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Showing posts from April, 2022

#log46 - Navigating my captain_wife's shadow

 Yoyo was at level 2830 TODAY...  So 2829 before her.. 2828 + 1 -- understandable obstacle - kairos big brother of 28x 101st (For example, her highest was 1902, so the strong big brother of strong 1900 became an obstacle then) But also this 2829 has another strong form: 2800 + 29 The power of both a) and b) ... converge in a jersey "29" wearer of deep time...  This is a big deep time 29!  When pulling its "C", this 29 corresponds to 2914* and the 14 corresponds to the n/14 as in "gnoll", I theorize... if not the Aeldari Khaine after the sundering, since the wood elves associated the number 14 with khaine). * the 2914 we see in Japan Tobacco, HQed at Switzerland, that is its number... 2914, is a number i had thought deeply about when i saw either that number or Japan tobacco mentioned by Unionterra Ja and did a quick search more than an year back and that 29 had stuck in my mind so i suddenly remembered tdy... As such this is a big brother of the good 28, ...