Days after I first mentioned the casus belli, someone asked on Quora are French military officers calling for an uprising?
As I replied: That’s indeed true.
I’m one of them, as a victory flag holder at Argentan*, and all true officers tend to think like this, being nonlinear thinkers similarly pushed by idiocracy.
* MM caused me to defeat many old lords there, including cheesecakes “of” America, a post-war baby boomer overlord (Not real (pro-lady liberty) American, anyway, but more; also reminded me of the pro-vaccine manwich hierophant I trolled on Twitter)
The overall logic is:
About the manwiches who force girls into husbandry, you know.
Manwich groupism is intolerable to civilization (in any form; it would be narrow to feel that it is about Islam only. Yes, ISIS was a classic manwich organization to put females into husbandry; but truly, Islam is not that, not even about "submission").
This is the mood among Terran-authorized (pro-/steampunk-type) officers across the world.
Ref :
Casus belli: logic -
The marred rot must be cured by any means necessary. The post-war politics was a grand deception enabled in the east by Stalin's purges of the good, and in the west by the murders of Patton, Camus, Bernadotte and many others. Marred, energy parasitic cultures, have always been banned by multiversal and terran common law.
Stopping, reversing the idiocratic cultural genocide against thinkers (which causes ever greater capability in ever fewer thinkers and ever worse capability in ever increasing number of fools. In some places, it is simply intolerabe, the fools are so many and too heavy).
Most importantly, we are not satisfied by merely breaking the back of ISIS. Civilization's aim remains at present -
Liberation of the female soul from its incarceration by the energy parasites - it has always been a casus belli (see the historical progression).
Most Indian girls* tend to be under the spell of manwiches, the mutually back-"scratching" union of neo-NT (low IQ) "legit" hubbies/"bfs"
* at least in my city, this is too much of a problem.
I see so many girls who have a crush on me everyday but they are mentally dominated by manwiches, frozen in the undead zone.
Despite me making it clear to the girls that I can only be how a guy should be with a girl (the elflike code of intersex conduct is very necessary for a real civilization) -- allow them to hit on me rather than me telling them "why" they should sleep with me. Why? Well if males do that, it is not good, it is the linear minded person who usually entraps the female, like a dude I know who promised a girl I know many children, but left her without even one. The manwiches pick girls up by verbal entrapment, they usually have some reason like "otherwise i'll make sure you don't get a job, so marry me" and stuff like that. It is just not what should be encouraged. So girls should pick guys up. The opposite is easier for the low iq narcissist / manwich, it is indeed their style. It is about time the "girl on top" (mentally) idea returns, I'm so sick of the expectation of girls to play up to the "girls are stupid and passive" stereotype which justifies their further enslavement by the dead rot.
Now the manwiches are trying to spread the female-mocking culture to other places.
For example, the other day in IG, I got a notification (it was an opening for me into the girls' side) but a manwich tries to corner her:
But you see that! Someone who can't even really talk, just says that.
Now his claim to fame was likely that "this is a victory for Indians" (as he would've thought... but yeah, wtf, really) just because I made inroads - but that is a ludicrous thing to say, it is just how the parasites try to use us and isolate us. I am no groupist! See, to lump dump thinkers with fools, and suck our life blood (after which they'll accuse us of being the culprits in their manwich dirge to dupe females and everyone), this is the casus belli of the steampunks. He was a manwich in the 88, as the presence of that number 74 suggests...
"I have interest on you".
You see...
"I have interest on you"....
So the manwich will only say that that, but he is the tip of the iceberg, not an individual. On the ground he has social support, the great herd of manwiches, that will bump the girl into the entrapment as if she's a ball in pinball (search monkeysphere here).
Because that is the "typical type of man" in the depths of the cultural moralysis: the dopaminergic Neo-NT, or narc.
India, USA, anywhere... girls have only choice - to break free from the narcs who try to mind control them and shunt them into husbandry.
It's literally a do or die, because others seem to be laughing, describing the pro-manwich or marred female like this; while others claim that "all Indian girls are like that", but these are only the bacterial cultural elitists who back marriage.
(Even though prudes are hardly an Indian phenomenon and indeed many South Indian girls (especially far south) are cool with making out with strangers etc. indeed more so than in North India or elsewhere (in fact).
But apparently some of the heaviest prudes haunt South India, so the union of prudes cunningly claims that South Indians are evil!
This is more generally an anti-Asian thing. In India, a true steampunk like me gets politically isolated, parasites grab power, Petronas of Malaysia seems to "represent India's steampunks" to the illuminatus in the central government!
Malaysia itself is hijacked: "Malaysia has been largely spared from any major terrorism since the signing of peace accord with the Malayan Communist Party", and indeed "The 2000 al-Qaeda Summit was a meeting of several high-level al-Qaeda members held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia". Only lately were some manwich lords caught.
And it appears that many generals in the army here are anti-steampunk illuminatus, thus explaining the "MJKS division".
Similarly, in China, even MOWAS2 steampunks find it hard to survive against the cheaters.
In South India, thinkers suffer because of all this stupidity of people here and abroad; thugs carry away my friends.
Simply unacceptable, because if Asia's steampunks cannot be free, thinkers nowhere can be, and nor can the girls = Casus belli.
Any inroads I make? It is first the illuminated manwich who tries to exploit, isolating me. For example as I completed the hour of the time (as I intended), it was the old "hour of the (deep) time" -- that arrived to take advantage first:
Well, he looks like some Merovingian manwich or something (see, silk is metaphor for Asia's finest beauties).
The French have begun their part... the manwiches want the UK's armed forces to fight the French, but the only targets of any nation's law enforcement must be the mad doctor cartels: "However, despite rising tensions, the UK will “absolutely not” go to war with France over the fishing dispute, Jersey’s foreign minister has said".
I have begun my part too. I mean, apart from these writings... Earlier, I thought the time was not right for this kind of thing:
It is the "avatar" thingy in Facebook. Apparently, you create a cartoon version of yourself, but what's more important is what happens due to that -- your agent starts moving around in the skies, rooted in far "Pandora".
So our casus belli will be pressed from all sides, the land, seas, and skies! There is no hope for marital socialism any more, surely.
The same mood in England:
The same mood also in Germany, as I can tell by now. It is infectious like a virus, as it is objectively logical...
Especially after all that legit trolling we do...
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