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Showing posts from June, 2019

"Don't worry, these tentacles will support you"; The problem with capitalist-socialist (mar-soc elitist) society - an UNDERFUNDING case study: WVAC Design Engineer's Report - 20/06/2019

About my innovation -  My design, the “Tefnut Freshwater Generator and Climate Change Reversal Demonstrator”, is a scaled down prototype demonstration of a novel type of plant process that seemed pretty obvious to me after a while... which works by capturing sea airs from before the salt spray, which is particularly suitable for dehumidification, to generate fresh water and drier cool airs. The TWG “WVAC” plant is meant to mass-produce freshwater at low energy cost and also provide an area of more moderate climate where nature can flourish, thus attacking the 2 most direct threats to nature and mankind on the earth. But that is a good thing to do, which is not liked by the power elitists who see their slaves as undeserving of either water or a reasonable climate... indeed I have been informed (by the ex-mod, who's told me more secrets than any other...) that the desalination industry will surely try to kill me of this project seems like it's going to succeed. Because it...

Energy parasitism is so painful to me

Dear all such FB friends who find out now that i'm a compulsive unfriender who were not honest about who they were, to me .. THEY WERE the elites of SECRETarial proportions i AM NOT SORRY for unfriending you, because you were never really my friend just PARASITICALLY sucking off my REAL-LIFE friends network BY CLAIMING TO BE TRUER FRIENDS OF MINE THAN THE , for example, girl on the street. FUCK YOU, HACKTARDS, I'M ONLY SORRY FOR NOT HAVING FIGURED YOU OUT UNFRIENDED YOU SOONER. I still atone by unfriending you faster. it's the pseudo-thanosian bs... the false priests (avengeretards) revenge is more noble than avenging, which is more incidental and demiurgistic the avengers? Duping thanos leader of the blue dragons on one hand .. (faraway) a,,, and duping the earthlings and red dragons on the other end! these are the false priests, (claim to be in thanos's side when i...