The Wrong "Thinking" of the Energy Parasitic Marital Socialists who seek to make a Slave Plantation of Earth
The hero of the day sounds like Boris Johnson , did us proud by leading the gang who were shouted at by the Queen herself.... he did another good thing to be keeping a foot on macron's fag' making out table gifted by berlusconi ..
A difficult problem:
Macron feels old and ossified in his head these days, must be all the French-English and French-Dutch translations he did, any neuroscientist might check his transcript, has become a multilingual dictionary by now?Oh but we see....
Oh I see, Modi, feeling unloved except in the deserts and mountains beyond the borders of the country, having been shouted at by the headquarters who rejected his offer of fewhrrrhprinzip, fled for a visit to the Kingkong (err i mean Zhabdrung) of Bhutan, and soon after, sat on the flight once again, for he had determined to spend a night with Macron, he is goin as crazy as he was day before yesterday and before that , ever since he made 'da Modbot' statement, "If a man's butt is a vagina to a penis, his soul is a penis to a vagina, which is good, so we must all surrender our butts to the lords of the butt".
Macron: "I am full, my bell with macaroni. And that is why I am the one, the man who is a manwitch, a ladyman the pasta, and it is I perhaps, who is womaning... am I womaning? Must I ask my 41 year old wife, or must I ... must I say... my 410 year old.... husband, muhahahasdhh (I am no man).
Modi: "Hsssh, my darling, I see them ! The younglings of the Night Watch musteth nowest at this verieth momentum be prepared ! Eat the foods! I shall prepare the coffee. Then we shall down a few beers and smoke a cigarette and wait... when they come... we shall seize them ! We will rape them, and then, we'll kill and eat them. A reign of terror will ensure that our will alone prevails, and nought is the error of the pussy riot...
Someone on Quora asked: "Why isn't Indian government doing anything to control population growth?"
Only an Orwellian, Combine fascist can say such things…
and that too, not just to kill himself but to kill someone else, like the poor !
All i know is that fascist politicians are futile as they cannot do anything and the poor must be enabled to work because they are not of the category of people who can’t do anything.
If i even agree, it will only be for families of all members of political parties, and other partisan (distinguished from stereotypical civilian of civilization) and thus unwanted/hostile culturalizing “wanderer” type etc.
YES for them.. maybe this act SHOULD BE APPLICABLE, LIMITING CHILDREN TO 2 … but only for all such people
However, married people should be limited to 1 child (unless making some other arrangement) because 2 children from same DNA pairing is destroying population gene pool quality by forcibly throttling the mating diversity and increasing healthcare costs and stupidity of the population
ref - Study Confirms That Second-Born Kids Really Are the Hardest — Especially Boys
There Are Scientific Reasons Why The Firstborn Child Is The Smartest One
have they even considered what i say is a main reason, nature BY DESIGN PENALIZES the 2nd offspring if the genetic pairing used for fetus is the same as what was for previous fetus = ) that sucks i know
Someone else asked me on Quora - What stops you from writing about Indian politics?
And i answered...
I write about it on my blog all the time. I might have the wherewithal but there’s no money for investigative public-side journalism or tintin kinda investigative work, I have to do it in my spare time just because i gotta try to live the rest of the time and that sucks,.
you won’t believe how much work i have i dont even get time to play much!
working on a short video about the klingon problem in south india !
and a book on energy parasitism !
all works held up so long and on top of that i am expected to look for a job, not just get peace and ubi to work and give you what yo uwant.
Because the fascists in power DO NOT WANT REFORM
they are allied to the eendian enemy
(why? Just see my last posts here
People feel, love = absence of hate.. ? or what? dunno. There’s no national/ true friendly spirit.
Because everyone who is old tends to be allied to the eendians their servant, happily married !
Galactic mar-soc Space Zombie Tyranny through Tips of the Iceberg in India and Washington
Gandhee advocated child marreeage for twenty times politics, so that by the age of 20 you look like gandhee :D
it is not that my friends are not here…
I mean, as i see it… thousands are getting economically crushed in all parts of Indian subcontinent…
and the eendians behind, sit and laugh, banging on tablas, singing and dancing, talking about caste and which language is superior, and trying to oppress earth in the name of the brahman, becoming too delta demiurgistic
The Disease of Civilization - How demiurgicity tries to Corrupt our Lands with anti-straight culturalization, and Make it a Bit more like Jottunheim !
So by default the advice the “established clerks in the lands” here, give, is wrong hahha! to me , anyone
= even parents ordinarily
this kinda work… that i do now, I wanna do it all the time (and imust i have so much more to say than i manage ti find time to say) but how much spare time do i have..
it’s not about now, this blog is new, but i’m talking about my last decade too.
And even now this reality holds, hehe.
What you need to know is that for true Indians like those who want to be my friends, the terror of the darkness is such that they can’t open their mouths in time, which by nature must be common, of which i have little if it seems that the use rate is like, way too low , that’s my usual problem at the very root of my misfit upshot most of the times.
The old boys club says, “no! Logical young indians! Eviolving to elf ! No no no ! “ Especially here?
They are okay if an orc of elfin descent from Pakistan or Bangladesh or Sri Lanka or Hindu kush comes and uses against them destruction and the tool of war, but if someone like me, even if i am more a maglor kinda elf who uses love., they say , “Go away, we want the Ghaznis to kill us today, like, the old times of the sannaskrit”.
The problem is these people don’t get girls unless there’s a war going on, so they want a war only for that reason, not for reform etc. as is more kinda my iobjective
I tell you all that’s to know about politics - unseat the dark lord. At the head of delta demiurgism.
Who is he?
Many candidates are thrown up…
ozzy, king diamond, but none of them, it is more like the great alcohol tycoon Dave Mustaine
So there are many, for example Nilay Bhatnagar intriguer from my first company who works now in NY, who is a male groupie under a Mustainey motorcyclist, so you see about politics, it is to talk about all this that your obejctive should be, it is a lot of hard effort of deep thinking and investigation and being amid the hostile who taught you the ways of the zombies as i was… it is that i know him for 6 years and he told me, “hey bro Mustaine is better” and i listen to mustaine, in this world, and it is later that i realize, ah mustaine, in your , well, devil’;s island, well welly welly well. Politics, what’s there to say; this, and then the other devilish tools of oppression, like Article 410 and then of course more importantly, the Object 410… well i’m almost done with the film where idescribe,. i mean, in any more detail that i havent already. it is about all this, if you talk about the situation of india where it would by now seem that just about every motherfucker and his incestually gay and similarly motherfucking brother is a secretly massively realpoliticking politician being ACTUALLY jobless, so the land becomes so politically charged either with the bad type of politics as is typical or the opposite like my case! Even the apolitical like me are politically relevant just because everyone gets so politically irrelevant given a pettiness of their politicking, the rapidity with which they hurtle towards midlife crisis (which became the template for every idiot who ever got caught up in the grand dreams of a blood money retirement far from eath especially ! Everytime they ask me, “Ok, what t odo then?” Everytime i tell them, they don;t understand and between themselves decide that it must be i who is the fool, and go back to their outcasting ceremonies, until finally they thus cry)
The land eats its own thinkers …
Actually you’ll see it’s the sky (eendians) eating the indian thinkers ahhhah, like that crazy chidambaram
Do Charlatans with more gay lovers deserve to lord over us? Demiurgistic threat - Was Modi raped by Bear Grylls who was raped by Trump who was raped by the Dark Lord himself ?.. Seemingly Outrageous Theories, but EVIDENTLY Not Far from Reality? (Do Charlatans with more gay lovers deserve to lord over us? Demiurgistic threat - Was Modi raped by Bear Grylls who was raped by Trump who was raped by the Dark Lord himself ?.. Seemingly Outrageous Theories, but EVIDENTLY Not Far from Reality?)
and well.. in india .. people don't help a person doing right things because there is too much death dealing vs intellectuals by the Eendians. I mean we all know that it is not bad to die doing good but all of us wanna still try to avoid death if possible and unfortunately to “let the other guy take the hard job” is a common mentality here.
It is sadly even more common to see absolute lack of integrity on part of the “elites” IF INDEED NOT THE COMMON PEOPLE like taking credit for say my deeds, outcasteing etc.
Even the prime minister teaches the children how to do these things, and how to be a coward.
In India it is the shadow of jottunheim, antisharing and antinative mentality and especially for me, antiintellectualism (for me it's always it's that people are too late to value me for who I am just because I don't have a habit of taking credit, my work is all over the place and how could I stop for that and then if o had where might we have been even as the dark lord's league of Eendian mother layers took credit.
from my past experience i must say -
In post-war pseudo free slave plantation indian subcontinenet where nobody like me far outnumbered has the time to give a flyin fuck about manual spell check on quora answers out here and flyin eendian parasites begging for peace, be denyin you the very friends you need…. it’s not as easy as a fool like a regular joe antiindian might claim.
It is not fair to hate everyone in this area just because the Kronid spirit was ancient here…
And neither is it wise to be so mean… But, by thinkers like me, meanness is more seen.
People will never do anything for you in return because they are too broken. So it's far harder than you might feel and the fact is that i do but it is not understood very well, yet such things are said, about it being not that the audience is a bunch of fools, but that those who are doing anything at all, are lacking. The tendency to b e an armchair general is seen as the divine right of the all expenses paid clud (e.g. BJP added crores of people into its "party", the historical dynasties of the shahs and their followings) free visa/nri-style parasite.
Also, people seem to way too often tend to see the lone isolated individual like me, as not really a fellow citizen because "slave practical mentality" tends to be dominant, people are more about how to be a stereotypical "fool from the land of the Indians", in other words, a slave of the Eendians... these are to be differentiated from the true Indian like me, maybe real guardians of the land are very few indeed. It is absurd to hear anything except the idea that the power to install a logical order in the land, stolen and sold by the estclerks like Modi and academic and corporte big money adventurers, warped into the buildery of roads and the giving of trillions to the jotunn chief ministers, like the entitled peasants of Punjab...
India is not what you think it is... in the north, there is more jotunn style corruption , towards far south india there is more civilization.
"control population growth?"
many are idiots who are infertile or diseased genes , other children and youth are dying of various reasons, usually economic or parentile / politician /old boy adult drunkard generation stupidity e.g.
If there is one thing to be done, stop giving free lunch to parasites
like how bjp is doing e.g. crores of people joined “the party” these will gt 15 lakhs in bank presumably and will have 10 kids each while actual indians like me don’t even get the time to breathe to live i.e. build a future IN WHICH WE CAN ACCOMMODATE CHILDREN, which is something people of quality think of more than having children . Others, the greedy ones, just wanna get a job even if it gives blood money and have children and you can’t even blame them but it is enough if you stop the free lunches for -
politicians - they have several extra children from mistresses in vote banks, so stop funding their dynasties
teachers - they rape children and have extra children
anyone in a managerial role with more than 0 girls under him - he is probably going to have extra children so tax the motherfucker in order to make a children’s fund
the children’s fund will be used for a for the children, by the children children’s self defense government which will have police and army interaction in order to check bully threats hahah
so it’s a bs question, if you’re indian and you think population is too high you are welcome to contemplate on the goods and bads of unrecommended extreme measures such as suicide
According to me,
There is only need to discipline the FASCIST peasantry (REF - The Recurring Threat of the Console Peasantries -- A Myth of Independence Without Effort)
And to then enable people to reverse lack of true / natural development
ref - Generic Smart Suburb Project plan.pptx
According to me, mankind should smash any marketary/political forces which resist this change.
Which brings us to another question about where one might find these -
What is the ultimate aim of Narendra Modi as PM which would distinguish India from other countries?
You think Modi is going to solve the nation ‘s problems. Well, some good has happened IN THE LAST FEW YEARS but he himself ?grossly incompetent and it even seems that everything good happened despite not because of him. At worst, in his bear gryllsy excesses, i would say that He’s merely like hitler too stupid for the average intellligence of the people he’s trying to govern, he’s an unreliable organ of the dark lord’s following of ghouls and bashibazouks and marred creatures, and he merely tries to make some money for himself at the end of it and seizes credit from those doing the actual hard work, and creates noise and smoke and distraction and unnecessary problems for other real reformers who want to help the nation, it would seem
In that he is merely like any other POLITICIAN ? He’s not even helping the citizens but has a poor-belittling mindset and somehow he feels it is okay to make a Somalia out of India even as the Somalias and Sudans of Africa start to look more like the Eastern Europes.
Stop searching for leaders, you should see him as some retired cricketer at best, so let’s say you should be as excited about Modi as a young girl is about the say, retired Kapil Dev.
you have too much cult of personality tendencies and don’t think for yourself, i’d say - there are betrayers, who hold the people of earth as , and then there are those destined to be the ultimate pro-UED “first aliens” in the skies over earth - that is more closer to the real government of the people of earth which is and the people are too closer to those police who are real rather than any politicians of the vote banks, make sure they are not corrupt too like in UP a bit it was like that sometimes that’s the worst case eventuality.. and then, there are politicians like Modi, who by definition are more likely to be farther from the truth than them, but this is not what the media will say, they will treat him as a “father of the slave plantation”
Reacting probably to my recent attacks, several BJPists, including Amit Shah, sprung to their lover's defense.
40 and 41 - 41000 dead in Kashmir
Oh this is what happened, 41 multiplied by the supercenturion (1000) still met their match, because of?
Of course.. Object 410...
Scrapping article 370 -is what India was trying for several decades, Modi had little to do with it except representing it to his old friend Imran , for which Modi took so much sexual abuse from Imran and his other friends that he began looking at himself as the noble antijotunn Loki, but recall at the end of the day he is actually at risk of being typical unreliable jotunn and must be brought to be more professional in a task as ambitious as to claim to lead the entirety of India himself while actually being unable to face criticism or speak coherently in public (he depended on the gollum pseudo-englishman jaitley) about the finer aspects of rule like economics or reforms. In fact this statement by Modi shows how he's in fact some other kind of poor blaming baniya chauvinist who claims to be interested in eradication of poverty but that means genocide of the poor, he actually only gives to his Jotunn friends. In this land the free poor Indians are nobler than the enslavers , the rich eendians.
When he says that he sounds like a betrayer of earth, allied to the antireform antisharing dark lord demiurgistic vulture capitalists...
Modi is merely a fool to ignore the plight of the true wealth of the nation, the population. What a gay motherfucker...
Also, on Chidambaram arrested case -
Chidambaram was a bit of a classical UFO sadhguruian / casteist "libertine"
brodarjee the libertine defends his neoliberal faith
Libertines believe themselves qualified to seize upon girls.
They make cultural axioms about how evil is about (straight) girls hitting on boys, and that prudish nuns who only ever surrender their loins to bad apples are good; and goodness, about "moral, powerful, group-type, less intelligent males (malbots) who have the liberty to ruin the day for girls, like by rigidly marrying them, and thus get into a position of fertilizing them, which is essentially similar to the casting couch or prostitution industry. It is a dehumanization of girlkind that is in fact, antithetical to elfkind.
It is all about seeing the "outcasted" girl who will never be known if she were to die... as "meat"... Or a thinking human? ?
Trump and the other traders, more like that, make girls very broken in their spirit and SEEING THAT BREAKS ME...
More than anything else.
When Chidambaram tries to defend the entitled kannerian Autist's type liberty, and to enjoy precisely the benefits of association that the isolated and outcasted like me have lacked... the abuse of freedom by inconsiderate assault kannerians like him.. he expects me to have a good thing to say to a privilege denied to the rest ?
If you ask the opinion of someone like me, who's been denied by the jotunn and their caste
hah.. i say let them learn how to respect the earth and earthlings, this is not their dustbin.
The confederates... they are weak...
This delta demiurgistic absurdity, backed by politicians who tendED to survive and "win", was merely an anti-reformist "night watch" sponsored by the dark lord and the draupadians, which ruined the day for isolated true citizens of earth.
Who are not the chidambarams et al. who always have enough idiots ready to bail him out and go after the CBI officials etc. - that is the meaning of the backscratching of the chimpist libertines, psychopathic console peasants who are enemies to the intelligentsia or steampunks.
We don't want to torture them, but just want logic.
The fascist infamy of neoliberalism needs no introduction
The Congress is still way too sigma demiurgistic, and Rajiv Gandhi is still an idiot, but it is CRIMINAL to attack it with delta demiurgism gone wild.
The reign of the casteist sky terrorist console peasants like Chidambaram must end, ...
the 1 thing good that can possibly be written in the biography Modi is that like Hitler, he signed some files that freed up the army.
But it is too idiotic to say that any guardian of the common interest can be comfortable with such arrangements.
Must in any case, the media must be penalized if they don't cut down on the Modi cult of personality...
Just how Hitler was the worst man to officiate between the German army and public... Modi is the worst same reason...
Nearly every German male who followed Hitler's orders died whereas he could easily have been friends with logical Russians and live had he not thought for himself. This is the lesson at this era for Indians!
And now fruits grow at home -
Chennai - Caught, 4 days after announcing the coup'de truth: heavy delta demiurgistic hacktard ...
on a ponzi scheme basis, he probably used to set girls up, "I got her a job, so i can get you one too, so easy for me, come on baby" etc....

He's wearing violet (claims to be a sigma) but his crimes clearly portray him as a delta demiurgist... (information on demiurgicity)
little "success stories" of the success-fool yuppies of capitalism...
(active for a long time much longer than this media thing says, and in fact many girls were deceived and blackmailed SO "MALES" GOT A BAD REPUTATION. ... they'd be blackmailing the hottest girls, filmed, the hottest ever , your heart breaks if you think of the painful sex with trolls who rape unwet girls... and all tears.... unending tears, and the "shaming" and mass isolation usually even by relatives and everyone who exploits the "bad girl"... the beatings!) ... If you want another example ... ask this chap called Dharan Kumar, who was somehow a character i knew from back when i was in igtc, trying to well, figure out what to do in life, so thinking of things not listening, in an "indo-german" mba course) - so people i know from back then. find out what's up with Dharan, since he was into selling sex toys at Porur he said and i only think of it now that i understand more the world (sounds demiurgistic and ultimately, girl-belittling... girls, they never told me this directly if they ever knew most i guess did not), so Dharan had a FB picture with a gun maybe a glock (two other iitm nitin pahwa (I'd actually derailed his first year attempt to become "'mr. freshie" , threw his shirt or something into the mud and jumped on it, and he came to find its clothes in the mud just briefly before his scheduled drama night appearance, which he'd invited me for. Finding his clothes all soiled, he had a heartbreak; he knew that he was such a dickhead that nobody would be in a line to volunteer to give him a similar shirt in time); pahwa in singapore with a shotgun on FB picture, and richie khandelwal, of iitm in USA with a gun standing uprange, fb photos :) ... mainly, however... the gun dharan (or for that matter narendranath prasanna) can help you find about a main FRE hand, who i saw also from back then (IGTC), Mayur Surani, a Modi bhacktard... a kind who in his stammer told me that he "wanted to be a technocrat" and little did i realize it meant "intriguing hacktard", later i realized he was from gujarat like modi and also sounded like a Sauron so a key FRE hand (he may seem EXACTLY like CAUCAESCAEU) , hadn't realize then... new to zombies, he got selfie clicked on me and used me YEARS before i realized how fools worked that way... And also i did some "intern" in that, where i ran into a chap called Imran Saf, well he was another character "in HR", he had lots of female contacts so just you know, a worthwhile lead if indeed not a "suspect", but, i get a BAD FEELING of HR job description... and I thought i saw a newspaper article about how FRE wants to make a "HR" division namely "huamn rights" in army... well, make sure no fake type around to defile such things...
Bur this brings us to the next question --
how will the straight, mentally capable single girls and boys live and avoid such traps if the economy is so fucked?
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