"Don't worry, these tentacles will support you"; The problem with capitalist-socialist (mar-soc elitist) society - an UNDERFUNDING case study: WVAC Design Engineer's Report - 20/06/2019
About my innovation -
My design, the “Tefnut Freshwater
Generator and Climate Change Reversal Demonstrator”, is a scaled down prototype
demonstration of a novel type of plant process that seemed pretty obvious to me
after a while... which works by capturing sea airs from before the salt spray,
which is particularly suitable for dehumidification, to generate fresh water
and drier cool airs. The TWG “WVAC” plant is meant to mass-produce freshwater
at low energy cost and also provide an area of more moderate climate where
nature can flourish, thus attacking the 2 most direct threats to nature and
mankind on the earth. But that is a good thing to do, which is not liked by the
power elitists who see their slaves as undeserving of either water or a
reasonable climate... indeed I have been informed (by the ex-mod, who's told me
more secrets than any other...) that the desalination industry will surely try
to kill me of this project seems like it's going to succeed. Because it's a
direct attack on their profits. I could have gone for funding elsewhere, but I
thought I'd be better off trying experiment in home turf, as a private investor
could quite possibly be more sabotage than help.
Funding ecosystem systemic problems:
Nonlinear thinkers like me can prove to be
more adventurous than advisable with social engagement.
I submitted my design to a prototyping fund which was pseudo-run by IIT Madras, the college I graduated from.
Although, it had an office in the campus, but in a newfangled and expensively built white and blue building donated by some expensive alumni.
CZC does sound in hindsight demiurgistic - it baselessly stereotypes the entrepreneur as the demiurgist ("Z" in the middle) while actually being themselves a bit more demiurgistic (2 flanking Cs from the C consciousness, which if dominated by the fat lady sybarites takes on demiurgistic proportions)
Admittedly, the czc website didn't seem very impressive. I should have known it's the typical type of anti-indie variety, which every young Indian has to reckon with and the ripple effect against their international friends fucks up the youth of the entire earth, of the west and the east, in turn.
I could have been suspicious, because the college seemed to be
doing worse after I'd passed out, but then, also, it had been a while since i had passed out.
The Carbon Zero Challenge claimed to be
interested in saving the world but they clarified ultimately that they were powerless, basically tied to the old jhund-jhundwala's type of mar-soc estclerk self-technocratizing people who were just interested in getting rich while talking about saving the world in order to pass off as a moral businessman, which leads to greater profit margins.
At least one of them claimed to be a
recovering academic; others, unfortunately, were far too much like academics,
although even the one who claimed to be a recovering academic looked too much
like an academic to me.
Well the Carbon Zero ChaLLENGE, as I'd
call it, would be the funding zero challenge. It is more something that looks
like a Reverse Ponzi funding contest hatched by Virtusa, which, being a private
company, could perhaps not be called "virtuous".
Saving the world is an idea easier dropped
from the mouths of CEOs who are looking for alcohol to drink.
So, who will give a clue?
Let the money do the talking !
The team that came in 2nd position had to
merely demonstrate a new type of chemical reaction, used to convert coconut
shells into activated charcoal, a key item in the desalination industry supply
chain. This type of "prototype" might not, in fact, require much
funds. A similar thing can be said for the team that came in first position
whose claimed prototype could fit in the palm of your hand. But some of us
tried real huge projects, Mine was the largest of them, being a new type of
plant, but this was not just my problem.
A machine required by a team of girls
right next to mine was not given to them until it was too late - as I was later
told by the guy who I was forced to talk on my behalf because I was too busy
working on the heat exchanger. I did not get a chance to talk to those girls
because, being the lone supervising engineer on my project, I was too busy
working on the heat exchangers to either attend the stall day event or the CZC
dinner ceremony that followed. Unfortunately, climate change is such that
it's easier to talk big about it and pass money to old friends using charity as
excuse. But doing something real about it, is different.
Talking about how you would like to do
something about reversing climate change is not one's right if he or she hasn't
tried anything real (rather than merely socially pretended) about it. Because
actors are not welcome on earth!
The science of entropy and the
dangerousness of earth's position, is inexorable. Climate change and global
warming, much of which is due to the heating of the oceans due to brine
poisoning of the oceans by the desalination industry... can't be reversed by
small but "intelligent" prototypes. Remarkably, the third prize in
the Carbon Zero Challenge, went to an the inventor of electric van... well, it
sounds like a copy paste job to me.
But all projects, regardless of their
need, got merely 5 lakhs.
With the very limited budget of 5 Lakhs,
numerous difficulties were encountered in carrying out this project:
1) Skimping on pipe length -
100 ms. long, and larger dia HDPE pipe was
envisaged for the prototype
But that was very expensive
HDPE pipe more expensive than Carbon Zero
Challenge budget allotment which is a 1-size fits all 5 lakh for every project,
regardless of the size of what is being attempted.
Used material = PVC.
So 72 ms. of pipe was ordered in a futile
bid to make a balanced plant in a very small amount of Rs. 5 lakhs, that is
absolutely no money at all.
Of course, it proved short of what was
needed to build the plant.
Intended in sea = 50 ms, in land = 50 ms,
Final selected - >
72 ms. - In sea - 42 ms., in land - 30
ms., PVC
Installation errors due to unorganized
sectoral support for seawork:
The Sea pipe was meant to be at least 42
meters but currently only around 30 ms. installation proved possible in the
limited budget for the fishermen.
That also meant that the buoys were not
installedas intended. Anchors are the cheapest thing but not enough were
brought. The most criminal thing about the whole experience was the elite
posturing -- the social elites want the plant offline and dismembered after 5
days of demonstration. That is because, ultimately, the elites are fed by the
desalination industry. They do not care if the earth is destroyed twice as
fast. That's why we earthlings need not care about them.
Pipe installation error = sea pipe
installed at a suboptimal non-perpendicular angle to shoreline, causing an
estimated 30% reduction in pipe air flow. This compounds the problem caused by
removing the diverging sections of the venturi, causing severe reduction in air
Too many cooks - overruled my design and
fatalistically imposed design inefficiencies due to deadline and arbitrary
requirement of team work:
In the initial phase, 3 PHDs were asked to
join up from IIT Madras due to a requirement of a team rather than an
individual effort (which was to be preemptively discounted).
All of the members, despite promising to
try and stick, were forced to quit due to study load. Luckily, this was at
least a month before the planned execution phase rolled out. More luckily
still, the entire work was independent of their existence, leave for little
helps like asking them to go to the bank or pick up some documents when I'm not
around. So their departure was completely irrelevant to the events that
unfolded because their participation had always been zero. Well all This
is symptomatic of a disorder in the energy sector... It shows the typical
unemployability (usually due to unwinding and recovery from torturous study
burden) that especially plagues the often depressed student of higher
education, which suffer from specificalism error [1].
More generally, from the other experiences
in this project also where my father helped with certain aspects of
subcontractor management in the very limited time we had to do the project, I
must say that the problem is not the lack of team but a lack of time. All you
need is enough time; and of course, funds and people with
professional-compliant conduct (which is natural in a functional society rather
than one in which experts are reduced to justifying the folly of the ruling
castes). Time can very easily replace "team" because a professional
is a better team member than your pareto-parasitic rank and file "team
member". This project revealed an important detail in projects involving
short-term execution. It is obvious that a team of people with lesser intelligence
than you, who believe they have more intelligence, experience, and wisdom, but
do not understand the basic design, fabrication, and engineering details due to
poor fluid intelligence (nonlinear thinking) is bound to suffer time waste for
team leader given needless and often heated communications overheads... you
will tend to be influenced by their absurd suggestions just because they
collectively keep the power (deny economic and social access to you, leaving
you at the middle doing all the work, as they hover around just out of range)
(e.g. trying the plant with fewer
heat exchangers which enforced a total redesign of the air transporter and I
was forced to throw out my original, ideal design (despite buying the previous
day , by my own last money, Rs. 9000 worth of angles for making the 6
diverging micro-venturi cones among other fabrications -- the next day I was
told that the deadline and awards ceremony is in 2 days, and I will be forced
to present only 2 heat exchangers, so I quickly decided, air transport is going
to be very low anyway, so the cones, which could easily have been made in half
a day, would not be made in an attempt to meet the deadline. Original
inventions of this scale, although they deserve support, cannot be built and
installed in merely a month with merely half the money needed available
directly for the same.
Therefore, for such projects it is better
to have a no-frills investor who actually has the brain to understand the
invention, and forsake a team, and deal directly with subcontractors.
Additionally, the splitting of the tongues
was a really bad thing, I should say; due to my lack of knowledge of the local
language, and lack of time or patience in marine subcontractors due to lack of
money, I was forced to assign the job of communications with the marine
subcontractors and several other critical subcontractors to my father. A
professional sector is available, although with the extremely limited amount of
funds little can be done about availing it, it can only be readily availed by
other private commercial interests and it is definitely not a healthy sign of
You will encounter more difficulties in
implementing your design if you go with a team, due to displays of egotism (for
example, because of the deadline, the project suffered cancelling of the plan
to make 6 heat exchangers in 2 compartments, I I decided to activate only 2, so
I had to sacrifice my original idea of 6 diverging micro-venturis, 2 days
before the deadline). You will not be bullied, but your project will be bullied
by the various pressure points including the scarcity-based (capitalist socialist)
funding ecosystem with its byzantine system of getting authority approvals for
the project from various departments, as well as attending interviews* and
writing reports and filling forms and unsubscribing from requests to attend
online e-lectures on "start-up success tips" and the likes, and
making presentations in the little time that I as a sole inventor had (which
time I should have been using to make my plant, had I been reasonably expected
to see this plant prototyping as some kind of race like in Discovery channel,
but that strategy's use is invisible to me.
Low quality of pre-funding engagement
Some of the presentations were
frustrating. Despite how well they went, I was exposed to the rigid commercial
interview style grilling of a poor hard-working student (which I had escaped
even during college) that might seem typical in cash-strapped academic
cultures, especially those characterized by vast imbalances of power. In the
last interview I even lost my cool when I was expected to justify why a thrice
as energy efficient freshwater generating project is worth investing in -- the
funding sources seemed to be signalling that solving the water crisis, albeit
it can be called a good thing, cannot be seen as a particularly profitable thing
(especially because I had already declared that profit is not my primary
intention as much as reversing climate change and global warming), and
therefore it is not inherently of interest to them. Now this was surprising to
me because it had already been given in writing that my project was selected
for the funding several weeks before this interview which was supposed to be
some kind of final interview. Several times I got so angry with the way things
were deviating from what I knew was ideal, that I felt like just quitting the
entire competition but I loved my invention too much to do that.
Bright Side:
The ideal plant was not made, and the
total amount of water generated for the given pipe dia is not a figure that can
make a perfectionist like me happy.
Nevertherless, as long as you take care of
the basic aspects and do as much thinking as needed, things tend to turn out
okay. Finally the only parameter of interest to me was the energy
Due to the suboptimal air transporter, the
airs are coming in at a slower rate, but this fact also implies that, if all
these airs are cooled, lesser energy will be consumed, although the expected
amount of water will be generated.
Due to the validity of the basic
principle, any air that is brought in by the air transporter, although it is at
a very reduced velocity, is nevertheless a more or less steady supply of very
humid airs.
Therefore the energy efficiency figures
that are most of interest are less affected by the ecosystemic/socialist
derailing of the implementation plan for the air transport system. But the very
fact that the inlet of the sea pipe is so near to the shoreline, has negative
effects on energy cost per liter generated.
The dysfunction of the
so-called funding ecosystem as a whole is also evident in how - several days
after I submitted the bills for the costs incurred, I am yet to get any money
back. Instead, I see such mails - inventors are supposed to worry about this,
rather than focus on the science:
"Dear Mr.Madhu & Anand
All bills except one are above than
Rs.5000, hence proper bills are required.
Any item costing more than Rs.15,000
should be supported with 3 quotes.
A few clarifications I would like to make:
1. Team had told us that vendors asked for
50% advance so CZC had asked the team to pay as ICSR would time to transfer the
fund to their account.
2. Team has to follow the rules on quote
& bill even if they paid for it and later reimbursed by CZC.
If you have more clarifications let us
discuss over a meeting.
IIT Madras was recently declared "best institution", but
as an insider I must point out the fact that the devil is in the details.
That spark is merely the brilliance of a few students, many recently protested
against the visit of Modi to the campus.
However, other campus players seem to be betraying the spirit of
intellectual independence and seemingly profiting off the situation, by
striking deals with the desalinator industry and collaborating with dubious
private investors to run commercial fairs for moneyed adventurers who have
nothing to lose but are ready to sacrifice the the institute's reputation for
profit. This is a very classic example of what I call energy parasitism.
It was admitted, for example, that Modi had a specific role in
launching carbon zero challenge, and the TRINITY 3 awardees are a case study in
elite networks as far as I can see. Perhaps Dr jhundjhund walla has something
to add.
At the same time, the students are in a somewhat poor situation,
having left the hostels due to the lack of water.
Underfunding projects that
deserve more exposure is not a symptom one might expect in real science.
"Carbon zero" itself
is something of a misnomer -- the answer is not to stop power plants - but we
cannot save the earth except by switching off desalination completely and
targeting key anti-nature sectors (a guideline is the Aral Sea example).
The grade I'd give to ...
by a private company Virtusa
pretending as "slightly related to IIT" (and essentially engaging in
the same old template of fraud)... is the good old "U" - around here we call it, unsatisfactory!
It would appear today that they
won't even give the 5 (“to 8”) lakhs they had promised even if I demonstrate
the energy efficiencies I was talking about.
I did the design fully myself,
it is not as if I needed their commercial tips on how to make profit by
monopolizing water.
What is the logic? They will always claim that they have the power, so they are logical. But let me at least put my point of view out, lest it remain unsaid and known only to the lizards and bats as they say.
The main logic of the overall situation can be summarized as follows:
In the middle of the fabrication, suddenly the campus workshop closed for a week and I was forced to go for Dr. Dhiman (my mentor's) suggested fabricator, Mr. Joshua. Around 2 days before the demo day, as I was returning from buying metal in the late evening with his son Paul, after skilfully escaping a dangerous situation, I was more or less waylaid by an angry mob, tied to a pole and roughed up. The police rescued me that night. The next day, Joshua got an angry call from my mentor, and the message from above was to cease working on my job otherwise Joshua will never be allowed to set foot in IIT or get any project from anyone in IIT. Nevertheless, Joshua fought with Dr. Dhiman and helped me, and this was around 2 days before the "Demo day" or deadline.
The Carbon Zero Challenge's clear bias towards the extremely criminally insane (global warminger, so if poachers are bad, these mega-poachers must be the devils) desalination industry was a most disturbing symptom of the shallowness of the theory of academic rigorousness pertaining to matters of central importance to humankind and nature, such as climate change and global warming.
Just as one cannot entrust a cat to guard mice, or the chancellory to Hitler, just as one can't trust a politician to do the job -- one cannot entrust governance of universities to circles of industry-related professors. The standard collectively shared anti-intellectual bias (the old one) of the so-called innovator support system is evident in how, despite being a 2007 batch alumni, the inventor was suddenly cut off from communications from the CZC panel; after it was summarily declared "there seems to be a communication problem" when they had all thrown up their hands and admitted that they couldn't understand what I was saying, I was "fired" by the Carbon Zero Challenge panel, and denied the right to be my own spokesperson, and my father took up the job of communicating with them, but he is more with them (he after all, refused to give me the phone number of a local intelligence guy who had come to meet me, and was trying to give his number to me, but I was too busy with work, so my dad took it instead! And when I later asked for the number from my dad, he refused to give it. So this is the kind of marital socialist torture that becomes typical to a free young person like me here, causing me to improperly (in my lack of time, for which again I cannot be blamed as much as the people who leave me to do all the right things and take away all my time by leaving me to do even the smallest of the things that I unfortunately need to survive, completely energy parasiting everything that I have - time, money, resources, friends, everything. But I gain more love of souls as a result, which more than pays off in my soul's opinion, but my heart feels so tired and it feels so bad, and the tears imposed by retard idiocrat / neo-neiuurotypical / linearton / bad apple kinda marital socialist (typically, established clerk) "elitist" (empty can in unstable equilibrium) -- just because I am all alone out here and interested people seem too stunned into inaction or something as they approach to even figure out what could be the right thing to do to me (what do I do to a girl I am interested in? ) - souring my ordinarily happy relationship with strangers and causing me to sum up people as more a burden than a gift but until someone proves the otherwise i cannot be bothered to talk to people because it is simply too difficult for a (nonlinear/true) thinker like me to conform to verbal expectations. If they are so cold as to ignore the thinker just because he is forced to ignore people in general due to a past of traumatic experience with groups and their "alpha" bullies, if they will misunderstand me, and expect me to conform to the situation they have created for me, I will yet not play any game on anyone else's terms. Given a complete dysfunction of normal society especially around me due to a special siege by the idiotocrats against me which seems to make this one of the major objectives of the Third World War, and given the normalization of the marital socialist established clerk tyranny alternative, it is only such teams that I can find myself with despite my best efforts to wriggle out of it (just because many real friends of mine seem to be waylaid) -- it is the tentacle problem, in my surroundings specifically. The more real people neglect me, the more they come under threat from the marital socialist elites and this is not a problem except in places lethargic about going to reform (even through war if needed). If I do well, the free people do well. If I don't do well, the established clerks can still boast. Therefore they violently uproot my friends and replace the voids in my skin by hateful tentacles instead, which pump their hate and poison into me, causing me to vomit it out at their faces whenever the elitists try to talk to me (which they do by beating their chests, which causes a rapid repulsion in me, and I'll be out of reach in seconds, so they'll misunderstand that as haughtiness, no, it is just that I am different and have a much more different tribal error rejecting nonlinear processing in my mind; the reject is not a total rejection as it is for judgers, it is merely distraction, and this is what all the beauties seem to not understand at all. The moment I look away just because I'm too shy, it's easier for me to touch a girl than to look at her - Neo-NTs will pathologise this, while others won't even understand unless they realise the technical (e.g. somatopsychic) aspects)), causing them to again stereotype me as the culprit although they themselves are, as they care unable to see. If anyone wants to be my friend he or she will be soon co-opted by a rich bank transfer or something, I would imagine.
What is the meaning of a support system, anyway? That they wasted my time for needless meetings in which they believed they were having an educative and supportive influence upon my invention? Like my mom, who was saying, "If it was not for IIT, your project would have been nothing" -- as if the design was conceived by ANYONE apart from me!
And what all politics goes on there, who can suspect! I tell you, quite a lot! When "logician fights logician" - you know who wins?
It is logic that wins!
What is the logic? They will always claim that they have the power, so they are logical. But let me at least put my point of view out, lest it remain unsaid and known only to the lizards and bats as they say.
The main logic of the overall situation can be summarized as follows:
In the middle of the fabrication, suddenly the campus workshop closed for a week and I was forced to go for Dr. Dhiman (my mentor's) suggested fabricator, Mr. Joshua. Around 2 days before the demo day, as I was returning from buying metal in the late evening with his son Paul, after skilfully escaping a dangerous situation, I was more or less waylaid by an angry mob, tied to a pole and roughed up. The police rescued me that night. The next day, Joshua got an angry call from my mentor, and the message from above was to cease working on my job otherwise Joshua will never be allowed to set foot in IIT or get any project from anyone in IIT. Nevertheless, Joshua fought with Dr. Dhiman and helped me, and this was around 2 days before the "Demo day" or deadline.
The Carbon Zero Challenge's clear bias towards the extremely criminally insane (global warminger, so if poachers are bad, these mega-poachers must be the devils) desalination industry was a most disturbing symptom of the shallowness of the theory of academic rigorousness pertaining to matters of central importance to humankind and nature, such as climate change and global warming.
Just as one cannot entrust a cat to guard mice, or the chancellory to Hitler, just as one can't trust a politician to do the job -- one cannot entrust governance of universities to circles of industry-related professors. The standard collectively shared anti-intellectual bias (the old one) of the so-called innovator support system is evident in how, despite being a 2007 batch alumni, the inventor was suddenly cut off from communications from the CZC panel; after it was summarily declared "there seems to be a communication problem" when they had all thrown up their hands and admitted that they couldn't understand what I was saying, I was "fired" by the Carbon Zero Challenge panel, and denied the right to be my own spokesperson, and my father took up the job of communicating with them, but he is more with them (he after all, refused to give me the phone number of a local intelligence guy who had come to meet me, and was trying to give his number to me, but I was too busy with work, so my dad took it instead! And when I later asked for the number from my dad, he refused to give it. So this is the kind of marital socialist torture that becomes typical to a free young person like me here, causing me to improperly (in my lack of time, for which again I cannot be blamed as much as the people who leave me to do all the right things and take away all my time by leaving me to do even the smallest of the things that I unfortunately need to survive, completely energy parasiting everything that I have - time, money, resources, friends, everything. But I gain more love of souls as a result, which more than pays off in my soul's opinion, but my heart feels so tired and it feels so bad, and the tears imposed by retard idiocrat / neo-neiuurotypical / linearton / bad apple kinda marital socialist (typically, established clerk) "elitist" (empty can in unstable equilibrium) -- just because I am all alone out here and interested people seem too stunned into inaction or something as they approach to even figure out what could be the right thing to do to me (what do I do to a girl I am interested in? ) - souring my ordinarily happy relationship with strangers and causing me to sum up people as more a burden than a gift but until someone proves the otherwise i cannot be bothered to talk to people because it is simply too difficult for a (nonlinear/true) thinker like me to conform to verbal expectations. If they are so cold as to ignore the thinker just because he is forced to ignore people in general due to a past of traumatic experience with groups and their "alpha" bullies, if they will misunderstand me, and expect me to conform to the situation they have created for me, I will yet not play any game on anyone else's terms. Given a complete dysfunction of normal society especially around me due to a special siege by the idiotocrats against me which seems to make this one of the major objectives of the Third World War, and given the normalization of the marital socialist established clerk tyranny alternative, it is only such teams that I can find myself with despite my best efforts to wriggle out of it (just because many real friends of mine seem to be waylaid) -- it is the tentacle problem, in my surroundings specifically. The more real people neglect me, the more they come under threat from the marital socialist elites and this is not a problem except in places lethargic about going to reform (even through war if needed). If I do well, the free people do well. If I don't do well, the established clerks can still boast. Therefore they violently uproot my friends and replace the voids in my skin by hateful tentacles instead, which pump their hate and poison into me, causing me to vomit it out at their faces whenever the elitists try to talk to me (which they do by beating their chests, which causes a rapid repulsion in me, and I'll be out of reach in seconds, so they'll misunderstand that as haughtiness, no, it is just that I am different and have a much more different tribal error rejecting nonlinear processing in my mind; the reject is not a total rejection as it is for judgers, it is merely distraction, and this is what all the beauties seem to not understand at all. The moment I look away just because I'm too shy, it's easier for me to touch a girl than to look at her - Neo-NTs will pathologise this, while others won't even understand unless they realise the technical (e.g. somatopsychic) aspects)), causing them to again stereotype me as the culprit although they themselves are, as they care unable to see. If anyone wants to be my friend he or she will be soon co-opted by a rich bank transfer or something, I would imagine.
know what I want with this... Right now I'm trying to donate it to the poor local community, because allthough the professor asked for the pipes to do his own private experiments, I would do everything I can to resist the fate they propose for the plant that is to dismember it after a few days of demonstration (so technically it can be counted as a fake video claimint that support for such things is there, although there is no real thinker support or scientific leadership).
All I needed from them was
funds, should have gone to a proper investor. Hmm, at least with this work,,,
I will, too... write to me at anandkumar.iitm@gmail.com
or call me @ 9445051255 or 9176464825, although chances are that neither
of these 2 options will work and you can only ever attempt to meet me in
If you can ! You can, very easily, favorite (really, just so busy to tell you) girls do it all the time.
Or at least give me a clue and I'll land up, especially if you pay for my tickets.
Or you might have helped but would not, like the other characters, well, as this world war 3 plays out, I guess you should enjoy your brief stay among the voiceless who do not reply to universal logic, nor react and become guilty by extension. The established clerks who claim to be more moral or more intelligent than others by pandering proofs of this theory rather than by saying logic (or just being who they are) and letting the people find out. .. they are the problem.
Because they usually play a lincoln-shakespeare pretension -- = X
X = y + z, where
y = Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.
z= All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; ... And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages" -. shakespeare
because of the presence of the lincoln-shakespeare pretension --
murphy's law is applicable in most such cases -
Murphy's law is an adage or epigram that is typically stated as: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong".
Pareto parasitism , whose origins in piracy you only now figure out, and far worse, can be guaranteed in all such situations.
If you can ! You can, very easily, favorite (really, just so busy to tell you) girls do it all the time.
Or at least give me a clue and I'll land up, especially if you pay for my tickets.
Or you might have helped but would not, like the other characters, well, as this world war 3 plays out, I guess you should enjoy your brief stay among the voiceless who do not reply to universal logic, nor react and become guilty by extension. The established clerks who claim to be more moral or more intelligent than others by pandering proofs of this theory rather than by saying logic (or just being who they are) and letting the people find out. .. they are the problem.
Because they usually play a lincoln-shakespeare pretension -- = X
X = y + z, where
y = Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.
z= All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; ... And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages" -. shakespeare
because of the presence of the lincoln-shakespeare pretension --
murphy's law is applicable in most such cases -
Murphy's law is an adage or epigram that is typically stated as: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong".
Pareto parasitism , whose origins in piracy you only now figure out, and far worse, can be guaranteed in all such situations.
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