The more well-known major secret of the illuminatus is that he tends to be what's called a manwich , a rapidly degenerating holder of a privilege stemming from propaganda portraying them as "husband material" to entrapped girls deadened into a dead peach cult (from which girls often try to escape, but it was not easy given false culturisation ). Another is, for example: If lacking long-range understanding, earthling 'nauts may be outnumbered by illuminati butchers lying in ambush. So... The heavens about Polaris (one secret is the role of "Alpha" in Draco, between Ursa major and minor). There are others, but the most important of secrets is the divide and rule attempted between Archaon and Be'lakor... Just below Draco is the politically central Cygnus sector: The Cygnus constellation is home to Cygnus X-1, a distant X-ray binary containing a supergiant and unseen massive companion that was the first object widely held to be a black hole. And about the...
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