This time, the politician decision was rejected, and the army submitted its own report and the reforms sound logical enough and that is good, Rajnath Singh was forced to sign a logical report rather than the FRE report being dictated to the army.
But the suddenness of the events threw the fascists into "hard times", Trump using such words, "tough situation", a situation that is "explosive" (for the jotunn)
Media reports -
19th monday: "Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday spoke with US President Donald Trump on phone and conveyed that "extreme rhetoric and incitement to anti-India violence by certain leaders in the region was not conducive to peace" - a half an hour long call !
'Do you smell what the politicians might be cooking?
They are the estclerks who handle the white key of the new LSSAH ! (understand this sentence later in this article...
i mean then you have, these people, trump etc. misrepresenting the situation - Imran attacks the Indian army and government, calling it "fascist", but the only fascist strains are in any attempted infiltration of the Indian Army by any, for example, surgical strike contracts sold on the open market by the fascists and put forth by the CRPF etc.
The situation is much more complex as explored here.

What one sees is just the smoke...
what is the truth?
If you leave it to them well it can only be merely what the politicians always do...
They are the estclerks who handle the white key of the new LSSAH ! (understand this sentence later in this article...
About Kashmir ... What one sees is just the smoke...
what is the truth?
The situation is much more complex as explored here.

What one sees is just the smoke...
what is the truth?
If you leave it to them well it can only be merely what the politicians always do...
But if we describe the meta-German WW2 okw/government as not essentially wrong, just wanted to save the earth from klingon...
then ...
It is much more correct to see Hitler's poor support of Hess, as more actually bad fascist as anything that is really bad about the ww2 OKW push...
how the stupidity, how morell/bormann could control access through the fuhrerprinzip shitstorm, sold off the OKW's luck, sozzling hitler...
the equivalent now is all these dangerous politicians like modi... imran, and trump, all just voice actors saying weird shit and married to each other
The situation in Kashmir seems dire …
news just in reveals that torture was broadcast live!
more importantly the local police is decommissioned, and it is, in fact, paramilitary crpf, not the constitutionally permitted authority (army or police) which is patrolling the civilian sector, and the crpf is modi's as liebstandardte Adolf Modi...
looks pretty demiurgistic. .. as we'll next see !
By now, skirmishes with what seem to be delta demiurgistic mass - immigration promoting genocidalists who try to seize Quora.
One said: "Do you take up weed on writing of statements. I will use Avada ka dabra spell of Hogwart's School of witch craft aand Wizardy. The sons of Voldemort won't be spared difiling the sacred land of India. You shall be put in Azkaban for this treacheous crime. Grow up or aurors will soon cometo you and shall be presented in the ministry of magic. And your Gandalf shall put you for eternity in hell".
What kind of schizophrenic twaddle was that? A troll to be threatening me with stupid comic book villains and elders who can't take a step without being strafed at least one or two times by police or army regulars in no man's land or space police!
That is where illegal fascist militias like CRPF come into the picture.
Recall the 40 CRPF jawans who were sent on a private contract to kill some in Kashmir (I foiled a plot whereby some had planned to use me (energy parasitism) via IG as a shield for them, the moment i did not put heart, they died the next day ive written about it).
Days after that ...
"Don't worry, be happy: IIT Kharagpur to CRPF"
IIT Madras tweets: "The students of @iitmadras are grief stricken by the recent gruesome terror attack on our brave CRPF Jawans in J&K.".
What is strange is this :
As Ajaz Ashraf says, "The 40 jawans were primarily from lower-caste communities. In all, they comprised 19 jawans from Other Backward Classes (or backward castes), seven from Scheduled Castes, five from Scheduled Tribes, four from upper-caste backgrounds, one high-caste Bengali, three Jat Sikhs, and one Muslim. So, only five out of the 40 jawans, or 12.5 percent, came from Hindu upper-caste backgrounds. This figure bears out a truism starkly visible in India at present— Hindutva nationalism spearheaded by right-wing groups, conveniently exploits the sacrifices of the downtrodden."
Also In the IIT Madras campus, indeed, gayleiter fascism is seen -
"One of the students who led the beef protest at IIT Madras in Chennai has been assaulted, allegedly by students from a right-wing group".
"One of the students who led the beef protest at IIT Madras in Chennai has been assaulted, allegedly by students from a right-wing group".
IIT campuses seem to be death traps for non-upper caste especially if non-B.Tech female -
"On Tuesday, a female research scholar from IIT Madras was found hanging in her hostel room. The student has been identified as Ranjana Kumari, a resident of Jharkhand. She was doing PhD in the metallurgy department."
These girls, come from dangerous parts, and they get here so civilized, that they become seen as "a threat" by all the judgers!
Many of these girls were raped and then killed by cowards unable to face the guilt of rape, who'd try to pass it off as suicide.
"On Tuesday, a female research scholar from IIT Madras was found hanging in her hostel room. The student has been identified as Ranjana Kumari, a resident of Jharkhand. She was doing PhD in the metallurgy department."
These girls, come from dangerous parts, and they get here so civilized, that they become seen as "a threat" by all the judgers!
Many of these girls were raped and then killed by cowards unable to face the guilt of rape, who'd try to pass it off as suicide.
I even saw a newspaper report, long ago, the CRPF seeking accommodation in IIT madras campus!? ! The problem is the pseudo-steampunk infiltration (Object 410 of THE MACHINE)
So you see how "Object 410" is demiurgistically selling control over paramilitary (thus definingly fascist) and just exploiting the downtrodden.
But fascism is more common -
"DG BSF K K Sharma has contested CRPF's claim that the third terrorist was killed by them after he "pretended" to be a Jawan."
And an anti-sampi crime, murder of 25 REAL CRPF soldiers, is seen, which number 25 - the number of the sampi - as I show - also suggests CRPF is currently fascist-dominated and may even have a paramilitary paraduty of for example collaborating with terrorists!
Under criticism for not even acknowledging that the killing of its personnel by Naxalites is a human rights violation, the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) on Friday said its statement was "misinterpreted" and blamed its detractors for painting the force in a "bad light."
Why is the center weakening army and creating a new central government fascist style division which is trying to be as big as the army? -
"The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) said it will upgrade its standard operating procedure(SOP) to bring it on a par with that of the Army, which uses armored plated vehicles for movement of its forces in the valley".
And an anti-sampi crime, murder of 25 REAL CRPF soldiers, is seen, which number 25 - the number of the sampi - as I show - also suggests CRPF is currently fascist-dominated and may even have a paramilitary paraduty of for example collaborating with terrorists!
Under criticism for not even acknowledging that the killing of its personnel by Naxalites is a human rights violation, the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) on Friday said its statement was "misinterpreted" and blamed its detractors for painting the force in a "bad light."
Why is the center weakening army and creating a new central government fascist style division which is trying to be as big as the army? -
"The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) said it will upgrade its standard operating procedure(SOP) to bring it on a par with that of the Army, which uses armored plated vehicles for movement of its forces in the valley".
They're running a school culture!
And what's happening now? Apparently it is just this - army clears the way, CRPF comes and finds, civilians with whom to "play" --
rapes, huh?
So the idea that it is just how it was when the Pakistanis invaded West Kashmir whihc is now PoK.
If low quality Pakistanis in state sponsored terrorism... harass the pro-Hindu elven nobility in PoK ... then is it justified if low quality eendian Hindoos in state terrorism CRPF be allowed to harass the pro-muslim elven nobility in FoK ?
(FRE-Occupied Kashmir)
* FRE = Fascist Republic of Eendia
No, that’s an absurd thing to say, let the army retake PoK to salvage the social unifiability of Kashmir is a much better idea.
CRPF might as well be nerfed, it is not as foolproof as police and army design. Police must be upgunned and merged with army - fascists, media and CRPF must not be the only callers of shots… police and armies might as well take ground control, also of all convoys that pass through the civilian sector, and a regular interaction b/w army and police units and civilians is generally vital… access should not be controlled by central middlemen …
Greed of control like gollum, it is a vulnerability of the jotunn…
This is dangerous given the situation -
It is like as they say, being caught red handed... fascist apparatus is undeniable.
This is just like Hitler's LSSAH... and no wonder Modi is called the butcher of Gujarat, for Hitler's personal regiment did all this:
"Members of the LSSAH perpetrated numerous atrocities and war crimes, including the Malmedy massacre.
During the fighting around Kharkov, a unit under the command of Joachim Peiper gained a nickname "Blowtorch Battalion", after the inhabitants of two Soviet villages were shot or burned. Peiper was "particularly eager to execute the order to burn villages". Additional sources support the division's reputation for brutality. The following statement, taken from the surreptitious recording of POWs' conversations by the Allies, describes the atrocities on the Eastern Front. SS-Untersturmführer Krämer recounted "I have experienced it in Russia at Orel. An MG 42 was set up in the main aisle of a church, [...] and the Russian men, women and children were taken into the church, without knowing at all what was happening. Then they were shot immediately with the MG 42 and petrol was poured on them and the whole place was set on fire".
And then the division was awarded stolen Jewish property. For example, in May 1943 it was to receive 500 men's watches taken from Jews.
i mean, the police is governed by ancient laws, the army is governed by international laws framed in ww 1 and 2 , and crpf is controlled more by the demiurgists AT WORST (i dare say ORDINARILY ? ! )
Halt the funding for and massively downsize the unreliable crpf etc...
The inconclusive pseudo-pandorists of jottunheim are promoting a bacterial culturalization worldwide (…
).. the objective logic of the sweet orange must always win, don't they see? Bad apples oppose me! Who am I? But a droplet of an inexorable river unleashed by entropy… they drown themselves, sooner in graves they dig for their enemies, these panderers of wands, panderers of wanderers…
The true Indian government should step up with a real face, and stop, to all betrayers of the thinking Indians … taxpayer's rations, power and water etc until they stop selling surgical strike contracts to demiurgists operating out of atypical civilian sector fronts eg seemingly innocuous academic campuses hahaha eg the object 410 mystery.
Then the troll accused my thoughts of being outlandish!
The gollum accuses me of being a gollum the next post after I accused him of behaving like one.
Who's the one thirsting for power?
The eendians want power, We indians want freedom.
Even genetically, the jotunn are like gollum, marred Hobbit descent is provable as this New Discovery Channel episode shows.
They the jotunn, they live in the mountains of mount Doom, and accuse me a man of the southern plains to have anything to do with mount Doom except perhaps as the foretold end of some himaloid cancer that would be noblest Aragonic Sauron's mount Doom, if so, not the gollum bathing in the fire of mount Doom clip which clearly is more like the jotunn.
Of which this is the state of affairs - army unit locations are guesses, but they are surely surrounded by the demiurgists
The rear threat is what they might not expect. but is an important consideration,

And about the North Eastern Kashmir (Chinese) front -
The real Frei/free China is not a threat to the Indian Army. Zee Jinping, however
However, the Zee Jinping demiurgists, the Object 410-dominated entourage of Xi Jinping, which by itself is more associated with the freer 41 ...
the Zee Jinping demiurgists...
can be seen as a potential threat, at least in hypothesis, if indeed not in theory
About the Communist threats to the free Chinese, the question of liberation of the real Chinese like those who are friends of the free people of far south India...
diffusing that bomb is not what the delta demiurgistic paramilitarism of Modi can do.
It requires a more formal settlement between the warring deltas and sigmas such as a formal end to the tradition of inveigling females into husbandry and rot..
Maybe a new Sun Tzu sleight .. works better?
So… invasion ? no need…
Xi Jinping is easy to rescue, i guess.
All he needs, is to catch his overlord (object 410 -> 41 triada “conveyor”, a fellow called Jwngshar Narzary.. maybe JN one of the IIT demiurgists, like arvind kejriwal
was in my hostel…. now in Nigeria
I swear they look like cousins and Jwngshar maybe wants to meet Xi… to find a replacement for all the estclerkery… of course, object 410 is first to be understood…
there is no need of a war between India and China but more a philosophical discussion.
The time is not for a successor to gengis khan but to sun tzu.
Time to rescue Ali baba from Object 410 !
Focusing on respecting the true/free/frei non-communist / South Korea - linked Chinese
Time to rescue Ali baba from Object 410 !
Focusing on respecting the true/free/frei non-communist / South Korea - linked Chinese
I am pretty sure these are linked to my friend in China, Jessica Linyiyi who i guessed was Sarah Jolene and more so Lela's friend.
And if Yisabel Popera needs any help, it could be that she's gotta be rescued , could be that she is a hostage of the mafia represented more in North Korea ? Hmm
There is no shortage of real logical advice so It is better for the army to more distinctly differentiate itself from the dangerous politicians ,
and more generally of course to build/secure in this newly available front, a more efficient, operational independence, well i could have a look in the "war room" :D
and adopt a public facing and formally truthful orientation (as opposed to the formally untruthful politicians)
(the true Indian army has always been least full of demiurgistic criminals even more of a people’s army than the Mao-blasted pla ).
as you just saw in Sudan another place hitherto afflicted more by political satanism if the etymology is any clues as it is... so here now civilian and army mingle !
One should be very aware of the terroristic utility of sabotage and fratricide ... atypical combatants... and think twice about the CRPF !
Consider the option of liberating or formally subsuming the CRPF .. army should always be answerable to the civilians, however.
so that it becomes an Army Paramilitary Force to check central tyranny rather than the other way round. It's always good to remind the sheep who's the king of the jungle. For that, if you are looking for a simpler non-standard solution, you need not in fact
so that it becomes an Army Paramilitary Force to check central tyranny rather than the other way round. It's always good to remind the sheep who's the king of the jungle. For that, if you are looking for a simpler non-standard solution, you need not in fact
look much farther than the Object 410 mystery introduced here.
What is the alternative to a hypothetical logic-based CRPF ?
Private armies of Kings, rapacious and maddening, have indeed been seen before...
AND WITHOUT upgrade and actualisation of a to be created Object T411S371 and expert omsbudsman control (solving the Object 410 instability)....
This is just a powder keg and the very definition of mil-stu, the feared rival of military intelligence, the bringer of unseen death, by such examples as the one I'd apparently foiled just because I already didn't trust the chap who put the feed into my IG.
So the backward class people who were killed in the Pulwama strike - were already deceived into being killers for hire
But someone else had hired them out, not they themselves.
So what might happen?
Something like what happened in hitler's time , HITLER was a fool but HE WAS A FOOL BY DESIGN.
"I always do my part"? is what the non-fooloish German soldiers said..
So twas indeed that the fools let em down! Not merely Stalin. Hitler was too stupid for hess, whose outreach to the UK itself was belated
The white key is what is needed to find harmony in Thule, the outlanders on earth... and that would always be a controller within,
But Hitler was in the white house of Budapest, i presume... So the white could be exploited because of the 2 number 9 / bormann/morell instability, which is basically a meaning, to sell off the German soldiers' efforts to make WW2 + WW3 style aka true victory (liberation of earth) impossible in WW2... India was only informally "liberated" to dupe the people.
This is how the fascists' marital socialism-ensconced, orc-defended established clerks ...
behind the backs of everyone.... surreptitiously try to take control of logic-based sectors like the army etc.
For what?
Just craziness -- exploit power -- do the right things, but before the civilians force you to, exploit the power you have to do such:
Members of the LSSAH perpetrated numerous atrocities and war crimes, including the Malmedy massacre. They killed an estimated 5,000 prisoners of war in the period 1940–1945
The problem is the same, with these things - the Nazgul error (corrupted kings of men) is seen as much as the good:
nine Tiger 1 tanks, formed into the 13th (schwere) Company/1st SS Panzer Regiment.
* It was in fact this, which took the opportunity, the 9 tiger I tanks, to defect away from the OKW's old cause, link up with a more Stalinistic fascism , which was inevitable because of the fascist draupadianism and thus inherent corruption in the Hitlerite headship which meant that even the Tiger 1 tanks would actually be more used to wreck the Draupadite headship (which would nevertheless abandon the Germans and jump around Stalin's neck, making a mockery of Malta, as soon as the "peace" was accepted and the reassuring arms of World War 2 were laid down.
The scientists being drawn from the nobility, usually were very suspicious of fascism and politicians. Console peasants never used to get the elite Tiger tanks, but the notorious Gestapo (secret police chief) Heinrich Himmler bullied the scientists into coughing up some Tiger 1 tanks:
"Thanks to the efforts of Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, along with SS-Obergruppenführer Paul Hausser, the SS Panzer Corps commander, the three SS Panzergrenadier divisions, LSSAH, Das Reich and Totenkopf, were to be formed with a full regiment of tanks rather than only a Battalion. This meant that the SS Panzergrenadier divisions were full-strength Panzer divisions in all but name. The division received nine Tiger 1 tanks, and these were formed into the 13th (schwere) Company/1st SS Panzer Regiment."
This up-armoring of the CRPF sets, then, a deadly precedent, a threat of Klingon infiltration. It then becomes, obviously, too delta demiurgistic:
"By 28 May the LSSAH had taken the village of Wormhout.] After their surrender, soldiers from the 2nd Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment, along with some other units (including French soldiers) were taken to a barn in La Plaine au Bois near Wormhout and Esquelbecq. It was there that troops of the LSSAH 2nd battalion, under the command of SS-Hauptsturmführer Wilhelm Mohnke [bad mango] committed the Wormhoudt massacre, where 80 British and French prisoners of war were killed
Well, I am not saying that Modi's CRPF IS ALWAYS pro-jotunn but the jotunn are tricksters and we better learn from how the Germans were deceived, now that i had already long ago studied ww3 so this is easy for me.. although, to be sure, we will win this war (because there can only be 3 maximum number of "world war" situations because at least 1 silmaril is unlocked in each) it is a difference between victory and pyrrhic victory that endears a commander to his or her fighting infantry.
But delta demiurgism and bullying of civilians by estclerkian infiltration and para-police/paramilitary is quite unacceptable by the terran laws of war which always truly can only be about female rights if you need any hope to live in the all too typical infighting of the terrans.
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