Edmund Duke (Dark Trump) and the Dark Lord's Brahmanic Jaipagamate Party in a Twisted Plot to conquer India and then the Earth ?
(Most Cartoons here were borrowed from original authors online gg xD )
Tharoor arrest order just for saying that "Modi is trying to turn India into Hindu Pakistan"...
Modi's friends terrorists in Dhaka point this out, see... "there is a warrant", whose warrant? A Kolkata court!
So terrorists in Dhaka repeat the idea of a fake lawyer turned judge whose long tongue had to dig its own grave .. love's revenge !
As the fact that he's now outsourcing to Dhaka-based quite possibly ISIS-affiliated / terrorist news networks shows, as below also shows, if there was ever a paper tiger, it is this ... even Indian media is not daring to tarnish its image so readily by associating with a temporary tyrant
[Dark] Modi, with media support, is trying to usurp judiciary powers also, but again only dubous sources air such fake news reports (note the difference between "To withdraw" and "is exploring the possibility of withdrawing the case") -
Bold lies - BJpist media bullying and headline misquoting the judiciary
"The court has cleared him"
Modi is kinda crazy And seemingly irrevocably tied to the most vulgar of the marital socialists. The army command is different and Modi seeks to grab it...Modi actually believes himself to be a great gay commander or what the hell ... the faggods empire collapses like a funny ww3 anyway now that the action started in jottunheim where until now only talking was seen as action happened elsewhere. The chiefs of army staff are (supposed to be) professionals - of great learning - and Modi is too unprofessional ... He's not even as strong as hitler but he's an insular and monastic nomadic intriguer from the least known deserts.. the only thing he had was a pretension to insignificant foolhood as a mere chaiwala but he seems to be a seasoned spy or in any case dangerous, mentally unstable person as shown in the abruptness of decisions like demonetisation
Anyway, how can an aspect of the past be withdrawn? This must be a fraud like the old one !
Modi says "Khan market gang" but who is the real generic "gang related to Islamic terrorists".. because... it can't be that all Khans are demiurgistic idiots just because a bunch of them we saw were demiurgistic idiots.
It can even be another surname, perhaps, maybe a Shah, maybe a Dilli's shah or Mr. Dilshad the reporter!
As you see, freedom is under attack
This cannot be the status quo in a country like ours, just because the fundamental idea in the minds of all is that there is no tyranny.
Modi et al. 's calls must also be audited by supreme court (RTI(Feed) -- all PM calls because 90% are their illegal gay lobbyists etc. anyway)
or just cut off ! i'd say it is not j & K terrorists merely - state terrorism is a bigger th
Until then, unless they beg for mercy and surrender the money printing powers to the common people instead of claiming to be "wealth creators" as the fool did the other day...
the tyrants' time for accepting their mistakes and urgency of reform ... is running out
(Krypton isn't yet decommissioned of course, till the last of the fallen Draupadian's politically active manwitches are halted)
Below is drawn a list of power-mongering gay lovers suspected to exist in Indian government under Shahenshah Ameet Shajee (estimated ranking)
1. Amit Sha Jee urf Brahmanmarshall Shahenshah Amonshyjee
NATO callsign "Burpee"
Officially described as "chief strategist of the BJP and a close aide to Narendra Modi", he is in fact a prime manwitch and malbot commander under his former boss, the last of the Draupadians (it is not merely Mohicans, or dodos or the dhoinutzy... everywhere one sees, a race of privileged fools going extinct as the earth irreversibly strived towards logic, even as the dark lord sung the countdown to his own extinction)
weapon (public carry) - telescopic/expandable Repeating Lathee* (range = 4 ms. modern upgrade of the ancient peasant flail)
Favorite pokemon - none
Armor - Negligible (the Kurta paijama of the Vice Maharajah of Gaipajama)
Brief picto-biography
2. Wingmate Cdr. Shah Daroobhee Abhimani
(NATO callsign "LesserSload"),
Armor - Elven chanmail custom-made for large waist under the Kurta paijama of the Wice Maharajah of Gaipajama
weapon (public carry) - unknown, possibly Inoco nano-uzi
Favorite pokemon - none
previewed here
He is no mere man in black on a rare good mission ...
it is not a man in black, but a bleak manwitch who wore black. A para-military SubShah in his own right, armed with:
a) Several legions of terrorist infantry
b) ISIS-style gun trucks
c) Helicopters with mercenaries
d) Light tanks
3. Commodore Jaitley, Special Passenger in Jettison Airways, ex-Financial Commander of the Modi Corps, Wounded in Action
4. Yogay Adityanath and the rest - well, how the hell would i know about these politicians, just that they are all greedy opportunists in the service of fear, and of course here the yogi bear the mortal foe of man and yeti alike !
The true victor of WW 2 was not earth, which is yet to be liberated - but the bear jews
(who were not the human adherents of the Jewish faith, but talking and semi-sentient bears with UFOs, so they did win WW2, of course, but they're obviously not going to win WW3/WL1)
The usurpers of the Jaipagamate ... !
They should learn from history it is not about who killed the most which determines your fate, but if you are hoarding power and blocking the logical world's direction or not
Betrayal is custom for the Brahmanic Jaipagamate, because on earth they are actors from afar always remember:
The economy is so fucked, can't just sit around about it:
Selling India's currency printing rights to the Jotunn -
Artificial selection of mad cows who are more pliant to the sexual needs of the Jotunn:

Chief among them is found another demiurgist of the Brahmanic Jaipagamate
Propaganda? Yes
Lies and misquotations of authority? Yes
Action on the ground dubling up on that? You betcha!
satya pal malike governer of J& K barred Rahul Gandhi who is reduced to asking or permission to enter J & K .... why can't Rahul Gandhi (or well, just about anyone, even i could volunteer) be allowed to enter J & K with a security drawn from armed forces professionals and a public-affiliated video / commentator team?
All mil-int-aligned authorities ought to do more to contain the fascist threats, in USA and India...
Given the situation -
I say something a bit unthought and funny about Jinping, as he looked like Jwngshar Narzary the IIT M fascist at Nigeria who i unconnected at Linked yday.. and... because i hate wikipedia, and suddenly the fascists say Jinping is angry the next day ah they're all little spoilt children! If you speak of it, you speak of the sload of jotunnheim...
prelude -

Below you will see a lesser pseudoyeti, which, despite displaying the characteristic yetiwalk, is not in fact a yeti but an older species closer to the Vedic jotunn specializing in Draupadian gender politics... Although, below, we see a relatively gigantic specimen, who had installed himself, in the manner of the fabled emperors, as a self-styled "kashyapan" in Jotunnheim, and was.. intending to serve the dark side --->
-To a toad he plays toad, to a princess he claims that he's a misunderstood prince in a toad's guise who need just be with you for a moment to be unlocked - and that is her end ! I mean, so many, just look at him, he looks extremely demiurgistic and klingony, like a Bill Clinton gone wild who was just preparing to wear the crown of "the New Kashyapa" and if he treats Rahul Gandhi like an idiot, he seems to be a disrespectful jotunn king full of hubris, traditional stereotype, it is obvious that he may be a delta demiurgist and thus a threat to the official responsibilities of generals who are supposed by military doctrine to be sampi / pro-mil-int...
That is not even a toad, it is a human pretending as one! But is that really, true? Below is a far more shocking perspective -
This Satya Pal Malik .. .It is perhaps, another form of biped? That's like naming yourself truth, so i'm sure he'll only lie.
But look again, closely -
That is no human pretending as a toad....
For all i could see, my TOAD is a truer friend to the race of toads than this guy, who is as the elder scrolls reveal, more correctly.... a SLOAD, not a toad:
"The coral kingdoms of Thras, a set of islands southwest of the Chain in the Abecean Sea, are home to a godless tribe of beastmen called the Sload. These amphibious slugmen, perhaps the most hated race in all of Tamriel, were long thought to be extinct. The Sload are said to be blessed with perfect memory and are capable of remembering everything they have seen or heard."... "Sload are stated to have careful and deliberate personalities. They posses incredibly strong minds and are very quick thinkers, though this natural gift is generally hampered by the Sload's incredibly cautious nature. Sload attempt to meticulously consider every possible consequence of an action before it is undertaken, resulting in a very slow decision making process. They are capable of answering questions quickly, but, oftentimes, choose not to. The average Sload is said to be very self-centered and calculating, often scheming for their own benefit and interests, breaking laws when they believe there will be meager consequences. Sload have a rather clear lack of morality, having no issues with committing acts of blasphemy, theft, torture, kidnapping, murder, genocide, or other similar atrocities. Sload are unable to sincerely display notable human emotions beyond that of greed. They, however, have an impressive natural talent to act out human emotions, allowing for notable competence in diplomacy, but often do so in seemingly exaggerated parodies, such as laughing at bad jokes, or weeping at slight misfortunes. The Sload do not have any affinity with the concept of honor, friendship, or any form of loyalty, only showing a strange respect to those who are able to defeat or trick them."
So you see? It is our destiny to defeat the fools, in order to extract the "strange respect" as is shown by sheeple.
There was Shaheen 1
There was Shaheen 2
"oh, that is merely hypothetical" - Modi
"What is so?" - poor minister
"You shut up please, I am the prime minister!" - Modi
There was Shaheen 3
There was Shahin 4, so weird for me that kind of Girda was a girl from the jotunn camp , as i did not then know, who came to explore me when i was in Auroville, where brodarjee had taken me for a trip of matrixery.
I did sleep with her a couple of days after first seeing her and i liked how she was like the first Indian girl I ever saw who was so ready for sex and not wasting time with small talk but it was rather unenjoyable for some reason, it was like having sex with a deflated barbie, and she later described her last boyfriend as a "bad apple" and I was like lolwut who're you again. O, she was more fembotty and described her soul as twisted.
but then! There was Shahin 5 ...
So even the cows have defected... the cows are not in the team of the gorakshaks, apparently, as Lalu is a lord of cows
Why has the talk devolved to who is descendent of Rama?
If these demiurgists cannot live without temple ... and if there is some historical thing about that land for both Hindus and Muslims
It is only proper to reveal what exactly this is and to share control between people of the 2 religions yes but that is still more classical (sigma/delta) demiurgistic as worst (thus the "dev rakshas sansthan" idea)
sigma ~ rakshas
delta ~ dev
of course both are inferior // a truer ideal would be more towards sampi...
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