Do Charlatans with more gay lovers deserve to lord over us? Demiurgistic threat - Was Modi raped by Bear Grylls who was raped by Trump who was raped by the Dark Lord himself ?.. Seemingly Outrageous Theories, but EVIDENTLY Not Far from Reality?
Specific disclaimer -
in the light of the current science confirmed in many new ways (e.g. study of classical monoamine neurotransmitters) in my old theoretical framework ( ) this was so obvious. about depression, especially.
But then sometimes people have a lot of reason to be sad due to unfair mass isolative treatment by idiotocrats, yet we somehow are 99% of the time cheerful, function,, quite remarkably... and these are some mechanisms, like crying which flush out toxins from ofc...keeps the noise levels from attaining even slightly high levels. which is very very good functioning, absolutely the opposite of depression coasting thgou life avoiding diong the wrong thing that is all not trying to contrive solutions to problems in a situation of infinite number of problms which is a steady state (midlife crisis) of high noise* situation
so society is all culturalized and noise right now haha i mean much
So "anxiety" even "paranoia" when socially targeted is not a "disease" as much as dying due to cyanide posisoning out of eating 50 apples with seeds is a "disease"
the root cause the targetive (energy parasitic) nature of some parts of society should be tackled and that is another more interesting question in applied neuroscience (for example, to control the intrigues of politicians e.g.
The question we must ask at this point of civilization'd evolution is this - should one tolerate the system of infiltration of assault psychiatry with gay people misdefining straight people as "crazy" and doing what they do, the other political side of things
which is not at all discussed..
i mean then you have, these people, trump etc.
here is explored.a human disease, or perhaps one might as well be a bit more sympathetic and see it as a shock that idiocracy by default bestows on all who begin with promise as kids, a human tragedy such as the victim of a road accident -- the orthodox politician, the fascist or egotistic politician, a malbot (irregularly harmful estclerk), a hyper-cowardly, hyper-anal debasement (who has been taught several painful anal lessons in "TRUE DIPLOMACY" such as is preferred by the world that is dead, thus defining their nature as demiurgistic or fascist) of the soldier, or real man, who, in contrast, is seen as brave and valiant
If you look at meetings...
Politicians have quick reactions of friendship or enmity only because they are gay
they can always justify anything by saying i was afraid of being raped by that giant dicked bully etc.
it would even seem that being gay is a requirement for being a real politician!
And this the "moral business of politics" is taught at the demiurgistic churches and such bodies with a seemingly noble purpose, where never are even questioned, the estclerks !
and let us not forget that universities are an attempt to wear a secular or "academically justified, by true logic" disguise, often...
the underlying demiurgism CAN BE undeniable, they can seem demiurgistic nodes of bacterial cultures which could be at least a bit more viral
But imagine these hardened nests of the estclerks, defined thus by balzac:
"The State, or, if you like to have it so, La Patrie, has taken the place of the sovereign. The clerks no longer take their instructions directly from one of the first magistrates in the realm. In our day, in spite of our fine ideas of La Patrie, they are government employe's, while their chiefs are drifted hither and thither by every wind that blows from a quarter known as the ministry, and the ministry cannot tell to-da}* whether to-morrow will find it in existence. As routine business must always be de- spatched, there is always a fluctuating number of super- mimeraries who cannot be dispensed with, and yet are liable to dismissal at a moment's notice. All of these naturally are anxious to be "established clerks." And thus Bureaucracy, the giant power wielded by pygmies, came into the world. Possibly Napoleon retarded its in- fluence for a time, for all things and all men were forced to bend to his will; but none the less the heavy curtain of Bureaucracy was drawn between the right thing to be done and the right man to do it. Bureaucracy was definitely or- ganized, however, under a constitutional government with a natural kindness for mediocrity, a predilection for categori- cal statements and reports. They hastened to make them- selves indispensable, hampering energy with documents, thereby creating a vis inertice, styled the Report. When kings had ministers, and they only began this practice under Louis XV., they were wont to have a re- port drawn up on all important questions, instead of taking counsel as before with the great men of the realm. Imper- ceptibly, ministers were compelled by their understrappers to follow the royal example. They were so busy holding their own in the two Chambers or at Court, that they al- lowed themselves to be guided by the leading-string of the Report. If anything of consequence came up in the ad- ministration, the minister had but one answer to the most pressing question "I have asked for a report." In this way the Report became for men in office, and in public business generally, pretty much what it is for the Chamber of Deputies and the Legislature, a sort of consultation in the course of which the reasons for and against a measure are set forth with more or less impartiality. The minister, like the Chamber, after reading it, is very much where he was before. Any kind of decision must be made instantaneously. Whatever the preliminary process, the moment comes when you must make up your mind, and the bigger the array of arguments, the harder it is to come by a wise de- cision. The greatest deeds were done in France before re- ports were invented and decisions were made out of hand. The supreme rule for statesman, lawyer, or physician is the same, to adopt a definite formula to suit each individual case."
the underlying demiurgism CAN BE undeniable, they can seem demiurgistic nodes of bacterial cultures which could be at least a bit more viral
But imagine these hardened nests of the estclerks, defined thus by balzac:
"The State, or, if you like to have it so, La Patrie, has taken the place of the sovereign. The clerks no longer take their instructions directly from one of the first magistrates in the realm. In our day, in spite of our fine ideas of La Patrie, they are government employe's, while their chiefs are drifted hither and thither by every wind that blows from a quarter known as the ministry, and the ministry cannot tell to-da}* whether to-morrow will find it in existence. As routine business must always be de- spatched, there is always a fluctuating number of super- mimeraries who cannot be dispensed with, and yet are liable to dismissal at a moment's notice. All of these naturally are anxious to be "established clerks." And thus Bureaucracy, the giant power wielded by pygmies, came into the world. Possibly Napoleon retarded its in- fluence for a time, for all things and all men were forced to bend to his will; but none the less the heavy curtain of Bureaucracy was drawn between the right thing to be done and the right man to do it. Bureaucracy was definitely or- ganized, however, under a constitutional government with a natural kindness for mediocrity, a predilection for categori- cal statements and reports. They hastened to make them- selves indispensable, hampering energy with documents, thereby creating a vis inertice, styled the Report. When kings had ministers, and they only began this practice under Louis XV., they were wont to have a re- port drawn up on all important questions, instead of taking counsel as before with the great men of the realm. Imper- ceptibly, ministers were compelled by their understrappers to follow the royal example. They were so busy holding their own in the two Chambers or at Court, that they al- lowed themselves to be guided by the leading-string of the Report. If anything of consequence came up in the ad- ministration, the minister had but one answer to the most pressing question "I have asked for a report." In this way the Report became for men in office, and in public business generally, pretty much what it is for the Chamber of Deputies and the Legislature, a sort of consultation in the course of which the reasons for and against a measure are set forth with more or less impartiality. The minister, like the Chamber, after reading it, is very much where he was before. Any kind of decision must be made instantaneously. Whatever the preliminary process, the moment comes when you must make up your mind, and the bigger the array of arguments, the harder it is to come by a wise de- cision. The greatest deeds were done in France before re- ports were invented and decisions were made out of hand. The supreme rule for statesman, lawyer, or physician is the same, to adopt a definite formula to suit each individual case."
it would even seem that being gay is a requirement for being a real politician!
no wonder i never got into any groups, i was not even as slightly gay as needed )
Politicians !
the earth has found its problem! They claim to be better than the lepers that promise to follow their misdeeds!
"Chamchaa Neheru" - Case study on the futility of demiurgistic career politicians -
Why do you love Nehru anyway?
What was so great about him, what did he do ?
you have your secret cults of personality, please tell what you like about some person…
so much as to impose a nehru trophy name on Kerala’s old thing and make it a bit ridiculous even
The mountain giant politics is just wrong
Nehru was likely not as intelligent as a leader should have been just because he was gay
Gay men have smaller right brains than the right brains of straight males, of which trump said "compared to mine, it is [h]uge"Gay ... "men".... have less norepi ....
remember that real deep MAN TALK is something REAL (straight) females are DESIGNED TO love (proof - their bigger corpus callosums that facilitate understanding of right brain style input), esp those that due to straight male input get more beautiful...
Females have more capacity to absorb straight males like me BUT due to the unnatural CULTURAL emphasis on shallowness in males
and a culture of denial of males e.g. normalization of fembot prudeishness and playing hard to get etc. (which only faggots can overcome by using their cheats i.e. liaison with and holding of the females via lesbians via the political commonality and interlocking maritalistic (core of the marital socialist demiurgistic empire) it is a marredness in LGBT structure ... whereby a platonic commonality is absurdly held among lesbians and gays, using which gays could influence the sigma demiurgistic apparatus on behalf of the delta demiurgists represented by the bisexual community that dominated them, which itself was related to the generic malbot community that is unable to transcend the malbot stereotype to demonstrate a civilized habit like true love (which is hard to understand, but is simply the opposite of (energy or physical) parasitism).
but sometime they forget what straight / norepic talk is and become trapped in the faggot culture which is very shallow and debases them, too...
it is a different type of male with less nonlinear thinking, but finds it easy to gel with both delta and sigma thus prone to demiurgicity and fascsizing of government and self promotion within a futile culturalization
this would have irritated many straight thinkers both male and female rightly as he was too slow
TALKING more / charismatic small talk
is not mental speed of thinking which is what leaders require
in fact charisma for its own sake e.g. trump or modi or the typical “i’m the wise guy look at my jokes you’re all idiots” kinda secretly bullied by the dark lord bad joke cracking homosexual politicians —- is dangerous -
The power of charisma--perceived charisma inhibits the frontal executive network of believers in intercessory prayer.
Homosexuals might be good at survival as politicians and yet leadership is not merely about that!
A security detail should OFFICIALLY take care of that aspect of the politician being bullied by lobbyists
Nehru may have done 1 good thing = provided a bulwark against patriarchistic demiurgicity in the north
what is the bad kinda terrorist
Someone given money for nothing and guns for free by the sigma demiurgists to destablize milintary intelligence which is the only hope of the non-demiurgistic sampi
classical good analogue fights (typically, delta side) demiurgist politician agents pretending as real (female-loving) soldiers or officials
whereby the females were deceived by the queen’s gay
if Nehru provided a bulwark against patriarchistic demiurgicity in the north
which was not OPPORTUNISTICALLY merely a mockery of mil-int as i suspect it was
I’d rather know more about a female stranger next to me than some nehru… even if he is linked to some sigma demiurgistic apparatus, in jotunnheim jotunn love to make a parody of it
and whole of femalekind gets fucked BECAUSE of this (and of course because of what he claims to fight too… but you see, do you not, you see? Ican’t even type here too much… and few would dare invite me to talk about it). Nehru basically belongs, then to the congressee core that mistreats Indians established clerk for this…
Some have stock in Nehru inc.
Not me
what has he done to me
what has he done for my friendgirls who bleed because of what he stands for, a demiurgification of the sigma taking it farther away from sampis like me (we at earth, are reduced to economic variables measured by girls only for what money we have, not who we are or our genes,…
I mean i actually saw a guy called Manuj Nahar in my wing, in iitm he smiled at me, basically selling my keep to the terrorists of klingon
Even now they give nothing to us, the hardworking people of the plains, these jotunn of the mountains.
why should i care if rot is the fate of naharu’s demiurgists who’ve always killed people like me and my friends treating me as “(possible delta ) male resistance” even though i was PURELY A SAMPI …
what was our error ?
we did not realize we were in jottunheim. Luckily, i ended up far from jottunheim, where a person like me cannot flirt in peace without a herd of latheechargers turning up…
the crazy part is, you won’t understand it until you do !
To a straight male like me, Nehru represents everything bad, the faggotisation of the world and the crushing of the straight male like me and the rape and murder of beautiful girls - the passing of the old courageous type of friendly male, its replacement by a type of man living on the females labor misleading them as mil int always must win.
The weak must always lose.
And where sigma demiurgicity is more, neheru will come and dive into the girls JUST LIKE THAT.
Because he is defined as a “friend of the girls”
and true friends of the girls like me are misdefined BY THE SAME terrorists and hacktards as “possibly delta side evil people. like every other male”… the faggots have a story that only gay males are real males and every other male is a hater, it would seem.
it is marred. Nehru’s marriage to Gandhi … you really care about the platonic gay relationships of geezers?
You know that the straight solve the peoples’ problems, the crooked of mind create them.
That is a FACT because of the neuroscience -
The other type of politician is the Sigma demiurgist turned delta demiurgist (e.g. Hitler after he killed Geli Raubel .. but he had at times promised to be a sampi, not merely a delta ... and that's why eva braun also killed herself ... or Modi, after he used some girl to gain power, then, joined the demiurgistic patriarchicate and, again, failed to explore the sampi aspects.
That is what a leader must do and those who cannot are not relevant in leadership even if they have more male lovers who will all die for their fuhrer, like the gay bodyguards of hitler who we always describe as a caution.
In response to me raising the idea of outlawing marriage, modi beats his chest in the capital of my state (attached picture about gay marriage in trivandrum)
and what about his own misrule?
the bloody problem with eendia - "‘Make in India’, the flagship initiative of this government, re-emerged as the pivotal talking point in this Budget. "
in the parliaments there are only faggots dominating any straight ministers,
it is closer to unruly gangs dominated by the peasant lords the tyrants
who give all tax to land abusing* peasants and banks i.e. themselves as bailouts and expect us to suffer !
there are only talking points, no brains capable of applied philosophy and little sympathy for those who are
It is no laughing matter -
technically this makes Modi either illegal (from a health/straight/actual/non-energy parasitic human context) in the parliament house or bound to end his gay marital socialist relationships with the leading powers of the world
Note the risk, as a gay politician by definition "scratches the back" of every parasitic gay man he meets (to take more than give) just as I like to give to girls, and the dangers have been well explored by a great number of authors, see my post.
Note the risk, as a gay politician by definition "scratches the back" of every parasitic gay man he meets (to take more than give) just as I like to give to girls, and the dangers have been well explored by a great number of authors, see my post.
Politicians !
the earth has found its problem! They claim to be better than the lepers that promise to follow their misdeeds!
As mustaine said, hindsight is always 2020.
But for me we can speak of foresight being so so even in 2019 a bit more, we know.
So the old lords of the Old 20 died:
Trump bullied everyone by claiming that he is USA and that USA adds India to a list of 20 countries that are pro-weed and pro-earthling as seen in a newspaper clip:
2 days after that, corrupt cops sought a license to terrorize children and rape weed smoking girls as the media irresponsibly said about the Alwal police station case - as their revenge for Hyderabad's corrupt demiurgists getting caught the other day
"Hyderabad: The Alwal police on Saturday night caught a student red-handed while he was selling ganja in its limits. According to police, the accused K Shiva Pradeep (20), a resident of Jonnabanda was selling ganja to the needy customers in Suryanagar. On reliable information, police raided and seized 4 packets of ganja weighing 80 grams, and a bike from the possession of the accused and remanded him."
Baitman tries to declare himself international Rajeev Gandhi ?
must be suspected. -
To take away the Indian peoples' newfound right to grow our own weed?
Which was already anyway guaranteed after WW2 but overturned by Rajeev Gandhi, for which Nalini blew him up by a dialectical process which even courts couldn't find fault with...
(by the way disclaimer -
the idea that Modi might have been raped by Bear Grylls who was raped by Trump who was raped by the Dark Lord himself, is quite evidently outrageous.
Trump need not even be in this network, he goes seeking the hottest space angels , I'm sure Trump would always refuse to sleep with Bear Grylls, or it is not known, if he does that makes everyone throw up a bit more i guess.
Damn, thinking about it makes you throw up...
Time to focus on some beauty !
the idea that Modi might have been raped by Bear Grylls who was raped by Trump who was raped by the Dark Lord himself, is quite evidently outrageous.
Trump need not even be in this network, he goes seeking the hottest space angels , I'm sure Trump would always refuse to sleep with Bear Grylls, or it is not known, if he does that makes everyone throw up a bit more i guess.
Damn, thinking about it makes you throw up...
Time to focus on some beauty !

Trump will have to invade India for his cunning plans to work, not just rape Modi, because we were never bent to Modi
and we have no faggot binding code to obey Modi just because he was raped by Bear Grylls.
and we have no faggot binding code to obey Modi just because he was raped by Bear Grylls.
But let's be cautious about our poor nation.
Let's be in no illusion about the clear and present danger -
Is fascism trying a different "smart missile" strategy to destabilize indian government (India --> Eendia conversion the-rapey)...
On Trump's orders, it would appear that Bear Grylls raped Modi, who unraveled the Prime dick in the Alwal police station, whereby a child was bullied and less than a kilo of weed was taken by the police from him.
Either one or both thee things can surely be said -
1 ) the kid arrested was klingon mafia (e.g. name K Shiva Pradeep (20), it is a common name for Klingon demiurgists who believe themselves to be the Gods, Shiva etc.
2 ) Modi fascists are trying to sell Trump rights to start an America style "drug war of profit" against the unique "orange kush" landrace of Far South India
The general understanding on such situations is already clear in India; politicians should not be allowed to harass policemen.
I remembered on seeing Alwal, the Alwar dynasty of peninsular demiurgists, and a demiurgistic manager appointed to me, in a company where i worked "BGR Energy", whose boss died 1 month after i quit, was named Mr. Ravi Alwar.
Anyway, this may indicate that the Trump fascists are trying to regroup with the "Telengana Titan demiurgists" and move on the newfound freedom of India.
This should not be allowed to destroy the weed supply of Far South India, which the fascists have attacked in the past and are expected to, and are currently attacking.
I may at this point only tell this to you, that I thought of the word root ALWAL and then i remembered that the ex-mod had added this fellow, named Mr. Dave Walford, to my group Open Fellowship of Deep Space Diplomats, and I was too foolishly optimistic maybe. The Wal infiltration is obvious because the ex-mod too was opportunistically demiurgistic so maybe a bad walnut got into the fruit and nut ice-cream, so that we see such minor problems of demiurgistic estclerkery, so this is a good example perhaps of how we elves underestimate terrorist's ability to deceive us by pretending interested in the common good.
So as an immediate punishment (punishments should be appropriate and immediate) ...
for this attempt to hurt the welcoming hand, and to prevent such further mischief...
I removed Dave from the group after this public trial, it is no show trial, no absence of a good reason ..
because the ex-mod was a bit too demiurgistic anyway and i don't know anybody here on FB at all but once i see they're demiurgists, that's it i kick them
For anybody with any doubt, me, the most popular writer on the topic of Cannabis in India, should clarify that the general mil-int understanding, on weed, is actually this .
Now even the Sky agrees with this as today I got a violet shirt guy upvoting my answer too, Mr. Aakashdeep.
It could be that the 20 year old Shiva Pradeep was a Klingon demiurgist and a fair target for anti-mafia, prosharing police.
In any case, the ORANGE KUSH landrace weed that we mil-int get in Chennai now (and my hair is orange now) ....
is a LOCAL TREASURE SPECIES of South India and must be preserved as it is CRITICALLY ENDANGERED
this supply chain for the civilians must not be attacked by demiurgists.
There is certainly a Pseudo-American trumpist threat... that i cannot rule out.
no man vs. wild crew should be found trumpeting about which plant to uproot or which elephant to kill !
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