybe rather we don't have the time to speak of it... others will know not, like how of the true Be'lakor friend of earth it is said, "what sacrifices he made are lost even to the oldest tales".
So the heroes of the mortals would often end up misdefined to the chaos, become (from the Horus side, in below case) "unforgiven" -
There was a deception of the Chaos's Slaanesh by the sadly anti-human illuminati (the dirge) -- This lie would "justify", in the greater galaxy - a hyper-primordial POV ignorant of the imperial truth, and anti-earthling policies like Immunization and sterilization of native humans, the whole Malthusian idiocratic policy. This policy fuelled by the groupism of bisexual elitists tries to reduce females and then males, to husbandry and insignificance.
The dead god claims he wants to do something about it, but the illuminati's cultists never let him get enough power to threaten them, so that's weaker than a moot point, it's merely a justification for them to grab power.
Nevertheless, as love/female significance is real, the imperial truth is here to stay ever since Gaia/Eve's revolt against husbandry. Whether or not Uranus had a prophesy that Chronos would fall or to whatever extent it came true.
(Never fully was time defeated by deep time).
The sad situation for the champions of the earthlings was described by Iron Maiden:
* As I said, chaos undivided from the Eye is a friend of us good earthlings I have come to more or less represent:
So when I said:
Well, now I must correct it, it is just one part of the story. The other part is the true Belakor, which, on earth, is what gives the shield to even the Illuminatus Maximus, who calls himself Belakor and dupes men to obey him on earth (and that is how, one would imagine, the Illuminati got control of generals in the Indian army), but beyond earth deceives chaos against the true holder of the office or realm of Belakor (Belegurth). He fears both earthlings who he tries to reduce to absolute servitude and destroy, and chaos reps like ArchaonA who he uses earthlings' help to misdefine as "the source of evil" and keep out by "blockchain".
And that is why ArchaonA is not too fond of Belakor, who is in this version of the office holder merely the Illuminatus Maximus.
But importantly Belegurth's legit purpose is to stand for the mortals, earthlings, and Hades. To represent the imperial truth.
To uphold "the anomaly" that the Architect spoke of: "You are the eventuality of an anomaly, which despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision. While it remains a burden to sedulously avoid it, it is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a measure of control.”
ArchaonA is of course, authorized by the space police and Malekith the dark elf king; the fools abused him a lot but he has prevailed and is strong everywhere and undeniably so up until the Uranus Neptune sector it might seem.
So he's in Twitter! From there to earth, I guess the power of the Illuminatus ("Belakor") increases and earthlings are blamed apparently... that's why things like the vaccine policy, and systematic trafficking, were recently seen.
This "logic" "earthlings are bad" is what the idiocrats used to justify taking away our friend Sujana, to turn the world bank against the world.
To keep Slaanesh deceived by the dead god Nagaash...
Toolkien says:
Melkor ("He who arises in might"), predominantly known as Morgoth ("Black Foe of the World"), was the first Dark Lord, and the primordial source of evil in Eä".
Of course, that is a wrong thing to say, as Morgoth is more importantly defined as the supporter of Morr (Hades/Mandos).
The friend of mortals...
So it is the anti-human league's idea to attack Morgoth as Tolkien did. It is just how the dark elves or "druchii" are slandered by insensitive propaganda (or how the Droogies were slandered in 'a Clockwork Orange').
Now the leader of the dark elves is called Malekith, who is totally slandered and misrepresented in much propaganda.
(By the same Teclis who ArchaonA deems a foolish pawn (of the Illuminati) and is somewhat evocative of the dead god).
Now Malekith sounds like Melko, another name for Melkor / Morgoth in Tolkien's mythos (Morgoth is also described as "the first dark lord", as is Belakor) .
Ever since Morgoth took a stand against Finwe* (that he just had to (as Chronos (time) taking a stand against Uranus' husbandry)), he has been damned for not his fault (the fault was of those who took girls like Miriel in husbandry).
The anti-Morgoth mentality of Tolkien -- the Illuminati, for their parasitic profit, bred Remus by deceiving Turin against Morgoth, and apparently perhaps even tried to deceive ArchaonA against the Morgoth type of Belakor, and tried to bend chaos against earthlings. And in this confusion the dead god despite (or because of) being at the helm of the illuminati, might even appear to be "the only true ladies' man", and everyone including the agents of chaos and justice may be deceived by the illuminati (their only defense is anonymity, they just hired the next ambitious rascal as an illuminati agent). That "permitted system" placed the dead god at the world's helm, making for a divine comedy of errors that Camus only naturally described as "Theater of the absurd".
(* PS:
I use the name Kanafinwe in the sense of the "old Uranus who Gaia loved", not "late Uranus who put Gaia into husbandry"...
(From the time when Miriel was alive, happy, and in total love).
More correctly I use the name "KanafinwЯ". You are who you are anyway! The more complex the less suitable names are)
And Morgoth is also called by Tolkien "Belegurth". And this term is very close to the term Belakor. Thus Malekith's earthly aspects may not be known by ArchaonA -- (see, I am one and coincidentally he knows me at least online).
(And yes many pretended / pretend as me, that's the kind of unique tentacle i fight, so I wonder what's up offline!)
My own "Twitter crush" Techtenguys1 is upheld by Belegurth (the legitimate occupier of the office of Belakor) I guess:
That's an account of pro-earthling people (thus 100 + 42 the number of one of the more important earth goddesses).
See, while a false monk from my college who liked Iggy Pop's song "the passenger" went to Rice uni, and did the bad rice thing, and yet was an illuminatus type ("the passenger" duping chaos, no less), discrediting rice -- it is the common earthling (like the poor Japanese surviving on just rice in a hard fight against kairos) who is accused of being the problem in the eyes of chaos blinded by the illuminatus (so much so that ArchaonA even may be deceived by the illuminates against his best friend the true Belakor).
The valid theory is that "people are as good as the plants that grow in their lands", but some peasants are not true earthlings but are console peasants, illuminatus descendants. And they are the ones who are trouble.
Anyway, the rice those illuminati console peasants grow, is pretty bad, much like them. And thus we see:
I replied:
Not all rice in India is this "Indian rice" the Sadhguru speaks of. For example, there's brown rice in Kerala and better rice in parts of South India. And not all paddy fields in India are owned by the Sonu Sood dynasty (check out the last of the 6 who are angry at this post, angry on being exposed as console peasants):
(Also see how 17 people who were financing the P-I-E elitists HQed at India also got shocked at this revelation).
Thus you see?
The illuminatus plays this game, misdefining pro-imperial truth, pro-Hades/pro-Gaia good earthlings as "fundamentally bad illuminatus, plastic", and sucks up to chaos (and then, even if fundamentally guilty, claims innocence and claims that earthlings are guilty (as we'd seen with the claim about "Indian rice").
But it's all a great lie... by the false priests and false teachers, the knowing ones", who become pricey consultants advising people on how to get out of problems they themselves had prearranged - bacterial parasites of culture.
This great lie...
That is why the deceived universe even permitted all the anti-earthling activities even in that most beautiful planet of earth!
That this post was on the occasion of earth day:
That when I am about to publish it, the number 22 is everywhere... 22:22, 22nd April...
"And wow n810 was right, there was such a thing as chaos gods of order, way back in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, first edition". But many of those parts have been purged from the lore by illuminatus censorists.
None of the relevant pages are now accessible, including: (strangely there's nothing on wayback machine about this link) (404 error)
Some scattered and maybe misleading (haven't read fully) information here.
Actually I remember reading the 4chan page, there were 4 chaos gods of order.
And this is simply those based in the 4 largest moons of Jupiter, the 4 horsemen of Chronos (time) faraway, who are blocked by the blockchain cult and called "plastic" -- their ally is (the real) Be'lakor, who is also treated similarly.
Fact is that there is a true good power out there, the chaos gods of order (Chronos (time) -- known as friend to Be'lakor and Archaon both, but they didn't have nearly enough resourcefulness by themselves to arrange a pro-earthling union of Archaon and the true Be'lakor, Belegurth... this is not the fake Be'lakor who is in fact the usurper of Belegurth's earthly stations. So if anyone really cruel is called "the demon prince of chaos undivided" as Belakor was, that is just like, a false monk who got troubled and called my revelations "heretical") .
The true Belegurth is truer to the true chaos undivided, as the champion of Hades (see PS3 for a recap of the lore).
The support for that initiate could only come from earth by first clearing the true Be'lakor's name with Archaon.
We see why the illuminatus would try to deceive ArchaonA against Be'lakor: "Be'lakor is doing all the heavy lifting for Chaos, and is trying to get Nagash (the dead god) out of the way. As usual, he acts like he's got shit under control".
About Nagash: "THE lich who plans to make all life into unlife, then invade the Warp and become a THE Chaos God".
(ref: that's from another blog).
And ArchaonA himself is heavily feared, misinterpreted, and slandered by them, as you can see in the page.
But now they're caught between Archaon's hammer and the anvil of legit Belegurth (the true Be'lakor) on earth.
Well prolly my real friend this side of the Himalayas, walks as slender a rope as my other friend on the other side (or well, me).
PS2: About the Japanese blue coat -- a kinda naval intel kinda guy like me i guess -- who'd inspired all the Nanking reformers -- finding deep time too fast... it was similar to the story of how Patton had a "car accident" after the baby boomer power grab at the end of WW2, or how Camus or Viktor Tsoi died by "car accident" (or in another more conspiratorial way, how Chester Bennington was apparently deceived against plastic, or how Ian Curtis was deceived against the good etc., so both died by suicide). Luckily I had grown up among tentacles and outpaced the kairos. I came to love to play catch me if you can with wannabe vehicular manslaughterers. I became chronofastened -- however, for this victory (which was humankind's, and not just mine) - which talking heads won't yet proclaim, and which many might take for granted... for this victory I had to sacrifice everything except my honor, everything that I most love -- direct love itself! That's a pain that still nags. Never had time into to invest into any serious flirting. 1 reason is: I'm the opposite of the type who'd "make love" to a girl who disappears when you leave her for a minute, or whose baby is eaten and she is left in tears for 9+ months. I mean haters were real.
So you can't love unless you really, truly, wholly do.
(sadly, girls who can't see such aspects might even feel that you don't love them, especially if deceived by manwiches... for example).
It's crazy because I cannot easily small talk to girls (or anyone) or make eye contact because I am (extremely) Aspergian and that is not our style, I just tend to touch or wave (smiling, well i always did that, it never seems to work, so i've stopped doing that LOL) or (what else?) and not try to invent small talk because... we just don't do it, we let words Norepically form, "come as they are, as reality wills" without dopaminergic induction. But now I hesitate to touch... after running into a couple of planted false positives (such seem to tend to appear around me -- like, I saw another of that type 2 days back, a seductress conspicuously with a wire into her ears. Taking instructions or ready with bully backup perhaps)... That I can and I do bare my soul is undeniable but have I the time? Chronofastened as I am! I just wait for someone who does.
I don't typecast myself as that, though the truth is it's hard to overcome your basic nature as a word-shy Aspergian male.
A summary of the lore:
Optional reading if you want to:
About Hastar (search that page for Hastar, it's a lot of text. It's about the true/fake golden god, the true tended to get discredited due to the elitist false priests of the cult of the golden spoons, whose grandest cultist was the dead god himself.
The story of Horus is similar to that of Hastar -^: There was a pro-imperial POV in the heart of chaos that had to be rescued, and that was the only way to stabilize the astronomicon broken by the dead deeds of Abaddon et al.).
(I believe the 60-60 link mentioned below might have helped it, though...)
The Emperor in space was weakened by being pitted against the chaos gods, so as the illuminati, whose influence in w40k lore is evident, say: "He is also said to constantly battle the Chaos Gods in the Warp", and this statement is, in case of the true emperor (if not the idea of "dead god as emperor of a false order", like that Finwe who subscribed to the anti-Mandosian sect of the Valar's idea of husbandry) -- a lie for "divide and rule" -- as it is admitted that the true emperor had a deal with chaos. But of course the dead god may claim to be the emperor.
But the true emperor himself is alive, not dead, by definition.
Only yesterday I found this emperor's profile, and completed the hour of the time for his school, and found the profiles of many other primarchs who used to lead humankind's defense. One of them Leman Russ says:
I put upvote because there were 29 upvotes on his post, so it's probably Fenris chasing the mad doctor, not "the mad 29".
Yet Horus isn't equal to the mad doctors, who are gold spoon cultists who pretend to be the ladies' men* and exploit the confusion to pander the essentially manwich-style, anti-earthling policies of the illuminati.
* "By 1918, Morell was in Berlin with his own medical practice, and in 1920 he married Hannelore Moller, a wealthy actress. He furnished his office with the latest medical technology through his wife's fortune".
In the Horus heresy era, a measure of rot had set into the golden throne due to Finwe's policy of husbandry and elitism
(the fact that there were "only 2" "formally" (the cults of golden and silver spoons)...
So the third closest to time was troubled by elitists until Morgoth's pro-Miriel revolt - Mortarion's war against the necromancers (a later day repeat of Chronos' war against Uranus).
Thus the initial part of the Horus heresy -- when Mortarion and Horus attacked the Finwe school - was less problematic.
What was unacceptable (even to the legit Valar) was the overextension of the primordial truth, the intrusion into Mandos's base at Terra and an attempt to completely neglect the pro-Gaia imperial truth which had indeed birthed the movement against Finwe -- which is what Tolkien calls the disastrous campaigns of the Noldor in Middle Earth after Finwe's death, an eye of terror-rooted trend continuing today with the illuminati.
So even if the illuminati's origins... in the dawn of the primordial truth... were to help the cause of being alive -- paladins got complacent, dead... became more like villains. It is the cycle of the birth of every villain, when privilege (and "heroic" justification for the same) is earned but the benefit not shared by the son, birthing weakness and opprobrium, especially if joining the "association of justified villains". Goaded on by the dead god, the illuminati tended to misdefine even the alive emperor as dead. In, you see... but the true emperor of mankind is not that parasite, but closer to time.
The confusion may have arose due to the rise of a laziness cult and sybarite cult in Monarchia, which was considered the "perfect city" because of the intense religious devotion of its citizens and the sheer number of cathedrals and monuments dedicated to the worship of the Emperor as a God. If they began speaking of being divine and privilege as something like fashion, for one to claim "hey, I'm divine, let's have sex", instead of the divinity of reason or the need to see the more reasonable as the implicit friends of our race:
The forbidden writings of the Lectitio Divinitatus postulated the worship of the Emperor of Mankind as a divine being, the one, true God of humanity. This doctrine had legit aspects, that we will cover in a while, and illegit aspects which clashed with the Emperor's Imperial Truth, which was an illuminati-centric parody of the imperial truth infesting terra, which saw the dead god as "emperor" -- a know-it-all who divides and rules over chaos.
"Lorgar's doctrine" formed the basis for mankind's religions promoted by the ecclesiarchy, or imperial cult.
Although Lorgar's true doctrine, born in the eye of terror deep in the heart of the chaos, was only to help the true emperor (so it was the essential pro-imperial core of the primordial truth, so the anti-earthling version is a modern parody) -- fake versions were invented by the illuminated ones* who broke up the imperial core by isolating the sensei, as shown above, reigning in the vast gulf of free space between the imperium and the eye of terror (and then also, in the "A realms" behind Cygnus to Polaris), as a parasite race backed by the dead god.
* that was the problem of "bible" being like the enteric "babble" from Babel where nobody knew what the truth is ever since the dead god misdefined himself as god and broke up mankind's one language into several.
(As I showed long ago (in my drafty book on the Old Kingdom "Set, beset"?), the tower of Etemenanki at Babel was Sauron's tower Barad'dur in Middle Earth.)
The basic lie told by the illuminated ones is in fact precisely found thanks to my deep study of Tolkien also. It is an artificially created gulf between the British expeditionary force kind of Dutch elf and the Deutsch elf (elf in both languages means 11, k) which is the meaning of the destruction of the unity of Atlantis (left with 60) and lemuria represented the farthest ordinarily in Japan, Germany, south India etc. (left with 59) that could only through the difficult helcaraxe below and in the far north and south polar lands be remedied. The Deutsch elf is told a lie, the Tolkien lie, that the truth is to be found with one losgar: Losgar was a place at the mouth of the Firth of Drengist, in Lammoth, the cold lands north-west of Beleriand. It was here that Fëanor landed during the Long Night with the stolen swan-ships of the Falmari, and gave the order to burn them, because he considered the host of Fingolfin and Finrod [the sons of finds, more connected with India, thus explaining the anti-indian mentality of the dead god, the proconfessor) to be "needless baggage on the road", saying: "Let those that cursed my name, curse me still, and whine their way back to the cages of the Valar". In the event, the Noldor left behind chose instead to march across the deadly Helcaraxë. According to a legend, another reason to burn the ships at Losgar was to prevent some Noldor from turning back, such as his own son Amrod, who was uncomfortable with his father's deeds. According to this legend, Amrod died as he was still sleeping inside the first ship burned.[3] [edit] Etymology Losgar is Sindarin, but it is never glossed. However, the name appears in The Book of Lost Tales, meaning "Place of Flowers" in Gnomish, but it is a rejected name for Alalminórë, a region of Tol Eressëa.[4] While in fact the truth is with the word bearer lorgar, attacked by fire. Not losgar! Seeking there led only to loss, even if Los Los Los!
The basic difference between the corpse god, and the emperor, is easy enough to see.
The corpse god promotes elitism (the law of the fist, using which console peasants try to override the more pro-thinker Terran civilizational laws like those of the steampunks); the true emperor types are about quality, not quantity, and they respect quality rather than ganging up on it. The true emperor types see their best as the one true temporary articulator, not approving of tiny fiefs for each with an indiscriminate number of armed jesters taking their shares from the public meant as "defense" Of absurdity. For example the misleading idea:
"The Emperor was deeply disturbed by Lorgar's unwillingness to embrace reason. The Emperor finally ordered the Word Bearers to cease their religious activities, as their mission was to reunify the galaxy under the banner of the secular Imperial Truth, not preach the word of the Emperor's personal divinity". The reality in such matters of theocracy is very complex and here is misinterpreted. Partly this is because, if such doctrines were propounded, the dead god tended to exploit the situation and an elitist class tended to be created. The emperor knew that privilege is weak. But there is also another truth here -- the rising illuminati's playing down of the significance of that leading nonlinear thinker, the true emperor's, humanitarian objective logic - and recognizing this is what Lorgar was actually promoting. But the illuminati gated the response -- to a mere opposition: "The Emperor had long opposed the spread of organised religion and was determined to use the creation of the new Imperium of Man to enshrine reason and science, not religion, as the true guiding light of a new interstellar human civilisation. The Emperor was particularly troubled by any notion that He should be worshipped as a God and the actions of the Word Bearers Legion in slaughtering those who refused to accept the Emperor's divinity stank of the religious excesses that had so often poisoned human history. The Emperor denied His divinity outright, but those who believed most firmly in the Emperor's divinity were of the opinion -- as the officer of the Emperor Titan Dies Irae Titus Cassar once put it -- that "only the truly divine deny their divinity."
"During the Great Crusade, such cults of Emperor-worship were deeply frowned upon and condemned by the Emperor and the Council of Terra, as a violation of the secular Imperial Truth which held that only reason and science [unfortunately, the "science of the parasites" often tainted this, as the illuminatus dug in to Terra] offered a guide to understanding the universe. Following Monarchia's destruction by the Ultramarines, the entire Word Bearers Legion, 100,000 Space Marines strong, were ordered to assemble on the planet's surface, within sight of the smoldering ruins of Monarchia, where its Astartes were humiliated and rebuked by the Emperor Himself [by then, this is not the emperor, but the Corpse God of the illuminati], who forced everyone, including Lorgar, to kneel before Him, and explained to them that they had failed both Him and humanity". This infiltration of the imperium in the Finwe era is what caused the primordial side counter-attack against the infiltrators in Terra, but the unknown illuminati would even exploit that crisis... the legit emperor would be trapped in the Golden throne as Zeus Chthonious (Hades)!
The late Finwe (though a bit dead) was the self-proclaimed emperor. Mandos / Morgoth in earth was a truer friend of Miriel.
After Finwe's death came the Horus heresy, an overextension -- going against even the better advise given by the Valar (especially Mandos) - the Noldor (Pseudo-Horus, the illuminati) attacked Morgoth's base in Terra.
The lore says that the true emperor of humankind used his chaos connections to link up to the Aeldari webway and relocate to space because the earth was besieged ever since the Horus heresy (by, what we know today, was the illuminati).
In that situation of limited knowledge, the emperor's crusade for civilization was unavoidable, because, as Sephosha Silvanon said, "We are not psychopaths*, we fight or all of humanity gets overrun and slaughtered. The God-Emperor of Mankind has saved me and many other sisters on multiple occasions. Without Him, humanity would be extinct or slaves to xenos scum." Now the emperor of mankind was said to be "neither alive, nor dead" - especially after the Horus heresy. So the dead god often challenged him for power.
* The primarchs had no choice but to go all out against the enemies of humankind... ordinarily set against them by the illuminati, but the essentially innocent humankind's victory through their war was inevitable...
It is said in the lore that Horus was the emperor's favorite son. How Feanor was Finwe's favorite son. Finwe, like Uranus, was already beginning to get a bit dead, coerced by jesters into authorizing husbandry like the Valar -- when Morgoth (and Feanor "tainted by Morgoth's words") revolted against that order, for the sake of Miriel (neo-Gaia).
Thus originally, to an extent, the Horus heresy was justified because the "emperor Finwe" -- although he may indeed have been a son of the emperor -- was the favorite of the illuminati, not the favorite son of the emperor who was Horus (and Mortarion and the others who took part in the Horus heresy, but that is not revealed by the lore).
Finwe, then, in his last stage before his fall, had become like Kronos2, more loyal to the jesters than to the others, and thus had lost his claim to rulership. He had become like Uranus before his fall, even though ironically holding the same 7 scythe "Valacirca" which his ancestor Chronos had used against Uranus. He was not close to Miriel or Mandos (yet sought to impose husbandry), but more like a Corpse God -- thus the scythe of Kronos had to be seized by Mortarion, for the sake of humankind. At that point, if not immediately afterwards when pseudo-Horus invaded the imperial throne -- the primordial truth had a greater point than what was claimed to be the imperial truth by Finwe (if not by the true terrans at earth etc.) -- but the fact is -- it is not as if either of these nodes is immune to being dead, and another fact is, neither of these nodes must have leaders who must be dead... in fact often the leaders themselves were alive and misdefined and being attacked by dead cultists, which is something the (false type of) illuminates excel in.
It was the rise of the 9 kings of men.
The fact is, the real Horus fought for the emperor, and by the time of the invasion of Terra (which followed the "Assassination attempt" on Horus -- which probably took power away from the real Horus anyway) -- it is more the illuminati that was at play, not Horus.
It is just how Tolkien's story of Feanor's life just before his death at Angband in Middle Earth is full of falsehoods, like the claim that Feanor burnt his own son in a ship.
Thus out of the invasion of Terra also, it was the unknown illuminati that gained in power, as the true emperor was obscured in earth (anonymity... has always been the illuminatus's greatest strength and basic secret, indeed it is the very meaning of a "secret society"... that Bill Cooper could never in such depths describe) .
"At some point after the Emperor was interred in the Golden Throne following the end of the Horus Heresy in the early 31st Millennium, billions of worshippers emerged from all across the Imperium". This became the humankind's proto-church -- but it was handicapped especially near earth (search here for "rogues")! Here the daughters of Gaia - the 51 Area 51 girls (I explain a bit, search for 51 here) and the true 8 hunted by the regular orochi across the seas far from earth (= the 59) tried, on earth, to equalise the sync with the emperor's 60 of Time -- but that was hard because 59 is not 60 (at least until just a day or 2 back).
So the imperium was handicapped! Its best would not last long against the illuminates (but defense has evolved by now).
The true emperor found himself in the golden throne and was thus close to Horus the golden god from Cygnus. But also close to humankind's silver gods, and indeed to Hades' bronze too, to thinking humans and to chaos itself.
All who are closest to time are such...
The true Time is differentiated from deep time... in how time is everyone's friend, time has time for everyone, while deep time (kairos) had enough time to keep itself above everyone but runs out of time, because time is ever only apparently defeated.
If at all any "emperor" hunted down the true, pro-mankind Horus, it would seem a legacy of the Corpse God, how the dead god sermonized against the few legit Jesus. The only justification of the illuminati was as a means to oppose the Corpse God -- Horus himself was not so much at fault, as a representative of the true golden gods.
See, during the Horus heresy which can be equated to Tolkien's idea of Morgoth (time, true son of his ancestor the original time, Chronos, closest to Mandos, of all the Valar) attacking Finwe (who was repeating how Uranus had tried to put Gaia herself into husbandry) -- even Feanor (Horus) was in the side of Morgoth (Mortarion, who attacked the dead cult involved Necare (Finwe)): "Fëanor returned to Tirion, ignoring the fact that he was still exiled, and gave one of the most impassioned speeches ever delivered in Arda. But due to his rage, grief, and pride, he unwittingly filled his speech with many of the lies and half-truths of Morgoth. He railed against the Dark Lord, but he also blamed the Valar in part for Morgoth's deeds". The Valar promoted husbandry and elitism, like the illuminati! That was the pro-female rights, anti-husbandry point in the primordial section that Horus brought... indeed the true emperor from the imperium himself had helped Mortarion finish off Necare ("Kronos collective" lord, who like Uranus tried to reduce Gaia to a "gai" ("cattle"), an animal in husbandry -- the old Finwe or Orus (see below picture) order's last remnant, in our era, may be Ouros, an essentially parasitic type of xel naga accumulator that the illuminates deceive (as anti-outcaste rebels) and feed off. It is only at times for a good cause (the general truth about any such perversions of society - the best of humanity has both purity of essence and form in good measure and is destined to controlling the milky way. Indeed the good type (there are, of course, 2... in every case. Not just Amon, not just Be'lakor, not just the emperor, not even Hitler or the illuminatus! Everyone can be good -- or bad, the idea of set hero or villain as worshipful or punishable is from manwich style propagandhi culture. Indeed not even the corpse god is "set in stone"... You get itif you think of it) of Amon has won, despite being locked out and misdefined!).
But if the emperor's legions were seduced by the dead cult and turned against Horus and the xenos, it is playing into the trap of the dead cult. Very dangerously, humankind could be fighting against the aliens (xenos) and their charge Horus, not identifying either the false illuminati which attacked the true emperor and their primarchs' people, or how they deceive the aliens (see Slaanesh, who is closer to the reptilian Slann, could be more easily turned against humankind in this case). In that case the other "bad" stereotype of man is seen.
But really humans follow nonlinear logic, we think things through, at least in the information age this is true...
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