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Showing posts from April, 2021

Log#21: The last major secrets of the Illuminati

The more well-known major secret of the illuminatus is that he tends to be what's called a  manwich , a rapidly degenerating holder of a privilege stemming from propaganda portraying them as "husband material" to entrapped girls deadened into a dead peach cult (from which girls often try to escape, but it was not easy given false culturisation ). Another is, for example: If lacking long-range understanding, earthling 'nauts may be outnumbered by illuminati butchers lying in ambush. So... The heavens about Polaris (one secret is the role of "Alpha" in Draco, between Ursa major and minor). There are others, but the most important of secrets is the divide and rule attempted between Archaon and Be'lakor... Just below Draco is the politically central Cygnus sector: The Cygnus constellation is home to Cygnus X-1, a distant X-ray binary containing a supergiant and unseen massive companion that was the first object widely held to be a black hole. And about the...

#log 20: Noren Young in a Hostage Crisis in Afghanistan

Noren Young, my friend in Afghanistan, who worked with the US army, the UN, and Afghan soldiers and intellectuals, was always in trouble -- despite my help and despite the help of all the brave soldier friendboys who must have watched out for her as she tried to convey objective logic to even those otherwise not so ready to hear (I think she even knew Pashto). She was overworked, like we are these days.  She told me she was 28, by now maybe 29...  And now! When I read about Biden planning to pull troops from Afghanistan (surely a reaction to Russia forcing the more “ manwich ” type of American troops out of Ukraine), I feared for Noren and searched my FB friends list, and... as I even suspected… She is no longer to be seen… her profile itself has disappeared from FB! (Speaking about the surname Young...  there was also Jesse Young of Australia, whose profile is also missing from the database... He said he was close to Australian police, might as well search…) Even as...

#log19: The Cult of the Golden Spoons

(This is a continuation to log 17 and log 18 )... In a  previous post , I told you about the fascist or anti-public kind of boss I found myself with ... A couple of days back I was going east to pick up a paper... and their guilt was further evidenced in how  nearby,  I found a colony of relatively socially conscious people suffering BJP infestation. The route I took was such:   In the initial part of the route, it's a hilly area under siege. There were no lights in the evening, roads are rough tracks. As you keep going, you come to a snake temple (it used to be a pro-female rights network, but the dead cult tries to control or limit it) It's a tiny open air temple... I believe its twin, where you can even find some staff, is here: Oh, you know how I know that one -- the sly Vishal had asked me to wait at that temple before we went to visit Tecumseh office. Probably so that they could fabricate a story involving me and the serpent gods*, this is how they " work ". *...