The groupists (energy parasiting packtards) rule the people by dividing them into various nations, religions etc., retaining themselves as an armed/privileged elite class over the common people, and stifling dissent as it arises.
Is Kashmir, a state named after sage KASHYAPA, an earthly big brother of the 12 titans, so almost a final power, of whom it is said:
"He is the most ancient rishi listed"
"The word "Kaspapyros" appears in Greek geographer Hekataois text, and as "Kaspatyros" in Herodotus"
"The name Kashmir, states Christopher Snedden, may be a shortened form of "Kashyapa Mir" or the "lake of the sage Kashyapa", or alternatively derived from "Kashyapa Meru" or the sacred mountains of Kashyapa."
The centroid of all politics... is here (or rather, here and down south, the 2 tips of India, we'll see the other one in time).
"He married 4 wives, and had many children. Some of them were religious, others became irreligious (Demons)."
It is the node of power!
Going deeper, it is a power to have nature on your side (and thus the holy cow network.. at its root is the reptile, specifically the turtle, who is called the "wisest creature" in Africa... but the fascist aspect, not so wise, e.g., the tortoise tank was never completed in WW2): "Kaśyapa, alternatively kacchapa, means "turtle" in Sanskrit."
Well even the evil guys knew how to use this power ! Even remus uses what romulus uses...
The jötunn Hyrrokkin, described in Gylfaginning as riding on a wolf with vipers as reins, is believed to be depicted on this 10th-century picture stone from the Hunnestad Monument.
An archetype of this problem was seen in WW2, the error in the blue faction was corrected, as the Lord of the pseudo-Japanese fascists was overthrown by a more reliable blue faced mandrill monkey, who became a kind of elector of the lion king -
But in WW2, the problem was only half solved, the lion king was still not free of the jesters:
The lion's weak link is where the lying king offers to interpret the lion king to the public, that lion got so angry at these jesters:
(always the black panther selects the nobler blacks to lead, then...)
Oh, so the "demons" retained power by dominating nature and abusing it to attack the logical world order...
The equivalent is seen in the canine world -
So this is how the pseudo-Peter avoided being disciplined by the great burner Brian... Instead, this happens -
So yeah Peter stereotypes could then become the pseudo-zeus-Demiurge's agents, champions of mediocrity, dominated by Earth's energy parasites:
The victim turned villain creating cycle goes on and on and on... so this is how the "demon" aspect worked on "fell nature magic", the meaning of "marring of Arda"... it is also insightful that "Meru" of Kashyapa sounds like marring.
And poor Chris gets into the same situation -
So that's the bad way to exploit nature as the bad apples do, duping Eve into believing that she's some kind of nature queen, but it's just the domesticated, unfree "marred" animals that are in this section.
You want to know more deeply how it works, well, look at Nazi Germany.
Obviously, the duped Eve revivalism is more linked to fascism.
(Thus hitler's power was infused by Geli Raubel and then, Eva Braun, who both ended up dead for their ignorance).
That's Eve's error (attacking red cherries by falling for serpent/nature-duping "Demon kashyapa") bad apple's lies...)
But there is also a style of actual friendship with animals (they know, in time), it is not just to exploit them for power...
"Sages inspired with holy knowledge mount him, his chariot wheels are all the worlds of creatures." (natural democracy).
A power in the red army to persuade snakes, but it is not just cherries, but bad apples too (Eve can be deceived...)
Thus rightly is it said -
"He married four wives, and had many children. Some of them were religious, while others became irreligious (Demons)."
This area is the node of power...
And yet it would seem that some of the most important Islamic terrorists in India.. are not even from Kashmir.
They're from the rest of India, it would appear! Let's examine recent events to confirm this...
Prelude - The "We are number one" style downfall of fascism that just occurred."
I even think that 40 who died were worst fellows and while there are many terrorist groups, fascism is friends with them.
There are several terrorist groups in Kashmir:
The increasingly fascist Indian government... only had a problem with Jaish e Mohammed... why?
Not the other terrorist groups, some of whom cause trouble in Kerala for example like how Teapoo sultan did...
For example we an early concentration camp noted by historians, run by the teapoo sultanate, for example.
This is fascism!
Selective persecution of the "terrorist group" (freedom fighters?) Jaish e Mohammad...
Is pretty strange considering that true Islamic leadership eg Imran khan is probably not represented beyond ISLAMabad by anyone else,
is probably actually represented by Jaish e Mohammad.. rather than other relatively fascist islamic terrorist groups that... Indian fascism more readily tolerates... in fact, one of the Kerala elites, a Muslim, who "works for" the duped Eve bloc in Kerala (the most parasite weakened type... of course, the fascist males only pretend to be pro-female, that's the difference between bad apple fakes, and cherry originals)... well this guy, the "ex-mod"... told me that the Indian government gave him Rs. 150,00,00,000 to "help Gaea" (dupe Gaea!)
Selective persecution of the relatively noble Jaish e Mohammad...
Because .. All anti-thinkers are working together across group boundaries! That's their whole strategy...
For example, you wouldn't expect this kinda terrorists - the gestapo type CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force)... Just part of the old boys club which counts the mutually assisting "elites" of various (all) religions and regions..
The history of Kashmir:
Kashmir was conquered by the warlike Sikhs, but then liberated by the British.
But the British empire degenerated into Victorian Proto-fascism (Johnny Rotten's lyrics were still true).
Just as Lehi, after Hitler's death, removed its Nazi flag and sided with Stalin, fascism gave way to Socialism(all the same bad apple tyranny, you criticize one they come up with the same thing with another name).
At first, the Kashmiris were armed by the free world to help bring down the socialist tyranny (which was supported by pseudofeminism... and pretended as a "logical leadership", infesting the B bl. group patch from Russia to China to South India (which is very strong, and easy to deceive by pseudomoral story weavers)

This socialist tyranny had as its central elite, the original socialists, who were the bad apple jotunn of the Himalayas and beyond...
But, by 1991, USSR collapsed!
But soon... the jotunn regrouped!
Ultimately around the army chief cum dictator of Pakistan, Musharraf.
"Beginning in 2004 Pakistan began to end its support for insurgents in Kashmir. This happened because terrorist groups linked to Kashmir twice tried to assassinate Pakistani President General Pervez Musharraf. His successor, Asif Ali Zardari has continued the policy, calling insurgents in Kashmir "terrorists".". ..
But we find that the corrupt politicians are the real terrorists!
The corrupt Indian regime came to the rescue of Musharaff et al.(who later became more repentant?)
"There have been widespread protests against the Indian army presence in Kashmir."
The corrupt army-men created a bunch of "authorized" terror groups to attack the anti-socialist (i.e. pro-thinker) freedom fighters.
The other groups came to the fore -
But the army also had intelligence, which worked against these real terrorists ... the banned group Lashkar-e-Taiba, and the hizbul mujahideen (probably similar to the Lebanese Hezbollah, a puppet of the Iranian tyranny)
"Once the most formidable face of Kashmir militancy, Hizbul Mujahideen is slowly fading away as its remaining commanders and cadres are being taken out on a regular interval by security forces".
But the money kept coming in for terrorizing the freedom loving people. Corrupt pseudo-intellectuals began to sign up:
"According to an Indian Army data – quoted by Reuters – at least 70 young Kashmiris joined the insurgency in the 2014, army records showed, with most joining the banned group Lashkar-e-Taiba, which was accused of carrying out attacks on the Indian city of Mumbai in 2008. Two of the new recruits have doctorates and eight were post graduates, the army data showed. According to BBC, that despite a Pakistani ban on militant activity in Kashmir in 2006, its fighters continue to attempt infiltration into Indian-administered Kashmir."
The mastermind of the Mumbai attacks of 2008, David Headley, was an informant for the US FDA, which is an anti-weed (anti-sharing) puppet of big pharma
But thinkers regrouped around logic:
"People living along the Line of Control which divides Indian and Pakistani Kashmir started to hold public protests against the activities of the insurgent groups".
At this point, the Gestapo like CRPF was increasingly stationed in Kashmir to crush the freedom loving spirit.
So the people rallied around Jaish e Mohammad, more like truer Islam rather than the pseudo-islam more common in India.
And of course, there was the epochal attack against the 40 Hindu terrorists sent by the real Islamic terrorists
(lies and machiavellianism, more terrorizing than guns, because we thinkers can always survive fights, but not betrayal)
You see, intellectuals did try to say the truth about this, but it is hardly easy, so are forced to publicly change their statements:

As for the common people, it was even worse:

So that is the full story!
The corrupt lashed out in rage, and THE BIG 4 champions of the corrupt died, along with 3 JEM fighters who'd taken an anti-bad apple stand:

Bad apple jotunn lord threatens the people (Feb 19th)

“Anyone who has picked up gun will be killed and eliminated, unless he surrenders. Our focus is clear on counter-terrorism operations. We are very clear that anyone who enters the Kashmir Valley will not go back alive,” said Dhillon.
Look at the symbolism (X) -
It is old! It is said: "In Ancient Greek, 'Χ' and 'Ψ' were among several variants of the same letter.
X was the 24th, and Ψ was actually the 25th, Sampi --
"A letter similar to Ionian sampi, but of unknown historical relation with it, existed in the highly deviant local dialect of Pamphylia in southern Asia Minor, shaped like
(the typical hard life of the Sampi)...
So we can say that the X was the Himalayan challenger of Poseidon -- the jotunnheim lord.
The 26th (Z, i.e. the demiurge-Zeus (pseudozeus) who hid in Rehetep's chamber) -- tried to crush the 25th.
The 24th was all too happy. This was the source of the anti-reform power of the bad apples, demons born of Kashyapa.
(the 27, 9*3, did challenge the demiurge (who was more linked to the Nazgul than the 9 kings of men)
So the X - It's all about the greatest power on earth, and directly enteric, thus "xxx" = pornography etc....
this completes the definition of the coarse and microcephalic jotunn.
It is said: "The Award of the Crossed Swords is granted to such fighting units as have demonstrated exceptional skill at arms, valor, and chivalry upon the battlefield. Founded by Glyn and Tressa of Caid".
Of Caid it is said: "various forms of responsible official found in places ranging from the Kingdom of Sicily to rural North Africa"
"a Muslim local administrator, judge, and tax collector in Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia: a chief especially of the Berber triba ".
More insight on the X powers -
Well, this is about the elite powers nearby... it would appear, of the wrong kind of Set (not the one who loves the pro-people kind of Horus/Osiris, but who misuses the legacy of power of No. 6 as in the cancer sector...)
It's the same old pirate flag, so looks like the Singh Brotherhood of phantom comics...
You know what that means, the No. 5 will be allowed as a half-blind agent of the powers, but if he goes too far he'll be beheaded.
Explains why beheading is a thing in Saudi Arabia:
Sarah Leah Whitson, HRW’s Middle East director, said: “It’s bad enough that Saudi Arabia executes so many people, but many of them have not committed a violent crime. Any plan to limit drug executions needs to include improvements to a justice system that doesn’t provide for fair trials.”
NBC news -
Saudi Arabia seeks 'unprecedented' beheading for woman activist - The accusations include chanting slogans hostile to the regime and attempting to inflame public opinion.
Presstv -
The number of beheadings in Saudi Arabia during the first quarter of 2018 rose by over 70 percent in comparison with the corresponding period last year, a new report by a nonprofit organization says.
In its latest report published Saturday, the European-Saudi Organization for Human Rights (ESOHR) said executions by the Saudi government in the first quarter of 2018 increased by 72 percent.
The report also showed that a number of foreign nationals also face capital punishment in Saudi Arabia.
ESOHR released its report amid widespread criticism of Saudi Arabia over its terrible human rights record, including the censorship of free speech, indiscriminate incarceration of citizens with no due process, and lack of basic freedoms for women and girls.
The Saudi government refrains from providing any official statistics for people on death row but the organization confirmed that 42 people are expected to be imminently executed, including 8 individuals who were minors at the time of the offense."
This is the same terrorism as a state policy which we also saw in ISIS, or the Soviet Union. Among some Japanese soldiers, in WW2, beheading was a policy. They were active in the eastern fringe of Jottunheimr (e.g. S.C. Bose)...
So probably also in India. It was the staple of the Jotunheim terror state, whose main business seems to have been trade in sex slaves.
"Caid" also sounds like Al Qaeda, which was also founded by the Saudi oilgarch Bin Laden, who was rejected by the Afghans and Pakistanis alike.
And we read:
"In the summer of 2017, Zakir Musa, the Hizbul Mujahideen's 23 year old commander, broke ranks with Hizbul Mujahideen, Kashmir's most influential insurgent group to establish the Ansar Ghawzat-Ul-Hind.
Few had heard of the fledgling new outfit, but its parent organisation was instantly recognisable — Al Qaeda.
Yet the news, which ought to have rung alarm bells in the Indian security establishment, passed largely unremarked upon.
In the 18 months since it was formed, it is yet to be associated with a single encounter with Indian security forces.
Yet as late as last month, the Punjab police arrested three Kashmiri students in a college in Jalandhar, and accused them of hoarding a Kalashnikov and explosives at the behest of Ansar."
This is just Al-Qaeda, you know, the Caid,a dangerous global terrorist organization.
The 2 swords probably represent the collaborating herdists in China (Maoists) and the Indian mountain giants.
It is insightful that the armies of corrupt regions do not fight these real terrorists, it is left to the police.
Anti logic factions, the corrupt... are engaged in sex slave trading... call them anti-government, it is more accurate.
The U.S. State Department's Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons placed the country in "Tier 2 Watchlist" in 2017:
"The Government of Saudi Arabia does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making significant efforts to do so. The government continues to lack adequate anti-trafficking laws, and, despite evidence of widespread trafficking abuses, did not report any criminal prosecutions, convictions, or prison sentences for trafficking crimes committed against foreign domestic workers. The government similarly did not take law enforcement action against trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation in Saudi Arabia, or take any steps to provide victims of sex trafficking with protection. The Saudi government also made no discernable effort to employ procedures to identify and refer victims to protective services".
It deteriorated further: "The Government of Saudi Arabia does not comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making significant efforts to do so. Saudi Arabia has moved from Tier 2 to Tier 3 because of its lack of progress in anti-trafficking efforts, particularly its failure to protect victims and prosecute those guilty of involuntary servitude."
The report recommends, "The government should enforce existing Islamic laws that forbid the mistreatment of women, children, and laborers..."
A typical example: "It was reported in June 2005 in The Denver Post that a Saudi couple who resided in Aurora, Colorado had been accused of keeping their Indonesian maid in captivity for 4 years forcing her to cook and clean. Homaidan Al-Turki, the husband, was also accused of repeatedly raping the young woman. According to law enforcement authorities: the maid's passport had been taken from her; she was paid about $2.00 a day; rapes occurred on a weekly basis."
All this explains why the Al-Qaeda in Kashmir founder is called "the valley's loneliest militant"
The Himalayas are very tough, of course.
Better not support the corrupt otherwise really civil war in Indian army between pro and anti logic factions...
While people in rest of India have no option but to suffer the anti-government's energy parasitism, at least Kashmir could lead change...
So - Even Eugene, my friend the MOW-PG admin, said this - this Indian anti-government is the last major anti-logic bottleneck in the world! Which supports marriage/blender energy parasitism against thinkers in Afroeurasia (e.g. IPKF controversies against relatively free Indians in Kashmir and South India and the rest of the world ..
often lemoney fascist bad apple error).
Fruits are merely shorthand! Represent social sectioning more effectively.
Know that about the annoying orange thingy? That's why "house of orange" etc... you know?
So represent directly, a shorthand, just say the fruit.
(But within oranges too, there's crazy bitter, AND there is true sweet etc., so it's more complex... of course, EVERY ONE is different)
It takes into account psychology, so there can be a black or white orange type of guy, or black or white veggie zombie or bad apple type of guy, so it's a much more scientific way to study society's members than a superficial racial/groupist pseudoscience etc. You can't hope to understand all this unless you understand the color change of biomatter with the evolution of complexity, and social intra-color-bonding tendency, which is fundamentally a bacterial culturalization (which is energy parasitic, as is all bacterial culturalization .. at this point, let's end the technical part, please wait for my paper on energy parasitism!)...
Typical cycles of bad apple error whereby grandpa lemon exerted tyranny:
The bad apples tried to maintain the situation -
And the typical cycle, pro-mediocrat bad apples vs. pro-sweet cherry orange, results:
I don't understand why the CRPF is required as an unaudited bunch of hitmen for the "hidden" center of Indian dirty politics...
The thinkers of all religions and nations' cannot accept the energy parasitism by authority... Truly!
All money is disappearing, nothing much is happening, just empty speeches, so this is how it reverts to becoming if unchecked by the people.
And India is the control system of world government so this Himalayan problem has to be resolved for a lasting resolution of the bad apple problem...
And yet as I told you, the real Islamic terrorists are not even more in the north, but more in Kerala, Bangalore etc., it would appear...
And these are supported by corrupt armed forces, and opposed only by police watching their own backs!
Their "Islam" is not what you may find, for example, in Islamabad (submission to logic), but more like submission to tyrant.
So you see in more detail the root cause of the "We are number one" problem in Kerala, as they openly admit, working against the true elves of this place like me, and framing us also for their own crimes:

Above image shows, Mr. Pinarayi Vijayan, the current Chief Minister of Kerala, a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) - am i a Marxist? No! Things are much more complex!
The only claim to fame they have is that they "try to help good people (like me)", but you see, political orders everywhere opportunistically swing between the good and bad, that is the whole problem.
You see the tyranny in Kerala and Kashmir are mirrors of each other and directly linked to problems everywhere else (so the tyrants in Kerala and Kashmir collaborate to go against the thinkers of Kerala and Kashmir and among themselves, destablized India (curse of Tyr) and through it the world and the cosmos):
18th Feb -

18th Feb - so the youth congress had become Romulus style, and the 2 died... and perhaps their "mistake" was to have discussed my will to the elites who were disappointed that I didn't hit like on the postbox78 thingy...?
So the 40 died, and the remusians here got so angry that they would kill these 2 young men out of rage...?
Yeah it is a typical thing, groupists hate it when one of them defects to a side of reason that is against that group.
It would just herald the return of Romulus to Kerala, where for long Remus had held sway.
(and, I guess, Remusian reinforcements were expected for the demiurge who died the same day... but then the demiurge died, so these 2 Romulus style died, and the arch-Remus died, and it's probably all related).
And a fascist "soft genocide" seems to have begun against Kashmiris...

"In the aftermath of the Pulwama attack on February 14, India has been engulfed in different kinds of reactions. In some parts of the country, extreme nationalistic jingoism and protests took place, while in certain places, protests were deliberately turned against Kashmiri students. Speaking to NewsClick, a Kashmiri student studying in Dehradun said, “Since yesterday we are receiving threats from the members of Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal who have given us 24 hours ultimatum to leave Dehradun, else we will be killed; they also threatened several institutions to send all enrolled Kashmiri students back to Kashmir.” (read more)
The good part is that all these things, our efforts and sacrifices, do set processes in motion, so now we see changes in the old order:
Police action against tyrants in Kerala:
Kerala Chief Minister and Communist Party of India (Marxist) leader Pinarayi Vijayan on Tuesday said the CPM "didn't have any reason" to plan the murder of the two Youth Congress workers. O well that irrationality is the problem!
This was already going on, many "social elites" or free lunchist Remusians were being fired since the early days: The woman is one among the 3861 people who worked with KSRTC, but were laid off 2 months ago, after High Court directives of giving preferences to those who have cracked their Public Service Commission.
So... it is not even about Islam! OR any religion! OR any party (congress/BJP, republican/democrats etc.
Those are labels energy parasites use to serve their own interests, energy parasitism is the only cause any groupism ever served...
For example, see a case study -
The idea that one can be more comfortable with someone of his skin, and not the other... sucks.
I also take offence to the idea that black/brown people are dumber.
There's vast variation in IQ levels... the best outliers get caught up in this shit...which serves... whom?
The mediocratists, so the rise of low IQ "white trash" linear-minded reactively hostile, anti-nonwhite groupists in North India and many developed countries.
Energy parasitism via groupism/financial fraud/usury is not intelligence!
For example, many blacks are often socially more logical in the sense, more capable of being "lone wolves" i.e. not being cowardly enough to stick around with a group even if it's going the wrong way.
But i wouldn't blame the Aryan population because the demiurge they served/obeyed (ironically, non white!) was too deadly.
It is true, to say, that ...
Some e.g. the real orangeist leaders of the whites in the NL, are mistreated by the mango fundamentalists
Many blacks are duped by the evil mangoism i.e. pseudo-harmony -- yes that is anti-white mentality...
that mango fundamentalism is a most ancient mediocratic evil:
See him duping the world to roast the good oranges -
mango duping African kids:
See, it is just as easy to dupe them as it is to dupe whites against Africans. Well, if orange is in sync with sweet cherry, mango's deception won't work. Remember the mediocratist is not even the yellow but more the pseudo-red:
Where is this going? Race-centricism is bad... a culturalization for energy parasitism.
Sometimes black people from Saturn can be the herald of the red cherries, as is presently the case after the old tyrant was overthrown:

My friend from the Netherlands complains ... about the old tyrant.
There's a specific campaign against the UK/NL thinkers* , it is just like how it is with me, in my place ...
* (but also many mediocratists in the UK and the NL.. everywhere!)
The best whites have it the hardest -- all white mediocratists are jealous of them and at the same time, the "nonwhite culture" where mango has an equivalent/mirror image tyranny, is also of the type to collaborate with the white mediocratists against them and also turn the rest of the world e.g. duped blacks against them.
Sure i understand how the Dutch have been sculpted by unjust murder, pretty similar to me, i'd also evolved for the victory.
The mango fundamentalists' claim is probably that "the white skinned bad apple agent refuses to stop oppressing the white skinned cherry agent" ...
But this is misused as a "logical" aspect of an overall illogical anti-thinker reality!
At least one good thing is that, the baddies are being reduced:
As i wrote 18 February at 00:43 -
12 hours ago · Donald Trump has told the EU it must take back its 800 Isis fighters captured in Syria by US-backed forces ...
4 hours ago - Pulwama Fallout: From Social Media to the Streets, Calls for Revenge Feed Political Agenda. With the BJP-led government and its supporters taking the lead in fanning anxieties, aggressiveness and hyper-nationalism have taken centre stage."
Who pays for the stage, idiots?
Sell it on eBay and give me the money, I'll buy a stage for the ofdsd... Heheh. Or do you want me to personally loot fake media offices 😂
4 hours ago · More than 1000 ISIS fighters have likely fled from Syria into the mountains and deserts of western Iraq in the ...
2 hours ago · In Iraq, four Islamic State terrorists were killed in an airstrike in the eastern province of Diyala The bombardment came ...
2 hours ago · Several Boko haram terrorists fled after troops of 151 Battalion of Operation Lafiya Dole launched aggressive fighting ...
This can only stop ...
if the sadhguruian sex slave traders admit that they were stupid to refuse a reform which works also for them (trust thinkers, we know how to cure your disease, we don't want to push you into the same kinda tyranny you impose on us)... Earthlings will not be kept hostage by terrorism and false cultures designed to "profit" the antithinker league ...
Is Kashmir, a state named after sage KASHYAPA, an earthly big brother of the 12 titans, so almost a final power, of whom it is said:
"He is the most ancient rishi listed"
"The word "Kaspapyros" appears in Greek geographer Hekataois text, and as "Kaspatyros" in Herodotus"
"The name Kashmir, states Christopher Snedden, may be a shortened form of "Kashyapa Mir" or the "lake of the sage Kashyapa", or alternatively derived from "Kashyapa Meru" or the sacred mountains of Kashyapa."
The centroid of all politics... is here (or rather, here and down south, the 2 tips of India, we'll see the other one in time).
"He married 4 wives, and had many children. Some of them were religious, others became irreligious (Demons)."
It is the node of power!
Going deeper, it is a power to have nature on your side (and thus the holy cow network.. at its root is the reptile, specifically the turtle, who is called the "wisest creature" in Africa... but the fascist aspect, not so wise, e.g., the tortoise tank was never completed in WW2): "Kaśyapa, alternatively kacchapa, means "turtle" in Sanskrit."
Well even the evil guys knew how to use this power ! Even remus uses what romulus uses...
The jötunn Hyrrokkin, described in Gylfaginning as riding on a wolf with vipers as reins, is believed to be depicted on this 10th-century picture stone from the Hunnestad Monument.
An archetype of this problem was seen in WW2, the error in the blue faction was corrected, as the Lord of the pseudo-Japanese fascists was overthrown by a more reliable blue faced mandrill monkey, who became a kind of elector of the lion king -
![]() |
Simba being held up by Rafiki, a kind of prince elector from the planet of the apes![]() |
But in WW2, the problem was only half solved, the lion king was still not free of the jesters:
The lion's weak link is where the lying king offers to interpret the lion king to the public, that lion got so angry at these jesters:
(always the black panther selects the nobler blacks to lead, then...)
Oh, so the "demons" retained power by dominating nature and abusing it to attack the logical world order...
The equivalent is seen in the canine world -
So this is how the pseudo-Peter avoided being disciplined by the great burner Brian... Instead, this happens -
So yeah Peter stereotypes could then become the pseudo-zeus-Demiurge's agents, champions of mediocrity, dominated by Earth's energy parasites:
The victim turned villain creating cycle goes on and on and on... so this is how the "demon" aspect worked on "fell nature magic", the meaning of "marring of Arda"... it is also insightful that "Meru" of Kashyapa sounds like marring.
And poor Chris gets into the same situation -
So that's the bad way to exploit nature as the bad apples do, duping Eve into believing that she's some kind of nature queen, but it's just the domesticated, unfree "marred" animals that are in this section.
You want to know more deeply how it works, well, look at Nazi Germany.
Obviously, the duped Eve revivalism is more linked to fascism.
(Thus hitler's power was infused by Geli Raubel and then, Eva Braun, who both ended up dead for their ignorance).
That's Eve's error (attacking red cherries by falling for serpent/nature-duping "Demon kashyapa") bad apple's lies...)
Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun, Hitler's dog Blondi, and Braun's dog Blackie (rather ridiculous meta-racialistic moralysis, whereby the fascists believed themselves more sympathetic to nature and "other races" than the leaders of the Germans whom they overthrew)... According to Hitler's secretary Traudl Junge, Eva didn't like Blondi, who played a role in Nazi propaganda by portraying Hitler as an animal lover. |
Fascism ("money for nothing, chicks for free") is a pseudo-pro-nature (Pseudo-Morgothian) socialism popular in Idiocracy because of the relatively moralistic pseudo-naturalist and pseudo-pro-female ideologisticism that is, always, quickly tested and found deficient, whereby the fascists are rejected by nature and females alike. The fascists exploited first the eagles, then, in the manner of Remus, the (were)wolves
![]() |
"The Kehlsteinhaus (the Eagle's Nest) is a Third Reich-era building erected atop the summit of the Kehlstein. It was visited on 14 documented instances by Adolf Hitler, who disliked the location."... "his final visit was on 17th October 1940, when he hosted princess Marie-José, sister of Belgian King Leopold III." |
![]() |
In total, heil Hitler spent more than 800 days at the Wolfsschanze during a 3½-year period until his final departure on 20 November 1944 |
But there is also a style of actual friendship with animals (they know, in time), it is not just to exploit them for power...
"Sages inspired with holy knowledge mount him, his chariot wheels are all the worlds of creatures." (natural democracy).
A power in the red army to persuade snakes, but it is not just cherries, but bad apples too (Eve can be deceived...)
Thus rightly is it said -
"He married four wives, and had many children. Some of them were religious, while others became irreligious (Demons)."
This area is the node of power...
And yet it would seem that some of the most important Islamic terrorists in India.. are not even from Kashmir.
They're from the rest of India, it would appear! Let's examine recent events to confirm this...
Prelude - The "We are number one" style downfall of fascism that just occurred."
I even think that 40 who died were worst fellows and while there are many terrorist groups, fascism is friends with them.
There are several terrorist groups in Kashmir:
- Lashkar-e-Taiba - also active in parts of central Asia and Chechnya (Chechnya was recently attacked by Russia, thus LeT is more duped Eve oriented)
- Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan - launched after the President Pervez Musharraf ordered the Pakistan army to end the siege on the Lal Masjid (red mosque)... so this is more of a red flag group
- Hizbul Mujahideen - more linked to Iranian duped Eve(e.g. 10,000 armed fighters, like the "immortals" of Xerxes; stronger in N W Pak
- Jaish-e-Mohammed - headquarted in Pakistan, supported the anti-corruption Imran Khan's campaign
Not the other terrorist groups, some of whom cause trouble in Kerala for example like how Teapoo sultan did...
For example we an early concentration camp noted by historians, run by the teapoo sultanate, for example.
This is fascism!
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The fugitive drunkard running from Indian/world government with help of anti- government |
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An Islamic tyrant's sword in a Hindu tyrant's hands? Such is the world of energy parasitism! |
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Damn, i once believed that Huawei was okay, well, sometimes we make mistakes huh. |
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A golden toilet, another of the prized ASSets of the drunk philanthroper |
Selective persecution of the "terrorist group" (freedom fighters?) Jaish e Mohammad...
Is pretty strange considering that true Islamic leadership eg Imran khan is probably not represented beyond ISLAMabad by anyone else,
is probably actually represented by Jaish e Mohammad.. rather than other relatively fascist islamic terrorist groups that... Indian fascism more readily tolerates... in fact, one of the Kerala elites, a Muslim, who "works for" the duped Eve bloc in Kerala (the most parasite weakened type... of course, the fascist males only pretend to be pro-female, that's the difference between bad apple fakes, and cherry originals)... well this guy, the "ex-mod"... told me that the Indian government gave him Rs. 150,00,00,000 to "help Gaea" (dupe Gaea!)
Selective persecution of the relatively noble Jaish e Mohammad...
Because .. All anti-thinkers are working together across group boundaries! That's their whole strategy...
For example, you wouldn't expect this kinda terrorists - the gestapo type CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force)... Just part of the old boys club which counts the mutually assisting "elites" of various (all) religions and regions..

The history of Kashmir:
Kashmir was conquered by the warlike Sikhs, but then liberated by the British.
But the British empire degenerated into Victorian Proto-fascism (Johnny Rotten's lyrics were still true).
Just as Lehi, after Hitler's death, removed its Nazi flag and sided with Stalin, fascism gave way to Socialism(all the same bad apple tyranny, you criticize one they come up with the same thing with another name).
At first, the Kashmiris were armed by the free world to help bring down the socialist tyranny (which was supported by pseudofeminism... and pretended as a "logical leadership", infesting the B bl. group patch from Russia to China to South India (which is very strong, and easy to deceive by pseudomoral story weavers)

This socialist tyranny had as its central elite, the original socialists, who were the bad apple jotunn of the Himalayas and beyond...
But, by 1991, USSR collapsed!
But soon... the jotunn regrouped!
Ultimately around the army chief cum dictator of Pakistan, Musharraf.
"Beginning in 2004 Pakistan began to end its support for insurgents in Kashmir. This happened because terrorist groups linked to Kashmir twice tried to assassinate Pakistani President General Pervez Musharraf. His successor, Asif Ali Zardari has continued the policy, calling insurgents in Kashmir "terrorists".". ..
But we find that the corrupt politicians are the real terrorists!
The corrupt Indian regime came to the rescue of Musharaff et al.(who later became more repentant?)
"There have been widespread protests against the Indian army presence in Kashmir."
The corrupt army-men created a bunch of "authorized" terror groups to attack the anti-socialist (i.e. pro-thinker) freedom fighters.
The other groups came to the fore -
- Lashkar-e-Taiba - also active in parts of central Asia and Chechnya
- Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan - launched after Pervez Musharraf ordered the Pakistan army to end the siege on the Lal Masjid (red mosque)... a red flag group, similar to the socialist red army faction in Europe
- Hizbul Mujahideen - more linked to Iranian duped Eve network
But the army also had intelligence, which worked against these real terrorists ... the banned group Lashkar-e-Taiba, and the hizbul mujahideen (probably similar to the Lebanese Hezbollah, a puppet of the Iranian tyranny)
"Once the most formidable face of Kashmir militancy, Hizbul Mujahideen is slowly fading away as its remaining commanders and cadres are being taken out on a regular interval by security forces".
But the money kept coming in for terrorizing the freedom loving people. Corrupt pseudo-intellectuals began to sign up:
"According to an Indian Army data – quoted by Reuters – at least 70 young Kashmiris joined the insurgency in the 2014, army records showed, with most joining the banned group Lashkar-e-Taiba, which was accused of carrying out attacks on the Indian city of Mumbai in 2008. Two of the new recruits have doctorates and eight were post graduates, the army data showed. According to BBC, that despite a Pakistani ban on militant activity in Kashmir in 2006, its fighters continue to attempt infiltration into Indian-administered Kashmir."
The mastermind of the Mumbai attacks of 2008, David Headley, was an informant for the US FDA, which is an anti-weed (anti-sharing) puppet of big pharma
But thinkers regrouped around logic:
"People living along the Line of Control which divides Indian and Pakistani Kashmir started to hold public protests against the activities of the insurgent groups".
At this point, the Gestapo like CRPF was increasingly stationed in Kashmir to crush the freedom loving spirit.
So the people rallied around Jaish e Mohammad, more like truer Islam rather than the pseudo-islam more common in India.
And of course, there was the epochal attack against the 40 Hindu terrorists sent by the real Islamic terrorists
(lies and machiavellianism, more terrorizing than guns, because we thinkers can always survive fights, but not betrayal)
You see, intellectuals did try to say the truth about this, but it is hardly easy, so are forced to publicly change their statements:

As for the common people, it was even worse:

So that is the full story!
The corrupt lashed out in rage, and THE BIG 4 champions of the corrupt died, along with 3 JEM fighters who'd taken an anti-bad apple stand:

Bad apple jotunn lord threatens the people (Feb 19th)

“Anyone who has picked up gun will be killed and eliminated, unless he surrenders. Our focus is clear on counter-terrorism operations. We are very clear that anyone who enters the Kashmir Valley will not go back alive,” said Dhillon.
Look at the symbolism (X) -
It is old! It is said: "In Ancient Greek, 'Χ' and 'Ψ' were among several variants of the same letter.
X was the 24th, and Ψ was actually the 25th, Sampi --
"A letter similar to Ionian sampi, but of unknown historical relation with it, existed in the highly deviant local dialect of Pamphylia in southern Asia Minor, shaped like

(the typical hard life of the Sampi)...
So we can say that the X was the Himalayan challenger of Poseidon -- the jotunnheim lord.
The 26th (Z, i.e. the demiurge-Zeus (pseudozeus) who hid in Rehetep's chamber) -- tried to crush the 25th.
The 24th was all too happy. This was the source of the anti-reform power of the bad apples, demons born of Kashyapa.
(the 27, 9*3, did challenge the demiurge (who was more linked to the Nazgul than the 9 kings of men)
So the X - It's all about the greatest power on earth, and directly enteric, thus "xxx" = pornography etc....
this completes the definition of the coarse and microcephalic jotunn.
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Scene from Richard Wagner's opera Das Rheingold, illustrated by Arthur Rackham (1910). The giants Fasolt and Fafner kidnap Freia, after Wotan doesn't pay them for building Valhalla. |
It is said: "The Award of the Crossed Swords is granted to such fighting units as have demonstrated exceptional skill at arms, valor, and chivalry upon the battlefield. Founded by Glyn and Tressa of Caid".
Of Caid it is said: "various forms of responsible official found in places ranging from the Kingdom of Sicily to rural North Africa"
"a Muslim local administrator, judge, and tax collector in Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia: a chief especially of the Berber triba ".
Saudi flag
More insight on the X powers -
Well, this is about the elite powers nearby... it would appear, of the wrong kind of Set (not the one who loves the pro-people kind of Horus/Osiris, but who misuses the legacy of power of No. 6 as in the cancer sector...)
It's the same old pirate flag, so looks like the Singh Brotherhood of phantom comics...
You know what that means, the No. 5 will be allowed as a half-blind agent of the powers, but if he goes too far he'll be beheaded.
Explains why beheading is a thing in Saudi Arabia:
Sarah Leah Whitson, HRW’s Middle East director, said: “It’s bad enough that Saudi Arabia executes so many people, but many of them have not committed a violent crime. Any plan to limit drug executions needs to include improvements to a justice system that doesn’t provide for fair trials.”

Wiki - "Execution by beheading has been used as a form of capital punishment for millennia. The Narmer Palette (c. 3000 B.C.) shows the first known depiction of decapitated corpses." That was the rise of the anti-elf terrorists... I'd written Set, beset, where you'll see that I used to think that Narmer is Menes, but it is obvious from the beheadings that Menes was nowhere near Egypt at the time, but maybe elsewhere at Numenor. Egypt became the weak link of Numenor, the site of false parleys in the ADOM Rehetep tradition. Narmer was more of a terrorist, it is obvious from the beheadings. Thus obviously, "Narmer's identity is the subject of ongoing debates, although the dominant opinion among Egyptologists identifies Narmer with the pharaoh Menes".
"Among the barbarians of ancient Rome and Greece, decapitation was regarded as the most honorable form of death.
The extension of the "privilege" of beheading to criminals of ordinary birth was among the symbolic changes brought about by the French Revolution.
In recent times, it has become associated with terrorism."
NBC news -
Saudi Arabia seeks 'unprecedented' beheading for woman activist - The accusations include chanting slogans hostile to the regime and attempting to inflame public opinion.
Presstv -
The number of beheadings in Saudi Arabia during the first quarter of 2018 rose by over 70 percent in comparison with the corresponding period last year, a new report by a nonprofit organization says.
In its latest report published Saturday, the European-Saudi Organization for Human Rights (ESOHR) said executions by the Saudi government in the first quarter of 2018 increased by 72 percent.
The report also showed that a number of foreign nationals also face capital punishment in Saudi Arabia.
ESOHR released its report amid widespread criticism of Saudi Arabia over its terrible human rights record, including the censorship of free speech, indiscriminate incarceration of citizens with no due process, and lack of basic freedoms for women and girls.
The Saudi government refrains from providing any official statistics for people on death row but the organization confirmed that 42 people are expected to be imminently executed, including 8 individuals who were minors at the time of the offense."
This is the same terrorism as a state policy which we also saw in ISIS, or the Soviet Union. Among some Japanese soldiers, in WW2, beheading was a policy. They were active in the eastern fringe of Jottunheimr (e.g. S.C. Bose)...
So probably also in India. It was the staple of the Jotunheim terror state, whose main business seems to have been trade in sex slaves.
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General Dhillon |
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Per fess argent and azure, two swords in saltire counterchanged.- from the Caid |
"Caid" also sounds like Al Qaeda, which was also founded by the Saudi oilgarch Bin Laden, who was rejected by the Afghans and Pakistanis alike.
And we read:
"In the summer of 2017, Zakir Musa, the Hizbul Mujahideen's 23 year old commander, broke ranks with Hizbul Mujahideen, Kashmir's most influential insurgent group to establish the Ansar Ghawzat-Ul-Hind.
Few had heard of the fledgling new outfit, but its parent organisation was instantly recognisable — Al Qaeda.
Yet the news, which ought to have rung alarm bells in the Indian security establishment, passed largely unremarked upon.
In the 18 months since it was formed, it is yet to be associated with a single encounter with Indian security forces.
Yet as late as last month, the Punjab police arrested three Kashmiri students in a college in Jalandhar, and accused them of hoarding a Kalashnikov and explosives at the behest of Ansar."
This is just Al-Qaeda, you know, the Caid,a dangerous global terrorist organization.
The 2 swords probably represent the collaborating herdists in China (Maoists) and the Indian mountain giants.
It is insightful that the armies of corrupt regions do not fight these real terrorists, it is left to the police.
Anti logic factions, the corrupt... are engaged in sex slave trading... call them anti-government, it is more accurate.
The U.S. State Department's Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons placed the country in "Tier 2 Watchlist" in 2017:
"The Government of Saudi Arabia does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making significant efforts to do so. The government continues to lack adequate anti-trafficking laws, and, despite evidence of widespread trafficking abuses, did not report any criminal prosecutions, convictions, or prison sentences for trafficking crimes committed against foreign domestic workers. The government similarly did not take law enforcement action against trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation in Saudi Arabia, or take any steps to provide victims of sex trafficking with protection. The Saudi government also made no discernable effort to employ procedures to identify and refer victims to protective services".
It deteriorated further: "The Government of Saudi Arabia does not comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making significant efforts to do so. Saudi Arabia has moved from Tier 2 to Tier 3 because of its lack of progress in anti-trafficking efforts, particularly its failure to protect victims and prosecute those guilty of involuntary servitude."
The report recommends, "The government should enforce existing Islamic laws that forbid the mistreatment of women, children, and laborers..."
A typical example: "It was reported in June 2005 in The Denver Post that a Saudi couple who resided in Aurora, Colorado had been accused of keeping their Indonesian maid in captivity for 4 years forcing her to cook and clean. Homaidan Al-Turki, the husband, was also accused of repeatedly raping the young woman. According to law enforcement authorities: the maid's passport had been taken from her; she was paid about $2.00 a day; rapes occurred on a weekly basis."
All this explains why the Al-Qaeda in Kashmir founder is called "the valley's loneliest militant"
Better not support the corrupt otherwise really civil war in Indian army between pro and anti logic factions...
So - Even Eugene, my friend the MOW-PG admin, said this - this Indian anti-government is the last major anti-logic bottleneck in the world! Which supports marriage/blender energy parasitism against thinkers in Afroeurasia (e.g. IPKF controversies against relatively free Indians in Kashmir and South India and the rest of the world ..
often lemoney fascist bad apple error).
Fruits are merely shorthand! Represent social sectioning more effectively.
Know that about the annoying orange thingy? That's why "house of orange" etc... you know?
So represent directly, a shorthand, just say the fruit.
(But within oranges too, there's crazy bitter, AND there is true sweet etc., so it's more complex... of course, EVERY ONE is different)
It takes into account psychology, so there can be a black or white orange type of guy, or black or white veggie zombie or bad apple type of guy, so it's a much more scientific way to study society's members than a superficial racial/groupist pseudoscience etc. You can't hope to understand all this unless you understand the color change of biomatter with the evolution of complexity, and social intra-color-bonding tendency, which is fundamentally a bacterial culturalization (which is energy parasitic, as is all bacterial culturalization .. at this point, let's end the technical part, please wait for my paper on energy parasitism!)...
Typical cycles of bad apple error whereby grandpa lemon exerted tyranny:
This was the result - the rise of opium cultivation in Afghanistan, for the rise of opium crisis in the whole of Punjab:
The bad apples tried to maintain the situation -
And the typical cycle, pro-mediocrat bad apples vs. pro-sweet cherry orange, results:
I don't understand why the CRPF is required as an unaudited bunch of hitmen for the "hidden" center of Indian dirty politics...
The thinkers of all religions and nations' cannot accept the energy parasitism by authority... Truly!
All money is disappearing, nothing much is happening, just empty speeches, so this is how it reverts to becoming if unchecked by the people.
And India is the control system of world government so this Himalayan problem has to be resolved for a lasting resolution of the bad apple problem...
And yet as I told you, the real Islamic terrorists are not even more in the north, but more in Kerala, Bangalore etc., it would appear...
And these are supported by corrupt armed forces, and opposed only by police watching their own backs!
Their "Islam" is not what you may find, for example, in Islamabad (submission to logic), but more like submission to tyrant.
So you see in more detail the root cause of the "We are number one" problem in Kerala, as they openly admit, working against the true elves of this place like me, and framing us also for their own crimes:

Above image shows, Mr. Pinarayi Vijayan, the current Chief Minister of Kerala, a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) - am i a Marxist? No! Things are much more complex!
The only claim to fame they have is that they "try to help good people (like me)", but you see, political orders everywhere opportunistically swing between the good and bad, that is the whole problem.
You see the tyranny in Kerala and Kashmir are mirrors of each other and directly linked to problems everywhere else (so the tyrants in Kerala and Kashmir collaborate to go against the thinkers of Kerala and Kashmir and among themselves, destablized India (curse of Tyr) and through it the world and the cosmos):
18th Feb -

18th Feb - so the youth congress had become Romulus style, and the 2 died... and perhaps their "mistake" was to have discussed my will to the elites who were disappointed that I didn't hit like on the postbox78 thingy...?
So the 40 died, and the remusians here got so angry that they would kill these 2 young men out of rage...?
Yeah it is a typical thing, groupists hate it when one of them defects to a side of reason that is against that group.
It would just herald the return of Romulus to Kerala, where for long Remus had held sway.
(and, I guess, Remusian reinforcements were expected for the demiurge who died the same day... but then the demiurge died, so these 2 Romulus style died, and the arch-Remus died, and it's probably all related).
And a fascist "soft genocide" seems to have begun against Kashmiris...

"In the aftermath of the Pulwama attack on February 14, India has been engulfed in different kinds of reactions. In some parts of the country, extreme nationalistic jingoism and protests took place, while in certain places, protests were deliberately turned against Kashmiri students. Speaking to NewsClick, a Kashmiri student studying in Dehradun said, “Since yesterday we are receiving threats from the members of Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal who have given us 24 hours ultimatum to leave Dehradun, else we will be killed; they also threatened several institutions to send all enrolled Kashmiri students back to Kashmir.” (read more)
The good part is that all these things, our efforts and sacrifices, do set processes in motion, so now we see changes in the old order:
Police action against tyrants in Kerala:
Kerala Chief Minister and Communist Party of India (Marxist) leader Pinarayi Vijayan on Tuesday said the CPM "didn't have any reason" to plan the murder of the two Youth Congress workers. O well that irrationality is the problem!
So... it is not even about Islam! OR any religion! OR any party (congress/BJP, republican/democrats etc.
Those are labels energy parasites use to serve their own interests, energy parasitism is the only cause any groupism ever served...
The idea that one can be more comfortable with someone of his skin, and not the other... sucks.
I also take offence to the idea that black/brown people are dumber.
There's vast variation in IQ levels... the best outliers get caught up in this shit...which serves... whom?
The mediocratists, so the rise of low IQ "white trash" linear-minded reactively hostile, anti-nonwhite groupists in North India and many developed countries.
Energy parasitism via groupism/financial fraud/usury is not intelligence!
For example, many blacks are often socially more logical in the sense, more capable of being "lone wolves" i.e. not being cowardly enough to stick around with a group even if it's going the wrong way.
But i wouldn't blame the Aryan population because the demiurge they served/obeyed (ironically, non white!) was too deadly.
It is true, to say, that ...
Some e.g. the real orangeist leaders of the whites in the NL, are mistreated by the mango fundamentalists
Many blacks are duped by the evil mangoism i.e. pseudo-harmony -- yes that is anti-white mentality...
that mango fundamentalism is a most ancient mediocratic evil:
See him duping the world to roast the good oranges -
mango duping African kids:
See, it is just as easy to dupe them as it is to dupe whites against Africans. Well, if orange is in sync with sweet cherry, mango's deception won't work. Remember the mediocratist is not even the yellow but more the pseudo-red:
Where is this going? Race-centricism is bad... a culturalization for energy parasitism.
Sometimes black people from Saturn can be the herald of the red cherries, as is presently the case after the old tyrant was overthrown:

My friend from the Netherlands complains ... about the old tyrant.
There's a specific campaign against the UK/NL thinkers* , it is just like how it is with me, in my place ...
* (but also many mediocratists in the UK and the NL.. everywhere!)
The best whites have it the hardest -- all white mediocratists are jealous of them and at the same time, the "nonwhite culture" where mango has an equivalent/mirror image tyranny, is also of the type to collaborate with the white mediocratists against them and also turn the rest of the world e.g. duped blacks against them.
Sure i understand how the Dutch have been sculpted by unjust murder, pretty similar to me, i'd also evolved for the victory.
The mango fundamentalists' claim is probably that "the white skinned bad apple agent refuses to stop oppressing the white skinned cherry agent" ...
But this is misused as a "logical" aspect of an overall illogical anti-thinker reality!
At least one good thing is that, the baddies are being reduced:
As i wrote 18 February at 00:43 -
12 hours ago · Donald Trump has told the EU it must take back its 800 Isis fighters captured in Syria by US-backed forces ...
4 hours ago - Pulwama Fallout: From Social Media to the Streets, Calls for Revenge Feed Political Agenda. With the BJP-led government and its supporters taking the lead in fanning anxieties, aggressiveness and hyper-nationalism have taken centre stage."
Who pays for the stage, idiots?
Sell it on eBay and give me the money, I'll buy a stage for the ofdsd... Heheh. Or do you want me to personally loot fake media offices 😂
4 hours ago · More than 1000 ISIS fighters have likely fled from Syria into the mountains and deserts of western Iraq in the ...
2 hours ago · In Iraq, four Islamic State terrorists were killed in an airstrike in the eastern province of Diyala The bombardment came ...
2 hours ago · Several Boko haram terrorists fled after troops of 151 Battalion of Operation Lafiya Dole launched aggressive fighting ...
This can only stop ...
if the sadhguruian sex slave traders admit that they were stupid to refuse a reform which works also for them (trust thinkers, we know how to cure your disease, we don't want to push you into the same kinda tyranny you impose on us)... Earthlings will not be kept hostage by terrorism and false cultures designed to "profit" the antithinker league ...
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