This is a Case Study in the Subtlety of systematic White Collar Crime by an entire sector of the economy.
The theory itself is what I accidentally stumbled upon while thinkwriting my replies reg. my Tefnut Water Generator to a water industry side expert -
Dear Mr. Nandakumar,
In appreciation of your very valid and appreciated spirit of concern with the ultimate facts of value to the customer, let me make a few clarifications to prevent feasibility misconceptions that may arise due to commentator error, in one of the links I sent, in you -
link -
data extract - "Prof. Yona Amitai of Bar-Ilan University, who co-lead the research, said the number is statistically significant and can be traced back to a failure to add magnesium to the desalinated liquid."
Let me make a correction to her erroneous speech -
Number is statistically significant - TRUE (basic experimental data cannot be argued with, shaded green because this is good news for my invention)
and can be traced back to a failure to add magnesium to the desalinated liquid - FALSE
(propaganda, the science of why i call this professor's bluff, she's more of a fake expert (desalination lobbyist), the probability is above 95% I don't need AI but 1 minute of crosschecking in my worldview to say that
(her theory is a false causality like the fake dementia theories out there planted by big psychiatry,
anti-truth because I know how heart disease is caused, it is not about magnesium at all, but fatal strain on the circulatory system)
I think you will understand the scale of the crisis more readily if you hear it not from my point of view, as I speak of boron etc. but from a professional journalist who uses just the perfect words -
"Due to its high cost, energy intensiveness and overall ecological footprint, most environmental advocates view desalinization (or desalination)‚ the conversion of salty ocean water into fresh water‚ as a last resort for providing fresh water to needy populations. Sourcing fresh water from streams, rivers, lakes and underground aquifers and adhering to strict water conservation measures are much more viable for both economic and environmental reasons in most situations, although some desert regions with thirsty and growing populations may not have many such options." May we at least seize quickly upon what options we have !
"The relationship between desalinization and climate change is complex. Global warming has increased droughts around the world and turned formerly verdant landscapes into near deserts. Some long held fresh water sources are simply no longer reliably available to hundreds of millions of people around the world."
I have proof that desalination is much worse than anyone suspected - it CAUSES climate change !
increases salinity thus increases heat soaking capacity of ocean - !!
2 simple parts to this logic =
Increasing the concentration of the salt decreases the specific heat capacity of the water.
The specific heat is the amount of heat per unit mass required to raise the temperature by one degree Celsius.
Put 1 + 1 together what do you get but 2 -
increasing salinity of ocean via desalination increases heat carrying capacity (and quite possibly, heat retention capacity) of ocean thus tempeture skyrickets...
And ocean is much huger thermal mass so this is a devastating news especially that heat will take ages to go away from earth system, how will it ever go away?? We need massive rapid reforestation if any good percentage of humanity's current population is to survive this crisis, but even then as every day shows anyway, that good can never be "good enough" for me, but at least I have reconciled with the reality of death and how to hedge oneself against it by simply, doing what is required to be done in order to become a part of the universe rather than a foolish villain standing in opposition to it!
They only say -
"Brine can cut levels of oxygen in seawater near desalination plants with “profound impacts” on shellfish, crabs and other creatures on the seabed, leading to “ecological effects observable throughout the food chain”, he said. Vladimir Smakhtin, director of UNU-INWEH, said the study was part of research into how best to secure fresh water for a rising population without harming the environment. “There are all sorts of under-appreciated sources of water,” he said".
They don't know the main problem is this ! Global warming via ocean warming via desal !
Culprit is found... It's not power plants. The whole term "Carbon Zero" is based, as it now turns out, on a false premise and academic waffle although of course this science is so subtle that I don't blame anyone for not finding it as I have, like, as i did right now.
It's not about belching cows, no!
It's mainly desalination
If you REALLY say that the spirit of a challenge like Carbon Zero challenge... is about (reducing global temps) by "reducing carbon emissions"
(or you might have said REVERSING CLIMATE CHANGE and restoring non genetically modified, organic native healthy human/plant/animal nature BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE)
because Greenhouse effect (theory, i should add... ! ) is merely 1 relatively minor factor in global warming
the minor atmospheric factor,
there is much more thermal mass in the ocean and half-baked analysis has ignored the vital measurement, increase in ocean temperatures...
Clearly global warming is because of desalination, if you look at the sheer volumes of brine that have been repumped into the oceans by the standard process in the clearly criminally stupid (idiocratic) desalination technologies
in any case ), international government is now against desalination -
Soon, legislation will follow against this. much more intense than the strikes which called to ban power plants which is a much weaker and I actually believe, entirely ineffective mode of action vs. climate change.
specifically the sheer huge jump in the last 20 years or so
is because of desalinated waters being repumped into ocean that is also, of course, destroying oceanic life in general because I do not believe the increase in temperature will be limitemd to a part of the ocean but its entirety, as salt spreads, and the universe will then destroy mankind.
Not any such mankind that I'm part of !
Is that what "we" want? To die out like dodos in island, or those dinosaurs who were the cosmic dodos i.e. their island was earth, so wingless biomatter (sub-ptereosaur of typology), so left behind on earth as the other dragons/reptilians went to space mastering technologies as you will not suspect is untold history beyond the wells you know. The cosmic dodos, the dinosaurs we know, who also died out due to climate change (death of all vegetation as herbivore dinos out-evolved carnivore dinos e.g. trex went into blocked evolutionary spiral so it lost its hands use as a weapon to gain lower body strength as it evolved to jump as a gigantic velociraptor upon large dinos, you see what happened? The ankylosaurus broke his right leg. And then prayed to the demiurge, the god of semi-vegan privilegees' bacterial culture, who allowed him to eat the t-rex corpse as a moral exception, to gain strength to evolve his heavy weapon in the tail. The vegan retards ate all the plants and soon, there was nothing but heat in the earth, as the land soaked up the sunlight and the earth heated and the volcanic belts in the himalayas, an eternal error, seat of himalayan blunder, scar on the location of earth, ever corrupting the sociopolitics of earth (mar-soc fascism). And then the volcanoes exploded and that is how the dinosaurs died, as recent consensus agrees, not the old fake ideas of meteor caused extinction.
I think you might not appreciate the magnitude of the problem -
So "chief guest of the mammals" (pseudo-apex predator like humanity)
by now... are merely like "chief guest of the reptiles" the fool dinos, or dodos in a limited environment, dying zombie biomatter being naturally displaced by the relatively alive rest of the universe including thinking humans.
And of course, back then, some dinos could invent spacecraft, solve bernoulli's theorem, and talk, and well it is again something out of the well, granted, but not what I'd count as fantasy but let's not discuss this further if you think otherwise, it is anyway extraneous to the project.
But about climate change, that's what it's all about first, my project, and to be entirely honest with you the business aspect is secondary.
Death in boiling water like the old frog
is not what I want either for myself or my future generations and those of my friends who are many so I have a hard job already in my hands given the tendency to underappreciate new science just because it is new!
Global warming IS NOT because OF technology per se (except the futile waste technology e.g. services for salaried parasite sector etc. and needless industrialization e.g. arms race, saleable fool products etc. that causes only a minor bit)
But majorly this...
What right has a man who deserves to walk on the street have, to ignore this logic?
What right do we have to the desalinated water we poison ourselves with? It may even be a more relevant thing to speak of doing what is right.
So it is a criminal penalty, I'd say and soon the governments will too because this logic by itself is both inexorable and now I have published it as well,
So a criminal penalty under new "white collar crime" sections for stubborn desalinatIon lobbyists who are basically as good as any criminally bad apple, like say a murderous mar-soc infiltrator in the red army,
well, you know, pseudo-red (bad apple red), enemy to me (cherry red) and usurper of what is mine,
Everyone should know these things about me because later, if they are on the other side which is typical, they should not be disappointed, and their presence by my side, in any case, can only bring disappointment to me if they plan to be unfluid in policy.
For me I first secure my life, and then my money which becomes easy if you don't have to keep spending on inefficient ways to secure your life, better stable equilibrium than unstable equilibrium then midlife crisis, is my simple and 100% undeniably logical policy. Especially in the context of my recurring disappointment with standard social organizations, my plan is foolproof as it minimizes dependence on society, but does the most to benefit it.
Dear Dr. Nandakumar,
Hi, thanks for your comments. My replies to your remarks ( italicized )-
>> Business plan must contain facts and not be a wish list. -
There are a few facts / commercial estimates which may be of more interest to you ... in the B-plan document (reattached here, please first refer "B plan - concise" file, for best results) ...
My "wish" list is actually a real plan of action, not fully detailed yet but no wishful thinking there! Except a few proposals more uncertain/experimental in nature e.g. mangrove farm but I do intend to seriously pursue these important experiments.
It is more my plan, any business out of it is incidental, the main business is only the water and infrastructure monetization, but the b plan i atttached now shows only the water sales revenue model.
The overall "PLAN" in the 18 page document is a thoroughly thought out strategy for what my company will be, if not a b plan -- maybe you can call it a b strategy. Of which, I meant every word I said, and will do unless convinced to the contrary
So it is more like a mission/vision document, those aspects are (albeit marginally) central to the structure of the business (division 1 that's why i included it, please ignore if irrelevant to your analysis)
>> Can you separate out the facts from fanciful notions from this business plan and resend it? We can comment on facts and your interpretation of the facts only.
I reattached a concise b-plan doc file for you. Which facts are you looking for?
I can think of 2 classes of details that may qualify as the "facts" that you are seeking that are
1 ) Company structure 2) Basic (only water) Profit Estimates - both these details are from pages 1 - 3 (reattached document) and the rest of the 15 pages (that i cannot "ignore" as such) you can consider out of your scope.
>> Facts must have a reference. Either a potential customer said it or it was obtained from a reliable source. What we generally think and believe are not facts. It is dangerous to build a business on what we think and believe. A business survives only if your customers are willing to pay for it. And they will pay only if you offer them a compelling value proposition to what “they want” and not what “you want”.
When you say that, I feel you either do not understand the difference between cleanwater generation and desalination, or the utility of the energy efficient innovation in mass cleanwater generation TWG plant model ?
Or you did not perhaps understand the significance of the energy efficiency (W-Hr/L) estimate numbers I sent you? .. those are solid fact (est.) , albeit more coming from the side of science than customers.
>> Can you define the persona of the customer you are targeting? How many such customers have you met, who are strangers (not your friends or relatives)? What are their current needs and problems with respect to drinking water? Don’t prompt them. Hear what they say unprompted. What’s on top of their mind?
(Clean) Water is not a requirement that can be spoken about in any uncertain terms.
It is fundamental for life.
Water is running out, you can't argue with that.
Desalination is not an option you can't argue with that.
There is no groundwater, you can't argue with that.
Standard dehumidifaction plants are too energy inefficient, you can't argue with that.
So if you look at all the above statements, there is actually no fake logic out here, can you see? There is a real need as well as a real problem which is being addressed, and this can be called current as well.
The main logic here , which will cause impulse to buy -- is about desalination vs. dehumidication - the clear logic -- an analogy is bad humvee car company vs. good electric bike company
Some anti-public moneyed interests need desalination, the public need cheap dehumidification like the TWG
I ignore the former, that's my safe strategy (but pro-public is anyway my allies' layout), i like playing it safe and I can at least make my strategy foolproof in such things very easily is what I always find.
But then again, nobody need say these facts again about how desalinated water is poisoned water, or how dehumidifier water is clean water. These are well-proven scientific realities that need not be reproven by us -
I haven't done a doctoral study of the devastation caused by desalinated water to health,
but an initial look makes it seem extremely bad, especially the boron, has several undocumented ill effects which are only now being found. Here's a primer.
Here unfortunately many have a merely techno-commercial, pseudo-scientific approach ignorant of both biology and physics, so they ignore risks, but not among the new generation, if taught (I don't have friends or family members who I explained it to, I only explained these concepts with strangers with a relatively sound technical understanding of dehumidication and desalination, e.g. IIT students and water professionals).
Those that understood this concept, which will be advertised (central aspect of the marketing as i have indicated in the attached document) and they said they definitely do understand how dehumidfication is far safer, in fact, anyone can understand it if shown by a poster/animation that I'll make for this.
If given an option they'll only drink clean water, anyone except a fool I guess.
It is more about the climate change reversed characteristic of the infrastructure that goes beyond the water. But mostly this infrastructure is about water. In the bigger plant, thisis just a 5 Lakh budget proof of concept with minimal yield. If you indeed ignore the uncreative desert opportunistic nomad personality's minimal requirements, water is still needed for life, both for the more creative people and more importantly, for meritocratic (e.g. fruit) nature (which goes beyond merely as a go-to store for society's food needs in my vision. As i have clearly delineated, my consumers are not merely water drinkers but climate conscious pro-nature water drinkers more so. What's on top of their mind? Exactly "utopia", which is not a "wish" - that is only a "wish" in parts of India where naysayer mentality would seem dominant in the political classes! It is a reality we make to cure the ugliness of climate change... So what's on top of any decent person's mind today? To do something about the major crisis we are faced with which some will only slowly come to terms with - Something like what I'm building for them, as I have shared the details - something that works for them, not against them, that they can associate with rather than just reject (as is the fate of most of the companies today which despite big backers unearth fatal weaknesses in their political viability, a hitherto ignored aspect in "business studies", it's not as unimportant as you might feel that's why I am compelled to include it. I can delete any sentences that might make you uncomfortable if you point them out, if you want).
Are you addressing those needs and problems?
Yes - via mass cleanwater generation
Do you think their problems are costing them more than what you’re going to charge them?
Yes - the medical costs due to desalinated water can only be understood by testing or mass autopsy, but as huge undoubtedly as the range of disease it causes
Assuredly disease rate (especially dementia rate) is skyrocketing today for such reasons only, that individual lobbies and lobbyists don't have much interest in discussing, but the new technologies will come anyway.
Lastly, I can understand if you do not want to read the last 15 pages which are more about the logic and strategy of the business plan, since you are interested only in the business part. Well, that is actually just the first 3 pages of the document, what is easily forecastable at least. For your convenience I've just taken that out and attached that again so you can download the file "B pla- concise" file which has merely the information you need (the "B - plan facts" you asked - as I understand it - please indicate if it is any specific fact , or anything else that you are looking for in the business plan that I had not already communicated before / here).
I must add, just for the sake of official communication, the full B-plan document is a more informative document of how the company is to be sculpted - I do not plan to entertain other alternatives, if only because there are too many typical companies anyway, and none of them work for me!
I don't know about you, but all I want to do is save the earth by reversing climate change, that's my main interest.. One can make a business out of it too, about which the numbers in that document speak for themselves?
thanks & regards,
Anand Madhu Kumar
REFERENCE 2 - My TWG business plan - this is a general public document which any nonlinear thinker can feel free to use as a guide to economic activity, potentially, just stay in touch as I mention inside, let's fight climate change together...
But wait for my word on testing the prototype, and I'll have released an updated final cheapfab design document by then .
Next document i paste here, below, is my business strategy -
which caused Dr. Nandakumar to get a bit offended it would appear as he responded curtly to me, that caused me to, well, write those 2 letters :D
-- My "my business is yours" business plan.... towards a more exo-community and GIFT ECONOMY type of deculturalized pro-thinker world...
twg b - plan ->
The theory itself is what I accidentally stumbled upon while thinkwriting my replies reg. my Tefnut Water Generator to a water industry side expert -
Dear Mr. Nandakumar,
In appreciation of your very valid and appreciated spirit of concern with the ultimate facts of value to the customer, let me make a few clarifications to prevent feasibility misconceptions that may arise due to commentator error, in one of the links I sent, in you -
link -
data extract - "Prof. Yona Amitai of Bar-Ilan University, who co-lead the research, said the number is statistically significant and can be traced back to a failure to add magnesium to the desalinated liquid."
Let me make a correction to her erroneous speech -
Number is statistically significant - TRUE (basic experimental data cannot be argued with, shaded green because this is good news for my invention)
and can be traced back to a failure to add magnesium to the desalinated liquid - FALSE
(propaganda, the science of why i call this professor's bluff, she's more of a fake expert (desalination lobbyist), the probability is above 95% I don't need AI but 1 minute of crosschecking in my worldview to say that
(her theory is a false causality like the fake dementia theories out there planted by big psychiatry,
anti-truth because I know how heart disease is caused, it is not about magnesium at all, but fatal strain on the circulatory system)
I think you will understand the scale of the crisis more readily if you hear it not from my point of view, as I speak of boron etc. but from a professional journalist who uses just the perfect words -
"Due to its high cost, energy intensiveness and overall ecological footprint, most environmental advocates view desalinization (or desalination)‚ the conversion of salty ocean water into fresh water‚ as a last resort for providing fresh water to needy populations. Sourcing fresh water from streams, rivers, lakes and underground aquifers and adhering to strict water conservation measures are much more viable for both economic and environmental reasons in most situations, although some desert regions with thirsty and growing populations may not have many such options." May we at least seize quickly upon what options we have !
"The relationship between desalinization and climate change is complex. Global warming has increased droughts around the world and turned formerly verdant landscapes into near deserts. Some long held fresh water sources are simply no longer reliably available to hundreds of millions of people around the world."
I have proof that desalination is much worse than anyone suspected - it CAUSES climate change !
increases salinity thus increases heat soaking capacity of ocean - !!
2 simple parts to this logic =
Increasing the concentration of the salt decreases the specific heat capacity of the water.
The specific heat is the amount of heat per unit mass required to raise the temperature by one degree Celsius.
Put 1 + 1 together what do you get but 2 -
increasing salinity of ocean via desalination increases heat carrying capacity (and quite possibly, heat retention capacity) of ocean thus tempeture skyrickets...
And ocean is much huger thermal mass so this is a devastating news especially that heat will take ages to go away from earth system, how will it ever go away?? We need massive rapid reforestation if any good percentage of humanity's current population is to survive this crisis, but even then as every day shows anyway, that good can never be "good enough" for me, but at least I have reconciled with the reality of death and how to hedge oneself against it by simply, doing what is required to be done in order to become a part of the universe rather than a foolish villain standing in opposition to it!
They only say -
"Brine can cut levels of oxygen in seawater near desalination plants with “profound impacts” on shellfish, crabs and other creatures on the seabed, leading to “ecological effects observable throughout the food chain”, he said. Vladimir Smakhtin, director of UNU-INWEH, said the study was part of research into how best to secure fresh water for a rising population without harming the environment. “There are all sorts of under-appreciated sources of water,” he said".
They don't know the main problem is this ! Global warming via ocean warming via desal !
Culprit is found... It's not power plants. The whole term "Carbon Zero" is based, as it now turns out, on a false premise and academic waffle although of course this science is so subtle that I don't blame anyone for not finding it as I have, like, as i did right now.
It's not about belching cows, no!
It's mainly desalination
If you REALLY say that the spirit of a challenge like Carbon Zero challenge... is about (reducing global temps) by "reducing carbon emissions"
(or you might have said REVERSING CLIMATE CHANGE and restoring non genetically modified, organic native healthy human/plant/animal nature BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE)
because Greenhouse effect (theory, i should add... ! ) is merely 1 relatively minor factor in global warming
the minor atmospheric factor,
there is much more thermal mass in the ocean and half-baked analysis has ignored the vital measurement, increase in ocean temperatures...
Clearly global warming is because of desalination, if you look at the sheer volumes of brine that have been repumped into the oceans by the standard process in the clearly criminally stupid (idiocratic) desalination technologies
in any case ), international government is now against desalination -
Soon, legislation will follow against this. much more intense than the strikes which called to ban power plants which is a much weaker and I actually believe, entirely ineffective mode of action vs. climate change.
specifically the sheer huge jump in the last 20 years or so
is because of desalinated waters being repumped into ocean that is also, of course, destroying oceanic life in general because I do not believe the increase in temperature will be limitemd to a part of the ocean but its entirety, as salt spreads, and the universe will then destroy mankind.
Not any such mankind that I'm part of !
Is that what "we" want? To die out like dodos in island, or those dinosaurs who were the cosmic dodos i.e. their island was earth, so wingless biomatter (sub-ptereosaur of typology), so left behind on earth as the other dragons/reptilians went to space mastering technologies as you will not suspect is untold history beyond the wells you know. The cosmic dodos, the dinosaurs we know, who also died out due to climate change (death of all vegetation as herbivore dinos out-evolved carnivore dinos e.g. trex went into blocked evolutionary spiral so it lost its hands use as a weapon to gain lower body strength as it evolved to jump as a gigantic velociraptor upon large dinos, you see what happened? The ankylosaurus broke his right leg. And then prayed to the demiurge, the god of semi-vegan privilegees' bacterial culture, who allowed him to eat the t-rex corpse as a moral exception, to gain strength to evolve his heavy weapon in the tail. The vegan retards ate all the plants and soon, there was nothing but heat in the earth, as the land soaked up the sunlight and the earth heated and the volcanic belts in the himalayas, an eternal error, seat of himalayan blunder, scar on the location of earth, ever corrupting the sociopolitics of earth (mar-soc fascism). And then the volcanoes exploded and that is how the dinosaurs died, as recent consensus agrees, not the old fake ideas of meteor caused extinction.
I think you might not appreciate the magnitude of the problem -
So "chief guest of the mammals" (pseudo-apex predator like humanity)
by now... are merely like "chief guest of the reptiles" the fool dinos, or dodos in a limited environment, dying zombie biomatter being naturally displaced by the relatively alive rest of the universe including thinking humans.
And of course, back then, some dinos could invent spacecraft, solve bernoulli's theorem, and talk, and well it is again something out of the well, granted, but not what I'd count as fantasy but let's not discuss this further if you think otherwise, it is anyway extraneous to the project.
But about climate change, that's what it's all about first, my project, and to be entirely honest with you the business aspect is secondary.
Death in boiling water like the old frog
is not what I want either for myself or my future generations and those of my friends who are many so I have a hard job already in my hands given the tendency to underappreciate new science just because it is new!
Global warming IS NOT because OF technology per se (except the futile waste technology e.g. services for salaried parasite sector etc. and needless industrialization e.g. arms race, saleable fool products etc. that causes only a minor bit)
But majorly this...
What right has a man who deserves to walk on the street have, to ignore this logic?
What right do we have to the desalinated water we poison ourselves with? It may even be a more relevant thing to speak of doing what is right.
So it is a criminal penalty, I'd say and soon the governments will too because this logic by itself is both inexorable and now I have published it as well,
So a criminal penalty under new "white collar crime" sections for stubborn desalinatIon lobbyists who are basically as good as any criminally bad apple, like say a murderous mar-soc infiltrator in the red army,
well, you know, pseudo-red (bad apple red), enemy to me (cherry red) and usurper of what is mine,
Everyone should know these things about me because later, if they are on the other side which is typical, they should not be disappointed, and their presence by my side, in any case, can only bring disappointment to me if they plan to be unfluid in policy.
For me I first secure my life, and then my money which becomes easy if you don't have to keep spending on inefficient ways to secure your life, better stable equilibrium than unstable equilibrium then midlife crisis, is my simple and 100% undeniably logical policy. Especially in the context of my recurring disappointment with standard social organizations, my plan is foolproof as it minimizes dependence on society, but does the most to benefit it.
Dear Dr. Nandakumar,
Hi, thanks for your comments. My replies to your remarks ( italicized )-
>> Business plan must contain facts and not be a wish list. -
There are a few facts / commercial estimates which may be of more interest to you ... in the B-plan document (reattached here, please first refer "B plan - concise" file, for best results) ...
My "wish" list is actually a real plan of action, not fully detailed yet but no wishful thinking there! Except a few proposals more uncertain/experimental in nature e.g. mangrove farm but I do intend to seriously pursue these important experiments.
It is more my plan, any business out of it is incidental, the main business is only the water and infrastructure monetization, but the b plan i atttached now shows only the water sales revenue model.
The overall "PLAN" in the 18 page document is a thoroughly thought out strategy for what my company will be, if not a b plan -- maybe you can call it a b strategy. Of which, I meant every word I said, and will do unless convinced to the contrary
So it is more like a mission/vision document, those aspects are (albeit marginally) central to the structure of the business (division 1 that's why i included it, please ignore if irrelevant to your analysis)
>> Can you separate out the facts from fanciful notions from this business plan and resend it? We can comment on facts and your interpretation of the facts only.
I reattached a concise b-plan doc file for you. Which facts are you looking for?
I can think of 2 classes of details that may qualify as the "facts" that you are seeking that are
1 ) Company structure 2) Basic (only water) Profit Estimates - both these details are from pages 1 - 3 (reattached document) and the rest of the 15 pages (that i cannot "ignore" as such) you can consider out of your scope.
>> Facts must have a reference. Either a potential customer said it or it was obtained from a reliable source. What we generally think and believe are not facts. It is dangerous to build a business on what we think and believe. A business survives only if your customers are willing to pay for it. And they will pay only if you offer them a compelling value proposition to what “they want” and not what “you want”.
When you say that, I feel you either do not understand the difference between cleanwater generation and desalination, or the utility of the energy efficient innovation in mass cleanwater generation TWG plant model ?
Or you did not perhaps understand the significance of the energy efficiency (W-Hr/L) estimate numbers I sent you? .. those are solid fact (est.) , albeit more coming from the side of science than customers.
>> Can you define the persona of the customer you are targeting? How many such customers have you met, who are strangers (not your friends or relatives)? What are their current needs and problems with respect to drinking water? Don’t prompt them. Hear what they say unprompted. What’s on top of their mind?
(Clean) Water is not a requirement that can be spoken about in any uncertain terms.
It is fundamental for life.
Water is running out, you can't argue with that.
Desalination is not an option you can't argue with that.
There is no groundwater, you can't argue with that.
Standard dehumidifaction plants are too energy inefficient, you can't argue with that.
So if you look at all the above statements, there is actually no fake logic out here, can you see? There is a real need as well as a real problem which is being addressed, and this can be called current as well.
The main logic here , which will cause impulse to buy -- is about desalination vs. dehumidication - the clear logic -- an analogy is bad humvee car company vs. good electric bike company
Some anti-public moneyed interests need desalination, the public need cheap dehumidification like the TWG
I ignore the former, that's my safe strategy (but pro-public is anyway my allies' layout), i like playing it safe and I can at least make my strategy foolproof in such things very easily is what I always find.
But then again, nobody need say these facts again about how desalinated water is poisoned water, or how dehumidifier water is clean water. These are well-proven scientific realities that need not be reproven by us -
I haven't done a doctoral study of the devastation caused by desalinated water to health,
but an initial look makes it seem extremely bad, especially the boron, has several undocumented ill effects which are only now being found. Here's a primer.
Here unfortunately many have a merely techno-commercial, pseudo-scientific approach ignorant of both biology and physics, so they ignore risks, but not among the new generation, if taught (I don't have friends or family members who I explained it to, I only explained these concepts with strangers with a relatively sound technical understanding of dehumidication and desalination, e.g. IIT students and water professionals).
Those that understood this concept, which will be advertised (central aspect of the marketing as i have indicated in the attached document) and they said they definitely do understand how dehumidfication is far safer, in fact, anyone can understand it if shown by a poster/animation that I'll make for this.
If given an option they'll only drink clean water, anyone except a fool I guess.
It is more about the climate change reversed characteristic of the infrastructure that goes beyond the water. But mostly this infrastructure is about water. In the bigger plant, thisis just a 5 Lakh budget proof of concept with minimal yield. If you indeed ignore the uncreative desert opportunistic nomad personality's minimal requirements, water is still needed for life, both for the more creative people and more importantly, for meritocratic (e.g. fruit) nature (which goes beyond merely as a go-to store for society's food needs in my vision. As i have clearly delineated, my consumers are not merely water drinkers but climate conscious pro-nature water drinkers more so. What's on top of their mind? Exactly "utopia", which is not a "wish" - that is only a "wish" in parts of India where naysayer mentality would seem dominant in the political classes! It is a reality we make to cure the ugliness of climate change... So what's on top of any decent person's mind today? To do something about the major crisis we are faced with which some will only slowly come to terms with - Something like what I'm building for them, as I have shared the details - something that works for them, not against them, that they can associate with rather than just reject (as is the fate of most of the companies today which despite big backers unearth fatal weaknesses in their political viability, a hitherto ignored aspect in "business studies", it's not as unimportant as you might feel that's why I am compelled to include it. I can delete any sentences that might make you uncomfortable if you point them out, if you want).
Are you addressing those needs and problems?
Yes - via mass cleanwater generation
Do you think their problems are costing them more than what you’re going to charge them?
Yes - the medical costs due to desalinated water can only be understood by testing or mass autopsy, but as huge undoubtedly as the range of disease it causes
Assuredly disease rate (especially dementia rate) is skyrocketing today for such reasons only, that individual lobbies and lobbyists don't have much interest in discussing, but the new technologies will come anyway.
Lastly, I can understand if you do not want to read the last 15 pages which are more about the logic and strategy of the business plan, since you are interested only in the business part. Well, that is actually just the first 3 pages of the document, what is easily forecastable at least. For your convenience I've just taken that out and attached that again so you can download the file "B pla- concise" file which has merely the information you need (the "B - plan facts" you asked - as I understand it - please indicate if it is any specific fact , or anything else that you are looking for in the business plan that I had not already communicated before / here).
I must add, just for the sake of official communication, the full B-plan document is a more informative document of how the company is to be sculpted - I do not plan to entertain other alternatives, if only because there are too many typical companies anyway, and none of them work for me!
I don't know about you, but all I want to do is save the earth by reversing climate change, that's my main interest.. One can make a business out of it too, about which the numbers in that document speak for themselves?
thanks & regards,
Anand Madhu Kumar
But wait for my word on testing the prototype, and I'll have released an updated final cheapfab design document by then .
Next document i paste here, below, is my business strategy -
which caused Dr. Nandakumar to get a bit offended it would appear as he responded curtly to me, that caused me to, well, write those 2 letters :D
-- My "my business is yours" business plan.... towards a more exo-community and GIFT ECONOMY type of deculturalized pro-thinker world...
twg b - plan ->
Tefnut Freshwater – Composite Business Plan
Water is the essence of life. In many coastal regions of India, there is scarcity of potable water. Even when water is available, it is usually through dwindling sources like lakes or the significantly contaminated water produced unsustainably from desalination plants. Commercially viable desalination plants only reduce the contaminant level to “acceptable” limits which still allow for certain small molecule poisons like boron. Only an unhealthy man may see desalinated water as potable – seeing as how, even plants reject this product! “At first, desalination plants removed enough boron to reach a safe drinking level for human consumption. But crops are much more sensitive to boron than people. As recycled water reached the fields, crops suffered from high levels of boron”. I don’t like the unnatural taste of seawater desalinated water myself, which is the only option people are left with because of the unavailability of fresh/brackish water sources. Apart from causing an increased oceanic salinity which is a direct cause of global warming/climate change (salinity increases heat-carrying capacity of the thermohaline circulation), the rising energy costs for desalination plants due to the increase of oceanic salinity by now has proven a fatal concern for the sector. The alternative to desalination, that is, clean water generation by dehumidification, proved commercially unviable due to the high energy cost of water production.
Water is the essence of life. In many coastal regions of India, there is scarcity of potable water. Even when water is available, it is usually through dwindling sources like lakes or the significantly contaminated water produced unsustainably from desalination plants. Commercially viable desalination plants only reduce the contaminant level to “acceptable” limits which still allow for certain small molecule poisons like boron. Only an unhealthy man may see desalinated water as potable – seeing as how, even plants reject this product! “At first, desalination plants removed enough boron to reach a safe drinking level for human consumption. But crops are much more sensitive to boron than people. As recycled water reached the fields, crops suffered from high levels of boron”. I don’t like the unnatural taste of seawater desalinated water myself, which is the only option people are left with because of the unavailability of fresh/brackish water sources. Apart from causing an increased oceanic salinity which is a direct cause of global warming/climate change (salinity increases heat-carrying capacity of the thermohaline circulation), the rising energy costs for desalination plants due to the increase of oceanic salinity by now has proven a fatal concern for the sector. The alternative to desalination, that is, clean water generation by dehumidification, proved commercially unviable due to the high energy cost of water production.
Solar energy is one of the cleanest forms of
But the solar panel is an outlandish way to
use it. It is more usable in a specific
process to produce the currency of
life, water.
The sun’s radiation causes seawater to evaporate
to create a moisture rich and high pressure zone over the ocean, which can be
accessed at the coast. The TWG plant’s Air Transport System is oriented along a
sharp pressure gradient in the shoreline land-sea boundary layer, which, in
connection with an air-concentrating venturi at the inlet, causes large volumes
of the rich ocean airs to rush into a dehumidifier
cooling plant, to generate clean freshwater at a much lower energy cost than
standard dehumidifier plants. The design thus scalably, sustainably
generates water and non-stagnating air conditioning, at a far lesser energy cost
than the current generation of dehumidifiers.
Tefnut freshwater will have a company
structure consisting of 2 divisions –
Main/qualitative lead division –
builds small meta-plants, self-sufficient civilization spots at the beach
Attached/quantitative division –
builds larger TWGs for the mass market. Let us discuss both one by one.
Coastal civilization hubs – these meta-plants
(hubs) are owned by the first and main (ideologically equipped) division of the
About the “basic” b-plan (for
the submission), which restricts the meta-plant (civilizational hub)’s profit
opportunities to merely the selling of water, profit estimates, as I’d
discussed with Dr. Hiran, are –
Ideal meta-plant – at least 3 T Rx AC plant;
so it will generate around 80*3/2= 120 L of water a day; because of outages,
stoppages, consumption by operator etc. assume 100 L is available to sell.
Expected water = 100 L / day water produced
Sold at Rs. 30/L (on average, across the
(Minimum cost = 20. I plant to sell this water
at different purities, min. Rs. 20 cost and maximum much more, based on
post-treatment – as for the post-treatment process, basic mineralization is
straightforward, just a cheap kit, but I will actually sell a processed, herb/mineral-infused
health water (I’ll perfect this system at the site, as I do my other tests on
the plant/design, after building it).
This health water I will sell at Rs. 40+ / L (and
yet I’ll only actually sell at that cost if I actually need that money), and, for rare diseases, something that really
works (nutrients, not medicines), at higher price, but these are products that
I’ll make. It is very easy, the formulas are in public domain. Although I’ll
sell more health water than normal, I assume an average amount received per
Liter sold = Rs. 30/L.
Steady State monthly Basic Income (from
water sales)
Optimal (Rs. 40/L) - > Rs. 40/L
* 100 L * 30 days -> Rs. 120,000
Realistic (Rs. 30/L) - > Rs.
30/L * 100 L * 30 days -> Rs. 90,000
Worst case (Rs. 20./ L) - > Rs.
30/L * 100 L * 30 days -> Rs. 60,000
Steady State monthly Losses
Prototype (running on
gen-set), total – 69,000 / month
Recurring cost monthly 10 KW
Genset hiring charges – Rs. 12,000
Recurring fuel costs for water/VAC
production – TWG energy consumption 7 KW * 8 Hr/ day * 30 days - > 768 L
fuel /month -> cost = Rs. 57000/month
Std. meta-plant – power from grid;
costs – 30 * 8 KW * 8 Hr. * 5 Rs/KWHr. (grid power cost) = Rs. 7200 / month
As you can see, even in worst case where
prototype is powered by expensive power, even the meta-plant alone is
profitable, just selling the water at branded RO water rate. Expected monthly
profit, per meta-plant from water sales, should in any case at least be in the
order of Rs. 80,000 in steady state, and even in the prototype although I use a
very expensive power source, a profit of around Rs. 30,000 from water sales is
the month’s target.
Standard meta-plant (not prototype) =
Optimal monthly profit = Rs. 108,000 per
Cost of building = 5 Lakhs
Period needed for Return on investment = under
5 months
Slow pick-up (hard power installation etc.)
monthly profit = Rs. 30,000 per month
Cost of building = 5 Lakhs
Period needed for Return on investment =
around 16 months
Optimal forecasted ROI, Slow (worst-case) forecasted ROI vs. typical ROI schemes available to investors today –
As you can see only the sales of extremely
pure water from the meta-plant alone, is extremely profitable.
Core differentiator - Customer pull rate is
prioritized by an emphasis on Integrity; it is transparently visible as daily
live quality checks by the public and customers, which organically causes ITB
(impulse to buy):
E.g. of
integrity-flashing – the testing doc of the testo anemometer I bought – It
showed the exact accuracy and uncertainty of the instrument, and the values
were something any engineer would feel very good about.
This is a golden opportunity that my company
is bound to exploit, as my product is a clean water generator.
The quality of water produced by
dehumidification is extremely high and certification is not a long process, but
a straightforward few experiments within days of the water production milestone
being hit, to practically enable selling after a few tests. Total Dissolved
Solids (salts mainly) are expected to be extremely low due to the large
distance of the inlet from the shoreline. Had the inlet been nearer to the
shoreline, the airs would have been of lower quality, besides being
contaminated by the salt spray which forms at the shoreline. In the long run,
as a daily process, live quality testing will be demonstrated in a stall near
the plant by the operator, for public education – a comparison of various
waters including the 20 Rs. Bisleri and cheap municipal water, and desalinated
water from various plants, compared to TWG waters, all side by side in a
powerful pollution detection kit. This will clearly show buyers exactly what
they’re buying (water of what quality),
what you see is what you get – causes
a very strong ITB, a high customer buy rate, and as such water is a daily
requirement of all who populate beaches in the summers.
Although people may not even come, if it is
early in the morning in the hot sun, there are bound to be people with free
time who like the idea of hanging out in the beach in a cooled area in the
morning, and they will drink a lot of water because there will tend to stay, in
a rentable small work area or for other activities, so the classic business is
like a beach café and play/workplace, supported on the water/AC infrastructure
which the TWG plant will create; the planned business activities are discussed.
This might be considered, at this moment,
extraneous to the current prototyping project, but it is meaningless to talk
about a business plan for my company if we were to omit this detail, as selling
water to the urban patients of depression is not my idea of a good time, rather
my target customers are those who hang out at my climate change reversed area.
I intend to build a perfect place for thinking, loving people. Kotivakkam is a
popular beach where many play and hang out, I intend all beaches to be like
that, the problem in India is that not everyone are into DIY, they don’t make
beach sleds and carry lots of water, tents etc. to spend time at the beach and
there is no pro-nature scene. I want to create a logical ecosystem in that
otherwise hostile zone, where such things make more logistical sense, at public
friendly open beaches where the rule of law is present.
In that way, I have a much more expansive plan
than I can even begin to describe in this document, but this is not a pitch
plan, you asked me for a business plan, I’m bound by nature to tell you the
whole of what I think of it.
The company structure is a non-pareto-type-parasitic aka non-hierarchical model, where the
founder is the first among equals (members of the company).
With the prototype, I will demonstrate the
reality of individualistically (no encouragement for “groupism”, in company
vision) fighting climate change head on
via near-sea desert reclamation, by making a “coastal civilization hub”, enabled
by cooled environment and water supply, which provides a solid foundation for
an acceptable
(nature-oriented) ecology even in hostile areas like the sea coasts.
I have been reliably informed that permission
for any such meta-plants[1]
can be easily obtained from the pollution control board after panel
confirmation of the non-polluting nature of the set-up.
The company values will be consistent,
however, so all these installations will be specifically differentiated as hubs
of civilization, almost like town centers or agoras, but, at the coast, more
meant to cater to the pro-logic reformative expectations of the youth, not so
much the expectations of cultural perpetuity as held by the politicians,
actors, and others with stakes in society’s corruption and instability.
As the founder, I fixed the generic vision of
this first division of the company as simply what is a right conduct for an organization, which is something society will
never otherwise understand or give me!
Or, shall I say, such things are what even you’d
call right. I obviously want to differentiate the company (as represented by
the standard meta-plant’s non-water related activities, which are envisioned to
play a huge role in the war against climate change that our generation must win
having inherited it)…
I want it basically for my kind of people,
which are different from the average people you find in most places.
So the meta-plant is a much-needed actively-deculturalized
(anti-cancer mode = on) hub for intellectuals, a staging area for innovations
that matter (to nature/man) such as the one exemplified, whose adoption locally
will be encouraged and supported by consultancy and networking with the help of
the rich experience I bring by the time I get my technology proven (vast energy
So remember, this is still coming up as a
post-company, in an otherwise largely mediocratic world, so it is to be a
relief against the mediocracy’s cheater/terrorist/realpolitiker/established
clerk nexus which only people like me in the intelligence community really
understand well, or have to deal with, it is a valid and difficult problem that
I must help humankind with, I mean to say the mob mentality and bully
dominance culture that harms and feeds the energy off nonlinear thinking people
like me, the most… you see, the parasite to host relationship is merely the disorientation
of the prey to predator relationship, which is just the necessary precursor to
a more energy balanced ecology, rather than something to be afraid of. I can
tolerate the first, the least, the second, well, I can grudgingly be a predator
if I want, but my heart desires always the third, and can easily get there
without going through the 2nd which I can only be pushed into, not
go to of my own will!
But, that is inexorable if it ever comes to
that, it is the logic of entropy and whoever gets it (the rest contribute to
climate change in their mis-policy), which is, in its gist, merely critical of
energy parasitism.
Incomplete or propagandistic references may be
made in ideas such as “brahman”, “karma”, or in aspects of socio-legal
authority structures which become at worst members of the mar-soc empire in
hierarchical moralysis, as in a lot of religions and cults of atheistic
dogmatists awaiting what they call a midlife crisis.
It is the missing insight in the philosophy of
the sociologists, and in lacking it they have become champions and promoters of
mediocrity and justifiers of social cancer. Society can evolve to a healthy
form, as it must, only on incorporating the science of entropy w.r.t.
biomatter, the fundamentals of energy parasitism, then there will be seen in
them an effective discouragement of mediocratic groupism.
Most have a method of relying on low quality
processes like heuristics and making lots of low quality interconnections (I
mean dopaminergic neurological
correlates) between low quality dopaminergic
neurodatastructures (suppositions, misjudgments, misdefinitions from the
well-informed fool’s dictionary, misconceptions borrowed from unreliable charismatic experts
etc.), but people like me, nonlinear thinkers, are of a different, norepic
type, and Norepinephrine is more a brain chemical, so we have a nature of making
a worldview, which we use to solve the problems of life, which means, in
contrast, lesser
noise given a few high quality connections (norepinephrinergic, not
dopaminergic neurological correlates) between norepinephrinergic
neurodatastructures … when I say that we have a few high quality understandings
in contrast to how most have a manner of having a lot of low quality
misunderstandings, one should not see it as my weakness unless he wishes to see
my strength in war! I meant, initially a few, but this number always grows, to
as many as needed, there is no upper ceiling for one who learns how to adapt
and evolve, I find, as the rest will naysay, sit around waiting for thinkers whom
they can mount and ride into “Acche din” until, as it inevitably happens in
such situations, the mahout falls to the elephant.
Unlike most who are more into the dopamine
zones which consequently burn up early causing dementia, we nonlinear thinkers
are functional in the whole of our brains (which is, of course, related to the
typical observation of our greater overall health, immunity etc.), and thus we are
disproportionately affected by the bombardment of our senses by illogical
stimuli like noise, or, simply ill-thought, illogical creations, which can be
called the living or non-living personifications of noise (by the latter I mean
a parody of art, like, to take an example, say a kind of frankenstein monster).
The mainstream bacterial culture is just how
the ancient Chinese were tortured by water drops on their forehead.
We are sensitive to stimuli, unlike the more
enteric who are “comfortably numb” in their dopamine rushes, escapism, and
denialism, and ultimately, crippled by fear, fatigue, depression and ill-health
as all systems go out of control.
That is not my idea of an ideal life! And this
is what the Div. 1 of the company is all about, an ideal ecology for thinkers.
(as in illogical small talk, which most people produce) actually kills us, cell
by cell, the basic process is the same as this
(quantitative bombardment of a quality-oriented CNS, which is not built to
handle neuropyrosis level loads unlike the “normal”/neurotypical brain whose
overly linear mentality (rote/recite/summarize etc.) makes them good with
quantitative processing of data of low quality (noisy or (epistemologically)
low quality data), which is their custom, and thus they also suffer depression
and Alzheimer’s).
Now some might object that neural noise-protection,
or pro-thinker ecology, is “not an unmet need in a country like India”, but such
a person should be called at least 20 years behind the current generation’s
thinking. I’m Indian, ecological noise control is a need for me, although not for
most, granted, as they are husks; but there are at least 10,000 people near my
site in Chennai itself who are a bit more like me! The idea that there should
not be a niche catering to the needs of thinkers, need not be tolerated. If it
is, it is only the case in India, everywhere else thinkers don’t think twice
about war, but here appeasement of the weak who enjoy numerical superiority is
a Gandhian tradition. Well, it is not tolerated by reality in any case, as
evolution is inexorable and the victory of Norepinephrine and energy flow is
the basic reality, walls do exist yes but energy flow always smashes them given
the overall entropic order in the train of triggers and consequences.
In accordance with the pro-thinker policy across
the meta-plant premises, model codes of conduct are enforced on visitors who
can be turned out if they break the terms and conditions of the premises –
Drinking, tobacco, and bad habits
strongly discouraged in the premises for everyone’s health and safety
No groupist affiliations can be
imported into the premises to preserve the optimal happiness and lowest noise
levels in residents
This also means overt markers of
religious identity, which can make cosmpolitan customers uncomfortable, are not
permitted; any dress or any group-specific headgear should not characterize the
visitor as a member of a certain power-mongering group, for example
So it will attract a young and relatively
sharp crowd, where I’ll be a friend and advisor to them etc.
Other meta-plant operators, well, just similar.
Several non-exploitative monetization
opportunities exist for the meta-plant, but I will not get into the numbers here,
because the meta-plant’s main business’s profitability has already been shown,
and extra sources of profit are just unhatched eggs which will surely hatch
just as any well-managed restaurant in a right geographical context will
succeed unless there is a perpetual depression, in which case nothing will
succeed, anyway; it is the final breakdown of the system and back to face the
reality, as many have reconciled with doing, that the basic logic is the same,
peace sells, but who is buying? In such cases, realistically, let’s not stop
talking about it although you can count it as a digression, If Proudhon rightly
equated the artificially produced scarcity seen in the majority as equivalent
to the parasitic privilege of object/capital owners, and used that to conclude
“property is theft”, well, you know, realistic groups of people do say out
there, that theft from the thief is property! Large energy parasite
concentrations must be broken at the spine and roots. It is always better to return
to the maps in the mil-int war room, if free trade is crushed by (mar-soc)
tyranny. That’s what all the cool people are doing anyway! So I need not count these
non-exploitative monetization opportunities even right now, but it is more about
civilization and real people solving problems and doing a lot despite having little,
given a pro-thinker ecology.
These profit opportunities, centered around
the general vision of the company as reformative
and utopian and enabled by, if not electricity supply, at first, the 3kw
surplus power available at site at day, and 10 kw at night) are, among others –
Coastal Research Center
Soil Research Center and Planting
Soil Export Division – soils made in availability/logistics-weighed and techno-commercially
optimal researched proportions from the following -
§ Coconut husks
§ Beach sand
§ Eroded soils from barren and drought lands (bought from suicidal
§ Silt rich soil from recently
dried-out river tributaries (bought from state governments)
§ Energy efficient Bokashi method to turn food wastes into soil food web
As a factory, we can purchase Food
waste in bulk from apartments at low costs – collected and delivered by an apartment
security guard every day, this also serves as a daily security check for all
the residents by guards (we use existing under-employed entities to build our
network, not hire new employees – let’s call it the Uber business model, here)
Earthworm sector borders free
ranging, natural diet chickenorium which thus gets feed etc.
DIY engineering and life skills training
as a low cost educational service at site workshop, lab tour, workshop, instrument
use classes, tool use etc., a cutting edge new, nonlinear thought-focused
teaching research, to develop the scientific mentality in children from poor
schools with no labs or workshop
§ Supported by video sessions in theater as needed
Important news and Notices board –
§ people can post cutouts of important newspaper articles in various
Library & job board
§ Each member must donate 3 (acceptable) old books to join
We accept only a few good books
§ Anyone can take a number of books = f(how many he contributes)
§ Run by buddies paid by the hour for their work (a general model of
informal employment at the meta-plant, via the local job board where others can
also put up their contracts, and it is a cool place to go find work for capable
people looking for small contracts of all types)
Climate change reversed (cool
climes), water intensive horticulture
70% fruit – cherries, berries,
oranges, grapes, chikoo, passion fruit, quality strains
Sun dried cut fruit packaging unit
Into kitchen
20% Vegetables – peppers, corn,
tomatoes, jalapeno, red onions, Broccoli, olives, mushrooms – for use in
10% Herbs – oregano, basil, Chives,
medicinal herbs
Animal repopulation –
Birds – welcome to eat insects,
snakes etc.
Insects – dragonfly colonies for
anti-mosquito duty, beehive in flower area, anthill for forest floor
development and dish cleaning duty, and Dung beetles (e.g. the scarab) for
treatment of human wastes - an Onthophagus taurus male can pull over 1,140 times
its own weight in dung
Apex predator – beautiful large
predators requisitioned as chief guests from zoos
Small predators - dogs, cats,
Monkeys (who can travel to mangrove biome), lizards (savannah monitor, Ackies
monitor, Asian water monitor), Royal Pythons, Corn Snakes, mongoose
Small prey eating a variety of food
plants – rabbits, moles, chickenorium chickens, goats, birds sitting in bird
houses, where predators can jump on them from cliffs above etc. (smart ecology
construction e.g. shade, drinking holes, dedicated fruit trees, and foliage for
Pioneer dispatch –
§ the meta-plant will act as a main base for boygirl scout kind of buddy pioneer
teams who foray to develop plots (a general model of fighting climate change by
the revitalization of destroyed lands)
§ Such development requires a specific methodology which we will perfect
§ Clients will call our buddy pioneer squads to develop their barren or
waste lands
Buddies will be pressed into work
in the desert and sea reclamation laboratory’s nature building exercises (for
which profit opportunities and funding will be sought), in –
§ Algal foods research center
§ Experimental Avicennia Mangrove
breeding research center
mangroves are permanently rooted
in a few feet of water thus a gain in green area
mangroves support a rich diversity
of life forms, especially molluscs
Vision –
to try and breed/cross-breed
mangrove and algae family plants; to create plants suitable for invasive
(towards sea) floating forests; a push into the sea by self-driven
mangrove/algae infrastructure, with the aim of fighting climate change by
bridging the freshwater vs. seawater gulf; to try and make a seaside ecology
and see what profit (e.g. molluscs) this might produce?
And other “Sasta jugad” business
models -
Providing fibre wifi enabled office
seats for rent, in green areas:
Single - isolated seats
is company type - isolated Lounges
Sleeping beds for ultra-cheap
nightly hire usable in any number of large tents
Every facility will be cheap at the
site, causing higher numbers of customers to pour in
Deculturalized fun for thinkers section –
Sound proofed Jam room for hire by
local bands, radio station and recording studio
Band live shows at night, so
selected bands can come, patrons can pay to watch etc.
professional "bring your
laptop" gaming competitions with entry fee and prize money
Movie and documentary screening for
local population awareness and literacy in the youth
Misc. Facilities
Smart toilet
Entry by 1 time purchasable,
transferrable smart card
Dry/waterless mechanical waste removal into composter, less tap freshwater
Compost generated by people fed to
dung beetle enclosure
TWG canteens
Scalable production, cheap prices –
Rs. 10 – Small glass coconut water
from coconut processing plant to be built – bulk buy raw coconuts; coconut
husks used for purposes like forest flooring –
1. Supply of adequate
moisture to the plant
2. Prevents water retention
3. Balance minerals
4. Maintain good temperature
for plant
5. Maintain good ph value for
6. Reduce fungal growth in
7. 100% natural production
8. Eco-friendly
9. Low cost
Wastes used to enrich soil food web
for nature/horticulture by bokashi
Seawater chilling tanks
“The ocean contains all the vital
elements, vitamins, mineral salts, trace elements, and amino acids (which is,
by the way, a really good reason for using sea salt in our diet, as opposed to
'table' salt). Sea water is bacteriostatic and the cleansing and healing
properties of saline have been recognized for many years. Naturopaths believe
that bathing in sea water acts directly on chronic health disorders. They
believe that cool sea water calms down overwrought nerves, tranquillizing the
whole body. By the same token, warm sea water, during the summer improves
circulation and relaxes muscles. The high salt content also provides natural
buoyancy, which also helps with relaxation. It is also considered that the
magnesium content of sea water is sufficiently strong to have a nutritional and
calming effect on our nerves; this would explain why sea water baths are so
The operator philosophy is that all these
works are usually done by machines or buddies, not captive hires
(Only reasonably non-exploitative contracts)…
The composite business plan is
pro-sustainability, yes I do claim that remolding the ordinary person as a
refined thinker, in this kind of coastal Plato’s academy more concerned with a
science of (Romulus-style) leadership rather than a Remus-style “right to lead”/monopolize
by overly militant IP or such excuses (like Bill Gates!), is a solid counter
against climate change and negative idiocratic tendencies, and that’s the
ideology of Div. 1, even the side businesses are based on this philosophy, not
just profit. The composite business model for Div. 1 is as of now in the information age
very strong due to the political victory of the thinkers and an increase in
popularity of nonlinear thinking among the more successful among today’s youth;
more Aspergians are now being detected among children due to the decline of
linear bully culture as mankind evolves. Although one can argue that this first
division is more like a PR division and think-tank, the second is the business
of profitably but not exploitatively (like
Bill Gates) solving the water crisis. That is a routine OR problem, nothing
difficult, nor something I’d entirely plan out right now before even the first
prototype has been built or tested. Personally, I’m more excited about the 1st
division because I like the innocence of decentralization; hate the vulgarity
of groupism, and in fact, all I want to do in my life, is to do something to
bring down the tribal leader role,
which is more promoted by patients of master/slave disorder, in favor of the cynical free thinker as inspirer (as opposed
to “leader”) role.
As you can see I have very detailed plans for
fighting climate change (rather than just talking about it, as most do, and
sadly for most, it suffices), not just by producing water, but also by enabling
people to triumph over the enteric stupidity that engulfs them otherwise causing
them to destroy the water cycle, paycheck by paycheck, leaf by leaf (but they turn
and use terms like “CSR” without understanding or shame). A place where
thinkers are welcome, where they would belong… so that earth’s civilization is
never threatened by fear, ignorance, and groupist terror!
So the basic goal is to provide the useful
citizens with something they can call their own, a beacon of the purest (completely
deculturalized) aspects of the local ethos, the only objectively useful aspects.
My goal is to inspire the intelligent and to show people how much they can
achieve if they believe in themselves. All Div 1 meta-plants will be managed by
one member of this company structure.
The operator may maintain a number of local
buddies who will get discounts and offers and contracts at the meta-plant
So, this would be a training area for the
youth to undertake pro-people and anti-climate change activities.
The operator of the plant must be a thinker, a
host for the local thinkers, public friend, and a local TWG meta-plant media
channel with Youtube videos and audios and pictures fed to those who download
TWG app or see website, which will have a map showing all meta-plants and
various features and will be developed by a basic IT hire. So the operator will
have a software for MPOs, to manage supply chain and outsource delivery of
surplus water to high value clients in city by uber driver type role-playing,
say, buddies who take sub contracts,
so each operator is like a CEO of a virtually independent company, together we
share our intelligence and best practices knowledge, so he carries out all the
operations in the small plant (perhaps a bit larger than 1st
I am suitable for interviewing the candidates,
but only I am, because most are poor judges of character.
So we as Div. 1 of the company, after mutual
discussions, will openly take up contracts as long as they are objectively
logical, as we are expressly depoliticized and objective as public-oriented
members of a post-company.
As plants grow, excess water may be required,
but more pipes and cooling plant components can be easily added, and the
operator can expand the plant as much as he wants but then there should be only
1 operator, and 1 spare operator, so at any given time one will be at work and
another holiday/standby, but the meta-plant should not expand beyond the
handling capacity of 1 operator at a time (even that can give enough water); a rule
proposed to prevent the two many cooks situation.
So this 356 day shastra/saarang/workshop scene
is at its core a body of nonlinearly
intelligent people, who see what is
not obvious, and counter the problems
created by the supposedly democratic mediocratic idiocracy, which devolves into
power mongering and tends to “wrong all rights” if unchecked.
2) Macro business plan (Second division of
company, which will remain ideologically compliant with the first division.
So this Macro business plan, which is merely
the cash cow for the company, is to get Revenue from large-scale Tefnut water
generators and AC feed, built for the representatives of the people, maintained
by the company’s engineering and maintenance division, with all requisite
patents to be filed for, which are mostly the various parts I have specifically
invented for the plant.
There will be no water distribution division,
that’s the client’s headache since governments are the expected clients. But we
will study and provide consultancy on water grid best practices. TN government
some time back already was considering purchase of Aakash Ganga’s
energy-inefficient very large dehumidifier systems, but the energy cost is so
huge that it is impossible to speak of.
The second division of the company is thus more
into core engineering, thus it builds very big water generators to replenish
the natural land freshwater grid and force-restart the water cycle in a macro
sense. What I’m basically doing is catching the water heated by the sun, in its
path before it escapes as a cloud. You know what would have otherwise happened
to the moisture the TWG intercepts, that otherwise, heated by the sun, escapes
as a cloud? So, it is heated to a ever higher velocity by the beams of energy,
and consequently it escapes earth’s gravity and possibly the solar system’s
main plane. So the remaining freshwater on earth is also going into the voids,
rather than translating into rain here, you see cosmic entropy (what is,
physical reality etc.) by now evidently considers rain on our lands to be futile
despite the rainwater harvesting gimmickries of the authorities, which, like
most of their initiatives is just too little, too late... The perfect sizing
for this division’s products needs some time to design after a thorough
troubleshooting of the prototype, and it is more about engineering, and something
long-term that I can’t touch upon here.
But we will just start planning for securing
the integrity of this division, which is more about solving the whole water
crisis singlehandedly; so it will not be much of a business, surely, anyway I
do not want to build any empires, the resource concentration is always bad and
these empires are just occupied by others and become profiteering machines
exploiting the people, for whom I want cheap water at the end of the day. Definitely
I do not want to lose my friends (the free thinkers of the world), so I have constraints.
By now, I know better than to be any
I don’t want to be the next Bill Gates from
I don’t want to be some kind of ignorant
battering ram used for political gain, which is what people always try to use
me for, and how, they do that by not telling me this or that, and I hate that
situation and will avoid it at all costs. I don’t want to build a company which
will invariably attract political interest, and risks turning into a water
monopoly owned by the current champions of mediocrity. Neither am I mediocre
far less a mediocrat, and I do not want to be a champion of mediocrity. No
company should be that way. Least of all because champions of mediocrity taste
of defeat and death, and, for me, I’m more used to triumph. As for the profit
margins expected from this, they are simply the cost of building the plant,
plus a significant but not unreasonable profit, taking into account the design
etc., simply because it is wrong to sell pricey stuff to the government, who
must most cheaply serve the people at large. Let’s just say the RoI will be
similar, and although it is true that one can move into the water grid early
and make some money, that’s just the wrong kind of thinking, or at least not my
kind of thinking, so I’ll either build for my company and the people by my
profits from the first division and outsource the water distribution to the most
effective players (whose methods I will study to build up a 3D water grid
theory, 3D as it serves aeroponic objectives etc.), or I will simply sell the large
plants to the end users. Of what use is thinking of all that now. The only
other business plan related innovation I have is a smart water carrier which
can carry 50 Liters and is rollable into the trunk of your car so anyone can
just pick it up, and the stand at the home which takes this 50 L container as
feed, has a slope so you can roll it up and even a child can install it etc.
Just engineering that works which is simple if only one has a mind that works
(with nonlinear thinking) etc. So the profit margins from this are much harder
to exactly calculate because the market penetration rates, etc., those are hard
to predict things that depend on how well you do things rather than some static
strategy, especially because I am not by nature a profiteer nor a hard
bargainer, but more of the type who gives opportunistically (e.g. gift economy/friendly)
but the profit margins will exist. But it is, once again, 2 ideologies, Infosys
gives bonus to its company and loots the people, and Walmart pays its employees
almost nothing but does the best it can for the people, I am more of the latter
type although of course I like my company’s members too that is why I strike a
balance, make it non-hierarchical and consensus based, in which I hold the
right to object, if not veto.
Some say it’s a tough world, those who are not
hard bargainers and profiteers, and are into “time-wasting things” like gift
economy and helping others, ultimately die hungry like dogs because
deterioration is a given, well, I totally disagree; reform is a given. Although
I agree it’s a tough world, ultimately it is tough only for those who cannot
think (no nonlinear thinking) who are not particularly liked by anyone, who run
out of friends, ultimately, out of time. On the other hand for thinkers, being
used to solving even the greatest challenges, well I for one know when to
relax, I am good enough to retain my mental independence/low noise (which I
value the most) and yet thrive.
So of course, especially in the information
age, no cosmopolitan thinker with a lot of friends is going to die like a
hungry dog, he is more like an elite, than a commoner who has no love which is
now a more reliable resource than 1 million dollars worth of Enron stocks
(considering that Enron was the tip of the iceberg then, and that tradition of
empty companies featuring rich peoples’ spoilt sons as naughty bosses, has
exploded. Now it is more important to chill out and take a relaxed view of the
situation of what needs to be done. It is not a lot of thinking, but the right
kind of thinking, well, but yes, maybe some will call it a lot of thinking,
well took a decade in my case.
Well there’s a lot people have to learn, and
they believe they know it all. People ignore philosophy but without philosophy
words are meaningless and silence is preferable. Ultimately empire building and
being a frontline warrior for a group, any group, even a family, is not really
a moral or good thing to do, but a crime. Alone, we learn and you grow, we fit
organically into (what is real) civilization. In groups you fit inorganically
into insular cultures, and we become “ageing adolescents”, or “bricks in the
wall” easy to take offence and more full of false pride and ego.
This is especially true for commercial matters!
So I want to send the right message; my post-company will teach people their
value if they think for themselves
and take care of their mental health, go beyond the rump rote/repeat/hostility/groupist
warrior “successfool” stereotype which the more judgmental of people tend to have, but
it is not acceptable and must cause wars in the long term.
That kind of person is better characterized by
JR as a “potential H-bomb”, and of course, “the problem”.
It is the single biggest problem factor in
idiocracy, namely, the idiocrat aka mediocrat.
By nature the dysfunctional man is on a path
to destruction but his existence, a living death, does entail the crippling of
the more self-sufficient people who can actually solve problems and have
functional brains.
Only one class of people find it impolite to
speak of this problem, the familiar one, and yet I for one have no option but
to speak this way, otherwise I’d have died and earth, well, a bit like the
alternative ending in Hoyle’s very important novel The Black Cloud which you can better understand upon reading my
thesis on energy parasitism.
Not to digress, the problem with the idiocrat is
ordinarily not his illiteracy, but that he is an educated fool, even lengthily
educated at times, abused by the oppressive political system as a zoophilic peasant
treats his farm-cow; a basic college education is almost guaranteed. Now, this
is his or her problem. He has a unique ability to understand the dictionary
meanings of words, and proceeds to enjoy an illusion of understanding sentences
and situations whose real core he doesn’t understand due to his undeveloped
nonlinear thinking talent. Consequently this familiar type of person dominates
debates despite being illogical, and, by extension, politics. What goes in his
favor is that there is a herd of many like him, but as sheep before wolves, in
the arms race they are always the weak and in wars the dead.
It is the empire of the meek, the accursed unthinking
sheeple, obedient to the stick, oppressive to the intelligent, many in numbers,
a curse to be marred and become the clone army of cowards, servants of the will
of the demiurge, bricks in the wall of marital socialism about which Wilhelm Reich
had rightly said, “”. It is a culture of narcicissm, superficiality, and psychopathy
sometimes justified as the more acceptable sociopathy and white collar crime
and repression. So the business plan is not like the typical say 1 thing and do
another related thing, any baldrickian plan of great cunning, but it is to help
the people and solve their problems transparently and the rest of it, to be
myself, and I can merely be like this, and I have tried to work in companies,
even 4 – 5 times, but that structure is a bit unsuitable for me. I mean, the
ordinary one, a dehierarchicalized company sounds better but if I have my way
I’ll make the new employee sign-up process as simple as just making the plant
and adopting the label and make your money but well, to stay in touch with me
and always remember to be my friend in need just how I gave them a living, in
Div. 1.
So, it is simple for me, they have their
friends, I have mine, this is, well, company, for me, and well, I need company,
not, a company.
I am anyway, more into gift economy than
formal economy, because in formal economy thinkers work and fools take, often.
It is easy to get a meal if a human uses his
or her intelligence (as if human intelligence has any limits for those that get
into the habit of nonlinear thinking) to do something useful for the people. I
am not a guy who enjoys the company of a whole company at a time, but I enjoy
company but it’s more like 2 is company 3 is a crowd for me, because I am at
peace with both myself and others (sometimes seen as rude but it is just that I
am always blunt and hate my time being wasted in meaningless debate, and there
is nothing wrong in this kind of company (employee-owned... Even now even in
Veinna you see free people living in safe communes, a bit like ghettos, because
of the unreliability of the political system and the systematic manner in which
marsoc corruption proceeds by exploiting the granting and denials of material
and carnal privilege through known and lesser known means like sex slave trade
and committing treason against reason. The new ecological substrate I propose
is not anti-fool or anti-groupist but rather prods them to explore their
individualistic side, which even lies dormant in them. What I suggest, some may
suggest is illogical, but those are unable to understand complexities, or are
more pessimistic than the situation can afford. If anyone cannot see that
humans should be made to stand in line and if needed, flogged, if that is
indeed the only way to get it done, until they agree to build these machines in
the tropical coasts, to reverse climate change by forcibly inducing
mass-transpiration from mass-horticulture in places like almost everywhere in
the world, the desert nations, parts of USA, much of India, even, by now, South
India, which have been doomed by the
incompetence of several generations of pseudo-intellectuals after the fall of
the old meritocratic empires like the old marine empires which were not
dominated by ebu gogos, who did probably infiltrate the fishermans’ empire
between Kerala, TN, and SL, which explains both the Malayalam word “kuru” (the disease of the ebu gogos)
which means pimple (the first sign of the
general disease, acne is the psychosomatic manifestation of what is
psychologically, as I had called it long ago, neuropyrosis) who were specially
strengthened by the demiurge by special marsoc benefits, and crushed South
India (and consequently, the world’s) intellectuals underfoot.
So I want to reprove the theory that one can
get alone just fine if he or she knows how to get along with friendly (rather
than cold and judgmental) people and lend them a helping hand (assuming, of
course, that a good non-insular situation of good friendly loving people is
present, and that’s where people like me are in a tougher spot compared to say,
a typical commune in one of the better parts of Europe, due to the by now evident
pseudo-deterioration of law and order in India, say 2007 onwards (more central
government and TN – it’s not a problem (the usual suspects, the micro-emperors
without clothes in the information age) but these overviews are important if
you want to reliably speak of the long term failure or success potential of a
business rather than just half-baked analysis with lots of numbers but all
largely nonsensical… these overviews, which we nonlinear thinkers have and are
hard to communicate or receive (see how long this document is already!) tend to
be dismissed by many, but that is because consultants preserve their secrets, but,
these overviews are so fundamental (merely seem to have no relevance to the ignorant).
Well, so not to digress, I was saying that now, just driving a hard bargain and
leading people by manipulating them by carrot and stick will lead people to nowhere
but an early grave, well it is sad that it is so, but reality is reality, a
World War situation as is the case now due to the repair of law and order’s
military intelligence with the victory of steam in Chennai. So in this
situation, the authority of the entire world becomes (in its legal capacity at
least) intolerant of bullying by mediocrats. So the hard world is still equally
hard, but the hunters are now the hunted. So what I mean is, some drive a hard
bargain, but only the good survive, so yes a world at war is a tough world
indeed but being rich and ticketed up is no guarantee for survival, not being a
cold mediocrat, is. Even for a business, so if we talk about a business, these
are dangerous times for those who are merely good at driving a bargain
(solution fetching) rather than problem solving, they even die or run out of
resources and shrivel into nothingness, fade away, even if they did seem to
have everything at one point, to take an example, Nikola Tesla, who, when he
died in the middle of WW2, paid for his sin (i.e. the one sin, to serve the
marsoc empire of the demiurge) when his only “friend” (or rather ally… I am
speaking of the old demiurge … I mean, of course, the old number 2, not
the new one who just died) died, before Tesla died, in the middle of WW2 (= as died
the archduke as WW1 started, the marsoc paladins are always dying, out of time),
so my company vision is centered about survival. It’s always the same, survival
of the fittest. The main resource, the main wealth, is time. For us and for
friends touched by us, by increasing nonlinear talent in the commoners, awakening
them rather than catering to linearly amplified enteric fetishes (e.g. what
people misspend on, overstated things of no real use). Why will my meager
profit margin work? Some feel low-cost pure water is a low-tech and
non-innovative product that didn’t make nobody rich, but only time can give
their answer, it gives more evidence every day, for example from today’s
newspaper I see another stark warning about what is upon these people, who
bully the authority for cheap oil and water.
The design team (which is as of now just me) plans to focus on -
1) Very large TWG plants custom
built for public bodies in dedicated large scale production facility
2) Commercial TFW generators for
private users:
Commercial TFW generators would be used to provide
water to urban apartment owners’ associations or businesses at the coast. The
size can vary, it’s all equally possible, but a 50 T plant is being considered.
Water output would be around 2500 L/day, at the same energy cost Rs. 1.5 / L
(grid power cost).
3) Industrial TFW generators:
Industrial plants can be force-sold with
government help, to alleviate exploitation of fresh water sources by
[1] and ecology boundary demarcating infrastructure, the Tethys Climate
Change Reversal Wind Corridor, which is simply the full description of the
plant with the optimal usage of its cooled airs having been planned out for
supporting a simulated temperate ecology (for horticulture of cherry, berry and
such cool climate plants) even in tropical areas, in an orchardy patch
supporting humans and free animals as well in larger versions of the plant and
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