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Log #27: Lol, this looks like fun

Hey, done with my film, part 1 ... 

The link, don't miss this. 

Hey, I was talking about Yoyo, and cutting the tentacles around her.

After all that cutting the earth-based tentacles, suddenly an ancient marital socialist deity's far tentacles tried to descend from the sky...

That looked like a serious threat, if unattended...But was taken care of 

Now, things look great.

See Yoyo's "babe rank" on babepedia. It may seem frivolous, but I guess it's serious... dead rot vs. alive light... politics in girlkind. 

It's as serious as a fight between a male thinker all alone and the legions of kairos fools of both genders...

The rank... it's about influence or something... like her alone* against all the Victorian deadweight and their husbands.

* Few direct friends, I guess? At least those who could help as much as I did. 

But then, nonlinear thinkers tend to help each other more indirectly, anyway, it goes often, unseen. 

So things are never so bleak :)

The turning point was upvoting all her gaming section's posts on FB... nobody else who matters as much as a steampunk on terra could get away with it -- as I said, steampunks on that side are consumed by the kairos.

But I and mine stabilized the structure here, as I pointed out in the labelled map in the last post, so I can get away with doing this.

So in the deep seas, a pro-Yoyo shift... and Yoyo and hers are really alive, even if they must play dead at times.

Due to circumstances I will reveal in the next parts of my film... 3rd part, actually. 

(It's awesome to find an alive ally in Terra, helping others in this way usually seemed ineffective due to the universality of deadness. 

Even now, dead cult infiltration (or plain old cowardice) is isolating me from such structures (and I myself have not searched, being more like Vardamir Nolimon repelled by the idea of courts/jesters) and try to misuse it in real life. But if I redirect it online (bok tak), my friends can override those who claim to represent me but actually represent the kairos... and directly help out my real friends... They just need to be designated...)

So i upvoted all of Yoyo's gaming videos and everything (and got compensated with a precious heart on my comment :D )

She is quite expressive on her posts... 

She's very smart, like Pinky and the brain rolled into one (like Aspergian/nonlinearly brainy. The stupid circuits of fear, compliance, cowardice etc. are absent, so she can be called mentally very elfin like me (not the "afraid high elf" stereotype, maybe original style or dark elf, I guess? I mean, "lamp in the darkness", not "the darkness"). Replaced by nonlinear thinking for stable equilibrium, victory etc. Like see the "unprecedented slope" I mention below... Now, being overwhelmed by idiocracy is not a threat, because of the gains made by our likes* in the great wars. Surely so after I found her... before I accidentally saw her (hours... after contact with alive Pluto) on IG's "explore" area - she did seem in her darkest hour... angry, sleepless, surrounded by mad doctors, a bunch of medicines in her hands :D 

* Yeah "Gamerist", heh... nonlinear steampunks...  

She is quite expressive on her posts... So I could figure out what's up... as I guessed:

As Yoyo tries to represent thinking humans and free girls (she cosplayed Hestia*), any who'd compete with her must be relatively "dead" 

* "When the gods Apollo and Poseidon became suitors for her hand she swore to remain a maiden forever, whereupon Zeus, the king of the gods, bestowed upon her the honour of presiding over all sacrifices."

(Actually this means she doesn't want to be a foot-bound wife but rather choose for herself, which all girls should do.

So actually the light of girlkind. Hey, I seem to have found another kairos "Hestia", a company -- in the city I live in!)

(Marital socialism... as I've said for years, it's deadness and rot itself... who "compete" must be kinda dead).

Well, ground support was all that's needed, things picked up... it's just the start.

Things turned out exactly as I say, the next day... great.

This is my website, you might want to check it out! I made it in a week or so but it looks pretty good by now!

The false gods are jealous. Well...

It's like they didn't even want her, they can't appreciate beauty, for which one needs a real brain. And she won't even notice. But they have what they call a monkey sphere more properly "apesphere", mirror neurons: So when I want her, that's when they claim to want her.

But it's about who she wants, and who really cares for her. They would have only abused her.

Well, I know, energy sources get really sapped around sinks. She can only be fine with a live wire, lol.



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