Timely comment on my friend's fb post ...
So you understand why the (supposedly "h = insignificant, i = unreal", or "worth of only false priest / middleman access, misunderstanding and oppression") earthly nobility's views are commonly the exact opposite of say a sea registrar like Zuckerberg.
I probably don't understand you entirely;😘
Here are some of my views on some such subject...
I think there's some divergence in your paragraph's last part and my view... that is captured well in the disagreeing/ironic tone in "now that we are dead":
Hetfields finicky tone is because, from that
perspective, middlemen between us come even before nobler / more nonlinearly capable earthlings like me
(even if we are the only ones who can as you'll now see, repair the evidently suboptimal (wrt
entropy) situation).
Maybe my submission won't pass mods, so :)
— Timetin (your drewwgie) (@anand_droog) October 25, 2022
Of elites generally:
Good on the wall (andram? https://t.co/maKEDzErk1) could help but are separated from the nobility by privileged middlemen who push both sides vs. nobility, isolated, kept in silencehttps://t.co/HsSUxjHQeT https://t.co/xU8uwLorcu pic.twitter.com/t2uSAWlwOZ
**live** (in the highest level of nonlinear intelligence and thus
objectively logical reformist capability) on earth, the veto power secures exception to a quantum norm ... Is a sacred opportunity, something different 😂
What few of Selune (who are served by lillendi) seem to sufficiently realize is that Soma and Selene are different (context), ... and the vast priesthood under Soma is even more a bunch of opportunists who've made it all about flattery, not character, causing corruption in humanity.. and looking at how the absolutely hybris filled fool modi is the current incharge of someshwar temple, there's quite a few unacceptably ignorant mad hatters in the soma network... He's simply making a amrit mahautsov for parasites who suck up to the iit modi etc brahman power cult network even if others eg me did the real work. And this is typical of modi the head trustee of the someshwar temple..
So you understand why the (supposedly "h = insignificant, i = unreal", or "worth of only false priest / middleman access, misunderstanding and oppression") earthly nobility's views are commonly the exact opposite of say a sea registrar like Zuckerberg.
Actually I refined my answer further, looking at the root case maddest Hatter 😆
Why, because of the corrected oath of the noldor correction to the Valar doom of mandos etc, etc.
But what happened later in the morning after I'd written the above, is interesting.
FB Notif!
3 friends to be wished happy birthday. (I know it's a bit weird, but all the force must be spread for the new age / good... so I do it.)
Would I.. ?
These days i check more ... eg few days back I unfriended all 8 friends that FB believed I should wish happy birthday to (? a link to what happened soon after?)
The first profile..
Very interesting... 15, 78 (platinum, very mighty.. used? ) ..
also recalled Cleveland of family guy funnily saying Tallahassee so I
get clue to google search to know if to unfriend or not.
It did seem shady when I search Tallahassee family guy, saw this on reddit..
I used the key words Cleveland Tallahassee "family guy" to search where I'd heard it.
it's some elite Bully who no good St. Peter could defeat, who's in part
St. George and in part St. Jacob (or Jokab at least); the other 2
profiles (assuming a link) --
proof , if you noticed Gron's 87 jersey number, is the 1087 here above!
So this Gron chap can easily claim to be
the true 87 this way, doesn't have to seal his spot with a hard to make 1000 which is of legendary difficulty (the essence of Khaine the elven
leader was itself split into 1000 shards, causing great difficulty to
the good who try).
type gron already has a bosshood of Tallahassee or something it might
seem eh? And has some gender war style powers eg can nix black guy's
mustache life hack.
So I guess yeah brute force was not the method to outwit some middleman elite.
Brute force was never the answer on the Eastern border of the Roman Empire, the Danube, hmm.
If a bully fucked you up there nobody would speak of it, in case of Licilius, the witness had nothing to lose...
How were they in my friends list, dunno they were already (tools for) elites, when people send
me I accept, they had to as more force accumulated to me, but I figure out despite being carefully cut off by the village
idiots' union. So I did unfriend those 3 girls, after caring for what
they can at best be (i don't think the sky and earth can afford
middlemen using them to leech my force) now I guess the "3 idiots", " 3
monkeys ", lose steam.
Ah, it is good, (in this context)... that today's first minute was 2 = B... I did tell you right, both me and her are pukka Bs :)
2, Beeeee

Told you... problems like this can only be solved from deep ghetto earth side by twin flames like us, delicate scissors of love, not from the sky. Having a UFO is not a tool for every situation, it is not what makes a man (or woman)..
It's not that earthlings are stupid... fools behind dark ages only justify... understanding the sundering is beyond them!!!
So,.. who? Gronkowski?
Just see the "guru" root, I guess...
Gronkowski himself probably pulling WK deadweight...
So you see, that is more generally about Grond / Vali / Gronkowski vs. Narfi cycle.
And one can see it more generally...
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