I'm just.. haunted by idiocracy. Energy parasitism by the rest Of marred idiocracy is the predation that even the apex predator can't suffer. Like for example I make a plant and after 1 day of testing I. Am To pull it down ? Without even running the tests for more than a day and a half, or optimizing the values to give incredibly better results? Without adding my fins into my heat exchanger? Without installing bigger rotary bellows? Well I will anyway relocate the plant and do what I must... but! the pipe has to be cut? Of 1.7 lakhs? I am to be blamed for conducting lavish experiments haphazardly with 10 lakhs? I built everything and now it must be destroyed well destructionbots won't understand creators, like a pregnant girl caught in labor, her baby eaten and she, raped and reimpregnated. Well that's just too much groupism.
Here it is yet, the culture so it's like pregnant throughout life but if never fruiting it's only because the murder rate is too high.
Murder of others projects is the way of life of energy patasites here.
What do you expect me to do but fight tentacles formally.
Will that statement be enough to make the energy patasites of the world who have congregated over here flee this city?
The energy parasites!
Worked through a professor, dad and a bureaucrat... Just hijack whoever they want like you see in the end of the alita film
From the mar-soc combine how hard to understand is that
I was forced to do that route because the virtusa )the rear company behind the carbon zero challenge front office) didn't accept my discussion with the leading engineer of the corporation of Chennai (the type who actually works daily till 9:30 while the rest of the massive building gets empty at 5!)
They surreptitiously built my plant near a fishing village...
While I was busy making the invention in the short time I had to do it (a month or so.. duh)
Meanwhile the elitists secretly infiltrated the village, as a doctoral tentacle infested a local called palani (who was hurt on a day the fishermen had decided (of their own will and under my father's consultation.. to install a highly unstable boat and it rolled and hurt him) the casteist elitists spread some rumor that I am a forebringer of great dooms, and the poor fishing village is now given to superstitions, and I am to remove my plant, dismember is the word they used....
At the end of today's only day of testing it.
Oh yes Pareto parasites, enteric talkers, say, hey if you're doing that why not do this as well?
They seriously are MERCILESS
In that is the DEFINITION of a more immediately phenomenologically available symptom of energy parasitism by the collectives or cultures of reticent and sheept bacteria
They insist that the weight of the absurdity has to sit on my head? But I'll distance myself from generic haters just as well... Haha. It is not a new tactic of mine, I have no energy left for anything else well I may have been tall and all but they are never satisfied they say, "we all put together are collectively taller than you, individual," although they had at first an egotistical "idea" of height that I was not even thinking about or an impression I was trying to create.
I mean, what did I do that was REALLY wrong to deserve this?
Except "insult" the egos of many (wtf I wasn't trying to) and imperil the hubris of a few?
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