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#log54: The Saga of the Middlemen: The Secrets of Big IT in India

Context: contemporary fascism's expert big IT tactics are no secret

What I had said a month ago proves true:

Context: -

Little did I know, when I wrote below tweet today morning, that I will chance upon the belly of the beast the same day...

Now this is incredible...  

remember my old post about international barber shop chain geopolitics in Hyderabad -- about hair cut as a micro political activity 

...(you can find the relevant part if you search "Adnan" here)...

(as isaiahjanzen writes, "A haircut is a good metaphor for life. Removing the old and allowing room for the new.")

How old. Maybe I can imagine, brutus kinda barber who stabbed Caesar when he was getting his hair cut, sometimes he died by accident bro etc. But yeah not all need be bad but.. Those systematically used for profit, by some kind of power cult, then we have to look at it. 

Now I found the same in my city Trivandrum, but if that Adnan was about an earthwide political dead weight ensured by maintaining a chokehold at Hyderabad...

 this new case I explored is a far more decisive, galaxy wide political dead weight ensured by maintaining a chokehold at Trivandrum...

What does the etymology suggest - the delicate diplomatic balancing of northern "Ram" and southern "Ravan" types has to be done here. 

But also thus is room.. for a fake diplomacy (via big IT as Ignorance Tech")

That's a bit like Hyderabad where that other barber stabbed a girl trying to take my side apparently, where a delicate / difficult diplomacy between Hindu and Muslim populations, or north and south India, must be done...

And its opposite is more often seen because the good is so vulnerable, unsupported, unknown... (we are still in a quantum dark age - indeed though the light we shine out from our information's graveyard places is strong ... earth is at the height of that dark age (even if it's rapidly reversing, a kind of point of inflection is today detected...).


I had some work reactivating a bank account at Technopark.. i wanted to dodge the main road so took the parallel road behind it back home.

I realized that this place fell right at the start of a road that my dad had showed me the other day that led from a politically troubled ISRO area* behind my house 

(Rocket launching fisherman kinda place.. anti-CT aka Nimbusamy false priests haunting the ISRO campus...) 


to a distant odd place that my dad had heard off and he asked me to drive him there one weekend, go looking. 

There he was talking about a Shiva temple which is apparently hardly ever open, 3 hrs on some days apparently, when I went it was closed. ..  in a territory full of churches otherwise (the beach road), some of those religious elites could be 'uge lords of the sea... thus any power cultist "religious faces"*.. offer competition to the real.

* maybe some crazy 6 star generals tc, you know (merely owing to their foothold in earth, that they could exploit to milk the military system as "informal generals" and try to deny such footholds, the source of their power, to other angels (thus falsely casting a bad reputation on earth) just how they try to keep free earthlings like me "down to earth" etc... So evidently the different religion / temple there was surrounded and its people in a grim position is what I mean.

So... clearly.. that also is a politically important place due to the religious politics and diplomacy/ anti-diplomacy potential... indeed so much so (given the context) -- that Shashi Tharoor, at present Big IT power monger in South India -- had once nearly come to rule the diplomatic/pseudo-diplomatic arena in the UN -- and for example, the main road between technopark gate and this barber site has an under construction flyover on which the current "top diplomat" of India carried out some strange rituals, quite shady.)


Between ISRO where work is to be done, and that temple place, scope for lynching diplomats, eh? 

Now the exact site I came to when taking my way back home from the bank ...  happens to be exactly opposite the Technopark main gate (and obviously that's a main factor in what I'll describe I saw there), but you have to go past the main road to the next road. 

This is what you see there ~ a saloon called ~ Facelook! 

Right next to the Big IT stronghold in Trivandrum that is so secretive that outsiders are not even allowed into that campus -- there is a big CT and pseudo-CT guards net. Look at this! Red and black! Whereas Facebook itself is white (opposite of black) and blue (opposite of red) .. note police colors red and blue etc. Now, the barber there was a north Indian, evokes recent troubles in the city.... So this is huge scope for pseudo-diplomacy and pseudo-CT (justified by potential for diplomacy, and CT nearby) in the Technopark-barber power structure... 

In many ways - the colors theme, and the north Indian - south Indian theme... so this is a big profit cash cow for "knowers of the anna-data "...

The barber's network can simply stab etc. any nice guy, many "techies" keep dying in India anyway, or missing, unexplained...

And funny thing is the barber's network is in theory justified against ignorance and evil in Facebook (or those misdefined as such) ~ reps of FaceLook (the far L), red / black etc... but funny, the 8 letters all surrounded by white :) . But if misinformed (by those who hold knowledge of such networks, camping in technopark nearby), it is more a problem.

As we'll see ...

So more of a clue to understand the new migrants' crime wave in the city, of which only a tip of the iceberg is reported due to increasing corruption in the polis (politics and even police,  after the lemon head attacked 18 cops here)...

(Pretty crazy... that Dilip, a fool who raped an actress, is getting away due to the power cult's terror in this city / state...)

The problem is clear...

(Also note in above map, Hotel B6 inn... this is linked to the "F" (6) ~ Facebook, facelook etc... Coz I recall the true Shiva's link with the number 6 and Saturn, him being closer to the idea of Diinkarazan)...

Now.. as I walked back... I found a "Big E" (5) linked ancient local orange... people out here clearly understand alphabets well, due to talking more, although I understood em all by my own research, did not speak to anyone.

Now out here of such people many are friends of the local fishermen, nice but poor people, not blessed by Big IT Big Money but have far networks in the Cygnus E I guess... 

Maybe the origins of some of the truly diplomatic rivals to Big Ignorance's systematic anti-diplomacy program.

This "Orenge salon" is closer to my home... but more the local nobility, it's very clear 

(even a nice-looking girl from a big house with a car inside looked at me as I walked past somewhere nearby)

Now what's interesting is that sometimes one can see big stretches of land, for example just next to Facelook salon:

Definitely some forests (and wood elf types) are not far from Trivandrum... As I got closer to my home I found an exact parallel to what I'd seen just outside the colony where the girl who was stabbed in Hyderabad lived (search tree city here) -- a lumberjack shop (sell tree corpses: assault on natural people and nature) : - 

Not to mention, a rather "Aryan" name, huh... some local elites who can help serve as a channel to Big IT  maybe...

Trivia ~ The first time I saw this name Facelook was at a different location near Aries Plex theater, maybe that will help get to the bottom of this mystery if more clues are needed. My guess is that was less "core power"...

( for, if I recall it had a blue board...)

Anyway, we understand why these Big IT types overnight started harboring aspirations to world domination ...

(Infosys Moscow over Putin, the UK etc)

(PS - I will not say "Indian Big IT", just ... "Big IT in India", it is dirty money of Indian / international origin used against both Indians and others -- 

for example, we find Microsoft (similarly infiltrated) etc. offices in the similar Hyderabad, or even here in Technopark more than a few MNCs).

All these big IT places...

Anyway, meanwhile nature / entropy takes its own actions against Big ignorance ... cuts hybris down to size :)

PS / update 1  - a few hours after I wrote this post , I see on reddit ... !!!

Update 2, 1 day after the first ~ I think it is more fruitful... yet another accurately thrown information grenade :)

(PS ~ that dude Mahek is not "lower caste", that's just to get benefits and passes... more like upper + lower caste... 
as is everyone actually, is is merely a pseudo-sociological idea to enviously attack nobility... 

Some demented lemonheads invented false labels, birthing the elitist dogmas of the age of lies starting millions of years ago../

Ah I can't tell you the details now, even if I have so many episodes 80% complete ... as...
Can't work on my films, now... I have no money to replace my LCD monitor that, well... turned white suddenly when I was playing CSGO :)

Still can't beg, ..  that is the policy, I can jump into a battlefield if needed, but not beg :)    

just ... "spoils of war"

... for our likes...
If fools ask for a war by offering to dominate thinkers.. 
It's always been our oath of the noldor feanor. 

They beat their chests but later it gets hard...

.. harsh truths for some biggies in quora too :) 

As much as is needed to fix the agnipat style privateer / other random barber/IT/other fascist etc problems, to secure law and order from the typical kind of fascist gestapo assaults on the state law and order (examples from delhi, Kerala (nambi crusahad against 18 cops), Gujarat (attack on top cop and civil society) , and before that bombay (attack on leading Mumbai cop which was preceded by attack against CT in Mumbai terrorist attacks which was also part of the generic dogmatic lemonhead or something fascist problem) have been seen recently)… and vs state leadership... that are getting common…

At least enough manpower to negate the intrigues of fascist bashibazookas and their allies eg high profile white collar criminals is recommended. And it's okay to say, state civilians like me who help law and order are also in the ranks (eg public embedded (merely owing to my non affiliation emphasis) ombudsman like me) without necessarily talking about some ceremonial exposed position or pomp that are usually more opportunity for blackmail / methods that tend to be exploited by the power cult, for example making it about “official” (powercult approved) “head” etc. For example the modi government recently gave cash rewards to some eight cops in Kerala etc, it's more like bribery by the privateers.

This answer can only be appreciated given the context of our times that only power cult stake holders can deny…

Of course some will see police etc as a free for all / groupist fief. Especially in a day when using it to do white collar crime seems more acceptable to some drunkard CEOs etc here and there etc. But frankly by military/police law it's none of their business. It's more about bully control and assisting nobility to bring civilization (if only I were allowed to focus on just that) /nobility for all without being troubled by stupid bullies.

Unfortunately, the syndrome of far peasant wanderers framing their victims* is more prevalent in South India. 


* As you see in my now-deleted quora answer:

Profile photo for Anand M Kumar

Frankly I haven’t seen South Indian movies despite being from here but I couldn’t resist bombing a stereotype as funny as this.

Some films may (dunno) portray girls as “easy”, as if their consent matters little, that is obviously bad / criminal.. 

but I don’t think that is what you mean.

I think you may have confused straight appreciation for females, aka “objectification”, like supermodel pin ups, sexy girls,  etc with a patriarchist idea about how Orwellian anti-love police is good, girls must be seen by a strictly asexual lens “coz men are rapists anyway”.

Ask any sexy girl ~ she wants her sexiness to be recognized and wants to be loved. Moreover, this is critical for the health of CT civilization against bullies / terrorists etc. At least my wife is like that. Ugly girls might not want that...

Well, that “look at girls asexually / prudishly” is perhaps your culture, but definitely not truly native to South India, S E Asia, places I’ve seen in Eastern Europe like Prague, Free America or any civilized part of the world where it is entirely okay for girls to be sexy and it is okay for guys to acknowledge that. 

More straight rights. 

You understand that Taliban deobjectification of girls is accompanied by more rape etc. The culture differs. It’s like if a girl is spotted without guard etc., that means rape etc., it has become default culture. Here .. no, girls are independent and everyone knows that.

So.. rape is statistically almost nonexistent in South India except when perpetrated by guru cult elites, Singh is king in chennai express types, or in general people from a (non-Kanyakumari/Agastya type) culture that is different from the true autochthons here. One mist not equate a place’s criminal sects with the real.

Of course, there are some rapists in South Indian film industry, like this one dude who apparently has many bigshots dancing to his “guru nataka is good because guru is good thus all that does not submit is bad and rape of bad is good” etc. looney tune. But these are again not true South Indian but guru cult imports from the direction of the himalayan blunder, perhaps born to Taliban type elitist wanderers who purchased land in South India in the 1930s and even much before. Actually the infiltration is millions of years old, and continues today.

But it is from the barbarian places which treat women as 0; if boys and girls get straight, they attack, saying, “objectification of women”. Such is false morality that ultimately tries to prevent humans from living their lives...



15 / 09 ~ Update ~ 10 days after this post was published, the newspaper (click for more local news from today):

(See who replaces the guy fired: 

some Singh is king kinda power cult guy like a khalistani terrorist that even yday was trying to be "funny"!)

(All these terrorists are natural hackers ~ "Devops | Techie".. etc..)

It's really funny, the kinda syllogic they use to frame thinkers... e.g.see the Taiwan example here...



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