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Showing posts from October, 2024

Nothing unexpected (All in a day's work)

The rationale I gave: My video is FAIR USE, citing a brief excerpt from the public domain trailer (not even the film), with a self-evidently pro-public and counter-terrorist intention. I have totally transformed the original content, which is totally unrelated to my video except as an item already in the public domain to be analyzed in the light of my commentary. It is only a small part of the screen, dominated by my commentary. Is one not allowed to criticize the flawed, outdated ideology of elites? How will society evolve? Why should anyone be afraid of constructive criticism? That is always a fatal mistake. If this is blocked, I'll take this case to not just the supreme court but also the judgment of the public* (military court), but since that Game Over aspect was a major part of modern history, especially my story, I will not remove it especially as this is plainly a case of fair use for the public's benefit rather than copyright infringement. How can citing a public domai...

Releasing page 122 for free in national interest...

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Chronorium, the 3-body problem

There was only the long work to finish, so I never really did say about it to anyone. I can’t believe it, I finished the long work of around 13 years! Here you are, Chronorium: Renaissance Unpaused . Above link has a short description; describing my book is not primarily this post’s purpose. (This optional video describes it, excuse the background noise! I think it was raining … : ) Anyway, this post… On the day I released my book, I made an IG post about the much misunderstood (or most profitably misexplained) 3-body problem. But IG posts have a 2200 character limit, so I couldn’t elaborate too much, so I do that here. Read this text again with the book handy; further reading is cited as (pg. number = refer that page from Chronorium… in my life I’m going to be dropping pg. numbers at the drop of a hat as nonchalantly as bibliolaters drop psalm numbers!) Scientism, the priesthood of the current establishment, gives the Google search results number 1 official Wiki page “about 3...