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#Log51 - Civilization uninstalls Idiocracy ~~ we are free !

It is so for many of earth's countries today, and now all but the corrupt or foolish realize the reach of the tyranny is even up the rears of "leaders"...

(*In fact, not "yeti's servant," but playing a middler's game between men and apes...

So, worse than apes,

(and now they ironically suffer... monkeypox!

Which is actually middlemanpox / middlemonkeypox).


We get confirmation daily, but saw an extreme betrayal today, curbing India's free "i", provoking this post...


So, now they propose that the fascist cancer in Indian gov can refuse to follow international law in Antarctica in the name of "free India." However, this is only freedom for fascists of every land, against the nobility of every land. For example, any India-based nobles who manage to build up their sections to defy fascists in India (for example, I'm immune to Modi's aura of pseudo-steampunk terror using which he gets his way (basically a console peasant / cheater style), will have to take approval of fascists in other nations when in Antarctica: 


So, the fascist-dominated parliament (as expected) is "selling India's freedom"! They may not deserve freedom but we do, and we'll kill before being taken as slaves, so we're not part of that India that they sell for their stockholders' profits, and we are bound by our own understandings of international matters such as this.
So, this post is about that. 
For one, it is undeniable, everyone knows, that the fascist bully union stakes claim to Antarctica (falsely).


The treaty reflects the boomer era error (power went to fascists who infested / scapegoated Germany.)


They say Hitler was catching whales in Antarctica but that's obviously a lie, as with much else that salaried historians say...

The question is, who are behind all this.
Well, it's just that power cult, that has illegally privatised money printing / usurped fiat rights, claiming Americans are its property, they are the subprime court etc. 
Because we see the term "federal" ~ the pious retards who tried to outlaw American rape victims from aborting.

So, time to use the pure unbridled force, the good old power, against these bully union cultists who try to enslave humanity...

The American subprime feds have no jurisdiction over Antarctica, they presuppose themselves the lords of chaos. 

(E.g. "Trump blessed by chaos" -- as if duping some asteroid named chaos's estclerk implies lordship over multiversal chaos!

That's more the subprime court of USA, which tried to export its false legislation into India and got kicked out after the Indian supreme court was trolled nicely (this is the latest of the heavy trollings heh heh).

In fact, the presence of 54 nations in this list of signatories to the treaty is the key clue...

It's just a big brother* of 53, the alt/far form of my I-queen's "i", disliked by Gandhian anti-earthling or pro-middleman policy(that monkeypox gandhi... a literal leper messiah)

* (big brother, a key social physics concept explained here with gold / platinum example)

That Gandhi cult is already history...


So now, thinkers must take the first political steps for a strong civilization at earth.

Earth's most important part is South India.

First, is the declaration of an autonomous free pro-thinker/civilization homeland* as opposed to the Colonial regime here represented by Modi and his puppets (he knows it's coming, so all his such petty reactions).

Modi is not Modi an individual, but a deindividualized front for shameless hypocrites, that much is obvious.

* Let's title the automomous enlightened, steampunk / internet supported democracy, here... Free South East Asia.

South India, in particular.

But also, we're linked to the free nations across the world, a nonhierarchical society of logic, not group power based control.

The first critical political step is: 

Kicking out the fascist cancer from and blunting its tentacle infiltrations in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and even more long term we can say, Karnataka, Hyderabad etc., and ultimately the whole of India and the earth.

To connect the true / free / CT regimes of India and Sri Lanka to nullify the colonial regime's divide and rule policy. 

Economically, this is about identifying the false brahman parasite model as a some kind Chennai / China (Tamil World) vs. Sanskrit world / rest of India false division that I detail in upcoming episodes... This is the standard Himalayan blunder policy played by the raghead empire in the mountains of India China, Pakistan etc.

To annul that, the main thing is to link up with real China's presence in Sri Lanka (which the fascists are trying to destabilize).

This is not just economically, but also physically - to rebuild the South India (Kanyakumari) - Sri Lanka bridge.

(if people more nostalgic about the past need a short name for the new homeland of Asian thinkers (not restricted to India), maybe call it "Setu", as this is core South and the emergence here of the Ram Setu concept (we also see this is clearly a fake Rama.. a truer Rama is for example from my wife's country of origin

(True or false, about

But then as I said it's not regionalistic...  outnumbered nobles oppressed by sinks everywhere are our citizens... so create your own realms following this philosophy... that are not "vassals" but friendly / automonomous. Sinks also are ok as subjects, but not as parasitoids (or even indiscriminate parasites with corrupting power). We don't mind creating for those who cannot tie their shoelaces, but not as they say, "We kill you to prolong our miserable lives", what is Modi's "Amrit kaal". Besides, we must first empower all thinkers to create !


All these new political steps are easy given the presence of a sociology and true altlever leadership for a strong civilization at earth. 

The schematics of the natural architecture, the way forward, is also ready...  

So, as I've explained in detail elsewhere about how the fascists are plain illegal by post-WW2 military law

So, as of now, such is alternate policy of true authority everywhere  (I don't have to say "orders", any real person can see it is simply objective logic) - 


The alternative is to be oppressed by the lower form of man who gangs up against thinkers by religious terrorism.

Coast is clear... already diplomatically blunted the false priests' trump card. a possibility of unnecessary conflict.

(the battle is against power cult parasites, not each other... as is happening due to power cult parasite / Big IT hijack of the war rooms (e.g. Sunak's infosys mosow), in the war in the Donbass, and is easily triggered by provocation at any place).


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