The groupists ( energy parasiting packtards ) rule the people by dividing them into various nations, religions etc., retaining themselves as an armed/privileged elite class over the common people, and stifling dissent as it arises. ------------- Is Kashmir, a state named after sage KASHYAPA, an earthly big brother of the 12 titans, so almost a final power, of whom it is said: "He is the most ancient rishi listed" "The word "Kaspapyros" appears in Greek geographer Hekataois text, and as "Kaspatyros" in Herodotus" "The name Kashmir, states Christopher Snedden, may be a shortened form of "Kashyapa Mir" or the "lake of the sage Kashyapa", or alternatively derived from "Kashyapa Meru" or the sacred mountains of Kashyapa." The centroid of all politics... is here (or rather, here and down south, the 2 tips of India, we'll see the other one in time). "He married 4 wives, and had many child...
TIMETIN (TIME / Terra Intel & News)