He's saying marijuana is "bad"
in the context of earth as an enslaved planet being "good"
(Disclaimer: insult comedy, artistic immunity)
FBI most wanted
Bad apple servant, pseudoreptilian shapeshifter
Name: Jaggi Vasudev
Callsign Sadhguru
Allegiance: anti-orangeist, antiweed sharing
Faction- pseudo-Aryan antisharing i.e. bit like socialist *
(*Hitler (morrell) is a product of the "reefer madness" academicistic theory, Stalin must have been too)
Crime: anti-marijuana propaganda, treason (exporting bad apples to robbed red cherries by falsely citing duped red cherry "friends" of bad apples, allying with the lords of the absurd to wage war against 🍒 thinkers)
Propagating gender war in order to pretend as friend of all females, whereas more friendly toward the more hateful or political females and males
(Almost a kind of terrorist intellectual giving wrong info, type of baba ram Rahim of South india)
Thus, paradoxically enough, an antiintellectual philosopher*, or champion of mediocracy 😂
In the sense of "applied strategist of the 2nd type"
Very hard to figure out unless you think about it ...
So what if they allowed good in the past? Merely soulless old gatekeepers afraid of death, like bill gates.
Logic had to come through that gate anyway, all they did was to tax it to enrich themselves and pretend charitable as if anyone can be a money concentrator and money distributor in the same body! Fuck'n idiots.
Yeah idiocrats who come and try to click you in their selfies have only 1 fair treatment:
Sadhguru learns that a more likely reality is Sith-guru 😂
At least energy sides with the sith! How can it be wrong?
Only energy parasiting is wrong!!
how simple is the solution to the mystery of ubi.
It is not an "income" but a giving back of money stolen from soldiers/people* (who at their poorest have no time and can avail of none of the luxuries built by the governments for its lords).
The very idea of difference between soldiers and people is ridiculous, India cannot be seen as a republic unless the government posts educated soldiers across the country which should be easy now that the frontline troops have finally got assault rifles ...
now that I see the news. i mean, how can anyone figure out that this is what's going on in india .
You expect me to have figured it out? Without ANYONE ever having Given me a clue?
All people did was sheepishly grin and look at me trying to figure me out in vain and getting conscious about their own stupidity (after which some as "elites" might have mis-defined me as "evil" or as "knows more than he says" ...but the truth is I had no time to waste IN GENERAL and I always thought better skip judging another person except by the corollary of Lincoln's principle (assuming that the fool does not know Lincoln's principle, unfortunately most do and it resulted both in the downfall of Lincoln as the fools learnt to stay silent around him (and at times, even smile!) And the rise of the Hitler and the race of assault propagandist class of elf deceivers...) . The overwhelming majority of people (if not, ultimately, all) i saw seemed more concerned with their path than mine whose spirit I can never abandon... or could never convince me about the strategic (or even momentary, except a few times and in those few cases I was sort of held by my tendency to be passive around striking females, the idea of flirting with THEM and not coming across as weird is.. strange. I mean nowadays, people don't even look at each other, leave alone boys and girls holding each other's hands, diseased and ignorant socialist packtards, you can't take no "wingman", always polite but a bit of a loki to demigods of either gender 😂.. but not a killer and definitely not a baldur killer... And can only have respect for a cespanar like Pvt. Baldrick the true (who says"thou shalt not pass") rather than the oft jestery metastereotype of course less explains less).. more (than talk or do, in such situations) convergence of our paths and even in the face of the most creative attempts to excite, or either unresponsive (and judgmental) and with no specific relevance to my PLAN OF THE MOMENT (how else do you expect a cosmopolitan to think)....... in any case, most are either simply as short on time and money (and much more tragically, steam... as I realized much later when I got insights into how steam works... because, you see, I was never social, just the misunderstood... only forced to become social by society as a reaction to the socialism that tried to engulf me) as me, or easily hurt, more dysfunctionally deluded by"self image", more socially involved than articulate enough to ever break the barrier and actually have a real conversation with me, it was always me trying to probe the depths of human stupidity .. not given a clue by anyone, cut off, left to the corner, as happens to every kid, even at times, the rich. Then they all become zombie adults!!! With no self-respect except a delusion based on illusory considerations of hierarchy, enemies of the opposite gender, frenemies of their friends, misjudgmental absurdocrats. Of course, the disease could be most generally observed. The condescending manner in which all the idiocratic bullies, who pretended to laugh from a distance, and the messengers of the idiocrats who never really gave me the kind of clues that I could use except of course, the exmod who did a good job giving me some clues.. like "blood is more colloidal liquid"... and others... That i needed to figure out how social media works and how the world of gender war and realpolitikering actually works by which I realized that people are far more judgemental and egotistical even after 2 hrs of reasoning conversation than anyone may suspect!... Thus it is justified if I have 5 second appraisals of everyone in which time i make up my mind I like or not and it's easy for me all have same time we thinkers are also human...
The fools essentially outlaw the slow speaking but more logical nonlinear thinkers...
Nah, a happier world is a world without terror and submission .
What if the government needs money to buy assault rifles,
reduce the income of the bureaucrats who always infest the surroundings of ministers
Stupid illogocians
The government should print money equal to the stolen/loan defaulted money and black money and give it to everyone else... rather than printing money to refill the coffers of the parasite banks and this true unskilled landowner type peasants who mismanage land by resorting to the malpractice of the hiring of slaves (which they systematize in parasitic groupism).... and mislive their lives as absurdist lords of idiocracy within congressional conspiracies. Now that Congress was overthrown from india, American and other congresses and finally the UN, slowly gets disinfected. It is insightful that the antiyoda argument is at its most absurd a type of grammar nazism ie killing nonlinear thinkers on the surface of the earth (as above, so below) by autocentrically (when parasites become herdist and autocentric, the whole against thinkers in general causing the all to work against the deepest thinkers... Well,, that is unacceptable, in the chimpistic mentality of how most are looking for a person to democrazily misjudge and kill, 🍒 elves like us are most typically framed, just because it's very profitable for energy parasites, it happens to every noble thinker, publicly mis-defined by the sadhguruian association of inbred autophilic justificationistic moralists, as "hateful" (see? Hath he not abusively criticized all of us?, many tend to believe that, what can be more proof of Idiocracy). Well the dreaded antiweed, antiyouth televangelist of India, THE tv sadhguru, could quite possibly be a patriarchist elite (just how I found posters of Congress and Rahul Gandhi one day in trivandrum when the police were on high alert, I found the TV sadhgurus posters notifying about a quick morning ceremony (misinvolving me as a mis-defined prop in their rituals, probably... I would never have figured all this out had I not thought about these things) early morning on waking up in outside locations on 2 occassions, whereby I hastily escaped the place) ... he has only a few justified friends,, I guess. As such looks like the face of antithinker , antiyouth, parasitism justificationist, egotistical patriarchal socialism, which creates its fascist echoes and the interrelationship isn't perhaps fully described by Hegel... to whose assault ... even the queen of England MAY have no option but to fear, while, at the very thought, even one like Merkel or May may shudder in fear, and only one like Trump or luckily me, although I have to watch my moves well, can hope to keep him and his minions (each of whom including body doubles are plenipotentiaries of the sadhguruian association, is what I gathered) at bay. Even Putin will have to think twice about taking a stand against these legendarily pseudocrabby patriarchists, who easily might deceive the hydra next to the cancer sector ...
It is a pervasive corruption and a bit similar to the Roman army tauroctony: a valid Romulus justification
(counteranticherrybullshit meant against empty can taureans (2 types, lunar and solar shown in the below animation) ...who can't do the cancan)
misused by the bad apples'agent remus to kill cherry type of Orion taureans
(who have a liking for candy, and never betray the post cherry heart of the cancan)
Valentine's day -
a day to celebrate your freedom from tentacles
So that I can love myself everyday not lie of love 1 day 😂
So yeah ..
autophilic inbreederist Remus can be St. Valentine the misunderstood pedophile, as is typical, or..
You can have a lone wolf romulus interpretation..
Ideally.. so yeah, celebrate it by making out with every hot stranger you see that day lol!
And if the day is not like that specific day, well fuck that,
no Romulus has ever waited for custom to guide decisions,
the method is to adapt and evolve in life by THINKING.
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