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Showing posts from May, 2019

The Rise and Fall of the First chowkEEdar EmpirE

Latest update - (28/05) hmmm.... Congress is even more about the EE thingy than the bjp... i had not understood Narendra Modi's specific niche before, he seems to be merely the first Indian who has not a reason to be terrified of the generic model of deep space ebu gogo anti-autochthon mar-soc elites that still try to enslave the earth... or is he secretly their agent ? :D  Can't say if it was congress or bjp who were the " chor-chowkidars"  (chowkeedars).  For sure the congress were chowkeedars. The question is not that, but, are the bjpists chowkeedars too? Well, this is the theater of all theaters ! Their attack on india was the most brutal during ww2 even as the rest of the world was freed, and especially after the war with the 3 years of the dominion of india under George the fool king of England being a most brutal slavery modeled on the old manner of the dominionist confederacy ( So below -- you can read the old origina...

Gay icons receive honorary invitations to appear in the Galactic Most Wanted list

Milky Way Elves' Most wanted - updated list (guidelines for military intelligence (not militant -stupidity) in anti-organized crime intelligence. MWE No. 3 - Generic demiurgist agent e.g. Pseudo-Pakistani / Pseudo-Indian fascists. Well, what can be said.. the BJPist conspiracy - footnote cartoon -- it is just to be too slow for modern India. A vajpayee rate of speaking is unacceptable to say the least. Modi is better but I guess he should fire stale advisors and replace with better real leaders. The BJP shouldn't succumb to the lack of a youth BJP wing. . MWE No. 2 - the Sadhguruian One of many, but the first among the meequals (bs) is the one and only Jaggi Vasudev , although there be others with similar countenance and name, several, perhaps. The person from Coimbatore, who I met the other day, revealed that Dr. Jaggi is wanted in the murder of his wife and has a sordid history of murders and disappearances. As No. 2 on this list, ...