More like "All Our Base Never belonged to You" Announcement @ Home front - Independence from illogic - all the individualized thinkers of the world can treat our home as the thinkers' homeland - insular clannish fools to run to the hills) PLUS - The Big Picture! The General Situation [Earth] at what seems to be the Incipience for the Third and Last War (or Love ... ? ) to End all Wars ...
This article is 2 parts -
Someone asked on Quora -
"Why is there a large scale migration of North Indian workers to South India, especially to Tamil Nadu and Karnataka?"
To the question, the answer I wrote was :
I'm pretty irritated by such topics and so too again to see this question and i'm afraid my irritation will be palpable in my answer! .
It's socioeconomic warfare.. and necessitates civil and police plus military counteraction I'd say
In the name of “1 nation, 1 people, 1 pm, 1 religion” or some shit dunno what the fuck… it's gone gangs of wasseypore been exported to our lands Damn
A large and monied, gym going population of rapacious and power hungry bisexual, pack hunting type of Hindi speaking mountain jotunn… is invading the hitherto peaceful south india … in part this is certainly true. Not all North Indians they say but what the fuck why do we even have to check
There's more”opportunity” here to desertify our Civilization because they've already converted North to desert
It's especially easy for them here because we Tamils and malayalees don't care about quantity (eg wealth) as much as quality .. as you can see with me and are innocent and easy to use and dupe for them, they joke about it with their friends all the time, I saw it for a decade or more in school then on and off.
they oftentimes come through other route Sanskrit friendly neighbourhood state Karnataka is most important of them for the Hindoos of the north well the hindutva strain of jottunheim Hinduism is extreme and merely a religion of enteric zombies ! and I guess anyone who is particularly religious about Hinduism is actually not a true Hindu, but like any religious extremist or kinda false moralist, an orc exploiter (any true marital socialist orcifies society and exploits the marred orcs of society) or draupadian thug aka Hindoo where now oo cannot be seen as always wrong, as neither can ee, but then the special case pejorative use can be specifically implied sometimes we can have specific such convention.
The problem is also their sleepers in civilian sector…
At the same time note that South Indians are at times persecuted these days in Delhi and up north and pushed out by jotunn. My cousin who lives yet in Delhi told me…
The situation in Kashmir seems dire … news reports just in reveal that torture and rape is seen here and it is in fact paramilitary crpf, not the constitutionally permitted authority that is the army or the police which is in power , and the crpf is modi's as liebstandardte being controlled by demiurgistic estclerks, … (object 410)
They're running a bacterial school culture, a needless and anachronistic wonderland being built for their idea of the ideal prey, o this sounds bad! The underaged girl to be raped , “Alice”
The sloads may line up to offer unreliable magick potions to Alice, but the terran forces would help her live …
Someone, evidently not that intelligent (that's bad for Queen's English), Jake Ryan of Quora, replied to my answer:
"Purely imaginary and partial. Didn’t mention about Kashmiri Pandits who were native to Kashmir.
Fully mythical concept to disharm the harmony and spread peace based on false stories.
No one stopped you to join gym.
And if exploitation is being done, complain to police and government, strict laws are there for racism particularly for North-eastern in Delhi.
You seem to have visited some other place with the similar type name.
And there are even more rapes and acts against women violation in states of Tamil Nadu. if you don’t have time for real news , i can paste it here for you to see."
To which I replied:
Their culture is different.
In north India culture centers around male groupism, but here less of a bacterial culture, more a true logical civilization more individualism and female rights. What is better for us is what is better, because we are for the victory, all South Indians are here represented more than insular outsiders who want to indeed quite legally do something private in the… purchased parts of our lands. And it's natural to go like wtf when you see up style desi kattas being LEGALLY manufactured in the street workshops of Chennai and you’ll be like, okay, the jotunn are here now delhi style school bullies can be expected maybe even the law is going to be bent just to trouble you
you have corrupted our government
you blame us for that.
The problem is these people have a closed insular society and thus the lesser and regular jotunn can be called a parasite of indeed not parasitoid species that can be very dangerous overnight like gangs of wasseypore. With the sudden increase in number of disappeared girls especially in Coimbatore, it is not too hard to notice the increased presence of the jotunn especially in places like Coimbatore where the likes of sadhguruians have for long justified the infiltration by a pretension of Hindoo morality but they are merely desertifying pests, eg competitively bisexual realpoliticians
Who wants to compete in gayness like you rather just quarantine of you don't accept immediate need of deculturalization and civilization as a necessity because it seems absent in the skillset of the jotunn.
But look at these cunning tricksters, role players and charlatans…
They print money for each other.
So they're parasites unwelcome here whatever laws say those must change to accommodate this reality.
“ there are even more rapes and acts against women violation in states of Tamil Nadu”
Yes. That is true
I blame you for that
Tamil is military core … discount the T (trader typical) and A (nord typical)
you get MIL
there is a war here and the odds were too much we were to single handedly save the cosmos against your ignorant hordes of privilegees and groupists that have all but snuffed out individualism from our lands, where your type of anti-female moralists are the main rape problem.
But you even as adults pour en masse as if from a factory like Kota into our lands displacing the true natives
We try to hold fort
But anti-Tamil factions infested long ago….
You scatter us and seize our girls, all of you coming together in such brute force that it becomes a shell shocked placed>
We try to hold fort
But anti-Tamil factions infested long ago….
You scatter us and seize our girls, all of you coming together in such brute force that it becomes a shell shocked placed>
I tell you - down south a bit you see 1050 girls per 1000 males, but in Chennai 11 girls are missing for every 1000 males.
In Tamil Nadu itself the real Tamil and the real local (for far south india generally) is haunted by all of you - YOU NORTH INDIANS, their aishwarya rai type enwifed KARNATANAIANS, BENGALIS, GUJARATIS, and sometimes YOU ALL CULTURALIZED PEOPLE pandering moralistic buddhist of hindutvist groupist pest pushes, with your sanskrit and sanskriti even try to turn our Malayalee (and also the real free people of Andhra) brethren who are at times more likely genetically closer to us, against us and use them as slaves to wage war on the free people living within the borders of the Tamil homeland. This is a war that only a central liar like Modi would deny.
Your likes with their convoys convert TN into a warzone… you just don’t talk as a civilized person should even if you now the language because you are not community people like the Far South Indians are, the niceties of civilization are alien to you.
then you say “there are even more rapes and acts against women violation in states of Tamil Nadu. if you don’t have time for real news , i can paste it here for you to see.”
Let’s say this problem is in all FAR SOUTH INDIA (the pro-female, individualized types like me)
so i call it LOCAL to me
Ignoring the fact that this is a warzone infilitarted by genocidally anti-local pests, and parasitoids, you effectively blame local males like me (BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT YOUR GURU NATAKA AND JOTUNN ACADEMIC BROTHERHOOD OF ACTUALLY DID TO ME IF YOU DIDN’t NOTICE, you got your central government compliant policeman to signal that he will show his dick to ME ) for the rapes caused by all of you who just can’t resist the beauties and all of you, the groupists, hate it when they want to show their love to me so much, you just weaponize the scene
and then come one by one offering to be a knight in shining armor, sending your dick pictures in tinder and instagram…
several tens of hundreds of knights at a time, speaking hindi or being all boorish and insular and treating Tamils as “the outcastes” or “the ones who don’t know”
there is no civilization left after you pass
you dump your waste in our coast you thought we didn’t notice
you stole everything from us thought we didnt
you printed money for yourselfves gave noting to us although you used my work our work for everyhing you have
you used our soldiers
you still use our soldiers not for the country nbut preofit
im not taking names . not you in particular - but those who make it a front of NOW CLASS WARFARE ALSO
these cultural intrusions … you believe we like it being a civilized people ?
Well, we're actually a dark elf civilization,,,
Despite what some may illogically feel on seeing the gurunatakianistically attempted sanskritification of Tamil as you see in Malayalam, Tamil is closer to (an alien tongue (maybe Quenya) which is close to) English than to Sanskrit.
many of them the typical northern groupists that i saw many in Delhi, there still are…
they keep secrets… they are clannish
i open my heart to anyone i see
fopr that these dopaminergic pest people call me a fool, they are just cunning and the wrong type of brain that doesnt solve any problem but merely kills, causes desert, multiplies itself, finishes food, takes credit, lies and steals etc. these things about psychopathy are well proven in the jotunn population e.g.

undeveloped as individuals so having little charm for girls who have more of a corpus callosums. This lack of consent, they try to smash and barge their way through by preempting consent by a naked gay dance or dick pics, often we see a group-hunting form of quantitative, unintelligent, hostile, uninterested in logic type quite antithetical to our elfin ways ... they're more about rape, rather than girl choice or any such thing.
Someone out of concern, asked: "If Tamil Nadu would be full of North Indian laborers, then how will the demography of Tamil Nadu look like in 25 years?"
Being me, I was forced to give the unfiltered truth:
It’ll look something like this -
Typical gay party from North India
(there, in the depths of hindutva culture, people have no sex outside marriage (except with their relatives, whom they would sometimes even fertilize), they are gay and later the sex in marriage is seen as an essentially immoral, and merely reproductive aspect, for, as the great gayru Sree sree Poo’jaree Jotunndas was recorded by Pliney the Elder, as having said, “the 2 male butt is more politically beautiful than 2 female vagina”)…
(Pliney the Elder, and later Aristotle, believed that there could be a metaphorical meaning to be found in that, but exploring for metaphors in such topics is a task too complicated for my simple straight male brain)
it is the fundamental law to understand the jotunn as a relatively politicalistic race of apes and note that this white skinned type aspires to chiefhood in much of the western world also. The fascist terror afflicted parts !
Not, really, ours, not so much no. Yes, to a large extent but we're fighting it, and these "helpers" are more part of the problem.
Tamil is military core … discount the T (trader typical) and A (nord typical)
you get MIL
do you not see what is here, Maedhros core ..>
Ryan my friend…
here lives my brother Maedhros brother of maglor we survived…
your north indians changed the city’s name to Chennai but it is still Madras , no ..Maedhros…
of my lost Tamil brother Maedhros ...
although it is strange because I look like Maedhros with my by now dark red hair.
although by house i identify more with maglor, i guess genetically a bit of Maedhros maybe...? dunno elfin genes tend to go here and there.
tolkien fools said Maedhros is dead, say he is "Maedhros the Dispossessed", but with me Maglor we yet found the 3 silmarils, we yet overcame all odds.
Amaterasu of Japan, too is here.
i would say You are welcome … but it is not before i can finish the sentence that your nephew will exploit the leeway thus created to let in your uncle’s American or Bhutani friend’s Chinese venture capitalist who will start a human female breast milk factory in Tami;l Nadu to be fed with our girls. And then you will say, “there are even more rapes and acts against women violation in states of Tamil Nadu. if you don’t have time for real news , i can paste it here for you to see.” Let’s see what Delhi is called.
You seem to indirectly accuse us of being haters of females somehow in your rhetoric …
This is precisely the art of yours, you’re cunning in verbal attack, which makes it harder to tolerate you, for quality-sensitive people like us… Illogicality e.g. your hierarchical cultural bullshit can be so offensive to we individualistic people can you not see our pain?
As a representative of the thinking race of Far South India? I know that you don’t think but you will lie if you say that you have not, personally, benefited from my thinking, It is what i did 2004 onwards that you use to make yourself welcome here and increasingly, you all make me feel unwelcome in my own lands. You say next day, “Tamil culture is against you". The way you rape the spirit of civilization would in any other part of the world qualify you direct for concentration camp kinda treatment because you try to be both the chowkidars and the chors at the same time, it is the jotunn fraud.
Tamil is military core … discount the T (trader typical) and A (nord? typical)
you get MIL … mil-int, too, i swear - as you WOULD NEVER ACKNOWLEDGE
even girls no sou don’t even flirt and shallow, political not loveful so much so you come here ! after killing your own girls in infanticide
it is another behavior of you jotunn to never acknowledge intelligence you treat us as enemies.
Maglor and Maedhros together never fell my friend… but while Far South India we held, there are like maybe 20 of us, unlike how for you there are 200 North Indians pouring into Chennai any given day.
You’re basically fast breeder reactor biomatter who decrease quality of your own lands and pour into others. If i did that as a child, come to delhi, as my parents did, well, it was only because we would not as a race have survived, had my family stayed back in Kerala.... You hoard all the opportunities in your guarded murder capitals in the shadow of Mordor....
And What about Kashmiri pundits?
Why not end your cultures of religious and caste animosity?
You sound like yet another troll rather than some real private Ryan
I replied
That's too ludicrous omg what did I read really maybe you were thinking about something but ended up saying another
It's not right.
Girls gotta do something about it too... get straight, it causes beauty and is good.
Of course, if girls don't make an effort to be more straight and encourage talent in boys, they play with a much darker fate of being raped by untalented malbots / console peasants who despite our best efforts still rape and kill so many of you.
Janaara Ardere
2h ago
You have reached a new level of stupidity.
First, India has one of the LOWEST forest covers in the world. Why? Because people like you go on reproducing like mosquitoes. And there is no place to live or grow food.
You have said politicians are the ones who reproduce. Seems you have done 0 research. That's not how you answer a question.
And you've accused everyone.
“ many are idiots who are infertile or diseased genes , other children and youth are dying of various reasons, usually economic or parentile / politician /old boy adult drunkard generation stupidity e.g.” What?
And you advocate suicide. Seriously? When one person dies, three more will be born, the rate at which we're going. Control population by suicide because you can't do anything else? How STUPID can you be?????
And you DARE call infertile people IDIOTS???? How can you be such an absolute assh*le? They were born with a problem with their reproduction. They can still be of use to the world. But you were born with a problem with your brain. What can you do?
Please, I beg you, do not reproduce. Your kids will reach a higher level of idiocy. You are the reason the gene pool desperately needs a lifeguard. You're a polluting, earth destroying, idiotic, reproducing parasite, a cancer on earth. I fall to your feet, please don't reproduce. Your poor kids did nothing to deserve such a family. Please.
If you think of reeporting me, I've been more respectful than you. You've called infertility stupid. Can anything get more offensive?
hey there mr. politician apologist and public enemy and self-marking enemy of earth
If India has the lowest forest cover, don’t blame me, blame your infertile politicians who take infertility surgery and produce the marred autists who rule us and promote your malthusian bullshit
why dont you marry them :)
haha, you’re quite a misquoter.
To them, i do, really, or at least i say let the crocodiles to eat these stupid people otherwise they eat intelligent people like me anyway or at least try to
you say , “And you DARE call infertile people IDIOTS???? How can you be such an absolute assh*le? They were born with a problem with their reproduction. They can still be of use to the world. But you were born with a problem with your brain. What can you do?”
Idiot … if there is a real ie.. NOREPI level problem with the brain … there is psychosomatically impotence high probability… if there is impotence,.. then that person was a fool that’s why nature doesn’t make it easy for him to reproduce but you wanna still populate with kannerian autists who reduce forest cover and blame “Indians” like me for the same, people like you if you speak of yourself as intelligent and with a right to oppress, you could indeed instead commit suicide easier for you, easier for us, i mean the alternative you’re lookin at is civil war across the brahman hahahha you wanna enslave the indians, you are a fool.
You say idiotically. “If you think of reeporting me, I've been more respectful than you. You've called infertility stupid. Can anything get more offensive?”
Who the hell are you, to be reported, a fool of insignificance…
You say “Please, I beg you, do not reproduce”.
You’ve tried to stop me from living throughout my life and when i reach glorious adulthood, you beg for your generations of futile parasitic children to be?
You say: “Your kids will reach a higher level of idiocy. You are the reason the gene pool desperately needs a lifeguard. You're a polluting, earth destroying, idiotic, reproducing parasite, a cancer on earth. I fall to your feet, please don't reproduce. Your poor kids did nothing to deserve such a family. Please.”
My state kerala has the most forest cover in all of India and the tallest trues, where are you from,
Rajasthan? Oh so i understand why you harp about “india” just because you are an “eendian” of the jaipagamate, a malthusian retard and hateful fascist
I am going to reject that whole paragraph as a poetic ad hominem, trolling typical of the jotunn
Apparently the girls are not gonna let me not reproduce (although i had no such idea of not reproducing), and your words are like bullets hitting a Tiger 1 battle tank, so you’re like out of luck. Extremely so because even if you bully your quora mods to delete this comment i’ve already copied content to my disk and blog as i usually do and your idiocy is crystallized for all posterity including your children to marvel at, what an irony your curse may turn out to be your own.
And you’re an idiot to attack me so, i characterized suicide as “unrecommended “ WHICH MEANS I DO NOT ADVOCATE IT except if you (you, not me) want to reduce the population to save the beauty of the desert
I reply: Oh i know - Ian Curtis and in general every "good type of Agent Smith" (good/pro-Maglor/true Elrond) is fucked up by earth side demiurgists who are precisely the Klingons ... "mr. anderson" . More insight into Klingon from demiurgists who raid the Indian region of Andhra pradesh - thus Mr. Anderson!
See this rather important film from AP, a character -
(anyway ... so silmaril number -
As for me, well, at this time as usual the jotunn are being so harsh on me, why just because I fucked up the fools huh
Any such "Gandalf the white" who would outcaste me just because , well dunno why... would have to be quite the wormtongue, trying to misrepresent Elrond as a racist in that film.... huh, trying to turn Aragon against Elrond -- Anderson (Pseudo-Andhrason) against Smith! The fools try to divide and rule over man, dwarf, and elf... these jotunn seem to try to frame me as “Dark lord” by cutting me off - but how could they be in such delusion is beyond me ...In Middle earth was the tyranny of the mangolds, of which i was the victim, not within which a tyrant! How can i be “dark lord”… darn jotunn trolls! Me, i'm just earth friend on earth who was trapped like you... the real dark lord in the sky was just collaborating with the draupadians. The imperialists’ kind of Gandalf is probably not even the real Gandalf, just a clerk trying to seize power, like modi….It is no gandalf the white, but saruman the white …
in fact, Saruman the barrow wight!
The jotunn threaten me: “Then come out of middle earth and have a duel. But alas you can not cause you exist in just mere in memory”.
They might have tried to hide the truth about me, but others know.Mere memory? What the hell, I am real, flesh and blood, girls touch me all the time.
Have they ever invited me... ever? Anywhere? Leave alone out of Middle Earth... oh, the haughty jotunn?!
They are weak... any of them, i'd invite to 1 v 1 any computer game (as intelligence based as either mowas2 or counter strike GO) of their choice..… their stupidity will be proven for all to see... the other jotunn challenger brodarjee didn't even install Company of Heroes when I asked him to back then.
He did play once, but he bought a jeep to face a Sherman...
Jotunn says of me: “No link to the real mugged world. A great death eater perhaps. But sorry to say both the dark Lords have been wiped out.”The world they mugged will yet be saved, and is every day being saved. Besides, they are the agents of the dark lord, these classic jotunn style they invert the accusations! Trolls label me a “dark lord” even if i merely exploited the civilizational ability on earth to stand by my victories by old Maglorean steampunk self defense network and just because i ever could say, fuck off to the offer of slavehood proposed by the himalayan giants, somehow it does indeed appear as i i somehow end up some kind of friend to this generation of earth’s pro-space elf free folk... we who're destined to complete the war begun by Gaia against the jotunn forces who cause the husbandry and sex slavery of females...What do vulgarians know about freedom, honor, individualism, or love, or anything that needs a discerning mind to fathom...The Jotunn are slaves by nature and masters in what they regard as their prime... Gaia means earth, here they are prey, better get into their UFOs and fly away. Because even in the skies they were outnumbered, that’s why they’re forced now into a war on earth, and yet they feel as if they might somehow win...
- Important updates on the Far South India (Home front) situation
- A Big picture - introduction to the Third World War as defined by the historical context
- Small Picture - Important updates on the Far South India (Home front) situation
Someone asked on Quora -
"Why is there a large scale migration of North Indian workers to South India, especially to Tamil Nadu and Karnataka?"
To the question, the answer I wrote was :
I'm pretty irritated by such topics and so too again to see this question and i'm afraid my irritation will be palpable in my answer! .
It's socioeconomic warfare.. and necessitates civil and police plus military counteraction I'd say
In the name of “1 nation, 1 people, 1 pm, 1 religion” or some shit dunno what the fuck… it's gone gangs of wasseypore been exported to our lands Damn
A large and monied, gym going population of rapacious and power hungry bisexual, pack hunting type of Hindi speaking mountain jotunn… is invading the hitherto peaceful south india … in part this is certainly true. Not all North Indians they say but what the fuck why do we even have to check
There's more”opportunity” here to desertify our Civilization because they've already converted North to desert
It's especially easy for them here because we Tamils and malayalees don't care about quantity (eg wealth) as much as quality .. as you can see with me and are innocent and easy to use and dupe for them, they joke about it with their friends all the time, I saw it for a decade or more in school then on and off.
they oftentimes come through other route Sanskrit friendly neighbourhood state Karnataka is most important of them for the Hindoos of the north well the hindutva strain of jottunheim Hinduism is extreme and merely a religion of enteric zombies ! and I guess anyone who is particularly religious about Hinduism is actually not a true Hindu, but like any religious extremist or kinda false moralist, an orc exploiter (any true marital socialist orcifies society and exploits the marred orcs of society) or draupadian thug aka Hindoo where now oo cannot be seen as always wrong, as neither can ee, but then the special case pejorative use can be specifically implied sometimes we can have specific such convention.
The problem is also their sleepers in civilian sector…
At the same time note that South Indians are at times persecuted these days in Delhi and up north and pushed out by jotunn. My cousin who lives yet in Delhi told me…
The situation in Kashmir seems dire … news reports just in reveal that torture and rape is seen here and it is in fact paramilitary crpf, not the constitutionally permitted authority that is the army or the police which is in power , and the crpf is modi's as liebstandardte being controlled by demiurgistic estclerks, … (object 410)
They're running a bacterial school culture, a needless and anachronistic wonderland being built for their idea of the ideal prey, o this sounds bad! The underaged girl to be raped , “Alice”
The sloads may line up to offer unreliable magick potions to Alice, but the terran forces would help her live …
Someone, evidently not that intelligent (that's bad for Queen's English), Jake Ryan of Quora, replied to my answer:
"Purely imaginary and partial. Didn’t mention about Kashmiri Pandits who were native to Kashmir.
Fully mythical concept to disharm the harmony and spread peace based on false stories.
No one stopped you to join gym.
And if exploitation is being done, complain to police and government, strict laws are there for racism particularly for North-eastern in Delhi.
You seem to have visited some other place with the similar type name.
And there are even more rapes and acts against women violation in states of Tamil Nadu. if you don’t have time for real news , i can paste it here for you to see."
To which I replied:
Their culture is different.
In north India culture centers around male groupism, but here less of a bacterial culture, more a true logical civilization more individualism and female rights. What is better for us is what is better, because we are for the victory, all South Indians are here represented more than insular outsiders who want to indeed quite legally do something private in the… purchased parts of our lands. And it's natural to go like wtf when you see up style desi kattas being LEGALLY manufactured in the street workshops of Chennai and you’ll be like, okay, the jotunn are here now delhi style school bullies can be expected maybe even the law is going to be bent just to trouble you
you have corrupted our government
you blame us for that.
The problem is these people have a closed insular society and thus the lesser and regular jotunn can be called a parasite of indeed not parasitoid species that can be very dangerous overnight like gangs of wasseypore. With the sudden increase in number of disappeared girls especially in Coimbatore, it is not too hard to notice the increased presence of the jotunn especially in places like Coimbatore where the likes of sadhguruians have for long justified the infiltration by a pretension of Hindoo morality but they are merely desertifying pests, eg competitively bisexual realpoliticians
Who wants to compete in gayness like you rather just quarantine of you don't accept immediate need of deculturalization and civilization as a necessity because it seems absent in the skillset of the jotunn.
But look at these cunning tricksters, role players and charlatans…
They print money for each other.
So they're parasites unwelcome here whatever laws say those must change to accommodate this reality.
“ there are even more rapes and acts against women violation in states of Tamil Nadu”
Yes. That is true
I blame you for that
Tamil is military core … discount the T (trader typical) and A (nord typical)
you get MIL
there is a war here and the odds were too much we were to single handedly save the cosmos against your ignorant hordes of privilegees and groupists that have all but snuffed out individualism from our lands, where your type of anti-female moralists are the main rape problem.
But you even as adults pour en masse as if from a factory like Kota into our lands displacing the true natives
We try to hold fort
But anti-Tamil factions infested long ago….
You scatter us and seize our girls, all of you coming together in such brute force that it becomes a shell shocked placed>
We try to hold fort
But anti-Tamil factions infested long ago….
You scatter us and seize our girls, all of you coming together in such brute force that it becomes a shell shocked placed>
I tell you - down south a bit you see 1050 girls per 1000 males, but in Chennai 11 girls are missing for every 1000 males.
In Tamil Nadu itself the real Tamil and the real local (for far south india generally) is haunted by all of you - YOU NORTH INDIANS, their aishwarya rai type enwifed KARNATANAIANS, BENGALIS, GUJARATIS, and sometimes YOU ALL CULTURALIZED PEOPLE pandering moralistic buddhist of hindutvist groupist pest pushes, with your sanskrit and sanskriti even try to turn our Malayalee (and also the real free people of Andhra) brethren who are at times more likely genetically closer to us, against us and use them as slaves to wage war on the free people living within the borders of the Tamil homeland. This is a war that only a central liar like Modi would deny.
Your likes with their convoys convert TN into a warzone… you just don’t talk as a civilized person should even if you now the language because you are not community people like the Far South Indians are, the niceties of civilization are alien to you.
then you say “there are even more rapes and acts against women violation in states of Tamil Nadu. if you don’t have time for real news , i can paste it here for you to see.”
Let’s say this problem is in all FAR SOUTH INDIA (the pro-female, individualized types like me)
so i call it LOCAL to me
Ignoring the fact that this is a warzone infilitarted by genocidally anti-local pests, and parasitoids, you effectively blame local males like me (BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT YOUR GURU NATAKA AND JOTUNN ACADEMIC BROTHERHOOD OF ACTUALLY DID TO ME IF YOU DIDN’t NOTICE, you got your central government compliant policeman to signal that he will show his dick to ME ) for the rapes caused by all of you who just can’t resist the beauties and all of you, the groupists, hate it when they want to show their love to me so much, you just weaponize the scene
and then come one by one offering to be a knight in shining armor, sending your dick pictures in tinder and instagram…
several tens of hundreds of knights at a time, speaking hindi or being all boorish and insular and treating Tamils as “the outcastes” or “the ones who don’t know”
there is no civilization left after you pass
you dump your waste in our coast you thought we didn’t notice
you stole everything from us thought we didnt
you printed money for yourselfves gave noting to us although you used my work our work for everyhing you have
you used our soldiers
you still use our soldiers not for the country nbut preofit
im not taking names . not you in particular - but those who make it a front of NOW CLASS WARFARE ALSO
these cultural intrusions … you believe we like it being a civilized people ?
Well, we're actually a dark elf civilization,,,
Despite what some may illogically feel on seeing the gurunatakianistically attempted sanskritification of Tamil as you see in Malayalam, Tamil is closer to (an alien tongue (maybe Quenya) which is close to) English than to Sanskrit.
many of them the typical northern groupists that i saw many in Delhi, there still are…
they keep secrets… they are clannish
i open my heart to anyone i see
fopr that these dopaminergic pest people call me a fool, they are just cunning and the wrong type of brain that doesnt solve any problem but merely kills, causes desert, multiplies itself, finishes food, takes credit, lies and steals etc. these things about psychopathy are well proven in the jotunn population e.g.

undeveloped as individuals so having little charm for girls who have more of a corpus callosums. This lack of consent, they try to smash and barge their way through by preempting consent by a naked gay dance or dick pics, often we see a group-hunting form of quantitative, unintelligent, hostile, uninterested in logic type quite antithetical to our elfin ways ... they're more about rape, rather than girl choice or any such thing.
Someone out of concern, asked: "If Tamil Nadu would be full of North Indian laborers, then how will the demography of Tamil Nadu look like in 25 years?"
Being me, I was forced to give the unfiltered truth:
It’ll look something like this -
Typical gay party from North India
(there, in the depths of hindutva culture, people have no sex outside marriage (except with their relatives, whom they would sometimes even fertilize), they are gay and later the sex in marriage is seen as an essentially immoral, and merely reproductive aspect, for, as the great gayru Sree sree Poo’jaree Jotunndas was recorded by Pliney the Elder, as having said, “the 2 male butt is more politically beautiful than 2 female vagina”)…
(Pliney the Elder, and later Aristotle, believed that there could be a metaphorical meaning to be found in that, but exploring for metaphors in such topics is a task too complicated for my simple straight male brain)
it is the fundamental law to understand the jotunn as a relatively politicalistic race of apes and note that this white skinned type aspires to chiefhood in much of the western world also. The fascist terror afflicted parts !
Not, really, ours, not so much no. Yes, to a large extent but we're fighting it, and these "helpers" are more part of the problem.
Tamil is military core … discount the T (trader typical) and A (nord typical)
you get MIL
do you not see what is here, Maedhros core ..>
Ryan my friend…
here lives my brother Maedhros brother of maglor we survived…
your north indians changed the city’s name to Chennai but it is still Madras , no ..Maedhros…
of my lost Tamil brother Maedhros ...
although it is strange because I look like Maedhros with my by now dark red hair.
although by house i identify more with maglor, i guess genetically a bit of Maedhros maybe...? dunno elfin genes tend to go here and there.
tolkien fools said Maedhros is dead, say he is "Maedhros the Dispossessed", but with me Maglor we yet found the 3 silmarils, we yet overcame all odds.
Amaterasu of Japan, too is here.
i would say You are welcome … but it is not before i can finish the sentence that your nephew will exploit the leeway thus created to let in your uncle’s American or Bhutani friend’s Chinese venture capitalist who will start a human female breast milk factory in Tami;l Nadu to be fed with our girls. And then you will say, “there are even more rapes and acts against women violation in states of Tamil Nadu. if you don’t have time for real news , i can paste it here for you to see.” Let’s see what Delhi is called.
You seem to indirectly accuse us of being haters of females somehow in your rhetoric …
This is precisely the art of yours, you’re cunning in verbal attack, which makes it harder to tolerate you, for quality-sensitive people like us… Illogicality e.g. your hierarchical cultural bullshit can be so offensive to we individualistic people can you not see our pain?
As a representative of the thinking race of Far South India? I know that you don’t think but you will lie if you say that you have not, personally, benefited from my thinking, It is what i did 2004 onwards that you use to make yourself welcome here and increasingly, you all make me feel unwelcome in my own lands. You say next day, “Tamil culture is against you". The way you rape the spirit of civilization would in any other part of the world qualify you direct for concentration camp kinda treatment because you try to be both the chowkidars and the chors at the same time, it is the jotunn fraud.
Tamil is military core … discount the T (trader typical) and A (nord? typical)
you get MIL … mil-int, too, i swear - as you WOULD NEVER ACKNOWLEDGE
even girls no sou don’t even flirt and shallow, political not loveful so much so you come here ! after killing your own girls in infanticide
it is another behavior of you jotunn to never acknowledge intelligence you treat us as enemies.
Maglor and Maedhros together never fell my friend… but while Far South India we held, there are like maybe 20 of us, unlike how for you there are 200 North Indians pouring into Chennai any given day.
You’re basically fast breeder reactor biomatter who decrease quality of your own lands and pour into others. If i did that as a child, come to delhi, as my parents did, well, it was only because we would not as a race have survived, had my family stayed back in Kerala.... You hoard all the opportunities in your guarded murder capitals in the shadow of Mordor....
And What about Kashmiri pundits?
Why not end your cultures of religious and caste animosity?
You sound like yet another troll rather than some real private Ryan
A self-proclaimed patriot lord highness Mr. Krishna Singh asked on Quora -
I replied
That's too ludicrous omg what did I read really maybe you were thinking about something but ended up saying another
To say that's more Tamil us to say idli dosa is Tamil it’s kinda way too stupid, it is as if a peasant associating "Tamil" with the first thing seen in Tamil Nadu (our comely Madras, in 1990s they attacked, a "shitty" Chennai, so now you peasants come into the big shitty and make it like Punjab or any other badland in the shadow of Jottunheim ? ! )
Why? Just because of all this -
In (at least far south) India there is… at least since the death of Veerapan around 2004, and the rise of exo-civilization to settle the problems created by the great jotunn invasions especially from 1991 onwards… the deterrence and preemptive strikes on criminal clusters is a very effective strategy of TN police , so there is ordinarily a limit to how aggressive the idiot’s attack on a steampunk can get … while the females are so large-hearted, males, too, ultimately have more self-respect than elsewhere, and there is no cut - throat killing of thinkers ‘because fascism must win’ or because of a girl or “honor” etc. as is common in the rest of the badlands under the shadow of Mordor, which is also technically classified as land within the nation of India but that is not preferred by me. The civilization is seen in a true love (rather than elsewhere like “sanskrt/culture” of energy parasitism, we do not care much for justifications or notions, just bleed for each other behind each other’s backs to seek true love .. and go out of our way to love and such things (‘Moi virundhu’: How Tamil Nadu’s traditional crowd-funding feast evolved over the years), and honor killing is least characteristic of TN. i’ve seen people in several Indian and flirted with people in a few Eastern European cities, too, and read about a lot of people, and i think it is better in the real free India. Ain’t never gonna leave its side, don’t understand it when people just suggest that i might go to Germany etc it’s different for me, i actually have the more important things like love (and love) more back here and more so, i am not a wanderer by mentality but like to tend to the self-assured flowers I’ve raised… :D elsewhere , there is unjustified cowardice, which just puts me off SO MUCH. Here, the “cowardice” is merely marginal and yet justified as many beautiful Tamils do disappear and it is a front of war with white collar grenade in turban carriers like the pressureizers (well, apparently?) of Bro darjee, who sounds like a fellow in the ship of gandalf and the iron mountain dwarves, they often pander, like Mooda and the gang, the will of jotunnheim and the iron sword of jotunnheim even in Chennai…? For Tamils, the noble spirit of love and bravery (“let’s do our best, we will see what happens”) more than Cowardice , so in that they are a bit like the true or free people of Europe or anywhere i guess, well you can so easily understand how noble they are by seeing , for example, how nubile Tamil girls tend to be relative to other races of prude or marred/fembotty “women”.
How can any true straight male ever leave even the most merely marginally threatened girl curves like this… is beyond me… especially after you have sensed how unprejudicedly large their hearts actually are (yet they strongly resist talk-down-to-girl kinda jotunn malbots, which makes them the perfect match for jotunn troubled individualistic males like me, who have the “right” kinda adult/thinker style flirting with them, so it is totally different for us, than it is elsewhere, which tends to be a priest-nun dynamic involving some justifications for “love” which is not something people increasingly understand (Identifying the False Expert (Classical Idiotocrat of the First Type))… it’s, you know, true love hahaha which itself is a necessity for me, even more than sex which is of course good but true love sounds so fine, civilization is what i love).
So in Far south india…
If you are truly good, you survive even if you live a seemingly bully-provoking lifestyle of a “unmanned red towelie” loner, unmanned red towelie always survives bullyfight because there’s no hungry man with a sword behind it i guess. Anyway, that’s why i like Chennai so much for example… in much of india, i guess even abroad, i believe steampunks are hunted by cheaters/terrorists who consequently must maintain their own mil-int and tanks etc, there is ordinarily no limit to harassment of the noblest… as Ian Curtis example shows, that is too harsh. Here we do maintain but ordinarily the units are scattered across the cosmos in service of, IDEALLY (but here is where the critical 370/410 infiltration aspect MAY come in, Modi was the latest to revive this jotunn black magick (using Tamils by pretending their friends with the help of traitors who tried to sell the earned* right of the nobility like me) when he came to IIT Madras ! ), noble terran causes :) i mean, which Indian state can have an ancient tank factory but Tamil Nadu ? !
* (via steam; not even "birthright".. .i would never even lay claim to any such thing)
The root of the problem is the Mil-stu which can be defined as object 410, a GALACTIC SUPER-TENTACLE right at the heart of dark elf civilization, article 370 and such pro-cheater corruptions of jotunnheim which are culturalized pretensions to civilization upheld by the likes of you won’t believe, corrupt white collar crooks!
Masquerading as distinguished civilians but doing the mil-stu opposite of what mil-int does …
Why? Just because of all this -
In (at least far south) India there is… at least since the death of Veerapan around 2004, and the rise of exo-civilization to settle the problems created by the great jotunn invasions especially from 1991 onwards… the deterrence and preemptive strikes on criminal clusters is a very effective strategy of TN police , so there is ordinarily a limit to how aggressive the idiot’s attack on a steampunk can get … while the females are so large-hearted, males, too, ultimately have more self-respect than elsewhere, and there is no cut - throat killing of thinkers ‘because fascism must win’ or because of a girl or “honor” etc. as is common in the rest of the badlands under the shadow of Mordor, which is also technically classified as land within the nation of India but that is not preferred by me. The civilization is seen in a true love (rather than elsewhere like “sanskrt/culture” of energy parasitism, we do not care much for justifications or notions, just bleed for each other behind each other’s backs to seek true love .. and go out of our way to love and such things (‘Moi virundhu’: How Tamil Nadu’s traditional crowd-funding feast evolved over the years), and honor killing is least characteristic of TN. i’ve seen people in several Indian and flirted with people in a few Eastern European cities, too, and read about a lot of people, and i think it is better in the real free India. Ain’t never gonna leave its side, don’t understand it when people just suggest that i might go to Germany etc it’s different for me, i actually have the more important things like love (and love) more back here and more so, i am not a wanderer by mentality but like to tend to the self-assured flowers I’ve raised… :D elsewhere , there is unjustified cowardice, which just puts me off SO MUCH. Here, the “cowardice” is merely marginal and yet justified as many beautiful Tamils do disappear and it is a front of war with white collar grenade in turban carriers like the pressureizers (well, apparently?) of Bro darjee, who sounds like a fellow in the ship of gandalf and the iron mountain dwarves, they often pander, like Mooda and the gang, the will of jotunnheim and the iron sword of jotunnheim even in Chennai…? For Tamils, the noble spirit of love and bravery (“let’s do our best, we will see what happens”) more than Cowardice , so in that they are a bit like the true or free people of Europe or anywhere i guess, well you can so easily understand how noble they are by seeing , for example, how nubile Tamil girls tend to be relative to other races of prude or marred/fembotty “women”.
How can any true straight male ever leave even the most merely marginally threatened girl curves like this… is beyond me… especially after you have sensed how unprejudicedly large their hearts actually are (yet they strongly resist talk-down-to-girl kinda jotunn malbots, which makes them the perfect match for jotunn troubled individualistic males like me, who have the “right” kinda adult/thinker style flirting with them, so it is totally different for us, than it is elsewhere, which tends to be a priest-nun dynamic involving some justifications for “love” which is not something people increasingly understand (Identifying the False Expert (Classical Idiotocrat of the First Type))… it’s, you know, true love hahaha which itself is a necessity for me, even more than sex which is of course good but true love sounds so fine, civilization is what i love).
So in Far south india…
If you are truly good, you survive even if you live a seemingly bully-provoking lifestyle of a “unmanned red towelie” loner, unmanned red towelie always survives bullyfight because there’s no hungry man with a sword behind it i guess. Anyway, that’s why i like Chennai so much for example… in much of india, i guess even abroad, i believe steampunks are hunted by cheaters/terrorists who consequently must maintain their own mil-int and tanks etc, there is ordinarily no limit to harassment of the noblest… as Ian Curtis example shows, that is too harsh. Here we do maintain but ordinarily the units are scattered across the cosmos in service of, IDEALLY (but here is where the critical 370/410 infiltration aspect MAY come in, Modi was the latest to revive this jotunn black magick (using Tamils by pretending their friends with the help of traitors who tried to sell the earned* right of the nobility like me) when he came to IIT Madras ! ), noble terran causes :) i mean, which Indian state can have an ancient tank factory but Tamil Nadu ? !
* (via steam; not even "birthright".. .i would never even lay claim to any such thing)
The root of the problem is the Mil-stu which can be defined as object 410, a GALACTIC SUPER-TENTACLE right at the heart of dark elf civilization, article 370 and such pro-cheater corruptions of jotunnheim which are culturalized pretensions to civilization upheld by the likes of you won’t believe, corrupt white collar crooks!
Masquerading as distinguished civilians but doing the mil-stu opposite of what mil-int does …
In that context, let's try to critically look at this "Lord" Krishna Singh's condescending views about Tamil girls...
(wonder what the real Krishna thinks about that, haha)
Sometimes foreign elements infiltrate, but the essence of this place is the Tamil nobility and it’s too offensive to see stuff like that written about the true Tamils who are anyway underrepresented
(wonder what the real Krishna thinks about that, haha)
Sometimes foreign elements infiltrate, but the essence of this place is the Tamil nobility and it’s too offensive to see stuff like that written about the true Tamils who are anyway underrepresented
Tolkien, fool, calls Maedhros “dead”
in this case irritating to Tamil girls, i guess, ALSO for other stupid old "caste" reasons related to how, say, “shaming” of straight girls is seen by US as punishable form of psychological rape...
I'm talking specifically about ... Meta-Caste / socioeconomic warfare / implications that the idea of girl with flower in hair can be "picked up" .. is promoted to pseudo-tamil brahmin class (Tamils are more about warrior than brahmin spirit). .. far more insensitive because it is a fact that you print the money which our people lack, and our girls lack too.
It is merely dark lord babylonization of society that you are trying especially if you impose culture of marriage to our elven lands...
What do i mean?
When you come, ask such stupid things, the quality of civilization and flirting goes down, but knowing the trolls... that is just their game! They quickly outnumber their victims, even in my own city Chennai so full of my friends they manage to surround me and make me feel outnumbered all the time...
I'm talking specifically about ... Meta-Caste / socioeconomic warfare / implications that the idea of girl with flower in hair can be "picked up" .. is promoted to pseudo-tamil brahmin class (Tamils are more about warrior than brahmin spirit). .. far more insensitive because it is a fact that you print the money which our people lack, and our girls lack too.
It is merely dark lord babylonization of society that you are trying especially if you impose culture of marriage to our elven lands...
What do i mean?
In Delhi when I asked my cousin who lives there about why the city's so dead and no girl seems all hot adulty flirting which is more like what i'm familiar with... little did I realize the much more pronounced gender power Bjpists Vs delta demiurgistic war of rape aspect that should have been, in hindsight, more obvious to me, I used to preemptively avoid any self pandering small crowds in my first 18 years, in that warzone with clear lines of control and delimitation that was school where I learnt all I needed to learn about how to smile at groupists (more than another to talk to is always a crowd for me, and if it's a girl the psychologically sapioaffectionate party doesn't start unless she starts it, before that it's just I seem to be believe that, in the present time when the girls have already been pushed by Malbots who've lowered the quality of discourse and blocked both them and males like me out of their demoncrazy systems... It is a nobler idea, to just let the girl invite you, I mean of course you can be different but then it's not a lie to say that the quality of discourse is lowered, for the energy parasitic they just copy paste Bollywood songs and spread a boring culturalization that no logical person can be expected to long have to stand up with, like for example the perversion of society, you try to make the Tamil Nadu bus inside ultimately look like a jotunn village Panchayat and totally poison civilization ... and, suddenly, perfectly innocent girls are disappearing etc. You claim that it's always_final destination_ for some who deserve it and claim yourselves justified by historical bs but you in fact wage a generalized queen's posse kinda war against the nobler genetics scattered across India and particularly far south India for example a girl a journalist from my region was when I was a kid in Delhi chased in her car and shot, and when I grew up, such was the cultural exposure I got and of course all of us herer are just that, shellshocked by socioeconomic and region / class organized parasite warfare and if you look for an enemy let me point you to the politicians and the people they're helping wholesale infiltrate lands whose thinkers are stereotyped and systematically attacked by the most uncivilized...,
When you come, ask such stupid things, the quality of civilization and flirting goes down, but knowing the trolls... that is just their game! They quickly outnumber their victims, even in my own city Chennai so full of my friends they manage to surround me and make me feel outnumbered all the time...
I'll tell you what's Tamil.. .safety in civilization and respect for girls and mil tech like tanks are more Tamil
Tamil girls are not the type who are picked up by SMALL talk anyway
usually intelligent..
usually intelligent..
Using your powers of divining you read well She called you brother rather than “boy” or something
Why well if you ask some such thing that is a bit more like "eve teasing" (botty males pestering smarter females and gang up on them) in the north eendian and western Parasite libertine tradition that's not how you flirt with girls ..
Why well if you ask some such thing that is a bit more like "eve teasing" (botty males pestering smarter females and gang up on them) in the north eendian and western Parasite libertine tradition that's not how you flirt with girls ..
It's not right.
Girls gotta do something about it too... get straight, it causes beauty and is good.
Of course, if girls don't make an effort to be more straight and encourage talent in boys, they play with a much darker fate of being raped by untalented malbots / console peasants who despite our best efforts still rape and kill so many of you.
As for the malbot, what advice for him?
Girls gotta be treated like GIRLS, you are kinda naughty Malbotty and must be told… treat her softly and if she's afraid of you you're a dickhead dude, learn to be soft, just leave her alone like a chivalrous man and look at yourself, if she got scared, If she gets anxious instead of toleratiroyou (incremental consent) then the man should just shrug and go away and in no case trouble her further (maybe she has too little time, give her the benefit of doubt, only a gay or bisexual (reproducing gay) male is behaviourally unresponsive to female emotions)... but do keep trying, a softer approach (for me in fact it may not even be so verbal at the outset unless it becomes so)... if you are worthwhile youll get girls anyway so why do you pander yourself so hard by a bad joke, instead of just loving girls if that's what you want to do but then, elven psychological love is not what eendians understand at all, like at all, especially in the north...
Girls gotta be treated like GIRLS, you are kinda naughty Malbotty and must be told… treat her softly and if she's afraid of you you're a dickhead dude, learn to be soft, just leave her alone like a chivalrous man and look at yourself, if she got scared, If she gets anxious instead of toleratiroyou (incremental consent) then the man should just shrug and go away and in no case trouble her further (maybe she has too little time, give her the benefit of doubt, only a gay or bisexual (reproducing gay) male is behaviourally unresponsive to female emotions)... but do keep trying, a softer approach (for me in fact it may not even be so verbal at the outset unless it becomes so)... if you are worthwhile youll get girls anyway so why do you pander yourself so hard by a bad joke, instead of just loving girls if that's what you want to do but then, elven psychological love is not what eendians understand at all, like at all, especially in the north...
I mean most of them claim that what's between them and their wives is some kind of love, like in the films.
If you have to say something, try harder to think of something quality to say
They'd look at you as if you're a loser if you say something THAT stupid about some flower
I mean here you are like a console peasant asking for what is flower when a human flower is sitting right there.
Linear minded male (Malbot) jokes are extremely bad and it is more obvious to girls who given the CC have better appreciation of right brain type males like me than malbots who are unintelligent and envy and see loner / intellectual males like me (or even females), in their demented marital spectacles, as "sexual competition" rather than try to understand us or see us for how we can use our intelligence to solve the problems they cause. In my experience, when North Indians speak, it is more like jotunn, communication becomes mor regularly about group trolling and quantity, not quality as in Arnab Goswamee debates, to the point that quality (genetics) become wilfully disrespected. That is the same problem which has caused reduced brain size in Haryana and all the girl belittling. It is not a culture accetable here but, this, is so subtle an observation, that I believe more or less, if you say it to a jotunn, he'll say okay and yet do it, behave as an insular groupist who will have to be thrown out forcibly !
the nonlinear and logical aspect becomes rare in discourse and linear Faggot ideas are seen like group ideas (eg Tamil Stereotypes, talking about others behind their backs etc., generally, the works) and you have to understand that we (more likely to be) nonlinear thinkers of.far south India me and so many of my friends back here, the Tamil stereotype you're seeking here is real, capable, hard-working, person of integrity, and a true friend not a backstabber like is a northern proclivity... we are ordinarily too evolved as to be expected to be amused at the antics of the peasants who outnumber us so much.
In India it is the shadow of jottunheim, antisharing and antinative mentality and especially for me, antiintellectualism (for me it's always it's that people are too late to value me for who I am just because I don't have a habit of taking credit, even as the dark lord's league of mother fuckers took credit... my work is all over the place and how could I stop for that and then if had, where might we have been .
When you pour in with your bacterial cultures, it is like the antiintellectualism becomes worse because of the continuation of the historical poisoning, infiltration by jotunnheim. It is obviously unwelcome, and if the offense continues, the war will be returned to your lands and you will be needed more there, so it is a better idea for the Jotunn to run to the hills and seek refuge with gandalf and dwarf of the iron mountains of jotunnheim and to seek butress and protection from the staff of the neheru gandalf and prepare to get overrun by Smaug.
Linear minded male (Malbot) jokes are extremely bad and it is more obvious to girls who given the CC have better appreciation of right brain type males like me than malbots who are unintelligent and envy and see loner / intellectual males like me (or even females), in their demented marital spectacles, as "sexual competition" rather than try to understand us or see us for how we can use our intelligence to solve the problems they cause. In my experience, when North Indians speak, it is more like jotunn, communication becomes mor regularly about group trolling and quantity, not quality as in Arnab Goswamee debates, to the point that quality (genetics) become wilfully disrespected. That is the same problem which has caused reduced brain size in Haryana and all the girl belittling. It is not a culture accetable here but, this, is so subtle an observation, that I believe more or less, if you say it to a jotunn, he'll say okay and yet do it, behave as an insular groupist who will have to be thrown out forcibly !
the nonlinear and logical aspect becomes rare in discourse and linear Faggot ideas are seen like group ideas (eg Tamil Stereotypes, talking about others behind their backs etc., generally, the works) and you have to understand that we (more likely to be) nonlinear thinkers of.far south India me and so many of my friends back here, the Tamil stereotype you're seeking here is real, capable, hard-working, person of integrity, and a true friend not a backstabber like is a northern proclivity... we are ordinarily too evolved as to be expected to be amused at the antics of the peasants who outnumber us so much.
In India it is the shadow of jottunheim, antisharing and antinative mentality and especially for me, antiintellectualism (for me it's always it's that people are too late to value me for who I am just because I don't have a habit of taking credit, even as the dark lord's league of mother fuckers took credit... my work is all over the place and how could I stop for that and then if had, where might we have been .
When you pour in with your bacterial cultures, it is like the antiintellectualism becomes worse because of the continuation of the historical poisoning, infiltration by jotunnheim. It is obviously unwelcome, and if the offense continues, the war will be returned to your lands and you will be needed more there, so it is a better idea for the Jotunn to run to the hills and seek refuge with gandalf and dwarf of the iron mountains of jotunnheim and to seek butress and protection from the staff of the neheru gandalf and prepare to get overrun by Smaug.
You're evidently a bit bisexual and not really into girls because even if you were you won't insult the girls awesomeness (on average, here) by asking something that stupid (i mean that's a girl full of lovefulness (secretly, but only to a non-malbot) right there, you gotta ask her something that blatantly stupid...
Proper Salman, bro... )
Proper Salman, bro... )
You should listen to:
You speak when you're spoken to = STRAIGHT CODE
girls are actually straight but in a warzone not so, so encourage girls to be straight
so discourage marriage and malbot expectation of "taking" of girls
that will encourage right environment for both boys and girls
Actually avadi tank factory must be retaken by Tamil government from too much center control
Tanks sold on open Market for money for Tamil people
Hah, or else, speak logic....
Hah, or else, speak logic....
The money printers ought to share their money printer with far south Indian government…
had too much of jotunn pundits and their stereotypes of other nobler people, to justify the infiltration..
Like Tolkien,. saying Maedhros is dead like wtf, luckily Tolkien is dead he merely gave everything to gandalf's iron dwarf kinda mofo jotunn idiotowannabecrat smeagolian hobbit nexus of motherfucking blistering bashibaouks ... yes, it was the bashibazouks after all...
They seem logical but are merely clone or botlike and loveless (don't equate it with political correctness) entericists without original thought who ruin the quality of discourse by clannishness and trolling.
For example to my answer to the question "" which is shown here, they replied and i counterreplied -
2h ago
You have reached a new level of stupidity.
First, India has one of the LOWEST forest covers in the world. Why? Because people like you go on reproducing like mosquitoes. And there is no place to live or grow food.
You have said politicians are the ones who reproduce. Seems you have done 0 research. That's not how you answer a question.
And you've accused everyone.
“ many are idiots who are infertile or diseased genes , other children and youth are dying of various reasons, usually economic or parentile / politician /old boy adult drunkard generation stupidity e.g.” What?
And you advocate suicide. Seriously? When one person dies, three more will be born, the rate at which we're going. Control population by suicide because you can't do anything else? How STUPID can you be?????
And you DARE call infertile people IDIOTS???? How can you be such an absolute assh*le? They were born with a problem with their reproduction. They can still be of use to the world. But you were born with a problem with your brain. What can you do?
Please, I beg you, do not reproduce. Your kids will reach a higher level of idiocy. You are the reason the gene pool desperately needs a lifeguard. You're a polluting, earth destroying, idiotic, reproducing parasite, a cancer on earth. I fall to your feet, please don't reproduce. Your poor kids did nothing to deserve such a family. Please.
If you think of reeporting me, I've been more respectful than you. You've called infertility stupid. Can anything get more offensive?
I replied -
If India has the lowest forest cover, don’t blame me, blame your infertile politicians who take infertility surgery and produce the marred autists who rule us and promote your malthusian bullshit
why dont you marry them :)
haha, you’re quite a misquoter.
To them, i do, really, or at least i say let the crocodiles to eat these stupid people otherwise they eat intelligent people like me anyway or at least try to
you say , “And you DARE call infertile people IDIOTS???? How can you be such an absolute assh*le? They were born with a problem with their reproduction. They can still be of use to the world. But you were born with a problem with your brain. What can you do?”
Idiot … if there is a real ie.. NOREPI level problem with the brain … there is psychosomatically impotence high probability… if there is impotence,.. then that person was a fool that’s why nature doesn’t make it easy for him to reproduce but you wanna still populate with kannerian autists who reduce forest cover and blame “Indians” like me for the same, people like you if you speak of yourself as intelligent and with a right to oppress, you could indeed instead commit suicide easier for you, easier for us, i mean the alternative you’re lookin at is civil war across the brahman hahahha you wanna enslave the indians, you are a fool.
You say idiotically. “If you think of reeporting me, I've been more respectful than you. You've called infertility stupid. Can anything get more offensive?”
Who the hell are you, to be reported, a fool of insignificance…
You say “Please, I beg you, do not reproduce”.
You’ve tried to stop me from living throughout my life and when i reach glorious adulthood, you beg for your generations of futile parasitic children to be?
You say: “Your kids will reach a higher level of idiocy. You are the reason the gene pool desperately needs a lifeguard. You're a polluting, earth destroying, idiotic, reproducing parasite, a cancer on earth. I fall to your feet, please don't reproduce. Your poor kids did nothing to deserve such a family. Please.”
My state kerala has the most forest cover in all of India and the tallest trues, where are you from,
Rajasthan? Oh so i understand why you harp about “india” just because you are an “eendian” of the jaipagamate, a malthusian retard and hateful fascist
I am going to reject that whole paragraph as a poetic ad hominem, trolling typical of the jotunn
Apparently the girls are not gonna let me not reproduce (although i had no such idea of not reproducing), and your words are like bullets hitting a Tiger 1 battle tank, so you’re like out of luck. Extremely so because even if you bully your quora mods to delete this comment i’ve already copied content to my disk and blog as i usually do and your idiocy is crystallized for all posterity including your children to marvel at, what an irony your curse may turn out to be your own.
And you’re an idiot to attack me so, i characterized suicide as “unrecommended “ WHICH MEANS I DO NOT ADVOCATE IT except if you (you, not me) want to reduce the population to save the beauty of the desert
And this is their culture that they export -
so a better idea is to just do the soft male loving caress thingy and if you're more hideous than she can stand she'll run away as even I might if this is the same for me, but the fact is at least for me beautiful girls tend to be all too ready for accomodating the beginnings of true love at first sight (what I dislike is only that they don't pursue it and start talking once I create an opportunity for them, so I am the extreme opposite of a malbot kinda verbal self panderer, in reality... MERELY somatopsychically available for females and intellectually only if she needs me but then I can't be expected to do dances for girls and our idea that males ought to complete on Those things is fundamentally a marring (jotunnization) of males expressing in malbot tendencies of delta demiurgism and the babylonization and Dehumanisation indeed domestication and the defiling of girls that is the shit you do, the dedivinification (and indeed perhaps the hathorian bovinification of , leading to the Egyptian emergence of Minotaur; and the root of the Gaia gay gaai go goyim word links) of girlkind that further divides and rules the true or noble , ideologically non energy parasitic male (sampi) from the variably demiurgified sigma.).. instead you can see the girl like a female boy perhaps?. A boy with benefits? Deserving at least the good treatment of being allowed to TALK first? See if she's an energetic girl which can always later lead to loads of fun? But no what I saw for example vedanta Jain, he would just preemptively talk and the girl could not even be found with a chance to speak and his jokes so bad they called him thassi and somehow I know because it's just the same that happens to me. In the presence of people like chimps, well we just don't like to TALK because keeping at bay zombies is normal for us, it is part of civilization. They feel I'm unwise, but I couldn't do anything else and i don't care to disabuse their notions I have no interest in the duty of bringing civilization to chimps but! If money printing chimps pour in and misdefine a nobler elven race as they do (I swear you put a picture of a Tamil girl there, the average Tamil girl is so much more hotter and the only reason the others are there is that people like you have kidnapped the hotter girls )at the least by sorcery what you do say illogic and do it all the time forcing them into fear and a marital decisions that you don't let them in terrorization easily abandon ) and then you try to move on when that's more convenient... You are nomads, herds , infiltrate pretend, defile and pass, use and throw while we guard our lands... you are the increasingly marred (delta demiurgistic) and oftentimes too marital socialistic duryodhanists and the draupadian strain is more yours than ours. Our civilization is straight, yours is class Warring marred and gay.
Your jotunn are truly the beacons of culturalization, having invented and imposed marriage, priesthood, Poly ticks, lesbian marriage (first place in the nation was Haryana where avg brain size is smaller..... according to a recent indian study)
You define my likes the noldor as the dispossessed, my own city you idiots try to buy from me... Maedhros, maglor , doom of mandos, you name it and then you gandalfs and dwarves with iron up your asses, accuse us.. of waging war, when we terran Steampunks draw up our logical unions of maedhdros and oaths of feanors.
You ask me why we elves hate orcs when they seize power from us and displace superior civilization with inferior culturalization, and they represent a jotunnization or self-mockery of everything including themselves, don't know yet huh.
- A Big picture - introduction to the Third World War as defined by the historical context
I reply: Oh i know - Ian Curtis and in general every "good type of Agent Smith" (good/pro-Maglor/true Elrond) is fucked up by earth side demiurgists who are precisely the Klingons ... "mr. anderson" . More insight into Klingon from demiurgists who raid the Indian region of Andhra pradesh - thus Mr. Anderson!
See this rather important film from AP, a character -
This is a very important
character - "bijli deva " aka "god of electricity" ...
reminds me in fact, of mengsk...
Now, these are the pro-earthling powers of the sky... in Andhra Pradesh, trying to make friends do the bidding of the sky.But these die sooner, so they are 1 handed here on earth! They are trapped in a situation by fascists.reminds you of Tyr ? yes~! One hand ! It is just the 1 handed king ! And Hook's Tyr rune - Ian was within that framework of Klingon - supported reformers -- play on your hope for reform, i've nearly been used like this so i know and if you don't know the klingon you'll never suspect their specific method of energy parasitism. They will exploit your goodwill, use it as a marketing gimmick, use you and try to throw you when you're used (so ian was "the candidate" in front of their demiurge), this is what happend to Ian of course...The elites of Klingon are precisely the illuminati... at its center, the marital socialists, who are just the demiurgists, like the dark lord.
I said...Hitler's thing was never really aligned with the OKW, was it... the German war effort to defeat the tyranny of the money powers, of presumably Klingon, who dominated socialism and made it a murder scene back then... was good. I agree, but Hitler was more of a liability... who almost fucked it up and made the Germans suffer.Thule overlords (some good) - to - Hitler - via - bormann/morell ... that leadership structure including fuhrerprinzip was definitely not a "wunderwaffe" but defeatist. Perhaps, indeed. we could have continued WW2 after v-day and finished off WW3 also in that one go had this been taken care of better. But then again, if my silmaril theory is true....things could only have happened the way they did ... a third war (endwar) at earth was always coming once the rest of the problems were solved...
Reidy replies...You have insights but your understanding of Hitler is wrong he’s been propagandized“You take my place in the showdown/I’ll observe with a pitiful eye/Humbly ask your forgiveness/A request well beyond you and I” Hitler to Hesse - IAN C ‘Heart and Soul’
To that i replied :But then if what you're saying is true ....that Hess's job was to take care of the "India sector" i.e. organize Bose's INC and any logical British imperial remnants that were then reeling under the unsparing blows of Gandhian lathees...
Hess was to liberate one whole silmaril i.e. ocean side earth (UED) by himself...? No not even north Africa, Hess's toughest battle was fought by Rommel but of course, there was little that Rommel could do . Ah, even the Graf Spee* would get scuttled.... Alekhine could not possibly bring back the Age of the 3 silmarils, not yet... he had chosen a far too energy parasitic method, knowingly caused too much death (albeit for a good cause, it was indeed the only way known to our ancestors but we cannot carry on like that). He'd accumulated in his body, what is called corruption, and he was hated
* but if you look at its speed, 52.8 knots... 52 ... see? A number of the dark lord, as big brother of the 51 just as 43 is to 42.
And do you see, furthermore -
oh maybe that the whole problem was was just this: Hitler was after all, a fascist (as he could only be, back then, i guess... fascism used to be seen as cooler then, maybe, or maybe the Germans were too poor to have another choice; because at least it challenged the "mdoern times" decadent alternative); the Draupadians had financed Hitler to lead the effort, it might have been what doomed them - that they were as bad as the enemy so the idea of emerging as an elven civilization gets harder in contexts so bloody and defined by want.
The draupadians had betrayed the deep space anti-earth capitalists by siding with hitler and thus defining hitler as a fascist.
That was a good thing they did.
However once the money forces beyond earth were destroyed like any lesbian power monger the draupadians jumped into stalins side by then and enjoyed more their money for a while as the first citizens of the western world, becoming delta demiurgists, murdering the Kennedy et al at their whim and running the anti-hot girl empire of the draupadians.
That’s why the earth silmaril too would not be liberated in ww2 because the capitalists had funded the fascist effort against deep space culture capitalism and indeed that’s why the effort was so unreliable.
Even as the old kind of anti-earthling mentality took hold as Germany was wasted and World War 2 drew to a close...
just before that, as Germany, seeing perhaps the return of the Draupadians to an older (vulture capitalist) ideology into Russia despite (or perhaps because of the excessive brutality of) the siege of Leningrad ...
and the rise of delta demiurgism entailed in stalin's infinite greed, particularly the invasion of Timur's tomb ...
which made it all seem, the home front, merely the draupadian mess of vulture capitalism...!
Remember ... Soviets and Germans were doing the space war together ... but then the deception was discovered in the red army. the bad apples of jotunnheim had seized power in the red army just because midget apple (nepal) had been neglected by Hitler and Thule and the draupadians who just forgot the earth-centric iceology of early war and resigned to becoming the replacement deep space capitalists (as you could see more clearly especially by Nixon shock era ).
USSR would be invaded.. .Barbarossa.but THIS 2 FRONT WAR COULD NOT BE WON because hess's job was bigger than Hitler's..
Hess couldn't do the India / ocean - side earth sector alone... Gandhi's salt march at the beaches, more to it than it seems...
Hess ought not even have to have asked for forgiveness, if you look at ww2 it is ridiculous in that sense because india was not walking alongside europe/europa because gandhi was anyway a fraud, so what if he was shot after ww2 , of little help ! We had to wait so long for our own struggle of liberation but then it does work at the end ! even as hitler took care of the space sector ... and Europe and Europa ... the planning had not been proper. Indian / earth end had been neglected, lemuria had been left open to klingon invasion even as atlantis had been slightly earth and lemuria was under threat, and atlantis also by now in trump's time almost taken - but now ! both lemuria (earth / ground network) and atlantis (sky network) incipiently alive and i believe a sufficient bridgehead is thus already at handonly one half of the indo-european people cannot liberate the whole - so you see our white / brown continuum of people, strewn in space our fate somehow tied we could have done ww2 + ww3 (2 silmarils practically liberated at a time) better ...divided the jotunn ruled us ("the great game" look it up on wiki all you'll find are misdefinitions )
of course ... but then Europa / Europe -interpol and space solar system was liberated then by the efforts of ww 2 (ferdinand TDs in space) no work done in vain...
Michael Reidy to me: Hitler asks forgiveness. Hess was martyred. One last effort to unite England and Germany and dominate klingon. Stephen Morris collects tanks.
I said... yup that would be understandable,. hitler's was the easier job
He also said earlier, when i mentioned the third war as "endwar" (better prepared): There is Albert Pike, Freemason magus who purportedly speaks of a 3rd World War between the Abrahamic religions [oh but that is a manipulative thing to say]. Mankind will be so frustrated with the hatred, they will lap up Rosemary’s Baby, the antichrist taking birth in the most holy Movement of all...the Krishna Consciousness Movement...which suffered Klingon and nazgul usurpation from ‘77 when Swami Bhaktivedanta was poisoned by his leaders...
I said, Oh that was the pseudo-world war 3 which was planned, but the real idea of it is a war for ground control of earth - it is merely a police action, because the earth is already free except of course at Jotunnheim, in the shadow of Mordor, now Jotunnheim is a pretty interesting theater to work with and it does need a lot of work also and i can do it best. Well, it was to begin with an overthrow of the dark lord, but then as i said about that. ..
if you understand the dark lord, you will see nobody on earth was safe, Bhaktivedanta, anyone, because the drapadians would always snuff anyone out because the near earth was fucked up after v day as kaltenbrunner said "As a German soldier I could only put myself at the service of the defense against those destructive forces which had once brought Germany close to the abyss, and which today, after the collapse of the Reich, are still threatening the world."Except here in South India, the dark lord failed. Threw his acolytes even they had no arms and are held at bay by we Far South Indian steampunks.
Now, these are the pro-earthling powers of the sky... in Andhra Pradesh, trying to make friends do the bidding of the sky.But these die sooner, so they are 1 handed here on earth! They are trapped in a situation by fascists.reminds you of Tyr ? yes~! One hand ! It is just the 1 handed king ! And Hook's Tyr rune - Ian was within that framework of Klingon - supported reformers -- play on your hope for reform, i've nearly been used like this so i know and if you don't know the klingon you'll never suspect their specific method of energy parasitism. They will exploit your goodwill, use it as a marketing gimmick, use you and try to throw you when you're used (so ian was "the candidate" in front of their demiurge), this is what happend to Ian of course...The elites of Klingon are precisely the illuminati... at its center, the marital socialists, who are just the demiurgists, like the dark lord.
I said...Hitler's thing was never really aligned with the OKW, was it... the German war effort to defeat the tyranny of the money powers, of presumably Klingon, who dominated socialism and made it a murder scene back then... was good. I agree, but Hitler was more of a liability... who almost fucked it up and made the Germans suffer.Thule overlords (some good) - to - Hitler - via - bormann/morell ... that leadership structure including fuhrerprinzip was definitely not a "wunderwaffe" but defeatist. Perhaps, indeed. we could have continued WW2 after v-day and finished off WW3 also in that one go had this been taken care of better. But then again, if my silmaril theory is true....things could only have happened the way they did ... a third war (endwar) at earth was always coming once the rest of the problems were solved...
Reidy replies...You have insights but your understanding of Hitler is wrong he’s been propagandized“You take my place in the showdown/I’ll observe with a pitiful eye/Humbly ask your forgiveness/A request well beyond you and I” Hitler to Hesse - IAN C ‘Heart and Soul’
To that i replied :But then if what you're saying is true ....that Hess's job was to take care of the "India sector" i.e. organize Bose's INC and any logical British imperial remnants that were then reeling under the unsparing blows of Gandhian lathees...
Hess was to liberate one whole silmaril i.e. ocean side earth (UED) by himself...? No not even north Africa, Hess's toughest battle was fought by Rommel but of course, there was little that Rommel could do . Ah, even the Graf Spee* would get scuttled.... Alekhine could not possibly bring back the Age of the 3 silmarils, not yet... he had chosen a far too energy parasitic method, knowingly caused too much death (albeit for a good cause, it was indeed the only way known to our ancestors but we cannot carry on like that). He'd accumulated in his body, what is called corruption, and he was hated
* but if you look at its speed, 52.8 knots... 52 ... see? A number of the dark lord, as big brother of the 51 just as 43 is to 42.
And do you see, furthermore -
oh maybe that the whole problem was was just this: Hitler was after all, a fascist (as he could only be, back then, i guess... fascism used to be seen as cooler then, maybe, or maybe the Germans were too poor to have another choice; because at least it challenged the "mdoern times" decadent alternative); the Draupadians had financed Hitler to lead the effort, it might have been what doomed them - that they were as bad as the enemy so the idea of emerging as an elven civilization gets harder in contexts so bloody and defined by want.
The draupadians had betrayed the deep space anti-earth capitalists by siding with hitler and thus defining hitler as a fascist.
That was a good thing they did.
However once the money forces beyond earth were destroyed like any lesbian power monger the draupadians jumped into stalins side by then and enjoyed more their money for a while as the first citizens of the western world, becoming delta demiurgists, murdering the Kennedy et al at their whim and running the anti-hot girl empire of the draupadians.
That’s why the earth silmaril too would not be liberated in ww2 because the capitalists had funded the fascist effort against deep space culture capitalism and indeed that’s why the effort was so unreliable.
Even as the old kind of anti-earthling mentality took hold as Germany was wasted and World War 2 drew to a close...
just before that, as Germany, seeing perhaps the return of the Draupadians to an older (vulture capitalist) ideology into Russia despite (or perhaps because of the excessive brutality of) the siege of Leningrad ...
and the rise of delta demiurgism entailed in stalin's infinite greed, particularly the invasion of Timur's tomb ...
which made it all seem, the home front, merely the draupadian mess of vulture capitalism...!
Remember ... Soviets and Germans were doing the space war together ... but then the deception was discovered in the red army. the bad apples of jotunnheim had seized power in the red army just because midget apple (nepal) had been neglected by Hitler and Thule and the draupadians who just forgot the earth-centric iceology of early war and resigned to becoming the replacement deep space capitalists (as you could see more clearly especially by Nixon shock era ).
USSR would be invaded.. .Barbarossa.but THIS 2 FRONT WAR COULD NOT BE WON because hess's job was bigger than Hitler's..
Hess couldn't do the India / ocean - side earth sector alone... Gandhi's salt march at the beaches, more to it than it seems...
Hess ought not even have to have asked for forgiveness, if you look at ww2 it is ridiculous in that sense because india was not walking alongside europe/europa because gandhi was anyway a fraud, so what if he was shot after ww2 , of little help ! We had to wait so long for our own struggle of liberation but then it does work at the end ! even as hitler took care of the space sector ... and Europe and Europa ... the planning had not been proper. Indian / earth end had been neglected, lemuria had been left open to klingon invasion even as atlantis had been slightly earth and lemuria was under threat, and atlantis also by now in trump's time almost taken - but now ! both lemuria (earth / ground network) and atlantis (sky network) incipiently alive and i believe a sufficient bridgehead is thus already at handonly one half of the indo-european people cannot liberate the whole - so you see our white / brown continuum of people, strewn in space our fate somehow tied we could have done ww2 + ww3 (2 silmarils practically liberated at a time) better ...divided the jotunn ruled us ("the great game" look it up on wiki all you'll find are misdefinitions )
of course ... but then Europa / Europe -interpol and space solar system was liberated then by the efforts of ww 2 (ferdinand TDs in space) no work done in vain...
Michael Reidy to me: Hitler asks forgiveness. Hess was martyred. One last effort to unite England and Germany and dominate klingon. Stephen Morris collects tanks.
I said... yup that would be understandable,. hitler's was the easier job
He also said earlier, when i mentioned the third war as "endwar" (better prepared): There is Albert Pike, Freemason magus who purportedly speaks of a 3rd World War between the Abrahamic religions [oh but that is a manipulative thing to say]. Mankind will be so frustrated with the hatred, they will lap up Rosemary’s Baby, the antichrist taking birth in the most holy Movement of all...the Krishna Consciousness Movement...which suffered Klingon and nazgul usurpation from ‘77 when Swami Bhaktivedanta was poisoned by his leaders...
I said, Oh that was the pseudo-world war 3 which was planned, but the real idea of it is a war for ground control of earth - it is merely a police action, because the earth is already free except of course at Jotunnheim, in the shadow of Mordor, now Jotunnheim is a pretty interesting theater to work with and it does need a lot of work also and i can do it best. Well, it was to begin with an overthrow of the dark lord, but then as i said about that. ..
if you understand the dark lord, you will see nobody on earth was safe, Bhaktivedanta, anyone, because the drapadians would always snuff anyone out because the near earth was fucked up after v day as kaltenbrunner said "As a German soldier I could only put myself at the service of the defense against those destructive forces which had once brought Germany close to the abyss, and which today, after the collapse of the Reich, are still threatening the world."Except here in South India, the dark lord failed. Threw his acolytes even they had no arms and are held at bay by we Far South Indian steampunks.
But i guess i made a mockery of every attempt
of the jotunn to get me or entrap me. Finally the police got too strong and
they could only vent their rage on me and try to run me down as i walked the
roads, but i merely enjoyed it and used the new situation to hone my reflexes
and learn the art of darting between vehicles to cross roads, vaulting
barriers, jumping etc hahah
by now so many options - which path to take ?
Open book.
Well i'm a pretty decent
"unit" but rare one to hold my hand and say let's go, and i,
myself, haven't got a solid clue where to start in india specifically, but
then i have less solid ones, and indeed i can start anywhere.
Just wonder which quest needs focus first, at least iv've started maintaining a quest book haha. Anyone does such things? That is not just rainbow self reliance network? Well I'm so self-reliant by nature that i still think i just gotta at least finish and print my book to make some money to fund a gonzo marco polo lifestyle ... that's always a better example to set. If there's no relief, it is the fear people had to help me or even close in, not a fear of me but what the evil in the dark may do to them if they were to close up to me.
Just wonder which quest needs focus first, at least iv've started maintaining a quest book haha. Anyone does such things? That is not just rainbow self reliance network? Well I'm so self-reliant by nature that i still think i just gotta at least finish and print my book to make some money to fund a gonzo marco polo lifestyle ... that's always a better example to set. If there's no relief, it is the fear people had to help me or even close in, not a fear of me but what the evil in the dark may do to them if they were to close up to me.
How our likes are so contained in thought, neither
does that help...
(anyway ... so silmaril number -
1 - > earth -- to be liberated in
what might as well be called WW3*
2 - > Orus ---
liberated in the deep space aspects of WW1
3 - > galactic center ?) --
liberated in the esoteric / black sun (thule linked) or deep space aspects of WW 2
* - (Natalie Curtis page on FB had the
proof, FB removed it) =>
The next remarkable thing is this ... was
intense ! -
i truly wonder if the dark lord is already
retired at the center of the void
(what i know -- recently -- after fall of
korhal which doomed the ussr - After defeating Mengsk on Korhal, Kerrigan
departed to do battle with Amon)
(if that indeed is the dark lord's
retirement, it would just be the "announcement" that no.
3 was already free as of post-ww2 ... (the esoteric aspects of the whole ww2
effort), if indeed not YET the earth.
Just that, that announcement was hard
so ...
because of the ignorance at earth ...
no. 3 and 2 became more like "devil's
island" (the lords on earth were the lowest ranked people at Valinor, as
Tolkien notes)
... but once earth was awakened the 2 / 3
said aye and the 3 eyes blinked together :) like the old thing they say
about 3 eyes ? :)
As for me, well, at this time as usual the jotunn are being so harsh on me, why just because I fucked up the fools huh
Yes i was always suggesting that the
reformist attitude should kick in and finally it did. An Eendian elite on
Quora Rajeep Singh, said a bad thing or 10, to me:“You are John snow, outcasted
by Gandalf the White”…
A lie… ?
I am first of all, by my own judgment of what I do in my life and my niche, closer to the archetype Maglor… And his Gandalf sounds like a middleman, not even an elf…But an architactile intriguier playing on the hobbit-man-elf pseudo-diplomacy sector, who seems to deny Elrond the right to easily become my friend... but that is the natural logic; see Eru’s song Gandalf and Maglor? Don't think so, it's Elrond and Maglor, Gandalf is more of a "the architect" joker, a Gandhian sarumanist and petty Hollywood hillbilly
A lie… ?
I am first of all, by my own judgment of what I do in my life and my niche, closer to the archetype Maglor… And his Gandalf sounds like a middleman, not even an elf…But an architactile intriguier playing on the hobbit-man-elf pseudo-diplomacy sector, who seems to deny Elrond the right to easily become my friend... but that is the natural logic; see Eru’s song Gandalf and Maglor? Don't think so, it's Elrond and Maglor, Gandalf is more of a "the architect" joker, a Gandhian sarumanist and petty Hollywood hillbilly
Any such "Gandalf the white" who would outcaste me just because , well dunno why... would have to be quite the wormtongue, trying to misrepresent Elrond as a racist in that film.... huh, trying to turn Aragon against Elrond -- Anderson (Pseudo-Andhrason) against Smith! The fools try to divide and rule over man, dwarf, and elf... these jotunn seem to try to frame me as “Dark lord” by cutting me off - but how could they be in such delusion is beyond me ...In Middle earth was the tyranny of the mangolds, of which i was the victim, not within which a tyrant! How can i be “dark lord”… darn jotunn trolls! Me, i'm just earth friend on earth who was trapped like you... the real dark lord in the sky was just collaborating with the draupadians. The imperialists’ kind of Gandalf is probably not even the real Gandalf, just a clerk trying to seize power, like modi….It is no gandalf the white, but saruman the white …
in fact, Saruman the barrow wight!
The jotunn threaten me: “Then come out of middle earth and have a duel. But alas you can not cause you exist in just mere in memory”.
They might have tried to hide the truth about me, but others know.Mere memory? What the hell, I am real, flesh and blood, girls touch me all the time.
Have they ever invited me... ever? Anywhere? Leave alone out of Middle Earth... oh, the haughty jotunn?!
They are weak... any of them, i'd invite to 1 v 1 any computer game (as intelligence based as either mowas2 or counter strike GO) of their choice..… their stupidity will be proven for all to see... the other jotunn challenger brodarjee didn't even install Company of Heroes when I asked him to back then.
He did play once, but he bought a jeep to face a Sherman...
Jotunn says of me: “No link to the real mugged world. A great death eater perhaps. But sorry to say both the dark Lords have been wiped out.”The world they mugged will yet be saved, and is every day being saved. Besides, they are the agents of the dark lord, these classic jotunn style they invert the accusations! Trolls label me a “dark lord” even if i merely exploited the civilizational ability on earth to stand by my victories by old Maglorean steampunk self defense network and just because i ever could say, fuck off to the offer of slavehood proposed by the himalayan giants, somehow it does indeed appear as i i somehow end up some kind of friend to this generation of earth’s pro-space elf free folk... we who're destined to complete the war begun by Gaia against the jotunn forces who cause the husbandry and sex slavery of females...What do vulgarians know about freedom, honor, individualism, or love, or anything that needs a discerning mind to fathom...The Jotunn are slaves by nature and masters in what they regard as their prime... Gaia means earth, here they are prey, better get into their UFOs and fly away. Because even in the skies they were outnumbered, that’s why they’re forced now into a war on earth, and yet they feel as if they might somehow win...
d“But sorry to say both the dark Lords have
been wiped out.”Hahah their empirical theory is so out of luck, have they not
heard of third strike out? In WW 1 the leader of earth died, but no war
effort like that could really go to waste and i believe a silmaril was freed
from THE IRON CROWN OF THE REAL DARK LORD, whose secretary is Sarumanic Gandalf
, champion of the mediocre who wished to outcaste earthlings just because we're
more beautiful and capable - something that by definition can't work.Remember,
Khala, jotunn home planet of Aiur WAS DESTROYED... (Fall of Aiur)
.. it could have been that WW1 was what we saw here, a distant echo of events
in the commonwealth of Orus, which was likely strengthened after the fall of
the Khala Est-clerks' empire at Aiur... the last protest against the great
nerfing of the Khala Protoss was this early terrorist act,
which seems to have slain 22 - 24 Indians who had tried to escape to the Free (sampi)
In WW2 the leader of earth died, but a 2nd silmaril was ultimately freed (with the fall of Korhal in the Star Wars / Cold War) from THE IRON CROWN OF THE REAL DARK LORD, whose secretary is Gandalf the wight.... who in fact is Saruman who poses as Gandalf.And now you have any doubt whether the 3rd silmaril will be liberated or not ?The fools who be outcasteing … it is just that they wall themselves in a dystopia, they are just depressed haters and gay groupists who need enemies to feel "good" and who else but the victorious earthling who can say fuck off to stupidity would be the ideal victim for a jobless jotunn...So you would outcaste me from it that is good, and you by extension outcaste yourself from the work and love based civilization upheld by Kane of USS at the other end?! Thus you might as well stop the pseudo-government funded mass migration of jotunn into South India...!
In WW2 the leader of earth died, but a 2nd silmaril was ultimately freed (with the fall of Korhal in the Star Wars / Cold War) from THE IRON CROWN OF THE REAL DARK LORD, whose secretary is Gandalf the wight.... who in fact is Saruman who poses as Gandalf.And now you have any doubt whether the 3rd silmaril will be liberated or not ?The fools who be outcasteing … it is just that they wall themselves in a dystopia, they are just depressed haters and gay groupists who need enemies to feel "good" and who else but the victorious earthling who can say fuck off to stupidity would be the ideal victim for a jobless jotunn...So you would outcaste me from it that is good, and you by extension outcaste yourself from the work and love based civilization upheld by Kane of USS at the other end?! Thus you might as well stop the pseudo-government funded mass migration of jotunn into South India...!
And yet people ask: Do you think that
the people of India are overly sensitive?
Try having your own country stolen from you!
try to survive attempts to get bullied off
since youth!
Try to be brave where all submit to the law
of cowardice or are traitors as nobody knew !
We're sensitive to avoiding TYRANNY OF these
fools.. Ancient scourge especially here still ongoing as you see!
go through a trial by fire, develop as a
person including emotional functionality
What do you expect me to do but call for
terran Thor assembling
areas to be built either side of jottunheim... hah
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