In a previous post, I told you about the fascist or anti-public kind of boss I found myself with... A couple of days back I was going east to pick up a paper... and their guilt was further evidenced in how nearby, I found a colony of relatively socially conscious people suffering BJP infestation. The route I took was such:
In the initial part of the route, it's a hilly area under siege. There were no lights in the evening, roads are rough tracks.
As you keep going, you come to a snake temple (it used to be a pro-female rights network, but the dead cult tries to control or limit it)

It's a tiny open air temple... I believe its twin, where you can even find some staff, is here:
Oh, you know how I know that one -- the sly Vishal had asked me to wait at that temple before we went to visit Tecumseh office. Probably so that they could fabricate a story involving me and the serpent gods*, this is how they "
* Well my land, Kerala, is known for its
serpent groves. I'm also somewhat related to baron pampa of the Strugatsky story "hard to be god", as pampa river is in kerala and pamb means "serpent" in the local tongue.
Kept going east, came to a different-seeming place.. where I saw the name "Yadav" that is shared by Biharis and Telugu people (recall that the Bihari ex-CM Lalu Prasad Yadav had called Modi a "
brahm pisach" or greater demon).
At this location:
Some old female leader, whose name you see on the gate, had made all this a unified area to solve the peoples' problems:

Nearby I saw a golden statue - the hard-working true golden striving to be like the noblest rising sun -- walking alongside gold school false priests! (Fake orange cult* who "agree to the logic", but only in words, not the hearts that they lack) -- as you can see the BJP flag nearby -- the lotus, recall, is the
fake lotus.
It's just knowledge-hoarding,
library-burning elitists claiming to be more intelligent, who're weakening everyone else.
They were destroying elfin-style civilization...
Then they claim that parasites are "natural" but the energy parasite is an error dating back to the
sundering of the elves ("the fall of man"), which caused a galactic marring (wrongly called "the
marring of Arda" by Tolkien):
In fact, true nature is elfin-style civilization which used to be before the sundering, and that is what we nonlinear thinkers have always tried to achieve but the parasites have cut us short; parasite is not natural but a result of unnatural energy surplus.
So they claim they are natural and the primordial truth's extreme or anti-earthling form is the only truth, but there is nothing natural about the cowardice and sodomy and groupist reaving of the primordial analysts. The girls are never really with them, as it neglects elfin nonlinear thinkers and Gaia's intention against husbandry (that was the defining step in the rise of the elves as a perfected race in the time of Chronos (main).... but later it was a more groupist Kronos of the collective,
Finwe neglected Miriel's will just as Uranus had neglected Gaia's, causing a degradation of elfin society and the elfisation of man at earth* -- the sundering resulted.
* the parasites always tried to take away the most elfin humans by
marriage or kidnap, and claim that humankind is generally inferior, binding the abducted into the system of cowardice, terror, and sodomite groupism; they claim they are smarter because they had UFOs and certain technologies, but see, anyone can copy paste technology, intelligence is about whether one can invent or not and indeed even we have UFOs.
Their energy parasitic view is not about the orange at all...
It's about the
poisonous orange (it's not simply sour like a lemon, it's nauseous... some kinda toxic flesh, not a true orange).
As I kept going east, I came to Shaikpet library, and here I uncovered what I'd tweeted about a few days back: "Stumbled upon a case similar to but crazier, in some ways, than Sujana's, y'day. Apparently, the killing of a young female intellectual in the vicinity of the dilapidated Sheikpet library... The media will not speak of it. And dread kairos compels the police to stay silent i guess". So gladly I bring this news to you...
Now Sheikpet library is evidently like a very ancient thinking peoples' discussion center. Currently it is run down:
It has been captured by the BJP, you can see the flag -- so the BJP claims that its fake orange is the real orange philosophy! It is about the fake golden or the golden spoon dead cultists (want to know their hubris, search for Srinivasan
here), who had at first stolen the power from the true golden - "Without warning, Lei Shen incapacitated Ra, bound the keeper in great chains, and stole not only the keeper's power but also the power of Aman'Thul. It is said that the mogu tore out the very heart of the mogu god. And from that hateful act, he gained power over wind and storm." This, the eclipse of Chronos (main) and the imposture by the corrupt manwiches of the Kronos collective, is why the silver god Zeus and mankind fought the fake golden... the
Hastar story... You know many fishes are silver. You know why Archaon_A says, "seems fish is much more unethical than meat". I've been psychologically allergic to fish since a kid, causes serious puking feeling so I run when I smell fish. And you know why the Sikh holy book says: don't eat fishes? The Sikhs have a golden temple, too, where I guess such pro-silver voice of the true golden was also heard (but also the fake echo, thus "sing"). Nearby, underground or in the many lakes in this city, there are those who strive for justice -- and it becomes obvious now, that the BJP is systematically oppressing them by systematically purging the
Silver fish agents close to Poseidon and all:
But what you see in the right of the picture, is the strongest piece of evidence that the fake orange cult, like the misanthropic, misogynistic Yogi Adityanath and Modi, are systematically eliminating thinkers if they arise:
(But the secret of Modi and the Gujarati authorized pseudo-oranges, who are basically illuminates who know which lie to tell to whom and need only sell their souls to the
dead god -- is mainly that they deceive the silver in Gujarat, where there is a "
silver dragon restaurant" probably close to Gir wildlife park...
So this murder (obviously, it was murder of a female intellectual closer to the truth I've been revealing over the last few weeks, involving such areas) was less than a week back. Her name can be read as "Yog goddess"...
Her death is displayed, a warning to every young intellectual of the area! The terrorists' tyranny can no longer be denied...
And yet the old culprit, Bandi Sanjay, tries to debunk all the evident megalomania by a simple act of published negation:
Goebbels: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Modi's central government has been caught red-handed attacking the free people who're metaphorically called "plastic" :
You should understand, all this is metaphor for attacking common people... Even as reality attacks the old elitists (this time the 2 legs of the old no. 2 hiding below the city, associated with the boomer cultists who had escaped the eclipse of their master in WW2):

Overbearing kairos-infested central parties don't let the locals rule themselves; troubling the natives' local government in Hyderabad again:
The high court is infiltrated by a relative of the cricketeer Virat Kohli (who is married, just a suspected kairos agent). Well, illegal nepotism. This judge Hima Kohli pretends as a woman (like Modi) and attacks free males in the name of woman's rights by trying to take away even the leaders of the public's right to criticize the regime:

Manwiches like Hima Kohli attacking free (non-manwich) males... exporting to the south, the northern dead culture -
This is a regular pattern of misbehavior, other mischiefs by the manwich Hima have already been covered before.
You see Hima Kohli is a Himalayan blunder, a himaloid beta, so to speak, it is trying to make a puppet of the chief minister and secretly running a second Covidiot HQ in Telangana (the first one was burnt to ashes recently).
The ruling party TRS, now busy fixing the police to protect the city, is being attacked by the manwiches of the BJP:
Manwiches from the other kairos-dominated party, the Congress, is also attacking the TRS:
I actually helped India's girls out once:
But now the other kairos-dominated party, the Congress, collaborating with ideology-free communists. tries to wreck them again:

As I said about that... oh, and about the fake communists - don't you know that there were civil wars among the communists? Mensheviks vs Bolsheviks? Bensheviks vs Molsheviks? That capitalism is a form of communism for the rich (in usury situation, or where the private sector has captured public people like Slaanesh and
even Sujana etc.). Both systems have a money system. Communism was never supposed to be about evil big government, that was a Stalinist parody. Stalin was son of a Rothschild (an Illuminati kinda guy). So it collapsed... True Communism is not the equal distribution of resources but equal access and unlocking and development of natural resources and self-rejuvenation of nature through restoration of wildlife and forests, so there will be so much that there is no need for monitoring and distribution. What we saw, wasn't that. Communism may have a currency system - a fiat currency for the entire Terran civilization which is entering the system not centrically but as ubi, bottom up not top down... This might as well be digital. The digital world and qualitative types of technology are here to stay.
News from 2 or 3 days back (as of 12th April 21),
(Can't overstate the importance of dodging
marital socialism, you lose everything of value if you get married)...
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