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Showing posts from February, 2019

Understanding Terrorism and the Terror State

The groupists ( energy parasiting packtards ) rule the people by dividing them into various nations, religions etc., retaining themselves as an armed/privileged elite class over the common people, and stifling dissent as it arises. ------------- Is Kashmir, a state named after sage KASHYAPA, an earthly big brother of the 12 titans, so almost a final power, of whom it is said: "He is the most ancient rishi listed" "The word "Kaspapyros" appears in Greek geographer Hekataois text, and as "Kaspatyros" in Herodotus" "The name Kashmir, states Christopher Snedden, may be a shortened form of "Kashyapa Mir" or the "lake of the sage Kashyapa", or alternatively derived from "Kashyapa Meru" or the sacred mountains of Kashyapa." The centroid of all politics... is here (or rather, here and down south, the 2 tips of India, we'll see the other one in time). "He married 4 wives, and had many child...

The Death of Fascism

Part 1:  Fascism did nazi that comin' The silver lining is that fascism is always destroyed by the war thus started. It's always a case of the fascists being forced to abandon their civil disguise and thrown by unexpected circumstances (like, in this case, the fires suddenly begun by the mischievous so chi ko) into open war against cosmic police and army, which they control by killing generals etc., "A war of Honor", huh?! All they want is suicide anyway. But it'd be a bit absurd if they try that now. Roberta Scarlett did say, "I did Nazi this coming", the other day, but I guess she did nazi many other things, and nothing bad is going to happen It's like a mosquito biting a dragon... Well, if there is any fascist issue in England around now... I'm  not her friend except as a mediator trying to help her and her friends surrender to the law of reason. But it can't be lol ... since I believe the fascist outbreak can only b...

The Sadhguru Case File

He's saying marijuana is "bad" in the context of earth as an enslaved planet being "good" (Disclaimer: insult comedy, artistic immunity) FBI most wanted Bad apple servant, pseudoreptilian shapeshifter Name: Jaggi Vasudev Callsign Sadhguru Allegiance: anti-orangeist, antiweed sharing Faction- pseudo-Aryan antisharing i.e. bit like socialist * (*Hitler (morrell) is a product of the "reefer madness" academicistic theory, Stalin must have been too) Crime: anti-marijuana propaganda, treason (exporting bad apples to robbed red cherries by falsely citing duped red cherry "friends" of bad apples, allying with the lords of the absurd to wage war against 🍒 thinkers) Propagating gender war in order to pretend as friend of all females, whereas more friendly toward the more hateful or political females and males (Almost a kind of terrorist intellectual giving wrong info, type of baba ram Rahim of South india) Thus, parado...