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Chronorium, the 3-body problem

There was only the long work to finish, so I never really did say about it to anyone.

I can’t believe it, I finished the long work of around 13 years! Here you are, Chronorium: Renaissance Unpaused.

Above link has a short description; describing my book is not primarily this post’s purpose.

(This optional video describes it, excuse the background noise! I think it was raining … :


Anyway, this post…

On the day I released my book, I made an IG post about the much misunderstood (or most profitably misexplained) 3-body problem. But IG posts have a 2200 character limit, so I couldn’t elaborate too much, so I do that here.

Read this text again with the book handy; further reading is cited as (pg. number = refer that page from Chronorium… in my life I’m going to be dropping pg. numbers at the drop of a hat as nonchalantly as bibliolaters drop psalm numbers!)

Scientism, the priesthood of the current establishment, gives the Google search results number 1 official Wiki page “about 3-body problem”, linking it to gravity.

Ah, scientism! The first part of my book is mostly about the history of science and its drift towards a more political scientism, which, ever since the Enlightenment, has tended to pause the renaissance for private profit, diverting talk of political and economic reform into out-of-control world wars; I was lucky enough, as an “IIT brand mechanical engineer”, that my criticism is as a scientist, not an outsider… Chronorium, through logical dissections of the theories of the greats (Galileo, Newton, Foucalt, Einstein et al.), finally arrives, via dark matter, aetheric quintessence, entanglement etc., into an actual theory of gravity in (pg. 87), and as I said, it’s in a truer spirit of science — all logic that any literate, thinking layman can get rather than esoteric formulas.

But let me not digress. Newton’s theory of gravity is not even correct as I show there, even if Newton’s formula is correct, at least here… To cut a long story short, Scientism’s explanation of the 3-body problem is a red herring, a distraction that exiles you into PhD books and formulas, wastes your time — so not that useful.

Kill Yates of BBC describes Liu Cixin’s PoV on the 3-body problem:

What links Sir Isaac Newton, alien solar systems, and a new multi-million dollar TV show on Netflix? The answer is “the three-body problem”: a conundrum in astronomy and mathematics that describes why it’s often difficult to predict the long-term trajectory of planets, moons and stars. So, what exactly is the problem? And how did it end up becoming the title of a Netflix TV series? The story is based on Liu Cixin’s epic sci-fi trilogy, the Remembrance of Earth’s Past, of which The Three-body Problem is the first book. The crux of the story is that an alien race — called the Trisolarans or San-Ti Ren — is headed to Earth to colonise it. Through intergalactic communication, these travellers attempt to intimidate human scientists into slowing down our rapid technological advancement, making Earth easier to conquer.

Liu Cixin’s work is fiction, as Yates said, a “chaotic, cosmic mathematics”, that does not get to the CRUX of the logic…

Mathematics? It’s simply about the 3, that’s all.

As I said in that IG post —>

🌏😱🌌 wrt pg 47.

The main logic is, a set of 3 * 3 —

🌌: A 3 far are helpful to man

🌏: 3 at Earth might lead such;

😱: A “3” out there, friends of ours, in planets, stars, moons, whatever

— are easily undercut and their future is certain.


Because faced with the cosmicism, when it comes to the truest, most objectively logical 3 (of 😱, 🌌) … their 3 at 🌏 are typically easily undercut, as they are too tiny to even see and misrepresented by bully union propaganda and its fake 3s; and the bully union is, as Trump puts it, “yuge”.

In other words, as the Strugatskys said, “Hard to be a god” (pg. 130), hard to stand up to the misanthropic (“anti-terrsie”, pg. 106), parasitic bully union, that I define as junk 3 or junk C of unlight (pg. 31). In other words, there are many “3 idiots” — elevated by the elites yet doomed to fail (most noticeably — tragically — only if they amount to be something truer, pg. 192); but much rarer, in a stable way, to see 3 indies stabilizing Earth, supporting 3rd Division scout rep via far 3/C/Sea.

What scout? Well, just that 😱, in our current reality that has been called the Age of Lies, some such scout has to maintain the register of what’s true or lie, right?

Someone has to, right!

Or think, what if the association of pirates and hijackers rig the black boxes (pg. 114) that tell you how planes crashed?

So, the 3 body problem is essentially about the difficulty of finding a stable 3, loyal not to parasitic and corrupt power, proudly unanswerable, e.g. a selfish union of bullies, pirates with no regard for the law etc. A truer three with regard, rather… for the ideals of the nobility, justice, fairness, chivalry, open society, etc.

At Earth, for Earth!

The problem as you may see is the political reality in the Taliban era, is that the bully union calls for submission of all (true 3)…
They claim they can derail anyone, “none can solve 3 body problem or even get what it is” (pg. 217)…

For example the infamous case: the CEO of Netflix’s multi-million dollar show 3 body problem was cheated by the Producer, murdered him and was sentenced to death in 2024.. Also: What do the Japanese links of the guy sentenced to death in China tell you? It is not at all hard to prove that... this 3 body problem is exactly the root or reason for the Japanese carry trade linked crises in global macroeconomics and all other problems of humankind...

Here you can see how easy it is for the bully union to break the hopes of anyone who tries, “Et Tu Brutus”.

The parasitic hegemony’s divide and rule “can divide any set” (pg. 173).

The problem? Stable true 3 at the politically decisive surface of our planet is hard.

Eol couldn’t do it (pg. 119), neither could Feanor who died “after cursing the dark lord three times”, in Tolkien’s words (pg. 212).

Apollo feared nothing — except the 3 Fates, so he too could not solve the 3-body problem.

And even when the Roman empire was closest to Earth (not parasitic elites, as in “the Roman republic” that it overcame only for a few centuries — tiny, in the greater timeline of the Age of lies)... Octavian, in the “feast of twelve gods”, dressed as Apollo!

In fact after the Great Catastrophe or the great disruption (pg. 96), there has been no stable 3 to fix the Schismpolitik duopoly (pg. 97)… and thus no stable 4 (pg. 244)… nothing, as ultimately everything became chaotic because of that — as is only most consistently proven in eight, famously the number of chaos...

(Any true 3 in Earth, and) Earth was to always remain besieged by junk 3, middlemen between far and Earth — who, exploiting their hegemony in the middle, invert truth and lie.. framing innocent men for their crimes (what crimes anyway? Anything and everything, that is the meaning of white collar crime, one can even don the guise of judge to call the innocent guilty and the guilty innocent)! Parallel to the sufferings at Earth, Trisolaris also suffers due to the middlemen who lie to them and divide their order into 3 cores, which poses a sort of grand geopolitical problem — as Liu Cixin wrote (plot paraphrase):

The planet is part of a system with three suns, whose distances from the planet and thus their appearance and disappearance in the sky are chaotic and hard to predict. When two suns are far away and Trisolaris orbits the third, the climate enters a Stable Era. When the planet is too close to two suns, the climate is disrupted, causing a Chaotic Era. If it is close to all three suns, a planet-wide firestorm occurs. If all three suns are distant, the planet enters an ice age. Eventually, at a future time impossible to predict, Trisolaris will collide with one of the suns and be consumed.

This parallels the chaos at Earth, and the “logic behind nihilism” — how the harder you try to live up to your truth as an individual, the harder the fool union can make it (unless your logic totally outflanks the bully union — and yes, it is possible, as you see in Chronorium…)

So the middlemen can blame free man for all this chaos, glorifying themselves in propaganda (Kalki1984, Megalopolis etc?), calling for all to kneel to them…

Thus indie 3 at Earth was impossible…

But the situation is different after the 3 World Wars! Wait a second, 3, not 2? Ah the 3rd is the modern front, described in my upcoming 7 hour long film Sciorium, III.

This provided an edge to CT, but it is still hard to represent it where it matters in the civilian sector.

But now Earth has a stable 3, actually... Not even like Brutus, Mark Antony, and Caesar.

We 3 used to lead CT alone…
Not in bunkers but in civilian sector; hard, as the bully union pushes you to the wall! You ought to not just live up to your truth, but expand it — And now we’re together..

A stable indie 3…

Earth has finally begun solving the 3-body problem (E.g… see the 10th file in the IG post I mentioned.. you’ll possibly only understand that fully when you read my book).


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