I left Chennai on the 24th or so, having wrapped up all the phase 1 work on my invention and I had this to say about that....

Besides, I have a lot to say about my favorite city which I left only because I ran out of money and need to work on my book at my folks' home... darn
I have a way to make small money, my FIRST REAL book, finish part 1 of 3 or 4 soon.
anyway this city is more mysterious and it never seems to end
Well someone asked, "Is Sundar Pitchai from Tamil Nadu?
I reply, something like this: -
He is from Andhra I thought, but someone said Sri Lanka.
To be absolutely honest Sundar looks like mahek Shah, the gujarati Hyderabad fellow who used to fish in my heart for likes and goodwill on social media, but behind the scenes, maybe even dined with the likes of Modi and Nirmala seetheramen, is a relative of Amit Shah, he's the guy who took print outs of the first book i wrote and didn't ask me and sold it but didn't give me anything; he admitted this to me in my face an year back haah not that i mind but i mind the other things he seems to be up to...
He is currently aspiring waste management aspiring technocrat /metabureaucrat in the IIT Madras private sector interface (the so-called research park or I should say intern solicitation opportunities park) which remains sadly, unaudited by public auditors. Clearly, a need exists, TN is in the hands of outsiders, many.. from Andhra who bring the idea of "sadhgurunadu", promote marriage to break the cohesion of Tamil society, and perhaps even claim, ludicrously enough, that it is “the true meaning of Tamil culture”... they try to insult Tamil Nadu, which is truly about civilization, not culture, in its best.
"The worst' elements are actually not Tamil at all but outsiders (so overdoing it is like calling India a land of terrorists just because North India is full of them; sex ratio is more females than males in the far south parts, and more males than females in Haryana, and only the worst and pseudo-tamil might claim that the northern bacterial cultures are the "true culture" here, a land much more based on viral (logic is infectious rather than anything to do with disease, only rather the opposite i.e. health) than bacterial mechanisms, except in specific enclave-like places like parts, more in Pallikarnai and Chengelpettu (delta side demiurgist) and Pallavakam (sigma side demiurgist, is less foreign that those 2) . where if you look closely the corporations are foreign, as are many people, and there is nothing very Tamil about what happens there and it can also be tentacle hosting sites against the people of our lands. Due to the absence of a central Tamil discussion that is not dominated (or carefully controlled and whenever outsiders try to enter it, they are barred and the real TAmils are at the same time weakened) by the likes of the (xzz)DMK who are funded by imperialists from across the world who just can't GET OVER THE IDEA OF ABANDONING the opportunity to capture Tamil girls and keep the people weak and disunited... they try to attack or weaken real friends like me so only the fakes survive, and the real Tamils will be all over the place (military, as I was , doing all the good work walking alone) and it is so sad, subject to "use the man" exploitation. It is not merely that men are doomed to die, at least they are also blessed with the power and right to enforce good
change through power - a change in a status quo of diseased anti-Alita elitists, and it is on exercising this power for the good of all that the souls of men gain ground, so this is what we should do, death to the anti-life squads.
During Pichai's time in power, Google seems to have become a bit more tyrannical. That is just so bad.
When i wrote some such reply,
Sriram D replied - "If you don’t know, don’t confuse and mislead others…Simple answer: Sundar Pitchai is from Chennai, TN"
Unfortunately that is the problem, that even Shah Rukh Khan and Modi are from Chennai if you believe them.
Pichai is from Madurai, a part of TN closer to the non-Tamil cultures than to Tamil civilization.
“Pichai did his bachelor in Metallurgical Engineering. He also holds an MS from Stanford University in Material Sciences and Engineering, and an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. “
Hmmm, Google uses metallurgy for making Satan’s Ford i guess ?
Well he does not have good people for colleagues, like this another desi technocratic imperialist responsible for the tyrannically pro-bad apple turn that Google seems to have taken:
Rajeev Motwani - Wikipedia
So rajeev died, why?
“Final destination” for the corrupt.
He had 2 Es in his name after all so he was an established clerk, is he like Pichai in this?
That is why google is now at times like a ”googlee” …?
See Google has been abducted by microsoft imperialists… because Pichai was actually about to become Microsoft CEO before Nadella gave him the opportunity
all imperialistic estclerks of Eendia in the same team -
* (the bad type of Mr. Anderson who seizes and abuses Neo rights, having sealed a special dealing with the jotnar)
Of pichai…
That is why i said closer to the Andhra* elitists circle - many of them are closer to the darth vader empire of marital socialism HQed at jottunheim, and try to convert Chennai into a bacteria friendly place rather than a home for (REAL Tamil) civilization as it should be… this is seen in infiltrating units from the north, often.
Even in IIT Madras they come along with north eendian and other eleetard jotnar, and try to squeeze out real Far South Indians (Tamils and Malayalees) from IIT Madras.
e.g. a Pseudo-Keralite was who broke the leg of me, the other Keralite, in first year in college…
I just uploaded a video on people who look like jotunnheim pedophiles having infiltrated IIT Madras -
This ties in with my recent poor appraisal of campus atmosphere quality. Even long ago I'd found it a bit secretly political...
No wonder they allowed the estclerks from eendia , all these people the motwanis, pichais etc., to hijack Google and apparently boot out the Google+ originals ?
12 years after I passed out having strengthened India's Steampunks when I was there... now, Godavari hostel looks like a sad scene.
there is no water in the hostel...
But a North Eendian security guard has been installed, he always seems to have a problem with me if I enter the hostel.
In what used to be my wing, from where the weed smoke never used to stop billowing in our times there, I now see Kochi and Hyderabad guys... serving, it would appear, as channels for deals between EPS of Kochi and the "Telengana Tritons"...
We always had hostels with 1 straight person who used to live inside, but now they've started a culture of 3 guys in a hostel! But the worst thing is to harbor criminals, seemingly gay teachers of young children enjoying the rights of students some of which can really defy police investigations of campus and contribute to the idea that the Chennai City runs on a corporation basis so all crimes are paid!
These marred faggots can actually learn stuff about individualism from the real Tamil kids, but, such are the regular type of predators in the classroom power situation where Indian kids can be dominated by Eendian lords.
For example -
Recently I noted also that private sector domination of all campus activities has started through a research park in IIT Madras.
Anyone who gets into that can drive right into campus unchecked by even main gate security, where the only Tamil guard has only recently been posted....
The research park's "foundation stone" is dedicated to central government defense minister Nirmala Seetharaman, where sits, in control, Mahek Mota aka Mahek Shah, from my batch mechanical engineering.
Now this guy, seemingly Amit Shah's nephew, is a manwitch, a "knower" who once was to me a source of feed images, 2 - 3, on IG and FB but i unfriended him and duly unliked the posts when i realized what's up, i was under the impression that maybe he is a nice guy and there were friends of mine who he wanted to link up with damn.
But coming to think of it he was already very casteist/elitist against me in IIT Madras; he was in my hostel, in the "AoC gang" that disqualified me from playing in the hostel Age of Empires league, just because I went my way and it was well-known...
The infiltration of Eendian pedophiles into classrooms, positions of high power in the assymetric front of battle that is the civilian sector of the ongoing world war (the most important front, as the botched ending of World War 2 shows).... was until now a well-kept secret, but it is a general trend across "high caste" academia here (SL police FINALLY doing something about this demiurgist problem, Chennai police should start also (and if you want a node, the D 1 police station near Chepauk station is the best place to start - it is then that all problems of Chennai including the broken bridge at Adyar and the closure of the 3 stands at Chepauk stadium, will automatically be solved if you do it the right way and then, we will finally be free as a people! When we see how the combine / tyranny is hampering our paths in our lives, well, then we do something about it, see the parallel rise of other "double E" type named transgender (that is, marred) to power in a neo-communist orwellian capacity -
The problem is that they normalize hatred between boys and girls and try to claim, "all boys are unstraight", when they say things like this, "I have plans for the women's sports and dance teams. I also want to emphasise on self-defence training for women," added Naleena. As if all males are such to go about in gangs, kidnapping women! This is a stupid LGBT order that discourages straight lone proboy girl personality in favor of closed fembot groups (which can pretend as "one big family" and "equivalent o society" but is essentially parasitic thus cannot be in a domain that can ever aspire to be universal, or even welcome here), where the malbots who work for sex (classically once taken in marriage) are the engines of labor, and the transgenders are the middlemen between the opposing camps in this pseudo-love arrangement of which every married couple is basically a part thus helping us further define the empire of marital socialism, which chastises males for being straight even if they come alone, not in gangs looking for girls; which is stuck together by the iron fist of a fascist gang of manwitches commanded by the fuehrer, who would typically have made his bones by dismantling the throne of the old royalty only to try and sit upon it, in turn, himself, which they do by keeping the LGBT cards close to their chests, which explains the symptom of oriental despotism. When every girl is merely a vagina to be caught and raped, and every boy is a slave to be killed if showing intelligence because intelligence causes dissent and is dangerous to the state, then in any such empire it is eunuch who is queeng. This is a very critical insight in the direction of what i mean when i speak of the marital socialist empire, which is, you should realize, unbounded by space as space is so easily mastered by publicly unidentified flight tech.
Their "cares for everyone" LGBT socialism is not a cohesive aspect of society because it ultimately hoards its resources to serve itself and doesn't actively try to extend its nurturing hand to the rest of society as a straight love based person like I do, which a closer examination will readily reveal that it actually parasites off...
We love all, they take it and then take more from us, and then come to dictate over what we can and cannot do despite having absolutely low IQ, and no intelligence, and it must be said that brain torture exists AND is criminal.
At the same time, it normalizes the malbot. This cannot be normal and in fact such marred culture is alien to earth.
They infiltrate and serve each other -
They and their followers (the usually married malbots and fembots) try to kill and effectively outlaw by orwellian vigilanteism, straight people like me -
"Jun 14, 2016 - In a strange move akin to apartheid by gender, the co-ed school SKNS PMC Vivekananda Vidyalaya Junior College in Perambur has segregated boys and girls in classrooms and asked them to enter and leave the campus through different gates. Parents, angered by school’s decision,"...
Expect me to care for them?
For their survival?
To be honest, I care little for fools if they cause me grief, I'd rather a crocodile and 10 cherry trees survive where they stand.
The only thing that college secretary did was to do something about cybercrime against women. Now this is true, hacktards are a problem.
But to encourage girls to gang up and be regimented and fail to explore and encourage straightness in boys ....
Is unwanted bullshit that is diseased, not normal.
these people barge into government also, and do the same thing in trains, preventing straight girls and boys from doing what they like to do with each other...
And try to make a marred thuggee culture in Chennai, hounding the straight out of regular PDA kinda nightlife -
The overall trend is marital socialist infiltration of all the atypical authority positions in Chennai and love becomes a victim.
Tamil Society becomes a victim...
In this anti-Tamil environment, local people who are usually straight, may often end up dead
(I was always targeted) just for being straight and refining themselves, daring to defy marred threats to fall in love -
"The news of the murder of a female employee of a software company by her own colleague in Chennai on April 22 comes with a sense of déjà vu: another female employee of the same company had been found murdered just two months ago, in the same city. Their stories are eerily similar: both women were in their early 20s, having left their small town homes for well-paying jobs in the metropolis, staying on their own, working late on overseas projects, making new friends and their own choices."
This is not parasitism; Parasitoid is the word! As I say, Better predator of prey than host of parasite huh...?
But... the hostel seems a bit fucked up by now , earlier the campus was the host of wildlife but now,
I may have missed it, or may not have looked long enough perhaps, but don't know if the monkeys in the hostel will be safe with such people around, considering the precedent they set (which is something that seems to be leading to the Svenja Lund prophesy - (this Svenja of FB, I had a strange prophesy about a bad end from her beef with lionesses. I haven't yet been able to reliably forecast the future in my case, yet too stupid for that !)
Earlier, it used to be people from everywhere. But Now I see too many North Indian and Andhra people in the campus, sounds like the effect of that bald Polaris chap "Nitin Sachan" from Kanpur who lives in Hyderabad now, who used me (somehow got himself into my CS 1.6 clan back in 2005 or so) and capitalized on it* to become the rich physics teacher of precollege schoolkids, and it is my suspicion that such get rich by taking gold from parents to get their kids into IIT by dealing with corrupt professors who make favorable "mistakes of judgment" during correction of the "right" students, just as they fail to award marks to the "wrong" students (I say this because I was a "wrong" student before my physics teacher removed some kinda curse, i guess, and suddenly i started getting marks for my answers and this trend continued until I got into IIT. Well some kind of roadblock they put vs. Indians.
Ah, these Eendian lords are the greatest of idiots, huh...
* (I never knew how to make money out of my competitive gaming, but evil empires did fall as I did, but these people still sap off what I built for good)
Recall, Virtusa/Polaris is some foreign company that has fiscally infiltrated the IIT Madras administration and could even be trying to make it a "station for the Chennai Express", that is, a regional front for sex slave trafficking of girls from the Tamil hinterland. I must say this because of 2 things, one being that I was there in IIT campus, where I spoke to a PHD girl from another university in Chennai, who was going to meet some IIT Prof named Mr. Patnaik; not just does the name sound like a famous politician with a EE in his name who himself is a foreign oppressor in Orissa who "possesses great mastery over Hindi, French, Punjabi and English but cannot speak Odia", and who has tyrannized over the local bureaucrat families, converting it into a yesminister situation like in the center.
This is what they are exporting into Tamil Nadu - Delhi clone leader terror against local nobility and traditional leaders of the people.
Besides, that girl looked vulnerable, and in all these situations sexual predation is typical especially if the girl needs to go ahead with her career and the academic "shows the way".
It is just the engineering college version of the casting couch which is the new business sector because the jotunn insist that girls do not mind being used as sex slaves.
Like this case about the Godav school teacher, the circumstantial evidence is just in your face and only the fool may not consider it fishy...
About the pre-civilized type of thuggee culture
(which, as Mahek Shah admitted in my face, is the ideology of the "waste management" sector which can amount to ethnic cleansing by the demiurgists) -
this is earth-side demiurgism; it is as bad / demonic as sky-side demiurgism ... demiurgistic errors of all types are groupistic and bad, individualism is good. Thuggee culture is actually not pro-female rights at all as it devalues females, sanctions malbotism in its enemies and usually "rewards" malbots and fembots, putting straight males and females to the death mill under the foot of reproducing herds of parasites.
Yet all is not good there's more hope than pain in this city. There was a lot of rain finally after such efforts!
The good people are doing good and the shy girls are bolder in love every day!
I was going to score, a stunning young Tamil redhead came and sat near me the day before (of course I couldn't dare to bring myself to even begin to think about picking HER up).
Good things are also happening luckily - a small girlchild came to me 2 weeks back and gave me a toffee, saying that it is her birthday?
yup could have used it
I thought i ought to read this as a metaphor, it was in Nungambakkam, many schools for young girls out there, it probably actually meant that the young dalit girl here is now considered a legal person by the Indian regime thanks to improving human rights and law and order in Chennai. So she will not be typical prey, yay!
And yet the authority must have caution? In the work shops of IIT M, what are being made? Strange things.
I thought submarine hulls and small mortars, seemingly, I play a lot of war simulation, like mowas 2, so I know this very well as an engineer.
This ties in with the report of rogue submarines causing problems, and the necessity of anti-submarine patrol missions in the current situation, a department that's being strengthened by the navy here.
And, i saw something else when i went to get my heat exchanger plates drilled... in the workshops outside in the city, it would appear that something like handcannons are being made? Steel tubes with thicker walls; as long as a short barrel, with a simple mechanism at one end! ? ! Something easy to fabricate by even less skilled worksmiths, that look like medieval muskets! Seriously?! I saw a plastic cover besides it in other workshops in Guindy too. Sounds like Gandhi, huh... these seemed to me like, low grade equipment... probably for demiurgistic terrorists or bully malbots... not for regular police and armed forces at all. And while leaving Chennai this time, 2 days back, I just saw police carrying .303 British rifles so there is a situation here and I long to return, gotta finish my book fast. Jotunn malbots with "desi kattas" (local workshop made single shot guns) have killed many good people in the north, it is unacceptable that our independent city might fall prey to the slavering mentality alien to Tamil Nadu, which is actually a love-based civilization. It is just that the jotunn may have determined to strike terror out here, intelligence seems to suggest something like this anyway... so where did I see this? I'm talking about a workshop as you go from IIT velachery gate towards Guindy... forgot the name, there is a 908 in the phone number (ohhh) and the real chap there is a nice guy but handicapped (909 - 1), but there was another older hostile guy wearing violet, working on these hand cannons or something who was harassing him and forcing him to stop my work whenever possible...
it's a workshop almost opposite a temple and the address is somewhere at [Pillayar Koil Street, Guindy, Chennai ], but this temple is a bit hidden, just in the mouth of a road perpendicular to a road with the other temples that you will see first as you enter the street.

Besides, I have a lot to say about my favorite city which I left only because I ran out of money and need to work on my book at my folks' home... darn
I have a way to make small money, my FIRST REAL book, finish part 1 of 3 or 4 soon.
anyway this city is more mysterious and it never seems to end
Well someone asked, "Is Sundar Pitchai from Tamil Nadu?
I reply, something like this: -
He is from Andhra I thought, but someone said Sri Lanka.
To be absolutely honest Sundar looks like mahek Shah, the gujarati Hyderabad fellow who used to fish in my heart for likes and goodwill on social media, but behind the scenes, maybe even dined with the likes of Modi and Nirmala seetheramen, is a relative of Amit Shah, he's the guy who took print outs of the first book i wrote and didn't ask me and sold it but didn't give me anything; he admitted this to me in my face an year back haah not that i mind but i mind the other things he seems to be up to...
He is currently aspiring waste management aspiring technocrat /metabureaucrat in the IIT Madras private sector interface (the so-called research park or I should say intern solicitation opportunities park) which remains sadly, unaudited by public auditors. Clearly, a need exists, TN is in the hands of outsiders, many.. from Andhra who bring the idea of "sadhgurunadu", promote marriage to break the cohesion of Tamil society, and perhaps even claim, ludicrously enough, that it is “the true meaning of Tamil culture”... they try to insult Tamil Nadu, which is truly about civilization, not culture, in its best.
"The worst' elements are actually not Tamil at all but outsiders (so overdoing it is like calling India a land of terrorists just because North India is full of them; sex ratio is more females than males in the far south parts, and more males than females in Haryana, and only the worst and pseudo-tamil might claim that the northern bacterial cultures are the "true culture" here, a land much more based on viral (logic is infectious rather than anything to do with disease, only rather the opposite i.e. health) than bacterial mechanisms, except in specific enclave-like places like parts, more in Pallikarnai and Chengelpettu (delta side demiurgist) and Pallavakam (sigma side demiurgist, is less foreign that those 2) . where if you look closely the corporations are foreign, as are many people, and there is nothing very Tamil about what happens there and it can also be tentacle hosting sites against the people of our lands. Due to the absence of a central Tamil discussion that is not dominated (or carefully controlled and whenever outsiders try to enter it, they are barred and the real TAmils are at the same time weakened) by the likes of the (xzz)DMK who are funded by imperialists from across the world who just can't GET OVER THE IDEA OF ABANDONING the opportunity to capture Tamil girls and keep the people weak and disunited... they try to attack or weaken real friends like me so only the fakes survive, and the real Tamils will be all over the place (military, as I was , doing all the good work walking alone) and it is so sad, subject to "use the man" exploitation. It is not merely that men are doomed to die, at least they are also blessed with the power and right to enforce good
change through power - a change in a status quo of diseased anti-Alita elitists, and it is on exercising this power for the good of all that the souls of men gain ground, so this is what we should do, death to the anti-life squads.
During Pichai's time in power, Google seems to have become a bit more tyrannical. That is just so bad.
When i wrote some such reply,
Sriram D replied - "If you don’t know, don’t confuse and mislead others…Simple answer: Sundar Pitchai is from Chennai, TN"
Unfortunately that is the problem, that even Shah Rukh Khan and Modi are from Chennai if you believe them.
Pichai is from Madurai, a part of TN closer to the non-Tamil cultures than to Tamil civilization.
“Pichai did his bachelor in Metallurgical Engineering. He also holds an MS from Stanford University in Material Sciences and Engineering, and an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. “
Hmmm, Google uses metallurgy for making Satan’s Ford i guess ?
Well he does not have good people for colleagues, like this another desi technocratic imperialist responsible for the tyrannically pro-bad apple turn that Google seems to have taken:
Rajeev Motwani - Wikipedia
So rajeev died, why?
“Final destination” for the corrupt.
He had 2 Es in his name after all so he was an established clerk, is he like Pichai in this?
That is why google is now at times like a ”googlee” …?
See Google has been abducted by microsoft imperialists… because Pichai was actually about to become Microsoft CEO before Nadella gave him the opportunity
all imperialistic estclerks of Eendia in the same team -
* (the bad type of Mr. Anderson who seizes and abuses Neo rights, having sealed a special dealing with the jotnar)
Of pichai…
That is why i said closer to the Andhra* elitists circle - many of them are closer to the darth vader empire of marital socialism HQed at jottunheim, and try to convert Chennai into a bacteria friendly place rather than a home for (REAL Tamil) civilization as it should be… this is seen in infiltrating units from the north, often.
Even in IIT Madras they come along with north eendian and other eleetard jotnar, and try to squeeze out real Far South Indians (Tamils and Malayalees) from IIT Madras.
e.g. a Pseudo-Keralite was who broke the leg of me, the other Keralite, in first year in college…
I just uploaded a video on people who look like jotunnheim pedophiles having infiltrated IIT Madras -
This ties in with my recent poor appraisal of campus atmosphere quality. Even long ago I'd found it a bit secretly political...
No wonder they allowed the estclerks from eendia , all these people the motwanis, pichais etc., to hijack Google and apparently boot out the Google+ originals ?
12 years after I passed out having strengthened India's Steampunks when I was there... now, Godavari hostel looks like a sad scene.
there is no water in the hostel...
But a North Eendian security guard has been installed, he always seems to have a problem with me if I enter the hostel.
In what used to be my wing, from where the weed smoke never used to stop billowing in our times there, I now see Kochi and Hyderabad guys... serving, it would appear, as channels for deals between EPS of Kochi and the "Telengana Tritons"...
We always had hostels with 1 straight person who used to live inside, but now they've started a culture of 3 guys in a hostel! But the worst thing is to harbor criminals, seemingly gay teachers of young children enjoying the rights of students some of which can really defy police investigations of campus and contribute to the idea that the Chennai City runs on a corporation basis so all crimes are paid!
These marred faggots can actually learn stuff about individualism from the real Tamil kids, but, such are the regular type of predators in the classroom power situation where Indian kids can be dominated by Eendian lords.
For example -
Recently I noted also that private sector domination of all campus activities has started through a research park in IIT Madras.
Anyone who gets into that can drive right into campus unchecked by even main gate security, where the only Tamil guard has only recently been posted....
The research park's "foundation stone" is dedicated to central government defense minister Nirmala Seetharaman, where sits, in control, Mahek Mota aka Mahek Shah, from my batch mechanical engineering.
Now this guy, seemingly Amit Shah's nephew, is a manwitch, a "knower" who once was to me a source of feed images, 2 - 3, on IG and FB but i unfriended him and duly unliked the posts when i realized what's up, i was under the impression that maybe he is a nice guy and there were friends of mine who he wanted to link up with damn.
But coming to think of it he was already very casteist/elitist against me in IIT Madras; he was in my hostel, in the "AoC gang" that disqualified me from playing in the hostel Age of Empires league, just because I went my way and it was well-known...
The infiltration of Eendian pedophiles into classrooms, positions of high power in the assymetric front of battle that is the civilian sector of the ongoing world war (the most important front, as the botched ending of World War 2 shows).... was until now a well-kept secret, but it is a general trend across "high caste" academia here (SL police FINALLY doing something about this demiurgist problem, Chennai police should start also (and if you want a node, the D 1 police station near Chepauk station is the best place to start - it is then that all problems of Chennai including the broken bridge at Adyar and the closure of the 3 stands at Chepauk stadium, will automatically be solved if you do it the right way and then, we will finally be free as a people! When we see how the combine / tyranny is hampering our paths in our lives, well, then we do something about it, see the parallel rise of other "double E" type named transgender (that is, marred) to power in a neo-communist orwellian capacity -
The problem is that they normalize hatred between boys and girls and try to claim, "all boys are unstraight", when they say things like this, "I have plans for the women's sports and dance teams. I also want to emphasise on self-defence training for women," added Naleena. As if all males are such to go about in gangs, kidnapping women! This is a stupid LGBT order that discourages straight lone proboy girl personality in favor of closed fembot groups (which can pretend as "one big family" and "equivalent o society" but is essentially parasitic thus cannot be in a domain that can ever aspire to be universal, or even welcome here), where the malbots who work for sex (classically once taken in marriage) are the engines of labor, and the transgenders are the middlemen between the opposing camps in this pseudo-love arrangement of which every married couple is basically a part thus helping us further define the empire of marital socialism, which chastises males for being straight even if they come alone, not in gangs looking for girls; which is stuck together by the iron fist of a fascist gang of manwitches commanded by the fuehrer, who would typically have made his bones by dismantling the throne of the old royalty only to try and sit upon it, in turn, himself, which they do by keeping the LGBT cards close to their chests, which explains the symptom of oriental despotism. When every girl is merely a vagina to be caught and raped, and every boy is a slave to be killed if showing intelligence because intelligence causes dissent and is dangerous to the state, then in any such empire it is eunuch who is queeng. This is a very critical insight in the direction of what i mean when i speak of the marital socialist empire, which is, you should realize, unbounded by space as space is so easily mastered by publicly unidentified flight tech.
Their "cares for everyone" LGBT socialism is not a cohesive aspect of society because it ultimately hoards its resources to serve itself and doesn't actively try to extend its nurturing hand to the rest of society as a straight love based person like I do, which a closer examination will readily reveal that it actually parasites off...
We love all, they take it and then take more from us, and then come to dictate over what we can and cannot do despite having absolutely low IQ, and no intelligence, and it must be said that brain torture exists AND is criminal.
At the same time, it normalizes the malbot. This cannot be normal and in fact such marred culture is alien to earth.
They infiltrate and serve each other -
They and their followers (the usually married malbots and fembots) try to kill and effectively outlaw by orwellian vigilanteism, straight people like me -
"Jun 14, 2016 - In a strange move akin to apartheid by gender, the co-ed school SKNS PMC Vivekananda Vidyalaya Junior College in Perambur has segregated boys and girls in classrooms and asked them to enter and leave the campus through different gates. Parents, angered by school’s decision,"...
Expect me to care for them?
For their survival?
To be honest, I care little for fools if they cause me grief, I'd rather a crocodile and 10 cherry trees survive where they stand.
The only thing that college secretary did was to do something about cybercrime against women. Now this is true, hacktards are a problem.
But to encourage girls to gang up and be regimented and fail to explore and encourage straightness in boys ....
Is unwanted bullshit that is diseased, not normal.
these people barge into government also, and do the same thing in trains, preventing straight girls and boys from doing what they like to do with each other...
And try to make a marred thuggee culture in Chennai, hounding the straight out of regular PDA kinda nightlife -
The overall trend is marital socialist infiltration of all the atypical authority positions in Chennai and love becomes a victim.
Tamil Society becomes a victim...
In this anti-Tamil environment, local people who are usually straight, may often end up dead
(I was always targeted) just for being straight and refining themselves, daring to defy marred threats to fall in love -
"The news of the murder of a female employee of a software company by her own colleague in Chennai on April 22 comes with a sense of déjà vu: another female employee of the same company had been found murdered just two months ago, in the same city. Their stories are eerily similar: both women were in their early 20s, having left their small town homes for well-paying jobs in the metropolis, staying on their own, working late on overseas projects, making new friends and their own choices."
This is not parasitism; Parasitoid is the word! As I say, Better predator of prey than host of parasite huh...?
But... the hostel seems a bit fucked up by now , earlier the campus was the host of wildlife but now,
I may have missed it, or may not have looked long enough perhaps, but don't know if the monkeys in the hostel will be safe with such people around, considering the precedent they set (which is something that seems to be leading to the Svenja Lund prophesy - (this Svenja of FB, I had a strange prophesy about a bad end from her beef with lionesses. I haven't yet been able to reliably forecast the future in my case, yet too stupid for that !)
Earlier, it used to be people from everywhere. But Now I see too many North Indian and Andhra people in the campus, sounds like the effect of that bald Polaris chap "Nitin Sachan" from Kanpur who lives in Hyderabad now, who used me (somehow got himself into my CS 1.6 clan back in 2005 or so) and capitalized on it* to become the rich physics teacher of precollege schoolkids, and it is my suspicion that such get rich by taking gold from parents to get their kids into IIT by dealing with corrupt professors who make favorable "mistakes of judgment" during correction of the "right" students, just as they fail to award marks to the "wrong" students (I say this because I was a "wrong" student before my physics teacher removed some kinda curse, i guess, and suddenly i started getting marks for my answers and this trend continued until I got into IIT. Well some kind of roadblock they put vs. Indians.
Ah, these Eendian lords are the greatest of idiots, huh...
* (I never knew how to make money out of my competitive gaming, but evil empires did fall as I did, but these people still sap off what I built for good)
Recall, Virtusa/Polaris is some foreign company that has fiscally infiltrated the IIT Madras administration and could even be trying to make it a "station for the Chennai Express", that is, a regional front for sex slave trafficking of girls from the Tamil hinterland. I must say this because of 2 things, one being that I was there in IIT campus, where I spoke to a PHD girl from another university in Chennai, who was going to meet some IIT Prof named Mr. Patnaik; not just does the name sound like a famous politician with a EE in his name who himself is a foreign oppressor in Orissa who "possesses great mastery over Hindi, French, Punjabi and English but cannot speak Odia", and who has tyrannized over the local bureaucrat families, converting it into a yesminister situation like in the center.
This is what they are exporting into Tamil Nadu - Delhi clone leader terror against local nobility and traditional leaders of the people.
Besides, that girl looked vulnerable, and in all these situations sexual predation is typical especially if the girl needs to go ahead with her career and the academic "shows the way".
It is just the engineering college version of the casting couch which is the new business sector because the jotunn insist that girls do not mind being used as sex slaves.
Like this case about the Godav school teacher, the circumstantial evidence is just in your face and only the fool may not consider it fishy...
About the pre-civilized type of thuggee culture
(which, as Mahek Shah admitted in my face, is the ideology of the "waste management" sector which can amount to ethnic cleansing by the demiurgists) -
this is earth-side demiurgism; it is as bad / demonic as sky-side demiurgism ... demiurgistic errors of all types are groupistic and bad, individualism is good. Thuggee culture is actually not pro-female rights at all as it devalues females, sanctions malbotism in its enemies and usually "rewards" malbots and fembots, putting straight males and females to the death mill under the foot of reproducing herds of parasites.
Yet all is not good there's more hope than pain in this city. There was a lot of rain finally after such efforts!
The good people are doing good and the shy girls are bolder in love every day!
I was going to score, a stunning young Tamil redhead came and sat near me the day before (of course I couldn't dare to bring myself to even begin to think about picking HER up).
Good things are also happening luckily - a small girlchild came to me 2 weeks back and gave me a toffee, saying that it is her birthday?
yup could have used it
I thought i ought to read this as a metaphor, it was in Nungambakkam, many schools for young girls out there, it probably actually meant that the young dalit girl here is now considered a legal person by the Indian regime thanks to improving human rights and law and order in Chennai. So she will not be typical prey, yay!
And yet the authority must have caution? In the work shops of IIT M, what are being made? Strange things.
I thought submarine hulls and small mortars, seemingly, I play a lot of war simulation, like mowas 2, so I know this very well as an engineer.
This ties in with the report of rogue submarines causing problems, and the necessity of anti-submarine patrol missions in the current situation, a department that's being strengthened by the navy here.
And, i saw something else when i went to get my heat exchanger plates drilled... in the workshops outside in the city, it would appear that something like handcannons are being made? Steel tubes with thicker walls; as long as a short barrel, with a simple mechanism at one end! ? ! Something easy to fabricate by even less skilled worksmiths, that look like medieval muskets! Seriously?! I saw a plastic cover besides it in other workshops in Guindy too. Sounds like Gandhi, huh... these seemed to me like, low grade equipment... probably for demiurgistic terrorists or bully malbots... not for regular police and armed forces at all. And while leaving Chennai this time, 2 days back, I just saw police carrying .303 British rifles so there is a situation here and I long to return, gotta finish my book fast. Jotunn malbots with "desi kattas" (local workshop made single shot guns) have killed many good people in the north, it is unacceptable that our independent city might fall prey to the slavering mentality alien to Tamil Nadu, which is actually a love-based civilization. It is just that the jotunn may have determined to strike terror out here, intelligence seems to suggest something like this anyway... so where did I see this? I'm talking about a workshop as you go from IIT velachery gate towards Guindy... forgot the name, there is a 908 in the phone number (ohhh) and the real chap there is a nice guy but handicapped (909 - 1), but there was another older hostile guy wearing violet, working on these hand cannons or something who was harassing him and forcing him to stop my work whenever possible...
it's a workshop almost opposite a temple and the address is somewhere at [Pillayar Koil Street, Guindy, Chennai ], but this temple is a bit hidden, just in the mouth of a road perpendicular to a road with the other temples that you will see first as you enter the street.
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